diff --git a/IPython/zmq/parallel/asyncresult.py b/IPython/zmq/parallel/asyncresult.py
index 2d855fa..d910004 100644
--- a/IPython/zmq/parallel/asyncresult.py
+++ b/IPython/zmq/parallel/asyncresult.py
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class AsyncResult(object):
     def __init__(self, client, msg_ids, fname=''):
         self._client = client
+        if isinstance(msg_ids, basestring):
+            msg_ids = [msg_ids]
         self.msg_ids = msg_ids
         self._ready = False
@@ -204,5 +206,27 @@ class AsyncMapResult(AsyncResult):
         """Perform the gather on the actual results."""
         return self._mapObject.joinPartitions(res)
+    # asynchronous iterator:
+    def __iter__(self):
+        try:
+            rlist = self.get(0)
+        except error.TimeoutError:
+            # wait for each result individually
+            for msg_id in self.msg_ids:
+                ar = AsyncResult(self._client, msg_id, self._fname)
+                rlist = ar.get()
+                try:
+                    for r in rlist:
+                        yield r
+                except TypeError:
+                    # flattened, not a list
+                    # this could get broken by flattened data that returns iterables
+                    # but most calls to map do not expose the `flatten` argument
+                    yield rlist
+        else:
+            # already done
+            for r in rlist:
+                yield r
 __all__ = ['AsyncResult', 'AsyncMapResult']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/parallel/client.py b/IPython/zmq/parallel/client.py
index 65c8e62..d165b71 100644
--- a/IPython/zmq/parallel/client.py
+++ b/IPython/zmq/parallel/client.py
@@ -1098,10 +1098,82 @@ class Client(object):
     # Map and decorators
-    def map(self, f, *sequences):
-        """Parallel version of builtin `map`, using all our engines."""
+    def map(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs):
+        """Parallel version of builtin `map`, using all our engines.
+        `block` and `targets` can be passed as keyword arguments only.
+        There will be one task per target, so work will be chunked
+        if the sequences are longer than `targets`.  
+        Results can be iterated as they are ready, but will become available in chunks.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f : callable
+            function to be mapped
+        *sequences: one or more sequences of matching length
+            the sequences to be distributed and passed to `f`
+        block : bool
+            whether to wait for the result or not [default self.block]
+        targets : valid targets
+            targets to be used [default self.targets]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        if block=False:
+            AsyncMapResult
+                An object like AsyncResult, but which reassembles the sequence of results
+                into a single list. AsyncMapResults can be iterated through before all
+                results are complete.
+            else:
+                the result of map(f,*sequences)
+        """
+        block = kwargs.get('block', self.block)
+        targets = kwargs.get('targets', self.targets)
+        assert len(sequences) > 0, "must have some sequences to map onto!"
+        pf = ParallelFunction(self, f, block=block,
+                        bound=True, targets=targets)
+        return pf.map(*sequences)
+    def imap(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs):
+        """Parallel version of builtin `itertools.imap`, load-balanced across all engines.
+        Each element will be a separate task, and will be load-balanced.  This
+        lets individual elements be ready for iteration as soon as they come.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f : callable
+            function to be mapped
+        *sequences: one or more sequences of matching length
+            the sequences to be distributed and passed to `f`
+        block : bool
+            whether to wait for the result or not [default self.block]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        if block=False:
+            AsyncMapResult
+                An object like AsyncResult, but which reassembles the sequence of results
+                into a single list. AsyncMapResults can be iterated through before all
+                results are complete.
+            else:
+                the result of map(f,*sequences)
+        """
+        block = kwargs.get('block', self.block)
+        assert len(sequences) > 0, "must have some sequences to map onto!"
         pf = ParallelFunction(self, f, block=self.block,
-                        bound=True, targets='all')
+                        bound=True, targets=None)
         return pf.map(*sequences)
     def parallel(self, bound=True, targets='all', block=True):
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/parallel/streamkernel.py b/IPython/zmq/parallel/streamkernel.py
index a34d0ca..0455ed3 100755
--- a/IPython/zmq/parallel/streamkernel.py
+++ b/IPython/zmq/parallel/streamkernel.py
@@ -283,7 +283,9 @@ class Kernel(SessionFactory):
         return self.completer.complete(msg.content.line, msg.content.text)
     def apply_request(self, stream, ident, parent):
-        # print (parent)
+        # flush previous reply, so this request won't block it
+        stream.flush(zmq.POLLOUT)
             content = parent[u'content']
             bufs = parent[u'buffers']
@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ class Kernel(SessionFactory):
         reply_msg = self.session.send(stream, u'apply_reply', reply_content, 
                     parent=parent, ident=ident,buffers=result_buf, subheader=sub)
         # if reply_msg['content']['status'] == u'error':
         #     self.abort_queues()