diff --git a/IPython/html/static/notebook/js/outputarea.js b/IPython/html/static/notebook/js/outputarea.js
index 65b9641..2c23d92 100644
--- a/IPython/html/static/notebook/js/outputarea.js
+++ b/IPython/html/static/notebook/js/outputarea.js
@@ -280,12 +280,15 @@ define([
needs_height_reset = true;
+ var record_output = true;
if (json.output_type === 'execute_result') {
} else if (json.output_type === 'error') {
} else if (json.output_type === 'stream') {
- this.append_stream(json);
+ // append_stream might have merged the output with earlier stream output
+ record_output = this.append_stream(json);
// We must release the animation fixed height in a callback since Gecko
@@ -306,7 +309,9 @@ define([
- this.outputs.push(json);
+ if (record_output) {
+ this.outputs.push(json);
+ }
@@ -457,20 +462,23 @@ define([
// latest output was in the same stream,
// so append directly into its pre tag
// escape ANSI & HTML specials:
+ last.text = utils.fixCarriageReturn(last.text + json.text);
var pre = this.element.find('div.'+subclass).last().find('pre');
- var html = utils.fixCarriageReturn(
- pre.html() + utils.fixConsole(text));
+ var html = utils.fixConsole(last.text);
// The only user content injected with this HTML call is
// escaped by the fixConsole() method.
- return;
+ // return false signals that we merged this output with the previous one,
+ // and the new output shouldn't be recorded.
+ return false;
if (!text.replace("\r", "")) {
// text is nothing (empty string, \r, etc.)
// so don't append any elements, which might add undesirable space
- return;
+ // return true to indicate the output should be recorded.
+ return true;
// If we got here, attach a new div
@@ -480,6 +488,7 @@ define([
append_text.apply(this, [text, {}, toinsert]).addClass("output_stream " + subclass);
+ return true;
diff --git a/IPython/html/tests/notebook/output.js b/IPython/html/tests/notebook/output.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fcfe44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IPython/html/tests/notebook/output.js
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// Various output tests
+casper.notebook_test(function () {
+ this.test_coalesced_output = function (msg, code, expected) {
+ this.then(function () {
+ this.echo("Test coalesced output: " + msg);
+ });
+ this.thenEvaluate(function (code) {
+ IPython.notebook.insert_cell_at_index(0, "code");
+ var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(0);
+ cell.set_text(code);
+ cell.execute();
+ }, {code: code});
+ this.wait_for_output(0);
+ this.then(function () {
+ var results = this.evaluate(function () {
+ var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(0);
+ return cell.output_area.outputs;
+ });
+ this.test.assertEquals(results.length, expected.length, "correct number of outputs");
+ for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+ var r = results[i];
+ var ex = expected[i];
+ this.test.assertEquals(r.output_type, ex.output_type, "output " + i);
+ if (r.output_type === 'stream') {
+ this.test.assertEquals(r.stream, ex.stream, "stream " + i);
+ this.test.assertEquals(r.text, ex.text, "content " + i);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ this.thenEvaluate(function () {
+ IPython.notebook.insert_cell_at_index(0, "code");
+ var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(0);
+ cell.set_text([
+ "from __future__ import print_function",
+ "import sys",
+ "from IPython.display import display"
+ ].join("\n")
+ );
+ cell.execute();
+ });
+ this.test_coalesced_output("stdout", [
+ "print(1)",
+ "sys.stdout.flush()",
+ "print(2)",
+ "sys.stdout.flush()",
+ "print(3)"
+ ].join("\n"), [{
+ output_type: "stream",
+ stream: "stdout",
+ text: "1\n2\n3\n"
+ }]
+ );
+ this.test_coalesced_output("stdout+sdterr", [
+ "print(1)",
+ "sys.stdout.flush()",
+ "print(2)",
+ "print(3, file=sys.stderr)"
+ ].join("\n"), [{
+ output_type: "stream",
+ stream: "stdout",
+ text: "1\n2\n"
+ },{
+ output_type: "stream",
+ stream: "stderr",
+ text: "3\n"
+ }]
+ );
+ this.test_coalesced_output("display splits streams", [
+ "print(1)",
+ "sys.stdout.flush()",
+ "display(2)",
+ "print(3)"
+ ].join("\n"), [{
+ output_type: "stream",
+ stream: "stdout",
+ text: "1\n"
+ },{
+ output_type: "display_data",
+ },{
+ output_type: "stream",
+ stream: "stdout",
+ text: "3\n"
+ }]
+ );
diff --git a/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js b/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js
index 5eb8d5b..dce37a2 100644
--- a/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js
+++ b/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget.js
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
'display(textbox)\n' +
'textbox.add_class("my-throttle-textbox")\n' +
'def handle_change(name, old, new):\n' +
- ' print(len(new))\n' +
+ ' display(len(new))\n' +
' time.sleep(0.5)\n' +
'textbox.on_trait_change(handle_change, "value")\n' +
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
this.test.assert(outputs.length <= 5, 'Messages throttled.');
// We also need to verify that the last state sent was correct.
- var last_state = outputs[outputs.length-1].text;
- this.test.assertEquals(last_state, "20\n", "Last state sent when throttling.");
+ var last_state = outputs[outputs.length-1]['text/plain'];
+ this.test.assertEquals(last_state, "20", "Last state sent when throttling.");
diff --git a/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget_button.js b/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget_button.js
index 75b35e3..ae0aec6 100644
--- a/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget_button.js
+++ b/IPython/html/tests/widgets/widget_button.js
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
var button_index = this.append_cell(
'button = widgets.ButtonWidget(description="Title")\n' +
- 'display(button)\n'+
+ 'display(button)\n' +
'print("Success")\n' +
'def handle_click(sender):\n' +
- ' print("Clicked")\n' +
+ ' display("Clicked")\n' +
this.execute_cell_then(button_index, function(index){
- this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text, 'Success\n',
+ this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text, 'Success\n',
'Create button cell executed with correct output.');
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
this.wait_for_output(button_index, 1);
this.then(function () {
- this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(button_index, 1).text, 'Clicked\n',
+ this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(button_index, 1)['text/plain'], "'Clicked'",
'Button click event fires.');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/whatsnew/pr/coalesce-streams.rst b/docs/source/whatsnew/pr/coalesce-streams.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..521111d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/whatsnew/pr/coalesce-streams.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- Consecutive stream (stdout/stderr) output is merged into a single output
+ in the notebook document.
+ Previously, all output messages were preserved as separate output fields in the JSON.
+ Now, the same merge is applied to the stored output as the displayed output,
+ improving document load time for notebooks with many small outputs.