diff --git a/IPython/html/tests/util.js b/IPython/html/tests/util.js
index 0f89b00..d9fc734 100644
--- a/IPython/html/tests/util.js
+++ b/IPython/html/tests/util.js
@@ -337,6 +337,19 @@ casper.execute_cell_then = function(index, then_callback, expect_failure) {
return return_val;
+casper.append_cell_execute_then = function(text, then_callback, expect_failure) {
+ // Append a code cell and execute it, optionally calling a then_callback
+ var c = this.append_cell(text);
+ return this.execute_cell_then(c, then_callback, expect_failure);
+casper.assert_output_equals = function(text, output_text, message) {
+ // Append a code cell with the text, then assert the output is equal to output_text
+ this.append_cell_execute_then(text, function(index) {
+ this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(), output_text, message);
+ });
casper.wait_for_element = function(index, selector){
// Utility function that allows us to easily wait for an element
// within a cell. Uses JQuery selector to look for the element.
diff --git a/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js b/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js
index 9dcde54..1cd3464 100644
--- a/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js
+++ b/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
' c = CInt(0, sync=True)',
' d = CInt(-1, sync=True)', // See if it sends a full state.
' def set_state(self, sync_data):',
- ' widgets.Widget.set_state(self, sync_data)'+
+ ' widgets.Widget.set_state(self, sync_data)',
' self.d = len(sync_data)',
'multiset = MultiSetWidget()',
@@ -139,158 +139,159 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
-/* New Test
+ this.thenEvaluate(function() {
+ define('TestWidget', ['widgets/js/widget', 'base/js/utils'], function(widget, utils) {
+ var TestWidget = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({
+ render: function () {
+ this.listenTo(this.model, 'msg:custom', this.handle_msg);
+ },
+ handle_msg: function(content, buffers) {
+ this.msg = [content, buffers];
+ }
+ });
-define('TestWidget', ['widgets/js/widget', 'base/js/utils'], function(widget, utils) {
- var TestWidget = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({
- render: function () {
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'msg:custom', this.handle_msg);
- window.w = this;
- console.log('data:', this.model.get('data'));
- },
- handle_msg: function(content, buffers) {
- this.msg = [content, buffers];
- }
+ var floatArray = {
+ deserialize: function (value, model) {
+ // DataView -> float64 typed array
+ return new Float64Array(value.buffer);
+ },
+ // serialization automatically handled by message buffers
+ };
+ var floatList = {
+ deserialize: function (value, model) {
+ // list of floats -> list of strings
+ return value.map(function(x) {return x.toString()});
+ },
+ serialize: function(value, model) {
+ // list of strings -> list of floats
+ return value.map(function(x) {return parseFloat(x);})
+ }
+ };
+ return {TestWidget: TestWidget, floatArray: floatArray, floatList: floatList};
+ });
- var floatArray = {
- deserialize: function (value, model) {
- // DataView -> float64 typed array
- return new Float64Array(value.buffer);
- },
- // serialization automatically handled by message buffers
- };
+ var testwidget = {};
+ this.append_cell_execute_then([
+ 'from IPython.html import widgets',
+ 'from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, Instance, List',
+ 'from IPython.display import display',
+ 'from array import array',
+ 'def _array_to_memoryview(x):',
+ ' if x is None: return None, {}',
+ ' try:',
+ ' y = memoryview(x)',
+ ' except TypeError:',
+ " # in python 2, arrays don't support the new buffer protocol",
+ ' y = memoryview(buffer(x))',
+ " return y, {'serialization': ('floatArray', 'TestWidget')}",
+ 'def _memoryview_to_array(x):',
+ " return array('d', x.tobytes())",
+ 'arrays_binary = {',
+ " 'from_json': _memoryview_to_array,",
+ " 'to_json': _array_to_memoryview",
+ '}',
+ '',
+ 'def _array_to_list(x):',
+ ' if x is None: return None, {}',
+ " return list(x), {'serialization': ('floatList', 'TestWidget')}",
+ 'def _list_to_array(x):',
+ " return array('d',x)",
+ 'arrays_list = {',
+ " 'from_json': _list_to_array,",
+ " 'to_json': _array_to_list",
+ '}',
+ '',
+ 'class TestWidget(widgets.DOMWidget):',
+ " _view_module = Unicode('TestWidget', sync=True)",
+ " _view_name = Unicode('TestWidget', sync=True)",
+ ' array_binary = Instance(array, sync=True, **arrays_binary)',
+ ' array_list = Instance(array, sync=True, **arrays_list)',
+ ' msg = {}',
+ ' def __init__(self, **kwargs):',
+ ' super(widgets.DOMWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)',
+ ' self.on_msg(self._msg)',
+ ' def _msg(self, _, content, buffers):',
+ ' self.msg = [content, buffers]',
+ 'x=TestWidget()',
+ 'display(x)',
+ 'print x.model_id'].join('\n'), function(index){
+ testwidget.index = index;
+ testwidget.model_id = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim();
+ });
+ this.wait_for_widget(testwidget);
+ this.append_cell_execute_then('x.array_list = array("d", [1.5, 2.0, 3.1])');
+ this.wait_for_widget(testwidget);
+ this.then(function() {
+ var result = this.evaluate(function(index) {
+ var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0];
+ var result = v.model.get('array_list');
+ var z = result.slice();
+ z[0]+="1234";
+ z[1]+="5678";
+ v.model.set('array_list', z);
+ v.touch();
+ return result;
+ }, testwidget.index);
+ this.test.assertEquals(result, ["1.5", "2", "3.1"], "JSON custom serializer kernel -> js");
+ });
- var floatList = {
- deserialize: function (value, model) {
- // list of floats -> list of strings
- return value.map(function(x) {return x.toString()});
- },
- serialize: function(value, model) {
- // list of strings -> list of floats
- return value.map(function(x) {return parseFloat(x);})
- }
- };
- return {TestWidget: TestWidget, floatArray: floatArray, floatList: floatList};
-from IPython.html import widgets
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, Instance, List
-from IPython.display import display
-from array import array
-def _array_to_memoryview(x):
- if x is None: return None, {}
- try:
- y = memoryview(x)
- except TypeError:
- # in python 2, arrays don't support the new buffer protocol
- y = memoryview(buffer(x))
- return y, {'serialization': ('floatArray', 'TestWidget')}
-def _memoryview_to_array(x):
- return array('d', x.tobytes())
-arrays_binary = {
- 'from_json': _memoryview_to_array,
- 'to_json': _array_to_memoryview
-def _array_to_list(x):
- if x is None: return None, {}
- return list(x), {'serialization': ('floatList', 'TestWidget')}
-def _list_to_array(x):
- return array('d',x)
-arrays_list = {
- 'from_json': _list_to_array,
- 'to_json': _array_to_list
-class TestWidget(widgets.DOMWidget):
- _view_module = Unicode('TestWidget', sync=True)
- _view_name = Unicode('TestWidget', sync=True)
- array_binary = Instance(array, sync=True, **arrays_binary)
- array_list = Instance(array, sync=True, **arrays_list)
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(widgets.DOMWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.on_msg(self._msg)
- def _msg(self, _, content, buffers):
- self.msg = [content, buffers]
-x.array_binary=array('d', [1.5,2.5,5])
-print x.model_id
-var z = w.model.get('array_binary')
-// we set to null so that we recognize the change
-// when we set data back to z
-w.model.set('array_binary', null)
-w.model.set('array_binary', z)
-x.array_binary.tolist() == [4.5, 7.5, 15.0]
-x.array_list = array('d', [1.5, 2.0, 3.1])
-var z = w.model.get('array_list')
-// we set to null so that we recognize the change
-// when we set data back to z
-w.model.set('array_list', null)
-w.model.set('array_list', z)
-x.array_list.tolist() == [1.51234, 25678.0, 3.1]
-x.send('some content', [memoryview(b'binarycontent'), memoryview('morecontent')])
-console.log(w.msg[0] === 'some content')
-var d=new TextDecoder('utf-8')
-w.send('content back', [new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]), new Float64Array([2.1828, 3.14159])])
-print x.msg[0] == 'content back'
-print x.msg[1][0].tolist() == [1,2,3,4]
-print array('d', x.msg[1][1].tobytes()).tolist() == [2.1828, 3.14159]
+ this.assert_output_equals('print x.array_list.tolist() == [1.51234, 25678.0, 3.1]',
+ 'True', 'JSON custom serializer js -> kernel');
+ if (this.slimerjs) {
+ this.append_cell_execute_then("x.array_binary=array('d', [1.5,2.5,5])", function() {
+ this.evaluate(function(index) {
+ var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0];
+ var z = v.model.get('array_binary');
+ z[0]*=3;
+ z[1]*=3;
+ z[2]*=3;
+ // we set to null so that we recognize the change
+ // when we set data back to z
+ v.model.set('array_binary', null);
+ v.model.set('array_binary', z);
+ v.touch();
+ }, textwidget.index);
+ });
+ this.wait_for_widget(testwidget);
+ this.assert_output_equals('x.array_binary.tolist() == [4.5, 7.5, 15.0]',
+ 'True\n', 'Binary custom serializer js -> kernel')
+ this.append_cell_execute_then('x.send("some content", [memoryview(b"binarycontent"), memoryview("morecontent")])');
+ this.wait_for_widget(testwidget);
+ this.then(function() {
+ var result = this.evaluate(function(index) {
+ var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0];
+ var d = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
+ return {text: v.msg[0],
+ binary0: d.decode(v.msg[1][0]),
+ binary1: d.decode(v.msg[1][1])};
+ }, testwidget.index);
+ this.test.assertEquals(result, {text: 'some content',
+ binary0: 'binarycontent',
+ binary1: 'morecontent'},
+ "Binary widget messages kernel -> js");
+ });
+ this.then(function() {
+ this.evaluate(function(index) {
+ var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0];
+ v.send('content back', [new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]), new Float64Array([2.1828, 3.14159])])
+ }, testwidget.index);
+ });
+ this.wait_for_widget(testwidget);
+ this.assert_output_equals([
+ 'all([x.msg[0] == "content back",',
+ ' x.msg[1][0].tolist() == [1,2,3,4],',
+ ' array("d", x.msg[1][1].tobytes()).tolist() == [2.1828, 3.14159]])'].join('\n'),
+ 'True', 'Binary buffers message js -> kernel');
+ } else {
+ console.log("skipping binary websocket tests on phantomjs");
+ }