##// END OF EJS Templates
Partly revert "remove now-obsolete use of skip_doctest outside core"...
Partly revert "remove now-obsolete use of skip_doctest outside core" This partly reverts commit 02234da0d461f5ddee142d51952dc10a86b8074e. test_decorators.py is intended to test skip_doctest, the removing was wrong.

File last commit:

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16 lines | 495 B | text/x-minidsrc | MarkdownLexer
Matthias Bussonnier
Update issue templates
r26021 ---
name: Bug report / Question / Feature
about: Anything related to IPython itsel
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''
<!-- This is the repository for IPython command line, if you can try to make sure this question/bug/feature belong here and not on one of the Jupyter repositories.
If it's a generic Python/Jupyter question, try other forums or discourse.jupyter.org.
If you are unsure, it's ok to post here, though, there are few maintainer so you might not get a fast response.