diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index bb0c365..31a9d21 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -105,7 +105,3 @@ nightly: dist
 gh-pages: html pdf
 	python gh-pages.py
-gh-pages-current: html pdf
-	ipver="$(ipython -v 2>&1)"
-	python gh-pages.py dev "Current Development Version ($ipver)"
diff --git a/docs/gh-pages.py b/docs/gh-pages.py
index 8359215..0050841 100755
--- a/docs/gh-pages.py
+++ b/docs/gh-pages.py
@@ -74,34 +74,6 @@ def init_repo(path):
     sh('git checkout gh-pages')
-def render_rstindex(fname, tag, desc=None):
-    if desc is None:
-        desc = tag
-    rel = '* {d}: `HTML <{t}/index.html>`_ and `PDF <{t}/ipython.pdf>`_.'.format(t=tag,d=desc)
-    rep = re.compile(r'\.\. release')
-    out = []
-    with file(fname) as f:
-        contents = f.read()
-    lines = contents.splitlines()
-    if rel in contents:
-        out = lines
-    else:
-        for line in lines:
-            out.append(line)
-            if rep.search(line):
-                out.append(rep.sub(rel, line))
-    return '\n'.join(out)+'\n'
-def new_rstindex(fname, tag, desc=None):
-    new_page = render_rstindex(fname, tag, desc)
-    os.rename(fname, fname+'~')
-    with file(fname, 'w') as f:
-        f.write(new_page)
 # Script starts
@@ -115,11 +87,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         except CalledProcessError:
             tag = "dev"   # Fallback
-    try:
-        desc = sys.argv[2]
-    except IndexError:
-        desc="Release (%s)"%tag
     startdir = os.getcwd()
     if not os.path.exists(pages_dir):
         # init the repo
@@ -152,10 +119,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             raise RuntimeError(e)
         sh('git add %s' % tag)
-        new_rstindex('index.rst', tag, desc)
-        sh('python build_index.py')
-        sh('git add index.rst index.html')
-        sh('git commit -m"Created new doc release, named: %s"' % tag)
+        sh('git commit -m"Updated doc release: %s"' % tag)
         print 'Most recent 3 commits:'
diff --git a/docs/source/development/doc_guide.txt b/docs/source/development/doc_guide.txt
index dee8dcf..d49b102 100644
--- a/docs/source/development/doc_guide.txt
+++ b/docs/source/development/doc_guide.txt
@@ -149,12 +149,14 @@ they're automatically exposed as a website. It works like this:
   version of the docs repository, copy the built docs into it, and commit your
 * Open the built docs in a web browser, and check that they're as expected.
-* (If rebuilding the docs for the development version, it may have duplicated
-  the link to the development version in the homepage. Remove this from
-  index.rst, then run ``python build_index.py`` to update index.html. Commit the
+* (When building the docs for a new tagged release, you will have to add its link to
+  index.rst, then run ``python build_index.py`` to update index.html. Commit the 
 * Upload the docs with ``git push``. This only works if you have write access to
   the docs repository.
+* If you are building a version that is not the current dev branch, nor a tagged release,
+  then you must run gh-pages.py directly with ``python gh-pages.py <version>``, and *not*
+  with ``make gh-pages``.
 .. [reStructuredText] reStructuredText.  http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
 .. [Sphinx] Sphinx. http://sphinx.pocoo.org/