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Merge pull request #1946 from tkf/terminal-image-handler Add image message handler in ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell This change introduces several handlers for messages which contain image in ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell. This is useful, for example, when connecting to the kernel in which pylab inline backend is activated. This PR will fix #1575.

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<title>CodeMirror: sTeX mode</title>
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<h1>CodeMirror: sTeX mode</h1>
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\frametitle{Size Lemma for Balanced Trees}
Let $G=\tup{V,E}$ be a \termref[cd=binary-trees]{balanced binary tree}
of \termref[cd=graph-depth,name=vertex-depth]{depth}$n>i$, then the set
$\defeq{\livar{V}i}{\setst{\inset{v}{V}}{\gdepth{v} = i}}$ of
\termref[cd=graphs-intro,name=node]{nodes} at
\termref[cd=graph-depth,name=vertex-depth]{depth} $i$ has
\termref[cd=cardinality,name=cardinality]{cardinality} $\power2i$.
\begin{sproof}[id=size-lemma-pf,proofend=,for=size-lemma]{via induction over the depth $i$.}
\begin{spfcases}{We have to consider two cases}
then $\livar{V}i=\set{\livar{v}r}$, where $\livar{v}r$ is the root, so
then $\livar{V}{i-1}$ contains $\power2{i-1}$ vertexes
By the \begin{justification}[method=byDef]definition of a binary
tree\end{justification}, each $\inset{v}{\livar{V}{i-1}}$ is a leaf or has
two children that are at depth $i$.
As $G$ is \termref[cd=balanced-binary-trees,name=balanced-binary-tree]{balanced} and $\gdepth{G}=n>i$, $\livar{V}{i-1}$ cannot contain
Thus $\eq{\card{\livar{V}i},{\atimes[cdot]{2,\card{\livar{V}{i-1}}}},{\atimes[cdot]{2,\power2{i-1}}},\power2i}$.
A fully balanced tree of depth $d$ has $\power2{d+1}-1$ nodes.
Let $\defeq{G}{\tup{V,E}}$ be a fully balanced tree
Then $\card{V}=\Sumfromto{i}1d{\power2i}= \power2{d+1}-1$.
This shows that balanced binary trees grow in breadth very quickly, a consequence of
this is that they are very shallow (and this compute very fast), which is the essence of
the next result.
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var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {});
<p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>text/x-stex</code>.</p>