.. _review-requests-ref: Review a |pr| ------------- To review a pull request, use the following steps: 1. Open the review request from :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories --> repo name --> Pull Requests --> Awaiting my review` 2. Leave your review comments inline, or in the commit message. 3. Set the review status from one of the following options: * :guilabel:`Not Reviewed` * :guilabel:`Approved` * :guilabel:`Approved & Closed` * :guilabel:`Rejected` * :guilabel:`Rejected & Closed` * :guilabel:`Under Review` 4. Select Comment When the |pr| is approved by all reviewers you will be able to merge automatically if |RCE| detects that it can do so safely. You will see this message: `This pull request can be automatically merged.` If rejected, you can fix the issues raised during review and then update the |pr|.