.. _repo-methods-ref: repo methods ============ add_field_to_repo ----------------- .. py:function:: add_field_to_repo(apiuser, repoid, key, label=, description=) Adds an extra field to a repository. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least write permissions to the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository id. :type repoid: str or int :param key: Create a unique field key for this repository. :type key: str :param label: :type label: Optional(str) :param description: :type description: Optional(str) comment_commit -------------- .. py:function:: comment_commit(apiuser, repoid, commit_id, message, userid=>, status=) Set a commit comment, and optionally change the status of the commit. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param commit_id: Specify the commit_id for which to set a comment. :type commit_id: str :param message: The comment text. :type message: str :param userid: Set the user name of the comment creator. :type userid: Optional(str or int) :param status: status, one of 'not_reviewed', 'approved', 'rejected', 'under_review' :type status: str Example error output: .. code-block:: json { "id" : , "result" : { "msg": "Commented on commit `` for repository ``", "status_change": null or , "success": true }, "error" : null } create_repo ----------- .. py:function:: create_repo(apiuser, repo_name, repo_type, owner=>, description=, private=, clone_uri=, landing_rev=, enable_statistics=, enable_locking=, enable_downloads=, copy_permissions=) Creates a repository. * If the repository name contains "/", repository will be created inside a repository group or nested repository groups For example "foo/bar/repo1" will create |repo| called "repo1" inside group "foo/bar". You have to have permissions to access and write to the last repository group ("bar" in this example) This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least permissions to create repositories, or write permissions to parent repository groups. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repo_name: Set the repository name. :type repo_name: str :param repo_type: Set the repository type; 'hg','git', or 'svn'. :type repo_type: str :param owner: user_id or username :type owner: Optional(str) :param description: Set the repository description. :type description: Optional(str) :param private: set repository as private :type private: bool :param clone_uri: set clone_uri :type clone_uri: str :param landing_rev: : :type landing_rev: str :param enable_locking: :type enable_locking: bool :param enable_downloads: :type enable_downloads: bool :param enable_statistics: :type enable_statistics: bool :param copy_permissions: Copy permission from group in which the repository is being created. :type copy_permissions: bool Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "msg": "Created new repository ``", "success": true, "task": "" } error: null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : null error : { 'failed to create repository ``' } delete_repo ----------- .. py:function:: delete_repo(apiuser, repoid, forks=) Deletes a repository. * When the `forks` parameter is set it's possible to detach or delete forks of deleted repository. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin permissions on the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param forks: Set to `detach` or `delete` forks from the |repo|. :type forks: Optional(str) Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "msg": "Deleted repository ``", "success": true } error: null fork_repo --------- .. py:function:: fork_repo(apiuser, repoid, fork_name, owner=>, description=, private=, clone_uri=, landing_rev=, copy_permissions=) Creates a fork of the specified |repo|. * If the fork_name contains "/", fork will be created inside a repository group or nested repository groups For example "foo/bar/fork-repo" will create fork called "fork-repo" inside group "foo/bar". You have to have permissions to access and write to the last repository group ("bar" in this example) This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with minimum read permissions of the forked repo, create fork permissions for an user. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param fork_name: Set the fork name, including it's repository group membership. :type fork_name: str :param owner: Set the fork owner. :type owner: str :param description: Set the fork description. :type description: str :param copy_permissions: Copy permissions from parent |repo|. The default is False. :type copy_permissions: bool :param private: Make the fork private. The default is False. :type private: bool :param landing_rev: Set the landing revision. The default is tip. Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : api_key : "" args: { "repoid" : "", "fork_name": "", "owner": "", "description": "", "copy_permissions": "", "private": "", "landing_rev": "" } Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "msg": "Created fork of `` as ``", "success": true, "task": "" } error: null get_repo -------- .. py:function:: get_repo(apiuser, repoid, cache=) Gets an existing repository by its name or repository_id. The members section so the output returns users groups or users associated with that repository. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights, or users with at least read rights to the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository id. :type repoid: str or int :param cache: use the cached value for last changeset :type: cache: Optional(bool) Example output: .. code-block:: bash { "error": null, "id": , "result": { "clone_uri": null, "created_on": "timestamp", "description": "repo description", "enable_downloads": false, "enable_locking": false, "enable_statistics": false, "followers": [ { "active": true, "admin": false, "api_key": "****************************************", "api_keys": [ "****************************************" ], "email": "user@example.com", "emails": [ "user@example.com" ], "extern_name": "rhodecode", "extern_type": "rhodecode", "firstname": "username", "ip_addresses": [], "language": null, "last_login": "2015-09-16T17:16:35.854", "lastname": "surname", "user_id": , "username": "name" } ], "fork_of": "parent-repo", "landing_rev": [ "rev", "tip" ], "last_changeset": { "author": "User ", "branch": "default", "date": "timestamp", "message": "last commit message", "parents": [ { "raw_id": "commit-id" } ], "raw_id": "commit-id", "revision": , "short_id": "short id" }, "lock_reason": null, "locked_by": null, "locked_date": null, "members": [ { "name": "super-admin-name", "origin": "super-admin", "permission": "repository.admin", "type": "user" }, { "name": "owner-name", "origin": "owner", "permission": "repository.admin", "type": "user" }, { "name": "user-group-name", "origin": "permission", "permission": "repository.write", "type": "user_group" } ], "owner": "owner-name", "permissions": [ { "name": "super-admin-name", "origin": "super-admin", "permission": "repository.admin", "type": "user" }, { "name": "owner-name", "origin": "owner", "permission": "repository.admin", "type": "user" }, { "name": "user-group-name", "origin": "permission", "permission": "repository.write", "type": "user_group" } ], "private": true, "repo_id": 676, "repo_name": "user-group/repo-name", "repo_type": "hg" } } get_repo_changeset ------------------ .. py:function:: get_repo_changeset(apiuser, repoid, revision, details=) Returns information about a changeset. Additionally parameters define the amount of details returned by this function. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights, or users with at least read rights to the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository id :type repoid: str or int :param revision: revision for which listing should be done :type revision: str :param details: details can be 'basic|extended|full' full gives diff info details like the diff itself, and number of changed files etc. :type details: Optional(str) get_repo_changesets ------------------- .. py:function:: get_repo_changesets(apiuser, repoid, start_rev, limit, details=) Returns a set of commits limited by the number starting from the `start_rev` option. Additional parameters define the amount of details returned by this function. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights, or users with at least read rights to |repos|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param start_rev: The starting revision from where to get changesets. :type start_rev: str :param limit: Limit the number of commits to this amount :type limit: str or int :param details: Set the level of detail returned. Valid option are: ``basic``, ``extended`` and ``full``. :type details: Optional(str) .. note:: Setting the parameter `details` to the value ``full`` is extensive and returns details like the diff itself, and the number of changed files. get_repo_nodes -------------- .. py:function:: get_repo_nodes(apiuser, repoid, revision, root_path, ret_type=, details=, max_file_bytes=) Returns a list of nodes and children in a flat list for a given path at given revision. It's possible to specify ret_type to show only `files` or `dirs`. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights, or users with at least read rights to |repos|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param revision: The revision for which listing should be done. :type revision: str :param root_path: The path from which to start displaying. :type root_path: str :param ret_type: Set the return type. Valid options are ``all`` (default), ``files`` and ``dirs``. :type ret_type: Optional(str) :param details: Returns extended information about nodes, such as md5, binary, and or content. The valid options are ``basic`` and ``full``. :type details: Optional(str) :param max_file_bytes: Only return file content under this file size bytes :type details: Optional(int) Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: [ { "name" : "" "type" : "", "binary": "" (only in extended mode) "md5" : "" (only in extended mode) }, ... ] error: null get_repo_refs ------------- .. py:function:: get_repo_refs(apiuser, repoid) Returns a dictionary of current references. It returns bookmarks, branches, closed_branches, and tags for given repository It's possible to specify ret_type to show only `files` or `dirs`. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights, or users with at least read rights to |repos|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : "result": { "bookmarks": { "dev": "5611d30200f4040ba2ab4f3d64e5b06408a02188", "master": "367f590445081d8ec8c2ea0456e73ae1f1c3d6cf" }, "branches": { "default": "5611d30200f4040ba2ab4f3d64e5b06408a02188", "stable": "367f590445081d8ec8c2ea0456e73ae1f1c3d6cf" }, "branches_closed": {}, "tags": { "tip": "5611d30200f4040ba2ab4f3d64e5b06408a02188", "v4.4.0": "1232313f9e6adac5ce5399c2a891dc1e72b79022", "v4.4.1": "cbb9f1d329ae5768379cdec55a62ebdd546c4e27", "v4.4.2": "24ffe44a27fcd1c5b6936144e176b9f6dd2f3a17", } } error: null get_repo_settings ----------------- .. py:function:: get_repo_settings(apiuser, repoid, key=) Returns all settings for a repository. If key is given it only returns the setting identified by the key or null. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository id. :type repoid: str or int :param key: Key of the setting to return. :type: key: Optional(str) Example output: .. code-block:: bash { "error": null, "id": 237, "result": { "extensions_largefiles": true, "hooks_changegroup_push_logger": true, "hooks_changegroup_repo_size": false, "hooks_outgoing_pull_logger": true, "phases_publish": "True", "rhodecode_hg_use_rebase_for_merging": true, "rhodecode_pr_merge_enabled": true, "rhodecode_use_outdated_comments": true } } get_repos --------- .. py:function:: get_repos(apiuser) Lists all existing repositories. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights, or users with at least read rights to |repos|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: [ { "repo_id" : "", "repo_name" : "" "repo_type" : "", "clone_uri" : "", "private": : "", "created_on" : "", "description" : "", "landing_rev": "", "owner": "", "fork_of": "", "enable_downloads": "", "enable_locking": "", "enable_statistics": "", }, ... ] error: null grant_user_group_permission --------------------------- .. py:function:: grant_user_group_permission(apiuser, repoid, usergroupid, perm) Grant permission for a user group on the specified repository, or update existing permissions. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin permissions on the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param usergroupid: Specify the ID of the user group. :type usergroupid: str or int :param perm: Set the user group permissions using the following format: (repository.(none|read|write|admin)) :type perm: str Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : { "msg" : "Granted perm: `` for group: `` in repo: ``", "success": true } error : null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : null error : { "failed to edit permission for user group: `` in repo ``' } grant_user_permission --------------------- .. py:function:: grant_user_permission(apiuser, repoid, userid, perm) Grant permissions for the specified user on the given repository, or update existing permissions if found. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin permissions on the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param userid: Set the user name. :type userid: str :param perm: Set the user permissions, using the following format ``(repository.(none|read|write|admin))`` :type perm: str Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "msg" : "Granted perm: `` for user: `` in repo: ``", "success": true } error: null invalidate_cache ---------------- .. py:function:: invalidate_cache(apiuser, repoid, delete_keys=) Invalidates the cache for the specified repository. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Sets the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param delete_keys: This deletes the invalidated keys instead of just flagging them. :type delete_keys: Optional(``True`` | ``False``) Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : { 'msg': Cache for repository `` was invalidated, 'repository': } error : null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : null error : { 'Error occurred during cache invalidation action' } lock ---- .. py:function:: lock(apiuser, repoid, locked=, userid=>) Sets the lock state of the specified |repo| by the given user. From more information, see :ref:`repo-locking`. * If the ``userid`` option is not set, the repository is locked to the user who called the method. * If the ``locked`` parameter is not set, the current lock state of the repository is displayed. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Sets the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param locked: Sets the lock state. :type locked: Optional(``True`` | ``False``) :param userid: Set the repository lock to this user. :type userid: Optional(str or int) Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : { 'repo': '', 'locked': , 'locked_since': , 'locked_by': , 'lock_reason': , 'lock_state_changed': , 'msg': 'Repo `` locked by `` on .' or 'msg': 'Repo `` not locked.' or 'msg': 'User `` set lock state for repo `` to ``' } error : null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : null error : { 'Error occurred locking repository ``' } pull ---- .. py:function:: pull(apiuser, repoid) Triggers a pull on the given repository from a remote location. You can use this to keep remote repositories up-to-date. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. For more information, see :ref:`config-token-ref`. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : { "msg": "Pulled from ``" "repository": "" } error : null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : null error : { "Unable to pull changes from ``" } remove_field_from_repo ---------------------- .. py:function:: remove_field_from_repo(apiuser, repoid, key) Removes an extra field from a repository. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least write permissions to the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param key: Set the unique field key for this repository. :type key: str revoke_user_group_permission ---------------------------- .. py:function:: revoke_user_group_permission(apiuser, repoid, usergroupid) Revoke the permissions of a user group on a given repository. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin permissions on the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param usergroupid: Specify the user group ID. :type usergroupid: str or int Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "msg" : "Revoked perm for group: `` in repo: ``", "success": true } error: null revoke_user_permission ---------------------- .. py:function:: revoke_user_permission(apiuser, repoid, userid) Revoke permission for a user on the specified repository. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin permissions on the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param userid: Set the user name of revoked user. :type userid: str or int Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "msg" : "Revoked perm for user: `` in repo: ``", "success": true } error: null set_repo_settings ----------------- .. py:function:: set_repo_settings(apiuser, repoid, settings) Update repository settings. Returns true on success. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository id. :type repoid: str or int :param settings: The new settings for the repository. :type: settings: dict Example output: .. code-block:: bash { "error": null, "id": 237, "result": true } strip ----- .. py:function:: strip(apiuser, repoid, revision, branch) Strips the given revision from the specified repository. * This will remove the revision and all of its decendants. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param revision: The revision you wish to strip. :type revision: str :param branch: The branch from which to strip the revision. :type branch: str Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : { "msg": "'Stripped commit from repo ``'" "repository": "" } error : null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : result : null error : { "Unable to strip commit from repo ``" } update_repo ----------- .. py:function:: update_repo(apiuser, repoid, repo_name=, owner=>, description=, private=, clone_uri=, landing_rev=, fork_of=, enable_statistics=, enable_locking=, enable_downloads=, fields=) Updates a repository with the given information. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least admin permissions to the |repo|. * If the repository name contains "/", repository will be updated accordingly with a repository group or nested repository groups For example repoid=repo-test name="foo/bar/repo-test" will update |repo| called "repo-test" and place it inside group "foo/bar". You have to have permissions to access and write to the last repository group ("bar" in this example) :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param repo_name: Update the |repo| name, including the repository group it's in. :type repo_name: str :param owner: Set the |repo| owner. :type owner: str :param fork_of: Set the |repo| as fork of another |repo|. :type fork_of: str :param description: Update the |repo| description. :type description: str :param private: Set the |repo| as private. (True | False) :type private: bool :param clone_uri: Update the |repo| clone URI. :type clone_uri: str :param landing_rev: Set the |repo| landing revision. Default is ``rev:tip``. :type landing_rev: str :param enable_statistics: Enable statistics on the |repo|, (True | False). :type enable_statistics: bool :param enable_locking: Enable |repo| locking. :type enable_locking: bool :param enable_downloads: Enable downloads from the |repo|, (True | False). :type enable_downloads: bool :param fields: Add extra fields to the |repo|. Use the following example format: ``field_key=field_val,field_key2=fieldval2``. Escape ', ' with \, :type fields: str