// define module var AgeModule = (function () { return { age: function(prevdate, now, show_short_version, show_suffix, short_format) { var prevdate = moment(prevdate); var now = now || moment().utc(); var show_short_version = show_short_version || false; var show_suffix = show_suffix || true; var short_format = short_format || false; var _get_relative_delta = function(now, prevdate) { var duration = moment.duration(moment(now).diff(prevdate)); return { 'year': duration.years(), 'month': duration.months(), 'day': duration.days(), 'hour': duration.hours(), 'minute': duration.minutes(), 'second': duration.seconds() }; }; var _is_leap_year = function(year){ return ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0); }; var get_month = function(prevdate) { return prevdate.getMonth() }; var get_year = function(prevdate) { return prevdate.getYear() }; var order = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']; var deltas = {}; var future = false; if (prevdate > now) { var now_old = now; now = prevdate; prevdate = now_old; future = true; } if (future) { // ? remove microseconds, we don't have it in JS } // Get date parts deltas for (part in order) { var part = order[part]; var rel_delta = _get_relative_delta(now, prevdate); deltas[part] = rel_delta[part] } //# Fix negative offsets (there is 1 second between 10:59:59 and 11:00:00, //# not 1 hour, -59 minutes and -59 seconds) var offsets = [[5, 60], [4, 60], [3, 24]]; for (element in offsets) { //# seconds, minutes, hours var element = offsets[element]; var num = element[0]; var length = element[1]; var part = order[num]; var carry_part = order[num - 1]; if (deltas[part] < 0){ deltas[part] += length; deltas[carry_part] -= 1 } } // # Same thing for days except that the increment depends on the (variable) // # number of days in the month var month_lengths = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; if (deltas['day'] < 0) { if (get_month(prevdate) == 2 && _is_leap_year(get_year(prevdate))) { deltas['day'] += 29; } else { deltas['day'] += month_lengths[get_month(prevdate) - 1]; } deltas['month'] -= 1 } if (deltas['month'] < 0) { deltas['month'] += 12; deltas['year'] -= 1; } //# Format the result if (short_format) { var fmt_funcs = { 'year': function(d) {return '{0}y'.format(d)}, 'month': function(d) {return '{0}m'.format(d)}, 'day': function(d) {return '{0}d'.format(d)}, 'hour': function(d) {return '{0}h'.format(d)}, 'minute': function(d) {return '{0}min'.format(d)}, 'second': function(d) {return '{0}sec'.format(d)} } } else { var fmt_funcs = { 'year': function(d) {return _ngettext('{0} year', '{0} years', d).format(d)}, 'month': function(d) {return _ngettext('{0} month', '{0} months', d).format(d)}, 'day': function(d) {return _ngettext('{0} day', '{0} days', d).format(d)}, 'hour': function(d) {return _ngettext('{0} hour', '{0} hours', d).format(d)}, 'minute': function(d) {return _ngettext('{0} min', '{0} min', d).format(d)}, 'second': function(d) {return _ngettext('{0} sec', '{0} sec', d).format(d)} } } var i = 0; for (part in order){ var part = order[part]; var value = deltas[part]; if (value !== 0) { if (i < 5) { var sub_part = order[i + 1]; var sub_value = deltas[sub_part] } else { var sub_value = 0 } if (sub_value == 0 || show_short_version) { var _val = fmt_funcs[part](value); if (future) { if (show_suffix) { return _gettext('in {0}').format(_val) } else { return _val } } else { if (show_suffix) { return _gettext('{0} ago').format(_val) } else { return _val } } } var val = fmt_funcs[part](value); var val_detail = fmt_funcs[sub_part](sub_value); if (short_format) { var datetime_tmpl = '{0}, {1}'; if (show_suffix) { datetime_tmpl = _gettext('{0}, {1} ago'); if (future) { datetime_tmpl = _gettext('in {0}, {1}'); } } } else { var datetime_tmpl = _gettext('{0} and {1}'); if (show_suffix) { datetime_tmpl = _gettext('{0} and {1} ago'); if (future) { datetime_tmpl = _gettext('in {0} and {1}') } } } return datetime_tmpl.format(val, val_detail) } i += 1; } return _gettext('just now') }, createTimeComponent: function(dateTime, text) { return '<time class="timeago tooltip" title="{1}" datetime="{0}+0000">{1}</time>'.format(dateTime, text); } } })(); jQuery.timeago.settings.localeTitle = false; // auto refresh the components every Ns jQuery.timeago.settings.refreshMillis = templateContext.timeago.refresh_time; // Display original dates older than N days jQuery.timeago.settings.cutoff = templateContext.timeago.cutoff_limit;