270 lines
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Brian Granger
r2344 | ================= | ||
Parallel examples | ||||
================= | ||||
Brian Granger
r2345 | In this section we describe two more involved examples of using an IPython | ||
cluster to perform a parallel computation. In these examples, we will be using | ||||
IPython's "pylab" mode, which enables interactive plotting using the | ||||
Matplotlib package. IPython can be started in this mode by typing:: | ||||
ipython -p pylab | ||||
at the system command line. If this prints an error message, you will | ||||
need to install the default profiles from within IPython by doing, | ||||
.. sourcecode:: ipython | ||||
In [1]: %install_profiles | ||||
and then restarting IPython. | ||||
Brian Granger
r2344 | |||
150 million digits of pi | ||||
======================== | ||||
In this example we would like to study the distribution of digits in the | ||||
Brian Granger
r2345 | number pi (in base 10). While it is not known if pi is a normal number (a | ||
number is normal in base 10 if 0-9 occur with equal likelihood) numerical | ||||
investigations suggest that it is. We will begin with a serial calculation on | ||||
10,000 digits of pi and then perform a parallel calculation involving 150 | ||||
million digits. | ||||
In both the serial and parallel calculation we will be using functions defined | ||||
in the :file:`` file, which is available in the | ||||
:file:`docs/examples/kernel` directory of the IPython source distribution. | ||||
These functions provide basic facilities for working with the digits of pi and | ||||
can be loaded into IPython by putting :file:`` in your current | ||||
working directory and then doing: | ||||
.. sourcecode:: ipython | ||||
In [1]: run | ||||
Serial calculation | ||||
------------------ | ||||
For the serial calculation, we will use SymPy ( to | ||||
calculate 10,000 digits of pi and then look at the frequencies of the digits | ||||
0-9. Out of 10,000 digits, we expect each digit to occur 1,000 times. While | ||||
SymPy is capable of calculating many more digits of pi, our purpose here is to | ||||
set the stage for the much larger parallel calculation. | ||||
In this example, we use two functions from :file:``: | ||||
:func:`one_digit_freqs` (which calculates how many times each digit occurs) | ||||
and :func:`plot_one_digit_freqs` (which uses Matplotlib to plot the result). | ||||
Here is an interactive IPython session that uses these functions with | ||||
SymPy: | ||||
.. sourcecode:: ipython | ||||
In [7]: import sympy | ||||
In [8]: pi = sympy.pi.evalf(40) | ||||
In [9]: pi | ||||
Out[9]: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 | ||||
In [10]: pi = sympy.pi.evalf(10000) | ||||
In [11]: digits = (d for d in str(pi)[2:]) # create a sequence of digits | ||||
In [12]: run # load one_digit_freqs/plot_one_digit_freqs | ||||
In [13]: freqs = one_digit_freqs(digits) | ||||
In [14]: plot_one_digit_freqs(freqs) | ||||
Out[14]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x18a55290>] | ||||
The resulting plot of the single digit counts shows that each digit occurs | ||||
approximately 1,000 times, but that with only 10,000 digits the | ||||
statistical fluctuations are still rather large: | ||||
.. image:: single_digits.* | ||||
It is clear that to reduce the relative fluctuations in the counts, we need | ||||
to look at many more digits of pi. That brings us to the parallel calculation. | ||||
Parallel calculation | ||||
-------------------- | ||||
Calculating many digits of pi is a challenging computational problem in itself. | ||||
Because we want to focus on the distribution of digits in this example, we | ||||
will use pre-computed digit of pi from the website of Professor Yasumasa | ||||
Kanada at the University of Tokoyo ( These | ||||
digits come in a set of text files ( | ||||
that each have 10 million digits of pi. | ||||
For the parallel calculation, we have copied these files to the local hard | ||||
drives of the compute nodes. A total of 15 of these files will be used, for a | ||||
total of 150 million digits of pi. To make things a little more interesting we | ||||
will calculate the frequencies of all 2 digits sequences (00-99) and then plot | ||||
the result using a 2D matrix in Matplotlib. | ||||
The overall idea of the calculation is simple: each IPython engine will | ||||
compute the two digit counts for the digits in a single file. Then in a final | ||||
step the counts from each engine will be added up. To perform this | ||||
calculation, we will need two top-level functions from :file:``: | ||||
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/ | ||||
:language: python | ||||
:lines: 34-49 | ||||
We will also use the :func:`plot_two_digit_freqs` function to plot the | ||||
results. The code to run this calculation in parallel is contained in | ||||
:file:`docs/examples/kernel/`. This code can be run in parallel | ||||
using IPython by following these steps: | ||||
1. Copy the text files with the digits of pi | ||||
( to the working directory of the | ||||
engines on the compute nodes. | ||||
2. Use :command:`ipcluster` to start 15 engines. We used an 8 core cluster | ||||
with hyperthreading enabled which makes the 8 cores looks like 16 (1 | ||||
controller + 15 engines) in the OS. However, the maximum speedup we can | ||||
observe is still only 8x. | ||||
3. With the file :file:`` in your current working directory, open | ||||
up IPython in pylab mode and type ``run``. | ||||
When run on our 8 core cluster, we observe a speedup of 7.7x. This is slightly | ||||
less than linear scaling (8x) because the controller is also running on one of | ||||
the cores. | ||||
To emphasize the interactive nature of IPython, we now show how the | ||||
calculation can also be run by simply typing the commands from | ||||
:file:`` interactively into IPython: | ||||
.. sourcecode:: ipython | ||||
In [1]: from IPython.kernel import client | ||||
2009-11-19 11:32:38-0800 [-] Log opened. | ||||
# The MultiEngineClient allows us to use the engines interactively | ||||
In [2]: mec = client.MultiEngineClient(profile='mycluster') | ||||
2009-11-19 11:32:44-0800 [-] Connecting [0] | ||||
2009-11-19 11:32:44-0800 [Negotiation,client] Connected: ./ipcontroller-mec.furl | ||||
In [3]: mec.get_ids() | ||||
Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] | ||||
In [4]: run | ||||
In [5]: filestring = 'pi200m-ascii-%(i)02dof20.txt' | ||||
In [6]: files = [filestring % {'i':i} for i in range(1,16)] | ||||
In [7]: files | ||||
Out[7]: | ||||
['pi200m-ascii-01of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-02of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-03of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-04of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-05of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-06of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-07of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-08of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-09of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-10of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-11of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-12of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-13of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-14of20.txt', | ||||
'pi200m-ascii-15of20.txt'] | ||||
# This is the parallel calculation using the method | ||||
# which applies compute_two_digit_freqs to each file in files in parallel. | ||||
In [8]: freqs_all =, files) | ||||
# Add up the frequencies from each engine. | ||||
In [8]: freqs = reduce_freqs(freqs_all) | ||||
In [9]: plot_two_digit_freqs(freqs) | ||||
Out[9]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x18beb110> | ||||
In [10]: plt.title('2 digit counts of 150m digits of pi') | ||||
Out[10]: <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18d1f9b0> | ||||
The resulting plot generated by Matplotlib is shown below. The colors indicate | ||||
which two digit sequences are more (red) or less (blue) likely to occur in the | ||||
first 150 million digits of pi. We clearly see that the sequence "41" is | ||||
most likely and that "06" and "07" are least likely. Further analysis would | ||||
show that the relative size of the statistical fluctuations have decreased | ||||
compared to the 10,000 digit calculation. | ||||
.. image:: two_digit_counts.* | ||||
To conclude this example, we summarize the key features of IPython's parallel | ||||
architecture that this example demonstrates: | ||||
* Serial code can be parallelized often with only a few extra lines of code. | ||||
In this case we have used :meth:``; the | ||||
:class:`MultiEngineClient` class has a number of other methods that provide | ||||
more fine grained control of the IPython cluster. | ||||
* The resulting parallel code can be run without ever leaving the IPython's | ||||
interactive shell. | ||||
* Any data computed in parallel can be explored interactively through | ||||
visualization or further numerical calculations. | ||||
Parallel options pricing | ||||
======================== | ||||
An option is a financial contract that gives the buyer of the contract the | ||||
right to buy (a "call") or sell (a "put") a secondary asset (a stock for | ||||
example) at a particular date in the future (the expiration date) for a | ||||
pre-agreed upon price (the strike price). For this right, the buyer pays the | ||||
seller a premium (the option price). There are a wide variety of flavors of | ||||
options (American, European, Asian, etc.) that are useful for different | ||||
purposes: hedging against risk, speculation, etc. | ||||
Much of modern finance is driven by the need to price these contracts | ||||
accurately based on what is known about the properties (such as volatility) of | ||||
the underlying asset. One method of pricing options is to use a Monte Carlo | ||||
simulation of the underlying assets. In this example we use this approach to | ||||
price both European and Asian (path dependent) options for various strike | ||||
prices and volatilities. | ||||
The code for this example can be found in the :file:`docs/examples/kernel` | ||||
directory of the IPython source. | ||||
The function :func:`price_options`, calculates the option prices for a single | ||||
option (:file:``): | ||||
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/ | ||||
:language: python | ||||
To run this code in parallel, we will use IPython's :class:`TaskClient`, which | ||||
distributes work to the engines using dynamic load balancing. This client | ||||
can be used along side the :class:`MultiEngineClient` shown in the previous | ||||
example. | ||||
Here is the code that calls :func:`price_options` for a number of different | ||||
volatilities and strike prices in parallel: | ||||
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/ | ||||
:language: python | ||||
To run this code in parallel, start an IPython cluster using | ||||
:command:`ipcluster`, open IPython in the pylab mode with the file | ||||
:file:`` in your current working directory and then type: | ||||
.. sourcecode:: ipython | ||||
In [7]: run | ||||
Submitted tasks: [0, 1, 2, ...] | ||||
Once all the tasks have finished, the results can be plotted using the | ||||
:func:`plot_options` function. Here we make contour plots of the Asian | ||||
call and Asian put as function of the volatility and strike price: | ||||
.. sourcecode:: ipython | ||||
In [8]: plot_options(sigma_vals, K_vals, prices['acall']) | ||||
In [9]: plt.figure() | ||||
Out[9]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x18c178d0> | ||||
In [10]: plot_options(sigma_vals, K_vals, prices['aput']) | ||||
The plots generated by Matplotlib will look like this: | ||||
.. image:: asian_call.* | ||||
Brian Granger
r2344 | |||
Brian Granger
r2345 | .. image:: asian_put.* | ||