|RCE| 3.2.0 |RNS| ----------------- General ^^^^^^^ * 2015-04-08 News ^^^^ - Administration: Improved the logging and rendering of tracebacks from the VCS Server. The logging configuration in the INI file should be updated. For information about these parts of |RCE|, see :ref:`vcs-server`, and :ref:`debug-mode`. - Administration: Added the ability to set a per user language. - Gists: Added an option to restrict gists to logged in users only. - Pull requests: Reviewer status is reset after after an update. - Pull requests: Improved logging during an update. - Pull requests: Added various hooks around the life-cycle and review status changes of a |pr|. - Security: Support added for `bcrypt`_ on Windows systems. - Style: Added headers to tables which display commits, e.g. the changelog. - Style: Redesigned the compare page for multiple commits. - Style: Redesigned the error pages. - Style: Redesigned the file details page. - Style: Redesigned the summary pages of |repos|. - Style: Improved the details form for managing authentication plugins. - VCS Server: Robust push and pull operations if the VCSServer is restarted. Fixes ^^^^^ - Administration: :ref:`remap-rescan` could cause issues with empty |repo| groups. - Administration: Fix edit of an existing issue tracker entry. - Comments: Allow to delete comments on regular commits. - Comments: Fix batch comment functionality on the compare page. - Diffs: Improve diff parser to better recognize special file names. - |git|: Avoid errors when pushing into an empty |git| repository. - File edit: Avoid internal server error for file edits on branches which are not the default branch. - Pull requests: Show initial pull request comment. - Security: Escape repository description to avoid XSS like vulnerabilities. - Setup: Allow to setup a new system even with expired trial license. - Style: Fixed styling of repository extra fields. - Style: Fixed display issues on the file page when a line is selected and the history buttons are used to navigate back and forth. - Style: Improve the display of the commit message on the file details page. - Style: Improve :guilabel:`My Account` page for email addresses. - Style: Improve :guilabel:`My Account` page for external user accounts, e.g. LDAP - Style: Improve transition from file list to file details. - Style: Remove light font face for improved readability on Windows. .. _bcrypt: https://bcrypt.codeplex.com/