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Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 import errno
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
remove python2 specific code
r23064 from unittest.mock import patch
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
Matthias Bussonnier
MAINT: cleanup imports of tempdir....
r27509 from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from testpath import assert_isdir, assert_isfile, modified_env
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
from IPython import paths
from IPython.testing.decorators import skip_win32
Kenneth Hoste
resolve path to temporary directory to ensure that 'assert_equal' tests also work when $TMPDIR is a symlink
r22812 TMP_TEST_DIR = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 HOME_TEST_DIR = os.path.join(TMP_TEST_DIR, "home_test_dir")
XDG_TEST_DIR = os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR, "xdg_test_dir")
XDG_CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR, "xdg_cache_dir")
IP_TEST_DIR = os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR,'.ipython')
Matthias Bussonnier
Use module level setup and teardown compatible both nose and pytest....
r25082 def setup_module():
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 """Setup testenvironment for the module:
- Adds dummy home dir tree
# Do not mask exceptions here. In particular, catching WindowsError is a
# problem because that exception is only defined on Windows...
os.makedirs(os.path.join(XDG_TEST_DIR, 'ipython'))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(XDG_CACHE_DIR, 'ipython'))
Matthias Bussonnier
Use module level setup and teardown compatible both nose and pytest....
r25082 def teardown_module():
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 """Teardown testenvironment for the module:
- Remove dummy home dir tree
# Note: we remove the parent test dir, which is the root of all test
# subdirs we may have created. Use shutil instead of os.removedirs, so
# that non-empty directories are all recursively removed.
def patch_get_home_dir(dirpath):
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 return patch.object(paths, 'get_home_dir', return_value=dirpath)
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_dir_1():
"""test_get_ipython_dir_1, Testcase to see if we can call get_ipython_dir without Exceptions."""
env_ipdir = os.path.join("someplace", ".ipython")
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 with patch.object(paths, '_writable_dir', return_value=True), \
modified_env({'IPYTHONDIR': env_ipdir}):
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
r21332 ipdir = paths.get_ipython_dir()
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert ipdir == env_ipdir
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_dir_2():
"""test_get_ipython_dir_2, Testcase to see if we can call get_ipython_dir without Exceptions."""
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 with patch_get_home_dir('someplace'), \
patch.object(paths, 'get_xdg_dir', return_value=None), \
patch.object(paths, '_writable_dir', return_value=True), \
patch('os.name', "posix"), \
modified_env({'IPYTHON_DIR': None,
ipdir = paths.get_ipython_dir()
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert ipdir == os.path.join("someplace", ".ipython")
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_dir_3():
Julien Rabinow
fix broken tests around xdg_dirs
r26956 """test_get_ipython_dir_3, use XDG if defined and exists, and .ipython doesn't exist."""
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 tmphome = TemporaryDirectory()
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 with patch_get_home_dir(tmphome.name), \
patch('os.name', 'posix'), \
}), warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
ipdir = paths.get_ipython_dir()
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
Julien Rabinow
fix broken tests around xdg_dirs
r26956 assert ipdir == os.path.join(tmphome.name, XDG_TEST_DIR, "ipython")
assert len(w) == 0
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 finally:
def test_get_ipython_dir_4():
"""test_get_ipython_dir_4, warn if XDG and home both exist."""
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 with patch_get_home_dir(HOME_TEST_DIR), \
patch('os.name', 'posix'):
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 try:
os.mkdir(os.path.join(XDG_TEST_DIR, 'ipython'))
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
with modified_env({
}), warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 ipdir = paths.get_ipython_dir()
Julien Rabinow
fix broken tests around xdg_dirs
r26956 assert len(w) == 1
assert "Ignoring" in str(w[0])
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_dir_5():
"""test_get_ipython_dir_5, use .ipython if exists and XDG defined, but doesn't exist."""
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 with patch_get_home_dir(HOME_TEST_DIR), \
patch('os.name', 'posix'):
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
r21041 try:
os.rmdir(os.path.join(XDG_TEST_DIR, 'ipython'))
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
with modified_env({
ipdir = paths.get_ipython_dir()
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert ipdir == IP_TEST_DIR
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_dir_6():
"""test_get_ipython_dir_6, use home over XDG if defined and neither exist."""
xdg = os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR, 'somexdg')
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR, '.ipython'))
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 print(paths._writable_dir)
with patch_get_home_dir(HOME_TEST_DIR), \
patch.object(paths, 'get_xdg_dir', return_value=xdg), \
patch('os.name', 'posix'), \
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
r21332 'IPYTHON_DIR': None,
}), warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 ipdir = paths.get_ipython_dir()
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert ipdir == os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR, ".ipython")
assert len(w) == 0
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_dir_7():
"""test_get_ipython_dir_7, test home directory expansion on IPYTHONDIR"""
home_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser('~'))
Thomas Kluyver
Use mock for monkeypatching instead of handcoding it
r21333 with modified_env({'IPYTHONDIR': os.path.join('~', 'somewhere')}), \
patch.object(paths, '_writable_dir', return_value=True):
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
r21332 ipdir = paths.get_ipython_dir()
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert ipdir == os.path.join(home_dir, "somewhere")
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_dir_8():
"""test_get_ipython_dir_8, test / home directory"""
Bibo Hao
lint - use double quote
r26839 if not os.access("/", os.W_OK):
Bibo Hao
update test case for writable folder
r26837 # test only when HOME directory actually writable
M Bussonnier
r28941 with (
patch.object(paths, "_writable_dir", lambda path: bool(path)),
patch.object(paths, "get_xdg_dir", return_value=None),
"HOME": "/",
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 ):
assert paths.get_ipython_dir() == "/.ipython"
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_cache_dir():
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
r21332 with modified_env({'HOME': HOME_TEST_DIR}):
Julien Rabinow
fix broken tests around xdg_dirs
r26956 if os.name == "posix":
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
r21332 # test default
os.makedirs(os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR, ".cache"))
with modified_env({'XDG_CACHE_HOME': None}):
ipdir = paths.get_ipython_cache_dir()
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert os.path.join(HOME_TEST_DIR, ".cache", "ipython") == ipdir
Thomas Kluyver
Use assert_isdir and assert_isfile...
r21334 assert_isdir(ipdir)
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
# test env override
with modified_env({"XDG_CACHE_HOME": XDG_CACHE_DIR}):
ipdir = paths.get_ipython_cache_dir()
Thomas Kluyver
Use assert_isdir and assert_isfile...
r21334 assert_isdir(ipdir)
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert ipdir == os.path.join(XDG_CACHE_DIR, "ipython")
Thomas Kluyver
Use testpath to temporarily modify environment variables
r21332 else:
Samuel Gaist
[core][tests][paths] Remove nose
r26905 assert paths.get_ipython_cache_dir() == paths.get_ipython_dir()
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_package_dir():
ipdir = paths.get_ipython_package_dir()
Thomas Kluyver
Use assert_isdir and assert_isfile...
r21334 assert_isdir(ipdir)
Thomas Kluyver
Move tests for IPython.paths
def test_get_ipython_module_path():
ipapp_path = paths.get_ipython_module_path('IPython.terminal.ipapp')
Thomas Kluyver
Use assert_isdir and assert_isfile...
r21334 assert_isfile(ipapp_path)