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missed something in a doc in converting to traits-compatible API

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/ IPython / kernel / tests / engineservicetest.py
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 # encoding: utf-8
"""Test template for complete engine object"""
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
# Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# Imports
import cPickle as pickle
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.python import failure
from twisted.application import service
import zope.interface as zi
from IPython.kernel import newserialized
from IPython.kernel import error
from IPython.kernel.pickleutil import can, uncan
import IPython.kernel.engineservice as es
from IPython.kernel.core.interpreter import Interpreter
Brian E Granger
Initial work towards refactoring the setup.py scripts to accept the new ipython1 packages...
r1237 from IPython.testing.parametric import Parametric, parametric
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
# Tests
# A sequence of valid commands run through execute
validCommands = ['a=5',
'a=5; b=10; c=a+b',
'import math; 2.0*math.pi',
"""def f():
result = 0.0
for i in range(10):
result += i
'if 1<2: a=5',
"""import time
"""from math import cos;
x = 1.0*cos(0.5)""", # Semicolons lead to Discard ast nodes that should be discarded
Fernando Perez
Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ipython/+bug/284660...
r1860 """s = 1
s = set()
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 """, # Trailing whitespace should be allowed.
"""import math
math.cos(1.0)""", # Test a method call with a discarded return value
a=5; b=10""", # Test an embedded semicolon
a=5; b=10;""" # Test both an embedded and trailing semicolon
# A sequence of commands that raise various exceptions
invalidCommands = [('a=1/0',ZeroDivisionError),
('print v',NameError),
("assert 1==0",AssertionError),
("import abababsdbfsbaljasdlja",ImportError),
("raise Exception()",Exception)]
def testf(x):
return 2.0*x
globala = 99
def testg(x):
return globala*x
class IEngineCoreTestCase(object):
"""Test an IEngineCore implementer."""
def createShell(self):
return Interpreter()
def catchQueueCleared(self, f):
except error.QueueCleared:
def testIEngineCoreInterface(self):
"""Does self.engine claim to implement IEngineCore?"""
def testIEngineCoreInterfaceMethods(self):
"""Does self.engine have the methods and attributes in IEngineCore."""
for m in list(es.IEngineCore):
self.assert_(hasattr(self.engine, m))
def testIEngineCoreDeferreds(self):
d = self.engine.execute('a=5')
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull('a'))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.get_result())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.keys())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.push(dict(a=10)))
return d
def runTestExecute(self, cmd):
self.shell = Interpreter()
actual = self.shell.execute(cmd)
def compare(computed):
actual['id'] = computed['id']
self.assertEquals(actual, computed)
d = self.engine.execute(cmd)
return d
def testExecute(cls):
return [(cls.runTestExecute, cmd) for cmd in validCommands]
def runTestExecuteFailures(self, cmd, exc):
def compare(f):
self.assertRaises(exc, f.raiseException)
d = self.engine.execute(cmd)
return d
Fernando Perez
Rename two tests that had identical names to distinguish them....
r1511 def testExecuteFailuresEngineService(cls):
return [(cls.runTestExecuteFailures, cmd, exc)
for cmd, exc in invalidCommands]
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
def runTestPushPull(self, o):
d = self.engine.push(dict(a=o))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.pull('a'))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.assertEquals(o,r))
return d
def testPushPull(cls):
objs = [10,"hi there",1.2342354,{"p":(1,2)},None]
return [(cls.runTestPushPull, o) for o in objs]
def testPullNameError(self):
d = self.engine.push(dict(a=5))
d.addCallback(lambda _:self.engine.reset())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull("a"))
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(NameError, f.raiseException))
return d
def testPushPullFailures(self):
d = self.engine.pull('a')
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(NameError, f.raiseException))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.execute('l = lambda x: x'))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull('l'))
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(pickle.PicklingError, f.raiseException))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.push(dict(l=lambda x: x)))
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(pickle.PicklingError, f.raiseException))
return d
def testPushPullArray(self):
import numpy
a = numpy.random.random(1000)
d = self.engine.push(dict(a=a))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull('a'))
d.addCallback(lambda b: b==a)
d.addCallback(lambda c: c.all())
return self.assertDeferredEquals(d, True)
def testPushFunction(self):
d = self.engine.push_function(dict(f=testf))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.execute('result = f(10)'))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull('result'))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.assertEquals(r, testf(10)))
return d
def testPullFunction(self):
d = self.engine.push_function(dict(f=testf, g=testg))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull_function(('f','g')))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.assertEquals(r[0](10), testf(10)))
return d
def testPushFunctionGlobal(self):
"""Make sure that pushed functions pick up the user's namespace for globals."""
d = self.engine.push(dict(globala=globala))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.push_function(dict(g=testg)))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.execute('result = g(10)'))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull('result'))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.assertEquals(r, testg(10)))
return d
def testGetResultFailure(self):
d = self.engine.get_result(None)
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(IndexError, f.raiseException))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.get_result(10))
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(IndexError, f.raiseException))
return d
def runTestGetResult(self, cmd):
self.shell = Interpreter()
actual = self.shell.execute(cmd)
def compare(computed):
actual['id'] = computed['id']
self.assertEquals(actual, computed)
d = self.engine.execute(cmd)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.get_result(r['number']))
return d
def testGetResult(cls):
return [(cls.runTestGetResult, cmd) for cmd in validCommands]
def testGetResultDefault(self):
cmd = 'a=5'
shell = self.createShell()
shellResult = shell.execute(cmd)
def popit(dikt, key):
return dikt
d = self.engine.execute(cmd)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.get_result())
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.assertEquals(shellResult, popit(r,'id')))
return d
def testKeys(self):
d = self.engine.keys()
d.addCallback(lambda s: isinstance(s, list))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.assertEquals(r, True))
return d
class IEngineSerializedTestCase(object):
"""Test an IEngineCore implementer."""
def testIEngineSerializedInterface(self):
"""Does self.engine claim to implement IEngineCore?"""
def testIEngineSerializedInterfaceMethods(self):
Brian Granger
Tests in test_process were failing on Windows. I have create a ticket...
r1616 """Does self.engine have the methods and attributes in IEngineCore."""
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 for m in list(es.IEngineSerialized):
self.assert_(hasattr(self.engine, m))
def testIEngineSerializedDeferreds(self):
dList = []
d = self.engine.push_serialized(dict(key=newserialized.serialize(12345)))
self.assert_(isinstance(d, defer.Deferred))
d = self.engine.pull_serialized('key')
self.assert_(isinstance(d, defer.Deferred))
D = defer.DeferredList(dList)
return D
def testPushPullSerialized(self):
objs = [10,"hi there",1.2342354,{"p":(1,2)}]
d = defer.succeed(None)
for o in objs:
value = self.engine.pull_serialized('key')
value.addCallback(lambda serial: newserialized.IUnSerialized(serial).getObject())
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(value,o,d)
return d
def testPullSerializedFailures(self):
d = self.engine.pull_serialized('a')
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(NameError, f.raiseException))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.execute('l = lambda x: x'))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.pull_serialized('l'))
d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(pickle.PicklingError, f.raiseException))
return d
class IEngineQueuedTestCase(object):
"""Test an IEngineQueued implementer."""
def testIEngineQueuedInterface(self):
"""Does self.engine claim to implement IEngineQueued?"""
def testIEngineQueuedInterfaceMethods(self):
Brian Granger
Tests in test_process were failing on Windows. I have create a ticket...
r1616 """Does self.engine have the methods and attributes in IEngineQueued."""
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 for m in list(es.IEngineQueued):
self.assert_(hasattr(self.engine, m))
def testIEngineQueuedDeferreds(self):
dList = []
d = self.engine.clear_queue()
self.assert_(isinstance(d, defer.Deferred))
d = self.engine.queue_status()
self.assert_(isinstance(d, defer.Deferred))
D = defer.DeferredList(dList)
return D
def testClearQueue(self):
result = self.engine.clear_queue()
d1 = self.assertDeferredEquals(result, None)
d1.addCallback(lambda _: self.engine.queue_status())
d2 = self.assertDeferredEquals(d1, {'queue':[], 'pending':'None'})
return d2
def testQueueStatus(self):
result = self.engine.queue_status()
result.addCallback(lambda r: 'queue' in r and 'pending' in r)
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(result, True)
return d
class IEnginePropertiesTestCase(object):
"""Test an IEngineProperties implementor."""
def testIEnginePropertiesInterface(self):
"""Does self.engine claim to implement IEngineProperties?"""
def testIEnginePropertiesInterfaceMethods(self):
Brian Granger
Tests in test_process were failing on Windows. I have create a ticket...
r1616 """Does self.engine have the methods and attributes in IEngineProperties."""
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 for m in list(es.IEngineProperties):
self.assert_(hasattr(self.engine, m))
def testGetSetProperties(self):
dikt = dict(a=5, b='asdf', c=True, d=None, e=range(5))
d = self.engine.set_properties(dikt)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.get_properties())
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(d, dikt)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.get_properties(('c',)))
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(d, {'c': dikt['c']})
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.set_properties(dict(c=False)))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.get_properties(('c', 'd')))
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(d, dict(c=False, d=None))
return d
def testClearProperties(self):
dikt = dict(a=5, b='asdf', c=True, d=None, e=range(5))
d = self.engine.set_properties(dikt)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.clear_properties())
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.get_properties())
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(d, {})
return d
def testDelHasProperties(self):
dikt = dict(a=5, b='asdf', c=True, d=None, e=range(5))
d = self.engine.set_properties(dikt)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.del_properties(('b','e')))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.has_properties(('a','b','c','d','e')))
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(d, [True, False, True, True, False])
return d
def testStrictDict(self):
Brian Granger
Added comments to testStrictDict about random test failure on OS X....
r2166 s = """from IPython.kernel.engineservice import get_engine; p = get_engine(%s).properties"""%self.engine.id
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 d = self.engine.execute(s)
Brian Granger
Added comments to testStrictDict about random test failure on OS X....
r2166 # These 3 lines cause a weird testing error on some platforms (OS X).
# I am leaving them here in case they are masking some really
# weird reactor issue. For now I will just keep my eye on this.
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.execute("p['a'] = lambda _:None"))
Brian Granger
Fixing mysterious bug in IEnginePropertiesTestCase.strictDict....
r1991 d.addErrback(lambda f: self.assertRaises(error.InvalidProperty,
Brian Granger
Added comments to testStrictDict about random test failure on OS X....
r2166 # Below here seems to be fine
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.execute("p['a'] = range(5)"))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.execute("p['a'].append(5)"))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.engine.get_properties('a'))
d = self.assertDeferredEquals(d, dict(a=range(5)))
return d