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Fixed a race-condition in subprocess execution....
Fixed a race-condition in subprocess execution. Renamed wipython to ipythonx.

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780 lines | 29.5 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
Brian E Granger
This is a manual merge of certain things in the ipython1-dev branch, revision 46, into the main ...
r1234 # encoding: utf-8
# -*- test-case-name: IPython.kernel.test.test_multiengine -*-
"""Adapt the IPython ControllerServer to IMultiEngine.
This module provides classes that adapt a ControllerService to the
IMultiEngine interface. This interface is a basic interactive interface
for working with a set of engines where it is desired to have explicit
access to each registered engine.
The classes here are exposed to the network in files like:
* multienginevanilla.py
* multienginepb.py
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
# Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# Imports
from new import instancemethod
from types import FunctionType
from twisted.application import service
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.python import log, components, failure
from zope.interface import Interface, implements, Attribute
from IPython.tools import growl
from IPython.kernel.util import printer
from IPython.kernel.twistedutil import gatherBoth
from IPython.kernel import map as Map
from IPython.kernel import error
from IPython.kernel.pendingdeferred import PendingDeferredManager, two_phase
from IPython.kernel.controllerservice import \
ControllerAdapterBase, \
ControllerService, \
# Interfaces for the MultiEngine representation of a controller
class IEngineMultiplexer(Interface):
"""Interface to multiple engines implementing IEngineCore/Serialized/Queued.
This class simply acts as a multiplexer of methods that are in the
various IEngines* interfaces. Thus the methods here are jut like those
in the IEngine* interfaces, but with an extra first argument, targets.
The targets argument can have the following forms:
* targets = 10 # Engines are indexed by ints
* targets = [0,1,2,3] # A list of ints
* targets = 'all' # A string to indicate all targets
If targets is bad in any way, an InvalidEngineID will be raised. This
includes engines not being registered.
All IEngineMultiplexer multiplexer methods must return a Deferred to a list
with length equal to the number of targets. The elements of the list will
correspond to the return of the corresponding IEngine method.
Failures are aggressive, meaning that if an action fails for any target,
the overall action will fail immediately with that Failure.
targets : int, list of ints, or 'all'
Engine ids the action will apply to.
:Returns: Deferred to a list of results for each engine.
If the targets argument is bad or engines aren't registered.
If there are no engines registered and targets='all'
# Mutiplexed methods
def execute(lines, targets='all'):
"""Execute lines of Python code on targets.
See the class docstring for information about targets and possible
exceptions this method can raise.
lines : str
String of python code to be executed on targets.
def push(namespace, targets='all'):
"""Push dict namespace into the user's namespace on targets.
See the class docstring for information about targets and possible
exceptions this method can raise.
namspace : dict
Dict of key value pairs to be put into the users namspace.
def pull(keys, targets='all'):
"""Pull values out of the user's namespace on targets by keys.
See the class docstring for information about targets and possible
exceptions this method can raise.
keys : tuple of strings
Sequence of keys to be pulled from user's namespace.
def push_function(namespace, targets='all'):
def pull_function(keys, targets='all'):
def get_result(i=None, targets='all'):
"""Get the result for command i from targets.
See the class docstring for information about targets and possible
exceptions this method can raise.
i : int or None
Command index or None to indicate most recent command.
def reset(targets='all'):
"""Reset targets.
This clears the users namespace of the Engines, but won't cause
modules to be reloaded.
def keys(targets='all'):
"""Get variable names defined in user's namespace on targets."""
def kill(controller=False, targets='all'):
"""Kill the targets Engines and possibly the controller.
controller : boolean
Should the controller be killed as well. If so all the
engines will be killed first no matter what targets is.
def push_serialized(namespace, targets='all'):
"""Push a namespace of Serialized objects to targets.
namespace : dict
A dict whose keys are the variable names and whose values
are serialized version of the objects.
def pull_serialized(keys, targets='all'):
"""Pull Serialized objects by keys from targets.
keys : tuple of strings
Sequence of variable names to pull as serialized objects.
def clear_queue(targets='all'):
"""Clear the queue of pending command for targets."""
def queue_status(targets='all'):
"""Get the status of the queue on the targets."""
def set_properties(properties, targets='all'):
"""set properties by key and value"""
def get_properties(keys=None, targets='all'):
"""get a list of properties by `keys`, if no keys specified, get all"""
def del_properties(keys, targets='all'):
"""delete properties by `keys`"""
def has_properties(keys, targets='all'):
"""get a list of bool values for whether `properties` has `keys`"""
def clear_properties(targets='all'):
"""clear the properties dict"""
class IMultiEngine(IEngineMultiplexer):
"""A controller that exposes an explicit interface to all of its engines.
This is the primary inteface for interactive usage.
def get_ids():
"""Return list of currently registered ids.
:Returns: A Deferred to a list of registered engine ids.
# Implementation of the core MultiEngine classes
class MultiEngine(ControllerAdapterBase):
"""The representation of a ControllerService as a IMultiEngine.
Although it is not implemented currently, this class would be where a
client/notification API is implemented. It could inherit from something
like results.NotifierParent and then use the notify method to send
def __init(self, controller):
ControllerAdapterBase.__init__(self, controller)
# Helper methods
def engineList(self, targets):
"""Parse the targets argument into a list of valid engine objects.
targets : int, list of ints or 'all'
The targets argument to be parsed.
:Returns: List of engine objects.
If targets is not valid or if an engine is not registered.
if isinstance(targets, int):
if targets not in self.engines.keys():
log.msg("Engine with id %i is not registered" % targets)
raise error.InvalidEngineID("Engine with id %i is not registered" % targets)
return [self.engines[targets]]
elif isinstance(targets, (list, tuple)):
for id in targets:
if id not in self.engines.keys():
log.msg("Engine with id %r is not registered" % id)
raise error.InvalidEngineID("Engine with id %r is not registered" % id)
return map(self.engines.get, targets)
elif targets == 'all':
eList = self.engines.values()
if len(eList) == 0:
msg = """There are no engines registered.
Check the logs in ~/.ipython/log if you think there should have been."""
raise error.NoEnginesRegistered(msg)
return eList
raise error.InvalidEngineID("targets argument is not an int, list of ints or 'all': %r"%targets)
def _performOnEngines(self, methodName, *args, **kwargs):
"""Calls a method on engines and returns deferred to list of results.
methodName : str
Name of the method to be called.
targets : int, list of ints, 'all'
The targets argument to be parsed into a list of engine objects.
The positional keyword arguments to be passed to the engines.
The keyword arguments passed to the method
:Returns: List of deferreds to the results on each engine
If the targets argument is bad in any way.
If the method doesn't exist on one of the engines.
targets = kwargs.pop('targets')
log.msg("Performing %s on %r" % (methodName, targets))
# log.msg("Performing %s(%r, %r) on %r" % (methodName, args, kwargs, targets))
# This will and should raise if targets is not valid!
engines = self.engineList(targets)
dList = []
for e in engines:
meth = getattr(e, methodName, None)
if meth is not None:
dList.append(meth(*args, **kwargs))
raise AttributeError("Engine %i does not have method %s" % (e.id, methodName))
return dList
def _performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth(self, methodName, *args, **kwargs):
"""Called _performOnEngines and wraps result/exception into deferred."""
dList = self._performOnEngines(methodName, *args, **kwargs)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, KeyError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
# Having fireOnOneErrback is causing problems with the determinacy
# of the system. Basically, once a single engine has errbacked, this
# method returns. In some cases, this will cause client to submit
# another command. Because the previous command is still running
# on some engines, this command will be queued. When those commands
# then errback, the second command will raise QueueCleared. Ahhh!
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, methodName)
return d
# General IMultiEngine methods
def get_ids(self):
return defer.succeed(self.engines.keys())
# IEngineMultiplexer methods
def execute(self, lines, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('execute', lines, targets=targets)
def push(self, ns, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('push', ns, targets=targets)
def pull(self, keys, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('pull', keys, targets=targets)
def push_function(self, ns, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('push_function', ns, targets=targets)
def pull_function(self, keys, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('pull_function', keys, targets=targets)
def get_result(self, i=None, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('get_result', i, targets=targets)
def reset(self, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('reset', targets=targets)
def keys(self, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('keys', targets=targets)
def kill(self, controller=False, targets='all'):
if controller:
targets = 'all'
d = self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('kill', targets=targets)
if controller:
log.msg("Killing controller")
d.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.callLater(2.0, reactor.stop))
# Consume any weird stuff coming back
d.addBoth(lambda _: None)
return d
def push_serialized(self, namespace, targets='all'):
for k, v in namespace.iteritems():
log.msg("Pushed object %s is %f MB" % (k, v.getDataSize()))
d = self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('push_serialized', namespace, targets=targets)
return d
def pull_serialized(self, keys, targets='all'):
dList = self._performOnEngines('pull_serialized', keys, targets=targets)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
for d in dList:
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'pull_serialized')
return d
def _logSizes(self, listOfSerialized):
if isinstance(listOfSerialized, (list, tuple)):
for s in listOfSerialized:
log.msg("Pulled object is %f MB" % s.getDataSize())
log.msg("Pulled object is %f MB" % listOfSerialized.getDataSize())
return listOfSerialized
def clear_queue(self, targets='all'):
return self._performOnEnginesAndGatherBoth('clear_queue', targets=targets)
def queue_status(self, targets='all'):
log.msg("Getting queue status on %r" % targets)
engines = self.engineList(targets)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
dList = []
for e in engines:
dList.append(e.queue_status().addCallback(lambda s:(e.id, s)))
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'queue_status')
return d
def get_properties(self, keys=None, targets='all'):
log.msg("Getting properties on %r" % targets)
engines = self.engineList(targets)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
dList = [e.get_properties(keys) for e in engines]
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'get_properties')
return d
def set_properties(self, properties, targets='all'):
log.msg("Setting properties on %r" % targets)
engines = self.engineList(targets)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
dList = [e.set_properties(properties) for e in engines]
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'set_properties')
return d
def has_properties(self, keys, targets='all'):
log.msg("Checking properties on %r" % targets)
engines = self.engineList(targets)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
dList = [e.has_properties(keys) for e in engines]
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'has_properties')
return d
def del_properties(self, keys, targets='all'):
log.msg("Deleting properties on %r" % targets)
engines = self.engineList(targets)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
dList = [e.del_properties(keys) for e in engines]
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'del_properties')
return d
def clear_properties(self, targets='all'):
log.msg("Clearing properties on %r" % targets)
engines = self.engineList(targets)
except (error.InvalidEngineID, AttributeError, error.NoEnginesRegistered):
return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
dList = [e.clear_properties() for e in engines]
d = gatherBoth(dList,
d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'clear_properties')
return d
# Interfaces for the Synchronous MultiEngine
class ISynchronousEngineMultiplexer(Interface):
class ISynchronousMultiEngine(ISynchronousEngineMultiplexer):
"""Synchronous, two-phase version of IMultiEngine.
Methods in this interface are identical to those of IMultiEngine, but they
take one additional argument:
execute(lines, targets='all') -> execute(lines, targets='all, block=True)
block : boolean
Should the method return a deferred to a deferredID or the
actual result. If block=False a deferred to a deferredID is
returned and the user must call `get_pending_deferred` at a later
point. If block=True, a deferred to the actual result comes back.
def get_pending_deferred(deferredID, block=True):
def clear_pending_deferreds():
# Implementation of the Synchronous MultiEngine
class SynchronousMultiEngine(PendingDeferredManager):
"""Adapt an `IMultiEngine` -> `ISynchronousMultiEngine`
Warning, this class uses a decorator that currently uses **kwargs.
Because of this block must be passed as a kwarg, not positionally.
def __init__(self, multiengine):
self.multiengine = multiengine
# Decorated pending deferred methods
def execute(self, lines, targets='all'):
d = self.multiengine.execute(lines, targets)
return d
def push(self, namespace, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.push(namespace, targets)
def pull(self, keys, targets='all'):
d = self.multiengine.pull(keys, targets)
return d
def push_function(self, namespace, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.push_function(namespace, targets)
def pull_function(self, keys, targets='all'):
d = self.multiengine.pull_function(keys, targets)
return d
def get_result(self, i=None, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.get_result(i, targets='all')
def reset(self, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.reset(targets)
def keys(self, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.keys(targets)
def kill(self, controller=False, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.kill(controller, targets)
def push_serialized(self, namespace, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.push_serialized(namespace, targets)
def pull_serialized(self, keys, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.pull_serialized(keys, targets)
def clear_queue(self, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.clear_queue(targets)
def queue_status(self, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.queue_status(targets)
def set_properties(self, properties, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.set_properties(properties, targets)
def get_properties(self, keys=None, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.get_properties(keys, targets)
def has_properties(self, keys, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.has_properties(keys, targets)
def del_properties(self, keys, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.del_properties(keys, targets)
def clear_properties(self, targets='all'):
return self.multiengine.clear_properties(targets)
# IMultiEngine methods
def get_ids(self):
"""Return a list of registered engine ids.
Never use the two phase block/non-block stuff for this.
return self.multiengine.get_ids()
components.registerAdapter(SynchronousMultiEngine, IMultiEngine, ISynchronousMultiEngine)
# Various high-level interfaces that can be used as MultiEngine mix-ins
# IMultiEngineCoordinator
class IMultiEngineCoordinator(Interface):
"""Methods that work on multiple engines explicitly."""
def scatter(key, seq, style='basic', flatten=False, targets='all'):
"""Partition and distribute a sequence to targets.
key : str
The variable name to call the scattered sequence.
seq : list, tuple, array
The sequence to scatter. The type should be preserved.
style : string
A specification of how the sequence is partitioned. Currently
only 'basic' is implemented.
flatten : boolean
Should single element sequences be converted to scalars.
def gather(key, style='basic', targets='all'):
"""Gather object key from targets.
key : string
The name of a sequence on the targets to gather.
style : string
A specification of how the sequence is partitioned. Currently
only 'basic' is implemented.
def map(func, seq, style='basic', targets='all'):
"""A parallelized version of Python's builtin map.
This function implements the following pattern:
1. The sequence seq is scattered to the given targets.
2. map(functionSource, seq) is called on each engine.
3. The resulting sequences are gathered back to the local machine.
targets : int, list or 'all'
The engine ids the action will apply to. Call `get_ids` to see
a list of currently available engines.
func : str, function
An actual function object or a Python string that names a
callable defined on the engines.
seq : list, tuple or numpy array
The local sequence to be scattered.
style : str
Only 'basic' is supported for now.
:Returns: A list of len(seq) with functionSource called on each element
of seq.
>>> rc.mapAll('lambda x: x*x', range(10000))
class ISynchronousMultiEngineCoordinator(IMultiEngineCoordinator):
"""Methods that work on multiple engines explicitly."""
# IMultiEngineExtras
class IMultiEngineExtras(Interface):
def zip_pull(targets, *keys):
"""Pull, but return results in a different format from `pull`.
This method basically returns zip(pull(targets, *keys)), with a few
edge cases handled differently. Users of chainsaw will find this format
targets : int, list or 'all'
The engine ids the action will apply to. Call `get_ids` to see
a list of currently available engines.
keys: list or tuple of str
A list of variable names as string of the Python objects to be pulled
back to the client.
:Returns: A list of pulled Python objects for each target.
def run(targets, fname):
"""Run a .py file on targets.
targets : int, list or 'all'
The engine ids the action will apply to. Call `get_ids` to see
a list of currently available engines.
fname : str
The filename of a .py file on the local system to be sent to and run
on the engines.
block : boolean
Should I block or not. If block=True, wait for the action to
complete and return the result. If block=False, return a
`PendingResult` object that can be used to later get the
result. If block is not specified, the block attribute
will be used instead.
class ISynchronousMultiEngineExtras(IMultiEngineExtras):
# The full MultiEngine interface
class IFullMultiEngine(IMultiEngine,
class IFullSynchronousMultiEngine(ISynchronousMultiEngine,