diff --git a/IPython/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py b/IPython/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5933fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IPython/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""NBConvert is a utility for conversion of IPYNB files.
+Commandline interface for the NBConvert conversion utility.  Read the
+readme.rst for usage information
+#Copyright (c) 2013, the IPython Development Team.
+#Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+#The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+#Stdlib imports
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import io
+import os
+#From IPython
+#All the stuff needed for the configurable things
+from IPython.config.application import Application
+from IPython.utils.traitlets import (Bool)
+#Local imports
+from nbconvert.exporters.export import export_by_name
+from nbconvert.exporters.exporter import Exporter
+from nbconvert.transformers import extractfigure
+from nbconvert.utils.config import GlobalConfigurable
+#Globals and constants
+#'Keys in resources' user prompt.
+KEYS_PROMPT_HEAD = "====================== Keys in Resources =================================="
+You are responsible for writting these files into the appropriate 
+directorie(s) if need be.  If you do not want to see this message, enable
+the 'write' (boolean) flag of the converter.
+#Classes and functions
+class NbConvertApp(Application):
+    """Application used to convert to and from notebook file type (*.ipynb)"""
+    stdout = Bool(
+        False, config=True,
+        help="""Whether to print the converted IPYNB file to stdout
+        use full do diff files without actually writing a new file"""
+        )
+    write = Bool(
+        True, config=True,
+        help="""Should the converted notebook file be written to disk
+        along with potential extracted resources."""
+        )
+    aliases = {
+             'stdout':'NbConvertApp.stdout',
+             'write':'NbConvertApp.write',
+             }
+    flags = {}
+    flags['stdout'] = (
+        {'NbConvertApp' : {'stdout' : True}},
+    """Print converted file to stdout, equivalent to --stdout=True
+    """
+    )
+    flags['no-write'] = (
+        {'NbConvertApp' : {'write' : True}},
+    """Do not write to disk, equivalent to --write=False
+    """
+    )
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        """Public constructor"""
+        #Call base class
+        super(NbConvertApp, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        #Register class here to have help with help all
+        self.classes.insert(0, Exporter)
+        self.classes.insert(0, GlobalConfigurable)
+    def start(self, argv=None):
+        """Entrypoint of NbConvert application.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        argv : list
+            Commandline arguments
+        """
+        #Parse the commandline options.
+        self.parse_command_line(argv)
+        #Call base
+        super(NbConvertApp, self).start()
+        #The last arguments in list will be used by nbconvert
+        if len(self.extra_args) is not 3:
+            print( "Wrong number of arguments, use --help flag for usage", file=sys.stderr)
+            sys.exit(-1)
+        export_type = (self.extra_args)[1]
+        ipynb_file = (self.extra_args)[2]
+        #Export
+        return_value = export_by_name(export_type, ipynb_file)
+        if return_value is None:
+            print("Error: '%s' template not found." % export_type)
+            return
+        else:
+            (output, resources, exporter) = return_value 
+        #TODO: Allow user to set output directory and file. 
+        destination_filename = None
+        destination_directory = None
+        if self.write:
+            #Get the file name without the '.ipynb' (6 chars) extension and then
+            #remove any addition periods and spaces. The resulting name will
+            #be used to create the directory that the files will be exported
+            #into.
+            out_root = ipynb_file[:-6].replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_')
+            destination_filename = os.path.join(out_root+'.'+exporter.file_extension)
+            destination_directory = out_root+'_files'
+            if not os.path.exists(destination_directory):
+                os.mkdir(destination_directory)
+        #Write the results
+        if self.stdout or not (destination_filename is None and destination_directory is None):
+            self._write_results(output, resources, destination_filename, destination_directory)
+    def _write_results(self, output, resources, destination_filename=None, destination_directory=None):
+        """Output the conversion results to the console and/or filesystem
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        output : str
+            Output of conversion
+        resources : dictionary
+            Additional input/output used by the transformers.  For
+            example, the ExtractFigure transformer outputs the
+            figures it extracts into this dictionary.  This method
+            relies on the figures being in this dictionary when
+            attempting to write the figures to the file system.
+        destination_filename : str, Optional
+            Filename to write output into.  If None, output is not 
+            written to a file.
+        destination_directory : str, Optional 
+            Directory to write notebook data (i.e. figures) to.  If
+            None, figures are not written to the file system.
+        """
+        if self.stdout:
+            print(output.encode('utf-8'))
+        #Write file output from conversion.
+        if not destination_filename is None:
+            with io.open(destination_filename, 'w') as f:
+                f.write(output)
+        #Get the key names used by the extract figure transformer
+        figures_key = extractfigure.FIGURES_KEY
+        binary_key = extractfigure.BINARY_KEY
+        text_key = extractfigure.TEXT_KEY
+        #Output any associate figures into the same "root" directory.
+        binkeys = resources.get(figures_key, {}).get(binary_key,{}).keys()
+        textkeys = resources.get(figures_key, {}).get(text_key,{}).keys()
+        if binkeys or textkeys :
+            if not destination_directory is None:
+                for key in binkeys:
+                    with io.open(os.path.join(destination_directory, key), 'wb') as f:
+                        f.write(resources[figures_key][binary_key][key])
+                for key in textkeys:
+                    with io.open(os.path.join(destination_directory, key), 'w') as f:
+                        f.write(resources[figures_key][text_key][key])
+            #Figures that weren't exported which will need to be created by the
+            #user.  Tell the user what figures these are.
+            if self.stdout:
+                print(KEYS_PROMPT_HEAD, file=sys.stderr)
+                print(resources[figures_key].keys(), file=sys.stderr)
+                print(KEYS_PROMPT_BODY , file=sys.stderr)
+#Script main
+def main():
+    """Application entry point"""
+    app = NbConvertApp.instance()
+    app.description = __doc__
+    app.start(argv=sys.argv)
+#Check to see if python is calling this file directly.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()