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1049 lines | 35.6 KiB | text/plain | TextLexer
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r988 #!/usr/bin/env perl
# lyxport - script for exporting lyx docs to HTML, PostScript and PDF
# Inspired on the lyx2html script by Steffen Evers (tron@cs.tu-berlin.de)
# (many thanks to him).
# Copyright (C) 2001 Fernando Pérez (Fernando.Perez@colorado.edu)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License, write
# to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
# MA 02139, USA.
# If the author of this software was too lazy to include the full GPL
# text along with the code, you can find it at:
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
=head1 NAME
B<lyxport> - Export a LyX or LaTeX file to HTML, PostScript and PDF.
B<lyxport> [options] F<file>
Perl script which takes a LyX or LaTeX file as its only argument and produces
HTML, PostScript and PDF versions of the document. The name is short for "lyx
You can call B<lyxport> with a filename with or without extension: F<file>,
F<file.lyx> and F<file.tex> will all work. B<lyxport> will update the LaTeX
file if there is a corresponding LyX file with a newer timestamp.
Use B<lyxport --help> for more information, and B<lyxport --man> for a full
man page.
# modify here the command names to suit your local conditions
my %cmd= (
lyx => "/usr/bin/lyx",
latex => "latex",
latex2html => "latex2html",
dvips => "dvips",
pdflatex => "pdflatex",
epstopdf => "epstopdf"
#************ WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
# modules and globals
use strict;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
my (%opt); # command line options
my $version = "0.3.2"; # keep this up to date with the docs (at end)!
# "main" (simple minded way to keep variable scoping under control)
sub main {
my ($runs, # number of latex runs
$file_in, # input filename as given at cmd line
$file_base, # base (no extension) name of file to work on
$lyx_time, # timestamps of lyx/tex files
$l2h_file, # tex file cleaned up for latex2html
$status, # status string for diagnostics printing
@latex_from_lyx # LaTeX files was created from LyX file
# code begins
# set defaults and filenames needed throughout
# various filenames (with extensions)
my @exts=qw(lyx tex aux dvi log ps pdf out toc);
my ($lyx,$tex,$aux,$dvi,$log,$ps,$pdf,$out,$toc) = map { "$file_base.$_" } @exts;
# first, if tex file is older than lyx file, update
if ($opt{clean}) {
lyxport_info("Cleanup of old auxiliary files requested");
safe_system("rm -rf $file_base");
unlink ($aux,$log,$out,$toc);
# run latex for both html (needs .aux file) and ps (needs .dvi)
if ($opt{html} or $opt{ps}) {
run_latex("$cmd{latex} -interaction=nonstopmode",$tex,\$runs);
# now make targets
if ($opt{html}) {
if ($opt{ps}) {
if ($opt{pdf}) {
#cleanup before exiting and print some diagnostics info
unless ($opt{debug}) {
unlink ($dvi,$log,$out);
# extra cleanup
if ($opt{tidy}) {
print "tidy up $opt{tidy},$aux,$log,$out,$toc,@latex_from_lyx\n";
} # end of main()
# subroutines
sub make_html {
lyxport_info("Making HTML");
if ($success) {$$stat_ref .= "Target HTML built in directory $html_dir\n" }
} # end of make_html()
sub make_ps {
lyxport_info("Making PostScript");
safe_system("$cmd{dvips} $dvi -o $ps");
if ($success and not $opt{leave}) {
} # end of make_ps()
sub make_pdf {
lyxport_info("Making PDF");
if ($success and not $opt{leave}) {
} # end of make_pdf()
# move a given target to the html dir, only if it exists. leaves diagnostics
# info in a status string
sub move2html_dir {
if ($$html_status_ref =~ /HTML/) {
safe_system("mv $file $dir");
$$stat_ref .= "Target $name moved to directory $dir\n";
} else {
$$stat_ref .= "Target $name left in current directory\n";
} # end of move2html_dir()
# make sure that the tex file is up to date vs the lyx original before starting
# returns a list of the included .tex files which were generated (besides the main one)
sub update_tex {
unless (-e $lyx) {
print "LyX file not found. Working off the LaTeX file alone.\n\n";
if ($lyx_time>$tex_time or not(-e $tex)) {
lyxport_info("LaTeX file outdated or not existent, regenerating it...");
unlink $tex;
@lyx_out=`$cmd{lyx} -dbg latex --export latex $lyx 2>&1 `;
# try again without -dbg option: LyX has a bug here! Note that this will
# disable the ability to remove extra .tex files generated from \include
# statements. But at least it will work, until they fix the bug in LyX.
unless (-e $tex) {
@lyx_out=`$cmd{lyx} --export latex $lyx 2>&1 `;
# end of ugly workaround
unless (-e $tex) {die "Aborting: couldn't create LaTeX file with LyX.\n\n"};
push (@made_tex,$tex);
# find whether lyx made auxiliary (included) .tex files and report
foreach $lc (0..$#lyx_out-1) {
if (/^incfile:.*\.lyx/) {
$lyx_out[$lc+1] =~ /^writefile:(.*)$/;
push (@made_tex,basename($1));
if (@made_tex) {
lyxport_info("Made LaTeX included files: @made_tex");
lyxport_info("Done with LaTeX generation. Moving on.");
return @made_tex;
} # end of update_tex()
# run latex on a file as many times as needed
# if the given # of runs is > 0, that many are done; otherwise latex is run
# as many times as needed until cross-references work.
# can be used to run either normal latex or pdflatex
sub run_latex {
# pre-determined # of runs
if ($$runs_ref > 0) {
foreach (1..$$runs_ref) {
lyxport_info("$latex_cmd run # $$runs_ref");
safe_system("$latex_cmd $file");
# or make as many runs as needed to get things right (not very robust...)
else {
while (1) {
lyxport_info("$latex_cmd run # $$runs_ref");
$_ = `$latex_cmd $file`;
last unless (/Rerun to get cross-references right/m or
/^No file .*\.toc.$/m);
} # end of run_latex()
# cleanup the tex code so that latex2html doesn't get too confused
# this is essentially a Perl version (made with s2p) of Steffan Effer's
# original improvetex sed script, part of his lyx2html script collection
sub improve_tex4html {
my ($texfile,$newfile)=@_;
my ($len1,$pflag);
my $printit=1;
local *OLD,*NEW;
open(OLD,"< $texfile") || die "Can't read from file $texfile: $!\n";
open(NEW,"> $newfile") || die "Can't write to file $newfile: $!\n";
select(NEW) || die "Can't make $newfile default filehandle: $!\n";
# code generated by s2p follows. Emacs can't reindent it properly!
# this code is ugly (once in Perl, original sed was ok). Clean it up...
$pflag=$\; # save print flag
while (<OLD>) {
# remove pagerefs over two lines (senseless in HTML)
if (/on *$\|on *page *$/) {
$_ .= "\n";
$len1 = length;
$_ .= <OLD>;
chop if $len1 < length;
s/on *\n*page *\n*\\pageref{[^}]*}/\n/g;
# remove regular pagerefs (senseless in HTML)
s/on *page *\\pageref{[^}]*}//g;
# comment out redefintion of url tag (confuses latex2html)
if (/^\\IfFileExists{url.sty}/) {
$_ = <OLD>;
# remove empty pages
if (/^\\thispagestyle{empty}~\\newpage$/) {
$printit = 0;
next LINE;
if (/^\\thispagestyle{empty}~$/) {
$printit = 0;
next LINE;
# remove custom latex commands for fancyheaders
# change documentclass from scrbook to book
# comment out unsupported packages
# the geometry package doesn't make sense in html
# comment out ident/skip block command (produces error message; why?)
} continue {
if ($printit) { print }
else { $printit++ }
$\=$pflag; # restore defaults
} # end of improve_tex4html()
sub run_latex2html {
my ($tex,$latex2html_opts)=@_;
my ($l2h_file,$symlink_exists,$htmldir);
($htmldir=$tex) =~ s/\.tex$//;
# add index support
my $xtraargs = "";
my $idx = "$htmldir.idx";
if(-e $idx ) {
$xtraargs .= "-index $idx";
safe_system("$cmd{latex2html} $xtraargs $latex2html_opts $l2h_file");
unless ($opt{debug}) {
# latex2html always leaves 2 copies of the file (one as file.html, one as
# index.html). In systems that support symlinks, remove one and replace it
# with a link:
$symlink_exists = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
if ($symlink_exists) {
} # end of run_latex2html()
# remove calls to eps figures if they have an accompanying tiff, jpg or png
sub improve_tex_figs {
my ($tex,$textmp)=@_;
local (*TEX,*TMP);
# begin changes to tex file
my ($printit,$figname,$fignoneps,$figbase,$figext,$fignew,@figlist,@tmpfiles);
open(TEX,"< $tex") || die "Can't read from LaTeX file $tex: $!\n";
open(TMP,"> $textmp") || die "Can't write to temp file $textmp: $!\n";
while (<TEX>) {
if (/includegraphics{([^\}]*)/) {
# remove .eps from fig name and make a .pdf version if necessary
if ($figname =~ /\.eps$/i) {
($figbase = $figname) =~ s/\.eps$//i;
# now we need to find if there's any non-eps figure for this file:
# pdflatex can handle jpegs, tiffs, etc. So we only need to build
# an associated pdf if there is no other figure file for pdflatex
# to work with
@figlist=grep {/\.jpe?g$|\.tiff?$|\.png$|\.pdf$/i} <$figbase.*>;
if (@figlist > 1) {
lyxport_info("Problem! More than one figure file found: @figlist");
die "I don't know what to do here. Sorry, aborting...\n\n";
} elsif (@figlist==1) {
# problem: pdftex only recognizes jpg (not jpeg, not JPG, etc)
# and tif (not tiff, not TIF, etc). It also gets confused by files
# called a.b.c.jpg (it thinks .b.c.jpg is the extension). argh!!!
# so first, extract the 3 or 4 letter extension and lowercase it
$fignoneps =~ /.*\.(....??)$/;
($figext = $1) =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
# and remove any periods from the base of the name (replace by _)
$figbase =~ s/\./_/g;
if ($fignoneps =~ /\.JPE?G$|\.TIFF?$|\.PNG$|\.PDF$/) {
lyxport_info("pdflatex only recognizes the following extensions:\n".
"pdf, png, jpg, tif. (all lowercase, no variations like jpeg or tiff).\n".
"lyxport will make a copy of $fignoneps to $fignew so that pdflatex is happy");
s/$figname/$fignew/; # in $_, for printing to temp file
} else {
lyxport_info("Making PDF figure <$figbase.pdf> from <$figname>");
safe_system("$cmd{epstopdf} $figname");
} continue {
if ($printit) { print TMP $_}
else { $printit++ }
return @tmpfiles;
} # end of improve_tex_figs()
# Make the pdf directly from the latex file
# Notes: for this to work ok, the following must have been done:
# 1. ~/.dvipsrc file must contain the lines
# p+ psfonts.cmz
# p+ psfonts.amz
# 2. The latex preamble of the lyx file must have
# \usepackage{ae,aecompl}
# This is so that T1 encoded fonts come out looking good in the final pdf.
sub run_pdflatex {
my ($tex,$pdf,$runs_ref)=@_;
my ($texbase,$tmpbase,$textmp,@tmpfiles,@extensions,$printit);
local *TEX,*TMP;
# first fix references to eps figures (make sure that pdf versions exist!!!)
# make all changes in a temp tex file
($texbase=$tex) =~ s/\.tex$//;
$tmpbase = "${texbase}_#tmp_pdf#";
@extensions=qw(tex aux out toc log);
($textmp,@tmpfiles)= map { "${tmpbase}.$_" } @extensions;
# now run the actual pdflatex converter
run_latex("$cmd{pdflatex} -interaction=nonstopmode",$textmp,$runs_ref);
rename( "${tmpbase}.pdf",$pdf);
unless ($opt{debug}) { unlink ($textmp,@tmpfiles,"texput.log"); }
} # end of run_pdflatex()
# general utility routines (not related to latex/html/pdf) follow
sub cmdline_process{
# modules
no strict "vars"; # avoid some unpleasant warnings while checking options
use Getopt::Long;
# allow bundling of single letter options (-a -b == -ab)
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
use Pod::Usage;
# note: the second name for each option (after |) is an alias for user
# convenience only. Internally, the only created hash entries use the *first*
# name as a key (i.e. $opt{h} doesn't exist, $opt{html} is set with -h or --html)
my(@option_list) = qw(html|h ps|p pdf|f leave
runs|r=i opts_l2h|o=s clean|c tidy|t+
cld|l debug|d help man|m version|v);
# debug mode overrides all post-run cleanup options
if ($opt{debug}) { $opt{t}=0 }
# default: a negative # of runs means auto-detect
$$opt_ref{runs}= -99;
# dash options first
GetOptions($opt_ref,@option_list) || pod2usage(-verbose => 0);
# execute all possible "die" modes first
cmdline_debug(%$opt_ref) if ($$opt_ref{cld});
pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if ($$opt_ref{help});
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($$opt_ref{man});
die "\nlyxport: version $version\n\n" if ($$opt_ref{version});
## Now get filename (only ONE)
pod2usage(-verbose => 0, -message =>
"\nERROR: lyxport works with exactly ONE file at a time.\n")
if (@ARGV != 1);
# choose whether to make all targets or just the explicitly specified ones
unless ($$opt_ref{html} or $$opt_ref{ps} or $$opt_ref{pdf}) {
} # end of cmdline_process()
# quick and dirty hash printing by key/value pairs
sub print_hash {
while ( ($op,$val)=each(%hash) ) {print "$key_msg $op $val_msg $val\n" }
} # end of print_hash()
sub cmdline_debug{
print "\nlyxport command line debug mode\n";
print "-------------------------------\n\n";
print "This is a dump of your command line options, as key-value pairs:\n\n";
print "\nExiting...\n\n";
} # end of cmdline_debug()
# execute a system call but die with some info if return value is non-zero
sub safe_system {
my $error;
if ($error) {
print "\nERROR: Command\n @_\nfailed.\n";
return $error;
} # end of safe_system()
# check that the command names specified at the top exist in the system,
# otherwise choose bare defaults and hope for the best.
sub set_cmd_defaults {
my ($cmd)=@_;
my ($prog,$cmd_name);
print "\n";
while (($prog,$cmd_name)=each(%cmd)) {
print "Checking for program <$prog>, as <$cmd_name>... \n";
if (system("which $cmd_name")/256) {
print "Not found. Reverting to default name $prog.\n";
} else { print "OK, found it.\n" }
print "\nDone configuring command names\n\n";
} # end of set_cmd_defaults()
# make sure there's either a .lyx or a .tex file to work with
# returns a stripped name (without .lyx or .tex extension) of the file
sub check_file_exists {
if (/\.lyx$/) { s/\.lyx$// }
elsif (/\.tex$/) { s/\.tex$// }
unless (-e "${base_file}.lyx" or -e "${base_file}.tex") {
die "I can't find a LyX or LaTeX file to work with!\nAborting...\n\n";
return $base_file;
} # end of check_file_exists()
sub check_targets{
$tag .= ' ';
if (-s $file) { $$built .= $tag; $success=1; }
else { $$failed .= $tag }
return $success;
} # end of check_targets()
# do extra cleaning of aux, toc, log files generated during running
sub tidy_up {
lyxport_info("Cleanup of leftover auxiliary files");
print "Removing files: $aux, $log, $out, $toc\n";
unlink ($aux,$log,$out,$toc);
if ($tidy>1 and @latex_from_lyx) {
lyxport_info("Extra cleanup: removing LaTeX file(s) @latex_from_lyx");
foreach (@latex_from_lyx) {
if (-e) {
print "Removing aux file $_\n";
} # end of tidy_up()
sub lyxport_info {
my ($target)=@_;
print "\n",'*'x75,"\n";
print "<lyxport> $target\n\n";
} # end of lyxport_info()
sub final_diagnostics{
lyxport_info("All done!");
print "Input file: $file_in\n\n";
print "Targets built : $targets_built\n\n";
if ($targets_failed) {
print "PROBLEM!\nTargets failed: $targets_failed\n\n";
print "Diagnostics of build process:\n\n$status\nBye!\n\n";
} # end of final_diagnostics()
#************************ end of code for <lyxport> *******************
=head2 Purpose
LyX ( http://www.lyx.org ) is a wonderful document processor, which can produce
from a single source multiple versions for different purposes: a PostScript
file for printing on a Unix-type system, a PDF file for distribution across
multiple operating systems, or an HTML file for Internet display. It
accomplishes this by exporting its own file format to a LaTeX file and then
running various converters on this resulting file.
However, it turns out that this process isn't exactly foolproof, as these
converters have all sorts of little quirks which can produce anything from
surprises in the way the final result looks like to outright failure of the
export process. The purpose of B<lyxport> is to serve as a "smart wrapper"
around those export facilities which LyX normally uses, trying to massage the
LaTeX file that everything starts from in the hopes of having better success
in producing HTML and PDF (PostScript usually poses no problems).
B<lyxport> also allows you to keep around only the LyX file, and possibly any
ancillary figure files. B<lyxport> takes care of generating (and removing
afterwards if instructed to do so) any intermediate files necessary for the
export process.
For example, in order to make PDF from a LaTeX file, any included eps figures
need to be converted to pdf format. But LyX likes to have the figures in eps
format for on-screen display, which is a great feature to have. B<lyxport>
allows you to keep your LyX file as usual (with references to .eps figures)
and will make .pdf versions of any included figure on the fly as needed. You
can even ask it to remove those pdf files after it finishes, if you really
want to maintain a minimum of files around (though it will have to remake them
again if you ever need to update your pdf exported document).
=head2 Command line use
If you simply type B<lyxport> F<file>, it will try to make PostScript, HTML,
and PDF versions of your file, putting them all in a single directory named
F<file> (without a .lyx or .tex extension if your file had one). But it has
L<command line options|OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS> for making only the
formats you want, and fairly detailed control over its behavior.
=head2 If you don't have LyX
Despite its name, if you are a regular LaTeX user and don't even have LyX
installed in your system, B<lyxport> can still be useful to you. In fact,
B<lyxport> only uses LyX once in each run: if there is no F<file.tex> or if
F<file.lyx> file is newer than F<file.tex>, B<lyxport> updates F<file.tex>
from F<file.lyx>. But if there is no F<file.lyx> at all it will simply use
F<file.tex> and proceed with all its functionality intact.
Single letter options (preceded by a single dash B<->) can be bundled: B<-pf>
is equivalent to B<-p -f>. Long options (preceded by two dashes B<-->) can be
abbreviated to as few letters as needed to clear ambiguity.
=item B<-r --runs> I<NUM>
Set number of latex runs by hand (otherwise auto-determined).
=item B<-o --opts_l2h> I<'string'>
String with options to be passed to B<latex2html>. This string should be
protected by single quotes to allow double quotes inside of it.
For example, if you want to pass to B<latex2html> the option B<-info "my
info"> you can do so with B<lyxport -o ' -info "my info" '> (the extra spaces
around the quote marks are not needed, they are here only for the sake of
B<latex2html> has I<many> command-line options. For a project you are working
constantly on, it may be more convenient to permanently set some of those
options via a file called F<.latex2html-init> which B<latex2html> always
reads at startup. See the B<latex2html> man page or the excellent online
documentation kept at http://www-texdev.mpce.mq.edu.au/l2h/docs/manual for
full details.
=item B<-h --html>
Export to HTML.
=item B<-p --ps>
Export to PostScript.
=item B<-f --pdf>
Export to PDF. See below the section L<PDF GENERATION> for details on how to
obtain nice-looking PDF from your LaTeX sources.
If none of the three above options is specified, the default behavior is to
export I<all> three formats. If any is given, then only those formats
explicitly specified will be produced (e.g. B<-h -f> makes HTML and PDF only,
but not PostScript).
=item B<--leave>
By default lyxport moves the resulting PostScript and PDF files into the
directory containing the HTML results (if it was created). This option tells
it to leave them in the current directory.
=item B<-c --clean>
Do a clean start export, removing first any html directory, .aux, .log
and .toc files which may have been left from previous runs.
=item B<-t --tidy>
B<lyxport> will tidy up I<after> itself, removing .aux, .log and .toc files left
in the current directory. Use this only for "final" publication of documents, as
those files are otherwise useful to shorten the time of runs.
This option is incremental: you can call it twice (you can bundle it as
B<-tt>). If called twice, B<lyxport> will remove also the LaTeX file
associated with your LyX file, but I<only if> B<lyxport> I<itself created it
in the same run>. This behavior is meant to be a safety net, so that
B<lyxport> doesn't accidentally remove LaTeX files which you may have manually
modified in some way.
So if this option is called twice, you can start with a LyX file named F<file.lyx>
and end up only with your original file plus a single directory named F<file> which
will contain F<file.html>, F<file.ps> and F<file.pdf> (plus some ancillary stuff for
the html version). This mode of operation is obviously provided for the neatness
freaks amongst us.
=item B<-d --debug>
Debugging mode: B<lyxport> will leave I<all> temporary files it creates lying
around. If a particular target refuses to build, you can then try to run the
respective commands on the temporary files manually, and possibly diagnose the
source of the problem.
This option will override any calls made to option B<--tidy>.
=item B<-l --cld>
Special command-line debugging mode: only prints (in a rather primitive form)
the names and values of all command-line options which were set. Useful for
finding problems with complicated option strings being passed to
=item B<--help>
Print this help and quit.
=item B<-m --man>
Print a complete man page. B<lyxport> is documented using embedded pod
strings, so you can see its full documentation using the command B<perldoc
You can also convert this documentation to other formats using the
I<pod2_anything> family of converters (L<pod2html>, L<pod2latex>, L<pod2man>
and L<pod2text>). See their respective man pages for details.
Note that if you installed B<lyxport> properly, you should already have a man
page available, plus html and plain text versions of the documents. These are
by default installed to a directory named F</usr/local/doc/lyxport-XXX>, where
F<XXX> is the version number. At installation time, you may manually change
the F</usr/local> prefix. Consult your local documents or ask your system
administrator for details on the specifics of your configuration.
=item B<-v --version>
Print version information and quit.
=item B<filename>
The given filename may have a .lyx or .tex extension (or none at
all). I<lyxport> will update the tex file from the lyx file if necessary.
B<lyxport> accepts only I<one> filename at a time.
If you find that B<lyxport> is more succesful in exporting your files than
LyX's default calls to B<latex2html> and B<pdflatex>, you can modify LyX to
use B<lyxport> as its conversion routine. For LyX versions 1.1.6 and above, go
to C<< Edit->Preferences->Converters->Converters >> and specify B<lyxport> as your
converter for C<< LaTeX->HTML >> and C<< LaTeX->PDF >>. LyX's convention
is to call B<$$i> the current file.
For example, if you want to setup B<lyxport> to be your PDF export filter
under LyX, in the C<Converters> dialog, in the C<< LaTeX->PDF(pdflatex) >>
option, set:
lyxport --pdf $$i
This way you'll be able to export to pdf directly from within LyX, even if
your figures are in eps format.
LyX's C<Converters> dialog is a bit confusing: after making changes, you must
first press the C<Modify> button for your changes to actually be recorded, and
then C<Save>.
You can similarly set up B<lyxport> to be your LaTeX to HTML converter.
For LyX versions earlier than 1.1.6 (which didn't have the new Preferences
dialog) these same options can be configured via your LyX defaults file. See
the LyX documentation for details.
=head2 Fonts
Normally PDF documents made on Unix-type systems from LaTeX sources produce
horrible looking fonts when viewed with Adobe's own Acrobat Reader. I don't
know the many intricacies of the problem (you can search for the details on
your own). I'll simply list here the trick that has helped I<me> solve the
font problem. Try it, your mileage may vary.
=item 1
In your home directory, make (or modify it if it already exists) a file
named F<.dvipsrc> which must contain the lines:
p+ psfonts.cmz
p+ psfonts.amz
=item 2
Make sure that the LaTeX preamble of your LyX file (or the part before
C<\begin{document}> if you are using straight LaTeX files) contains:
This will guarantee that T1 encoded fonts come out looking good in the final PDF.
=head2 Figures
B<pdflatex> (if I understand correctly) only accepts filenames with a single
B<.> in them, and only uses graphic files with extensions pdf, png, jpg and
tif (all lowercase). B<lyxport> will do its best to analyze your latex file
and try to change references to figures to accommodate B<pdflatex>, by
creating temporary copies of your image files if necessary.
Ideally, you should be able to have for example a figure called F<fig.1.JPG>
along with a F<fig.1.eps> (for B<lyx> to preview it), and B<lyxport> would
export a pdf document without leaving any more files after itself, even though
it temporarily had to create F<fig_1.jpg> to make B<pdflatex> happy. As I
said, ideally... If things don't quite work, try the B<--debug> option. If you
find a fix for the problem, mail it to me: fperez@pizero.colorado.edu
=head2 Links
In order for URLs and similar elements to produce proper active links in the
PDF document, you need to include in your LaTeX preamble the line
B<lyxport> relies on some programs listed below, for the reasons indicated:
=item B<lyx>
To make LaTeX files from LyX files. Tested with lyx version 1.1.6fix1, should
work with earlier versions (perhaps with minor changes to the way LyX is called).
=item B<latex>
To produce PostScript and for latex2html to work properly (cross-references).
=item B<dvips>
For making PostScript output.
=item B<latex2html>
For generating HTML from latex sources.
=item B<pdflatex>
For making PDF output from a latex file with proper cross-referencing and
internal document links.
=item B<epstopdf>
A Perl script to automatically generate pdf versions of eps figures included
in lyx files. It is more robust in its handling of various eps quirks than a
straight call to B<ps2pdf>.
=item B<perl>
Well, it's a Perl script after all, isn't it?
However, partial use of B<lyxport> is still possible without some of these
components. If for example you don't have B<latex2html> in your system, you
can still use B<lyxport> to produce PostScript and PDF. Various combinations
are possible.
=head2 Portability
There are calls in B<lyxport> to some Unix commands like B<rm -rf>. For this
reason it is not totally portable. These calls are however reasonably few and
could be eliminated if there is enough demand by replacing them with
equivalent Perl code. It's just more work...
=head1 TO DO
=item *
Build rpm for more convenient installation.
=item *
Clean up the C<improve_tex4html()> code for readability.
=head1 VERSION
This is B<lyxport> version 0.3.1
=head1 AUTHOR
Fernando Pérez E<lt>fperez@pizero.colorado.eduE<gt>.
Please email me with comments, suggestions, bugfixes, etc.
The most current version of B<lyxport> should always be available at
Inspired on the B<lyx2html> script by Steffen Evers
E<lt>tron@cs.tu-berlin.deE<gt>. Some of the code is a blatant ripoff of
Steffen's code, using B<s2p> to get Perl versions of his original B<sed>
This program is Copyright 2001 by Fernando Pérez.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
MA 02139, USA.
If the author of this software was too lazy to include the full GPL text along
with the code, you can find it at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
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