# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011-2016 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import logging from rhodecode.api import jsonrpc_method, JSONRPCError from rhodecode.api.utils import ( has_superadmin_permission, Optional, OAttr, get_repo_or_error, get_pull_request_or_error, get_commit_or_error, get_user_or_error, has_repo_permissions, resolve_ref_or_error) from rhodecode.lib.auth import (HasRepoPermissionAnyApi) from rhodecode.lib.base import vcs_operation_context from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import str2bool from rhodecode.model.changeset_status import ChangesetStatusModel from rhodecode.model.comment import ChangesetCommentsModel from rhodecode.model.db import Session, ChangesetStatus from rhodecode.model.pull_request import PullRequestModel from rhodecode.model.settings import SettingsModel log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @jsonrpc_method() def get_pull_request(request, apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid): """ Get a pull request based on the given ID. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID from where the pull request was opened. :type repoid: str or int :param pullrequestid: ID of the requested pull request. :type pullrequestid: int Example output: .. code-block:: bash "id": <id_given_in_input>, "result": { "pull_request_id": "<pull_request_id>", "url": "<url>", "title": "<title>", "description": "<description>", "status" : "<status>", "created_on": "<date_time_created>", "updated_on": "<date_time_updated>", "commit_ids": [ ... "<commit_id>", "<commit_id>", ... ], "review_status": "<review_status>", "mergeable": { "status": "<bool>", "message": "<message>", }, "source": { "clone_url": "<clone_url>", "repository": "<repository_name>", "reference": { "name": "<name>", "type": "<type>", "commit_id": "<commit_id>", } }, "target": { "clone_url": "<clone_url>", "repository": "<repository_name>", "reference": { "name": "<name>", "type": "<type>", "commit_id": "<commit_id>", } }, "author": <user_obj>, "reviewers": [ ... { "user": "<user_obj>", "review_status": "<review_status>", } ... ] }, "error": null """ get_repo_or_error(repoid) pull_request = get_pull_request_or_error(pullrequestid) if not PullRequestModel().check_user_read( pull_request, apiuser, api=True): raise JSONRPCError('repository `%s` does not exist' % (repoid,)) data = pull_request.get_api_data() return data @jsonrpc_method() def get_pull_requests(request, apiuser, repoid, status=Optional('new')): """ Get all pull requests from the repository specified in `repoid`. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param status: Only return pull requests with the specified status. Valid options are. * ``new`` (default) * ``open`` * ``closed`` :type status: str Example output: .. code-block:: bash "id": <id_given_in_input>, "result": [ ... { "pull_request_id": "<pull_request_id>", "url": "<url>", "title" : "<title>", "description": "<description>", "status": "<status>", "created_on": "<date_time_created>", "updated_on": "<date_time_updated>", "commit_ids": [ ... "<commit_id>", "<commit_id>", ... ], "review_status": "<review_status>", "mergeable": { "status": "<bool>", "message: "<message>", }, "source": { "clone_url": "<clone_url>", "reference": { "name": "<name>", "type": "<type>", "commit_id": "<commit_id>", } }, "target": { "clone_url": "<clone_url>", "reference": { "name": "<name>", "type": "<type>", "commit_id": "<commit_id>", } }, "author": <user_obj>, "reviewers": [ ... { "user": "<user_obj>", "review_status": "<review_status>", } ... ] } ... ], "error": null """ repo = get_repo_or_error(repoid) if not has_superadmin_permission(apiuser): _perms = ( 'repository.admin', 'repository.write', 'repository.read',) has_repo_permissions(apiuser, repoid, repo, _perms) status = Optional.extract(status) pull_requests = PullRequestModel().get_all(repo, statuses=[status]) data = [pr.get_api_data() for pr in pull_requests] return data @jsonrpc_method() def merge_pull_request(request, apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, userid=Optional(OAttr('apiuser'))): """ Merge the pull request specified by `pullrequestid` into its target repository. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The Repository name or repository ID of the target repository to which the |pr| is to be merged. :type repoid: str or int :param pullrequestid: ID of the pull request which shall be merged. :type pullrequestid: int :param userid: Merge the pull request as this user. :type userid: Optional(str or int) Example output: .. code-block:: bash "id": <id_given_in_input>, "result": { "executed": "<bool>", "failure_reason": "<int>", "merge_commit_id": "<merge_commit_id>", "possible": "<bool>" }, "error": null """ repo = get_repo_or_error(repoid) if not isinstance(userid, Optional): if (has_superadmin_permission(apiuser) or HasRepoPermissionAnyApi('repository.admin')( user=apiuser, repo_name=repo.repo_name)): apiuser = get_user_or_error(userid) else: raise JSONRPCError('userid is not the same as your user') pull_request = get_pull_request_or_error(pullrequestid) if not PullRequestModel().check_user_merge( pull_request, apiuser, api=True): raise JSONRPCError('repository `%s` does not exist' % (repoid,)) if pull_request.is_closed(): raise JSONRPCError( 'pull request `%s` merge failed, pull request is closed' % ( pullrequestid,)) target_repo = pull_request.target_repo extras = vcs_operation_context( request.environ, repo_name=target_repo.repo_name, username=apiuser.username, action='push', scm=target_repo.repo_type) data = PullRequestModel().merge(pull_request, apiuser, extras=extras) if data.executed: PullRequestModel().close_pull_request( pull_request.pull_request_id, apiuser) Session().commit() return data @jsonrpc_method() def close_pull_request(request, apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, userid=Optional(OAttr('apiuser'))): """ Close the pull request specified by `pullrequestid`. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID to which the pull request belongs. :type repoid: str or int :param pullrequestid: ID of the pull request to be closed. :type pullrequestid: int :param userid: Close the pull request as this user. :type userid: Optional(str or int) Example output: .. code-block:: bash "id": <id_given_in_input>, "result": { "pull_request_id": "<int>", "closed": "<bool>" }, "error": null """ repo = get_repo_or_error(repoid) if not isinstance(userid, Optional): if (has_superadmin_permission(apiuser) or HasRepoPermissionAnyApi('repository.admin')( user=apiuser, repo_name=repo.repo_name)): apiuser = get_user_or_error(userid) else: raise JSONRPCError('userid is not the same as your user') pull_request = get_pull_request_or_error(pullrequestid) if not PullRequestModel().check_user_update( pull_request, apiuser, api=True): raise JSONRPCError( 'pull request `%s` close failed, no permission to close.' % ( pullrequestid,)) if pull_request.is_closed(): raise JSONRPCError( 'pull request `%s` is already closed' % (pullrequestid,)) PullRequestModel().close_pull_request( pull_request.pull_request_id, apiuser) Session().commit() data = { 'pull_request_id': pull_request.pull_request_id, 'closed': True, } return data @jsonrpc_method() def comment_pull_request(request, apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, message=Optional(None), status=Optional(None), userid=Optional(OAttr('apiuser'))): """ Comment on the pull request specified with the `pullrequestid`, in the |repo| specified by the `repoid`, and optionally change the review status. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param pullrequestid: The pull request ID. :type pullrequestid: int :param message: The text content of the comment. :type message: str :param status: (**Optional**) Set the approval status of the pull request. Valid options are: * not_reviewed * approved * rejected * under_review :type status: str :param userid: Comment on the pull request as this user :type userid: Optional(str or int) Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result : { "pull_request_id": "<Integer>", "comment_id": "<Integer>" } error : null """ repo = get_repo_or_error(repoid) if not isinstance(userid, Optional): if (has_superadmin_permission(apiuser) or HasRepoPermissionAnyApi('repository.admin')( user=apiuser, repo_name=repo.repo_name)): apiuser = get_user_or_error(userid) else: raise JSONRPCError('userid is not the same as your user') pull_request = get_pull_request_or_error(pullrequestid) if not PullRequestModel().check_user_read( pull_request, apiuser, api=True): raise JSONRPCError('repository `%s` does not exist' % (repoid,)) message = Optional.extract(message) status = Optional.extract(status) if not message and not status: raise JSONRPCError('message and status parameter missing') if (status not in (st[0] for st in ChangesetStatus.STATUSES) and status is not None): raise JSONRPCError('unknown comment status`%s`' % status) allowed_to_change_status = PullRequestModel().check_user_change_status( pull_request, apiuser) text = message if status and allowed_to_change_status: st_message = (('Status change %(transition_icon)s %(status)s') % {'transition_icon': '>', 'status': ChangesetStatus.get_status_lbl(status)}) text = message or st_message rc_config = SettingsModel().get_all_settings() renderer = rc_config.get('rhodecode_markup_renderer', 'rst') comment = ChangesetCommentsModel().create( text=text, repo=pull_request.target_repo.repo_id, user=apiuser.user_id, pull_request=pull_request.pull_request_id, f_path=None, line_no=None, status_change=(ChangesetStatus.get_status_lbl(status) if status and allowed_to_change_status else None), status_change_type=(status if status and allowed_to_change_status else None), closing_pr=False, renderer=renderer ) if allowed_to_change_status and status: ChangesetStatusModel().set_status( pull_request.target_repo.repo_id, status, apiuser.user_id, comment, pull_request=pull_request.pull_request_id ) Session().flush() Session().commit() data = { 'pull_request_id': pull_request.pull_request_id, 'comment_id': comment.comment_id, 'status': status } return data @jsonrpc_method() def create_pull_request( request, apiuser, source_repo, target_repo, source_ref, target_ref, title, description=Optional(''), reviewers=Optional(None)): """ Creates a new pull request. Accepts refs in the following formats: * branch:<branch_name>:<sha> * branch:<branch_name> * bookmark:<bookmark_name>:<sha> (Mercurial only) * bookmark:<bookmark_name> (Mercurial only) :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param source_repo: Set the source repository name. :type source_repo: str :param target_repo: Set the target repository name. :type target_repo: str :param source_ref: Set the source ref name. :type source_ref: str :param target_ref: Set the target ref name. :type target_ref: str :param title: Set the pull request title. :type title: str :param description: Set the pull request description. :type description: Optional(str) :param reviewers: Set the new pull request reviewers list. :type reviewers: Optional(list) """ source = get_repo_or_error(source_repo) target = get_repo_or_error(target_repo) if not has_superadmin_permission(apiuser): _perms = ('repository.admin', 'repository.write', 'repository.read',) has_repo_permissions(apiuser, source_repo, source, _perms) full_source_ref = resolve_ref_or_error(source_ref, source) full_target_ref = resolve_ref_or_error(target_ref, target) source_commit = get_commit_or_error(full_source_ref, source) target_commit = get_commit_or_error(full_target_ref, target) source_scm = source.scm_instance() target_scm = target.scm_instance() commit_ranges = target_scm.compare( target_commit.raw_id, source_commit.raw_id, source_scm, merge=True, pre_load=[]) ancestor = target_scm.get_common_ancestor( target_commit.raw_id, source_commit.raw_id, source_scm) if not commit_ranges: raise JSONRPCError('no commits found') if not ancestor: raise JSONRPCError('no common ancestor found') reviewer_names = Optional.extract(reviewers) or [] if not isinstance(reviewer_names, list): raise JSONRPCError('reviewers should be specified as a list') reviewer_users = [get_user_or_error(n) for n in reviewer_names] reviewer_ids = [u.user_id for u in reviewer_users] pull_request_model = PullRequestModel() pull_request = pull_request_model.create( created_by=apiuser.user_id, source_repo=source_repo, source_ref=full_source_ref, target_repo=target_repo, target_ref=full_target_ref, revisions=reversed( [commit.raw_id for commit in reversed(commit_ranges)]), reviewers=reviewer_ids, title=title, description=Optional.extract(description) ) Session().commit() data = { 'msg': 'Created new pull request `{}`'.format(title), 'pull_request_id': pull_request.pull_request_id, } return data @jsonrpc_method() def update_pull_request( request, apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, title=Optional(''), description=Optional(''), reviewers=Optional(None), update_commits=Optional(None), close_pull_request=Optional(None)): """ Updates a pull request. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param pullrequestid: The pull request ID. :type pullrequestid: int :param title: Set the pull request title. :type title: str :param description: Update pull request description. :type description: Optional(str) :param reviewers: Update pull request reviewers list with new value. :type reviewers: Optional(list) :param update_commits: Trigger update of commits for this pull request :type: update_commits: Optional(bool) :param close_pull_request: Close this pull request with rejected state :type: close_pull_request: Optional(bool) Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result : { "msg": "Updated pull request `63`", "pull_request": <pull_request_object>, "updated_reviewers": { "added": [ "username" ], "removed": [] }, "updated_commits": { "added": [ "<sha1_hash>" ], "common": [ "<sha1_hash>", "<sha1_hash>", ], "removed": [] } } error : null """ repo = get_repo_or_error(repoid) pull_request = get_pull_request_or_error(pullrequestid) if not PullRequestModel().check_user_update( pull_request, apiuser, api=True): raise JSONRPCError( 'pull request `%s` update failed, no permission to update.' % ( pullrequestid,)) if pull_request.is_closed(): raise JSONRPCError( 'pull request `%s` update failed, pull request is closed' % ( pullrequestid,)) reviewer_names = Optional.extract(reviewers) or [] if not isinstance(reviewer_names, list): raise JSONRPCError('reviewers should be specified as a list') reviewer_users = [get_user_or_error(n) for n in reviewer_names] reviewer_ids = [u.user_id for u in reviewer_users] title = Optional.extract(title) description = Optional.extract(description) if title or description: PullRequestModel().edit( pull_request, title or pull_request.title, description or pull_request.description) Session().commit() commit_changes = {"added": [], "common": [], "removed": []} if str2bool(Optional.extract(update_commits)): if PullRequestModel().has_valid_update_type(pull_request): _version, _commit_changes = PullRequestModel().update_commits( pull_request) commit_changes = _commit_changes or commit_changes Session().commit() reviewers_changes = {"added": [], "removed": []} if reviewer_ids: added_reviewers, removed_reviewers = \ PullRequestModel().update_reviewers(pull_request, reviewer_ids) reviewers_changes['added'] = sorted( [get_user_or_error(n).username for n in added_reviewers]) reviewers_changes['removed'] = sorted( [get_user_or_error(n).username for n in removed_reviewers]) Session().commit() if str2bool(Optional.extract(close_pull_request)): PullRequestModel().close_pull_request_with_comment( pull_request, apiuser, repo) Session().commit() data = { 'msg': 'Updated pull request `{}`'.format( pull_request.pull_request_id), 'pull_request': pull_request.get_api_data(), 'updated_commits': commit_changes, 'updated_reviewers': reviewers_changes } return data