diff --git a/docs/autogen_api.py b/docs/autogen_api.py
index 9709568..26aade7 100755
--- a/docs/autogen_api.py
+++ b/docs/autogen_api.py
@@ -63,4 +63,4 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     docwriter.write_index(outdir, 'gen.rst',
                           relative_to = pjoin('source','api')
-    print '%d files written' % len(docwriter.written_modules)
+    print ('%d files written' % len(docwriter.written_modules))
diff --git a/docs/sphinxext/apigen.py b/docs/sphinxext/apigen.py
index e655adb..dd5d459 100644
--- a/docs/sphinxext/apigen.py
+++ b/docs/sphinxext/apigen.py
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ NOTE: this is a modified version of a script originally shipped with the
 PyMVPA project, which we've adapted for NIPY use.  PyMVPA is an MIT-licensed
+from __future__ import print_function
 # Stdlib imports
 import ast
 import os
@@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ class ApiDocWriter(object):
         # get the names of all classes and functions
         functions, classes = self._parse_module(uri)
         if not len(functions) and not len(classes):
-            print 'WARNING: Empty -',uri  # dbg
+            print ('WARNING: Empty -', uri)  # dbg
             return ''
         # Make a shorter version of the uri that omits the package name for