##// END OF EJS Templates
updated to latest version of vim-ipython...
updated to latest version of vim-ipython ivanov/vim-ipython 1bf8afc8fbc34c282ddfc615193716c0e0dcc676 The new features include a Ctrl-C implementation for local kernels, autoupdates on idle and focus change for vim-ipython shell, the possibility to limit completefunc to a local buffer only or disable it altogether. Lots of other small bugfixes.

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384 lines | 11.5 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 # encoding: utf-8
IO related utilities.
update copyright to 2011/20xx-2011...
r5390 # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 #
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
Fernando Perez
Improve io.rprint* interface, unify usage in ipkernel....
r2856 from __future__ import print_function
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
# Imports
Brandon Parsons
moved getdefaultencoding from text to py3compat
r6653 import os
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 import sys
import tempfile
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
r7324 from StringIO import StringIO
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
# Code
class IOStream:
io.Term.cin/out/err replaced by io.stdin/out/err...
r3800 def __init__(self,stream, fallback=None):
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 if not hasattr(stream,'write') or not hasattr(stream,'flush'):
io.Term.cin/out/err replaced by io.stdin/out/err...
r3800 if fallback is not None:
stream = fallback
raise ValueError("fallback required, but not specified")
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 self.stream = stream
self._swrite = stream.write
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
io.Term.cin/out/err replaced by io.stdin/out/err...
r3800 # clone all methods not overridden:
def clone(meth):
return not hasattr(self, meth) and not meth.startswith('_')
for meth in filter(clone, dir(stream)):
setattr(self, meth, getattr(stream, meth))
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 def write(self,data):
# print handles some unicode issues which may trip a plain
Fernando Perez
Improve io.rprint* interface, unify usage in ipkernel....
r2856 # write() call. Emulate write() by using an empty end
# argument.
print(data, end='', file=self.stream)
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 except:
# if we get here, something is seriously broken.
Fernando Perez
Improve io.rprint* interface, unify usage in ipkernel....
r2856 print('ERROR - failed to write data to stream:', self.stream,
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
io.Term.cin/out/err replaced by io.stdin/out/err...
r3800 def writelines(self, lines):
if isinstance(lines, basestring):
lines = [lines]
for line in lines:
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
Brian Granger
Fixed bug in ultratb.py and io.py....
r2504 # This class used to have a writeln method, but regular files and streams
# in Python don't have this method. We need to keep this completely
# compatible so we removed it.
io.Term.cin/out/err replaced by io.stdin/out/err...
r3800 @property
def closed(self):
return self.stream.closed
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 def close(self):
Brandon Parsons
ensure a fallback exists, so use local std{in,out,err}...
r6652 # setup stdin/stdout/stderr to sys.stdin/sys.stdout/sys.stderr
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'a')
stdin = IOStream(sys.stdin, fallback=devnull)
stdout = IOStream(sys.stdout, fallback=devnull)
stderr = IOStream(sys.stderr, fallback=devnull)
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
class IOTerm:
""" Term holds the file or file-like objects for handling I/O operations.
These are normally just sys.stdin, sys.stdout and sys.stderr but for
Windows they can can replaced to allow editing the strings before they are
# In the future, having IPython channel all its I/O operations through
# this class will make it easier to embed it into other environments which
# are not a normal terminal (such as a GUI-based shell)
io.Term.cin/out/err replaced by io.stdin/out/err...
r3800 def __init__(self, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
Brandon Parsons
ensure a fallback exists, so use local std{in,out,err}...
r6652 mymodule = sys.modules[__name__]
self.stdin = IOStream(stdin, mymodule.stdin)
self.stdout = IOStream(stdout, mymodule.stdout)
self.stderr = IOStream(stderr, mymodule.stderr)
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
class Tee(object):
"""A class to duplicate an output stream to stdout/err.
This works in a manner very similar to the Unix 'tee' command.
When the object is closed or deleted, it closes the original file given to
it for duplication.
# Inspired by:
# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2007-May/442737.html
Thomas Kluyver
Fixes to utils.io.Tee
r4763 def __init__(self, file_or_name, mode="w", channel='stdout'):
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 """Construct a new Tee object.
file_or_name : filename or open filehandle (writable)
File that will be duplicated
mode : optional, valid mode for open().
If a filename was give, open with this mode.
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
r4872 channel : str, one of ['stdout', 'stderr']
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 """
if channel not in ['stdout', 'stderr']:
raise ValueError('Invalid channel spec %s' % channel)
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
Thomas Kluyver
Fixes to utils.io.Tee
r4763 if hasattr(file_or_name, 'write') and hasattr(file_or_name, 'seek'):
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 self.file = file_or_name
self.file = open(file_or_name, mode)
self.channel = channel
self.ostream = getattr(sys, channel)
setattr(sys, channel, self)
self._closed = False
def close(self):
"""Close the file and restore the channel."""
setattr(sys, self.channel, self.ostream)
self._closed = True
def write(self, data):
"""Write data to both channels."""
def flush(self):
"""Flush both channels."""
def __del__(self):
if not self._closed:
def file_read(filename):
"""Read a file and close it. Returns the file source."""
fobj = open(filename,'r');
source = fobj.read();
return source
def file_readlines(filename):
"""Read a file and close it. Returns the file source using readlines()."""
fobj = open(filename,'r');
lines = fobj.readlines();
return lines
def raw_input_multi(header='', ps1='==> ', ps2='..> ',terminate_str = '.'):
"""Take multiple lines of input.
A list with each line of input as a separate element is returned when a
termination string is entered (defaults to a single '.'). Input can also
terminate via EOF (^D in Unix, ^Z-RET in Windows).
Lines of input which end in \\ are joined into single entries (and a
secondary continuation prompt is issued as long as the user terminates
lines with \\). This allows entering very long strings which are still
meant to be treated as single entities.
if header:
header += '\n'
lines = [raw_input(header + ps1)]
except EOFError:
return []
terminate = [terminate_str]
while lines[-1:] != terminate:
new_line = raw_input(ps1)
while new_line.endswith('\\'):
new_line = new_line[:-1] + raw_input(ps2)
return lines[:-1] # don't return the termination command
except EOFError:
Thomas Spura
Fix bare print calls that were missing '()'....
r4430 print()
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 return lines
def raw_input_ext(prompt='', ps2='... '):
"""Similar to raw_input(), but accepts extended lines if input ends with \\."""
line = raw_input(prompt)
while line.endswith('\\'):
line = line[:-1] + raw_input(ps2)
return line
def ask_yes_no(prompt,default=None):
"""Asks a question and returns a boolean (y/n) answer.
If default is given (one of 'y','n'), it is used if the user input is
empty. Otherwise the question is repeated until an answer is given.
An EOF is treated as the default answer. If there is no default, an
exception is raised to prevent infinite loops.
Valid answers are: y/yes/n/no (match is not case sensitive)."""
answers = {'y':True,'n':False,'yes':True,'no':False}
ans = None
while ans not in answers.keys():
ans = raw_input(prompt+' ').lower()
if not ans: # response was an empty string
ans = default
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except EOFError:
if default in answers.keys():
ans = default
Thomas Spura
Fix bare print calls that were missing '()'....
r4430 print()
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 else:
return answers[ans]
class NLprinter:
"""Print an arbitrarily nested list, indicating index numbers.
An instance of this class called nlprint is available and callable as a
nlprint(list,indent=' ',sep=': ') -> prints indenting each level by 'indent'
and using 'sep' to separate the index from the value. """
def __init__(self):
self.depth = 0
def __call__(self,lst,pos='',**kw):
"""Prints the nested list numbering levels."""
kw.setdefault('indent',' ')
kw.setdefault('sep',': ')
# we need to remove start and stop from kw so they don't propagate
# into a recursive call for a nested list.
start = kw['start']; del kw['start']
stop = kw['stop']; del kw['stop']
if self.depth == 0 and 'header' in kw.keys():
Fernando Perez
Improve io.rprint* interface, unify usage in ipkernel....
r2856 print(kw['header'])
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
for idx in range(start,stop):
elem = lst[idx]
Thomas Kluyver
Simplify IPython.utils.NLPrinter
r4051 newpos = pos + str(idx)
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 if type(elem)==type([]):
self.depth += 1
Thomas Kluyver
Simplify IPython.utils.NLPrinter
r4051 self.__call__(elem, newpos+",", **kw)
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
r2498 self.depth -= 1
Thomas Kluyver
Simplify IPython.utils.NLPrinter
r4051 print(kw['indent']*self.depth + newpos + kw["sep"] + repr(elem))
Brian Granger
Work to address the review comments on Fernando's branch....
nlprint = NLprinter()
def temp_pyfile(src, ext='.py'):
"""Make a temporary python file, return filename and filehandle.
src : string or list of strings (no need for ending newlines if list)
Source code to be written to the file.
ext : optional, string
Extension for the generated file.
(filename, open filehandle)
It is the caller's responsibility to close the open file and unlink it.
fname = tempfile.mkstemp(ext)[1]
f = open(fname,'w')
return fname, f
Fernando Perez
Provide cleaner names for raw print utilities.
r2874 def raw_print(*args, **kw):
"""Raw print to sys.__stdout__, otherwise identical interface to print()."""
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
Fernando Perez
Improve io.rprint* interface, unify usage in ipkernel....
r2856 print(*args, sep=kw.get('sep', ' '), end=kw.get('end', '\n'),
Fernando Perez
Provide cleaner names for raw print utilities.
r2874 def raw_print_err(*args, **kw):
"""Raw print to sys.__stderr__, otherwise identical interface to print()."""
Bernardo B. Marques
remove all trailling spaces
Fernando Perez
Improve io.rprint* interface, unify usage in ipkernel....
r2856 print(*args, sep=kw.get('sep', ' '), end=kw.get('end', '\n'),
Fernando Perez
Improvements to exception handling to transport structured tracebacks....
r2838 sys.__stderr__.flush()
Fernando Perez
Provide cleaner names for raw print utilities.
# Short aliases for quick debugging, do NOT use these in production code.
rprint = raw_print
rprinte = raw_print_err
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
class CapturedIO(object):
"""Simple object for containing captured stdout/err StringIO objects"""
def __init__(self, stdout, stderr):
update capture per review...
r7408 self._stdout = stdout
self._stderr = stderr
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
str(CapturedIO) gives stdout
r7410 def __str__(self):
return self.stdout
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
r7324 @property
def stdout(self):
update capture per review...
r7408 if not self._stdout:
return ''
return self._stdout.getvalue()
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
def stderr(self):
update capture per review...
r7408 if not self._stderr:
return ''
return self._stderr.getvalue()
def show(self):
"""write my output to sys.stdout/err as appropriate"""
__call__ = show
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
class capture_output(object):
"""context manager for capturing stdout/err"""
update capture per review...
r7408 stdout = True
stderr = True
def __init__(self, stdout=True, stderr=True):
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
def __enter__(self):
self.sys_stdout = sys.stdout
self.sys_stderr = sys.stderr
update capture per review...
stdout = stderr = False
if self.stdout:
stdout = sys.stdout = StringIO()
if self.stderr:
stderr = sys.stderr = StringIO()
move capture_output util from parallel tests to utils.io
r7324 return CapturedIO(stdout, stderr)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
sys.stdout = self.sys_stdout
sys.stderr = self.sys_stderr