##// END OF EJS Templates
Massive work on the notebook document format....
Massive work on the notebook document format. * Finished nbformat work and debugged the versioning API. * Integrated the nbformat with the notebook. Save/New/Open/Export are all now working.

File last commit:

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333 lines | 10.9 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
// CodeCell
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 var IPython = (function (IPython) {
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 var utils = IPython.utils;
var CodeCell = function (notebook) {
this.code_mirror = null;
this.input_prompt_number = ' ';
Brian E. Granger
Autocompletion working with CTRL-SPACE.
r4389 this.is_completing = false;
this.completion_cursor = null;
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 IPython.Cell.apply(this, arguments);
CodeCell.prototype = new IPython.Cell();
CodeCell.prototype.create_element = function () {
Brian E. Granger
Pager is working again.
r4361 var cell = $('<div></div>').addClass('cell border-box-sizing code_cell vbox');
Brian E. Granger
More work updating the notebook to use dynamics resizing.
r4360 var input = $('<div></div>').addClass('input hbox');
Brian E. Granger
Updating font-sizing to use the YUI protocol.
r4379 input.append($('<div/>').addClass('prompt input_prompt'));
Brian E. Granger
More work updating the notebook to use dynamics resizing.
r4360 var input_area = $('<div/>').addClass('input_area box-flex1');
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 this.code_mirror = CodeMirror(input_area.get(0), {
indentUnit : 4,
enterMode : 'flat',
Brian E. Granger
Fixing execution related things....
r4378 tabMode: 'shift',
onKeyEvent: $.proxy(this.handle_codemirror_keyevent,this)
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 });
Brian E. Granger
More work updating the notebook to use dynamics resizing.
r4360 var output = $('<div></div>').addClass('output vbox');
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 cell.append(input).append(output);
this.element = cell;
Brian E. Granger
Fixing execution related things....
r4378 CodeCell.prototype.handle_codemirror_keyevent = function (editor, event) {
// This method gets called in CodeMirror's onKeyDown/onKeyPress handlers and
// is used to provide custom key handling. Its return value is used to determine
// if CodeMirror should ignore the event: true = ignore, false = don't ignore.
if (event.keyCode === 13 && event.shiftKey) {
// Always ignore shift-enter in CodeMirror as we handle it.
return true;
Brian E. Granger
Notebook now uses tab for autocompletion.
r4393 // } else if (event.keyCode == 32 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey) {
} else if (event.keyCode == 9) {
Brian E. Granger
Autocompletion working with CTRL-SPACE.
r4389 var cur = editor.getCursor();
Brian E. Granger
Notebook now uses tab for autocompletion.
r4393 var pre_cursor = editor.getRange({line:cur.line,ch:0},cur).trim();
if (pre_cursor === "") {
// Don't autocomplete if the part of the line before the cursor is empty.
// In this case, let CodeMirror handle indentation.
return false;
} else {
// Autocomplete the current line.
var line = editor.getLine(cur.line);
this.is_completing = true;
this.completion_cursor = cur;
IPython.notebook.complete_cell(this, line, cur.ch);
return true;
Brian E. Granger
Fixing execution related things....
r4378 } else {
Brian E. Granger
Autocompletion working with CTRL-SPACE.
r4389 if (this.is_completing && this.completion_cursor !== editor.getCursor()) {
this.is_completing = false;
this.completion_cursor = null;
Brian E. Granger
Fixing execution related things....
r4378 return false;
Brian E. Granger
Autocompletion working with CTRL-SPACE.
CodeCell.prototype.finish_completing = function (matched_text, matches) {
if (!this.is_completing || matches.length === 0) {return;}
// console.log("Got matches", matched_text, matches);
var that = this;
var cur = this.completion_cursor;
var complete = $('<div/>').addClass('completions');
var select = $('<select/>').attr('multiple','true');
for (var i=0; i<matches.length; ++i) {
var pos = this.code_mirror.cursorCoords();
var done = false;
var insert = function (selected_text) {
{line: cur.line, ch: (cur.ch-matched_text.length)},
{line: cur.line, ch: cur.ch}
var close = function () {
if (done) return;
done = true;
that.is_completing = false;
that.completion_cursor = null;
var pick = function () {
setTimeout(function(){that.code_mirror.focus();}, 50);
select.keydown(function (event) {
var code = event.which;
if (code === 13 || code === 32) {
// Pressing SPACE or ENTER will cause a pick
} else if (code === 38 || code === 40) {
// We don't want the document keydown handler to handle UP/DOWN,
// but we want the default action.
} else {
// All other key presses simple exit completion.
// Double click also causes a pick.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.select = function () {
CodeCell.prototype.append_pyout = function (data, n) {
Brian E. Granger
Updating font-sizing to use the YUI protocol.
r4379 var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("output_area output_pyout hbox");
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 toinsert.append($('<div/>').
addClass('prompt output_prompt').
html('Out[' + n + ']:')
this.append_display_data(data, toinsert);
// If we just output latex, typeset it.
if (data["text/latex"] !== undefined) {
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
r4349 MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]);
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.append_pyerr = function (ename, evalue, tb) {
var s = '';
var len = tb.length;
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
s = s + tb[i] + '\n';
s = s + '\n';
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.append_display_data = function (data, element) {
support html representations in the notebook frontend...
r4403 if (data["text/html"] !== undefined) {
this.append_html(data["text/html"], element);
} else if (data["text/latex"] !== undefined) {
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 this.append_latex(data["text/latex"], element);
// If it is undefined, then we just appended to div.output, which
// makes the latex visible and we can typeset it. The typesetting
// has to be done after the latex is on the page.
if (element === undefined) {
} else if (data["image/svg+xml"] !== undefined) {
this.append_svg(data["image/svg+xml"], element);
} else if (data["image/png"] !== undefined) {
this.append_png(data["image/png"], element);
} else if (data["text/plain"] !== undefined) {
this.append_stream(data["text/plain"], element);
return element;
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
support html representations in the notebook frontend...
r4403 CodeCell.prototype.append_html = function (html, element) {
element = element || this.element.find("div.output");
var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("output_area output_html");
return element;
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.append_stream = function (data, element) {
element = element || this.element.find("div.output");
Brian E. Granger
Updating font-sizing to use the YUI protocol.
r4379 var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("output_area output_stream");
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 element.append(toinsert);
return element;
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.append_svg = function (svg, element) {
element = element || this.element.find("div.output");
var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("output_area output_svg");
return element;
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.append_png = function (png, element) {
element = element || this.element.find("div.output");
var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("output_area output_png");
return element;
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.append_latex = function (latex, element) {
// This method cannot do the typesetting because the latex first has to
// be on the page.
element = element || this.element.find("div.output");
Brian E. Granger
Updating font-sizing to use the YUI protocol.
r4379 var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("output_area output_latex");
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 toinsert.append(latex);
return element;
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.clear_output = function () {
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
CTRL-ENTER now runs a cell in "terminal mode"...
r4390 CodeCell.prototype.clear_input = function () {
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.collapse = function () {
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.expand = function () {
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.set_input_prompt = function (number) {
var n = number || ' ';
this.input_prompt_number = n
this.element.find('div.input_prompt').html('In&nbsp;[' + n + ']:');
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.get_code = function () {
return this.code_mirror.getValue();
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.set_code = function (code) {
return this.code_mirror.setValue(code);
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.at_top = function () {
var cursor = this.code_mirror.getCursor();
if (cursor.line === 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
r4349 };
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.at_bottom = function () {
var cursor = this.code_mirror.getCursor();
if (cursor.line === (this.code_mirror.lineCount()-1)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Brian E. Granger
Splitting notebook.js into muliple files for development ease.
r4349 };
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 CodeCell.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) {
if (data.cell_type === 'code') {
Brian E. Granger
Massive work on the notebook document format....
r4484 if (data.input !== undefined) {
if (data.prompt_number !== undefined) {
} else {
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 };
CodeCell.prototype.toJSON = function () {
Brian E. Granger
Massive work on the notebook document format....
r4484 var data = {}
data.input = this.get_code();
data.cell_type = 'code';
if (this.input_prompt_number !== ' ') {
data.prompt_number = this.input_prompt_number
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 };
Brian E. Granger
Massive work on the notebook document format....
r4484 data.outputs = [];
data.language = 'python';
return data;
Brian E. Granger
Implemented module and namespace pattern in js notebook.
r4352 };
IPython.CodeCell = CodeCell;
return IPython;