# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import colander import formencode.htmlfill import logging from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound from pyramid.renderers import render from pyramid.response import Response from rhodecode.apps._base import BaseAppView from rhodecode.authentication.base import get_authn_registry from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h from rhodecode.lib.auth import ( LoginRequired, HasPermissionAllDecorator, CSRFRequired) from rhodecode.model.forms import AuthSettingsForm from rhodecode.model.meta import Session from rhodecode.model.settings import SettingsModel log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AuthnPluginViewBase(BaseAppView): def load_default_context(self): c = self._get_local_tmpl_context() self.plugin = self.context.plugin return c @LoginRequired() @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin') def settings_get(self, defaults=None, errors=None): """ View that displays the plugin settings as a form. """ c = self.load_default_context() defaults = defaults or {} errors = errors or {} schema = self.plugin.get_settings_schema() # Compute default values for the form. Priority is: # 1. Passed to this method 2. DB value 3. Schema default for node in schema: if node.name not in defaults: defaults[node.name] = self.plugin.get_setting_by_name( node.name, node.default) template_context = { 'defaults': defaults, 'errors': errors, 'plugin': self.context.plugin, 'resource': self.context, } return self._get_template_context(c, **template_context) @LoginRequired() @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin') @CSRFRequired() def settings_post(self): """ View that validates and stores the plugin settings. """ _ = self.request.translate self.load_default_context() schema = self.plugin.get_settings_schema() data = self.request.params try: valid_data = schema.deserialize(data) except colander.Invalid as e: # Display error message and display form again. h.flash( _('Errors exist when saving plugin settings. ' 'Please check the form inputs.'), category='error') defaults = {key: data[key] for key in data if key in schema} return self.settings_get(errors=e.asdict(), defaults=defaults) # Store validated data. for name, value in valid_data.items(): self.plugin.create_or_update_setting(name, value) Session().commit() # Display success message and redirect. h.flash(_('Auth settings updated successfully.'), category='success') redirect_to = self.request.resource_path( self.context, route_name='auth_home') return HTTPFound(redirect_to) class AuthSettingsView(BaseAppView): def load_default_context(self): c = self._get_local_tmpl_context() return c @LoginRequired() @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin') def index(self, defaults=None, errors=None, prefix_error=False): c = self.load_default_context() defaults = defaults or {} authn_registry = get_authn_registry(self.request.registry) enabled_plugins = SettingsModel().get_auth_plugins() # Create template context and render it. template_context = { 'resource': self.context, 'available_plugins': authn_registry.get_plugins(), 'enabled_plugins': enabled_plugins, } html = render('rhodecode:templates/admin/auth/auth_settings.mako', self._get_template_context(c, **template_context), self.request) # Create form default values and fill the form. form_defaults = { 'auth_plugins': ',\n'.join(enabled_plugins) } form_defaults.update(defaults) html = formencode.htmlfill.render( html, defaults=form_defaults, errors=errors, prefix_error=prefix_error, encoding="UTF-8", force_defaults=False) return Response(html) @LoginRequired() @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin') @CSRFRequired() def auth_settings(self): _ = self.request.translate try: form = AuthSettingsForm(self.request.translate)() form_result = form.to_python(self.request.POST) plugins = ','.join(form_result['auth_plugins']) setting = SettingsModel().create_or_update_setting( 'auth_plugins', plugins) Session().add(setting) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Auth settings updated successfully.'), category='success') except formencode.Invalid as errors: e = errors.error_dict or {} h.flash(_('Errors exist when saving plugin setting. ' 'Please check the form inputs.'), category='error') return self.index( defaults=errors.value, errors=e, prefix_error=False) except Exception: log.exception('Exception in auth_settings') h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of auth settings.'), category='error') redirect_to = self.request.resource_path( self.context, route_name='auth_home') return HTTPFound(redirect_to)