diff --git a/IPython/extensions/parallelmagic.py b/IPython/extensions/parallelmagic.py
index a6885bb..da29a4c 100644
--- a/IPython/extensions/parallelmagic.py
+++ b/IPython/extensions/parallelmagic.py
@@ -4,23 +4,7 @@
-Magic command interface for interactive parallel work.
+Deprecated, parallel magics are no longer an extension.
@@ -30,361 +14,7 @@ Usage
 #  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
-# Imports
-import ast
-import re
-from IPython.core.error import UsageError
-from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic, cell_magic
-from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest
-# Definitions of magic functions for use with IPython
-NO_ACTIVE_VIEW = "Use activate() on a DirectView object to use it with magics."
-NO_LAST_RESULT = "%result recalls last %px result, which has not yet been used."
-class ParallelMagics(Magics):
-    """A set of magics useful when controlling a parallel IPython cluster.
-    """
-    # A flag showing if autopx is activated or not
-    _autopx = False
-    # the current view used by the magics:
-    active_view = None
-    # last result cache for %result
-    last_result = None
-    @skip_doctest
-    @line_magic
-    def result(self, line=''):
-        """Print the result of the last asynchronous %px command.
-        Usage:
-        %result [-o] [-e] [--group-options=type|engine|order]
-        Options:
-        -o: collate outputs in order (same as group-outputs=order)
-        -e: group outputs by engine (same as group-outputs=engine)
-        --group-outputs=type [default behavior]:
-            each output type (stdout, stderr, displaypub) for all engines
-            displayed together.
-        --group-outputs=order:
-            The same as 'type', but individual displaypub outputs (e.g. plots)
-            will be interleaved, so it will display all of the first plots,
-            then all of the second plots, etc.
-        --group-outputs=engine:
-            All of an engine's output is displayed before moving on to the next.
-        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
-        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method.
-        This lets you recall the results of %px computations after
-        asynchronous submission (view.block=False).
-        Then you can do the following::
-            In [23]: %px os.getpid()
-            Async parallel execution on engine(s): all
-            In [24]: %result
-            [ 8] Out[10]: 60920
-            [ 9] Out[10]: 60921
-            [10] Out[10]: 60922
-            [11] Out[10]: 60923
-        """
-        opts, _ = self.parse_options(line, 'oe', 'group-outputs=')
-        if 'group-outputs' in opts:
-            groupby = opts['group-outputs']
-        elif 'o' in opts:
-            groupby = 'order'
-        elif 'e' in opts:
-            groupby = 'engine'
-        else:
-            groupby = 'type'
-        if self.active_view is None:
-            raise UsageError(NO_ACTIVE_VIEW)
-        if self.last_result is None:
-            raise UsageError(NO_LAST_RESULT)
-        self.last_result.get()
-        self.last_result.display_outputs(groupby=groupby)
-    @skip_doctest
-    @line_magic
-    def px(self, parameter_s=''):
-        """Executes the given python command in parallel.
-        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
-        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method.
-        Then you can do the following::
-            In [24]: %px a = os.getpid()
-            Parallel execution on engine(s): all
-            In [25]: %px print a
-            [stdout:0] 1234
-            [stdout:1] 1235
-            [stdout:2] 1236
-            [stdout:3] 1237
-        """
-        return self.parallel_execute(parameter_s)
-    def parallel_execute(self, cell, block=None, groupby='type', save_name=None):
-        """implementation used by %px and %%parallel"""
-        if self.active_view is None:
-            raise UsageError(NO_ACTIVE_VIEW)
-        # defaults:
-        block = self.active_view.block if block is None else block
-        base = "Parallel" if block else "Async parallel"
-        targets = self.active_view.targets
-        if isinstance(targets, list) and len(targets) > 10:
-            str_targets = str(targets[:4])[:-1] + ', ..., ' + str(targets[-4:])[1:]
-        else:
-            str_targets = str(targets)
-        print base + " execution on engine(s): %s" % str_targets
-        result = self.active_view.execute(cell, silent=False, block=False)
-        self.last_result = result
-        if save_name:
-            self.shell.user_ns[save_name] = result
-        if block:
-            result.get()
-            result.display_outputs(groupby)
-        else:
-            # return AsyncResult only on non-blocking submission
-            return result
-    @skip_doctest
-    @cell_magic('px')
-    def cell_px(self, line='', cell=None):
-        """Executes the given python command in parallel.
-        Cell magic usage:
-        %%px [-o] [-e] [--group-options=type|engine|order] [--[no]block] [--out name]
-        Options:
-        --out <name>: store the AsyncResult object for this computation
-            in the global namespace.
-        -o: collate outputs in order (same as group-outputs=order)
-        -e: group outputs by engine (same as group-outputs=engine)
-        --group-outputs=type [default behavior]:
-            each output type (stdout, stderr, displaypub) for all engines
-            displayed together.
-        --group-outputs=order:
-            The same as 'type', but individual displaypub outputs (e.g. plots)
-            will be interleaved, so it will display all of the first plots,
-            then all of the second plots, etc.
-        --group-outputs=engine:
-            All of an engine's output is displayed before moving on to the next.
-        --[no]block:
-            Whether or not to block for the execution to complete
-            (and display the results).  If unspecified, the active view's
-        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
-        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method.
-        Then you can do the following::
-            In [24]: %%px --noblock
-               ....: a = os.getpid()
-            Async parallel execution on engine(s): all
-            In [25]: %%px
-               ....: print a
-            [stdout:0] 1234
-            [stdout:1] 1235
-            [stdout:2] 1236
-            [stdout:3] 1237
-        """
-        block = None
-        groupby = 'type'
-        # as a cell magic, we accept args
-        opts, _ = self.parse_options(line, 'oe', 'group-outputs=', 'out=', 'block', 'noblock')
-        if 'group-outputs' in opts:
-            groupby = opts['group-outputs']
-        elif 'o' in opts:
-            groupby = 'order'
-        elif 'e' in opts:
-            groupby = 'engine'
-        if 'block' in opts:
-            block = True
-        elif 'noblock' in opts:
-            block = False
-        save_name = opts.get('out')
-        return self.parallel_execute(cell, block=block, groupby=groupby, save_name=save_name)
-    @skip_doctest
-    @line_magic
-    def autopx(self, parameter_s=''):
-        """Toggles auto parallel mode.
-        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
-        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method. Once this
-        is called, all commands typed at the command line are send to
-        the engines to be executed in parallel. To control which engine
-        are used, set the ``targets`` attributed of the multiengine client
-        before entering ``%autopx`` mode.
-        Then you can do the following::
-            In [25]: %autopx
-            %autopx to enabled
-            In [26]: a = 10
-            Parallel execution on engine(s): [0,1,2,3]
-            In [27]: print a
-            Parallel execution on engine(s): [0,1,2,3]
-            [stdout:0] 10
-            [stdout:1] 10
-            [stdout:2] 10
-            [stdout:3] 10
-            In [27]: %autopx
-            %autopx disabled
-        """
-        if self._autopx:
-            self._disable_autopx()
-        else:
-            self._enable_autopx()
-    def _enable_autopx(self):
-        """Enable %autopx mode by saving the original run_cell and installing
-        pxrun_cell.
-        """
-        if self.active_view is None:
-            raise UsageError(NO_ACTIVE_VIEW)
-        # override run_cell
-        self._original_run_cell = self.shell.run_cell
-        self.shell.run_cell = self.pxrun_cell
-        self._autopx = True
-        print "%autopx enabled"
-    def _disable_autopx(self):
-        """Disable %autopx by restoring the original InteractiveShell.run_cell.
-        """
-        if self._autopx:
-            self.shell.run_cell = self._original_run_cell
-            self._autopx = False
-            print "%autopx disabled"
-    def pxrun_cell(self, raw_cell, store_history=False, silent=False):
-        """drop-in replacement for InteractiveShell.run_cell.
-        This executes code remotely, instead of in the local namespace.
-        See InteractiveShell.run_cell for details.
-        """
-        if (not raw_cell) or raw_cell.isspace():
-            return
-        ipself = self.shell
-        with ipself.builtin_trap:
-            cell = ipself.prefilter_manager.prefilter_lines(raw_cell)
-            # Store raw and processed history
-            if store_history:
-                ipself.history_manager.store_inputs(ipself.execution_count,
-                                                  cell, raw_cell)
-            # ipself.logger.log(cell, raw_cell)
-            cell_name = ipself.compile.cache(cell, ipself.execution_count)
-            try:
-                ast.parse(cell, filename=cell_name)
-            except (OverflowError, SyntaxError, ValueError, TypeError,
-                    MemoryError):
-                # Case 1
-                ipself.showsyntaxerror()
-                ipself.execution_count += 1
-                return None
-            except NameError:
-                # ignore name errors, because we don't know the remote keys
-                pass
-        if store_history:
-            # Write output to the database. Does nothing unless
-            # history output logging is enabled.
-            ipself.history_manager.store_output(ipself.execution_count)
-            # Each cell is a *single* input, regardless of how many lines it has
-            ipself.execution_count += 1
-        if re.search(r'get_ipython\(\)\.magic\(u?["\']%?autopx', cell):
-            self._disable_autopx()
-            return False
-        else:
-            try:
-                result = self.active_view.execute(cell, silent=False, block=False)
-            except:
-                ipself.showtraceback()
-                return True
-            else:
-                if self.active_view.block:
-                    try:
-                        result.get()
-                    except:
-                        self.shell.showtraceback()
-                        return True
-                    else:
-                        with ipself.builtin_trap:
-                            result.display_outputs()
-                return False
-__doc__ = __doc__.format(
-                AUTOPX_DOC = ' '*8 + ParallelMagics.autopx.__doc__,
-                PX_DOC = ' '*8 + ParallelMagics.px.__doc__,
-                RESULT_DOC = ' '*8 + ParallelMagics.result.__doc__
-_loaded = False
+from warnings import warn
 def load_ipython_extension(ip):
-    """Load the extension in IPython."""
-    global _loaded
-    if not _loaded:
-        ip.register_magics(ParallelMagics)
-        _loaded = True
+    warn("Parallel Magics are no longer defined in an extension", DeprecationWarning)
diff --git a/IPython/parallel/client/magics.py b/IPython/parallel/client/magics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6885bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IPython/parallel/client/magics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+Magic command interface for interactive parallel work.
+#  Copyright (C) 2008 The IPython Development Team
+#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
+#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
+# Imports
+import ast
+import re
+from IPython.core.error import UsageError
+from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic, cell_magic
+from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest
+# Definitions of magic functions for use with IPython
+NO_ACTIVE_VIEW = "Use activate() on a DirectView object to use it with magics."
+NO_LAST_RESULT = "%result recalls last %px result, which has not yet been used."
+class ParallelMagics(Magics):
+    """A set of magics useful when controlling a parallel IPython cluster.
+    """
+    # A flag showing if autopx is activated or not
+    _autopx = False
+    # the current view used by the magics:
+    active_view = None
+    # last result cache for %result
+    last_result = None
+    @skip_doctest
+    @line_magic
+    def result(self, line=''):
+        """Print the result of the last asynchronous %px command.
+        Usage:
+        %result [-o] [-e] [--group-options=type|engine|order]
+        Options:
+        -o: collate outputs in order (same as group-outputs=order)
+        -e: group outputs by engine (same as group-outputs=engine)
+        --group-outputs=type [default behavior]:
+            each output type (stdout, stderr, displaypub) for all engines
+            displayed together.
+        --group-outputs=order:
+            The same as 'type', but individual displaypub outputs (e.g. plots)
+            will be interleaved, so it will display all of the first plots,
+            then all of the second plots, etc.
+        --group-outputs=engine:
+            All of an engine's output is displayed before moving on to the next.
+        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
+        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method.
+        This lets you recall the results of %px computations after
+        asynchronous submission (view.block=False).
+        Then you can do the following::
+            In [23]: %px os.getpid()
+            Async parallel execution on engine(s): all
+            In [24]: %result
+            [ 8] Out[10]: 60920
+            [ 9] Out[10]: 60921
+            [10] Out[10]: 60922
+            [11] Out[10]: 60923
+        """
+        opts, _ = self.parse_options(line, 'oe', 'group-outputs=')
+        if 'group-outputs' in opts:
+            groupby = opts['group-outputs']
+        elif 'o' in opts:
+            groupby = 'order'
+        elif 'e' in opts:
+            groupby = 'engine'
+        else:
+            groupby = 'type'
+        if self.active_view is None:
+            raise UsageError(NO_ACTIVE_VIEW)
+        if self.last_result is None:
+            raise UsageError(NO_LAST_RESULT)
+        self.last_result.get()
+        self.last_result.display_outputs(groupby=groupby)
+    @skip_doctest
+    @line_magic
+    def px(self, parameter_s=''):
+        """Executes the given python command in parallel.
+        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
+        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method.
+        Then you can do the following::
+            In [24]: %px a = os.getpid()
+            Parallel execution on engine(s): all
+            In [25]: %px print a
+            [stdout:0] 1234
+            [stdout:1] 1235
+            [stdout:2] 1236
+            [stdout:3] 1237
+        """
+        return self.parallel_execute(parameter_s)
+    def parallel_execute(self, cell, block=None, groupby='type', save_name=None):
+        """implementation used by %px and %%parallel"""
+        if self.active_view is None:
+            raise UsageError(NO_ACTIVE_VIEW)
+        # defaults:
+        block = self.active_view.block if block is None else block
+        base = "Parallel" if block else "Async parallel"
+        targets = self.active_view.targets
+        if isinstance(targets, list) and len(targets) > 10:
+            str_targets = str(targets[:4])[:-1] + ', ..., ' + str(targets[-4:])[1:]
+        else:
+            str_targets = str(targets)
+        print base + " execution on engine(s): %s" % str_targets
+        result = self.active_view.execute(cell, silent=False, block=False)
+        self.last_result = result
+        if save_name:
+            self.shell.user_ns[save_name] = result
+        if block:
+            result.get()
+            result.display_outputs(groupby)
+        else:
+            # return AsyncResult only on non-blocking submission
+            return result
+    @skip_doctest
+    @cell_magic('px')
+    def cell_px(self, line='', cell=None):
+        """Executes the given python command in parallel.
+        Cell magic usage:
+        %%px [-o] [-e] [--group-options=type|engine|order] [--[no]block] [--out name]
+        Options:
+        --out <name>: store the AsyncResult object for this computation
+            in the global namespace.
+        -o: collate outputs in order (same as group-outputs=order)
+        -e: group outputs by engine (same as group-outputs=engine)
+        --group-outputs=type [default behavior]:
+            each output type (stdout, stderr, displaypub) for all engines
+            displayed together.
+        --group-outputs=order:
+            The same as 'type', but individual displaypub outputs (e.g. plots)
+            will be interleaved, so it will display all of the first plots,
+            then all of the second plots, etc.
+        --group-outputs=engine:
+            All of an engine's output is displayed before moving on to the next.
+        --[no]block:
+            Whether or not to block for the execution to complete
+            (and display the results).  If unspecified, the active view's
+        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
+        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method.
+        Then you can do the following::
+            In [24]: %%px --noblock
+               ....: a = os.getpid()
+            Async parallel execution on engine(s): all
+            In [25]: %%px
+               ....: print a
+            [stdout:0] 1234
+            [stdout:1] 1235
+            [stdout:2] 1236
+            [stdout:3] 1237
+        """
+        block = None
+        groupby = 'type'
+        # as a cell magic, we accept args
+        opts, _ = self.parse_options(line, 'oe', 'group-outputs=', 'out=', 'block', 'noblock')
+        if 'group-outputs' in opts:
+            groupby = opts['group-outputs']
+        elif 'o' in opts:
+            groupby = 'order'
+        elif 'e' in opts:
+            groupby = 'engine'
+        if 'block' in opts:
+            block = True
+        elif 'noblock' in opts:
+            block = False
+        save_name = opts.get('out')
+        return self.parallel_execute(cell, block=block, groupby=groupby, save_name=save_name)
+    @skip_doctest
+    @line_magic
+    def autopx(self, parameter_s=''):
+        """Toggles auto parallel mode.
+        To use this a :class:`DirectView` instance must be created
+        and then activated by calling its :meth:`activate` method. Once this
+        is called, all commands typed at the command line are send to
+        the engines to be executed in parallel. To control which engine
+        are used, set the ``targets`` attributed of the multiengine client
+        before entering ``%autopx`` mode.
+        Then you can do the following::
+            In [25]: %autopx
+            %autopx to enabled
+            In [26]: a = 10
+            Parallel execution on engine(s): [0,1,2,3]
+            In [27]: print a
+            Parallel execution on engine(s): [0,1,2,3]
+            [stdout:0] 10
+            [stdout:1] 10
+            [stdout:2] 10
+            [stdout:3] 10
+            In [27]: %autopx
+            %autopx disabled
+        """
+        if self._autopx:
+            self._disable_autopx()
+        else:
+            self._enable_autopx()
+    def _enable_autopx(self):
+        """Enable %autopx mode by saving the original run_cell and installing
+        pxrun_cell.
+        """
+        if self.active_view is None:
+            raise UsageError(NO_ACTIVE_VIEW)
+        # override run_cell
+        self._original_run_cell = self.shell.run_cell
+        self.shell.run_cell = self.pxrun_cell
+        self._autopx = True
+        print "%autopx enabled"
+    def _disable_autopx(self):
+        """Disable %autopx by restoring the original InteractiveShell.run_cell.
+        """
+        if self._autopx:
+            self.shell.run_cell = self._original_run_cell
+            self._autopx = False
+            print "%autopx disabled"
+    def pxrun_cell(self, raw_cell, store_history=False, silent=False):
+        """drop-in replacement for InteractiveShell.run_cell.
+        This executes code remotely, instead of in the local namespace.
+        See InteractiveShell.run_cell for details.
+        """
+        if (not raw_cell) or raw_cell.isspace():
+            return
+        ipself = self.shell
+        with ipself.builtin_trap:
+            cell = ipself.prefilter_manager.prefilter_lines(raw_cell)
+            # Store raw and processed history
+            if store_history:
+                ipself.history_manager.store_inputs(ipself.execution_count,
+                                                  cell, raw_cell)
+            # ipself.logger.log(cell, raw_cell)
+            cell_name = ipself.compile.cache(cell, ipself.execution_count)
+            try:
+                ast.parse(cell, filename=cell_name)
+            except (OverflowError, SyntaxError, ValueError, TypeError,
+                    MemoryError):
+                # Case 1
+                ipself.showsyntaxerror()
+                ipself.execution_count += 1
+                return None
+            except NameError:
+                # ignore name errors, because we don't know the remote keys
+                pass
+        if store_history:
+            # Write output to the database. Does nothing unless
+            # history output logging is enabled.
+            ipself.history_manager.store_output(ipself.execution_count)
+            # Each cell is a *single* input, regardless of how many lines it has
+            ipself.execution_count += 1
+        if re.search(r'get_ipython\(\)\.magic\(u?["\']%?autopx', cell):
+            self._disable_autopx()
+            return False
+        else:
+            try:
+                result = self.active_view.execute(cell, silent=False, block=False)
+            except:
+                ipself.showtraceback()
+                return True
+            else:
+                if self.active_view.block:
+                    try:
+                        result.get()
+                    except:
+                        self.shell.showtraceback()
+                        return True
+                    else:
+                        with ipself.builtin_trap:
+                            result.display_outputs()
+                return False
+__doc__ = __doc__.format(
+                AUTOPX_DOC = ' '*8 + ParallelMagics.autopx.__doc__,
+                PX_DOC = ' '*8 + ParallelMagics.px.__doc__,
+                RESULT_DOC = ' '*8 + ParallelMagics.result.__doc__
+_loaded = False
+def load_ipython_extension(ip):
+    """Load the extension in IPython."""
+    global _loaded
+    if not _loaded:
+        ip.register_magics(ParallelMagics)
+        _loaded = True