diff --git a/docs/examples/notebooks/formatting.ipynb b/docs/examples/notebooks/formatting.ipynb
index 81a430d..918268d 100644
--- a/docs/examples/notebooks/formatting.ipynb
+++ b/docs/examples/notebooks/formatting.ipynb
@@ -1,120 +1,126 @@
- "metadata": {
- "name": "formatting"
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "formatting"
+ },
+ "nbformat": 2,
+ "worksheets": [
+ {
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "source": [
+ "# Examples of basic formatting in the notebook",
+ "",
+ "Normal and formatted text cells such as this one use the ",
+ "[Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics) syntax.",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "# Title (h1)",
+ "",
+ "## Heading (h2)",
+ "",
+ "### Heading (h3)",
+ "",
+ "Here is a paragraph of text.",
+ "",
+ "* One.",
+ " - Sublist",
+ " - Here we go",
+ " - Sublist",
+ " - Here we go",
+ " - Here we go",
+ "* Two.",
+ " - Sublist",
+ "* Three.",
+ " - Sublist",
+ "",
+ "Now another list:",
+ "",
+ "---",
+ "",
+ "1. Here we go",
+ " 1. Sublist",
+ " 2. Sublist",
+ "2. There we go",
+ "3. Now this",
+ "",
+ "And another paragraph.",
+ "",
+ "### Heading (h3)",
+ "",
+ "#### Heading (h4)",
+ "",
+ "##### Heading (h5)",
+ "",
+ "###### Heading (h6)",
+ "",
+ "## Heading (h2)"
+ ]
- "nbformat": 2,
- "worksheets": [
- {
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "source": [
- "# Title (h1)",
- "",
- "## Heading (h2)",
- "",
- "### Heading (h3)",
- "",
- "Here is a paragraph of text.",
- "",
- "* One.",
- " - Sublist",
- " - Here we go",
- " - Sublist",
- " - Here we go",
- " - Here we go",
- "* Two.",
- " - Sublist",
- "* Three.",
- " - Sublist",
- "",
- "Now another list:",
- "",
- "---",
- "",
- "1. Here we go",
- " 1. Sublist",
- " 2. Sublist",
- "2. There we go",
- "3. Now this",
- "",
- "And another paragraph.",
- "",
- "### Heading (h3)",
- "",
- "#### Heading (h4)",
- "",
- "##### Heading (h5)",
- "",
- "###### Heading (h6)",
- "",
- "## Heading (h2)",
- ""
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "source": [
- "# Heading (h1)",
- "",
- "## Heading (h2)",
- "",
- "### Heading (h3)",
- "",
- "#### Heading (h4)",
- "",
- "##### Heading (h5)",
- "",
- "###### Heading (h6)",
- "",
- "Now for a simpel code example:",
- "",
- " for i in range(10):",
- " print i",
- "",
- "Now more text"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "source": [
- "## Heading (h2)",
- "",
- "Here is text.",
- "",
- "> This is a *block* quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
- "> This is a **block** quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
- "> This is a `block` quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
- "> This is a block quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
- "> This is a block quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
- "> This is a block quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
- "",
- "Here is text",
- "",
- "
- "",
- "Header 1 | ",
- "Header 2 | ",
- "
- "",
- "row 1, cell 1 | ",
- "row 1, cell 2 | ",
- "
- "",
- "row 2, cell 1 | ",
- "row 2, cell 2 | ",
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "collapsed": true,
- "input": [],
- "language": "python",
- "outputs": []
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "source": [
+ "# Heading (h1)",
+ "",
+ "## Heading (h2)",
+ "",
+ "### Heading (h3)",
+ "",
+ "#### Heading (h4)",
+ "",
+ "##### Heading (h5)",
+ "",
+ "###### Heading (h6)",
+ "",
+ "Now for a simple code example:",
+ "",
+ " for i in range(10):",
+ " print i",
+ "",
+ "Now more text"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "source": [
+ "## Heading (h2)",
+ "",
+ "Here is text.",
+ "",
+ "> This is a *block* quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
+ "> This is a **block** quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
+ "> This is a `block` quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
+ "> This is a block quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
+ "> This is a block quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
+ "> This is a block quote. This is a block quote. This is a block quote. ",
+ "",
+ "Here is text",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "Header 1 | ",
+ "Header 2 | ",
+ "
+ "",
+ "row 1, cell 1 | ",
+ "row 1, cell 2 | ",
+ "
+ "",
+ "row 2, cell 1 | ",
+ "row 2, cell 2 | ",
+ "
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "input": [],
+ "language": "python",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "prompt_number": " "
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file