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r11792 | .. _htmlnotebook: | ||
The IPython Notebook | ||||
==================== | ||||
The IPython Notebook is part of the IPython package, which aims to provide a | ||||
powerful, interactive approach to scientific computation. | ||||
The IPython Notebook extends the previous text-console-based approach, and the | ||||
later Qt console, in a qualitatively new diretion, providing a web-based | ||||
application suitable for capturing the whole scientific computation process. | ||||
.. seealso:: | ||||
:ref:`Installation requirements <installnotebook>` for the Notebook. | ||||
.. Basic structure | ||||
.. --------------- | ||||
Introduction | ||||
------------ | ||||
The IPython Notebook combines two components: | ||||
* **The IPython Notebook web application**: | ||||
The *IPython Notebook web app* is a browser-based tool for interactive | ||||
authoring of literate computations, in which explanatory text, | ||||
mathematics, computations and rich media output may be combined. Input | ||||
and output are stored in persistent cells that may be edited in-place. | ||||
* **Notebook documents**: | ||||
*Notebook documents*, or *notebooks*, are plain text documents which | ||||
record all inputs and outputs of the computations, interspersed with | ||||
text, mathematics and HTML 5 representations of objects, in a literate | ||||
style. | ||||
Since the similarity in names can lead to some confusion, in this | ||||
documentation we will use capitalization of the word "notebook" to | ||||
r11794 | distinguish the Notebook app and notebook documents, thinking of the | ||
r11792 | Notebook app as being a proper noun. We will also always refer to the | ||
"Notebook app" when we are referring to the browser-based interface, | ||||
and usually to "notebook documents", instead of "notebooks", for added | ||||
precision. | ||||
We refer to the current state of the computational process taking place in the | ||||
Notebook app, i.e. the (numbered) sequence of input and output cells, as the | ||||
*notebook space*. Notebook documents provide an *exact*, *one-to-one* record | ||||
of all the content in the notebook space, as a plain text file in JSON format. | ||||
The Notebook app automatically saves, at certain intervals, the contents of | ||||
the notebook space to a notebook document stored on disk, with the same name | ||||
as the title of the notebook space, and the file extension ``.ipynb``. For | ||||
this reason, there is no confusion about using the same word "notebook" for | ||||
r11794 | both the notebook space and the corresponding notebook document, since they are | ||
r11792 | really one and the same concept (we could say that they are "isomorphic"). | ||
Main features of the IPython Notebook web app | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
The main features of the IPython Notebook app include: | ||||
* In-browser editing for code, with automatic syntax highlighting and | ||||
indentation and tab completion/introspection. | ||||
* Literate combination of code with rich text using the Markdown_ markup | ||||
language. | ||||
* Mathematics is easily included within the Markdown using LaTeX notation, and | ||||
rendered natively by MathJax_. | ||||
* Displays rich data representations (e.g. HTML / LaTeX / SVG) as the result | ||||
of computations. | ||||
* Publication-quality figures in a range of formats (SVG / PNG), rendered by | ||||
the matplotlib_ library, may be included inline and exported. | ||||
.. _MathJax: | ||||
.. _matplotlib: | ||||
.. _Markdown: | ||||
Notebook documents | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
r11794 | Notebook document files are simple JSON_ files with the | ||
extension ``.ipynb``. | ||||
Since JSON is just plain text, they can be easily version-controlled and shared with colleagues. | ||||
The notebook stores a *complete*, *reproducible*, *one-to-one* copy of the state of the | ||||
r11792 | computational state as it is inside the Notebook app. All computations | ||
carried out, and the corresponding results obtained, can be combined in | ||||
a literate way, interleaving executable code with rich text, mathematics, | ||||
r11794 | and rich representations of objects. | ||
r11792 | |||
.. _JSON: | ||||
Notebooks may easily be exported to a range of static formats, including | ||||
r11794 | HTML (for example, for blog posts), PDF and slide shows, | ||
via the new nbconvert_ command. | ||||
r11792 | |||
r11794 | Furthermore, any ``.ipynb`` notebook document available from a public | ||
URL can be shared via the `IPython Notebook Viewer <nbviewer>`_ service. | ||||
This service loads the notebook document from the URL and will | ||||
render it as a static web page. The results may thus be shared with a | ||||
r11792 | colleague, or as a public blog post, without other users needing to install | ||
r11794 | IPython themselves. NbViewer is simply NbConvert as a simple heroku webservice. | ||
r11792 | |||
See the :ref:`installation documentation <install_index>` for directions on | ||||
how to install the notebook and its dependencies. | ||||
r11794 | .. _nbviewer: | ||
r11792 | |||
.. note:: | ||||
You can start more than one notebook server at the same time, if you want | ||||
to work on notebooks in different directories. By default the first | ||||
notebook server starts on port 8888, and later notebook servers search for | ||||
ports near that one. You can also manually specify the port with the | ||||
``--port`` option. | ||||
Basic workflow in the IPython Notebook web app | ||||
---------------------------------------------- | ||||
Starting up | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
You can start running the Notebook web app using the following command:: | ||||
$ ipython notebook | ||||
(Here, and in the sequel, the initial ``$`` represents the shell prompt, | ||||
indicating that the command is to be run from the command line in a shell.) | ||||
r11794 | The landing page of the IPython Notebook application, the *dashboard*, shows | ||
the notebooks currently available in the *notebook directory* (By default, the directory | ||||
r11792 | from which the notebook was started). | ||
You can create new notebooks from the dashboard with the ``New Notebook`` | ||||
button, or open existing ones by clicking on their name. | ||||
You can also drag and drop ``.ipynb`` notebooks and standard ``.py`` Python | ||||
source code files into the notebook list area. | ||||
You can open an existing notebook directly, without having to go via the | ||||
dashboard, with: | ||||
ipython notebook my_notebook | ||||
The `.ipynb` extension is assumed if no extension is given. | ||||
The `File | Open...` menu option will open the dashboard in a new browser tab, | ||||
to allow you to select a current notebook | ||||
r11794 | from the notebook directory or to create a new notebook. | ||
r11792 | |||
Notebook user interface | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
When you open a new notebook document in the Notebook, you will be presented | ||||
with the title associated to the notebook space/document, a *menu bar*, a | ||||
*toolbar* and an empty *input cell*. | ||||
Notebook title | ||||
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | ||||
The title of the notebook document that is currently being edited is displayed | ||||
at the top of the page, next to the ``IP[y]: Notebook`` logo. This title may | ||||
be edited directly by clicking on it. The title is reflected in the name of | ||||
the ``.ipynb`` notebook document file that is saved. | ||||
Menu bar | ||||
^^^^^^^^ | ||||
The menu bar presents different options that may be used to manipulate the way | ||||
the Notebook functions. | ||||
Toolbar | ||||
^^^^^^^ | ||||
The tool bar gives a quick way of accessing the most-used operations within | ||||
the Notebook, by clicking on an icon. | ||||
Creating a new notebook document | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
A new notebook space/document may be created at any time, either from the | ||||
dashboard, or using the `File | New` menu option from within an active | ||||
r11794 | notebook. The new notebook is created within the same directory and | ||
r11792 | will open in a new browser tab. It will also be reflected as a new entry in | ||
the notebook list on the dashboard. | ||||
Structure of a notebook document | ||||
-------------------------------- | ||||
Input cells | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
Input cells are at the core of the functionality of the IPython Notebook. | ||||
They are regions in the document in which you can enter different types of | ||||
text and commands. To *execute* or *run* the *current cell*, i.e. the cell | ||||
under the cursor, you can use the :kbd:`Shift-Enter` key combination. | ||||
This tells the Notebook app to perform the relevant operation for each type of | ||||
cell (see below), and then to display the resulting output. | ||||
The notebook consists of a sequence of input cells, labelled ``In[n]``, which | ||||
may be executed in a non-linear way, and outputs ``Out[n]``, where ``n`` is a | ||||
number which denotes the order in which the cells were executed over the | ||||
history of the computational process. The contents of all of these cells are | ||||
accessible as Python variables with the same names, forming a complete record | ||||
of the history of the computation. | ||||
Input cell types | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
Each IPython input cell has a *cell type*, of which there is a restricted | ||||
number. The type of a cell may be set by using the cell type dropdown on the | ||||
toolbar, or via the following keyboard shortcuts: | ||||
* **code**: :kbd:`Ctrl-m y` | ||||
* **markdown**: :kbd:`Ctrl-m m` | ||||
* **raw**: :kbd:`Ctrl-m t` | ||||
* **heading**: :kbd:`Ctrl-m 1` - :kbd:`Ctrl-m 6` | ||||
Upon initial creation, each input cell is by default a code cell. | ||||
Code cells | ||||
^^^^^^^^^^ | ||||
A *code input cell* allows you to edit code inline within the cell, with full | ||||
syntax highlighting and autocompletion/introspection. By default, the language | ||||
associated to a code cell is Python, but other languages, such as ``julia`` | ||||
and ``R``, can be handled using magic commands (see below). | ||||
When a code cell is executed with :kbd:`Shift-Enter`, the code that it | ||||
contains is transparently exported and run in that language (with automatic | ||||
compiling, etc., if necessary). The result that is returned from this | ||||
computation is then displayed in the notebook space as the cell's | ||||
*output*. If this output is of a textual nature, it is placed into a | ||||
numbered *output cell*. However, many other possible forms of output are also | ||||
possible, including ``matplotlib`` figures and HTML tables (as used, for | ||||
example, in the ``pandas`` data analyis package). This is known as IPython's | ||||
*rich display* capability. | ||||
Markdown cells | ||||
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | ||||
You can document the computational process in a literate way, alternating | ||||
descriptive text with code, using *rich text*. In IPython this is accomplished | ||||
by marking up text with the Markdown language. The corresponding cells are | ||||
called *Markdown input cells*. The Markdown language provides a simple way to | ||||
perform this text markup, that is, to specify which parts of the text should | ||||
be emphasized (italics), bold, form lists, etc. | ||||
When a Markdown input cell is executed, the Markdown code is converted into | ||||
the corresponding formatted rich text. This output then *replaces* the | ||||
original Markdown input cell, leaving just the visually-significant marked up | ||||
rich text. Markdown allows arbitrary HTML code for formatting. | ||||
Within Markdown cells, you can also include *mathematics* in a straightforward | ||||
way, using standard LaTeX notation: ``$...$`` for inline mathematics and | ||||
``$$...$$`` for displayed mathematics. When the Markdown cell is executed, | ||||
the LaTeX portions are automatically rendered in the HTML output as equations | ||||
with high quality typography. This is made possible by MathJax_, which | ||||
r11794 | supports a `large subset <mathjax_tex>`_ of LaTeX functionality | ||
r11792 | |||
r11794 | .. _mathjax_tex: | ||
r11792 | |||
Standard mathematics environments defined by LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX (the | ||||
`amsmath` package) also work, such as | ||||
``\begin{equation}...\end{equation}``, and ``\begin{align}...\end{align}``. | ||||
New LaTeX macros may be defined using standard methods, | ||||
such as ``\newcommand``, by placing them anywhere *between math delimiters* in | ||||
a Markdown cell. These definitions are then available throughout the rest of | ||||
the IPython session. (Note, however, that more care must be taken when using | ||||
r11794 | nbconvert_ to output to LaTeX). | ||
r11792 | |||
Raw input cells | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
r11794 | |||
*Raw* input cells provide a place in which you can write *output* directly. | ||||
Raw cells are not evaluated by the Notebook, and have no output. | ||||
When passed through nbconvert, Raw cells arrive in the destination format unmodified, | ||||
allowing you to type full latex into a raw cell, which will only be rendered | ||||
by latex after conversion by nbconvert. | ||||
r11792 | |||
Heading cells | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
r11794 | |||
r11792 | You can provide a conceptual structure for your computational document as a | ||
whole using different levels of headings; there are 6 levels available, from | ||||
level 1 (top level) down to level 6 (paragraph). These can be used later for | ||||
constructing tables of contents, etc. | ||||
As with Markdown cells, a heading input cell is replaced by a rich text | ||||
rendering of the heading when the cell is executed. | ||||
Basic workflow | ||||
-------------- | ||||
r11794 | |||
r11792 | The normal workflow in a notebook is, then, quite similar to a standard | ||
IPython session, with the difference that you can edit cells in-place multiple | ||||
times until you obtain the desired results, rather than having to | ||||
rerun separate scripts with the ``%run`` magic command. (Magic commands do, | ||||
however, also work in the notebook; see below). | ||||
Typically, you will work on a computational problem in pieces, organizing | ||||
related ideas into cells and moving forward once previous parts work | ||||
correctly. This is much more convenient for interactive exploration than | ||||
breaking up a computation into scripts that must be executed together, as was | ||||
previously necessary, especially if parts of them take a long time to run | ||||
The only significant limitation that the Notebook currently has, compared to | ||||
the Qt console, is that it cannot run any code that expects input from the | ||||
kernel (such as scripts that call :func:`raw_input`). Very importantly, this | ||||
means that the ``%debug`` magic does *not* currently work in the notebook! | ||||
This limitation will be overcome in the future, but in the meantime, there is | ||||
a simple solution for debugging: you can attach a Qt console to your existing | ||||
notebook kernel, and run ``%debug`` from the Qt console. | ||||
If your notebook is running on a local computer (i.e. if you are accessing it | ||||
via your localhost address at ````), then you can just type | ||||
``%qtconsole`` in the notebook and a Qt console will open up, connected to | ||||
that same kernel. | ||||
At certain moments, it may be necessary to interrupt a calculation which is | ||||
taking too long to complete. This may be done with the ``Kernel | Interrupt`` | ||||
menu option, or the :kbd:``Ctrl-i`` keyboard shortcut. | ||||
Similarly, it may be necessary or desirable to restart the whole computational | ||||
process, with the ``Kernel | Restart`` menu option or :kbd:``Ctrl-.`` | ||||
shortcut. This gives an equivalent state to loading the notebook document | ||||
afresh. | ||||
.. warning:: | ||||
While in simple cases you can "roundtrip" a notebook to Python, edit the | ||||
Python file, and then import it back without loss of main content, this is | ||||
in general *not guaranteed to work*. First, there is extra metadata | ||||
saved in the notebook that may not be saved to the ``.py`` format. And as | ||||
the notebook format evolves in complexity, there will be attributes of the | ||||
notebook that will not survive a roundtrip through the Python form. You | ||||
should think of the Python format as a way to output a script version of a | ||||
notebook and the import capabilities as a way to load existing code to get | ||||
a notebook started. But the Python version is *not* an alternate notebook | ||||
format. | ||||
Keyboard shortcuts | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
All actions in the notebook can be achieved with the mouse, but keyboard | ||||
shortcuts are also available for the most common ones, so that productive use | ||||
of the notebook can be achieved with minimal mouse usage. The main shortcuts | ||||
to remember are the following: | ||||
* :kbd:`Shift-Enter`: | ||||
Execute the current cell, show output (if any), and jump to the next cell | ||||
below. If :kbd:`Shift-Enter` is invoked on the last input cell, a new code | ||||
cell will also be created. Note that in the notebook, typing :kbd:`Enter` | ||||
on its own *never* forces execution, but rather just inserts a new line in | ||||
the current input cell. In the Notebook it is thus always necessary to use | ||||
:kbd:`Shift-Enter` to execute the cell (or use the ``Cell | Run`` menu | ||||
item). | ||||
* :kbd:`Ctrl-Enter`: | ||||
Execute the current cell as if it were in "terminal mode", where any | ||||
output is shown, but the cursor *remains* in the current cell. This is | ||||
convenient for doing quick experiments in place, or for querying things | ||||
like filesystem content, without needing to create additional cells that | ||||
you may not want to be saved in the notebook. | ||||
* :kbd:`Alt-Enter`: | ||||
Executes the current cell, shows the output, and inserts a *new* input | ||||
cell between the current cell and the adjacent cell (if one exists). This | ||||
is thus a shortcut for the sequence :kbd:`Shift-Enter`, :kbd:`Ctrl-m a`. | ||||
(:kbd:`Ctrl-m a` adds a new cell above the current one.) | ||||
* :kbd:`Ctrl-m`: | ||||
This is the prefix for *all* other shortcuts, which consist of :kbd:`Ctrl-m` | ||||
followed by a single letter or character. For example, if you type | ||||
:kbd:`Ctrl-m h` (that is, the sole letter :kbd:`h` after :kbd:`Ctrl-m`), | ||||
IPython will show you all the available keyboard shortcuts. | ||||
Magic commands | ||||
-------------- | ||||
Magic commands, or *magics*, are commands for controlling IPython itself. | ||||
They all begin with ``%`` and are entered into code input cells; the code | ||||
cells are executed as usual with :kbd:`Shift-Enter`. | ||||
The magic commands call special functions defined by IPython which manipulate | ||||
the computational state in certain ways. | ||||
There are two types of magics: | ||||
- **line magics**: | ||||
These begin with a single ``%`` and take as arguments the rest of the | ||||
*same line* of the code cell. Any other lines of the code cell are | ||||
treated as if they were part of a standard code cell. | ||||
- **cell magics**: | ||||
These begin with ``%%`` and operate on the *entire* remaining contents | ||||
of the code cell. | ||||
Line magics | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
Some of the available line magics are the following: | ||||
* ``%load filename``: | ||||
Loads the contents of the file ``filename`` into a new code cell. This | ||||
can be a URL for a remote file. | ||||
* ``%timeit code``: | ||||
An easy way to time how long the single line of code ``code`` takes to | ||||
run | ||||
* ``%config``: | ||||
Configuration of the IPython Notebook | ||||
* ``%lsmagic``: | ||||
Provides a list of all available magic commands | ||||
Cell magics | ||||
~~~~~~~~~~~ | ||||
* ``%%latex``: | ||||
Renders the entire contents of the cell in LaTeX, without needing to use | ||||
explicit LaTeX delimiters. | ||||
* ``%%bash``: | ||||
The code cell is executed by sending it to be executed by ``bash``. The | ||||
output of the ``bash`` commands is captured and displayed in the | ||||
notebook. | ||||
* ``%%file filename``: | ||||
Writes the contents of the cell to the file ``filename``. | ||||
**Caution**: The file is over-written without warning! | ||||
* ``%%R``: | ||||
Execute the contents of the cell using the R language. | ||||
* ``%%timeit``: | ||||
Version of ``%timeit`` which times the entire block of code in the | ||||
current code cell. | ||||
Several of the cell magics provide functionality to manipulate the filesystem | ||||
of a remote server to which you otherwise do not have access. | ||||
Plotting | ||||
-------- | ||||
One major feature of the Notebook is the ability to interact with | ||||
plots that are the output of running code cells. IPython is designed to work | ||||
seamlessly with the ``matplotlib`` plotting library to provide this | ||||
functionality. | ||||
To set this up, before any plotting is performed you must execute the | ||||
``%matplotlib`` magic command. This performs the necessary behind-the-scenes | ||||
setup for IPython to work correctly hand in hand with ``matplotlib``; it does | ||||
*not*, however, actually execute any Python ``import`` commands, that is, no | ||||
names are added to the namespace. | ||||
For more agile *interactive* use of the notebook space, an alternative magic, | ||||
``%pylab``, is provided. This does the same work as the ``%matplotlib`` magic, | ||||
but *in addition* it automatically executes a standard sequence of ``import`` | ||||
statements required to work with the ``%matplotlib`` library, importing the | ||||
following names into the namespace: | ||||
``numpy`` as ``np``; ``matplotlib.pyplot`` as ``plt``; | ||||
``matplotlib``, ``pylab`` and ``mlab`` from ``matplotlib``; and *all names* | ||||
from within ``numpy`` and ``pylab``. | ||||
However, the use of ``%pylab`` is discouraged, since names coming from | ||||
different packages may collide. In general, the use of ``from package import | ||||
*`` is discouraged. A better option is then:: | ||||
%pylab --no-import-all | ||||
which imports the names listed above, but does *not* perform this | ||||
``import *`` imports. | ||||
If the ``%matplotlib`` or ``%pylab` magics are called without an argument, the | ||||
output of a plotting command is displayed using the default ``matplotlib`` | ||||
backend in a separate window. Alternatively, the backend can be explicitly | ||||
requested using, for example:: | ||||
%matplotlib gtk | ||||
A particularly interesting backend is the ``inline`` backend. | ||||
This is applicable only for the IPython Notebook and the IPython Qtconsole. | ||||
It can be invoked as follows:: | ||||
%matplotlib inline | ||||
With this backend, output of plotting commands is displayed *inline* within | ||||
the notebook format, directly below the input cell that produced it. The | ||||
resulting plots will then also be stored in the notebook document. This | ||||
provides a key part of the functionality for reproducibility_ that the IPython | ||||
Notebook provides. | ||||
.. _reproducibility: | ||||
Configuring the IPython Notebook | ||||
-------------------------------- | ||||
The IPython Notebook can be run with a variety of command line arguments. | ||||
To see a list of available options enter:: | ||||
$ ipython notebook --help | ||||
Defaults for these options can also be set by creating a file named | ||||
```` in your IPython *profile folder*. The profile | ||||
folder is a subfolder of your IPython directory; to find out where it is | ||||
located, run:: | ||||
$ ipython locate | ||||
To create a new set of default configuration files, with lots of information | ||||
on available options, use:: | ||||
$ ipython profile create | ||||
.. seealso: | ||||
:ref:`config_overview`, in particular :ref:`Profiles`. | ||||
Importing `.py` files | ||||
---------------------- | ||||
``.py`` files will be imported into the IPython Notebook as a notebook with | ||||
r11794 | the same basename, but an ``.ipynb`` extension, located in the notebook | ||
r11792 | directory. The notebook created will have just one cell, which will contain | ||
all the code in the ``.py`` file. You can later manually partition this into | ||||
individual cells using the ``Edit | Split Cell`` menu option, or the | ||||
:kbd:`Ctrl-m -` keyboard shortcut. | ||||
.. Alternatively, prior to importing the ``.py``, you can manually add ``# < | ||||
nbformat>2</nbformat>`` at the start of the file, and then add separators for | ||||
text and code cells, to get a cleaner import with the file already broken into | ||||
individual cells. | ||||