diff --git a/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/celltoolbarpresets/default.js b/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/celltoolbarpresets/default.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da1e558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/celltoolbarpresets/default.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012 The IPython Development Team
+// Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
+// the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
+// CellToolbar Default
+ * Example Use for the CellToolbar library
+ */
+ // IIFE without asignement, we don't modifiy the IPython namespace
+(function (IPython) {
+ "use strict";
+ var CellToolbar = IPython.CellToolbar;
+ var raw_edit = function(cell){
+ var md = cell.metadata
+ var error_div = $('
+ var textarea = $('')
+ .attr('rows','13')
+ .attr('cols','75')
+ .attr('name','metadata')
+ .text(JSON.stringify(md, null,4)||'');
+ var dialogform = $('').attr('title','Edit the metadata')
+ .append(
+ $('').append(
+ $('').append(
+ $('')
+ .attr('for','metadata')
+ .text("Metadata (I know what I'm dooing and I won't complain if it breaks my notebook)")
+ )
+ .append(error_div)
+ .append($(' '))
+ .append(
+ textarea
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea[0], {
+ lineNumbers: true,
+ matchBrackets: true,
+ });
+ $(dialogform).dialog({
+ autoOpen: true,
+ height: 300,
+ width: 650,
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: {
+ "Ok": function() {
+ //validate json and set it
+ try {
+ var json = JSON.parse(editor.getValue());
+ cell.metadata = json;
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ catch(e)
+ {
+ error_div.text('Warning, invalid json, not saved');
+ }
+ },
+ Cancel: function() {
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ //cleanup on close
+ $(this).remove();
+ }
+ });
+ editor.refresh();
+ }
+ var add_raw_edit_button = function(div, cell) {
+ var button_container = div
+ var button = $('').button({label:'Raw Edit'})
+ .click(function(){raw_edit(cell); return false;})
+ button_container.append(button);
+ }
+ CellToolbar.register_callback('default.rawedit',add_raw_edit_button);
+ var example_preset = []
+ example_preset.push('default.rawedit');
+ CellToolbar.register_preset('default',example_preset);
+ console.log('Default extension for metadata editting loaded.');
diff --git a/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/examples/celltoolbar.example.js b/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/celltoolbarpresets/example.js
similarity index 63%
rename from IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/examples/celltoolbar.example.js
rename to IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/celltoolbarpresets/example.js
index d39cc18..f9b9d62 100644
--- a/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/examples/celltoolbar.example.js
+++ b/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static/js/celltoolbarpresets/example.js
@@ -24,78 +24,6 @@
var CellToolbar = IPython.CellToolbar;
- var raw_edit = function(cell){
- var md = cell.metadata
- var error_div = $('').css('color','red')
- var textarea = $('')
- .attr('rows','13')
- .attr('cols','75')
- .attr('name','metadata')
- .text(JSON.stringify(md, null,4)||'');
- var dialogform = $('').attr('title','Edit the metadata')
- .append(
- $('').append(
- $('').append(
- $('')
- .attr('for','metadata')
- .text("Metadata (I know what I'm dooing and I won't complain if it breaks my notebook)")
- )
- .append(error_div)
- .append($(' '))
- .append(
- textarea
- )
- )
- );
- var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea[0], {
- lineNumbers: true,
- matchBrackets: true,
- });
- $(dialogform).dialog({
- autoOpen: true,
- height: 300,
- width: 650,
- modal: true,
- buttons: {
- "Ok": function() {
- //validate json and set it
- try {
- var json = JSON.parse(editor.getValue());
- cell.metadata = json;
- $( this ).dialog( "close" );
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- error_div.text('Warning, invalid json, not saved');
- }
- },
- Cancel: function() {
- $( this ).dialog( "close" );
- }
- },
- close: function() {
- //cleanup on close
- $(this).remove();
- }
- });
- editor.refresh();
- }
- var add_raw_edit_button = function(div, cell) {
- var button_container = div
- var button = $('').button({label:'Raw Edit'})
- .click(function(){raw_edit(cell); return false;})
- button_container.append(button);
- }
- CellToolbar.register_callback('example.rawedit',add_raw_edit_button);
- var example_preset = []
- example_preset.push('example.rawedit');
var simple_button = function(div, cell) {
var button_container = $(div);
var button = $('').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon-locked'}});