diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 1368359..03b2936 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ before_install:
     - git clone --quiet --depth 1 https://github.com/minrk/travis-wheels travis-wheels
     - 'if [[ $GROUP != js* ]]; then COVERAGE="--coverage xml"; fi'
-    - pip install -f travis-wheels/wheelhouse -r requirements.txt -e file://$PWD#egg=ipython[all] coveralls
+    - pip install -f travis-wheels/wheelhouse -r requirements.txt -e file://$PWD#egg=ipython[test,notebook] coveralls
     - 'if [[ $GROUP == js* ]]; then python -m IPython.external.mathjax mathjax.zip; fi'
diff --git a/IPython/external/qt.py b/IPython/external/qt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index abfb36b..0000000
--- a/IPython/external/qt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-""" A Qt API selector that can be used to switch between PyQt4/5 and PySide.
-This uses the ETS 4.0 selection pattern of:
-PySide first, PyQt4 (API v2.) second, then PyQt5.
-Do not use this if you need PyQt4 with the old QString/QVariant API.
-import os
-from IPython.external.qt_loaders import (load_qt, QT_API_PYSIDE,
-                                         QT_API_PYQT, QT_API_PYQT5)
-QT_API = os.environ.get('QT_API', None)
-    raise RuntimeError("Invalid Qt API %r, valid values are: %r, %r, %r" %
-                       (QT_API, QT_API_PYSIDE, QT_API_PYQT, QT_API_PYQT5))
-if QT_API is None:
-    api_opts = [QT_API_PYSIDE, QT_API_PYQT, QT_API_PYQT5]
-    api_opts = [QT_API]
-QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QT_API = load_qt(api_opts)
diff --git a/IPython/testing/iptest.py b/IPython/testing/iptest.py
index eee3a5c..b64da0b 100644
--- a/IPython/testing/iptest.py
+++ b/IPython/testing/iptest.py
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ have['numpy'] = test_for('numpy')
 have['pexpect'] = test_for('pexpect')
 have['pymongo'] = test_for('pymongo')
 have['pygments'] = test_for('pygments')
-have['qt'] = test_for('IPython.external.qt')
 have['sqlite3'] = test_for('sqlite3')
 have['tornado'] = test_for('tornado.version_info', (4,0), callback=None)
 have['jinja2'] = test_for('jinja2')
@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ have['zmq'] = test_for('zmq.pyzmq_version_info', min_zmq, callback=lambda x: x()
 test_group_names = ['core',
                     'extensions', 'lib', 'terminal', 'testing', 'utils',
-                    'qt', 'html', 'nbconvert'
+                    'html', 'nbconvert'
 class TestSection(object):
@@ -227,9 +226,6 @@ test_sections['autoreload'] = TestSection('autoreload',
         ['IPython.extensions.autoreload', 'IPython.extensions.tests.test_autoreload'])
-# qt:
-test_sections['qt'].requires('zmq', 'qt', 'pygments')
 # html:
 sec = test_sections['html']
 sec.requires('zmq', 'tornado', 'requests', 'sqlite3', 'jsonschema')
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 57a79d0..29039af 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ graft scripts
 # Load main dir but exclude things we don't want in the distro
 graft IPython
-prune IPython/html/static/mathjax
 # Include some specific files and data resources we need
 include IPython/.git_commit_info.ini
-include IPython/qt/console/resources/icon/IPythonConsole.svg
 # Documentation
 graft docs
diff --git a/examples/IPython Kernel/ipython-qtconsole.desktop b/examples/IPython Kernel/ipython-qtconsole.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 35fd19b..0000000
--- a/examples/IPython Kernel/ipython-qtconsole.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# If you want ipython to appear in a linux app launcher ("start menu"), install this by doing:
-# sudo desktop-file-install ipython-qtconsole.desktop
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=Enhanced interactive Python qtconsole
-Exec=ipython qtconsole
-GenericName[en_US]=Python shell
-GenericName=Python shell
-Name[en_US]=IPython Qt console
-Name=IPython Qt console
-[Desktop Action Matplotlib]
-Exec=ipython qtconsole --matplotlib
-[Desktop Action Matplotlibinline]
-Name=Matplotlib (inline plots)
-Exec=ipython qtconsole --matplotlib=inline
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/__init__.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/base_frontend_mixin.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/base_frontend_mixin.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d317a9c..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/base_frontend_mixin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-""" Defines a convenient mix-in class for implementing Qt frontends.
-class BaseFrontendMixin(object):
-    """ A mix-in class for implementing Qt frontends.
-    To handle messages of a particular type, frontends need only define an
-    appropriate handler method. For example, to handle 'stream' messaged, define
-    a '_handle_stream(msg)' method.
-    """
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'BaseFrontendMixin' concrete interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    _kernel_client = None
-    _kernel_manager = None
-    @property
-    def kernel_client(self):
-        """Returns the current kernel client."""
-        return self._kernel_client
-    @kernel_client.setter
-    def kernel_client(self, kernel_client):
-        """Disconnect from the current kernel client (if any) and set a new
-            kernel client.
-        """
-        # Disconnect the old kernel client, if necessary.
-        old_client = self._kernel_client
-        if old_client is not None:
-            old_client.started_channels.disconnect(self._started_channels)
-            old_client.stopped_channels.disconnect(self._stopped_channels)
-            # Disconnect the old kernel client's channels.
-            old_client.iopub_channel.message_received.disconnect(self._dispatch)
-            old_client.shell_channel.message_received.disconnect(self._dispatch)
-            old_client.stdin_channel.message_received.disconnect(self._dispatch)
-            old_client.hb_channel.kernel_died.disconnect(
-                self._handle_kernel_died)
-            # Handle the case where the old kernel client is still listening.
-            if old_client.channels_running:
-                self._stopped_channels()
-        # Set the new kernel client.
-        self._kernel_client = kernel_client
-        if kernel_client is None:
-            return
-        # Connect the new kernel client.
-        kernel_client.started_channels.connect(self._started_channels)
-        kernel_client.stopped_channels.connect(self._stopped_channels)
-        # Connect the new kernel client's channels.
-        kernel_client.iopub_channel.message_received.connect(self._dispatch)
-        kernel_client.shell_channel.message_received.connect(self._dispatch)
-        kernel_client.stdin_channel.message_received.connect(self._dispatch)
-        # hb_channel
-        kernel_client.hb_channel.kernel_died.connect(self._handle_kernel_died)
-        # Handle the case where the kernel client started channels before
-        # we connected.
-        if kernel_client.channels_running:
-            self._started_channels()
-    @property
-    def kernel_manager(self):
-        """The kernel manager, if any"""
-        return self._kernel_manager
-    @kernel_manager.setter
-    def kernel_manager(self, kernel_manager):
-        old_man = self._kernel_manager
-        if old_man is not None:
-            old_man.kernel_restarted.disconnect(self._handle_kernel_restarted)
-        self._kernel_manager = kernel_manager
-        if kernel_manager is None:
-            return
-        kernel_manager.kernel_restarted.connect(self._handle_kernel_restarted)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _handle_kernel_died(self, since_last_heartbeat):
-        """ This is called when the ``kernel_died`` signal is emitted.
-        This method is called when the kernel heartbeat has not been
-        active for a certain amount of time.
-        This is a strictly passive notification -
-        the kernel is likely being restarted by its KernelManager.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        since_last_heartbeat : float
-            The time since the heartbeat was last received.
-        """
-    def _handle_kernel_restarted(self):
-        """ This is called when the ``kernel_restarted`` signal is emitted.
-        This method is called when the kernel has been restarted by the
-        autorestart mechanism.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        since_last_heartbeat : float
-            The time since the heartbeat was last received.
-        """
-    def _started_kernel(self):
-        """Called when the KernelManager starts (or restarts) the kernel subprocess.
-        Channels may or may not be running at this point.
-        """
-    def _started_channels(self):
-        """ Called when the KernelManager channels have started listening or
-            when the frontend is assigned an already listening KernelManager.
-        """
-    def _stopped_channels(self):
-        """ Called when the KernelManager channels have stopped listening or
-            when a listening KernelManager is removed from the frontend.
-        """
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'BaseFrontendMixin' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _dispatch(self, msg):
-        """ Calls the frontend handler associated with the message type of the
-            given message.
-        """
-        msg_type = msg['header']['msg_type']
-        handler = getattr(self, '_handle_' + msg_type, None)
-        if handler:
-            handler(msg)
-    def from_here(self, msg):
-        """Return whether a message is from this session"""
-        session_id = self._kernel_client.session.session
-        return msg['parent_header'].get("session", session_id) == session_id
-    def include_output(self, msg):
-        """Return whether we should include a given output message"""
-        if self._hidden:
-            return False
-        from_here = self.from_here(msg)
-        if msg['msg_type'] == 'execute_input':
-            # only echo inputs not from here
-            return self.include_other_output and not from_here
-        if self.include_other_output:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return from_here
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/client.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b968cdc..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-""" Defines a KernelClient that provides signals and slots.
-import atexit
-import errno
-from threading import Thread
-import time
-import zmq
-# import ZMQError in top-level namespace, to avoid ugly attribute-error messages
-# during garbage collection of threads at exit:
-from zmq import ZMQError
-from zmq.eventloop import ioloop, zmqstream
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore
-# Local imports
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Type, Instance
-from IPython.kernel.channels import HBChannel
-from IPython.kernel import KernelClient
-from IPython.kernel.channels import InvalidPortNumber
-from IPython.kernel.threaded import ThreadedKernelClient, ThreadedZMQSocketChannel
-from .kernel_mixins import QtKernelClientMixin
-from .util import SuperQObject
-class QtHBChannel(SuperQObject, HBChannel):
-    # A longer timeout than the base class
-    time_to_dead = 3.0
-    # Emitted when the kernel has died.
-    kernel_died = QtCore.Signal(object)
-    def call_handlers(self, since_last_heartbeat):
-        """ Reimplemented to emit signals instead of making callbacks.
-        """
-        # Emit the generic signal.
-        self.kernel_died.emit(since_last_heartbeat)
-from IPython.core.release import kernel_protocol_version_info
-major_protocol_version = kernel_protocol_version_info[0]
-class QtZMQSocketChannel(ThreadedZMQSocketChannel,SuperQObject):
-    """A ZMQ socket emitting a Qt signal when a message is received."""
-    message_received = QtCore.Signal(object)
-    def process_events(self):
-        """ Process any pending GUI events.
-        """
-        QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().processEvents()
-    def call_handlers(self, msg):
-        """This method is called in the ioloop thread when a message arrives.
-        It is important to remember that this method is called in the thread
-        so that some logic must be done to ensure that the application level
-        handlers are called in the application thread.
-        """
-        # Emit the generic signal.
-        self.message_received.emit(msg)
-class QtKernelClient(QtKernelClientMixin, ThreadedKernelClient):
-    """ A KernelClient that provides signals and slots.
-    """
-    iopub_channel_class = Type(QtZMQSocketChannel)
-    shell_channel_class = Type(QtZMQSocketChannel)
-    stdin_channel_class = Type(QtZMQSocketChannel)
-    hb_channel_class = Type(QtHBChannel)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/__init__.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/__main__.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/__main__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 549edb4..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/__main__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from IPython.qt.console.qtconsoleapp import main
-    main()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/ansi_code_processor.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/ansi_code_processor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bd757f..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/ansi_code_processor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-""" Utilities for processing ANSI escape codes and special ASCII characters.
-# Imports
-# Standard library imports
-from collections import namedtuple
-import re
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtGui
-# Local imports
-from IPython.utils.py3compat import string_types
-# Constants and datatypes
-# An action for erase requests (ED and EL commands).
-EraseAction = namedtuple('EraseAction', ['action', 'area', 'erase_to'])
-# An action for cursor move requests (CUU, CUD, CUF, CUB, CNL, CPL, CHA, CUP,
-# and HVP commands).
-# FIXME: Not implemented in AnsiCodeProcessor.
-MoveAction = namedtuple('MoveAction', ['action', 'dir', 'unit', 'count'])
-# An action for scroll requests (SU and ST) and form feeds.
-ScrollAction = namedtuple('ScrollAction', ['action', 'dir', 'unit', 'count'])
-# An action for the carriage return character
-CarriageReturnAction = namedtuple('CarriageReturnAction', ['action'])
-# An action for the \n character
-NewLineAction = namedtuple('NewLineAction', ['action'])
-# An action for the beep character
-BeepAction = namedtuple('BeepAction', ['action'])
-# An action for backspace
-BackSpaceAction = namedtuple('BackSpaceAction', ['action'])
-# Regular expressions.
-CSI_SUBPATTERN = '\[(.*?)([%s])' % CSI_COMMANDS
-OSC_SUBPATTERN = '\](.*?)[\x07\x1b]'
-ANSI_PATTERN = ('\x01?\x1b(%s|%s)\x02?' % \
-ANSI_OR_SPECIAL_PATTERN = re.compile('(\a|\b|\r(?!\n)|\r?\n)|(?:%s)' % ANSI_PATTERN)
-SPECIAL_PATTERN = re.compile('([\f])')
-# Classes
-class AnsiCodeProcessor(object):
-    """ Translates special ASCII characters and ANSI escape codes into readable
-        attributes. It also supports a few non-standard, xterm-specific codes.
-    """
-    # Whether to increase intensity or set boldness for SGR code 1.
-    # (Different terminals handle this in different ways.)
-    bold_text_enabled = False
-    # We provide an empty default color map because subclasses will likely want
-    # to use a custom color format.
-    default_color_map = {}
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # AnsiCodeProcessor interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.actions = []
-        self.color_map = self.default_color_map.copy()
-        self.reset_sgr()
-    def reset_sgr(self):
-        """ Reset graphics attributs to their default values.
-        """
-        self.intensity = 0
-        self.italic = False
-        self.bold = False
-        self.underline = False
-        self.foreground_color = None
-        self.background_color = None
-    def split_string(self, string):
-        """ Yields substrings for which the same escape code applies.
-        """
-        self.actions = []
-        start = 0
-        # strings ending with \r are assumed to be ending in \r\n since
-        # \n is appended to output strings automatically.  Accounting
-        # for that, here.
-        last_char = '\n' if len(string) > 0 and string[-1] == '\n' else None
-        string = string[:-1] if last_char is not None else string
-        for match in ANSI_OR_SPECIAL_PATTERN.finditer(string):
-            raw = string[start:match.start()]
-            substring = SPECIAL_PATTERN.sub(self._replace_special, raw)
-            if substring or self.actions:
-                yield substring
-                self.actions = []
-            start = match.end()
-            groups = [g for g in match.groups() if (g is not None)]
-            g0 = groups[0]
-            if g0 == '\a':
-                self.actions.append(BeepAction('beep'))
-                yield None
-                self.actions = []
-            elif g0 == '\r':
-                self.actions.append(CarriageReturnAction('carriage-return'))
-                yield None
-                self.actions = []
-            elif g0 == '\b':
-                self.actions.append(BackSpaceAction('backspace'))
-                yield None
-                self.actions = []
-            elif g0 == '\n' or g0 == '\r\n':
-                self.actions.append(NewLineAction('newline'))
-                yield g0
-                self.actions = []
-            else:
-                params = [ param for param in groups[1].split(';') if param ]
-                if g0.startswith('['):
-                    # Case 1: CSI code.
-                    try:
-                        params = list(map(int, params))
-                    except ValueError:
-                        # Silently discard badly formed codes.
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        self.set_csi_code(groups[2], params)
-                elif g0.startswith(']'):
-                    # Case 2: OSC code.
-                    self.set_osc_code(params)
-        raw = string[start:]
-        substring = SPECIAL_PATTERN.sub(self._replace_special, raw)
-        if substring or self.actions:
-            yield substring
-        if last_char is not None:
-            self.actions.append(NewLineAction('newline'))
-            yield last_char
-    def set_csi_code(self, command, params=[]):
-        """ Set attributes based on CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) code.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        command : str
-            The code identifier, i.e. the final character in the sequence.
-        params : sequence of integers, optional
-            The parameter codes for the command.
-        """
-        if command == 'm':   # SGR - Select Graphic Rendition
-            if params:
-                self.set_sgr_code(params)
-            else:
-                self.set_sgr_code([0])
-        elif (command == 'J' or # ED - Erase Data
-              command == 'K'):  # EL - Erase in Line
-            code = params[0] if params else 0
-            if 0 <= code <= 2:
-                area = 'screen' if command == 'J' else 'line'
-                if code == 0:
-                    erase_to = 'end'
-                elif code == 1:
-                    erase_to = 'start'
-                elif code == 2:
-                    erase_to = 'all'
-                self.actions.append(EraseAction('erase', area, erase_to))
-        elif (command == 'S' or # SU - Scroll Up
-              command == 'T'):  # SD - Scroll Down
-            dir = 'up' if command == 'S' else 'down'
-            count = params[0] if params else 1
-            self.actions.append(ScrollAction('scroll', dir, 'line', count))
-    def set_osc_code(self, params):
-        """ Set attributes based on OSC (Operating System Command) parameters.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        params : sequence of str
-            The parameters for the command.
-        """
-        try:
-            command = int(params.pop(0))
-        except (IndexError, ValueError):
-            return
-        if command == 4:
-            # xterm-specific: set color number to color spec.
-            try:
-                color = int(params.pop(0))
-                spec = params.pop(0)
-                self.color_map[color] = self._parse_xterm_color_spec(spec)
-            except (IndexError, ValueError):
-                pass
-    def set_sgr_code(self, params):
-        """ Set attributes based on SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) codes.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        params : sequence of ints
-            A list of SGR codes for one or more SGR commands. Usually this
-            sequence will have one element per command, although certain
-            xterm-specific commands requires multiple elements.
-        """
-        # Always consume the first parameter.
-        if not params:
-            return
-        code = params.pop(0)
-        if code == 0:
-            self.reset_sgr()
-        elif code == 1:
-            if self.bold_text_enabled:
-                self.bold = True
-            else:
-                self.intensity = 1
-        elif code == 2:
-            self.intensity = 0
-        elif code == 3:
-            self.italic = True
-        elif code == 4:
-            self.underline = True
-        elif code == 22:
-            self.intensity = 0
-            self.bold = False
-        elif code == 23:
-            self.italic = False
-        elif code == 24:
-            self.underline = False
-        elif code >= 30 and code <= 37:
-            self.foreground_color = code - 30
-        elif code == 38 and params and params.pop(0) == 5:
-            # xterm-specific: 256 color support.
-            if params:
-                self.foreground_color = params.pop(0)
-        elif code == 39:
-            self.foreground_color = None
-        elif code >= 40 and code <= 47:
-            self.background_color = code - 40
-        elif code == 48 and params and params.pop(0) == 5:
-            # xterm-specific: 256 color support.
-            if params:
-                self.background_color = params.pop(0)
-        elif code == 49:
-            self.background_color = None
-        # Recurse with unconsumed parameters.
-        self.set_sgr_code(params)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _parse_xterm_color_spec(self, spec):
-        if spec.startswith('rgb:'):
-            return tuple(map(lambda x: int(x, 16), spec[4:].split('/')))
-        elif spec.startswith('rgbi:'):
-            return tuple(map(lambda x: int(float(x) * 255),
-                             spec[5:].split('/')))
-        elif spec == '?':
-            raise ValueError('Unsupported xterm color spec')
-        return spec
-    def _replace_special(self, match):
-        special = match.group(1)
-        if special == '\f':
-            self.actions.append(ScrollAction('scroll', 'down', 'page', 1))
-        return ''
-class QtAnsiCodeProcessor(AnsiCodeProcessor):
-    """ Translates ANSI escape codes into QTextCharFormats.
-    """
-    # A map from ANSI color codes to SVG color names or RGB(A) tuples.
-    darkbg_color_map = {
-        0  : 'black',       # black
-        1  : 'darkred',     # red
-        2  : 'darkgreen',   # green
-        3  : 'brown',       # yellow
-        4  : 'darkblue',    # blue
-        5  : 'darkviolet',  # magenta
-        6  : 'steelblue',   # cyan
-        7  : 'grey',        # white
-        8  : 'grey',        # black (bright)
-        9  : 'red',         # red (bright)
-        10 : 'lime',        # green (bright)
-        11 : 'yellow',      # yellow (bright)
-        12 : 'deepskyblue', # blue (bright)
-        13 : 'magenta',     # magenta (bright)
-        14 : 'cyan',        # cyan (bright)
-        15 : 'white' }      # white (bright)
-    # Set the default color map for super class.
-    default_color_map = darkbg_color_map.copy()
-    def get_color(self, color, intensity=0):
-        """ Returns a QColor for a given color code, or None if one cannot be
-            constructed.
-        """
-        if color is None:
-            return None
-        # Adjust for intensity, if possible.
-        if color < 8 and intensity > 0:
-            color += 8
-        constructor = self.color_map.get(color, None)
-        if isinstance(constructor, string_types):
-            # If this is an X11 color name, we just hope there is a close SVG
-            # color name. We could use QColor's static method
-            # 'setAllowX11ColorNames()', but this is global and only available
-            # on X11. It seems cleaner to aim for uniformity of behavior.
-            return QtGui.QColor(constructor)
-        elif isinstance(constructor, (tuple, list)):
-            return QtGui.QColor(*constructor)
-        return None
-    def get_format(self):
-        """ Returns a QTextCharFormat that encodes the current style attributes.
-        """
-        format = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        # Set foreground color
-        qcolor = self.get_color(self.foreground_color, self.intensity)
-        if qcolor is not None:
-            format.setForeground(qcolor)
-        # Set background color
-        qcolor = self.get_color(self.background_color, self.intensity)
-        if qcolor is not None:
-            format.setBackground(qcolor)
-        # Set font weight/style options
-        if self.bold:
-            format.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
-        else:
-            format.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Normal)
-        format.setFontItalic(self.italic)
-        format.setFontUnderline(self.underline)
-        return format
-    def set_background_color(self, color):
-        """ Given a background color (a QColor), attempt to set a color map
-            that will be aesthetically pleasing.
-        """
-        # Set a new default color map.
-        self.default_color_map = self.darkbg_color_map.copy()
-        if color.value() >= 127:
-            # Colors appropriate for a terminal with a light background. For
-            # now, only use non-bright colors...
-            for i in range(8):
-                self.default_color_map[i + 8] = self.default_color_map[i]
-            # ...and replace white with black.
-            self.default_color_map[7] = self.default_color_map[15] = 'black'
-        # Update the current color map with the new defaults.
-        self.color_map.update(self.default_color_map)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/bracket_matcher.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/bracket_matcher.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f7955b9..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/bracket_matcher.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-""" Provides bracket matching for Q[Plain]TextEdit widgets.
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-class BracketMatcher(QtCore.QObject):
-    """ Matches square brackets, braces, and parentheses based on cursor
-        position.
-    """
-    # Protected class variables.
-    _opening_map = { '(':')', '{':'}', '[':']' }
-    _closing_map = { ')':'(', '}':'{', ']':'[' }
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QObject' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, text_edit):
-        """ Create a call tip manager that is attached to the specified Qt
-            text edit widget.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(text_edit, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
-        super(BracketMatcher, self).__init__()
-        # The format to apply to matching brackets.
-        self.format = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        self.format.setBackground(QtGui.QColor('silver'))
-        self._text_edit = text_edit
-        text_edit.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self._cursor_position_changed)
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Protected interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _find_match(self, position):
-        """ Given a valid position in the text document, try to find the
-            position of the matching bracket. Returns -1 if unsuccessful.
-        """
-        # Decide what character to search for and what direction to search in.
-        document = self._text_edit.document()
-        start_char = document.characterAt(position)
-        search_char = self._opening_map.get(start_char)
-        if search_char:
-            increment = 1
-        else:
-            search_char = self._closing_map.get(start_char)
-            if search_char:
-                increment = -1
-            else:
-                return -1
-        # Search for the character.
-        char = start_char
-        depth = 0
-        while position >= 0 and position < document.characterCount():
-            if char == start_char:
-                depth += 1
-            elif char == search_char:
-                depth -= 1
-            if depth == 0:
-                break
-            position += increment
-            char = document.characterAt(position)
-        else:
-            position = -1
-        return position
-    def _selection_for_character(self, position):
-        """ Convenience method for selecting a character.
-        """
-        selection = QtGui.QTextEdit.ExtraSelection()
-        cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
-        cursor.setPosition(position)
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.NextCharacter,
-                            QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        selection.cursor = cursor
-        selection.format = self.format
-        return selection
-    #------ Signal handlers ----------------------------------------------------
-    def _cursor_position_changed(self):
-        """ Updates the document formatting based on the new cursor position.
-        """
-        # Clear out the old formatting.
-        self._text_edit.setExtraSelections([])
-        # Attempt to match a bracket for the new cursor position.
-        cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
-        if not cursor.hasSelection():
-            position = cursor.position() - 1
-            match_position = self._find_match(position)
-            if match_position != -1:
-                extra_selections = [ self._selection_for_character(pos)
-                                     for pos in (position, match_position) ]
-                self._text_edit.setExtraSelections(extra_selections)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/call_tip_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/call_tip_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 653094e..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/call_tip_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-# Standard library imports
-import re
-from unicodedata import category
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-class CallTipWidget(QtGui.QLabel):
-    """ Shows call tips by parsing the current text of Q[Plain]TextEdit.
-    """
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QObject' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, text_edit):
-        """ Create a call tip manager that is attached to the specified Qt
-            text edit widget.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(text_edit, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
-        super(CallTipWidget, self).__init__(None, QtCore.Qt.ToolTip)
-        self._hide_timer = QtCore.QBasicTimer()
-        self._text_edit = text_edit
-        self.setFont(text_edit.document().defaultFont())
-        self.setForegroundRole(QtGui.QPalette.ToolTipText)
-        self.setBackgroundRole(QtGui.QPalette.ToolTipBase)
-        self.setPalette(QtGui.QToolTip.palette())
-        self.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft)
-        self.setIndent(1)
-        self.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.NoFrame)
-        self.setMargin(1 + self.style().pixelMetric(
-                QtGui.QStyle.PM_ToolTipLabelFrameWidth, None, self))
-        self.setWindowOpacity(self.style().styleHint(
-                QtGui.QStyle.SH_ToolTipLabel_Opacity, None, self, None) / 255.0)
-        self.setWordWrap(True)
-    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to hide on certain key presses and on text edit focus
-            changes.
-        """
-        if obj == self._text_edit:
-            etype = event.type()
-            if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
-                key = event.key()
-                if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Return):
-                    self.hide()
-                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
-                    self.hide()
-                    return True
-            elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut:
-                self.hide()
-            elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.Enter:
-                self._hide_timer.stop()
-            elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.Leave:
-                self._leave_event_hide()
-        return super(CallTipWidget, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
-    def timerEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to hide the widget when the hide timer fires.
-        """
-        if event.timerId() == self._hide_timer.timerId():
-            self._hide_timer.stop()
-            self.hide()
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QWidget' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def enterEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to cancel the hide timer.
-        """
-        super(CallTipWidget, self).enterEvent(event)
-        self._hide_timer.stop()
-    def hideEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to disconnect signal handlers and event filter.
-        """
-        super(CallTipWidget, self).hideEvent(event)
-        self._text_edit.cursorPositionChanged.disconnect(
-            self._cursor_position_changed)
-        self._text_edit.removeEventFilter(self)
-    def leaveEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to start the hide timer.
-        """
-        super(CallTipWidget, self).leaveEvent(event)
-        self._leave_event_hide()
-    def paintEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to paint the background panel.
-        """
-        painter = QtGui.QStylePainter(self)
-        option = QtGui.QStyleOptionFrame()
-        option.initFrom(self)
-        painter.drawPrimitive(QtGui.QStyle.PE_PanelTipLabel, option)
-        painter.end()
-        super(CallTipWidget, self).paintEvent(event)
-    def setFont(self, font):
-        """ Reimplemented to allow use of this method as a slot.
-        """
-        super(CallTipWidget, self).setFont(font)
-    def showEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to connect signal handlers and event filter.
-        """
-        super(CallTipWidget, self).showEvent(event)
-        self._text_edit.cursorPositionChanged.connect(
-            self._cursor_position_changed)
-        self._text_edit.installEventFilter(self)
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'CallTipWidget' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def show_inspect_data(self, content, maxlines=20):
-        """Show inspection data as a tooltip"""
-        data = content.get('data', {})
-        text = data.get('text/plain', '')
-        match = re.match("(?:[^\n]*\n){%i}" % maxlines, text)
-        if match:
-            text = text[:match.end()] + '\n[Documentation continues...]'
-        return self.show_tip(self._format_tooltip(text))
-    def show_tip(self, tip):
-        """ Attempts to show the specified tip at the current cursor location.
-        """
-        # Attempt to find the cursor position at which to show the call tip.
-        text_edit = self._text_edit
-        document = text_edit.document()
-        cursor = text_edit.textCursor()
-        search_pos = cursor.position() - 1
-        self._start_position, _ = self._find_parenthesis(search_pos,
-                                                         forward=False)
-        if self._start_position == -1:
-            return False
-        # Set the text and resize the widget accordingly.
-        self.setText(tip)
-        self.resize(self.sizeHint())
-        # Locate and show the widget. Place the tip below the current line
-        # unless it would be off the screen.  In that case, decide the best
-        # location based trying to minimize the  area that goes off-screen.
-        padding = 3 # Distance in pixels between cursor bounds and tip box.
-        cursor_rect = text_edit.cursorRect(cursor)
-        screen_rect = QtGui.qApp.desktop().screenGeometry(text_edit)
-        point = text_edit.mapToGlobal(cursor_rect.bottomRight())
-        point.setY(point.y() + padding)
-        tip_height = self.size().height()
-        tip_width = self.size().width()
-        vertical = 'bottom'
-        horizontal = 'Right'
-        if point.y() + tip_height > screen_rect.height():
-            point_ = text_edit.mapToGlobal(cursor_rect.topRight())
-            # If tip is still off screen, check if point is in top or bottom
-            # half of screen.
-            if point_.y() - tip_height < padding:
-                # If point is in upper half of screen, show tip below it.
-                # otherwise above it.
-                if 2*point.y() < screen_rect.height():
-                    vertical = 'bottom'
-                else:
-                    vertical = 'top'
-            else:
-                vertical = 'top'
-        if point.x() + tip_width > screen_rect.width():
-            point_ = text_edit.mapToGlobal(cursor_rect.topRight())
-            # If tip is still off-screen, check if point is in the right or
-            # left half of the screen.
-            if point_.x() - tip_width < padding:
-                if 2*point.x() < screen_rect.width():
-                    horizontal = 'Right'
-                else:
-                    horizontal = 'Left'
-            else:
-                horizontal = 'Left'
-        pos = getattr(cursor_rect, '%s%s' %(vertical, horizontal))
-        point = text_edit.mapToGlobal(pos())
-        point.setY(point.y() + padding)
-        if vertical == 'top':
-            point.setY(point.y() - tip_height)
-        if horizontal == 'Left':
-            point.setX(point.x() - tip_width - padding)
-        self.move(point)
-        self.show()
-        return True
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Protected interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _find_parenthesis(self, position, forward=True):
-        """ If 'forward' is True (resp. False), proceed forwards
-            (resp. backwards) through the line that contains 'position' until an
-            unmatched closing (resp. opening) parenthesis is found. Returns a
-            tuple containing the position of this parenthesis (or -1 if it is
-            not found) and the number commas (at depth 0) found along the way.
-        """
-        commas = depth = 0
-        document = self._text_edit.document()
-        char = document.characterAt(position)
-        # Search until a match is found or a non-printable character is
-        # encountered.
-        while category(char) != 'Cc' and position > 0:
-            if char == ',' and depth == 0:
-                commas += 1
-            elif char == ')':
-                if forward and depth == 0:
-                    break
-                depth += 1
-            elif char == '(':
-                if not forward and depth == 0:
-                    break
-                depth -= 1
-            position += 1 if forward else -1
-            char = document.characterAt(position)
-        else:
-            position = -1
-        return position, commas
-    def _leave_event_hide(self):
-        """ Hides the tooltip after some time has passed (assuming the cursor is
-            not over the tooltip).
-        """
-        if (not self._hide_timer.isActive() and
-            # If Enter events always came after Leave events, we wouldn't need
-            # this check. But on Mac OS, it sometimes happens the other way
-            # around when the tooltip is created.
-            QtGui.qApp.topLevelAt(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) != self):
-            self._hide_timer.start(300, self)
-    def _format_tooltip(self, doc):
-        doc = re.sub(r'\033\[(\d|;)+?m', '', doc)
-        return doc
-    #------ Signal handlers ----------------------------------------------------
-    def _cursor_position_changed(self):
-        """ Updates the tip based on user cursor movement.
-        """
-        cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
-        if cursor.position() <= self._start_position:
-            self.hide()
-        else:
-            position, commas = self._find_parenthesis(self._start_position + 1)
-            if position != -1:
-                self.hide()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_html.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_html.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 109a7cb..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_html.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-"""A navigable completer for the qtconsole"""
-# coding : utf-8
-# Copyright (c) 2012, IPython Development Team.$
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.$
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-# System library imports
-import IPython.utils.text as text
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-# Return an HTML table with selected item in a special class
-def html_tableify(item_matrix, select=None, header=None , footer=None) :
-    """ returnr a string for an html table"""
-    if not item_matrix :
-        return ''
-    html_cols = []
-    tds = lambda text : u'<td>'+text+u'  </td>'
-    trs = lambda text : u'<tr>'+text+u'</tr>'
-    tds_items = [list(map(tds, row)) for row in item_matrix]
-    if select :
-        row, col = select
-        tds_items[row][col] = u'<td class="inverted">'\
-                +item_matrix[row][col]\
-                +u'  </td>'
-    #select the right item
-    html_cols = map(trs, (u''.join(row) for row in tds_items))
-    head = ''
-    foot = ''
-    if header :
-        head = (u'<tr>'\
-            +''.join((u'<td>'+header+u'</td>')*len(item_matrix[0]))\
-            +'</tr>')
-    if footer : 
-        foot = (u'<tr>'\
-            +''.join((u'<td>'+footer+u'</td>')*len(item_matrix[0]))\
-            +'</tr>')
-    html = (u'<table class="completion" style="white-space:pre">'+head+(u''.join(html_cols))+foot+u'</table>')
-    return html
-class SlidingInterval(object): 
-    """a bound interval that follows a cursor
-    internally used to scoll the completion view when the cursor 
-    try to go beyond the edges, and show '...' when rows are hidden
-    """
-    _min = 0
-    _max = 1
-    _current = 0
-    def __init__(self, maximum=1, width=6, minimum=0, sticky_lenght=1):
-        """Create a new bounded interval
-        any value return by this will be bound between maximum and 
-        minimum. usual width will be 'width', and sticky_length 
-        set when the return  interval should expand to max and min
-        """
-        self._min = minimum 
-        self._max = maximum
-        self._start = 0
-        self._width = width
-        self._stop = self._start+self._width+1
-        self._sticky_lenght = sticky_lenght
-    @property
-    def current(self):
-        """current cursor position"""
-        return self._current
-    @current.setter
-    def current(self, value):
-        """set current cursor position"""
-        current = min(max(self._min, value), self._max)
-        self._current = current
-        if current > self._stop : 
-            self._stop = current
-            self._start = current-self._width
-        elif current < self._start : 
-            self._start = current
-            self._stop = current + self._width
-        if abs(self._start - self._min) <= self._sticky_lenght :
-            self._start = self._min
-        if abs(self._stop - self._max) <= self._sticky_lenght :
-            self._stop = self._max
-    @property 
-    def start(self):
-        """begiiing of interval to show"""
-        return self._start
-    @property
-    def stop(self):
-        """end of interval to show"""
-        return self._stop
-    @property
-    def width(self):
-        return self._stop - self._start
-    @property 
-    def nth(self):
-        return self.current - self.start
-class CompletionHtml(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """ A widget for tab completion,  navigable by arrow keys """
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QObject' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    _items = ()
-    _index = (0, 0)
-    _consecutive_tab = 0
-    _size = (1, 1)
-    _old_cursor = None
-    _start_position = 0
-    _slice_start = 0
-    _slice_len = 4
-    def __init__(self, console_widget):
-        """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
-            text edit widget.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(console_widget._control, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
-        super(CompletionHtml, self).__init__()
-        self._text_edit = console_widget._control
-        self._console_widget = console_widget
-        self._text_edit.installEventFilter(self)
-        self._sliding_interval = None
-        self._justified_items = None
-        # Ensure that the text edit keeps focus when widget is displayed.
-        self.setFocusProxy(self._text_edit)
-    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to handle keyboard input and to auto-hide when the
-            text edit loses focus.
-        """
-        if obj == self._text_edit:
-            etype = event.type()
-            if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
-                key = event.key()
-                if self._consecutive_tab == 0 and key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
-                    return False
-                elif self._consecutive_tab == 1 and key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
-                    # ok , called twice, we grab focus, and show the cursor
-                    self._consecutive_tab = self._consecutive_tab+1
-                    self._update_list()
-                    return True
-                elif self._consecutive_tab == 2:
-                    if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter):
-                        self._complete_current()
-                        return True
-                    if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
-                        self.select_right()
-                        self._update_list()
-                        return True
-                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Down,):
-                        self.select_down()
-                        self._update_list()
-                        return True
-                    elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Right,):
-                        self.select_right()
-                        self._update_list()
-                        return True
-                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Up,):
-                        self.select_up()
-                        self._update_list()
-                        return True
-                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Left,):
-                        self.select_left()
-                        self._update_list()
-                        return True
-                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape,):
-                        self.cancel_completion()
-                        return True
-                    else :
-                        self.cancel_completion()
-                else:
-                    self.cancel_completion()
-            elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut:
-                self.cancel_completion()
-        return super(CompletionHtml, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'CompletionHtml' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def cancel_completion(self):
-        """Cancel the completion
-        should be called when the completer have to be dismissed
-        This reset internal variable, clearing the temporary buffer
-        of the console where the completion are shown.
-        """
-        self._consecutive_tab = 0
-        self._slice_start = 0
-        self._console_widget._clear_temporary_buffer()
-        self._index = (0, 0)
-        if(self._sliding_interval):
-            self._sliding_interval = None
-    #
-    #  ...  2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4  4
-    #   2   2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4  4
-    #
-    #2  2   x x x x x x x x x x x  5  5
-    #6  6   x x x x x x x x x x x  5  5
-    #6  6   x x x x x x x x x x ?  5  5
-    #6  6   x x x x x x x x x x ?  1  1
-    #
-    #3  3   3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1  1  1 ...
-    #3  3   3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1  1  1 ...
-    def _select_index(self, row, col):
-        """Change the selection index, and make sure it stays in the right range
-        A little more complicated than just dooing modulo the number of row columns
-        to be sure to cycle through all element.
-        horizontaly, the element are maped like this :
-        to r <-- a b c d e f --> to g
-        to f <-- g h i j k l --> to m
-        to l <-- m n o p q r --> to a
-        and vertically
-        a d g j m p
-        b e h k n q
-        c f i l o r
-        """
-        nr, nc = self._size
-        nr = nr-1
-        nc = nc-1
-        # case 1
-        if (row > nr and col >= nc) or (row >= nr and col > nc):
-            self._select_index(0, 0)
-        # case 2
-        elif (row <= 0 and col < 0) or  (row < 0 and col <= 0):
-            self._select_index(nr, nc)
-        # case 3
-        elif row > nr :
-            self._select_index(0, col+1)
-        # case 4
-        elif row < 0 :
-            self._select_index(nr, col-1)
-        # case 5
-        elif col > nc :
-            self._select_index(row+1, 0)
-        # case 6
-        elif col < 0 :
-            self._select_index(row-1, nc)
-        elif 0 <= row and row <= nr and 0 <= col and col <= nc :
-            self._index = (row, col)
-        else :
-            raise NotImplementedError("you'r trying to go where no completion\
-                           have gone before : %d:%d (%d:%d)"%(row, col, nr, nc) )
-    @property
-    def _slice_end(self):
-        end = self._slice_start+self._slice_len
-        if end > len(self._items) :
-            return None
-        return end
-    def select_up(self):
-        """move cursor up"""
-        r, c = self._index
-        self._select_index(r-1, c)
-    def select_down(self):
-        """move cursor down"""
-        r, c = self._index
-        self._select_index(r+1, c)
-    def select_left(self):
-        """move cursor left"""
-        r, c = self._index
-        self._select_index(r, c-1)
-    def select_right(self):
-        """move cursor right"""
-        r, c = self._index
-        self._select_index(r, c+1)
-    def show_items(self, cursor, items):
-        """ Shows the completion widget with 'items' at the position specified
-            by 'cursor'.
-        """
-        if not items :
-            return
-        self._start_position = cursor.position()
-        self._consecutive_tab = 1
-        items_m, ci = text.compute_item_matrix(items, empty=' ')
-        self._sliding_interval = SlidingInterval(len(items_m)-1)
-        self._items = items_m
-        self._size = (ci['rows_numbers'], ci['columns_numbers'])
-        self._old_cursor = cursor
-        self._index = (0, 0)
-        sjoin = lambda x : [ y.ljust(w, ' ') for y, w in zip(x, ci['columns_width'])]
-        self._justified_items = list(map(sjoin, items_m))
-        self._update_list(hilight=False)
-    def _update_list(self, hilight=True):
-        """ update the list of completion and hilight the currently selected completion """
-        self._sliding_interval.current = self._index[0]
-        head = None
-        foot = None
-        if self._sliding_interval.start > 0 : 
-            head = '...'
-        if self._sliding_interval.stop < self._sliding_interval._max:
-            foot = '...'
-        items_m = self._justified_items[\
-                       self._sliding_interval.start:\
-                       self._sliding_interval.stop+1\
-                                       ]
-        self._console_widget._clear_temporary_buffer()
-        if(hilight):
-            sel = (self._sliding_interval.nth, self._index[1])
-        else :
-            sel = None
-        strng = html_tableify(items_m, select=sel, header=head, footer=foot)
-        self._console_widget._fill_temporary_buffer(self._old_cursor, strng, html=True)
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Protected interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _complete_current(self):
-        """ Perform the completion with the currently selected item.
-        """
-        i = self._index
-        item = self._items[i[0]][i[1]]
-        item = item.strip()
-        if item :
-            self._current_text_cursor().insertText(item)
-        self.cancel_completion()
-    def _current_text_cursor(self):
-        """ Returns a cursor with text between the start position and the
-            current position selected.
-        """
-        cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
-        if cursor.position() >= self._start_position:
-            cursor.setPosition(self._start_position,
-                               QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        return cursor
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_plain.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_plain.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b09a0..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_plain.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-"""A simple completer for the qtconsole"""
-# Copyright (c) 2012, IPython Development Team.$
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.$
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-import IPython.utils.text as text
-class CompletionPlain(QtGui.QWidget):
-    """ A widget for tab completion,  navigable by arrow keys """
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QObject' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, console_widget):
-        """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
-            text edit widget.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(console_widget._control, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
-        super(CompletionPlain, self).__init__()
-        self._text_edit = console_widget._control
-        self._console_widget = console_widget
-        self._text_edit.installEventFilter(self)
-    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to handle keyboard input and to auto-hide when the
-            text edit loses focus.
-        """
-        if obj == self._text_edit:
-            etype = event.type()
-            if etype in( QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress, QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut ):
-                self.cancel_completion()
-        return super(CompletionPlain, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'CompletionPlain' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def cancel_completion(self):
-        """Cancel the completion, reseting internal variable, clearing buffer """
-        self._console_widget._clear_temporary_buffer()
-    def show_items(self, cursor, items):
-        """ Shows the completion widget with 'items' at the position specified
-            by 'cursor'.
-        """
-        if not items :
-            return
-        self.cancel_completion()
-        strng = text.columnize(items)
-        self._console_widget._fill_temporary_buffer(cursor, strng, html=False)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf5a61d..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/completion_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-"""A dropdown completer widget for the qtconsole."""
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-class CompletionWidget(QtGui.QListWidget):
-    """ A widget for GUI tab completion.
-    """
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QObject' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, console_widget):
-        """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
-            text edit widget.
-        """
-        text_edit = console_widget._control
-        assert isinstance(text_edit, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
-        super(CompletionWidget, self).__init__()
-        self._text_edit = text_edit
-        self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_StaticContents)
-        self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.ToolTip | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
-        # Ensure that the text edit keeps focus when widget is displayed.
-        self.setFocusProxy(self._text_edit)
-        self.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Plain)
-        self.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel)
-        self.itemActivated.connect(self._complete_current)
-    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to handle keyboard input and to auto-hide when the
-            text edit loses focus.
-        """
-        if obj == self._text_edit:
-            etype = event.type()
-            if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
-                key, text = event.key(), event.text()
-                if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter,
-                           QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab):
-                    self._complete_current()
-                    return True
-                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
-                    self.hide()
-                    return True
-                elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down,
-                             QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown,
-                             QtCore.Qt.Key_Home, QtCore.Qt.Key_End):
-                    self.keyPressEvent(event)
-                    return True
-            elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut:
-                self.hide()
-        return super(CompletionWidget, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QWidget' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def hideEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to disconnect signal handlers and event filter.
-        """
-        super(CompletionWidget, self).hideEvent(event)
-        self._text_edit.cursorPositionChanged.disconnect(self._update_current)
-        self._text_edit.removeEventFilter(self)
-    def showEvent(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to connect signal handlers and event filter.
-        """
-        super(CompletionWidget, self).showEvent(event)
-        self._text_edit.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self._update_current)
-        self._text_edit.installEventFilter(self)
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'CompletionWidget' interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def show_items(self, cursor, items):
-        """ Shows the completion widget with 'items' at the position specified
-            by 'cursor'.
-        """
-        text_edit = self._text_edit
-        point = text_edit.cursorRect(cursor).bottomRight()
-        point = text_edit.mapToGlobal(point)
-        height = self.sizeHint().height()
-        screen_rect = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry(self)
-        if screen_rect.size().height() - point.y() - height < 0:
-            point = text_edit.mapToGlobal(text_edit.cursorRect().topRight())
-            point.setY(point.y() - height)
-        self.move(point)
-        self._start_position = cursor.position()
-        self.clear()
-        self.addItems(items)
-        self.setCurrentRow(0)
-        self.show()
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Protected interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _complete_current(self):
-        """ Perform the completion with the currently selected item.
-        """
-        self._current_text_cursor().insertText(self.currentItem().text())
-        self.hide()
-    def _current_text_cursor(self):
-        """ Returns a cursor with text between the start position and the
-            current position selected.
-        """
-        cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
-        if cursor.position() >= self._start_position:
-            cursor.setPosition(self._start_position,
-                               QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        return cursor
-    def _update_current(self):
-        """ Updates the current item based on the current text.
-        """
-        prefix = self._current_text_cursor().selection().toPlainText()
-        if prefix:
-            items = self.findItems(prefix, (QtCore.Qt.MatchStartsWith |
-                                            QtCore.Qt.MatchCaseSensitive))
-            if items:
-                self.setCurrentItem(items[0])
-            else:
-                self.hide()
-        else:
-            self.hide()
-    def cancel_completion(self):
-        self.hide()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/console_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/console_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce177e..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/console_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2167 +0,0 @@
-""" An abstract base class for console-type widgets.
-# Imports
-# Standard library imports
-import os.path
-import re
-import sys
-from textwrap import dedent
-import time
-from unicodedata import category
-import webbrowser
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-# Local imports
-from IPython.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable
-from IPython.core.inputsplitter import ESC_SEQUENCES
-from IPython.qt.rich_text import HtmlExporter
-from IPython.qt.util import MetaQObjectHasTraits, get_font
-from IPython.utils.text import columnize
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool, Enum, Integer, Unicode
-from .ansi_code_processor import QtAnsiCodeProcessor
-from .completion_widget import CompletionWidget
-from .completion_html import CompletionHtml
-from .completion_plain import CompletionPlain
-from .kill_ring import QtKillRing
-# Functions
-ESCAPE_RE = re.compile("^["+ESCAPE_CHARS+"]+")
-def commonprefix(items):
-    """Get common prefix for completions
-    Return the longest common prefix of a list of strings, but with special
-    treatment of escape characters that might precede commands in IPython,
-    such as %magic functions. Used in tab completion.
-    For a more general function, see os.path.commonprefix
-    """
-    # the last item will always have the least leading % symbol
-    # min / max are first/last in alphabetical order
-    first_match  = ESCAPE_RE.match(min(items))
-    last_match  = ESCAPE_RE.match(max(items))
-    # common suffix is (common prefix of reversed items) reversed
-    if first_match and last_match:
-        prefix = os.path.commonprefix((first_match.group(0)[::-1], last_match.group(0)[::-1]))[::-1]
-    else:
-        prefix = ''
-    items = [s.lstrip(ESCAPE_CHARS) for s in items]
-    return prefix+os.path.commonprefix(items)
-def is_letter_or_number(char):
-    """ Returns whether the specified unicode character is a letter or a number.
-    """
-    cat = category(char)
-    return cat.startswith('L') or cat.startswith('N')
-# Classes
-class ConsoleWidget(MetaQObjectHasTraits('NewBase', (LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget), {})):
-    """ An abstract base class for console-type widgets. This class has
-        functionality for:
-            * Maintaining a prompt and editing region
-            * Providing the traditional Unix-style console keyboard shortcuts
-            * Performing tab completion
-            * Paging text
-            * Handling ANSI escape codes
-        ConsoleWidget also provides a number of utility methods that will be
-        convenient to implementors of a console-style widget.
-    """
-    #------ Configuration ------------------------------------------------------
-    ansi_codes = Bool(True, config=True,
-        help="Whether to process ANSI escape codes."
-    )
-    buffer_size = Integer(500, config=True,
-        help="""
-        The maximum number of lines of text before truncation. Specifying a
-        non-positive number disables text truncation (not recommended).
-        """
-    )
-    execute_on_complete_input = Bool(True, config=True,
-        help="""Whether to automatically execute on syntactically complete input.
-        If False, Shift-Enter is required to submit each execution.
-        Disabling this is mainly useful for non-Python kernels,
-        where the completion check would be wrong.
-        """
-    )
-    gui_completion = Enum(['plain', 'droplist', 'ncurses'], config=True,
-                    default_value = 'ncurses',
-                    help="""
-                    The type of completer to use. Valid values are:
-                    'plain'   : Show the available completion as a text list
-                                Below the editing area.
-                    'droplist': Show the completion in a drop down list navigable
-                                by the arrow keys, and from which you can select
-                                completion by pressing Return.
-                    'ncurses' : Show the completion as a text list which is navigable by
-                                `tab` and arrow keys.
-                    """
-    )
-    # NOTE: this value can only be specified during initialization.
-    kind = Enum(['plain', 'rich'], default_value='plain', config=True,
-        help="""
-        The type of underlying text widget to use. Valid values are 'plain',
-        which specifies a QPlainTextEdit, and 'rich', which specifies a
-        QTextEdit.
-        """
-    )
-    # NOTE: this value can only be specified during initialization.
-    paging = Enum(['inside', 'hsplit', 'vsplit', 'custom', 'none'],
-                  default_value='inside', config=True,
-        help="""
-        The type of paging to use. Valid values are:
-        'inside'
-           The widget pages like a traditional terminal.
-        'hsplit'
-           When paging is requested, the widget is split horizontally. The top
-           pane contains the console, and the bottom pane contains the paged text.
-        'vsplit'
-           Similar to 'hsplit', except that a vertical splitter is used.
-        'custom'
-           No action is taken by the widget beyond emitting a
-           'custom_page_requested(str)' signal.
-        'none'
-           The text is written directly to the console.
-        """)
-    font_family = Unicode(config=True,
-        help="""The font family to use for the console.
-        On OSX this defaults to Monaco, on Windows the default is
-        Consolas with fallback of Courier, and on other platforms
-        the default is Monospace.
-        """)
-    def _font_family_default(self):
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            # Consolas ships with Vista/Win7, fallback to Courier if needed
-            return 'Consolas'
-        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
-            # OSX always has Monaco, no need for a fallback
-            return 'Monaco'
-        else:
-            # Monospace should always exist, no need for a fallback
-            return 'Monospace'
-    font_size = Integer(config=True,
-        help="""The font size. If unconfigured, Qt will be entrusted
-        with the size of the font.
-        """)
-    width = Integer(81, config=True,
-        help="""The width of the console at start time in number
-        of characters (will double with `hsplit` paging)
-        """)
-    height = Integer(25, config=True,
-        help="""The height of the console at start time in number
-        of characters (will double with `vsplit` paging)
-        """)
-    # Whether to override ShortcutEvents for the keybindings defined by this
-    # widget (Ctrl+n, Ctrl+a, etc). Enable this if you want this widget to take
-    # priority (when it has focus) over, e.g., window-level menu shortcuts.
-    override_shortcuts = Bool(False)
-    # ------ Custom Qt Widgets -------------------------------------------------
-    # For other projects to easily override the Qt widgets used by the console
-    # (e.g. Spyder)
-    custom_control = None
-    custom_page_control = None
-    #------ Signals ------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Signals that indicate ConsoleWidget state.
-    copy_available = QtCore.Signal(bool)
-    redo_available = QtCore.Signal(bool)
-    undo_available = QtCore.Signal(bool)
-    # Signal emitted when paging is needed and the paging style has been
-    # specified as 'custom'.
-    custom_page_requested = QtCore.Signal(object)
-    # Signal emitted when the font is changed.
-    font_changed = QtCore.Signal(QtGui.QFont)
-    #------ Protected class variables ------------------------------------------
-    # control handles
-    _control = None
-    _page_control = None
-    _splitter = None
-    # When the control key is down, these keys are mapped.
-    _ctrl_down_remap = { QtCore.Qt.Key_B : QtCore.Qt.Key_Left,
-                         QtCore.Qt.Key_F : QtCore.Qt.Key_Right,
-                         QtCore.Qt.Key_A : QtCore.Qt.Key_Home,
-                         QtCore.Qt.Key_P : QtCore.Qt.Key_Up,
-                         QtCore.Qt.Key_N : QtCore.Qt.Key_Down,
-                         QtCore.Qt.Key_H : QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace, }
-    if not sys.platform == 'darwin':
-        # On OS X, Ctrl-E already does the right thing, whereas End moves the
-        # cursor to the bottom of the buffer.
-        _ctrl_down_remap[QtCore.Qt.Key_E] = QtCore.Qt.Key_End
-    # The shortcuts defined by this widget. We need to keep track of these to
-    # support 'override_shortcuts' above.
-    _shortcuts = set(_ctrl_down_remap.keys()) | \
-                     { QtCore.Qt.Key_C, QtCore.Qt.Key_G, QtCore.Qt.Key_O,
-                       QtCore.Qt.Key_V }
-    _temp_buffer_filled = False
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QObject' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw):
-        """ Create a ConsoleWidget.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        parent : QWidget, optional [default None]
-            The parent for this widget.
-        """
-        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
-        LoggingConfigurable.__init__(self, **kw)
-        # While scrolling the pager on Mac OS X, it tears badly.  The
-        # NativeGesture is platform and perhaps build-specific hence
-        # we take adequate precautions here.
-        self._pager_scroll_events = [QtCore.QEvent.Wheel]
-        if hasattr(QtCore.QEvent, 'NativeGesture'):
-            self._pager_scroll_events.append(QtCore.QEvent.NativeGesture)
-        # Create the layout and underlying text widget.
-        layout = QtGui.QStackedLayout(self)
-        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
-        self._control = self._create_control()
-        if self.paging in ('hsplit', 'vsplit'):
-            self._splitter = QtGui.QSplitter()
-            if self.paging == 'hsplit':
-                self._splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
-            else:
-                self._splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical)
-            self._splitter.addWidget(self._control)
-            layout.addWidget(self._splitter)
-        else:
-            layout.addWidget(self._control)
-        # Create the paging widget, if necessary.
-        if self.paging in ('inside', 'hsplit', 'vsplit'):
-            self._page_control = self._create_page_control()
-            if self._splitter:
-                self._page_control.hide()
-                self._splitter.addWidget(self._page_control)
-            else:
-                layout.addWidget(self._page_control)
-        # Initialize protected variables. Some variables contain useful state
-        # information for subclasses; they should be considered read-only.
-        self._append_before_prompt_pos = 0
-        self._ansi_processor = QtAnsiCodeProcessor()
-        if self.gui_completion == 'ncurses':
-            self._completion_widget = CompletionHtml(self)
-        elif self.gui_completion == 'droplist':
-            self._completion_widget = CompletionWidget(self)
-        elif self.gui_completion == 'plain':
-            self._completion_widget = CompletionPlain(self)
-        self._continuation_prompt = '> '
-        self._continuation_prompt_html = None
-        self._executing = False
-        self._filter_resize = False
-        self._html_exporter = HtmlExporter(self._control)
-        self._input_buffer_executing = ''
-        self._input_buffer_pending = ''
-        self._kill_ring = QtKillRing(self._control)
-        self._prompt = ''
-        self._prompt_html = None
-        self._prompt_pos = 0
-        self._prompt_sep = ''
-        self._reading = False
-        self._reading_callback = None
-        self._tab_width = 8
-        # List of strings pending to be appended as plain text in the widget.
-        # The text is not immediately inserted when available to not
-        # choke the Qt event loop with paint events for the widget in
-        # case of lots of output from kernel.
-        self._pending_insert_text = []
-        # Timer to flush the pending stream messages. The interval is adjusted
-        # later based on actual time taken for flushing a screen (buffer_size)
-        # of output text.
-        self._pending_text_flush_interval = QtCore.QTimer(self._control)
-        self._pending_text_flush_interval.setInterval(100)
-        self._pending_text_flush_interval.setSingleShot(True)
-        self._pending_text_flush_interval.timeout.connect(
-                                            self._on_flush_pending_stream_timer)
-        # Set a monospaced font.
-        self.reset_font()
-        # Configure actions.
-        action = QtGui.QAction('Print', None)
-        action.setEnabled(True)
-        printkey = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtGui.QKeySequence.Print)
-        if printkey.matches("Ctrl+P") and sys.platform != 'darwin':
-            # Only override the default if there is a collision.
-            # Qt ctrl = cmd on OSX, so the match gets a false positive on OSX.
-            printkey = "Ctrl+Shift+P"
-        action.setShortcut(printkey)
-        action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut)
-        action.triggered.connect(self.print_)
-        self.addAction(action)
-        self.print_action = action
-        action = QtGui.QAction('Save as HTML/XML', None)
-        action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Save)
-        action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut)
-        action.triggered.connect(self.export_html)
-        self.addAction(action)
-        self.export_action = action
-        action = QtGui.QAction('Select All', None)
-        action.setEnabled(True)
-        selectall = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtGui.QKeySequence.SelectAll)
-        if selectall.matches("Ctrl+A") and sys.platform != 'darwin':
-            # Only override the default if there is a collision.
-            # Qt ctrl = cmd on OSX, so the match gets a false positive on OSX.
-            selectall = "Ctrl+Shift+A"
-        action.setShortcut(selectall)
-        action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut)
-        action.triggered.connect(self.select_all)
-        self.addAction(action)
-        self.select_all_action = action
-        self.increase_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Bigger Font",
-                self,
-                shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.ZoomIn,
-                shortcutContext=QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut,
-                statusTip="Increase the font size by one point",
-                triggered=self._increase_font_size)
-        self.addAction(self.increase_font_size)
-        self.decrease_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Smaller Font",
-                self,
-                shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.ZoomOut,
-                shortcutContext=QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut,
-                statusTip="Decrease the font size by one point",
-                triggered=self._decrease_font_size)
-        self.addAction(self.decrease_font_size)
-        self.reset_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Normal Font",
-                self,
-                shortcut="Ctrl+0",
-                shortcutContext=QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut,
-                statusTip="Restore the Normal font size",
-                triggered=self.reset_font)
-        self.addAction(self.reset_font_size)
-        # Accept drag and drop events here. Drops were already turned off
-        # in self._control when that widget was created.
-        self.setAcceptDrops(True)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Drag and drop support
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def dragEnterEvent(self, e):
-        if e.mimeData().hasUrls():
-            # The link action should indicate to that the drop will insert
-            # the file anme.
-            e.setDropAction(QtCore.Qt.LinkAction)
-            e.accept()
-        elif e.mimeData().hasText():
-            # By changing the action to copy we don't need to worry about
-            # the user accidentally moving text around in the widget.
-            e.setDropAction(QtCore.Qt.CopyAction)
-            e.accept()
-    def dragMoveEvent(self, e):
-        if e.mimeData().hasUrls():
-            pass
-        elif e.mimeData().hasText():
-            cursor = self._control.cursorForPosition(e.pos())
-            if self._in_buffer(cursor.position()):
-                e.setDropAction(QtCore.Qt.CopyAction)
-                self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-            else:
-                e.setDropAction(QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction)
-            e.accept()
-    def dropEvent(self, e):
-        if e.mimeData().hasUrls():
-            self._keep_cursor_in_buffer()
-            cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-            filenames = [url.toLocalFile() for url in e.mimeData().urls()]
-            text = ', '.join("'" + f.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"
-                             for f in filenames)
-            self._insert_plain_text_into_buffer(cursor, text)
-        elif e.mimeData().hasText():
-            cursor = self._control.cursorForPosition(e.pos())
-            if self._in_buffer(cursor.position()):
-                text = e.mimeData().text()
-                self._insert_plain_text_into_buffer(cursor, text)
-    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
-        """ Reimplemented to ensure a console-like behavior in the underlying
-            text widgets.
-        """
-        etype = event.type()
-        if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
-            # Re-map keys for all filtered widgets.
-            key = event.key()
-            if self._control_key_down(event.modifiers()) and \
-                    key in self._ctrl_down_remap:
-                new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress,
-                                            self._ctrl_down_remap[key],
-                                            QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)
-                QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(obj, new_event)
-                return True
-            elif obj == self._control:
-                return self._event_filter_console_keypress(event)
-            elif obj == self._page_control:
-                return self._event_filter_page_keypress(event)
-        # Make middle-click paste safe.
-        elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease and \
-                event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MidButton and \
-                obj == self._control.viewport():
-            cursor = self._control.cursorForPosition(event.pos())
-            self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-            self.paste(QtGui.QClipboard.Selection)
-            return True
-        # Manually adjust the scrollbars *after* a resize event is dispatched.
-        elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.Resize and not self._filter_resize:
-            self._filter_resize = True
-            QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(obj, event)
-            self._adjust_scrollbars()
-            self._filter_resize = False
-            return True
-        # Override shortcuts for all filtered widgets.
-        elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.ShortcutOverride and \
-                self.override_shortcuts and \
-                self._control_key_down(event.modifiers()) and \
-                event.key() in self._shortcuts:
-            event.accept()
-        # Handle scrolling of the vsplit pager. This hack attempts to solve
-        # problems with tearing of the help text inside the pager window.  This
-        # happens only on Mac OS X with both PySide and PyQt. This fix isn't
-        # perfect but makes the pager more usable.
-        elif etype in self._pager_scroll_events and \
-                obj == self._page_control:
-            self._page_control.repaint()
-            return True
-        elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove:
-            anchor = self._control.anchorAt(event.pos())
-            QtGui.QToolTip.showText(event.globalPos(), anchor)
-        return super(ConsoleWidget, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QWidget' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def sizeHint(self):
-        """ Reimplemented to suggest a size that is 80 characters wide and
-            25 lines high.
-        """
-        font_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font)
-        margin = (self._control.frameWidth() +
-                  self._control.document().documentMargin()) * 2
-        style = self.style()
-        splitwidth = style.pixelMetric(QtGui.QStyle.PM_SplitterWidth)
-        # Note 1: Despite my best efforts to take the various margins into
-        # account, the width is still coming out a bit too small, so we include
-        # a fudge factor of one character here.
-        # Note 2: QFontMetrics.maxWidth is not used here or anywhere else due
-        # to a Qt bug on certain Mac OS systems where it returns 0.
-        width = font_metrics.width(' ') * self.width + margin
-        width += style.pixelMetric(QtGui.QStyle.PM_ScrollBarExtent)
-        if self.paging == 'hsplit':
-            width = width * 2 + splitwidth
-        height = font_metrics.height() * self.height + margin
-        if self.paging == 'vsplit':
-            height = height * 2 + splitwidth
-        return QtCore.QSize(width, height)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    include_other_output = Bool(False, config=True,
-        help="""Whether to include output from clients
-        other than this one sharing the same kernel.
-        Outputs are not displayed until enter is pressed.
-        """
-    )
-    def can_copy(self):
-        """ Returns whether text can be copied to the clipboard.
-        """
-        return self._control.textCursor().hasSelection()
-    def can_cut(self):
-        """ Returns whether text can be cut to the clipboard.
-        """
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        return (cursor.hasSelection() and
-                self._in_buffer(cursor.anchor()) and
-                self._in_buffer(cursor.position()))
-    def can_paste(self):
-        """ Returns whether text can be pasted from the clipboard.
-        """
-        if self._control.textInteractionFlags() & QtCore.Qt.TextEditable:
-            return bool(QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text())
-        return False
-    def clear(self, keep_input=True):
-        """ Clear the console.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keep_input : bool, optional (default True)
-            If set, restores the old input buffer if a new prompt is written.
-        """
-        if self._executing:
-            self._control.clear()
-        else:
-            if keep_input:
-                input_buffer = self.input_buffer
-            self._control.clear()
-            self._show_prompt()
-            if keep_input:
-                self.input_buffer = input_buffer
-    def copy(self):
-        """ Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard.
-        """
-        self.layout().currentWidget().copy()
-    def copy_anchor(self, anchor):
-        """ Copy anchor text to the clipboard
-        """
-        QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(anchor)
-    def cut(self):
-        """ Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard and delete it
-            if it's inside the input buffer.
-        """
-        self.copy()
-        if self.can_cut():
-            self._control.textCursor().removeSelectedText()
-    def execute(self, source=None, hidden=False, interactive=False):
-        """ Executes source or the input buffer, possibly prompting for more
-        input.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        source : str, optional
-            The source to execute. If not specified, the input buffer will be
-            used. If specified and 'hidden' is False, the input buffer will be
-            replaced with the source before execution.
-        hidden : bool, optional (default False)
-            If set, no output will be shown and the prompt will not be modified.
-            In other words, it will be completely invisible to the user that
-            an execution has occurred.
-        interactive : bool, optional (default False)
-            Whether the console is to treat the source as having been manually
-            entered by the user. The effect of this parameter depends on the
-            subclass implementation.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        RuntimeError
-            If incomplete input is given and 'hidden' is True. In this case,
-            it is not possible to prompt for more input.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        A boolean indicating whether the source was executed.
-        """
-        # WARNING: The order in which things happen here is very particular, in
-        # large part because our syntax highlighting is fragile. If you change
-        # something, test carefully!
-        # Decide what to execute.
-        if source is None:
-            source = self.input_buffer
-            if not hidden:
-                # A newline is appended later, but it should be considered part
-                # of the input buffer.
-                source += '\n'
-        elif not hidden:
-            self.input_buffer = source
-        # Execute the source or show a continuation prompt if it is incomplete.
-        if self.execute_on_complete_input:
-            complete = self._is_complete(source, interactive)
-        else:
-            complete = not interactive
-        if hidden:
-            if complete or not self.execute_on_complete_input:
-                self._execute(source, hidden)
-            else:
-                error = 'Incomplete noninteractive input: "%s"'
-                raise RuntimeError(error % source)
-        else:
-            if complete:
-                self._append_plain_text('\n')
-                self._input_buffer_executing = self.input_buffer
-                self._executing = True
-                self._prompt_finished()
-                # The maximum block count is only in effect during execution.
-                # This ensures that _prompt_pos does not become invalid due to
-                # text truncation.
-                self._control.document().setMaximumBlockCount(self.buffer_size)
-                # Setting a positive maximum block count will automatically
-                # disable the undo/redo history, but just to be safe:
-                self._control.setUndoRedoEnabled(False)
-                # Perform actual execution.
-                self._execute(source, hidden)
-            else:
-                # Do this inside an edit block so continuation prompts are
-                # removed seamlessly via undo/redo.
-                cursor = self._get_end_cursor()
-                cursor.beginEditBlock()
-                cursor.insertText('\n')
-                self._insert_continuation_prompt(cursor)
-                cursor.endEditBlock()
-                # Do not do this inside the edit block. It works as expected
-                # when using a QPlainTextEdit control, but does not have an
-                # effect when using a QTextEdit. I believe this is a Qt bug.
-                self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-        return complete
-    def export_html(self):
-        """ Shows a dialog to export HTML/XML in various formats.
-        """
-        self._html_exporter.export()
-    def _get_input_buffer(self, force=False):
-        """ The text that the user has entered entered at the current prompt.
-        If the console is currently executing, the text that is executing will
-        always be returned.
-        """
-        # If we're executing, the input buffer may not even exist anymore due to
-        # the limit imposed by 'buffer_size'. Therefore, we store it.
-        if self._executing and not force:
-            return self._input_buffer_executing
-        cursor = self._get_end_cursor()
-        cursor.setPosition(self._prompt_pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        input_buffer = cursor.selection().toPlainText()
-        # Strip out continuation prompts.
-        return input_buffer.replace('\n' + self._continuation_prompt, '\n')
-    def _set_input_buffer(self, string):
-        """ Sets the text in the input buffer.
-        If the console is currently executing, this call has no *immediate*
-        effect. When the execution is finished, the input buffer will be updated
-        appropriately.
-        """
-        # If we're executing, store the text for later.
-        if self._executing:
-            self._input_buffer_pending = string
-            return
-        # Remove old text.
-        cursor = self._get_end_cursor()
-        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-        cursor.setPosition(self._prompt_pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        cursor.removeSelectedText()
-        # Insert new text with continuation prompts.
-        self._insert_plain_text_into_buffer(self._get_prompt_cursor(), string)
-        cursor.endEditBlock()
-        self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-    input_buffer = property(_get_input_buffer, _set_input_buffer)
-    def _get_font(self):
-        """ The base font being used by the ConsoleWidget.
-        """
-        return self._control.document().defaultFont()
-    def _set_font(self, font):
-        """ Sets the base font for the ConsoleWidget to the specified QFont.
-        """
-        font_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font)
-        self._control.setTabStopWidth(self.tab_width * font_metrics.width(' '))
-        self._completion_widget.setFont(font)
-        self._control.document().setDefaultFont(font)
-        if self._page_control:
-            self._page_control.document().setDefaultFont(font)
-        self.font_changed.emit(font)
-    font = property(_get_font, _set_font)
-    def open_anchor(self, anchor):
-        """ Open selected anchor in the default webbrowser
-        """
-        webbrowser.open( anchor )
-    def paste(self, mode=QtGui.QClipboard.Clipboard):
-        """ Paste the contents of the clipboard into the input region.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mode : QClipboard::Mode, optional [default QClipboard::Clipboard]
-            Controls which part of the system clipboard is used. This can be
-            used to access the selection clipboard in X11 and the Find buffer
-            in Mac OS. By default, the regular clipboard is used.
-        """
-        if self._control.textInteractionFlags() & QtCore.Qt.TextEditable:
-            # Make sure the paste is safe.
-            self._keep_cursor_in_buffer()
-            cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-            # Remove any trailing newline, which confuses the GUI and forces the
-            # user to backspace.
-            text = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text(mode).rstrip()
-            self._insert_plain_text_into_buffer(cursor, dedent(text))
-    def print_(self, printer = None):
-        """ Print the contents of the ConsoleWidget to the specified QPrinter.
-        """
-        if (not printer):
-            printer = QtGui.QPrinter()
-            if(QtGui.QPrintDialog(printer).exec_() != QtGui.QDialog.Accepted):
-                return
-        self._control.print_(printer)
-    def prompt_to_top(self):
-        """ Moves the prompt to the top of the viewport.
-        """
-        if not self._executing:
-            prompt_cursor = self._get_prompt_cursor()
-            if self._get_cursor().blockNumber() < prompt_cursor.blockNumber():
-                self._set_cursor(prompt_cursor)
-            self._set_top_cursor(prompt_cursor)
-    def redo(self):
-        """ Redo the last operation. If there is no operation to redo, nothing
-            happens.
-        """
-        self._control.redo()
-    def reset_font(self):
-        """ Sets the font to the default fixed-width font for this platform.
-        """
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            # Consolas ships with Vista/Win7, fallback to Courier if needed
-            fallback = 'Courier'
-        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
-            # OSX always has Monaco
-            fallback = 'Monaco'
-        else:
-            # Monospace should always exist
-            fallback = 'Monospace'
-        font = get_font(self.font_family, fallback)
-        if self.font_size:
-            font.setPointSize(self.font_size)
-        else:
-            font.setPointSize(QtGui.qApp.font().pointSize())
-        font.setStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.TypeWriter)
-        self._set_font(font)
-    def change_font_size(self, delta):
-        """Change the font size by the specified amount (in points).
-        """
-        font = self.font
-        size = max(font.pointSize() + delta, 1) # minimum 1 point
-        font.setPointSize(size)
-        self._set_font(font)
-    def _increase_font_size(self):
-        self.change_font_size(1)
-    def _decrease_font_size(self):
-        self.change_font_size(-1)
-    def select_all(self):
-        """ Selects all the text in the buffer.
-        """
-        self._control.selectAll()
-    def _get_tab_width(self):
-        """ The width (in terms of space characters) for tab characters.
-        """
-        return self._tab_width
-    def _set_tab_width(self, tab_width):
-        """ Sets the width (in terms of space characters) for tab characters.
-        """
-        font_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font)
-        self._control.setTabStopWidth(tab_width * font_metrics.width(' '))
-        self._tab_width = tab_width
-    tab_width = property(_get_tab_width, _set_tab_width)
-    def undo(self):
-        """ Undo the last operation. If there is no operation to undo, nothing
-            happens.
-        """
-        self._control.undo()
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' abstract interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _is_complete(self, source, interactive):
-        """ Returns whether 'source' can be executed. When triggered by an
-            Enter/Return key press, 'interactive' is True; otherwise, it is
-            False.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _execute(self, source, hidden):
-        """ Execute 'source'. If 'hidden', do not show any output.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _prompt_started_hook(self):
-        """ Called immediately after a new prompt is displayed.
-        """
-        pass
-    def _prompt_finished_hook(self):
-        """ Called immediately after a prompt is finished, i.e. when some input
-            will be processed and a new prompt displayed.
-        """
-        pass
-    def _up_pressed(self, shift_modifier):
-        """ Called when the up key is pressed. Returns whether to continue
-            processing the event.
-        """
-        return True
-    def _down_pressed(self, shift_modifier):
-        """ Called when the down key is pressed. Returns whether to continue
-            processing the event.
-        """
-        return True
-    def _tab_pressed(self):
-        """ Called when the tab key is pressed. Returns whether to continue
-            processing the event.
-        """
-        return False
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' protected interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _append_custom(self, insert, input, before_prompt=False, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ A low-level method for appending content to the end of the buffer.
-        If 'before_prompt' is enabled, the content will be inserted before the
-        current prompt, if there is one.
-        """
-        # Determine where to insert the content.
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        if before_prompt and (self._reading or not self._executing):
-            self._flush_pending_stream()
-            cursor.setPosition(self._append_before_prompt_pos)
-        else:
-            if insert != self._insert_plain_text:
-                self._flush_pending_stream()
-            cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-        start_pos = cursor.position()
-        # Perform the insertion.
-        result = insert(cursor, input, *args, **kwargs)
-        # Adjust the prompt position if we have inserted before it. This is safe
-        # because buffer truncation is disabled when not executing.
-        if before_prompt and (self._reading or not self._executing):
-            diff = cursor.position() - start_pos
-            self._append_before_prompt_pos += diff
-            self._prompt_pos += diff
-        return result
-    def _append_block(self, block_format=None, before_prompt=False):
-        """ Appends an new QTextBlock to the end of the console buffer.
-        """
-        self._append_custom(self._insert_block, block_format, before_prompt)
-    def _append_html(self, html, before_prompt=False):
-        """ Appends HTML at the end of the console buffer.
-        """
-        self._append_custom(self._insert_html, html, before_prompt)
-    def _append_html_fetching_plain_text(self, html, before_prompt=False):
-        """ Appends HTML, then returns the plain text version of it.
-        """
-        return self._append_custom(self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text,
-                                   html, before_prompt)
-    def _append_plain_text(self, text, before_prompt=False):
-        """ Appends plain text, processing ANSI codes if enabled.
-        """
-        self._append_custom(self._insert_plain_text, text, before_prompt)
-    def _cancel_completion(self):
-        """ If text completion is progress, cancel it.
-        """
-        self._completion_widget.cancel_completion()
-    def _clear_temporary_buffer(self):
-        """ Clears the "temporary text" buffer, i.e. all the text following
-            the prompt region.
-        """
-        # Select and remove all text below the input buffer.
-        cursor = self._get_prompt_cursor()
-        prompt = self._continuation_prompt.lstrip()
-        if(self._temp_buffer_filled):
-            self._temp_buffer_filled = False
-            while cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.NextBlock):
-                temp_cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(cursor)
-                temp_cursor.select(QtGui.QTextCursor.BlockUnderCursor)
-                text = temp_cursor.selection().toPlainText().lstrip()
-                if not text.startswith(prompt):
-                    break
-        else:
-            # We've reached the end of the input buffer and no text follows.
-            return
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left) # Grab the newline.
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End,
-                            QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        cursor.removeSelectedText()
-        # After doing this, we have no choice but to clear the undo/redo
-        # history. Otherwise, the text is not "temporary" at all, because it
-        # can be recalled with undo/redo. Unfortunately, Qt does not expose
-        # fine-grained control to the undo/redo system.
-        if self._control.isUndoRedoEnabled():
-            self._control.setUndoRedoEnabled(False)
-            self._control.setUndoRedoEnabled(True)
-    def _complete_with_items(self, cursor, items):
-        """ Performs completion with 'items' at the specified cursor location.
-        """
-        self._cancel_completion()
-        if len(items) == 1:
-            cursor.setPosition(self._control.textCursor().position(),
-                               QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-            cursor.insertText(items[0])
-        elif len(items) > 1:
-            current_pos = self._control.textCursor().position()
-            prefix = commonprefix(items)
-            if prefix:
-                cursor.setPosition(current_pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                cursor.insertText(prefix)
-                current_pos = cursor.position()
-            cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, n=len(prefix))
-            self._completion_widget.show_items(cursor, items)
-    def _fill_temporary_buffer(self, cursor, text, html=False):
-        """fill the area below the active editting zone with text"""
-        current_pos = self._control.textCursor().position()
-        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-        self._append_plain_text('\n')
-        self._page(text, html=html)
-        cursor.endEditBlock()
-        cursor.setPosition(current_pos)
-        self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-        self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-        self._temp_buffer_filled = True
-    def _context_menu_make(self, pos):
-        """ Creates a context menu for the given QPoint (in widget coordinates).
-        """
-        menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
-        self.cut_action = menu.addAction('Cut', self.cut)
-        self.cut_action.setEnabled(self.can_cut())
-        self.cut_action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Cut)
-        self.copy_action = menu.addAction('Copy', self.copy)
-        self.copy_action.setEnabled(self.can_copy())
-        self.copy_action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy)
-        self.paste_action = menu.addAction('Paste', self.paste)
-        self.paste_action.setEnabled(self.can_paste())
-        self.paste_action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste)
-        anchor = self._control.anchorAt(pos)
-        if anchor:
-            menu.addSeparator()
-            self.copy_link_action = menu.addAction(
-                'Copy Link Address', lambda: self.copy_anchor(anchor=anchor))
-            self.open_link_action = menu.addAction(
-                'Open Link', lambda: self.open_anchor(anchor=anchor))
-        menu.addSeparator()
-        menu.addAction(self.select_all_action)
-        menu.addSeparator()
-        menu.addAction(self.export_action)
-        menu.addAction(self.print_action)
-        return menu
-    def _control_key_down(self, modifiers, include_command=False):
-        """ Given a KeyboardModifiers flags object, return whether the Control
-        key is down.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        include_command : bool, optional (default True)
-            Whether to treat the Command key as a (mutually exclusive) synonym
-            for Control when in Mac OS.
-        """
-        # Note that on Mac OS, ControlModifier corresponds to the Command key
-        # while MetaModifier corresponds to the Control key.
-        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-            down = include_command and (modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier)
-            return bool(down) ^ bool(modifiers & QtCore.Qt.MetaModifier)
-        else:
-            return bool(modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier)
-    def _create_control(self):
-        """ Creates and connects the underlying text widget.
-        """
-        # Create the underlying control.
-        if self.custom_control:
-            control = self.custom_control()
-        elif self.kind == 'plain':
-            control = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit()
-        elif self.kind == 'rich':
-            control = QtGui.QTextEdit()
-            control.setAcceptRichText(False)
-            control.setMouseTracking(True)
-        # Prevent the widget from handling drops, as we already provide
-        # the logic in this class.
-        control.setAcceptDrops(False)
-        # Install event filters. The filter on the viewport is needed for
-        # mouse events.
-        control.installEventFilter(self)
-        control.viewport().installEventFilter(self)
-        # Connect signals.
-        control.customContextMenuRequested.connect(
-            self._custom_context_menu_requested)
-        control.copyAvailable.connect(self.copy_available)
-        control.redoAvailable.connect(self.redo_available)
-        control.undoAvailable.connect(self.undo_available)
-        # Hijack the document size change signal to prevent Qt from adjusting
-        # the viewport's scrollbar. We are relying on an implementation detail
-        # of Q(Plain)TextEdit here, which is potentially dangerous, but without
-        # this functionality we cannot create a nice terminal interface.
-        layout = control.document().documentLayout()
-        layout.documentSizeChanged.disconnect()
-        layout.documentSizeChanged.connect(self._adjust_scrollbars)
-        # Configure the control.
-        control.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_InputMethodEnabled, True)
-        control.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu)
-        control.setReadOnly(True)
-        control.setUndoRedoEnabled(False)
-        control.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn)
-        return control
-    def _create_page_control(self):
-        """ Creates and connects the underlying paging widget.
-        """
-        if self.custom_page_control:
-            control = self.custom_page_control()
-        elif self.kind == 'plain':
-            control = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit()
-        elif self.kind == 'rich':
-            control = QtGui.QTextEdit()
-        control.installEventFilter(self)
-        viewport = control.viewport()
-        viewport.installEventFilter(self)
-        control.setReadOnly(True)
-        control.setUndoRedoEnabled(False)
-        control.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn)
-        return control
-    def _event_filter_console_keypress(self, event):
-        """ Filter key events for the underlying text widget to create a
-            console-like interface.
-        """
-        intercepted = False
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        position = cursor.position()
-        key = event.key()
-        ctrl_down = self._control_key_down(event.modifiers())
-        alt_down = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.AltModifier
-        shift_down = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
-        #------ Special sequences ----------------------------------------------
-        if event.matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy):
-            self.copy()
-            intercepted = True
-        elif event.matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Cut):
-            self.cut()
-            intercepted = True
-        elif event.matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste):
-            self.paste()
-            intercepted = True
-        #------ Special modifier logic -----------------------------------------
-        elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter):
-            intercepted = True
-            # Special handling when tab completing in text mode.
-            self._cancel_completion()
-            if self._in_buffer(position):
-                # Special handling when a reading a line of raw input.
-                if self._reading:
-                    self._append_plain_text('\n')
-                    self._reading = False
-                    if self._reading_callback:
-                        self._reading_callback()
-                # If the input buffer is a single line or there is only
-                # whitespace after the cursor, execute. Otherwise, split the
-                # line with a continuation prompt.
-                elif not self._executing:
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    at_end = len(cursor.selectedText().strip()) == 0
-                    single_line = (self._get_end_cursor().blockNumber() ==
-                                   self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber())
-                    if (at_end or shift_down or single_line) and not ctrl_down:
-                        self.execute(interactive = not shift_down)
-                    else:
-                        # Do this inside an edit block for clean undo/redo.
-                        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-                        cursor.setPosition(position)
-                        cursor.insertText('\n')
-                        self._insert_continuation_prompt(cursor)
-                        cursor.endEditBlock()
-                        # Ensure that the whole input buffer is visible.
-                        # FIXME: This will not be usable if the input buffer is
-                        # taller than the console widget.
-                        self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-                        self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-        #------ Control/Cmd modifier -------------------------------------------
-        elif ctrl_down:
-            if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_G:
-                self._keyboard_quit()
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_K:
-                if self._in_buffer(position):
-                    cursor.clearSelection()
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfLine,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    if not cursor.hasSelection():
-                        # Line deletion (remove continuation prompt)
-                        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.NextBlock,
-                                            QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                            QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor,
-                                            len(self._continuation_prompt))
-                    self._kill_ring.kill_cursor(cursor)
-                    self._set_cursor(cursor)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_L:
-                self.prompt_to_top()
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_O:
-                if self._page_control and self._page_control.isVisible():
-                    self._page_control.setFocus()
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_U:
-                if self._in_buffer(position):
-                    cursor.clearSelection()
-                    start_line = cursor.blockNumber()
-                    if start_line == self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber():
-                        offset = len(self._prompt)
-                    else:
-                        offset = len(self._continuation_prompt)
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor, offset)
-                    self._kill_ring.kill_cursor(cursor)
-                    self._set_cursor(cursor)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Y:
-                self._keep_cursor_in_buffer()
-                self._kill_ring.yank()
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace, QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete):
-                if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace:
-                    cursor = self._get_word_start_cursor(position)
-                else: # key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete
-                    cursor = self._get_word_end_cursor(position)
-                cursor.setPosition(position, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                self._kill_ring.kill_cursor(cursor)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_D:
-                if len(self.input_buffer) == 0:
-                    self.exit_requested.emit(self)
-                else:
-                    new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress,
-                                                QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete,
-                                                QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)
-                    QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(self._control, new_event)
-                    intercepted = True
-        #------ Alt modifier ---------------------------------------------------
-        elif alt_down:
-            if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_B:
-                self._set_cursor(self._get_word_start_cursor(position))
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_F:
-                self._set_cursor(self._get_word_end_cursor(position))
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Y:
-                self._kill_ring.rotate()
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace:
-                cursor = self._get_word_start_cursor(position)
-                cursor.setPosition(position, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                self._kill_ring.kill_cursor(cursor)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_D:
-                cursor = self._get_word_end_cursor(position)
-                cursor.setPosition(position, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                self._kill_ring.kill_cursor(cursor)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete:
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Greater:
-                self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Less:
-                self._control.setTextCursor(self._get_prompt_cursor())
-                intercepted = True
-        #------ No modifiers ---------------------------------------------------
-        else:
-            if shift_down:
-                anchormode = QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor
-            else:
-                anchormode = QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor
-            if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
-                self._keyboard_quit()
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up:
-                if self._reading or not self._up_pressed(shift_down):
-                    intercepted = True
-                else:
-                    prompt_line = self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber()
-                    intercepted = cursor.blockNumber() <= prompt_line
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down:
-                if self._reading or not self._down_pressed(shift_down):
-                    intercepted = True
-                else:
-                    end_line = self._get_end_cursor().blockNumber()
-                    intercepted = cursor.blockNumber() == end_line
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab:
-                if not self._reading:
-                    if self._tab_pressed():
-                        # real tab-key, insert four spaces
-                        cursor.insertText(' '*4)
-                    intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left:
-                # Move to the previous line
-                line, col = cursor.blockNumber(), cursor.columnNumber()
-                if line > self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber() and \
-                        col == len(self._continuation_prompt):
-                    self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.PreviousBlock,
-                                             mode=anchormode)
-                    self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfBlock,
-                                             mode=anchormode)
-                    intercepted = True
-                # Regular left movement
-                else:
-                    intercepted = not self._in_buffer(position - 1)
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right:
-                original_block_number = cursor.blockNumber()
-                self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                mode=anchormode)
-                if cursor.blockNumber() != original_block_number:
-                    self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                        n=len(self._continuation_prompt),
-                                        mode=anchormode)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Home:
-                start_line = cursor.blockNumber()
-                if start_line == self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber():
-                    start_pos = self._prompt_pos
-                else:
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    start_pos = cursor.position()
-                    start_pos += len(self._continuation_prompt)
-                    cursor.setPosition(position)
-                if shift_down and self._in_buffer(position):
-                    cursor.setPosition(start_pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                else:
-                    cursor.setPosition(start_pos)
-                self._set_cursor(cursor)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace:
-                # Line deletion (remove continuation prompt)
-                line, col = cursor.blockNumber(), cursor.columnNumber()
-                if not self._reading and \
-                        col == len(self._continuation_prompt) and \
-                        line > self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber():
-                    cursor.beginEditBlock()
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    cursor.removeSelectedText()
-                    cursor.deletePreviousChar()
-                    cursor.endEditBlock()
-                    intercepted = True
-                # Regular backwards deletion
-                else:
-                    anchor = cursor.anchor()
-                    if anchor == position:
-                        intercepted = not self._in_buffer(position - 1)
-                    else:
-                        intercepted = not self._in_buffer(min(anchor, position))
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete:
-                # Line deletion (remove continuation prompt)
-                if not self._reading and self._in_buffer(position) and \
-                        cursor.atBlockEnd() and not cursor.hasSelection():
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.NextBlock,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                        QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor,
-                                        len(self._continuation_prompt))
-                    cursor.removeSelectedText()
-                    intercepted = True
-                # Regular forwards deletion:
-                else:
-                    anchor = cursor.anchor()
-                    intercepted = (not self._in_buffer(anchor) or
-                                   not self._in_buffer(position))
-        # Don't move the cursor if Control/Cmd is pressed to allow copy-paste
-        # using the keyboard in any part of the buffer. Also, permit scrolling
-        # with Page Up/Down keys. Finally, if we're executing, don't move the
-        # cursor (if even this made sense, we can't guarantee that the prompt
-        # position is still valid due to text truncation).
-        if not (self._control_key_down(event.modifiers(), include_command=True)
-                or key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown)
-                or (self._executing and not self._reading)):
-            self._keep_cursor_in_buffer()
-        return intercepted
-    def _event_filter_page_keypress(self, event):
-        """ Filter key events for the paging widget to create console-like
-            interface.
-        """
-        key = event.key()
-        ctrl_down = self._control_key_down(event.modifiers())
-        alt_down = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.AltModifier
-        if ctrl_down:
-            if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_O:
-                self._control.setFocus()
-                intercept = True
-        elif alt_down:
-            if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Greater:
-                self._page_control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-                intercepted = True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Less:
-                self._page_control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Start)
-                intercepted = True
-        elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Q, QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape):
-            if self._splitter:
-                self._page_control.hide()
-                self._control.setFocus()
-            else:
-                self.layout().setCurrentWidget(self._control)
-                # re-enable buffer truncation after paging
-                self._control.document().setMaximumBlockCount(self.buffer_size)
-            return True
-        elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Return,
-                     QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab):
-            new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)
-            QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(self._page_control, new_event)
-            return True
-        elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace:
-            new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)
-            QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(self._page_control, new_event)
-            return True
-        # vi/less -like key bindings
-        elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_J:
-            new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.Key_Down,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)
-            QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(self._page_control, new_event)
-            return True
-        # vi/less -like key bindings
-        elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_K:
-            new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.Key_Up,
-                                        QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)
-            QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(self._page_control, new_event)
-            return True
-        return False
-    def _on_flush_pending_stream_timer(self):
-        """ Flush the pending stream output and change the
-        prompt position appropriately.
-        """
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-        pos = cursor.position()
-        self._flush_pending_stream()
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-        diff = cursor.position() - pos
-        if diff > 0:
-            self._prompt_pos += diff
-            self._append_before_prompt_pos += diff
-    def _flush_pending_stream(self):
-        """ Flush out pending text into the widget. """
-        text = self._pending_insert_text
-        self._pending_insert_text = []
-        buffer_size = self._control.document().maximumBlockCount()
-        if buffer_size > 0:
-            text = self._get_last_lines_from_list(text, buffer_size)
-        text = ''.join(text)
-        t = time.time()
-        self._insert_plain_text(self._get_end_cursor(), text, flush=True)
-        # Set the flush interval to equal the maximum time to update text.
-        self._pending_text_flush_interval.setInterval(max(100,
-                                                 (time.time()-t)*1000))
-    def _format_as_columns(self, items, separator='  '):
-        """ Transform a list of strings into a single string with columns.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        items : sequence of strings
-            The strings to process.
-        separator : str, optional [default is two spaces]
-            The string that separates columns.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        The formatted string.
-        """
-        # Calculate the number of characters available.
-        width = self._control.viewport().width()
-        char_width = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font).width(' ')
-        displaywidth = max(10, (width / char_width) - 1)
-        return columnize(items, separator, displaywidth)
-    def _get_block_plain_text(self, block):
-        """ Given a QTextBlock, return its unformatted text.
-        """
-        cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(block)
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock)
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfBlock,
-                            QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        return cursor.selection().toPlainText()
-    def _get_cursor(self):
-        """ Convenience method that returns a cursor for the current position.
-        """
-        return self._control.textCursor()
-    def _get_end_cursor(self):
-        """ Convenience method that returns a cursor for the last character.
-        """
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-        return cursor
-    def _get_input_buffer_cursor_column(self):
-        """ Returns the column of the cursor in the input buffer, excluding the
-            contribution by the prompt, or -1 if there is no such column.
-        """
-        prompt = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_prompt()
-        if prompt is None:
-            return -1
-        else:
-            cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-            return cursor.columnNumber() - len(prompt)
-    def _get_input_buffer_cursor_line(self):
-        """ Returns the text of the line of the input buffer that contains the
-            cursor, or None if there is no such line.
-        """
-        prompt = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_prompt()
-        if prompt is None:
-            return None
-        else:
-            cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-            text = self._get_block_plain_text(cursor.block())
-            return text[len(prompt):]
-    def _get_input_buffer_cursor_pos(self):
-        """Return the cursor position within the input buffer."""
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.setPosition(self._prompt_pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        input_buffer = cursor.selection().toPlainText()
-        # Don't count continuation prompts
-        return len(input_buffer.replace('\n' + self._continuation_prompt, '\n'))
-    def _get_input_buffer_cursor_prompt(self):
-        """ Returns the (plain text) prompt for line of the input buffer that
-            contains the cursor, or None if there is no such line.
-        """
-        if self._executing:
-            return None
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        if cursor.position() >= self._prompt_pos:
-            if cursor.blockNumber() == self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber():
-                return self._prompt
-            else:
-                return self._continuation_prompt
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _get_last_lines(self, text, num_lines, return_count=False):
-        """ Return last specified number of lines of text (like `tail -n`).
-        If return_count is True, returns a tuple of clipped text and the
-        number of lines in the clipped text.
-        """
-        pos = len(text)
-        if pos < num_lines:
-            if return_count:
-                return text, text.count('\n') if return_count else text
-            else:
-                return text
-        i = 0
-        while i < num_lines:
-            pos = text.rfind('\n', None, pos)
-            if pos == -1:
-                pos = None
-                break
-            i += 1
-        if return_count:
-            return text[pos:], i
-        else:
-            return text[pos:]
-    def _get_last_lines_from_list(self, text_list, num_lines):
-        """ Return the list of text clipped to last specified lines.
-        """
-        ret = []
-        lines_pending = num_lines
-        for text in reversed(text_list):
-            text, lines_added = self._get_last_lines(text, lines_pending,
-                                                     return_count=True)
-            ret.append(text)
-            lines_pending -= lines_added
-            if lines_pending <= 0:
-                break
-        return ret[::-1]
-    def _get_prompt_cursor(self):
-        """ Convenience method that returns a cursor for the prompt position.
-        """
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.setPosition(self._prompt_pos)
-        return cursor
-    def _get_selection_cursor(self, start, end):
-        """ Convenience method that returns a cursor with text selected between
-            the positions 'start' and 'end'.
-        """
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.setPosition(start)
-        cursor.setPosition(end, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        return cursor
-    def _get_word_start_cursor(self, position):
-        """ Find the start of the word to the left the given position. If a
-            sequence of non-word characters precedes the first word, skip over
-            them. (This emulates the behavior of bash, emacs, etc.)
-        """
-        document = self._control.document()
-        position -= 1
-        while position >= self._prompt_pos and \
-                  not is_letter_or_number(document.characterAt(position)):
-            position -= 1
-        while position >= self._prompt_pos and \
-                  is_letter_or_number(document.characterAt(position)):
-            position -= 1
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.setPosition(position + 1)
-        return cursor
-    def _get_word_end_cursor(self, position):
-        """ Find the end of the word to the right the given position. If a
-            sequence of non-word characters precedes the first word, skip over
-            them. (This emulates the behavior of bash, emacs, etc.)
-        """
-        document = self._control.document()
-        end = self._get_end_cursor().position()
-        while position < end and \
-                  not is_letter_or_number(document.characterAt(position)):
-            position += 1
-        while position < end and \
-                  is_letter_or_number(document.characterAt(position)):
-            position += 1
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.setPosition(position)
-        return cursor
-    def _insert_continuation_prompt(self, cursor):
-        """ Inserts new continuation prompt using the specified cursor.
-        """
-        if self._continuation_prompt_html is None:
-            self._insert_plain_text(cursor, self._continuation_prompt)
-        else:
-            self._continuation_prompt = self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text(
-                cursor, self._continuation_prompt_html)
-    def _insert_block(self, cursor, block_format=None):
-        """ Inserts an empty QTextBlock using the specified cursor.
-        """
-        if block_format is None:
-            block_format = QtGui.QTextBlockFormat()
-        cursor.insertBlock(block_format)
-    def _insert_html(self, cursor, html):
-        """ Inserts HTML using the specified cursor in such a way that future
-            formatting is unaffected.
-        """
-        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-        cursor.insertHtml(html)
-        # After inserting HTML, the text document "remembers" it's in "html
-        # mode", which means that subsequent calls adding plain text will result
-        # in unwanted formatting, lost tab characters, etc. The following code
-        # hacks around this behavior, which I consider to be a bug in Qt, by
-        # (crudely) resetting the document's style state.
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left,
-                            QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        if cursor.selection().toPlainText() == ' ':
-            cursor.removeSelectedText()
-        else:
-            cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right)
-        cursor.insertText(' ', QtGui.QTextCharFormat())
-        cursor.endEditBlock()
-    def _insert_html_fetching_plain_text(self, cursor, html):
-        """ Inserts HTML using the specified cursor, then returns its plain text
-            version.
-        """
-        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-        cursor.removeSelectedText()
-        start = cursor.position()
-        self._insert_html(cursor, html)
-        end = cursor.position()
-        cursor.setPosition(start, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-        text = cursor.selection().toPlainText()
-        cursor.setPosition(end)
-        cursor.endEditBlock()
-        return text
-    def _insert_plain_text(self, cursor, text, flush=False):
-        """ Inserts plain text using the specified cursor, processing ANSI codes
-            if enabled.
-        """
-        # maximumBlockCount() can be different from self.buffer_size in
-        # case input prompt is active.
-        buffer_size = self._control.document().maximumBlockCount()
-        if (self._executing and not flush and
-                self._pending_text_flush_interval.isActive() and
-                cursor.position() == self._get_end_cursor().position()):
-            # Queue the text to insert in case it is being inserted at end
-            self._pending_insert_text.append(text)
-            if buffer_size > 0:
-                self._pending_insert_text = self._get_last_lines_from_list(
-                                        self._pending_insert_text, buffer_size)
-            return
-        if self._executing and not self._pending_text_flush_interval.isActive():
-            self._pending_text_flush_interval.start()
-        # Clip the text to last `buffer_size` lines.
-        if buffer_size > 0:
-            text = self._get_last_lines(text, buffer_size)
-        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-        if self.ansi_codes:
-            for substring in self._ansi_processor.split_string(text):
-                for act in self._ansi_processor.actions:
-                    # Unlike real terminal emulators, we don't distinguish
-                    # between the screen and the scrollback buffer. A screen
-                    # erase request clears everything.
-                    if act.action == 'erase' and act.area == 'screen':
-                        cursor.select(QtGui.QTextCursor.Document)
-                        cursor.removeSelectedText()
-                    # Simulate a form feed by scrolling just past the last line.
-                    elif act.action == 'scroll' and act.unit == 'page':
-                        cursor.insertText('\n')
-                        cursor.endEditBlock()
-                        self._set_top_cursor(cursor)
-                        cursor.joinPreviousEditBlock()
-                        cursor.deletePreviousChar()
-                    elif act.action == 'carriage-return':
-                        cursor.movePosition(
-                            cursor.StartOfLine, cursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    elif act.action == 'beep':
-                        QtGui.qApp.beep()
-                    elif act.action == 'backspace':
-                        if not cursor.atBlockStart():
-                            cursor.movePosition(
-                                cursor.PreviousCharacter, cursor.KeepAnchor)
-                    elif act.action == 'newline':
-                        cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfLine)
-                format = self._ansi_processor.get_format()
-                selection = cursor.selectedText()
-                if len(selection) == 0:
-                    cursor.insertText(substring, format)
-                elif substring is not None:
-                    # BS and CR are treated as a change in print
-                    # position, rather than a backwards character
-                    # deletion for output equivalence with (I)Python
-                    # terminal.
-                    if len(substring) >= len(selection):
-                        cursor.insertText(substring, format)
-                    else:
-                        old_text = selection[len(substring):]
-                        cursor.insertText(substring + old_text, format)
-                        cursor.movePosition(cursor.PreviousCharacter,
-                               cursor.KeepAnchor, len(old_text))
-        else:
-            cursor.insertText(text)
-        cursor.endEditBlock()
-    def _insert_plain_text_into_buffer(self, cursor, text):
-        """ Inserts text into the input buffer using the specified cursor (which
-            must be in the input buffer), ensuring that continuation prompts are
-            inserted as necessary.
-        """
-        lines = text.splitlines(True)
-        if lines:
-            if lines[-1].endswith('\n'):
-                # If the text ends with a newline, add a blank line so a new
-                # continuation prompt is produced.
-                lines.append('')
-            cursor.beginEditBlock()
-            cursor.insertText(lines[0])
-            for line in lines[1:]:
-                if self._continuation_prompt_html is None:
-                    cursor.insertText(self._continuation_prompt)
-                else:
-                    self._continuation_prompt = \
-                        self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text(
-                            cursor, self._continuation_prompt_html)
-                cursor.insertText(line)
-            cursor.endEditBlock()
-    def _in_buffer(self, position=None):
-        """ Returns whether the current cursor (or, if specified, a position) is
-            inside the editing region.
-        """
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        if position is None:
-            position = cursor.position()
-        else:
-            cursor.setPosition(position)
-        line = cursor.blockNumber()
-        prompt_line = self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber()
-        if line == prompt_line:
-            return position >= self._prompt_pos
-        elif line > prompt_line:
-            cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock)
-            prompt_pos = cursor.position() + len(self._continuation_prompt)
-            return position >= prompt_pos
-        return False
-    def _keep_cursor_in_buffer(self):
-        """ Ensures that the cursor is inside the editing region. Returns
-            whether the cursor was moved.
-        """
-        moved = not self._in_buffer()
-        if moved:
-            cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-            cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-            self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-        return moved
-    def _keyboard_quit(self):
-        """ Cancels the current editing task ala Ctrl-G in Emacs.
-        """
-        if self._temp_buffer_filled :
-            self._cancel_completion()
-            self._clear_temporary_buffer()
-        else:
-            self.input_buffer = ''
-    def _page(self, text, html=False):
-        """ Displays text using the pager if it exceeds the height of the
-        viewport.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        html : bool, optional (default False)
-            If set, the text will be interpreted as HTML instead of plain text.
-        """
-        line_height = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font).height()
-        minlines = self._control.viewport().height() / line_height
-        if self.paging != 'none' and \
-                re.match("(?:[^\n]*\n){%i}" % minlines, text):
-            if self.paging == 'custom':
-                self.custom_page_requested.emit(text)
-            else:
-                # disable buffer truncation during paging
-                self._control.document().setMaximumBlockCount(0)
-                self._page_control.clear()
-                cursor = self._page_control.textCursor()
-                if html:
-                    self._insert_html(cursor, text)
-                else:
-                    self._insert_plain_text(cursor, text)
-                self._page_control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Start)
-                self._page_control.viewport().resize(self._control.size())
-                if self._splitter:
-                    self._page_control.show()
-                    self._page_control.setFocus()
-                else:
-                    self.layout().setCurrentWidget(self._page_control)
-        elif html:
-            self._append_html(text)
-        else:
-            self._append_plain_text(text)
-    def _set_paging(self, paging):
-        """
-        Change the pager to `paging` style.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        paging : string
-            Either "hsplit", "vsplit", or "inside"
-        """
-        if self._splitter is None:
-            raise NotImplementedError("""can only switch if --paging=hsplit or
-                    --paging=vsplit is used.""")
-        if paging == 'hsplit':
-            self._splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
-        elif paging == 'vsplit':
-            self._splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical)
-        elif paging == 'inside':
-            raise NotImplementedError("""switching to 'inside' paging not
-                    supported yet.""")
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("unknown paging method '%s'" % paging)
-        self.paging = paging
-    def _prompt_finished(self):
-        """ Called immediately after a prompt is finished, i.e. when some input
-            will be processed and a new prompt displayed.
-        """
-        self._control.setReadOnly(True)
-        self._prompt_finished_hook()
-    def _prompt_started(self):
-        """ Called immediately after a new prompt is displayed.
-        """
-        # Temporarily disable the maximum block count to permit undo/redo and
-        # to ensure that the prompt position does not change due to truncation.
-        self._control.document().setMaximumBlockCount(0)
-        self._control.setUndoRedoEnabled(True)
-        # Work around bug in QPlainTextEdit: input method is not re-enabled
-        # when read-only is disabled.
-        self._control.setReadOnly(False)
-        self._control.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_InputMethodEnabled, True)
-        if not self._reading:
-            self._executing = False
-        self._prompt_started_hook()
-        # If the input buffer has changed while executing, load it.
-        if self._input_buffer_pending:
-            self.input_buffer = self._input_buffer_pending
-            self._input_buffer_pending = ''
-        self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-    def _readline(self, prompt='', callback=None):
-        """ Reads one line of input from the user.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        prompt : str, optional
-            The prompt to print before reading the line.
-        callback : callable, optional
-            A callback to execute with the read line. If not specified, input is
-            read *synchronously* and this method does not return until it has
-            been read.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        If a callback is specified, returns nothing. Otherwise, returns the
-        input string with the trailing newline stripped.
-        """
-        if self._reading:
-            raise RuntimeError('Cannot read a line. Widget is already reading.')
-        if not callback and not self.isVisible():
-            # If the user cannot see the widget, this function cannot return.
-            raise RuntimeError('Cannot synchronously read a line if the widget '
-                               'is not visible!')
-        self._reading = True
-        self._show_prompt(prompt, newline=False)
-        if callback is None:
-            self._reading_callback = None
-            while self._reading:
-                QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents()
-            return self._get_input_buffer(force=True).rstrip('\n')
-        else:
-            self._reading_callback = lambda: \
-                callback(self._get_input_buffer(force=True).rstrip('\n'))
-    def _set_continuation_prompt(self, prompt, html=False):
-        """ Sets the continuation prompt.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        prompt : str
-            The prompt to show when more input is needed.
-        html : bool, optional (default False)
-            If set, the prompt will be inserted as formatted HTML. Otherwise,
-            the prompt will be treated as plain text, though ANSI color codes
-            will be handled.
-        """
-        if html:
-            self._continuation_prompt_html = prompt
-        else:
-            self._continuation_prompt = prompt
-            self._continuation_prompt_html = None
-    def _set_cursor(self, cursor):
-        """ Convenience method to set the current cursor.
-        """
-        self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-    def _set_top_cursor(self, cursor):
-        """ Scrolls the viewport so that the specified cursor is at the top.
-        """
-        scrollbar = self._control.verticalScrollBar()
-        scrollbar.setValue(scrollbar.maximum())
-        original_cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-        self._control.ensureCursorVisible()
-        self._control.setTextCursor(original_cursor)
-    def _show_prompt(self, prompt=None, html=False, newline=True):
-        """ Writes a new prompt at the end of the buffer.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        prompt : str, optional
-            The prompt to show. If not specified, the previous prompt is used.
-        html : bool, optional (default False)
-            Only relevant when a prompt is specified. If set, the prompt will
-            be inserted as formatted HTML. Otherwise, the prompt will be treated
-            as plain text, though ANSI color codes will be handled.
-        newline : bool, optional (default True)
-            If set, a new line will be written before showing the prompt if
-            there is not already a newline at the end of the buffer.
-        """
-        # Save the current end position to support _append*(before_prompt=True).
-        self._flush_pending_stream()
-        cursor = self._get_end_cursor()
-        self._append_before_prompt_pos = cursor.position()
-        # Insert a preliminary newline, if necessary.
-        if newline and cursor.position() > 0:
-            cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left,
-                                QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
-            if cursor.selection().toPlainText() != '\n':
-                self._append_block()
-                self._append_before_prompt_pos += 1
-        # Write the prompt.
-        self._append_plain_text(self._prompt_sep)
-        if prompt is None:
-            if self._prompt_html is None:
-                self._append_plain_text(self._prompt)
-            else:
-                self._append_html(self._prompt_html)
-        else:
-            if html:
-                self._prompt = self._append_html_fetching_plain_text(prompt)
-                self._prompt_html = prompt
-            else:
-                self._append_plain_text(prompt)
-                self._prompt = prompt
-                self._prompt_html = None
-        self._flush_pending_stream()
-        self._prompt_pos = self._get_end_cursor().position()
-        self._prompt_started()
-    #------ Signal handlers ----------------------------------------------------
-    def _adjust_scrollbars(self):
-        """ Expands the vertical scrollbar beyond the range set by Qt.
-        """
-        # This code is adapted from _q_adjustScrollbars in qplaintextedit.cpp
-        # and qtextedit.cpp.
-        document = self._control.document()
-        scrollbar = self._control.verticalScrollBar()
-        viewport_height = self._control.viewport().height()
-        if isinstance(self._control, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit):
-            maximum = max(0, document.lineCount() - 1)
-            step = viewport_height / self._control.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()
-        else:
-            # QTextEdit does not do line-based layout and blocks will not in
-            # general have the same height. Therefore it does not make sense to
-            # attempt to scroll in line height increments.
-            maximum = document.size().height()
-            step = viewport_height
-        diff = maximum - scrollbar.maximum()
-        scrollbar.setRange(0, maximum)
-        scrollbar.setPageStep(step)
-        # Compensate for undesirable scrolling that occurs automatically due to
-        # maximumBlockCount() text truncation.
-        if diff < 0 and document.blockCount() == document.maximumBlockCount():
-            scrollbar.setValue(scrollbar.value() + diff)
-    def _custom_context_menu_requested(self, pos):
-        """ Shows a context menu at the given QPoint (in widget coordinates).
-        """
-        menu = self._context_menu_make(pos)
-        menu.exec_(self._control.mapToGlobal(pos))
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/frontend_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/frontend_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 61dfc64..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/frontend_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,811 +0,0 @@
-"""Frontend widget for the Qt Console"""
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from collections import namedtuple
-import sys
-import uuid
-from IPython.external import qt
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-from IPython.utils import py3compat
-from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item
-from IPython.core.inputsplitter import InputSplitter, IPythonInputSplitter
-from IPython.core.inputtransformer import classic_prompt
-from IPython.core.oinspect import call_tip
-from IPython.qt.base_frontend_mixin import BaseFrontendMixin
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Any, Bool, Instance, Unicode, DottedObjectName
-from .bracket_matcher import BracketMatcher
-from .call_tip_widget import CallTipWidget
-from .history_console_widget import HistoryConsoleWidget
-from .pygments_highlighter import PygmentsHighlighter
-class FrontendHighlighter(PygmentsHighlighter):
-    """ A PygmentsHighlighter that understands and ignores prompts.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, frontend, lexer=None):
-        super(FrontendHighlighter, self).__init__(frontend._control.document(), lexer=lexer)
-        self._current_offset = 0
-        self._frontend = frontend
-        self.highlighting_on = False
-    def highlightBlock(self, string):
-        """ Highlight a block of text. Reimplemented to highlight selectively.
-        """
-        if not self.highlighting_on:
-            return
-        # The input to this function is a unicode string that may contain
-        # paragraph break characters, non-breaking spaces, etc. Here we acquire
-        # the string as plain text so we can compare it.
-        current_block = self.currentBlock()
-        string = self._frontend._get_block_plain_text(current_block)
-        # Decide whether to check for the regular or continuation prompt.
-        if current_block.contains(self._frontend._prompt_pos):
-            prompt = self._frontend._prompt
-        else:
-            prompt = self._frontend._continuation_prompt
-        # Only highlight if we can identify a prompt, but make sure not to
-        # highlight the prompt.
-        if string.startswith(prompt):
-            self._current_offset = len(prompt)
-            string = string[len(prompt):]
-            super(FrontendHighlighter, self).highlightBlock(string)
-    def rehighlightBlock(self, block):
-        """ Reimplemented to temporarily enable highlighting if disabled.
-        """
-        old = self.highlighting_on
-        self.highlighting_on = True
-        super(FrontendHighlighter, self).rehighlightBlock(block)
-        self.highlighting_on = old
-    def setFormat(self, start, count, format):
-        """ Reimplemented to highlight selectively.
-        """
-        start += self._current_offset
-        super(FrontendHighlighter, self).setFormat(start, count, format)
-class FrontendWidget(HistoryConsoleWidget, BaseFrontendMixin):
-    """ A Qt frontend for a generic Python kernel.
-    """
-    # The text to show when the kernel is (re)started.
-    banner = Unicode(config=True)
-    kernel_banner = Unicode()
-    # Whether to show the banner
-    _display_banner = Bool(False)
-    # An option and corresponding signal for overriding the default kernel
-    # interrupt behavior.
-    custom_interrupt = Bool(False)
-    custom_interrupt_requested = QtCore.Signal()
-    # An option and corresponding signals for overriding the default kernel
-    # restart behavior.
-    custom_restart = Bool(False)
-    custom_restart_kernel_died = QtCore.Signal(float)
-    custom_restart_requested = QtCore.Signal()
-    # Whether to automatically show calltips on open-parentheses.
-    enable_calltips = Bool(True, config=True,
-        help="Whether to draw information calltips on open-parentheses.")
-    clear_on_kernel_restart = Bool(True, config=True,
-        help="Whether to clear the console when the kernel is restarted")
-    confirm_restart = Bool(True, config=True,
-        help="Whether to ask for user confirmation when restarting kernel")
-    lexer_class = DottedObjectName(config=True,
-        help="The pygments lexer class to use."
-    )
-    def _lexer_class_changed(self, name, old, new):
-        lexer_class = import_item(new)
-        self.lexer = lexer_class()
-    def _lexer_class_default(self):
-        if py3compat.PY3:
-            return 'pygments.lexers.Python3Lexer'
-        else:
-            return 'pygments.lexers.PythonLexer'
-    lexer = Any()
-    def _lexer_default(self):
-        lexer_class = import_item(self.lexer_class)
-        return lexer_class()
-    # Emitted when a user visible 'execute_request' has been submitted to the
-    # kernel from the FrontendWidget. Contains the code to be executed.
-    executing = QtCore.Signal(object)
-    # Emitted when a user-visible 'execute_reply' has been received from the
-    # kernel and processed by the FrontendWidget. Contains the response message.
-    executed = QtCore.Signal(object)
-    # Emitted when an exit request has been received from the kernel.
-    exit_requested = QtCore.Signal(object)
-    # Protected class variables.
-    _prompt_transformer = IPythonInputSplitter(physical_line_transforms=[classic_prompt()],
-                                               logical_line_transforms=[],
-                                               python_line_transforms=[],
-                                              )
-    _CallTipRequest = namedtuple('_CallTipRequest', ['id', 'pos'])
-    _CompletionRequest = namedtuple('_CompletionRequest', ['id', 'pos'])
-    _ExecutionRequest = namedtuple('_ExecutionRequest', ['id', 'kind'])
-    _input_splitter_class = InputSplitter
-    _local_kernel = False
-    _highlighter = Instance(FrontendHighlighter, allow_none=True)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'object' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-        super(FrontendWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
-        # FIXME: remove this when PySide min version is updated past 1.0.7
-        # forcefully disable calltips if PySide is < 1.0.7, because they crash
-        if qt.QT_API == qt.QT_API_PYSIDE:
-            import PySide
-            if PySide.__version_info__ < (1,0,7):
-                self.log.warn("PySide %s < 1.0.7 detected, disabling calltips" % PySide.__version__)
-                self.enable_calltips = False
-        # FrontendWidget protected variables.
-        self._bracket_matcher = BracketMatcher(self._control)
-        self._call_tip_widget = CallTipWidget(self._control)
-        self._copy_raw_action = QtGui.QAction('Copy (Raw Text)', None)
-        self._hidden = False
-        self._highlighter = FrontendHighlighter(self, lexer=self.lexer)
-        self._input_splitter = self._input_splitter_class()
-        self._kernel_manager = None
-        self._kernel_client = None
-        self._request_info = {}
-        self._request_info['execute'] = {};
-        self._callback_dict = {}
-        self._display_banner = True
-        # Configure the ConsoleWidget.
-        self.tab_width = 4
-        self._set_continuation_prompt('... ')
-        # Configure the CallTipWidget.
-        self._call_tip_widget.setFont(self.font)
-        self.font_changed.connect(self._call_tip_widget.setFont)
-        # Configure actions.
-        action = self._copy_raw_action
-        key = QtCore.Qt.CTRL | QtCore.Qt.SHIFT | QtCore.Qt.Key_C
-        action.setEnabled(False)
-        action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence(key))
-        action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut)
-        action.triggered.connect(self.copy_raw)
-        self.copy_available.connect(action.setEnabled)
-        self.addAction(action)
-        # Connect signal handlers.
-        document = self._control.document()
-        document.contentsChange.connect(self._document_contents_change)
-        # Set flag for whether we are connected via localhost.
-        self._local_kernel = kw.get('local_kernel',
-                                    FrontendWidget._local_kernel)
-        # Whether or not a clear_output call is pending new output.
-        self._pending_clearoutput = False
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def copy(self):
-        """ Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard, removing prompts.
-        """
-        if self._page_control is not None and self._page_control.hasFocus():
-            self._page_control.copy()
-        elif self._control.hasFocus():
-            text = self._control.textCursor().selection().toPlainText()
-            if text:
-                was_newline = text[-1] == '\n'
-                text = self._prompt_transformer.transform_cell(text)
-                if not was_newline: # user doesn't need newline
-                    text = text[:-1]
-                QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(text)
-        else:
-            self.log.debug("frontend widget : unknown copy target")
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' abstract interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _is_complete(self, source, interactive):
-        """ Returns whether 'source' can be completely processed and a new
-            prompt created. When triggered by an Enter/Return key press,
-            'interactive' is True; otherwise, it is False.
-        """
-        self._input_splitter.reset()
-        try:
-            complete = self._input_splitter.push(source)
-        except SyntaxError:
-            return True
-        if interactive:
-            complete = not self._input_splitter.push_accepts_more()
-        return complete
-    def _execute(self, source, hidden):
-        """ Execute 'source'. If 'hidden', do not show any output.
-        See parent class :meth:`execute` docstring for full details.
-        """
-        msg_id = self.kernel_client.execute(source, hidden)
-        self._request_info['execute'][msg_id] = self._ExecutionRequest(msg_id, 'user')
-        self._hidden = hidden
-        if not hidden:
-            self.executing.emit(source)
-    def _prompt_started_hook(self):
-        """ Called immediately after a new prompt is displayed.
-        """
-        if not self._reading:
-            self._highlighter.highlighting_on = True
-    def _prompt_finished_hook(self):
-        """ Called immediately after a prompt is finished, i.e. when some input
-            will be processed and a new prompt displayed.
-        """
-        # Flush all state from the input splitter so the next round of
-        # reading input starts with a clean buffer.
-        self._input_splitter.reset()
-        if not self._reading:
-            self._highlighter.highlighting_on = False
-    def _tab_pressed(self):
-        """ Called when the tab key is pressed. Returns whether to continue
-            processing the event.
-        """
-        # Perform tab completion if:
-        # 1) The cursor is in the input buffer.
-        # 2) There is a non-whitespace character before the cursor.
-        text = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_line()
-        if text is None:
-            return False
-        complete = bool(text[:self._get_input_buffer_cursor_column()].strip())
-        if complete:
-            self._complete()
-        return not complete
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _context_menu_make(self, pos):
-        """ Reimplemented to add an action for raw copy.
-        """
-        menu = super(FrontendWidget, self)._context_menu_make(pos)
-        for before_action in menu.actions():
-            if before_action.shortcut().matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste) == \
-                    QtGui.QKeySequence.ExactMatch:
-                menu.insertAction(before_action, self._copy_raw_action)
-                break
-        return menu
-    def request_interrupt_kernel(self):
-        if self._executing:
-            self.interrupt_kernel()
-    def request_restart_kernel(self):
-        message = 'Are you sure you want to restart the kernel?'
-        self.restart_kernel(message, now=False)
-    def _event_filter_console_keypress(self, event):
-        """ Reimplemented for execution interruption and smart backspace.
-        """
-        key = event.key()
-        if self._control_key_down(event.modifiers(), include_command=False):
-            if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_C and self._executing:
-                self.request_interrupt_kernel()
-                return True
-            elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Period:
-                self.request_restart_kernel()
-                return True
-        elif not event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.AltModifier:
-            # Smart backspace: remove four characters in one backspace if:
-            # 1) everything left of the cursor is whitespace
-            # 2) the four characters immediately left of the cursor are spaces
-            if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace:
-                col = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_column()
-                cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-                if col > 3 and not cursor.hasSelection():
-                    text = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_line()[:col]
-                    if text.endswith('    ') and not text.strip():
-                        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left,
-                                            QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor, 4)
-                        cursor.removeSelectedText()
-                        return True
-        return super(FrontendWidget, self)._event_filter_console_keypress(event)
-    def _insert_continuation_prompt(self, cursor):
-        """ Reimplemented for auto-indentation.
-        """
-        super(FrontendWidget, self)._insert_continuation_prompt(cursor)
-        cursor.insertText(' ' * self._input_splitter.indent_spaces)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _handle_clear_output(self, msg):
-        """Handle clear output messages."""
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            wait = msg['content'].get('wait', True)
-            if wait:
-                self._pending_clearoutput = True
-            else:
-                self.clear_output()
-    def _silent_exec_callback(self, expr, callback):
-        """Silently execute `expr` in the kernel and call `callback` with reply
-        the `expr` is evaluated silently in the kernel (without) output in
-        the frontend. Call `callback` with the
-        `repr <http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#repr> `_ as first argument
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        expr : string
-            valid string to be executed by the kernel.
-        callback : function
-            function accepting one argument, as a string. The string will be
-            the `repr` of the result of evaluating `expr`
-        The `callback` is called with the `repr()` of the result of `expr` as
-        first argument. To get the object, do `eval()` on the passed value.
-        See Also
-        --------
-        _handle_exec_callback : private method, deal with calling callback with reply
-        """
-        # generate uuid, which would be used as an indication of whether or
-        # not the unique request originated from here (can use msg id ?)
-        local_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
-        msg_id = self.kernel_client.execute('',
-            silent=True, user_expressions={ local_uuid:expr })
-        self._callback_dict[local_uuid] = callback
-        self._request_info['execute'][msg_id] = self._ExecutionRequest(msg_id, 'silent_exec_callback')
-    def _handle_exec_callback(self, msg):
-        """Execute `callback` corresponding to `msg` reply, after ``_silent_exec_callback``
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        msg : raw message send by the kernel containing an `user_expressions`
-                and having a 'silent_exec_callback' kind.
-        Notes
-        -----
-        This function will look for a `callback` associated with the
-        corresponding message id. Association has been made by
-        `_silent_exec_callback`. `callback` is then called with the `repr()`
-        of the value of corresponding `user_expressions` as argument.
-        `callback` is then removed from the known list so that any message
-        coming again with the same id won't trigger it.
-        """
-        user_exp = msg['content'].get('user_expressions')
-        if not user_exp:
-            return
-        for expression in user_exp:
-            if expression in self._callback_dict:
-                self._callback_dict.pop(expression)(user_exp[expression])
-    def _handle_execute_reply(self, msg):
-        """ Handles replies for code execution.
-        """
-        self.log.debug("execute: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        msg_id = msg['parent_header']['msg_id']
-        info = self._request_info['execute'].get(msg_id)
-        # unset reading flag, because if execute finished, raw_input can't
-        # still be pending.
-        self._reading = False
-        if info and info.kind == 'user' and not self._hidden:
-            # Make sure that all output from the SUB channel has been processed
-            # before writing a new prompt.
-            self.kernel_client.iopub_channel.flush()
-            # Reset the ANSI style information to prevent bad text in stdout
-            # from messing up our colors. We're not a true terminal so we're
-            # allowed to do this.
-            if self.ansi_codes:
-                self._ansi_processor.reset_sgr()
-            content = msg['content']
-            status = content['status']
-            if status == 'ok':
-                self._process_execute_ok(msg)
-            elif status == 'error':
-                self._process_execute_error(msg)
-            elif status == 'aborted':
-                self._process_execute_abort(msg)
-            self._show_interpreter_prompt_for_reply(msg)
-            self.executed.emit(msg)
-            self._request_info['execute'].pop(msg_id)
-        elif info and info.kind == 'silent_exec_callback' and not self._hidden:
-            self._handle_exec_callback(msg)
-            self._request_info['execute'].pop(msg_id)
-        else:
-            super(FrontendWidget, self)._handle_execute_reply(msg)
-    def _handle_input_request(self, msg):
-        """ Handle requests for raw_input.
-        """
-        self.log.debug("input: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        if self._hidden:
-            raise RuntimeError('Request for raw input during hidden execution.')
-        # Make sure that all output from the SUB channel has been processed
-        # before entering readline mode.
-        self.kernel_client.iopub_channel.flush()
-        def callback(line):
-            self.kernel_client.input(line)
-        if self._reading:
-            self.log.debug("Got second input request, assuming first was interrupted.")
-            self._reading = False
-        self._readline(msg['content']['prompt'], callback=callback)
-    def _kernel_restarted_message(self, died=True):
-        msg = "Kernel died, restarting" if died else "Kernel restarting"
-        self._append_html("<br>%s<hr><br>" % msg,
-            before_prompt=False
-        )
-    def _handle_kernel_died(self, since_last_heartbeat):
-        """Handle the kernel's death (if we do not own the kernel).
-        """
-        self.log.warn("kernel died: %s", since_last_heartbeat)
-        if self.custom_restart:
-            self.custom_restart_kernel_died.emit(since_last_heartbeat)
-        else:
-            self._kernel_restarted_message(died=True)
-            self.reset()
-    def _handle_kernel_restarted(self, died=True):
-        """Notice that the autorestarter restarted the kernel.
-        There's nothing to do but show a message.
-        """
-        self.log.warn("kernel restarted")
-        self._kernel_restarted_message(died=died)
-        self.reset()
-    def _handle_inspect_reply(self, rep):
-        """Handle replies for call tips."""
-        self.log.debug("oinfo: %s", rep.get('content', ''))
-        cursor = self._get_cursor()
-        info = self._request_info.get('call_tip')
-        if info and info.id == rep['parent_header']['msg_id'] and \
-                info.pos == cursor.position():
-            content = rep['content']
-            if content.get('status') == 'ok' and content.get('found', False):
-                self._call_tip_widget.show_inspect_data(content)
-    def _handle_execute_result(self, msg):
-        """ Handle display hook output.
-        """
-        self.log.debug("execute_result: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            self.flush_clearoutput()
-            text = msg['content']['data']
-            self._append_plain_text(text + '\n', before_prompt=True)
-    def _handle_stream(self, msg):
-        """ Handle stdout, stderr, and stdin.
-        """
-        self.log.debug("stream: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            self.flush_clearoutput()
-            self.append_stream(msg['content']['text'])
-    def _handle_shutdown_reply(self, msg):
-        """ Handle shutdown signal, only if from other console.
-        """
-        self.log.info("shutdown: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        restart = msg.get('content', {}).get('restart', False)
-        if not self._hidden and not self.from_here(msg):
-            # got shutdown reply, request came from session other than ours
-            if restart:
-                # someone restarted the kernel, handle it
-                self._handle_kernel_restarted(died=False)
-            else:
-                # kernel was shutdown permanently
-                # this triggers exit_requested if the kernel was local,
-                # and a dialog if the kernel was remote,
-                # so we don't suddenly clear the qtconsole without asking.
-                if self._local_kernel:
-                    self.exit_requested.emit(self)
-                else:
-                    title = self.window().windowTitle()
-                    reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, title,
-                        "Kernel has been shutdown permanently. "
-                        "Close the Console?",
-                        QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes,QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
-                    if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
-                        self.exit_requested.emit(self)
-    def _handle_status(self, msg):
-        """Handle status message"""
-        # This is where a busy/idle indicator would be triggered,
-        # when we make one.
-        state = msg['content'].get('execution_state', '')
-        if state == 'starting':
-            # kernel started while we were running
-            if self._executing:
-                self._handle_kernel_restarted(died=True)
-        elif state == 'idle':
-            pass
-        elif state == 'busy':
-            pass
-    def _started_channels(self):
-        """ Called when the KernelManager channels have started listening or
-            when the frontend is assigned an already listening KernelManager.
-        """
-        self.reset(clear=True)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'FrontendWidget' public interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def copy_raw(self):
-        """ Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard without attempting
-            to remove prompts or otherwise alter the text.
-        """
-        self._control.copy()
-    def execute_file(self, path, hidden=False):
-        """ Attempts to execute file with 'path'. If 'hidden', no output is
-            shown.
-        """
-        self.execute('execfile(%r)' % path, hidden=hidden)
-    def interrupt_kernel(self):
-        """ Attempts to interrupt the running kernel.
-        Also unsets _reading flag, to avoid runtime errors
-        if raw_input is called again.
-        """
-        if self.custom_interrupt:
-            self._reading = False
-            self.custom_interrupt_requested.emit()
-        elif self.kernel_manager:
-            self._reading = False
-            self.kernel_manager.interrupt_kernel()
-        else:
-            self._append_plain_text('Cannot interrupt a kernel I did not start.\n')
-    def reset(self, clear=False):
-        """ Resets the widget to its initial state if ``clear`` parameter
-        is True, otherwise
-        prints a visual indication of the fact that the kernel restarted, but
-        does not clear the traces from previous usage of the kernel before it
-        was restarted.  With ``clear=True``, it is similar to ``%clear``, but
-        also re-writes the banner and aborts execution if necessary.
-        """
-        if self._executing:
-            self._executing = False
-            self._request_info['execute'] = {}
-        self._reading = False
-        self._highlighter.highlighting_on = False
-        if clear:
-            self._control.clear()
-            if self._display_banner:
-                self._append_plain_text(self.banner)
-                if self.kernel_banner:
-                    self._append_plain_text(self.kernel_banner)
-        # update output marker for stdout/stderr, so that startup
-        # messages appear after banner:
-        self._append_before_prompt_pos = self._get_cursor().position()
-        self._show_interpreter_prompt()
-    def restart_kernel(self, message, now=False):
-        """ Attempts to restart the running kernel.
-        """
-        # FIXME: now should be configurable via a checkbox in the dialog.  Right
-        # now at least the heartbeat path sets it to True and the manual restart
-        # to False.  But those should just be the pre-selected states of a
-        # checkbox that the user could override if so desired.  But I don't know
-        # enough Qt to go implementing the checkbox now.
-        if self.custom_restart:
-            self.custom_restart_requested.emit()
-            return
-        if self.kernel_manager:
-            # Pause the heart beat channel to prevent further warnings.
-            self.kernel_client.hb_channel.pause()
-            # Prompt the user to restart the kernel. Un-pause the heartbeat if
-            # they decline. (If they accept, the heartbeat will be un-paused
-            # automatically when the kernel is restarted.)
-            if self.confirm_restart:
-                buttons = QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No
-                result = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Restart kernel?',
-                                                    message, buttons)
-                do_restart = result == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes
-            else:
-                # confirm_restart is False, so we don't need to ask user
-                # anything, just do the restart
-                do_restart = True
-            if do_restart:
-                try:
-                    self.kernel_manager.restart_kernel(now=now)
-                except RuntimeError as e:
-                    self._append_plain_text(
-                        'Error restarting kernel: %s\n' % e,
-                        before_prompt=True
-                    )
-                else:
-                    self._append_html("<br>Restarting kernel...\n<hr><br>",
-                        before_prompt=True,
-                    )
-            else:
-                self.kernel_client.hb_channel.unpause()
-        else:
-            self._append_plain_text(
-                'Cannot restart a Kernel I did not start\n',
-                before_prompt=True
-            )
-    def append_stream(self, text):
-        """Appends text to the output stream."""
-        # Most consoles treat tabs as being 8 space characters. Convert tabs
-        # to spaces so that output looks as expected regardless of this
-        # widget's tab width.
-        text = text.expandtabs(8)
-        self._append_plain_text(text, before_prompt=True)
-        self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
-    def flush_clearoutput(self):
-        """If a clearoutput is pending, execute it."""
-        if self._pending_clearoutput:
-            self._pending_clearoutput = False
-            self.clear_output()
-    def clear_output(self):
-        """Clears the current line of output."""
-        cursor = self._control.textCursor()
-        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-        cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfLine, cursor.KeepAnchor)
-        cursor.insertText('')
-        cursor.endEditBlock()
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'FrontendWidget' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _auto_call_tip(self):
-        """Trigger call tip automatically on open parenthesis
-        Call tips can be requested explcitly with `_call_tip`.
-        """
-        cursor = self._get_cursor()
-        cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left)
-        if cursor.document().characterAt(cursor.position()) == '(':
-            # trigger auto call tip on open paren
-            self._call_tip()
-    def _call_tip(self):
-        """Shows a call tip, if appropriate, at the current cursor location."""
-        # Decide if it makes sense to show a call tip
-        if not self.enable_calltips or not self.kernel_client.shell_channel.is_alive():
-            return False
-        cursor_pos = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_pos()
-        code = self.input_buffer
-        # Send the metadata request to the kernel
-        msg_id = self.kernel_client.inspect(code, cursor_pos)
-        pos = self._get_cursor().position()
-        self._request_info['call_tip'] = self._CallTipRequest(msg_id, pos)
-        return True
-    def _complete(self):
-        """ Performs completion at the current cursor location.
-        """
-        # Send the completion request to the kernel
-        msg_id = self.kernel_client.complete(
-            code=self.input_buffer,
-            cursor_pos=self._get_input_buffer_cursor_pos(),
-        )
-        pos = self._get_cursor().position()
-        info = self._CompletionRequest(msg_id, pos)
-        self._request_info['complete'] = info
-    def _process_execute_abort(self, msg):
-        """ Process a reply for an aborted execution request.
-        """
-        self._append_plain_text("ERROR: execution aborted\n")
-    def _process_execute_error(self, msg):
-        """ Process a reply for an execution request that resulted in an error.
-        """
-        content = msg['content']
-        # If a SystemExit is passed along, this means exit() was called - also
-        # all the ipython %exit magic syntax of '-k' to be used to keep
-        # the kernel running
-        if content['ename']=='SystemExit':
-            keepkernel = content['evalue']=='-k' or content['evalue']=='True'
-            self._keep_kernel_on_exit = keepkernel
-            self.exit_requested.emit(self)
-        else:
-            traceback = ''.join(content['traceback'])
-            self._append_plain_text(traceback)
-    def _process_execute_ok(self, msg):
-        """ Process a reply for a successful execution request.
-        """
-        payload = msg['content']['payload']
-        for item in payload:
-            if not self._process_execute_payload(item):
-                warning = 'Warning: received unknown payload of type %s'
-                print(warning % repr(item['source']))
-    def _process_execute_payload(self, item):
-        """ Process a single payload item from the list of payload items in an
-            execution reply. Returns whether the payload was handled.
-        """
-        # The basic FrontendWidget doesn't handle payloads, as they are a
-        # mechanism for going beyond the standard Python interpreter model.
-        return False
-    def _show_interpreter_prompt(self):
-        """ Shows a prompt for the interpreter.
-        """
-        self._show_prompt('>>> ')
-    def _show_interpreter_prompt_for_reply(self, msg):
-        """ Shows a prompt for the interpreter given an 'execute_reply' message.
-        """
-        self._show_interpreter_prompt()
-    #------ Signal handlers ----------------------------------------------------
-    def _document_contents_change(self, position, removed, added):
-        """ Called whenever the document's content changes. Display a call tip
-            if appropriate.
-        """
-        # Calculate where the cursor should be *after* the change:
-        position += added
-        document = self._control.document()
-        if position == self._get_cursor().position():
-            self._auto_call_tip()
-    #------ Trait default initializers -----------------------------------------
-    def _banner_default(self):
-        """ Returns the standard Python banner.
-        """
-        banner = 'Python %s on %s\nType "help", "copyright", "credits" or ' \
-            '"license" for more information.'
-        return banner % (sys.version, sys.platform)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/history_console_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/history_console_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e4af363..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/history_console_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtGui
-# Local imports
-from IPython.utils.py3compat import unicode_type
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool
-from .console_widget import ConsoleWidget
-class HistoryConsoleWidget(ConsoleWidget):
-    """ A ConsoleWidget that keeps a history of the commands that have been
-        executed and provides a readline-esque interface to this history.
-    """
-    #------ Configuration ------------------------------------------------------
-    # If enabled, the input buffer will become "locked" to history movement when
-    # an edit is made to a multi-line input buffer. To override the lock, use
-    # Shift in conjunction with the standard history cycling keys.
-    history_lock = Bool(False, config=True)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'object' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-        super(HistoryConsoleWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
-        # HistoryConsoleWidget protected variables.
-        self._history = []
-        self._history_edits = {}
-        self._history_index = 0
-        self._history_prefix = ''
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def execute(self, source=None, hidden=False, interactive=False):
-        """ Reimplemented to the store history.
-        """
-        if not hidden:
-            history = self.input_buffer if source is None else source
-        executed = super(HistoryConsoleWidget, self).execute(
-            source, hidden, interactive)
-        if executed and not hidden:
-            # Save the command unless it was an empty string or was identical
-            # to the previous command.
-            history = history.rstrip()
-            if history and (not self._history or self._history[-1] != history):
-                self._history.append(history)
-            # Emulate readline: reset all history edits.
-            self._history_edits = {}
-            # Move the history index to the most recent item.
-            self._history_index = len(self._history)
-        return executed
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' abstract interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _up_pressed(self, shift_modifier):
-        """ Called when the up key is pressed. Returns whether to continue
-            processing the event.
-        """
-        prompt_cursor = self._get_prompt_cursor()
-        if self._get_cursor().blockNumber() == prompt_cursor.blockNumber():
-            # Bail out if we're locked.
-            if self._history_locked() and not shift_modifier:
-                return False
-            # Set a search prefix based on the cursor position.
-            col = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_column()
-            input_buffer = self.input_buffer
-            # use the *shortest* of the cursor column and the history prefix
-            # to determine if the prefix has changed
-            n = min(col, len(self._history_prefix))
-            # prefix changed, restart search from the beginning
-            if (self._history_prefix[:n] != input_buffer[:n]):
-                self._history_index = len(self._history)
-            # the only time we shouldn't set the history prefix
-            # to the line up to the cursor is if we are already
-            # in a simple scroll (no prefix),
-            # and the cursor is at the end of the first line
-            # check if we are at the end of the first line
-            c = self._get_cursor()
-            current_pos = c.position()
-            c.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfLine)
-            at_eol = (c.position() == current_pos)
-            if self._history_index == len(self._history) or \
-                not (self._history_prefix == '' and at_eol) or \
-                not (self._get_edited_history(self._history_index)[:col] == input_buffer[:col]):
-                self._history_prefix = input_buffer[:col]
-            # Perform the search.
-            self.history_previous(self._history_prefix,
-                                    as_prefix=not shift_modifier)
-            # Go to the first line of the prompt for seemless history scrolling.
-            # Emulate readline: keep the cursor position fixed for a prefix
-            # search.
-            cursor = self._get_prompt_cursor()
-            if self._history_prefix:
-                cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                    n=len(self._history_prefix))
-            else:
-                cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfLine)
-            self._set_cursor(cursor)
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _down_pressed(self, shift_modifier):
-        """ Called when the down key is pressed. Returns whether to continue
-            processing the event.
-        """
-        end_cursor = self._get_end_cursor()
-        if self._get_cursor().blockNumber() == end_cursor.blockNumber():
-            # Bail out if we're locked.
-            if self._history_locked() and not shift_modifier:
-                return False
-            # Perform the search.
-            replaced = self.history_next(self._history_prefix,
-                                            as_prefix=not shift_modifier)
-            # Emulate readline: keep the cursor position fixed for a prefix
-            # search. (We don't need to move the cursor to the end of the buffer
-            # in the other case because this happens automatically when the
-            # input buffer is set.)
-            if self._history_prefix and replaced:
-                cursor = self._get_prompt_cursor()
-                cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                    n=len(self._history_prefix))
-                self._set_cursor(cursor)
-            return False
-        return True
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'HistoryConsoleWidget' public interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def history_previous(self, substring='', as_prefix=True):
-        """ If possible, set the input buffer to a previous history item.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        substring : str, optional
-            If specified, search for an item with this substring.
-        as_prefix : bool, optional
-            If True, the substring must match at the beginning (default).
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Whether the input buffer was changed.
-        """
-        index = self._history_index
-        replace = False
-        while index > 0:
-            index -= 1
-            history = self._get_edited_history(index)
-            if (as_prefix and history.startswith(substring)) \
-                or (not as_prefix and substring in history):
-                replace = True
-                break
-        if replace:
-            self._store_edits()
-            self._history_index = index
-            self.input_buffer = history
-        return replace
-    def history_next(self, substring='', as_prefix=True):
-        """ If possible, set the input buffer to a subsequent history item.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        substring : str, optional
-            If specified, search for an item with this substring.
-        as_prefix : bool, optional
-            If True, the substring must match at the beginning (default).
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Whether the input buffer was changed.
-        """
-        index = self._history_index
-        replace = False
-        while index < len(self._history):
-            index += 1
-            history = self._get_edited_history(index)
-            if (as_prefix and history.startswith(substring)) \
-                or (not as_prefix and substring in history):
-                replace = True
-                break
-        if replace:
-            self._store_edits()
-            self._history_index = index
-            self.input_buffer = history
-        return replace
-    def history_tail(self, n=10):
-        """ Get the local history list.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        n : int
-            The (maximum) number of history items to get.
-        """
-        return self._history[-n:]
-    def _request_update_session_history_length(self):
-        msg_id = self.kernel_client.execute('',
-            silent=True,
-            user_expressions={
-                'hlen':'len(get_ipython().history_manager.input_hist_raw)',
-                }
-            )
-        self._request_info['execute'][msg_id] = self._ExecutionRequest(msg_id, 'save_magic')
-    def _handle_execute_reply(self, msg):
-        """ Handles replies for code execution, here only session history length
-        """
-        msg_id = msg['parent_header']['msg_id']
-        info = self._request_info['execute'].pop(msg_id,None)
-        if info and info.kind == 'save_magic' and not self._hidden:
-            content = msg['content']
-            status = content['status']
-            if status == 'ok':
-                self._max_session_history = int(
-                    content['user_expressions']['hlen']['data']['text/plain']
-                )
-    def save_magic(self):
-        # update the session history length
-        self._request_update_session_history_length()
-        file_name,extFilter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,
-            "Enter A filename",
-            filter='Python File (*.py);; All files (*.*)'
-            )
-        # let's the user search/type for a file name, while the history length
-        # is fetched
-        if file_name:
-            hist_range, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self,
-                'Please enter an interval of command to save',
-                'Saving commands:',
-                text=str('1-'+str(self._max_session_history))
-                )
-            if ok:
-                self.execute("%save"+" "+file_name+" "+str(hist_range))
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'HistoryConsoleWidget' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _history_locked(self):
-        """ Returns whether history movement is locked.
-        """
-        return (self.history_lock and
-                (self._get_edited_history(self._history_index) !=
-                 self.input_buffer) and
-                (self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber() !=
-                 self._get_end_cursor().blockNumber()))
-    def _get_edited_history(self, index):
-        """ Retrieves a history item, possibly with temporary edits.
-        """
-        if index in self._history_edits:
-            return self._history_edits[index]
-        elif index == len(self._history):
-            return unicode_type()
-        return self._history[index]
-    def _set_history(self, history):
-        """ Replace the current history with a sequence of history items.
-        """
-        self._history = list(history)
-        self._history_edits = {}
-        self._history_index = len(self._history)
-    def _store_edits(self):
-        """ If there are edits to the current input buffer, store them.
-        """
-        current = self.input_buffer
-        if self._history_index == len(self._history) or \
-                self._history[self._history_index] != current:
-            self._history_edits[self._history_index] = current
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/ipython_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/ipython_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 930413b..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/ipython_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
-"""A FrontendWidget that emulates the interface of the console IPython.
-This supports the additional functionality provided by the IPython kernel.
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-from collections import namedtuple
-import os.path
-import re
-from subprocess import Popen
-import sys
-import time
-from textwrap import dedent
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-from IPython.core.inputsplitter import IPythonInputSplitter
-from IPython.core.release import version
-from IPython.core.inputtransformer import ipy_prompt
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool, Unicode
-from .frontend_widget import FrontendWidget
-from . import styles
-# Constants
-# Default strings to build and display input and output prompts (and separators
-# in between)
-default_in_prompt = 'In [<span class="in-prompt-number">%i</span>]: '
-default_out_prompt = 'Out[<span class="out-prompt-number">%i</span>]: '
-default_input_sep = '\n'
-default_output_sep = ''
-default_output_sep2 = ''
-# Base path for most payload sources.
-zmq_shell_source = 'IPython.kernel.zmq.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell'
-if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
-    default_editor = 'notepad'
-    default_editor = ''
-# IPythonWidget class
-class IPythonWidget(FrontendWidget):
-    """ A FrontendWidget for an IPython kernel.
-    """
-    # If set, the 'custom_edit_requested(str, int)' signal will be emitted when
-    # an editor is needed for a file. This overrides 'editor' and 'editor_line'
-    # settings.
-    custom_edit = Bool(False)
-    custom_edit_requested = QtCore.Signal(object, object)
-    editor = Unicode(default_editor, config=True,
-        help="""
-        A command for invoking a system text editor. If the string contains a
-        {filename} format specifier, it will be used. Otherwise, the filename
-        will be appended to the end the command.
-        """)
-    editor_line = Unicode(config=True,
-        help="""
-        The editor command to use when a specific line number is requested. The
-        string should contain two format specifiers: {line} and {filename}. If
-        this parameter is not specified, the line number option to the %edit
-        magic will be ignored.
-        """)
-    style_sheet = Unicode(config=True,
-        help="""
-        A CSS stylesheet. The stylesheet can contain classes for:
-            1. Qt: QPlainTextEdit, QFrame, QWidget, etc
-            2. Pygments: .c, .k, .o, etc. (see PygmentsHighlighter)
-            3. IPython: .error, .in-prompt, .out-prompt, etc
-        """)
-    syntax_style = Unicode(config=True,
-        help="""
-        If not empty, use this Pygments style for syntax highlighting.
-        Otherwise, the style sheet is queried for Pygments style
-        information.
-        """)
-    # Prompts.
-    in_prompt = Unicode(default_in_prompt, config=True)
-    out_prompt = Unicode(default_out_prompt, config=True)
-    input_sep = Unicode(default_input_sep, config=True)
-    output_sep = Unicode(default_output_sep, config=True)
-    output_sep2 = Unicode(default_output_sep2, config=True)
-    # FrontendWidget protected class variables.
-    _input_splitter_class = IPythonInputSplitter
-    _prompt_transformer = IPythonInputSplitter(physical_line_transforms=[ipy_prompt()],
-                                               logical_line_transforms=[],
-                                               python_line_transforms=[],
-                                              )
-    # IPythonWidget protected class variables.
-    _PromptBlock = namedtuple('_PromptBlock', ['block', 'length', 'number'])
-    _payload_source_edit = 'edit_magic'
-    _payload_source_exit = 'ask_exit'
-    _payload_source_next_input = 'set_next_input'
-    _payload_source_page = 'page'
-    _retrying_history_request = False
-    _starting = False
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'object' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-        super(IPythonWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
-        # IPythonWidget protected variables.
-        self._payload_handlers = {
-            self._payload_source_edit : self._handle_payload_edit,
-            self._payload_source_exit : self._handle_payload_exit,
-            self._payload_source_page : self._handle_payload_page,
-            self._payload_source_next_input : self._handle_payload_next_input }
-        self._previous_prompt_obj = None
-        self._keep_kernel_on_exit = None
-        # Initialize widget styling.
-        if self.style_sheet:
-            self._style_sheet_changed()
-            self._syntax_style_changed()
-        else:
-            self.set_default_style()
-        self._guiref_loaded = False
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _handle_complete_reply(self, rep):
-        """ Reimplemented to support IPython's improved completion machinery.
-        """
-        self.log.debug("complete: %s", rep.get('content', ''))
-        cursor = self._get_cursor()
-        info = self._request_info.get('complete')
-        if info and info.id == rep['parent_header']['msg_id'] and \
-                info.pos == cursor.position():
-            content = rep['content']
-            matches = content['matches']
-            start = content['cursor_start']
-            end = content['cursor_end']
-            start = max(start, 0)
-            end = max(end, start)
-            # Move the control's cursor to the desired end point
-            cursor_pos = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_pos()
-            if end < cursor_pos:
-                cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left,
-                                    n=(cursor_pos - end))
-            elif end > cursor_pos:
-                cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                    n=(end - cursor_pos))
-            # This line actually applies the move to control's cursor
-            self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
-            offset = end - start
-            # Move the local cursor object to the start of the match and
-            # complete.
-            cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, n=offset)
-            self._complete_with_items(cursor, matches)
-    def _handle_execute_reply(self, msg):
-        """ Reimplemented to support prompt requests.
-        """
-        msg_id = msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id')
-        info = self._request_info['execute'].get(msg_id)
-        if info and info.kind == 'prompt':
-            content = msg['content']
-            if content['status'] == 'aborted':
-                self._show_interpreter_prompt()
-            else:
-                number = content['execution_count'] + 1
-                self._show_interpreter_prompt(number)
-            self._request_info['execute'].pop(msg_id)
-        else:
-            super(IPythonWidget, self)._handle_execute_reply(msg)
-    def _handle_history_reply(self, msg):
-        """ Implemented to handle history tail replies, which are only supported
-            by the IPython kernel.
-        """
-        content = msg['content']
-        if 'history' not in content:
-            self.log.error("History request failed: %r"%content)
-            if content.get('status', '') == 'aborted' and \
-                                            not self._retrying_history_request:
-                # a *different* action caused this request to be aborted, so
-                # we should try again.
-                self.log.error("Retrying aborted history request")
-                # prevent multiple retries of aborted requests:
-                self._retrying_history_request = True
-                # wait out the kernel's queue flush, which is currently timed at 0.1s
-                time.sleep(0.25)
-                self.kernel_client.history(hist_access_type='tail',n=1000)
-            else:
-                self._retrying_history_request = False
-            return
-        # reset retry flag
-        self._retrying_history_request = False
-        history_items = content['history']
-        self.log.debug("Received history reply with %i entries", len(history_items))
-        items = []
-        last_cell = u""
-        for _, _, cell in history_items:
-            cell = cell.rstrip()
-            if cell != last_cell:
-                items.append(cell)
-                last_cell = cell
-        self._set_history(items)
-    def _insert_other_input(self, cursor, content):
-        """Insert function for input from other frontends"""
-        cursor.beginEditBlock()
-        start = cursor.position()
-        n = content.get('execution_count', 0)
-        cursor.insertText('\n')
-        self._insert_html(cursor, self._make_in_prompt(n))
-        cursor.insertText(content['code'])
-        self._highlighter.rehighlightBlock(cursor.block())
-        cursor.endEditBlock()
-    def _handle_execute_input(self, msg):
-        """Handle an execute_input message"""
-        self.log.debug("execute_input: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            self._append_custom(self._insert_other_input, msg['content'], before_prompt=True)
-    def _handle_execute_result(self, msg):
-        """Reimplemented for IPython-style "display hook"."""
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            self.flush_clearoutput()
-            content = msg['content']
-            prompt_number = content.get('execution_count', 0)
-            data = content['data']
-            if 'text/plain' in data:
-                self._append_plain_text(self.output_sep, True)
-                self._append_html(self._make_out_prompt(prompt_number), True)
-                text = data['text/plain']
-                # If the repr is multiline, make sure we start on a new line,
-                # so that its lines are aligned.
-                if "\n" in text and not self.output_sep.endswith("\n"):
-                    self._append_plain_text('\n', True)
-                self._append_plain_text(text + self.output_sep2, True)
-    def _handle_display_data(self, msg):
-        """The base handler for the ``display_data`` message."""
-        # For now, we don't display data from other frontends, but we
-        # eventually will as this allows all frontends to monitor the display
-        # data. But we need to figure out how to handle this in the GUI.
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            self.flush_clearoutput()
-            data = msg['content']['data']
-            metadata = msg['content']['metadata']
-            # In the regular IPythonWidget, we simply print the plain text
-            # representation.
-            if 'text/plain' in data:
-                text = data['text/plain']
-                self._append_plain_text(text, True)
-            # This newline seems to be needed for text and html output.
-            self._append_plain_text(u'\n', True)
-    def _handle_kernel_info_reply(self, rep):
-        """Handle kernel info replies."""
-        content = rep['content']
-        if not self._guiref_loaded:
-            if content.get('implementation') == 'ipython':
-                self._load_guiref_magic()
-            self._guiref_loaded = True
-        self.kernel_banner = content.get('banner', '')
-        if self._starting:
-            # finish handling started channels
-            self._starting = False
-            super(IPythonWidget, self)._started_channels()
-    def _started_channels(self):
-        """Reimplemented to make a history request and load %guiref."""
-        self._starting = True
-        # The reply will trigger %guiref load provided language=='python'
-        self.kernel_client.kernel_info()
-        self.kernel_client.history(hist_access_type='tail', n=1000)
-    def _load_guiref_magic(self):
-        """Load %guiref magic."""
-        self.kernel_client.execute('\n'.join([
-            "try:",
-            "    _usage",
-            "except:",
-            "    from IPython.core import usage as _usage",
-            "    get_ipython().register_magic_function(_usage.page_guiref, 'line', 'guiref')",
-            "    del _usage",
-        ]), silent=True)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'FrontendWidget' public interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def execute_file(self, path, hidden=False):
-        """ Reimplemented to use the 'run' magic.
-        """
-        # Use forward slashes on Windows to avoid escaping each separator.
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            path = os.path.normpath(path).replace('\\', '/')
-        # Perhaps we should not be using %run directly, but while we
-        # are, it is necessary to quote or escape filenames containing spaces 
-        # or quotes. 
-        # In earlier code here, to minimize escaping, we sometimes quoted the 
-        # filename with single quotes. But to do this, this code must be
-        # platform-aware, because run uses shlex rather than python string
-        # parsing, so that:
-        # * In Win: single quotes can be used in the filename without quoting,
-        #   and we cannot use single quotes to quote the filename.
-        # * In *nix: we can escape double quotes in a double quoted filename,
-        #   but can't escape single quotes in a single quoted filename.
-        # So to keep this code non-platform-specific and simple, we now only
-        # use double quotes to quote filenames, and escape when needed:
-        if ' ' in path or "'" in path or '"' in path:
-            path = '"%s"' % path.replace('"', '\\"')
-        self.execute('%%run %s' % path, hidden=hidden)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'FrontendWidget' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _process_execute_error(self, msg):
-        """ Reimplemented for IPython-style traceback formatting.
-        """
-        content = msg['content']
-        traceback = '\n'.join(content['traceback']) + '\n'
-        if False:
-            # FIXME: For now, tracebacks come as plain text, so we can't use
-            # the html renderer yet.  Once we refactor ultratb to produce
-            # properly styled tracebacks, this branch should be the default
-            traceback = traceback.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
-            traceback = traceback.replace('\n', '<br/>')
-            ename = content['ename']
-            ename_styled = '<span class="error">%s</span>' % ename
-            traceback = traceback.replace(ename, ename_styled)
-            self._append_html(traceback)
-        else:
-            # This is the fallback for now, using plain text with ansi escapes
-            self._append_plain_text(traceback)
-    def _process_execute_payload(self, item):
-        """ Reimplemented to dispatch payloads to handler methods.
-        """
-        handler = self._payload_handlers.get(item['source'])
-        if handler is None:
-            # We have no handler for this type of payload, simply ignore it
-            return False
-        else:
-            handler(item)
-            return True
-    def _show_interpreter_prompt(self, number=None):
-        """ Reimplemented for IPython-style prompts.
-        """
-        # If a number was not specified, make a prompt number request.
-        if number is None:
-            msg_id = self.kernel_client.execute('', silent=True)
-            info = self._ExecutionRequest(msg_id, 'prompt')
-            self._request_info['execute'][msg_id] = info
-            return
-        # Show a new prompt and save information about it so that it can be
-        # updated later if the prompt number turns out to be wrong.
-        self._prompt_sep = self.input_sep
-        self._show_prompt(self._make_in_prompt(number), html=True)
-        block = self._control.document().lastBlock()
-        length = len(self._prompt)
-        self._previous_prompt_obj = self._PromptBlock(block, length, number)
-        # Update continuation prompt to reflect (possibly) new prompt length.
-        self._set_continuation_prompt(
-            self._make_continuation_prompt(self._prompt), html=True)
-    def _show_interpreter_prompt_for_reply(self, msg):
-        """ Reimplemented for IPython-style prompts.
-        """
-        # Update the old prompt number if necessary.
-        content = msg['content']
-        # abort replies do not have any keys:
-        if content['status'] == 'aborted':
-            if self._previous_prompt_obj:
-                previous_prompt_number = self._previous_prompt_obj.number
-            else:
-                previous_prompt_number = 0
-        else:
-            previous_prompt_number = content['execution_count']
-        if self._previous_prompt_obj and \
-                self._previous_prompt_obj.number != previous_prompt_number:
-            block = self._previous_prompt_obj.block
-            # Make sure the prompt block has not been erased.
-            if block.isValid() and block.text():
-                # Remove the old prompt and insert a new prompt.
-                cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(block)
-                cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right,
-                                    QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor,
-                                    self._previous_prompt_obj.length)
-                prompt = self._make_in_prompt(previous_prompt_number)
-                self._prompt = self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text(
-                    cursor, prompt)
-                # When the HTML is inserted, Qt blows away the syntax
-                # highlighting for the line, so we need to rehighlight it.
-                self._highlighter.rehighlightBlock(cursor.block())
-            self._previous_prompt_obj = None
-        # Show a new prompt with the kernel's estimated prompt number.
-        self._show_interpreter_prompt(previous_prompt_number + 1)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'IPythonWidget' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def set_default_style(self, colors='lightbg'):
-        """ Sets the widget style to the class defaults.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        colors : str, optional (default lightbg)
-            Whether to use the default IPython light background or dark
-            background or B&W style.
-        """
-        colors = colors.lower()
-        if colors=='lightbg':
-            self.style_sheet = styles.default_light_style_sheet
-            self.syntax_style = styles.default_light_syntax_style
-        elif colors=='linux':
-            self.style_sheet = styles.default_dark_style_sheet
-            self.syntax_style = styles.default_dark_syntax_style
-        elif colors=='nocolor':
-            self.style_sheet = styles.default_bw_style_sheet
-            self.syntax_style = styles.default_bw_syntax_style
-        else:
-            raise KeyError("No such color scheme: %s"%colors)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'IPythonWidget' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _edit(self, filename, line=None):
-        """ Opens a Python script for editing.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        filename : str
-            A path to a local system file.
-        line : int, optional
-            A line of interest in the file.
-        """
-        if self.custom_edit:
-            self.custom_edit_requested.emit(filename, line)
-        elif not self.editor:
-            self._append_plain_text('No default editor available.\n'
-            'Specify a GUI text editor in the `IPythonWidget.editor` '
-            'configurable to enable the %edit magic')
-        else:
-            try:
-                filename = '"%s"' % filename
-                if line and self.editor_line:
-                    command = self.editor_line.format(filename=filename,
-                                                      line=line)
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        command = self.editor.format()
-                    except KeyError:
-                        command = self.editor.format(filename=filename)
-                    else:
-                        command += ' ' + filename
-            except KeyError:
-                self._append_plain_text('Invalid editor command.\n')
-            else:
-                try:
-                    Popen(command, shell=True)
-                except OSError:
-                    msg = 'Opening editor with command "%s" failed.\n'
-                    self._append_plain_text(msg % command)
-    def _make_in_prompt(self, number):
-        """ Given a prompt number, returns an HTML In prompt.
-        """
-        try:
-            body = self.in_prompt % number
-        except TypeError:
-            # allow in_prompt to leave out number, e.g. '>>> '
-            from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
-            body = escape(self.in_prompt)
-        return '<span class="in-prompt">%s</span>' % body
-    def _make_continuation_prompt(self, prompt):
-        """ Given a plain text version of an In prompt, returns an HTML
-            continuation prompt.
-        """
-        end_chars = '...: '
-        space_count = len(prompt.lstrip('\n')) - len(end_chars)
-        body = '&nbsp;' * space_count + end_chars
-        return '<span class="in-prompt">%s</span>' % body
-    def _make_out_prompt(self, number):
-        """ Given a prompt number, returns an HTML Out prompt.
-        """
-        try:
-            body = self.out_prompt % number
-        except TypeError:
-            # allow out_prompt to leave out number, e.g. '<<< '
-            from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
-            body = escape(self.out_prompt)
-        return '<span class="out-prompt">%s</span>' % body
-    #------ Payload handlers --------------------------------------------------
-    # Payload handlers with a generic interface: each takes the opaque payload
-    # dict, unpacks it and calls the underlying functions with the necessary
-    # arguments.
-    def _handle_payload_edit(self, item):
-        self._edit(item['filename'], item['line_number'])
-    def _handle_payload_exit(self, item):
-        self._keep_kernel_on_exit = item['keepkernel']
-        self.exit_requested.emit(self)
-    def _handle_payload_next_input(self, item):
-        self.input_buffer = item['text']
-    def _handle_payload_page(self, item):
-        # Since the plain text widget supports only a very small subset of HTML
-        # and we have no control over the HTML source, we only page HTML
-        # payloads in the rich text widget.
-        data = item['data']
-        if 'text/html' in data and self.kind == 'rich':
-            self._page(data['text/html'], html=True)
-        else:
-            self._page(data['text/plain'], html=False)
-    #------ Trait change handlers --------------------------------------------
-    def _style_sheet_changed(self):
-        """ Set the style sheets of the underlying widgets.
-        """
-        self.setStyleSheet(self.style_sheet)
-        if self._control is not None:
-            self._control.document().setDefaultStyleSheet(self.style_sheet)
-            bg_color = self._control.palette().window().color()
-            self._ansi_processor.set_background_color(bg_color)
-        if self._page_control is not None:
-            self._page_control.document().setDefaultStyleSheet(self.style_sheet)
-    def _syntax_style_changed(self):
-        """ Set the style for the syntax highlighter.
-        """
-        if self._highlighter is None:
-            # ignore premature calls
-            return
-        if self.syntax_style:
-            self._highlighter.set_style(self.syntax_style)
-        else:
-            self._highlighter.set_style_sheet(self.style_sheet)
-    #------ Trait default initializers -----------------------------------------
-    def _banner_default(self):
-        return "IPython QtConsole {version}\n".format(version=version)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/kill_ring.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/kill_ring.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8cce6..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/kill_ring.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-""" A generic Emacs-style kill ring, as well as a Qt-specific version.
-# Imports
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-# Classes
-class KillRing(object):
-    """ A generic Emacs-style kill ring.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.clear()
-    def clear(self):
-        """ Clears the kill ring.
-        """
-        self._index = -1
-        self._ring = []
-    def kill(self, text):
-        """ Adds some killed text to the ring.
-        """
-        self._ring.append(text)
-    def yank(self):
-        """ Yank back the most recently killed text.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        A text string or None.
-        """
-        self._index = len(self._ring)
-        return self.rotate()
-    def rotate(self):
-        """ Rotate the kill ring, then yank back the new top.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        A text string or None.
-        """
-        self._index -= 1
-        if self._index >= 0:
-            return self._ring[self._index]
-        return None
-class QtKillRing(QtCore.QObject):
-    """ A kill ring attached to Q[Plain]TextEdit.
-    """
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # QtKillRing interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, text_edit):
-        """ Create a kill ring attached to the specified Qt text edit.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(text_edit, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
-        super(QtKillRing, self).__init__()
-        self._ring = KillRing()
-        self._prev_yank = None
-        self._skip_cursor = False
-        self._text_edit = text_edit
-        text_edit.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self._cursor_position_changed)
-    def clear(self):
-        """ Clears the kill ring.
-        """
-        self._ring.clear()
-        self._prev_yank = None
-    def kill(self, text):
-        """ Adds some killed text to the ring.
-        """
-        self._ring.kill(text)
-    def kill_cursor(self, cursor):
-        """ Kills the text selected by the give cursor.
-        """
-        text = cursor.selectedText()
-        if text:
-            cursor.removeSelectedText()
-            self.kill(text)
-    def yank(self):
-        """ Yank back the most recently killed text.
-        """
-        text = self._ring.yank()
-        if text:
-            self._skip_cursor = True
-            cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
-            cursor.insertText(text)
-            self._prev_yank = text
-    def rotate(self):
-        """ Rotate the kill ring, then yank back the new top.
-        """
-        if self._prev_yank:
-            text = self._ring.rotate()
-            if text:
-                self._skip_cursor = True
-                cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
-                cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left,
-                                    QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor,
-                                    n = len(self._prev_yank))
-                cursor.insertText(text)
-                self._prev_yank = text
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Protected interface
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    #------ Signal handlers ----------------------------------------------------
-    def _cursor_position_changed(self):
-        if self._skip_cursor:
-            self._skip_cursor = False
-        else:
-            self._prev_yank = None
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/magic_helper.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/magic_helper.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 54680b5..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/magic_helper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-"""MagicHelper - dockable widget showing magic commands for the MainWindow
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. 
-# Imports
-# stdlib imports
-import json
-import re
-import sys
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtGui,QtCore
-from IPython.core.magic import magic_escapes
-class MagicHelper(QtGui.QDockWidget):
-    """MagicHelper - dockable widget for convenient search and running of
-                     magic command for IPython QtConsole.
-    """
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # signals
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    pasteRequested = QtCore.Signal(str, name = 'pasteRequested')
-    """This signal is emitted when user wants to paste selected magic 
-       command into the command line.
-    """
-    runRequested = QtCore.Signal(str, name = 'runRequested')
-    """This signal is emitted when user wants to execute selected magic command
-    """
-    readyForUpdate = QtCore.Signal(name = 'readyForUpdate')
-    """This signal is emitted when MagicHelper is ready to be populated.
-       Since kernel querying mechanisms are out of scope of this class,
-       it expects its owner to invoke MagicHelper.populate_magic_helper()
-       as a reaction on this event.
-    """
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # constructor
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, name, parent):
-        super(MagicHelper, self).__init__(name, parent)
-        self.data = None
-        class MinListWidget(QtGui.QListWidget):
-            """Temp class to overide the default QListWidget size hint
-               in order to make MagicHelper narrow
-            """
-            def sizeHint(self):
-                s = QtCore.QSize()
-                s.setHeight(super(MinListWidget,self).sizeHint().height())
-                s.setWidth(self.sizeHintForColumn(0))
-                return s
-        # construct content
-        self.frame = QtGui.QFrame()
-        self.search_label = QtGui.QLabel("Search:")
-        self.search_line = QtGui.QLineEdit()
-        self.search_class = QtGui.QComboBox()
-        self.search_list = MinListWidget()
-        self.paste_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Paste")
-        self.run_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Run")
-        # layout all the widgets
-        main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        search_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        search_layout.addWidget(self.search_label)
-        search_layout.addWidget(self.search_line, 10)
-        main_layout.addLayout(search_layout)
-        main_layout.addWidget(self.search_class)
-        main_layout.addWidget(self.search_list, 10)
-        action_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        action_layout.addWidget(self.paste_button)
-        action_layout.addWidget(self.run_button)
-        main_layout.addLayout(action_layout)
-        self.frame.setLayout(main_layout)
-        self.setWidget(self.frame)
-        # connect all the relevant signals to handlers
-        self.visibilityChanged[bool].connect( self._update_magic_helper )
-        self.search_class.activated[int].connect( 
-            self.class_selected
-        )
-        self.search_line.textChanged[str].connect(
-            self.search_changed
-        )
-        self.search_list.itemDoubleClicked.connect(
-            self.paste_requested
-        )
-        self.paste_button.clicked[bool].connect(
-            self.paste_requested
-        )
-        self.run_button.clicked[bool].connect(
-            self.run_requested
-        )
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # implementation
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _update_magic_helper(self, visible):
-        """Start update sequence. 
-           This method is called when MagicHelper becomes visible. It clears
-           the content and emits readyForUpdate signal. The owner of the 
-           instance is expected to invoke populate_magic_helper() when magic
-           info is available.
-        """
-        if not visible or self.data is not None:
-            return
-        self.data = {}
-        self.search_class.clear()
-        self.search_class.addItem("Populating...")
-        self.search_list.clear()
-        self.readyForUpdate.emit()
-    def populate_magic_helper(self, data):
-        """Expects data returned by lsmagics query from kernel.
-           Populates the search_class and search_list with relevant items.
-        """
-        self.search_class.clear()
-        self.search_list.clear()
-        self.data = data['data'].get('application/json', {})
-        self.search_class.addItem('All Magics', 'any')
-        classes = set()
-        for mtype in sorted(self.data):
-            subdict = self.data[mtype]
-            for name in sorted(subdict):
-                classes.add(subdict[name])
-        for cls in sorted(classes):
-            label = re.sub("([a-zA-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])","\g<1> \g<2>", cls)
-            self.search_class.addItem(label, cls)
-        self.filter_magic_helper('.', 'any')
-    def class_selected(self, index):
-        """Handle search_class selection changes
-        """
-        item = self.search_class.itemData(index)
-        regex = self.search_line.text()
-        self.filter_magic_helper(regex = regex, cls = item)
-    def search_changed(self, search_string):
-        """Handle search_line text changes.
-           The text is interpreted as a regular expression
-        """
-        item = self.search_class.itemData(
-            self.search_class.currentIndex()
-        )
-        self.filter_magic_helper(regex = search_string, cls = item)
-    def _get_current_search_item(self, item = None):
-        """Retrieve magic command currently selected in the search_list
-        """
-        text = None
-        if not isinstance(item, QtGui.QListWidgetItem):
-            item = self.search_list.currentItem()        
-        text = item.text()
-        return text
-    def paste_requested(self, item = None):
-        """Emit pasteRequested signal with currently selected item text
-        """
-        text = self._get_current_search_item(item)
-        if text is not None:
-            self.pasteRequested.emit(text)
-    def run_requested(self, item = None):
-        """Emit runRequested signal with currently selected item text
-        """
-        text = self._get_current_search_item(item)
-        if text is not None:
-            self.runRequested.emit(text)
-    def filter_magic_helper(self, regex, cls):
-        """Update search_list with magic commands whose text match
-           regex and class match cls.
-           If cls equals 'any' - any class matches.
-        """
-        if regex == "" or regex is None:
-            regex = '.'
-        if cls is None:
-            cls = 'any'
-        self.search_list.clear()
-        for mtype in sorted(self.data):
-            subdict = self.data[mtype]
-            prefix = magic_escapes[mtype]
-            for name in sorted(subdict):
-                mclass = subdict[name]
-                pmagic = prefix + name
-                if (re.match(regex, name) or re.match(regex, pmagic)) and \
-                   (cls == 'any' or cls == mclass): 
-                    self.search_list.addItem(pmagic)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/mainwindow.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/mainwindow.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a04542..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/mainwindow.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,928 +0,0 @@
-"""The Qt MainWindow for the QtConsole
-This is a tabbed pseudo-terminal of IPython sessions, with a menu bar for
-common actions.
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. 
-# Imports
-# stdlib imports
-import json
-import re
-import sys
-import webbrowser
-from threading import Thread
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtGui,QtCore
-from IPython.core.magic import magic_escapes
-def background(f):
-    """call a function in a simple thread, to prevent blocking"""
-    t = Thread(target=f)
-    t.start()
-    return t
-# Classes
-class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'object' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, app,
-                    confirm_exit=True,
-                    new_frontend_factory=None, slave_frontend_factory=None,
-                ):
-        """ Create a tabbed MainWindow for managing IPython FrontendWidgets
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        app : reference to QApplication parent
-        confirm_exit : bool, optional
-            Whether we should prompt on close of tabs
-        new_frontend_factory : callable
-            A callable that returns a new IPythonWidget instance, attached to
-            its own running kernel.
-        slave_frontend_factory : callable
-            A callable that takes an existing IPythonWidget, and  returns a new 
-            IPythonWidget instance, attached to the same kernel.
-        """
-        super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
-        self._kernel_counter = 0
-        self._app = app
-        self.confirm_exit = confirm_exit
-        self.new_frontend_factory = new_frontend_factory
-        self.slave_frontend_factory = slave_frontend_factory
-        self.tab_widget = QtGui.QTabWidget(self)
-        self.tab_widget.setDocumentMode(True)
-        self.tab_widget.setTabsClosable(True)
-        self.tab_widget.tabCloseRequested[int].connect(self.close_tab)
-        self.setCentralWidget(self.tab_widget)
-        # hide tab bar at first, since we have no tabs:
-        self.tab_widget.tabBar().setVisible(False)
-        # prevent focus in tab bar
-        self.tab_widget.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus)
-    def update_tab_bar_visibility(self):
-        """ update visibility of the tabBar depending of the number of tab
-        0 or 1 tab, tabBar hidden
-        2+ tabs, tabBar visible
-        send a self.close if number of tab ==0
-        need to be called explicitly, or be connected to tabInserted/tabRemoved
-        """
-        if self.tab_widget.count() <= 1:
-            self.tab_widget.tabBar().setVisible(False)
-        else:
-            self.tab_widget.tabBar().setVisible(True)
-        if self.tab_widget.count()==0 :
-            self.close()
-    @property
-    def next_kernel_id(self):
-        """constantly increasing counter for kernel IDs"""
-        c = self._kernel_counter
-        self._kernel_counter += 1
-        return c
-    @property
-    def active_frontend(self):
-        return self.tab_widget.currentWidget()
-    def create_tab_with_new_frontend(self):
-        """create a new frontend and attach it to a new tab"""
-        widget = self.new_frontend_factory()
-        self.add_tab_with_frontend(widget)
-    def create_tab_with_current_kernel(self):
-        """create a new frontend attached to the same kernel as the current tab"""
-        current_widget = self.tab_widget.currentWidget()
-        current_widget_index = self.tab_widget.indexOf(current_widget)
-        current_widget_name = self.tab_widget.tabText(current_widget_index)
-        widget = self.slave_frontend_factory(current_widget)
-        if 'slave' in current_widget_name:
-            # don't keep stacking slaves
-            name = current_widget_name
-        else:
-            name = '(%s) slave' % current_widget_name
-        self.add_tab_with_frontend(widget,name=name)
-    def close_tab(self,current_tab):
-        """ Called when you need to try to close a tab.
-        It takes the number of the tab to be closed as argument, or a reference
-        to the widget inside this tab
-        """
-        # let's be sure "tab" and "closing widget" are respectively the index
-        # of the tab to close and a reference to the frontend to close
-        if type(current_tab) is not int :
-            current_tab = self.tab_widget.indexOf(current_tab)
-        closing_widget=self.tab_widget.widget(current_tab)
-        # when trying to be closed, widget might re-send a request to be
-        # closed again, but will be deleted when event will be processed. So
-        # need to check that widget still exists and skip if not. One example
-        # of this is when 'exit' is sent in a slave tab. 'exit' will be
-        # re-sent by this function on the master widget, which ask all slave
-        # widgets to exit
-        if closing_widget is None:
-            return
-        #get a list of all slave widgets on the same kernel.
-        slave_tabs = self.find_slave_widgets(closing_widget)
-        keepkernel = None #Use the prompt by default
-        if hasattr(closing_widget,'_keep_kernel_on_exit'): #set by exit magic
-            keepkernel = closing_widget._keep_kernel_on_exit
-            # If signal sent by exit magic (_keep_kernel_on_exit, exist and not None)
-            # we set local slave tabs._hidden to True to avoid prompting for kernel
-            # restart when they get the signal. and then "forward" the 'exit'
-            # to the main window
-            if keepkernel is not None:
-                for tab in slave_tabs:
-                    tab._hidden = True
-                if closing_widget in slave_tabs:
-                    try :
-                        self.find_master_tab(closing_widget).execute('exit')
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        self.log.info("Master already closed or not local, closing only current tab")
-                        self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab)
-                    self.update_tab_bar_visibility()
-                    return
-        kernel_client = closing_widget.kernel_client
-        kernel_manager = closing_widget.kernel_manager
-        if keepkernel is None and not closing_widget._confirm_exit:
-            # don't prompt, just terminate the kernel if we own it
-            # or leave it alone if we don't
-            keepkernel = closing_widget._existing
-        if keepkernel is None: #show prompt
-            if kernel_client and kernel_client.channels_running:
-                title = self.window().windowTitle()
-                cancel = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel
-                okay = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok
-                if closing_widget._may_close:
-                    msg = "You are closing the tab : "+'"'+self.tab_widget.tabText(current_tab)+'"'
-                    info = "Would you like to quit the Kernel and close all attached Consoles as well?"
-                    justthis = QtGui.QPushButton("&No, just this Tab", self)
-                    justthis.setShortcut('N')
-                    closeall = QtGui.QPushButton("&Yes, close all", self)
-                    closeall.setShortcut('Y')
-                    # allow ctrl-d ctrl-d exit, like in terminal
-                    closeall.setShortcut('Ctrl+D')
-                    box = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question,
-                                            title, msg)
-                    box.setInformativeText(info)
-                    box.addButton(cancel)
-                    box.addButton(justthis, QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole)
-                    box.addButton(closeall, QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole)
-                    box.setDefaultButton(closeall)
-                    box.setEscapeButton(cancel)
-                    pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self._app.icon.pixmap(QtCore.QSize(64,64)))
-                    box.setIconPixmap(pixmap)
-                    reply = box.exec_()
-                    if reply == 1: # close All
-                        for slave in slave_tabs:
-                            background(slave.kernel_client.stop_channels)
-                            self.tab_widget.removeTab(self.tab_widget.indexOf(slave))
-                        kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel()
-                        self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab)
-                        background(kernel_client.stop_channels)
-                    elif reply == 0: # close Console
-                        if not closing_widget._existing:
-                            # Have kernel: don't quit, just close the tab
-                            closing_widget.execute("exit True")
-                        self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab)
-                        background(kernel_client.stop_channels)
-                else:
-                    reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, title,
-                        "Are you sure you want to close this Console?"+
-                        "\nThe Kernel and other Consoles will remain active.",
-                        okay|cancel,
-                        defaultButton=okay
-                        )
-                    if reply == okay:
-                        self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab)
-        elif keepkernel: #close console but leave kernel running (no prompt)
-            self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab)
-            background(kernel_client.stop_channels)
-        else: #close console and kernel (no prompt)
-            self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab)
-            if kernel_client and kernel_client.channels_running:
-                for slave in slave_tabs:
-                    background(slave.kernel_client.stop_channels)
-                    self.tab_widget.removeTab(self.tab_widget.indexOf(slave))
-                if kernel_manager:
-                    kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel()
-                background(kernel_client.stop_channels)
-        self.update_tab_bar_visibility()
-    def add_tab_with_frontend(self,frontend,name=None):
-        """ insert a tab with a given frontend in the tab bar, and give it a name
-        """
-        if not name:
-            name = 'kernel %i' % self.next_kernel_id
-        self.tab_widget.addTab(frontend,name)
-        self.update_tab_bar_visibility()
-        self.make_frontend_visible(frontend)
-        frontend.exit_requested.connect(self.close_tab)
-    def next_tab(self):
-        self.tab_widget.setCurrentIndex((self.tab_widget.currentIndex()+1))
-    def prev_tab(self):
-        self.tab_widget.setCurrentIndex((self.tab_widget.currentIndex()-1))
-    def make_frontend_visible(self,frontend):
-        widget_index=self.tab_widget.indexOf(frontend)
-        if widget_index > 0 :
-            self.tab_widget.setCurrentIndex(widget_index)
-    def find_master_tab(self,tab,as_list=False):
-        """
-        Try to return the frontend that owns the kernel attached to the given widget/tab.
-            Only finds frontend owned by the current application. Selection
-            based on port of the kernel might be inaccurate if several kernel
-            on different ip use same port number.
-            This function does the conversion tabNumber/widget if needed.
-            Might return None if no master widget (non local kernel)
-            Will crash IPython if more than 1 masterWidget
-            When asList set to True, always return a list of widget(s) owning
-            the kernel. The list might be empty or containing several Widget.
-        """
-        #convert from/to int/richIpythonWidget if needed
-        if isinstance(tab, int):
-            tab = self.tab_widget.widget(tab)
-        km=tab.kernel_client
-        #build list of all widgets
-        widget_list = [self.tab_widget.widget(i) for i in range(self.tab_widget.count())]
-        # widget that are candidate to be the owner of the kernel does have all the same port of the curent widget
-        # And should have a _may_close attribute
-        filtered_widget_list = [ widget for widget in widget_list if
-                                widget.kernel_client.connection_file == km.connection_file and
-                                hasattr(widget,'_may_close') ]
-        # the master widget is the one that may close the kernel
-        master_widget= [ widget for widget in filtered_widget_list if widget._may_close]
-        if as_list:
-            return master_widget
-        assert(len(master_widget)<=1 )
-        if len(master_widget)==0:
-            return None
-        return master_widget[0]
-    def find_slave_widgets(self,tab):
-        """return all the frontends that do not own the kernel attached to the given widget/tab.
-            Only find frontends owned by the current application. Selection
-            based on connection file of the kernel.
-            This function does the conversion tabNumber/widget if needed.
-        """
-        #convert from/to int/richIpythonWidget if needed
-        if isinstance(tab, int):
-            tab = self.tab_widget.widget(tab)
-        km=tab.kernel_client
-        #build list of all widgets
-        widget_list = [self.tab_widget.widget(i) for i in range(self.tab_widget.count())]
-        # widget that are candidate not to be the owner of the kernel does have all the same port of the curent widget
-        filtered_widget_list = ( widget for widget in widget_list if
-                                widget.kernel_client.connection_file == km.connection_file)
-        # Get a list of all widget owning the same kernel and removed it from
-        # the previous cadidate. (better using sets ?)
-        master_widget_list = self.find_master_tab(tab, as_list=True)
-        slave_list = [widget for widget in filtered_widget_list if widget not in master_widget_list]
-        return slave_list
-    # Populate the menu bar with common actions and shortcuts
-    def add_menu_action(self, menu, action, defer_shortcut=False):
-        """Add action to menu as well as self
-        So that when the menu bar is invisible, its actions are still available.
-        If defer_shortcut is True, set the shortcut context to widget-only,
-        where it will avoid conflict with shortcuts already bound to the
-        widgets themselves.
-        """
-        menu.addAction(action)
-        self.addAction(action)
-        if defer_shortcut:
-            action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
-    def init_menu_bar(self):
-        #create menu in the order they should appear in the menu bar
-        self.init_file_menu()
-        self.init_edit_menu()
-        self.init_view_menu()
-        self.init_kernel_menu()
-        self.init_magic_menu()
-        self.init_window_menu()
-        self.init_help_menu()
-    def init_file_menu(self):
-        self.file_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File")
-        self.new_kernel_tab_act = QtGui.QAction("New Tab with &New kernel",
-            self,
-            shortcut="Ctrl+T",
-            triggered=self.create_tab_with_new_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.file_menu, self.new_kernel_tab_act)
-        self.slave_kernel_tab_act = QtGui.QAction("New Tab with Sa&me kernel",
-            self,
-            shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+T",
-            triggered=self.create_tab_with_current_kernel)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.file_menu, self.slave_kernel_tab_act)
-        self.file_menu.addSeparator()
-        self.close_action=QtGui.QAction("&Close Tab",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Close,
-            triggered=self.close_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.file_menu, self.close_action)
-        self.export_action=QtGui.QAction("&Save to HTML/XHTML",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Save,
-            triggered=self.export_action_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.file_menu, self.export_action, True)
-        self.file_menu.addSeparator()
-        printkey = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtGui.QKeySequence.Print)
-        if printkey.matches("Ctrl+P") and sys.platform != 'darwin':
-            # Only override the default if there is a collision.
-            # Qt ctrl = cmd on OSX, so the match gets a false positive on OSX.
-            printkey = "Ctrl+Shift+P"
-        self.print_action = QtGui.QAction("&Print",
-            self,
-            shortcut=printkey,
-            triggered=self.print_action_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.file_menu, self.print_action, True)
-        if sys.platform != 'darwin':
-            # OSX always has Quit in the Application menu, only add it
-            # to the File menu elsewhere.
-            self.file_menu.addSeparator()
-            self.quit_action = QtGui.QAction("&Quit",
-                self,
-                shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Quit,
-                triggered=self.close,
-            )
-            self.add_menu_action(self.file_menu, self.quit_action)
-    def init_edit_menu(self):
-        self.edit_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Edit")
-        self.undo_action = QtGui.QAction("&Undo",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Undo,
-            statusTip="Undo last action if possible",
-            triggered=self.undo_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.edit_menu, self.undo_action)
-        self.redo_action = QtGui.QAction("&Redo",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Redo,
-            statusTip="Redo last action if possible",
-            triggered=self.redo_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.edit_menu, self.redo_action)
-        self.edit_menu.addSeparator()
-        self.cut_action = QtGui.QAction("&Cut",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Cut,
-            triggered=self.cut_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.edit_menu, self.cut_action, True)
-        self.copy_action = QtGui.QAction("&Copy",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy,
-            triggered=self.copy_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.edit_menu, self.copy_action, True)
-        self.copy_raw_action = QtGui.QAction("Copy (&Raw Text)",
-            self,
-            shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+C",
-            triggered=self.copy_raw_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.edit_menu, self.copy_raw_action, True)
-        self.paste_action = QtGui.QAction("&Paste",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste,
-            triggered=self.paste_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.edit_menu, self.paste_action, True)
-        self.edit_menu.addSeparator()
-        selectall = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtGui.QKeySequence.SelectAll)
-        if selectall.matches("Ctrl+A") and sys.platform != 'darwin':
-            # Only override the default if there is a collision.
-            # Qt ctrl = cmd on OSX, so the match gets a false positive on OSX.
-            selectall = "Ctrl+Shift+A"
-        self.select_all_action = QtGui.QAction("Select &All",
-            self,
-            shortcut=selectall,
-            triggered=self.select_all_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.edit_menu, self.select_all_action, True)
-    def init_view_menu(self):
-        self.view_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&View")
-        if sys.platform != 'darwin':
-            # disable on OSX, where there is always a menu bar
-            self.toggle_menu_bar_act = QtGui.QAction("Toggle &Menu Bar",
-                self,
-                shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+M",
-                statusTip="Toggle visibility of menubar",
-                triggered=self.toggle_menu_bar)
-            self.add_menu_action(self.view_menu, self.toggle_menu_bar_act)
-        fs_key = "Ctrl+Meta+F" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else "F11"
-        self.full_screen_act = QtGui.QAction("&Full Screen",
-            self,
-            shortcut=fs_key,
-            statusTip="Toggle between Fullscreen and Normal Size",
-            triggered=self.toggleFullScreen)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.view_menu, self.full_screen_act)
-        self.view_menu.addSeparator()
-        self.increase_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Zoom &In",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.ZoomIn,
-            triggered=self.increase_font_size_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.view_menu, self.increase_font_size, True)
-        self.decrease_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Zoom &Out",
-            self,
-            shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.ZoomOut,
-            triggered=self.decrease_font_size_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.view_menu, self.decrease_font_size, True)
-        self.reset_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Zoom &Reset",
-            self,
-            shortcut="Ctrl+0",
-            triggered=self.reset_font_size_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.view_menu, self.reset_font_size, True)
-        self.view_menu.addSeparator()
-        self.clear_action = QtGui.QAction("&Clear Screen",
-            self,
-            shortcut='Ctrl+L',
-            statusTip="Clear the console",
-            triggered=self.clear_magic_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.view_menu, self.clear_action)
-        self.pager_menu = self.view_menu.addMenu("&Pager")
-        hsplit_action = QtGui.QAction(".. &Horizontal Split",
-            self,
-            triggered=lambda: self.set_paging_active_frontend('hsplit'))
-        vsplit_action = QtGui.QAction(" : &Vertical Split",
-            self,
-            triggered=lambda: self.set_paging_active_frontend('vsplit'))
-        inside_action = QtGui.QAction("   &Inside Pager",
-            self,
-            triggered=lambda: self.set_paging_active_frontend('inside'))
-        self.pager_menu.addAction(hsplit_action)
-        self.pager_menu.addAction(vsplit_action)
-        self.pager_menu.addAction(inside_action)
-    def init_kernel_menu(self):
-        self.kernel_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Kernel")
-        # Qt on OSX maps Ctrl to Cmd, and Meta to Ctrl
-        # keep the signal shortcuts to ctrl, rather than 
-        # platform-default like we do elsewhere.
-        ctrl = "Meta" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else "Ctrl"
-        self.interrupt_kernel_action = QtGui.QAction("&Interrupt current Kernel",
-            self,
-            triggered=self.interrupt_kernel_active_frontend,
-            shortcut=ctrl+"+C",
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.kernel_menu, self.interrupt_kernel_action)
-        self.restart_kernel_action = QtGui.QAction("&Restart current Kernel",
-            self,
-            triggered=self.restart_kernel_active_frontend,
-            shortcut=ctrl+"+.",
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.kernel_menu, self.restart_kernel_action)
-        self.kernel_menu.addSeparator()
-        self.confirm_restart_kernel_action = QtGui.QAction("&Confirm kernel restart",
-            self,
-            checkable=True,
-            checked=self.active_frontend.confirm_restart,
-            triggered=self.toggle_confirm_restart_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.kernel_menu, self.confirm_restart_kernel_action)
-        self.tab_widget.currentChanged.connect(self.update_restart_checkbox)
-    def init_magic_menu(self):
-        self.magic_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Magic")
-        self.add_menu_action(self.magic_menu, 
-                             self.magic_helper.toggleViewAction())
-        self.magic_menu_separator = self.magic_menu.addSeparator()
-        self.reset_action = QtGui.QAction("&Reset",
-            self,
-            statusTip="Clear all variables from workspace",
-            triggered=self.reset_magic_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.magic_menu, self.reset_action)
-        self.history_action = QtGui.QAction("&History",
-            self,
-            statusTip="show command history",
-            triggered=self.history_magic_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.magic_menu, self.history_action)
-        self.save_action = QtGui.QAction("E&xport History ",
-            self,
-            statusTip="Export History as Python File",
-            triggered=self.save_magic_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.magic_menu, self.save_action)
-        self.who_action = QtGui.QAction("&Who",
-            self,
-            statusTip="List interactive variables",
-            triggered=self.who_magic_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.magic_menu, self.who_action)
-        self.who_ls_action = QtGui.QAction("Wh&o ls",
-            self,
-            statusTip="Return a list of interactive variables",
-            triggered=self.who_ls_magic_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.magic_menu, self.who_ls_action)
-        self.whos_action = QtGui.QAction("Who&s",
-            self,
-            statusTip="List interactive variables with details",
-            triggered=self.whos_magic_active_frontend)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.magic_menu, self.whos_action)
-    def init_window_menu(self):
-        self.window_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Window")
-        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-            # add min/maximize actions to OSX, which lacks default bindings.
-            self.minimizeAct = QtGui.QAction("Mini&mize",
-                self,
-                shortcut="Ctrl+m",
-                statusTip="Minimize the window/Restore Normal Size",
-                triggered=self.toggleMinimized)
-            # maximize is called 'Zoom' on OSX for some reason
-            self.maximizeAct = QtGui.QAction("&Zoom",
-                self,
-                shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+M",
-                statusTip="Maximize the window/Restore Normal Size",
-                triggered=self.toggleMaximized)
-            self.add_menu_action(self.window_menu, self.minimizeAct)
-            self.add_menu_action(self.window_menu, self.maximizeAct)
-            self.window_menu.addSeparator()
-        prev_key = "Ctrl+Shift+Left" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else "Ctrl+PgUp"
-        self.prev_tab_act = QtGui.QAction("Pre&vious Tab",
-            self,
-            shortcut=prev_key,
-            statusTip="Select previous tab",
-            triggered=self.prev_tab)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.window_menu, self.prev_tab_act)
-        next_key = "Ctrl+Shift+Right" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else "Ctrl+PgDown"
-        self.next_tab_act = QtGui.QAction("Ne&xt Tab",
-            self,
-            shortcut=next_key,
-            statusTip="Select next tab",
-            triggered=self.next_tab)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.window_menu, self.next_tab_act)
-    def init_help_menu(self):
-        # please keep the Help menu in Mac Os even if empty. It will
-        # automatically contain a search field to search inside menus and
-        # please keep it spelled in English, as long as Qt Doesn't support
-        # a QAction.MenuRole like HelpMenuRole otherwise it will lose
-        # this search field functionality
-        self.help_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Help")
-        # Help Menu
-        self.intro_active_frontend_action = QtGui.QAction("&Intro to IPython",
-            self,
-            triggered=self.intro_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.help_menu, self.intro_active_frontend_action)
-        self.quickref_active_frontend_action = QtGui.QAction("IPython &Cheat Sheet",
-            self,
-            triggered=self.quickref_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.help_menu, self.quickref_active_frontend_action)
-        self.guiref_active_frontend_action = QtGui.QAction("&Qt Console",
-            self,
-            triggered=self.guiref_active_frontend
-            )
-        self.add_menu_action(self.help_menu, self.guiref_active_frontend_action)
-        self.onlineHelpAct = QtGui.QAction("Open Online &Help",
-            self,
-            triggered=self._open_online_help)
-        self.add_menu_action(self.help_menu, self.onlineHelpAct)
-    def init_magic_helper(self):
-        from .magic_helper import MagicHelper
-        self.magic_helper = MagicHelper("Show Magics", self)
-        self.magic_helper.setAllowedAreas(QtCore.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | 
-                                          QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea)        
-        self.magic_helper.setVisible(False)
-        self.magic_helper.pasteRequested[str].connect(
-            self.magic_helper_paste_requested
-        )
-        self.magic_helper.runRequested[str].connect(
-            self.magic_helper_run_requested
-        )
-        self.magic_helper.readyForUpdate.connect(
-            self.magic_helper_update_requested
-        )
-        self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.magic_helper)
-    def _set_active_frontend_focus(self):
-        # this is a hack, self.active_frontend._control seems to be 
-        # a private member. Unfortunately this is the only method 
-        # to set focus reliably
-        QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(200, self.active_frontend._control.setFocus)
-    def magic_helper_paste_requested(self, text = None):
-        if text is not None:
-            self.active_frontend.input_buffer = text            
-            self._set_active_frontend_focus()
-    def magic_helper_run_requested(self, text = None):
-        if text is not None:
-            self.active_frontend.execute(text)  
-            self._set_active_frontend_focus()
-    def magic_helper_update_requested(self):
-        def _handle_data(data):
-            if not data:
-                return
-            if data['status'] != 'ok':
-                self.log.warn( 
-                    "%%lsmagic user-expression failed: {}".format(data)
-                )
-                return
-            self.magic_helper.populate_magic_helper(data)
-        self.active_frontend._silent_exec_callback(
-            'get_ipython().magic("lsmagic")',
-            _handle_data
-        )
-    # minimize/maximize/fullscreen actions:
-    def toggle_menu_bar(self):
-        menu_bar = self.menuBar()
-        if menu_bar.isVisible():
-            menu_bar.setVisible(False)
-        else:
-            menu_bar.setVisible(True)
-    def toggleMinimized(self):
-        if not self.isMinimized():
-            self.showMinimized()
-        else:
-            self.showNormal()
-    def _open_online_help(self):
-        filename="http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/index.html"
-        webbrowser.open(filename, new=1, autoraise=True)
-    def toggleMaximized(self):
-        if not self.isMaximized():
-            self.showMaximized()
-        else:
-            self.showNormal()
-    # Min/Max imizing while in full screen give a bug
-    # when going out of full screen, at least on OSX
-    def toggleFullScreen(self):
-        if not self.isFullScreen():
-            self.showFullScreen()
-            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-                self.maximizeAct.setEnabled(False)
-                self.minimizeAct.setEnabled(False)
-        else:
-            self.showNormal()
-            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-                self.maximizeAct.setEnabled(True)
-                self.minimizeAct.setEnabled(True)
-    def set_paging_active_frontend(self, paging):
-        self.active_frontend._set_paging(paging)
-    def close_active_frontend(self):
-        self.close_tab(self.active_frontend)
-    def restart_kernel_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.request_restart_kernel()
-    def interrupt_kernel_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.request_interrupt_kernel()
-    def toggle_confirm_restart_active_frontend(self):
-        widget = self.active_frontend
-        widget.confirm_restart = not widget.confirm_restart
-        self.confirm_restart_kernel_action.setChecked(widget.confirm_restart)
-    def update_restart_checkbox(self):
-        if self.active_frontend is None:
-            return
-        widget = self.active_frontend
-        self.confirm_restart_kernel_action.setChecked(widget.confirm_restart)
-    def cut_active_frontend(self):
-        widget = self.active_frontend
-        if widget.can_cut():
-            widget.cut()
-    def copy_active_frontend(self):
-        widget = self.active_frontend
-        widget.copy()
-    def copy_raw_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend._copy_raw_action.trigger()
-    def paste_active_frontend(self):
-        widget = self.active_frontend
-        if widget.can_paste():
-            widget.paste()
-    def undo_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.undo()
-    def redo_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.redo()
-    def reset_magic_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%reset")
-    def history_magic_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%history")
-    def save_magic_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.save_magic()
-    def clear_magic_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%clear")
-    def who_magic_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%who")
-    def who_ls_magic_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%who_ls")
-    def whos_magic_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%whos")
-    def print_action_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.print_action.trigger()
-    def export_action_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.export_action.trigger()
-    def select_all_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.select_all_action.trigger()
-    def increase_font_size_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.increase_font_size.trigger()
-    def decrease_font_size_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.decrease_font_size.trigger()
-    def reset_font_size_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.reset_font_size.trigger()
-    def guiref_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%guiref")
-    def intro_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("?")
-    def quickref_active_frontend(self):
-        self.active_frontend.execute("%quickref")
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # QWidget interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def closeEvent(self, event):
-        """ Forward the close event to every tabs contained by the windows
-        """
-        if self.tab_widget.count() == 0:
-            # no tabs, just close
-            event.accept()
-            return
-        # Do Not loop on the widget count as it change while closing
-        title = self.window().windowTitle()
-        cancel = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel
-        okay = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok
-        accept_role = QtGui.QMessageBox.AcceptRole
-        if self.confirm_exit:
-            if self.tab_widget.count() > 1:
-                msg = "Close all tabs, stop all kernels, and Quit?"
-            else:
-                msg = "Close console, stop kernel, and Quit?"
-            info = "Kernels not started here (e.g. notebooks) will be left alone."
-            closeall = QtGui.QPushButton("&Quit", self)
-            closeall.setShortcut('Q')
-            box = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question,
-                                    title, msg)
-            box.setInformativeText(info)
-            box.addButton(cancel)
-            box.addButton(closeall, QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole)
-            box.setDefaultButton(closeall)
-            box.setEscapeButton(cancel)
-            pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self._app.icon.pixmap(QtCore.QSize(64,64)))
-            box.setIconPixmap(pixmap)
-            reply = box.exec_()
-        else:
-            reply = okay
-        if reply == cancel:
-            event.ignore()
-            return
-        if reply == okay or reply == accept_role:
-            while self.tab_widget.count() >= 1:
-                # prevent further confirmations:
-                widget = self.active_frontend
-                widget._confirm_exit = False
-                self.close_tab(widget)
-            event.accept()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/pygments_highlighter.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/pygments_highlighter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b6255..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/pygments_highlighter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# System library imports.
-from IPython.external.qt import QtGui
-from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
-from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, _TokenType, Text, Error
-from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
-from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
-# Local imports
-from IPython.utils.py3compat import string_types
-def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack=('root',)):
-    """ Split ``text`` into (tokentype, text) pairs.
-        Monkeypatched to store the final stack on the object itself.
-        The `text` parameter this gets passed is only the current line, so to
-        highlight things like multiline strings correctly, we need to retrieve
-        the state from the previous line (this is done in PygmentsHighlighter,
-        below), and use it to continue processing the current line.
-    """
-    pos = 0
-    tokendefs = self._tokens
-    if hasattr(self, '_saved_state_stack'):
-        statestack = list(self._saved_state_stack)
-    else:
-        statestack = list(stack)
-    statetokens = tokendefs[statestack[-1]]
-    while 1:
-        for rexmatch, action, new_state in statetokens:
-            m = rexmatch(text, pos)
-            if m:
-                if action is not None:
-                    if type(action) is _TokenType:
-                        yield pos, action, m.group()
-                    else:
-                        for item in action(self, m):
-                            yield item
-                pos = m.end()
-                if new_state is not None:
-                    # state transition
-                    if isinstance(new_state, tuple):
-                        for state in new_state:
-                            if state == '#pop':
-                                statestack.pop()
-                            elif state == '#push':
-                                statestack.append(statestack[-1])
-                            else:
-                                statestack.append(state)
-                    elif isinstance(new_state, int):
-                        # pop
-                        del statestack[new_state:]
-                    elif new_state == '#push':
-                        statestack.append(statestack[-1])
-                    else:
-                        assert False, "wrong state def: %r" % new_state
-                    statetokens = tokendefs[statestack[-1]]
-                break
-        else:
-            try:
-                if text[pos] == '\n':
-                    # at EOL, reset state to "root"
-                    pos += 1
-                    statestack = ['root']
-                    statetokens = tokendefs['root']
-                    yield pos, Text, u'\n'
-                    continue
-                yield pos, Error, text[pos]
-                pos += 1
-            except IndexError:
-                break
-    self._saved_state_stack = list(statestack)
-# Monkeypatch!
-RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed = get_tokens_unprocessed
-class PygmentsBlockUserData(QtGui.QTextBlockUserData):
-    """ Storage for the user data associated with each line.
-    """
-    syntax_stack = ('root',)
-    def __init__(self, **kwds):
-        for key, value in kwds.items():
-            setattr(self, key, value)
-        QtGui.QTextBlockUserData.__init__(self)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        attrs = ['syntax_stack']
-        kwds = ', '.join([ '%s=%r' % (attr, getattr(self, attr))
-                           for attr in attrs ])
-        return 'PygmentsBlockUserData(%s)' % kwds
-class PygmentsHighlighter(QtGui.QSyntaxHighlighter):
-    """ Syntax highlighter that uses Pygments for parsing. """
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'QSyntaxHighlighter' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, parent, lexer=None):
-        super(PygmentsHighlighter, self).__init__(parent)
-        self._document = self.document()
-        self._formatter = HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True)
-        self._lexer = lexer if lexer else PythonLexer()
-        self.set_style('default')
-    def highlightBlock(self, string):
-        """ Highlight a block of text.
-        """
-        prev_data = self.currentBlock().previous().userData()
-        if prev_data is not None:
-            self._lexer._saved_state_stack = prev_data.syntax_stack
-        elif hasattr(self._lexer, '_saved_state_stack'):
-            del self._lexer._saved_state_stack
-        # Lex the text using Pygments
-        index = 0
-        for token, text in self._lexer.get_tokens(string):
-            length = len(text)
-            self.setFormat(index, length, self._get_format(token))
-            index += length
-        if hasattr(self._lexer, '_saved_state_stack'):
-            data = PygmentsBlockUserData(
-                syntax_stack=self._lexer._saved_state_stack)
-            self.currentBlock().setUserData(data)
-            # Clean up for the next go-round.
-            del self._lexer._saved_state_stack
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'PygmentsHighlighter' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def set_style(self, style):
-        """ Sets the style to the specified Pygments style.
-        """
-        if isinstance(style, string_types):
-            style = get_style_by_name(style)
-        self._style = style
-        self._clear_caches()
-    def set_style_sheet(self, stylesheet):
-        """ Sets a CSS stylesheet. The classes in the stylesheet should
-        correspond to those generated by:
-            pygmentize -S <style> -f html
-        Note that 'set_style' and 'set_style_sheet' completely override each
-        other, i.e. they cannot be used in conjunction.
-        """
-        self._document.setDefaultStyleSheet(stylesheet)
-        self._style = None
-        self._clear_caches()
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _clear_caches(self):
-        """ Clear caches for brushes and formats.
-        """
-        self._brushes = {}
-        self._formats = {}
-    def _get_format(self, token):
-        """ Returns a QTextCharFormat for token or None.
-        """
-        if token in self._formats:
-            return self._formats[token]
-        if self._style is None:
-            result = self._get_format_from_document(token, self._document)
-        else:
-            result = self._get_format_from_style(token, self._style)
-        self._formats[token] = result
-        return result
-    def _get_format_from_document(self, token, document):
-        """ Returns a QTextCharFormat for token by
-        """
-        code, html = next(self._formatter._format_lines([(token, u'dummy')]))
-        self._document.setHtml(html)
-        return QtGui.QTextCursor(self._document).charFormat()
-    def _get_format_from_style(self, token, style):
-        """ Returns a QTextCharFormat for token by reading a Pygments style.
-        """
-        result = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
-        for key, value in style.style_for_token(token).items():
-            if value:
-                if key == 'color':
-                    result.setForeground(self._get_brush(value))
-                elif key == 'bgcolor':
-                    result.setBackground(self._get_brush(value))
-                elif key == 'bold':
-                    result.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold)
-                elif key == 'italic':
-                    result.setFontItalic(True)
-                elif key == 'underline':
-                    result.setUnderlineStyle(
-                        QtGui.QTextCharFormat.SingleUnderline)
-                elif key == 'sans':
-                    result.setFontStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.SansSerif)
-                elif key == 'roman':
-                    result.setFontStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.Times)
-                elif key == 'mono':
-                    result.setFontStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.TypeWriter)
-        return result
-    def _get_brush(self, color):
-        """ Returns a brush for the color.
-        """
-        result = self._brushes.get(color)
-        if result is None:
-            qcolor = self._get_color(color)
-            result = QtGui.QBrush(qcolor)
-            self._brushes[color] = result
-        return result
-    def _get_color(self, color):
-        """ Returns a QColor built from a Pygments color string.
-        """
-        qcolor = QtGui.QColor()
-        qcolor.setRgb(int(color[:2], base=16),
-                      int(color[2:4], base=16),
-                      int(color[4:6], base=16))
-        return qcolor
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/qtconsoleapp.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/qtconsoleapp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c434eb..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/qtconsoleapp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-""" A minimal application using the Qt console-style IPython frontend.
-This is not a complete console app, as subprocess will not be able to receive
-input, there is no real readline support, among other limitations.
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-import os
-import signal
-import sys
-# If run on Windows, install an exception hook which pops up a
-# message box. Pythonw.exe hides the console, so without this
-# the application silently fails to load.
-# We always install this handler, because the expectation is for
-# qtconsole to bring up a GUI even if called from the console.
-# The old handler is called, so the exception is printed as well.
-# If desired, check for pythonw with an additional condition
-# (sys.executable.lower().find('pythonw.exe') >= 0).
-if os.name == 'nt':
-    old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
-    # Exclude this from our autogenerated API docs.
-    undoc = lambda func: func
-    @undoc
-    def gui_excepthook(exctype, value, tb):
-        try:
-            import ctypes, traceback
-            MB_ICONERROR = 0x00000010
-            title = u'Error starting IPython QtConsole'
-            msg = u''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb))
-            ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, msg, title, MB_ICONERROR)
-        finally:
-            # Also call the old exception hook to let it do
-            # its thing too.
-            old_excepthook(exctype, value, tb)
-    sys.excepthook = gui_excepthook
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-from IPython.config.application import boolean_flag
-from IPython.config.application import catch_config_error
-from IPython.core.application import BaseIPythonApplication
-from IPython.qt.console.ipython_widget import IPythonWidget
-from IPython.qt.console.rich_ipython_widget import RichIPythonWidget
-from IPython.qt.console import styles
-from IPython.qt.console.mainwindow import MainWindow
-from IPython.qt.client import QtKernelClient
-from IPython.qt.manager import QtKernelManager
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import (
-    Dict, Unicode, CBool, Any
-from IPython.consoleapp import (
-        IPythonConsoleApp, app_aliases, app_flags, flags, aliases
-    )
-# Network Constants
-from IPython.utils.localinterfaces import is_local_ip
-# Globals
-_examples = """
-ipython qtconsole                      # start the qtconsole
-ipython qtconsole --matplotlib=inline  # start with matplotlib inline plotting mode
-# Aliases and Flags
-# start with copy of flags
-flags = dict(flags)
-qt_flags = {
-    'plain' : ({'IPythonQtConsoleApp' : {'plain' : True}},
-            "Disable rich text support."),
-    'banner', 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.display_banner',
-    "Display a banner upon starting the QtConsole.",
-    "Don't display a banner upon starting the QtConsole."
-# and app_flags from the Console Mixin
-# add frontend flags to the full set
-# start with copy of front&backend aliases list
-aliases = dict(aliases)
-qt_aliases = dict(
-    style = 'IPythonWidget.syntax_style',
-    stylesheet = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.stylesheet',
-    editor = 'IPythonWidget.editor',
-    paging = 'ConsoleWidget.paging',
-# and app_aliases from the Console Mixin
-# add frontend aliases to the full set
-# get flags&aliases into sets, and remove a couple that
-# shouldn't be scrubbed from backend flags:
-qt_aliases = set(qt_aliases.keys())
-qt_flags = set(qt_flags.keys())
-# Classes
-# IPythonQtConsole
-class IPythonQtConsoleApp(BaseIPythonApplication, IPythonConsoleApp):
-    name = 'ipython-qtconsole'
-    description = """
-        The IPython QtConsole.
-        This launches a Console-style application using Qt.  It is not a full
-        console, in that launched terminal subprocesses will not be able to accept
-        input.
-        The QtConsole supports various extra features beyond the Terminal IPython
-        shell, such as inline plotting with matplotlib, via:
-            ipython qtconsole --matplotlib=inline
-        as well as saving your session as HTML, and printing the output.
-    """
-    examples = _examples
-    classes = [IPythonWidget] + IPythonConsoleApp.classes
-    flags = Dict(flags)
-    aliases = Dict(aliases)
-    frontend_flags = Any(qt_flags)
-    frontend_aliases = Any(qt_aliases)
-    kernel_client_class = QtKernelClient
-    kernel_manager_class = QtKernelManager
-    stylesheet = Unicode('', config=True,
-        help="path to a custom CSS stylesheet")
-    hide_menubar = CBool(False, config=True,
-        help="Start the console window with the menu bar hidden.")
-    maximize = CBool(False, config=True,
-        help="Start the console window maximized.")
-    plain = CBool(False, config=True,
-        help="Use a plaintext widget instead of rich text (plain can't print/save).")
-    display_banner = CBool(True, config=True,
-        help="Whether to display a banner upon starting the QtConsole."
-    )
-    def _plain_changed(self, name, old, new):
-        kind = 'plain' if new else 'rich'
-        self.config.ConsoleWidget.kind = kind
-        if new:
-            self.widget_factory = IPythonWidget
-        else:
-            self.widget_factory = RichIPythonWidget
-    # the factory for creating a widget
-    widget_factory = Any(RichIPythonWidget)
-    def parse_command_line(self, argv=None):
-        super(IPythonQtConsoleApp, self).parse_command_line(argv)
-        self.build_kernel_argv(self.extra_args)
-    def new_frontend_master(self):
-        """ Create and return new frontend attached to new kernel, launched on localhost.
-        """
-        kernel_manager = self.kernel_manager_class(
-                                connection_file=self._new_connection_file(),
-                                parent=self,
-                                autorestart=True,
-        )
-        # start the kernel
-        kwargs = {}
-        # FIXME: remove special treatment of IPython kernels
-        if self.kernel_manager.ipython_kernel:
-            kwargs['extra_arguments'] = self.kernel_argv
-        kernel_manager.start_kernel(**kwargs)
-        kernel_manager.client_factory = self.kernel_client_class
-        kernel_client = kernel_manager.client()
-        kernel_client.start_channels(shell=True, iopub=True)
-        widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config,
-                                   local_kernel=True)
-        self.init_colors(widget)
-        widget.kernel_manager = kernel_manager
-        widget.kernel_client = kernel_client
-        widget._existing = False
-        widget._may_close = True
-        widget._confirm_exit = self.confirm_exit
-        widget._display_banner = self.display_banner
-        return widget
-    def new_frontend_slave(self, current_widget):
-        """Create and return a new frontend attached to an existing kernel.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        current_widget : IPythonWidget
-            The IPythonWidget whose kernel this frontend is to share
-        """
-        kernel_client = self.kernel_client_class(
-                                connection_file=current_widget.kernel_client.connection_file,
-                                config = self.config,
-        )
-        kernel_client.load_connection_file()
-        kernel_client.start_channels()
-        widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config,
-                                local_kernel=False)
-        self.init_colors(widget)
-        widget._existing = True
-        widget._may_close = False
-        widget._confirm_exit = False
-        widget._display_banner = self.display_banner
-        widget.kernel_client = kernel_client
-        widget.kernel_manager = current_widget.kernel_manager
-        return widget
-    def init_qt_app(self):
-        # separate from qt_elements, because it must run first
-        self.app = QtGui.QApplication([])
-    def init_qt_elements(self):
-        # Create the widget.
-        base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-        icon_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'resources', 'icon', 'IPythonConsole.svg')
-        self.app.icon = QtGui.QIcon(icon_path)
-        QtGui.QApplication.setWindowIcon(self.app.icon)
-        ip = self.ip
-        local_kernel = (not self.existing) or is_local_ip(ip)
-        self.widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config,
-                                        local_kernel=local_kernel)
-        self.init_colors(self.widget)
-        self.widget._existing = self.existing
-        self.widget._may_close = not self.existing
-        self.widget._confirm_exit = self.confirm_exit
-        self.widget._display_banner = self.display_banner
-        self.widget.kernel_manager = self.kernel_manager
-        self.widget.kernel_client = self.kernel_client
-        self.window = MainWindow(self.app,
-                                confirm_exit=self.confirm_exit,
-                                new_frontend_factory=self.new_frontend_master,
-                                slave_frontend_factory=self.new_frontend_slave,
-                                )
-        self.window.log = self.log
-        self.window.add_tab_with_frontend(self.widget)
-        self.window.init_magic_helper()
-        self.window.init_menu_bar()
-        # Ignore on OSX, where there is always a menu bar
-        if sys.platform != 'darwin' and self.hide_menubar:
-            self.window.menuBar().setVisible(False)
-        self.window.setWindowTitle('IPython')
-    def init_colors(self, widget):
-        """Configure the coloring of the widget"""
-        # Note: This will be dramatically simplified when colors
-        # are removed from the backend.
-        # parse the colors arg down to current known labels
-        cfg = self.config
-        colors = cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.colors if 'ZMQInteractiveShell.colors' in cfg else None
-        style = cfg.IPythonWidget.syntax_style if 'IPythonWidget.syntax_style' in cfg else None
-        sheet = cfg.IPythonWidget.style_sheet if 'IPythonWidget.style_sheet' in cfg else None
-        # find the value for colors:
-        if colors:
-            colors=colors.lower()
-            if colors in ('lightbg', 'light'):
-                colors='lightbg'
-            elif colors in ('dark', 'linux'):
-                colors='linux'
-            else:
-                colors='nocolor'
-        elif style:
-            if style=='bw':
-                colors='nocolor'
-            elif styles.dark_style(style):
-                colors='linux'
-            else:
-                colors='lightbg'
-        else:
-            colors=None
-        # Configure the style
-        if style:
-            widget.style_sheet = styles.sheet_from_template(style, colors)
-            widget.syntax_style = style
-            widget._syntax_style_changed()
-            widget._style_sheet_changed()
-        elif colors:
-            # use a default dark/light/bw style
-            widget.set_default_style(colors=colors)
-        if self.stylesheet:
-            # we got an explicit stylesheet
-            if os.path.isfile(self.stylesheet):
-                with open(self.stylesheet) as f:
-                    sheet = f.read()
-            else:
-                raise IOError("Stylesheet %r not found." % self.stylesheet)
-        if sheet:
-            widget.style_sheet = sheet
-            widget._style_sheet_changed()
-    def init_signal(self):
-        """allow clean shutdown on sigint"""
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda sig, frame: self.exit(-2))
-        # need a timer, so that QApplication doesn't block until a real
-        # Qt event fires (can require mouse movement)
-        # timer trick from http://stackoverflow.com/q/4938723/938949
-        timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-         # Let the interpreter run each 200 ms:
-        timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None)
-        timer.start(200)
-        # hold onto ref, so the timer doesn't get cleaned up
-        self._sigint_timer = timer
-    @catch_config_error
-    def initialize(self, argv=None):
-        self.init_qt_app()
-        super(IPythonQtConsoleApp, self).initialize(argv)
-        IPythonConsoleApp.initialize(self,argv)
-        self.init_qt_elements()
-        self.init_signal()
-    def start(self):
-        # draw the window
-        if self.maximize:
-            self.window.showMaximized()
-        else:
-            self.window.show()
-        self.window.raise_()
-        # Start the application main loop.
-        self.app.exec_()
-# Main entry point
-def main():
-    app = IPythonQtConsoleApp()
-    app.initialize()
-    app.start()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/resources/icon/IPythonConsole.svg b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/resources/icon/IPythonConsole.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index a9f2635..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/resources/icon/IPythonConsole.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
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-             id="path4040"
-             style="font-size:131.4621582px;font-weight:normal;fill:#ffffff;fill-rule:evenodd;font-family:Droid Sans Mono"
-             d="m 367.00874,170.0062 12.06781,0 16.81792,41.9806 c 3.50904,8.77272 5.41336,14.97779 5.71295,18.61524 l 0.38515,0 c 0.98421,-4.79287 2.90992,-11.04074 5.77714,-18.74363 l 15.34153,-41.85221 12.13201,0 -30.49049,79.66042 c -2.86722,7.44609 -6.20512,13.03065 -10.01372,16.75373 -3.80867,3.76581 -9.07228,5.64873 -15.79087,5.64876 -3.68027,-3e-5 -7.27493,-0.36378 -10.784,-1.09124 l 0,-9.30762 c 2.6532,0.5135 5.56316,0.77026 8.72991,0.77028 4.10817,-2e-5 7.2963,-0.87729 9.56438,-2.63181 2.31083,-1.75455 4.36493,-4.77151 6.16229,-9.05086 l 3.72305,-9.62857 -29.33506,-71.12309"
-             inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
-        </g>
-      </g>
-    </g>
-  </g>
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/rich_ipython_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/rich_ipython_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a734f2..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/rich_ipython_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-from base64 import decodestring
-import os
-import re
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-from IPython.lib.latextools import latex_to_png
-from IPython.utils.path import ensure_dir_exists
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool
-from IPython.qt.svg import save_svg, svg_to_clipboard, svg_to_image
-from .ipython_widget import IPythonWidget
-class RichIPythonWidget(IPythonWidget):
-    """ An IPythonWidget that supports rich text, including lists, images, and
-        tables. Note that raw performance will be reduced compared to the plain
-        text version.
-    """
-    # RichIPythonWidget protected class variables.
-    _payload_source_plot = 'IPython.kernel.zmq.pylab.backend_payload.add_plot_payload'
-    _jpg_supported = Bool(False)
-    # Used to determine whether a given html export attempt has already
-    # displayed a warning about being unable to convert a png to svg.
-    _svg_warning_displayed = False
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'object' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-        """ Create a RichIPythonWidget.
-        """
-        kw['kind'] = 'rich'
-        super(RichIPythonWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
-        # Configure the ConsoleWidget HTML exporter for our formats.
-        self._html_exporter.image_tag = self._get_image_tag
-        # Dictionary for resolving document resource names to SVG data.
-        self._name_to_svg_map = {}
-        # Do we support jpg ?
-        # it seems that sometime jpg support is a plugin of QT, so try to assume
-        # it is not always supported.
-        _supported_format = map(str, QtGui.QImageReader.supportedImageFormats())
-        self._jpg_supported = 'jpeg' in _supported_format
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface overides
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def export_html(self):
-        """ Shows a dialog to export HTML/XML in various formats.
-        Overridden in order to reset the _svg_warning_displayed flag prior
-        to the export running.
-        """
-        self._svg_warning_displayed = False
-        super(RichIPythonWidget, self).export_html()
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'ConsoleWidget' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _context_menu_make(self, pos):
-        """ Reimplemented to return a custom context menu for images.
-        """
-        format = self._control.cursorForPosition(pos).charFormat()
-        name = format.stringProperty(QtGui.QTextFormat.ImageName)
-        if name:
-            menu = QtGui.QMenu()
-            menu.addAction('Copy Image', lambda: self._copy_image(name))
-            menu.addAction('Save Image As...', lambda: self._save_image(name))
-            menu.addSeparator()
-            svg = self._name_to_svg_map.get(name, None)
-            if svg is not None:
-                menu.addSeparator()
-                menu.addAction('Copy SVG', lambda: svg_to_clipboard(svg))
-                menu.addAction('Save SVG As...',
-                               lambda: save_svg(svg, self._control))
-        else:
-            menu = super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._context_menu_make(pos)
-        return menu
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _pre_image_append(self, msg, prompt_number):
-        """Append the Out[] prompt  and make the output nicer
-        Shared code for some the following if statement
-        """
-        self._append_plain_text(self.output_sep, True)
-        self._append_html(self._make_out_prompt(prompt_number), True)
-        self._append_plain_text('\n', True)
-    def _handle_execute_result(self, msg):
-        """Overridden to handle rich data types, like SVG."""
-        self.log.debug("execute_result: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            self.flush_clearoutput()
-            content = msg['content']
-            prompt_number = content.get('execution_count', 0)
-            data = content['data']
-            metadata = msg['content']['metadata']
-            if 'image/svg+xml' in data:
-                self._pre_image_append(msg, prompt_number)
-                self._append_svg(data['image/svg+xml'], True)
-                self._append_html(self.output_sep2, True)
-            elif 'image/png' in data:
-                self._pre_image_append(msg, prompt_number)
-                png = decodestring(data['image/png'].encode('ascii'))
-                self._append_png(png, True, metadata=metadata.get('image/png', None))
-                self._append_html(self.output_sep2, True)
-            elif 'image/jpeg' in data and self._jpg_supported:
-                self._pre_image_append(msg, prompt_number)
-                jpg = decodestring(data['image/jpeg'].encode('ascii'))
-                self._append_jpg(jpg, True, metadata=metadata.get('image/jpeg', None))
-                self._append_html(self.output_sep2, True)
-            elif 'text/latex' in data:
-                self._pre_image_append(msg, prompt_number)
-                self._append_latex(data['text/latex'], True)
-                self._append_html(self.output_sep2, True)
-            else:
-                # Default back to the plain text representation.
-                return super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._handle_execute_result(msg)
-    def _handle_display_data(self, msg):
-        """Overridden to handle rich data types, like SVG."""
-        self.log.debug("display_data: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-        if self.include_output(msg):
-            self.flush_clearoutput()
-            data = msg['content']['data']
-            metadata = msg['content']['metadata']
-            # Try to use the svg or html representations.
-            # FIXME: Is this the right ordering of things to try?
-            self.log.debug("display: %s", msg.get('content', ''))
-            if 'image/svg+xml' in data:
-                svg = data['image/svg+xml']
-                self._append_svg(svg, True)
-            elif 'image/png' in data:
-                # PNG data is base64 encoded as it passes over the network
-                # in a JSON structure so we decode it.
-                png = decodestring(data['image/png'].encode('ascii'))
-                self._append_png(png, True, metadata=metadata.get('image/png', None))
-            elif 'image/jpeg' in data and self._jpg_supported:
-                jpg = decodestring(data['image/jpeg'].encode('ascii'))
-                self._append_jpg(jpg, True, metadata=metadata.get('image/jpeg', None))
-            elif 'text/latex' in data:
-                self._append_latex(data['text/latex'], True)
-            else:
-                # Default back to the plain text representation.
-                return super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._handle_display_data(msg)
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'RichIPythonWidget' protected interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _append_latex(self, latex, before_prompt=False, metadata=None):
-        """ Append latex data to the widget."""
-        try:
-            png = latex_to_png(latex, wrap=False)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.log.error("Failed to render latex: '%s'", latex, exc_info=True)
-            self._append_plain_text("Failed to render latex: %s" % e, before_prompt)
-        else:
-            self._append_png(png, before_prompt, metadata)
-    def _append_jpg(self, jpg, before_prompt=False, metadata=None):
-        """ Append raw JPG data to the widget."""
-        self._append_custom(self._insert_jpg, jpg, before_prompt, metadata=metadata)
-    def _append_png(self, png, before_prompt=False, metadata=None):
-        """ Append raw PNG data to the widget.
-        """
-        self._append_custom(self._insert_png, png, before_prompt, metadata=metadata)
-    def _append_svg(self, svg, before_prompt=False):
-        """ Append raw SVG data to the widget.
-        """
-        self._append_custom(self._insert_svg, svg, before_prompt)
-    def _add_image(self, image):
-        """ Adds the specified QImage to the document and returns a
-            QTextImageFormat that references it.
-        """
-        document = self._control.document()
-        name = str(image.cacheKey())
-        document.addResource(QtGui.QTextDocument.ImageResource,
-                             QtCore.QUrl(name), image)
-        format = QtGui.QTextImageFormat()
-        format.setName(name)
-        return format
-    def _copy_image(self, name):
-        """ Copies the ImageResource with 'name' to the clipboard.
-        """
-        image = self._get_image(name)
-        QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setImage(image)
-    def _get_image(self, name):
-        """ Returns the QImage stored as the ImageResource with 'name'.
-        """
-        document = self._control.document()
-        image = document.resource(QtGui.QTextDocument.ImageResource,
-                                  QtCore.QUrl(name))
-        return image
-    def _get_image_tag(self, match, path = None, format = "png"):
-        """ Return (X)HTML mark-up for the image-tag given by match.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        match : re.SRE_Match
-            A match to an HTML image tag as exported by Qt, with
-            match.group("Name") containing the matched image ID.
-        path : string|None, optional [default None]
-            If not None, specifies a path to which supporting files may be
-            written (e.g., for linked images).  If None, all images are to be
-            included inline.
-        format : "png"|"svg"|"jpg", optional [default "png"]
-            Format for returned or referenced images.
-        """
-        if format in ("png","jpg"):
-            try:
-                image = self._get_image(match.group("name"))
-            except KeyError:
-                return "<b>Couldn't find image %s</b>" % match.group("name")
-            if path is not None:
-                ensure_dir_exists(path)
-                relpath = os.path.basename(path)
-                if image.save("%s/qt_img%s.%s" % (path, match.group("name"), format),
-                              "PNG"):
-                    return '<img src="%s/qt_img%s.%s">' % (relpath,
-                                                            match.group("name"),format)
-                else:
-                    return "<b>Couldn't save image!</b>"
-            else:
-                ba = QtCore.QByteArray()
-                buffer_ = QtCore.QBuffer(ba)
-                buffer_.open(QtCore.QIODevice.WriteOnly)
-                image.save(buffer_, format.upper())
-                buffer_.close()
-                return '<img src="data:image/%s;base64,\n%s\n" />' % (
-                    format,re.sub(r'(.{60})',r'\1\n',str(ba.toBase64())))
-        elif format == "svg":
-            try:
-                svg = str(self._name_to_svg_map[match.group("name")])
-            except KeyError:
-                if not self._svg_warning_displayed:
-                    QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Error converting PNG to SVG.',
-                        'Cannot convert PNG images to SVG, export with PNG figures instead. '
-                        'If you want to export matplotlib figures as SVG, add '
-                        'to your ipython config:\n\n'
-                        '\tc.InlineBackend.figure_format = \'svg\'\n\n'
-                        'And regenerate the figures.',
-                                              QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
-                    self._svg_warning_displayed = True
-                return ("<b>Cannot convert  PNG images to SVG.</b>  "
-                        "You must export this session with PNG images. "
-                        "If you want to export matplotlib figures as SVG, add to your config "
-                        "<span>c.InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'</span> "
-                        "and regenerate the figures.")
-            # Not currently checking path, because it's tricky to find a
-            # cross-browser way to embed external SVG images (e.g., via
-            # object or embed tags).
-            # Chop stand-alone header from matplotlib SVG
-            offset = svg.find("<svg")
-            assert(offset > -1)
-            return svg[offset:]
-        else:
-            return '<b>Unrecognized image format</b>'
-    def _insert_jpg(self, cursor, jpg, metadata=None):
-        """ Insert raw PNG data into the widget."""
-        self._insert_img(cursor, jpg, 'jpg', metadata=metadata)
-    def _insert_png(self, cursor, png, metadata=None):
-        """ Insert raw PNG data into the widget.
-        """
-        self._insert_img(cursor, png, 'png', metadata=metadata)
-    def _insert_img(self, cursor, img, fmt, metadata=None):
-        """ insert a raw image, jpg or png """
-        if metadata:
-            width = metadata.get('width', None)
-            height = metadata.get('height', None)
-        else:
-            width = height = None
-        try:
-            image = QtGui.QImage()
-            image.loadFromData(img, fmt.upper())
-            if width and height:
-                image = image.scaled(width, height, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
-            elif width and not height:
-                image = image.scaledToWidth(width, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
-            elif height and not width:
-                image = image.scaledToHeight(height, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
-        except ValueError:
-            self._insert_plain_text(cursor, 'Received invalid %s data.'%fmt)
-        else:
-            format = self._add_image(image)
-            cursor.insertBlock()
-            cursor.insertImage(format)
-            cursor.insertBlock()
-    def _insert_svg(self, cursor, svg):
-        """ Insert raw SVG data into the widet.
-        """
-        try:
-            image = svg_to_image(svg)
-        except ValueError:
-            self._insert_plain_text(cursor, 'Received invalid SVG data.')
-        else:
-            format = self._add_image(image)
-            self._name_to_svg_map[format.name()] = svg
-            cursor.insertBlock()
-            cursor.insertImage(format)
-            cursor.insertBlock()
-    def _save_image(self, name, format='PNG'):
-        """ Shows a save dialog for the ImageResource with 'name'.
-        """
-        dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self._control, 'Save Image')
-        dialog.setAcceptMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AcceptSave)
-        dialog.setDefaultSuffix(format.lower())
-        dialog.setNameFilter('%s file (*.%s)' % (format, format.lower()))
-        if dialog.exec_():
-            filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
-            image = self._get_image(name)
-            image.save(filename, format)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/styles.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/styles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c72808f..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/styles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-""" Style utilities, templates, and defaults for syntax highlighting widgets.
-# Imports
-from colorsys import rgb_to_hls
-from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
-from pygments.token import Token
-# Constants
-# The default light style sheet: black text on a white background.
-default_light_style_template = '''
-    QPlainTextEdit, QTextEdit { background-color: %(bgcolor)s;
-            color: %(fgcolor)s ;
-            selection-background-color: %(select)s}
-    .error { color: red; }
-    .in-prompt { color: navy; }
-    .in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
-    .out-prompt { color: darkred; }
-    .out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
-    .inverted { background-color: %(fgcolor)s ; color:%(bgcolor)s;}
-default_light_style_sheet = default_light_style_template%dict(
-                bgcolor='white', fgcolor='black', select="#ccc")
-default_light_syntax_style = 'default'
-# The default dark style sheet: white text on a black background.
-default_dark_style_template = '''
-    QPlainTextEdit, QTextEdit { background-color: %(bgcolor)s;
-            color: %(fgcolor)s ;
-            selection-background-color: %(select)s}
-    QFrame { border: 1px solid grey; }
-    .error { color: red; }
-    .in-prompt { color: lime; }
-    .in-prompt-number { color: lime; font-weight: bold; }
-    .out-prompt { color: red; }
-    .out-prompt-number { color: red; font-weight: bold; }
-    .inverted { background-color: %(fgcolor)s ; color:%(bgcolor)s;}
-default_dark_style_sheet = default_dark_style_template%dict(
-                bgcolor='black', fgcolor='white', select="#555")
-default_dark_syntax_style = 'monokai'
-# The default monochrome
-default_bw_style_sheet = '''
-    QPlainTextEdit, QTextEdit { background-color: white;
-            color: black ;
-            selection-background-color: #cccccc}
-    .in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
-    .out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
-    .inverted { background-color: black ; color: white;}
-default_bw_syntax_style = 'bw'
-def hex_to_rgb(color):
-    """Convert a hex color to rgb integer tuple."""
-    if color.startswith('#'):
-        color = color[1:]
-    if len(color) == 3:
-        color = ''.join([c*2 for c in color])
-    if len(color) != 6:
-        return False
-    try:
-        r = int(color[:2],16)
-        g = int(color[2:4],16)
-        b = int(color[4:],16)
-    except ValueError:
-        return False
-    else:
-        return r,g,b
-def dark_color(color):
-    """Check whether a color is 'dark'.
-    Currently, this is simply whether the luminance is <50%"""
-    rgb = hex_to_rgb(color)
-    if rgb:
-        return rgb_to_hls(*rgb)[1] < 128
-    else: # default to False
-        return False
-def dark_style(stylename):
-    """Guess whether the background of the style with name 'stylename'
-    counts as 'dark'."""
-    return dark_color(get_style_by_name(stylename).background_color)
-def get_colors(stylename):
-    """Construct the keys to be used building the base stylesheet
-    from a templatee."""
-    style = get_style_by_name(stylename)
-    fgcolor = style.style_for_token(Token.Text)['color'] or ''
-    if len(fgcolor) in (3,6):
-        # could be 'abcdef' or 'ace' hex, which needs '#' prefix
-        try:
-            int(fgcolor, 16)
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            fgcolor = "#"+fgcolor
-    return dict(
-        bgcolor = style.background_color,
-        select = style.highlight_color,
-        fgcolor = fgcolor
-    )
-def sheet_from_template(name, colors='lightbg'):
-    """Use one of the base templates, and set bg/fg/select colors."""
-    colors = colors.lower()
-    if colors=='lightbg':
-        return default_light_style_template%get_colors(name)
-    elif colors=='linux':
-        return default_dark_style_template%get_colors(name)
-    elif colors=='nocolor':
-        return default_bw_style_sheet
-    else:
-        raise KeyError("No such color scheme: %s"%colors)
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/__init__.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_ansi_code_processor.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_ansi_code_processor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06752fb..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_ansi_code_processor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# Standard library imports
-import unittest
-# Local imports
-from IPython.qt.console.ansi_code_processor import AnsiCodeProcessor
-class TestAnsiCodeProcessor(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.processor = AnsiCodeProcessor()
-    def test_clear(self):
-        """ Do control sequences for clearing the console work?
-        """
-        string = '\x1b[2J\x1b[K'
-        i = -1
-        for i, substring in enumerate(self.processor.split_string(string)):
-            if i == 0:
-                self.assertEqual(len(self.processor.actions), 1)
-                action = self.processor.actions[0]
-                self.assertEqual(action.action, 'erase')
-                self.assertEqual(action.area, 'screen')
-                self.assertEqual(action.erase_to, 'all')
-            elif i == 1:
-                self.assertEqual(len(self.processor.actions), 1)
-                action = self.processor.actions[0]
-                self.assertEqual(action.action, 'erase')
-                self.assertEqual(action.area, 'line')
-                self.assertEqual(action.erase_to, 'end')
-            else:
-                self.fail('Too many substrings.')
-        self.assertEqual(i, 1, 'Too few substrings.')
-    def test_colors(self):
-        """ Do basic controls sequences for colors work?
-        """
-        string = 'first\x1b[34mblue\x1b[0mlast'
-        i = -1
-        for i, substring in enumerate(self.processor.split_string(string)):
-            if i == 0:
-                self.assertEqual(substring, 'first')
-                self.assertEqual(self.processor.foreground_color, None)
-            elif i == 1:
-                self.assertEqual(substring, 'blue')
-                self.assertEqual(self.processor.foreground_color, 4)
-            elif i == 2:
-                self.assertEqual(substring, 'last')
-                self.assertEqual(self.processor.foreground_color, None)
-            else:
-                self.fail('Too many substrings.')
-        self.assertEqual(i, 2, 'Too few substrings.')
-    def test_colors_xterm(self):
-        """ Do xterm-specific control sequences for colors work?
-        """
-        string = '\x1b]4;20;rgb:ff/ff/ff\x1b' \
-            '\x1b]4;25;rgbi:1.0/1.0/1.0\x1b'
-        substrings = list(self.processor.split_string(string))
-        desired = { 20 : (255, 255, 255),
-                    25 : (255, 255, 255) }
-        self.assertEqual(self.processor.color_map, desired)
-        string = '\x1b[38;5;20m\x1b[48;5;25m'
-        substrings = list(self.processor.split_string(string))
-        self.assertEqual(self.processor.foreground_color, 20)
-        self.assertEqual(self.processor.background_color, 25)
-    def test_scroll(self):
-        """ Do control sequences for scrolling the buffer work?
-        """
-        string = '\x1b[5S\x1b[T'
-        i = -1
-        for i, substring in enumerate(self.processor.split_string(string)):
-            if i == 0:
-                self.assertEqual(len(self.processor.actions), 1)
-                action = self.processor.actions[0]
-                self.assertEqual(action.action, 'scroll')
-                self.assertEqual(action.dir, 'up')
-                self.assertEqual(action.unit, 'line')
-                self.assertEqual(action.count, 5)
-            elif i == 1:
-                self.assertEqual(len(self.processor.actions), 1)
-                action = self.processor.actions[0]
-                self.assertEqual(action.action, 'scroll')
-                self.assertEqual(action.dir, 'down')
-                self.assertEqual(action.unit, 'line')
-                self.assertEqual(action.count, 1)
-            else:
-                self.fail('Too many substrings.')
-        self.assertEqual(i, 1, 'Too few substrings.')
-    def test_formfeed(self):
-        """ Are formfeed characters processed correctly?
-        """
-        string = '\f' # form feed
-        self.assertEqual(list(self.processor.split_string(string)), [''])
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.processor.actions), 1)
-        action = self.processor.actions[0]
-        self.assertEqual(action.action, 'scroll')
-        self.assertEqual(action.dir, 'down')
-        self.assertEqual(action.unit, 'page')
-        self.assertEqual(action.count, 1)
-    def test_carriage_return(self):
-        """ Are carriage return characters processed correctly?
-        """
-        string = 'foo\rbar' # carriage return
-        splits = []
-        actions = []
-        for split in self.processor.split_string(string):
-            splits.append(split)
-            actions.append([action.action for action in self.processor.actions])
-        self.assertEqual(splits, ['foo', None, 'bar'])
-        self.assertEqual(actions, [[], ['carriage-return'], []])
-    def test_carriage_return_newline(self):
-        """transform CRLF to LF"""
-        string = 'foo\rbar\r\ncat\r\n\n' # carriage return and newline
-        # only one CR action should occur, and '\r\n' should transform to '\n'
-        splits = []
-        actions = []
-        for split in self.processor.split_string(string):
-            splits.append(split)
-            actions.append([action.action for action in self.processor.actions])
-        self.assertEqual(splits, ['foo', None, 'bar', '\r\n', 'cat', '\r\n', '\n'])
-        self.assertEqual(actions, [[], ['carriage-return'], [], ['newline'], [], ['newline'], ['newline']])
-    def test_beep(self):
-        """ Are beep characters processed correctly?
-        """
-        string = 'foo\abar' # bell
-        splits = []
-        actions = []
-        for split in self.processor.split_string(string):
-            splits.append(split)
-            actions.append([action.action for action in self.processor.actions])
-        self.assertEqual(splits, ['foo', None, 'bar'])
-        self.assertEqual(actions, [[], ['beep'], []])
-    def test_backspace(self):
-        """ Are backspace characters processed correctly?
-        """
-        string = 'foo\bbar' # backspace
-        splits = []
-        actions = []
-        for split in self.processor.split_string(string):
-            splits.append(split)
-            actions.append([action.action for action in self.processor.actions])
-        self.assertEqual(splits, ['foo', None, 'bar'])
-        self.assertEqual(actions, [[], ['backspace'], []])
-    def test_combined(self):
-        """ Are CR and BS characters processed correctly in combination?
-        BS is treated as a change in print position, rather than a
-        backwards character deletion.  Therefore a BS at EOL is
-        effectively ignored.
-        """
-        string = 'abc\rdef\b' # CR and backspace
-        splits = []
-        actions = []
-        for split in self.processor.split_string(string):
-            splits.append(split)
-            actions.append([action.action for action in self.processor.actions])
-        self.assertEqual(splits, ['abc', None, 'def', None])
-        self.assertEqual(actions, [[], ['carriage-return'], [], ['backspace']])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_app.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_app.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2168f6b..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_app.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-"""Test QtConsoleApp"""
-# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-import nose.tools as nt
-from traitlets.tests.utils import check_help_all_output
-from IPython.testing.decorators import skip_if_no_x11
-def test_help_output():
-    """jupyter qtconsole --help-all works"""
-    check_help_all_output('jupyter_qtconsole')
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_console_widget.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_console_widget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ead193c..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_console_widget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Standard library imports
-import unittest
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-# Local imports
-from IPython.qt.console.console_widget import ConsoleWidget
-import IPython.testing.decorators as dec
-setup = dec.skip_file_no_x11(__name__)
-class TestConsoleWidget(unittest.TestCase):
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        """ Create the application for the test case.
-        """
-        cls._app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
-        if cls._app is None:
-            cls._app = QtGui.QApplication([])
-        cls._app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False)
-    @classmethod
-    def tearDownClass(cls):
-        """ Exit the application.
-        """
-        QtGui.QApplication.quit()
-    def test_special_characters(self):
-        """ Are special characters displayed correctly?
-        """
-        w = ConsoleWidget()
-        cursor = w._get_prompt_cursor()
-        test_inputs = ['xyz\b\b=\n', 'foo\b\nbar\n', 'foo\b\nbar\r\n', 'abc\rxyz\b\b=']
-        expected_outputs = [u'x=z\u2029', u'foo\u2029bar\u2029', u'foo\u2029bar\u2029', 'x=z']
-        for i, text in enumerate(test_inputs):
-            w._insert_plain_text(cursor, text)
-            cursor.select(cursor.Document)
-            selection = cursor.selectedText()
-            self.assertEqual(expected_outputs[i], selection)
-            # clear all the text
-            cursor.insertText('')
-    def test_link_handling(self):
-        noKeys = QtCore.Qt
-        noButton = QtCore.Qt.MouseButton(0)
-        noButtons = QtCore.Qt.MouseButtons(0)
-        noModifiers = QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers(0)
-        MouseMove = QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove
-        QMouseEvent = QtGui.QMouseEvent
-        w = ConsoleWidget()
-        cursor = w._get_prompt_cursor()
-        w._insert_html(cursor, '<a href="http://python.org">written in</a>')
-        obj = w._control
-        tip = QtGui.QToolTip
-        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'')
-        # should be somewhere else
-        elsewhereEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(50,50),
-                                     noButton, noButtons, noModifiers)
-        w.eventFilter(obj, elsewhereEvent)
-        self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), False)
-        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'')
-        #self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'')
-        # should be over text
-        overTextEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(1,5),
-                                    noButton, noButtons, noModifiers)
-        w.eventFilter(obj, overTextEvent)
-        self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), True)
-        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), "http://python.org")
-        # should still be over text
-        stillOverTextEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(1,5),
-                                         noButton, noButtons, noModifiers)
-        w.eventFilter(obj, stillOverTextEvent)
-        self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), True)
-        self.assertEqual(tip.text(), "http://python.org")
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_kill_ring.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_kill_ring.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 459cf58..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/console/tests/test_kill_ring.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Standard library imports
-import unittest
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtGui
-# Local imports
-from IPython.qt.console.kill_ring import KillRing, QtKillRing
-import IPython.testing.decorators as dec
-setup = dec.skip_file_no_x11(__name__)
-class TestKillRing(unittest.TestCase):
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        """ Create the application for the test case.
-        """
-        cls._app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
-        if cls._app is None:
-            cls._app = QtGui.QApplication([])
-        cls._app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False)
-    @classmethod
-    def tearDownClass(cls):
-        """ Exit the application.
-        """
-        QtGui.QApplication.quit()
-    def test_generic(self):
-        """ Does the generic kill ring work?
-        """
-        ring = KillRing()
-        self.assertTrue(ring.yank() is None)
-        self.assertTrue(ring.rotate() is None)
-        ring.kill('foo')
-        self.assertEqual(ring.yank(), 'foo')
-        self.assertTrue(ring.rotate() is None)
-        self.assertEqual(ring.yank(), 'foo')
-        ring.kill('bar')
-        self.assertEqual(ring.yank(), 'bar')
-        self.assertEqual(ring.rotate(), 'foo')
-        ring.clear()
-        self.assertTrue(ring.yank() is None)
-        self.assertTrue(ring.rotate() is None)
-    def test_qt_basic(self):
-        """ Does the Qt kill ring work?
-        """
-        text_edit = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit()
-        ring = QtKillRing(text_edit)
-        ring.kill('foo')
-        ring.kill('bar')
-        ring.yank()
-        ring.rotate()
-        ring.yank()
-        self.assertEqual(text_edit.toPlainText(), 'foobar')
-        text_edit.clear()
-        ring.kill('baz')
-        ring.yank()
-        ring.rotate()
-        ring.rotate()
-        ring.rotate()
-        self.assertEqual(text_edit.toPlainText(), 'foo')
-    def test_qt_cursor(self):
-        """ Does the Qt kill ring maintain state with cursor movement?
-        """
-        text_edit = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit()
-        ring = QtKillRing(text_edit)
-        ring.kill('foo')
-        ring.kill('bar')
-        ring.yank()
-        text_edit.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left)
-        ring.rotate()
-        self.assertEqual(text_edit.toPlainText(), 'bar')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import nose
-    nose.main()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/inprocess.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/inprocess.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e6efafc..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/inprocess.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-""" Defines an in-process KernelManager with signals and slots.
-# Local imports.
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore
-from IPython.kernel.inprocess import (
-    InProcessHBChannel, InProcessKernelClient, InProcessKernelManager,
-from IPython.kernel.inprocess.channels import InProcessChannel
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Type
-from .util import SuperQObject
-from .kernel_mixins import (
-    QtKernelClientMixin, QtKernelManagerMixin,
-class QtInProcessChannel(SuperQObject, InProcessChannel):
-    # Emitted when the channel is started.
-    started = QtCore.Signal()
-    # Emitted when the channel is stopped.
-    stopped = QtCore.Signal()
-    # Emitted when any message is received.
-    message_received = QtCore.Signal(object)
-    def start(self):
-        """ Reimplemented to emit signal.
-        """
-        super(QtInProcessChannel, self).start()
-        self.started.emit()
-    def stop(self):
-        """ Reimplemented to emit signal.
-        """
-        super(QtInProcessChannel, self).stop()
-        self.stopped.emit()
-    def call_handlers_later(self, *args, **kwds):
-        """ Call the message handlers later.
-        """
-        do_later = lambda: self.call_handlers(*args, **kwds)
-        QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, do_later)
-    def call_handlers(self, msg):
-        self.message_received.emit(msg)
-    def process_events(self):
-        """ Process any pending GUI events.
-        """
-        QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().processEvents()
-    def flush(self, timeout=1.0):
-        """ Reimplemented to ensure that signals are dispatched immediately.
-        """
-        super(QtInProcessChannel, self).flush()
-        self.process_events()
-class QtInProcessHBChannel(SuperQObject, InProcessHBChannel):
-    # This signal will never be fired, but it needs to exist
-    kernel_died = QtCore.Signal()
-class QtInProcessKernelClient(QtKernelClientMixin, InProcessKernelClient):
-    """ An in-process KernelManager with signals and slots.
-    """
-    iopub_channel_class = Type(QtInProcessChannel)
-    shell_channel_class = Type(QtInProcessChannel)
-    stdin_channel_class = Type(QtInProcessChannel)
-    hb_channel_class = Type(QtInProcessHBChannel)
-class QtInProcessKernelManager(QtKernelManagerMixin, InProcessKernelManager):
-    client_class = __module__ + '.QtInProcessKernelClient'
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/kernel_mixins.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/kernel_mixins.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63806..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/kernel_mixins.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"""Defines a KernelManager that provides signals and slots."""
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import HasTraits, Type
-from .util import MetaQObjectHasTraits, SuperQObject
-class QtKernelRestarterMixin(MetaQObjectHasTraits('NewBase', (HasTraits, SuperQObject), {})):
-    _timer = None
-class QtKernelManagerMixin(MetaQObjectHasTraits('NewBase', (HasTraits, SuperQObject), {})):
-    """ A KernelClient that provides signals and slots.
-    """
-    kernel_restarted = QtCore.Signal()
-class QtKernelClientMixin(MetaQObjectHasTraits('NewBase', (HasTraits, SuperQObject), {})):
-    """ A KernelClient that provides signals and slots.
-    """
-    # Emitted when the kernel client has started listening.
-    started_channels = QtCore.Signal()
-    # Emitted when the kernel client has stopped listening.
-    stopped_channels = QtCore.Signal()
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # 'KernelClient' interface
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    #------ Channel management -------------------------------------------------
-    def start_channels(self, *args, **kw):
-        """ Reimplemented to emit signal.
-        """
-        super(QtKernelClientMixin, self).start_channels(*args, **kw)
-        self.started_channels.emit()
-    def stop_channels(self):
-        """ Reimplemented to emit signal.
-        """
-        super(QtKernelClientMixin, self).stop_channels()
-        self.stopped_channels.emit()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/manager.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/manager.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c255e..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/manager.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-""" Defines a KernelClient that provides signals and slots.
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore
-# Local imports
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool, DottedObjectName
-from IPython.kernel import KernelManager
-from IPython.kernel.restarter import KernelRestarter
-from .kernel_mixins import QtKernelManagerMixin, QtKernelRestarterMixin
-class QtKernelRestarter(KernelRestarter, QtKernelRestarterMixin):
-    def start(self):
-        if self._timer is None:
-            self._timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-            self._timer.timeout.connect(self.poll)
-        self._timer.start(self.time_to_dead * 1000)
-    def stop(self):
-        self._timer.stop()
-    def poll(self):
-        super(QtKernelRestarter, self).poll()
-class QtKernelManager(KernelManager, QtKernelManagerMixin):
-    """A KernelManager with Qt signals for restart"""
-    client_class = DottedObjectName('IPython.qt.client.QtKernelClient')
-    autorestart = Bool(True, config=True)
-    def start_restarter(self):
-        if self.autorestart and self.has_kernel:
-            if self._restarter is None:
-                self._restarter = QtKernelRestarter(
-                    kernel_manager=self,
-                    parent=self,
-                    log=self.log,
-                )
-                self._restarter.add_callback(self._handle_kernel_restarted)
-            self._restarter.start()
-    def stop_restarter(self):
-        if self.autorestart:
-            if self._restarter is not None:
-                self._restarter.stop()
-    def _handle_kernel_restarted(self):
-        self.kernel_restarted.emit()
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/rich_text.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/rich_text.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d94e6ed..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/rich_text.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-""" Defines classes and functions for working with Qt's rich text system.
-# Imports
-# Standard library imports
-import io
-import os
-import re
-# System library imports
-from IPython.external.qt import QtGui
-# IPython imports
-from IPython.utils import py3compat
-# Constants
-# A regular expression for an HTML paragraph with no content.
-EMPTY_P_RE = re.compile(r'<p[^/>]*>\s*</p>')
-# A regular expression for matching images in rich text HTML.
-# Note that this is overly restrictive, but Qt's output is predictable...
-IMG_RE = re.compile(r'<img src="(?P<name>[\d]+)" />')
-# Classes
-class HtmlExporter(object):
-    """ A stateful HTML exporter for a Q(Plain)TextEdit.
-    This class is designed for convenient user interaction.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, control):
-        """ Creates an HtmlExporter for the given Q(Plain)TextEdit.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(control, (QtGui.QPlainTextEdit, QtGui.QTextEdit))
-        self.control = control
-        self.filename = 'ipython.html'
-        self.image_tag = None
-        self.inline_png = None
-    def export(self):
-        """ Displays a dialog for exporting HTML generated by Qt's rich text
-        system.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        The name of the file that was saved, or None if no file was saved.
-        """
-        parent = self.control.window()
-        dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(parent, 'Save as...')
-        dialog.setAcceptMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AcceptSave)
-        filters = [
-            'HTML with PNG figures (*.html *.htm)',
-            'XHTML with inline SVG figures (*.xhtml *.xml)'
-        ]
-        dialog.setNameFilters(filters)
-        if self.filename:
-            dialog.selectFile(self.filename)
-            root,ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
-            if ext.lower() in ('.xml', '.xhtml'):
-                dialog.selectNameFilter(filters[-1])
-        if dialog.exec_():
-            self.filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
-            choice = dialog.selectedNameFilter()
-            html = py3compat.cast_unicode(self.control.document().toHtml())
-            # Configure the exporter.
-            if choice.startswith('XHTML'):
-                exporter = export_xhtml
-            else:
-                # If there are PNGs, decide how to export them.
-                inline = self.inline_png
-                if inline is None and IMG_RE.search(html):
-                    dialog = QtGui.QDialog(parent)
-                    dialog.setWindowTitle('Save as...')
-                    layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(dialog)
-                    msg = "Exporting HTML with PNGs"
-                    info = "Would you like inline PNGs (single large html " \
-                        "file) or external image files?"
-                    checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox("&Don't ask again")
-                    checkbox.setShortcut('D')
-                    ib = QtGui.QPushButton("&Inline")
-                    ib.setShortcut('I')
-                    eb = QtGui.QPushButton("&External")
-                    eb.setShortcut('E')
-                    box = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question,
-                                            dialog.windowTitle(), msg)
-                    box.setInformativeText(info)
-                    box.addButton(ib, QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole)
-                    box.addButton(eb, QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole)
-                    layout.setSpacing(0)
-                    layout.addWidget(box)
-                    layout.addWidget(checkbox)
-                    dialog.setLayout(layout)
-                    dialog.show()
-                    reply = box.exec_()
-                    dialog.hide()
-                    inline = (reply == 0)
-                    if checkbox.checkState():
-                        # Don't ask anymore; always use this choice.
-                        self.inline_png = inline
-                exporter = lambda h, f, i: export_html(h, f, i, inline)
-            # Perform the export!
-            try:
-                return exporter(html, self.filename, self.image_tag)
-            except Exception as e:
-                msg = "Error exporting HTML to %s\n" % self.filename + str(e)
-                reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(parent, 'Error', msg,
-                    QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
-        return None
-# Functions
-def export_html(html, filename, image_tag = None, inline = True):
-    """ Export the contents of the ConsoleWidget as HTML.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    html : unicode,
-        A Python unicode string containing the Qt HTML to export.
-    filename : str
-        The file to be saved.
-    image_tag : callable, optional (default None)
-        Used to convert images. See ``default_image_tag()`` for information.
-    inline : bool, optional [default True]
-        If True, include images as inline PNGs.  Otherwise, include them as
-        links to external PNG files, mimicking web browsers' "Web Page,
-        Complete" behavior.
-    """
-    if image_tag is None:
-        image_tag = default_image_tag
-    if inline:
-        path = None
-    else:
-        root,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
-        path = root + "_files"
-        if os.path.isfile(path):
-            raise OSError("%s exists, but is not a directory." % path)
-    with io.open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
-        html = fix_html(html)
-        f.write(IMG_RE.sub(lambda x: image_tag(x, path = path, format = "png"),
-                           html))
-def export_xhtml(html, filename, image_tag=None):
-    """ Export the contents of the ConsoleWidget as XHTML with inline SVGs.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    html : unicode,
-        A Python unicode string containing the Qt HTML to export.
-    filename : str
-        The file to be saved.
-    image_tag : callable, optional (default None)
-        Used to convert images. See ``default_image_tag()`` for information.
-    """
-    if image_tag is None:
-        image_tag = default_image_tag
-    with io.open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
-        # Hack to make xhtml header -- note that we are not doing any check for
-        # valid XML.
-        offset = html.find("<html>")
-        assert offset > -1, 'Invalid HTML string: no <html> tag.'
-        html = (u'<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n'+
-                html[offset+6:])
-        html = fix_html(html)
-        f.write(IMG_RE.sub(lambda x: image_tag(x, path = None, format = "svg"),
-                           html))
-def default_image_tag(match, path = None, format = "png"):
-    """ Return (X)HTML mark-up for the image-tag given by match.
-    This default implementation merely removes the image, and exists mostly
-    for documentation purposes. More information than is present in the Qt
-    HTML is required to supply the images.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    match : re.SRE_Match
-        A match to an HTML image tag as exported by Qt, with match.group("Name")
-        containing the matched image ID.
-    path : string|None, optional [default None]
-        If not None, specifies a path to which supporting files may be written
-        (e.g., for linked images).  If None, all images are to be included
-        inline.
-    format : "png"|"svg", optional [default "png"]
-        Format for returned or referenced images.
-    """
-    return u''
-def fix_html(html):
-    """ Transforms a Qt-generated HTML string into a standards-compliant one.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    html : unicode,
-        A Python unicode string containing the Qt HTML.
-    """
-    # A UTF-8 declaration is needed for proper rendering of some characters
-    # (e.g., indented commands) when viewing exported HTML on a local system
-    # (i.e., without seeing an encoding declaration in an HTTP header).
-    # C.f. http://www.w3.org/International/O-charset for details.
-    offset = html.find('<head>')
-    if offset > -1:
-        html = (html[:offset+6]+
-                '\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" '+
-                'content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n'+
-                html[offset+6:])
-    # Replace empty paragraphs tags with line breaks.
-    html = re.sub(EMPTY_P_RE, '<br/>', html)
-    return html
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/svg.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/svg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f2d1321..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/svg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-""" Defines utility functions for working with SVG documents in Qt.
-# System library imports.
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg
-# Our own imports
-from IPython.utils.py3compat import unicode_type
-def save_svg(string, parent=None):
-    """ Prompts the user to save an SVG document to disk.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    string : basestring
-        A Python string containing a SVG document.
-    parent : QWidget, optional
-        The parent to use for the file dialog.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    The name of the file to which the document was saved, or None if the save
-    was cancelled.
-    """
-    if isinstance(string, unicode_type):
-        string = string.encode('utf-8')
-    dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(parent, 'Save SVG Document')
-    dialog.setAcceptMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AcceptSave)
-    dialog.setDefaultSuffix('svg')
-    dialog.setNameFilter('SVG document (*.svg)')
-    if dialog.exec_():
-        filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
-        f = open(filename, 'wb')
-        try:
-            f.write(string)
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        return filename
-    return None
-def svg_to_clipboard(string):
-    """ Copy a SVG document to the clipboard.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    string : basestring
-        A Python string containing a SVG document.
-    """
-    if isinstance(string, unicode_type):
-        string = string.encode('utf-8')
-    mime_data = QtCore.QMimeData()
-    mime_data.setData('image/svg+xml', string)
-    QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(mime_data)
-def svg_to_image(string, size=None):
-    """ Convert a SVG document to a QImage.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    string : basestring
-        A Python string containing a SVG document.
-    size : QSize, optional
-        The size of the image that is produced. If not specified, the SVG
-        document's default size is used.
-    Raises
-    ------
-    ValueError
-        If an invalid SVG string is provided.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    A QImage of format QImage.Format_ARGB32.
-    """
-    if isinstance(string, unicode_type):
-        string = string.encode('utf-8')
-    renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(QtCore.QByteArray(string))
-    if not renderer.isValid():
-        raise ValueError('Invalid SVG data.')
-    if size is None:
-        size = renderer.defaultSize()
-    image = QtGui.QImage(size, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
-    painter = QtGui.QPainter(image)
-    renderer.render(painter)
-    return image
diff --git a/jupyter_qtconsole/util.py b/jupyter_qtconsole/util.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a1b09..0000000
--- a/jupyter_qtconsole/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-""" Defines miscellaneous Qt-related helper classes and functions.
-# Standard library imports.
-import inspect
-# System library imports.
-from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
-# IPython imports.
-from IPython.utils.py3compat import iteritems
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import HasTraits, TraitType
-# Metaclasses
-MetaHasTraits = type(HasTraits)
-MetaQObject = type(QtCore.QObject)
-class MetaQObjectHasTraits(MetaQObject, MetaHasTraits):
-    """ A metaclass that inherits from the metaclasses of HasTraits and QObject.
-    Using this metaclass allows a class to inherit from both HasTraits and
-    QObject. Using SuperQObject instead of QObject is highly recommended. See
-    QtKernelManager for an example.
-    """
-    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, classdict):
-        # FIXME: this duplicates the code from MetaHasTraits.
-        # I don't think a super() call will help me here.
-        for k,v in iteritems(classdict):
-            if isinstance(v, TraitType):
-                v.name = k
-            elif inspect.isclass(v):
-                if issubclass(v, TraitType):
-                    vinst = v()
-                    vinst.name = k
-                    classdict[k] = vinst
-        cls = MetaQObject.__new__(mcls, name, bases, classdict)
-        return cls
-    def __init__(mcls, name, bases, classdict):
-        # Note: super() did not work, so we explicitly call these.
-        MetaQObject.__init__(mcls, name, bases, classdict)
-        MetaHasTraits.__init__(mcls, name, bases, classdict)
-# Classes
-class SuperQObject(QtCore.QObject):
-    """ Permits the use of super() in class hierarchies that contain QObject.
-    Unlike QObject, SuperQObject does not accept a QObject parent. If it did,
-    super could not be emulated properly (all other classes in the heierarchy
-    would have to accept the parent argument--they don't, of course, because
-    they don't inherit QObject.)
-    This class is primarily useful for attaching signals to existing non-Qt
-    classes. See QtKernelManagerMixin for an example.
-    """
-    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
-        # We initialize QObject as early as possible. Without this, Qt complains
-        # if SuperQObject is not the first class in the super class list.
-        inst = QtCore.QObject.__new__(cls)
-        QtCore.QObject.__init__(inst)
-        return inst
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-        # Emulate super by calling the next method in the MRO, if there is one.
-        mro = self.__class__.mro()
-        for qt_class in QtCore.QObject.mro():
-            mro.remove(qt_class)
-        next_index = mro.index(SuperQObject) + 1
-        if next_index < len(mro):
-            mro[next_index].__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-# Functions
-def get_font(family, fallback=None):
-    """Return a font of the requested family, using fallback as alternative.
-    If a fallback is provided, it is used in case the requested family isn't
-    found.  If no fallback is given, no alternative is chosen and Qt's internal
-    algorithms may automatically choose a fallback font.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    family : str
-      A font name.
-    fallback : str
-      A font name.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    font : QFont object
-    """
-    font = QtGui.QFont(family)
-    # Check whether we got what we wanted using QFontInfo, since exactMatch()
-    # is overly strict and returns false in too many cases.
-    font_info = QtGui.QFontInfo(font)
-    if fallback is not None and font_info.family() != family:
-        font = QtGui.QFont(fallback)
-    return font
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 8ed0fa7..1967c41 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -7,4 +7,3 @@
 -e git+https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_nbformat.git#egg=jupyter_nbformat
 -e git+https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client.git#egg=jupyter_client
 -e git+https://github.com/ipython/ipython_kernel.git#egg=ipython_kernel
--e git+https://github.com/ipython/ipython_parallel.git#egg=ipython_parallel
diff --git a/scripts/ipython_win_post_install.py b/scripts/ipython_win_post_install.py
index a9af1b6..42a8bc5 100755
--- a/scripts/ipython_win_post_install.py
+++ b/scripts/ipython_win_post_install.py
@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@ def install():
                arguments(scripts, 'ipython'), iconpath)
     mkshortcut(python, 'IPython (pylab mode)', ip_start_menu,
                arguments(scripts, 'ipython', '--pylab'), iconpath)
-    mkshortcut(pythonw, 'IPython Qt Console', ip_start_menu,
-               arguments(scripts, 'ipython', 'qtconsole'), iconpath)
     iconpath = pjoin(scripts, 'ipython_nb.ico')
     mkshortcut(python, 'IPython Notebook', ip_start_menu,
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index c951b32..7be7a69 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -248,10 +248,11 @@ pyzmq = 'pyzmq>=13'
 extras_require = dict(
     parallel = ['ipython_parallel'],
-    qtconsole = [pyzmq, 'pygments'],
+    qtconsole = ['jupyter_qtconsole'],
     doc = ['Sphinx>=1.1', 'numpydoc'],
     test = ['nose>=0.10.1', 'requests'],
     terminal = [],
+    kernel = ['ipython_kernel'],
     nbformat = ['jupyter_nbformat'],
     notebook = ['tornado>=4.0', pyzmq, 'jinja2', 'pygments', 'mistune>=0.5'],
     nbconvert = ['pygments', 'jinja2', 'mistune>=0.3.1']
@@ -263,8 +264,9 @@ if not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
 if sys.version_info < (3, 3):
 install_requires = [