diff --git a/IPython/core/tests/test_magic.py b/IPython/core/tests/test_magic.py
index 798c20c..7cf8d0e 100644
--- a/IPython/core/tests/test_magic.py
+++ b/IPython/core/tests/test_magic.py
@@ -299,3 +299,59 @@ def test_dirops():
         nt.assert_equal(curpath(), startdir)
+def check_cpaste(code, should_fail=False):
+    """Execute code via 'cpaste' and ensure it was executed, unless
+    should_fail is set.
+    """
+    _ip.user_ns['code_ran'] = False
+    src = StringIO()
+    src.write('\n')
+    src.write(code)
+    src.write('\n--\n')
+    src.seek(0)
+    stdin_save = sys.stdin
+    sys.stdin = src
+    try:
+        _ip.magic('cpaste')
+    except:
+        if not should_fail:
+            raise AssertionError("Failure not expected : '%s'" %
+                                 code)
+    else:
+        assert _ip.user_ns['code_ran']
+        if should_fail:
+            raise AssertionError("Failure expected : '%s'" % code)
+    finally:
+        sys.stdin = stdin_save
+def test_cpaste():
+    """Test cpaste magic"""
+    def run():
+        """Marker function: sets a flag when executed.
+        """
+        _ip.user_ns['code_ran'] = True
+        return 'run' # return string so '+ run()' doesn't result in success
+    tests = {'pass': ["> > > run()",
+                      ">>> > run()",
+                      "+++ run()",
+                      "++ run()",
+                      "  >>> run()"],
+             'fail': ["+ + run()",
+                      " ++ run()"]}
+    _ip.user_ns['run'] = run
+    for code in tests['pass']:
+        check_cpaste(code)
+    for code in tests['fail']:
+        check_cpaste(code, should_fail=True)
diff --git a/test/test_cpaste.ipy b/test/test_cpaste.ipy
deleted file mode 100644
index 259e930..0000000
--- a/test/test_cpaste.ipy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-"""Test cpaste magic"""
-tests = {'pass': ["> > > run()",
-                  ">>> > run()",
-                  "+++ run()",
-                  "++ run()",
-		  "  >>> run()"],
-         'fail': ["+ + run()",
-                  " ++ run()"]}
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import sys
-stdin_save = sys.stdin
-# NOTE: no blank lines allowed in function definition
-def testcase(code,should_fail=False):
-    """Execute code via 'cpaste' and ensure it was executed, unless
-    should_fail is set.
-    """
-    _ip.user_ns['code_ran'] = False
-    #
-    src = StringIO()
-    src.write('\n')
-    src.write(code)
-    src.write('\n--\n')
-    src.seek(0)
-    #
-    sys.stdin = src
-    try:
-        cpaste
-    except:
-        if not should_fail:
-            raise AssertionError("Failure not expected : '%s'" %
-                                 code)
-    else:
-        assert code_ran
-        if should_fail:
-            raise AssertionError("Failure expected : '%s'" % code)
-    #
-    finally:
-        sys.stdin = stdin_save
-    #
-def run():
-    """Marker function: sets a flag when executed.
-    """
-    _ip.user_ns['code_ran'] = True
-    return 'run' # return string so '+ run()' doesn't result in success
-### Actual testing happens here
-for code in tests['pass']:
-    testcase(code)
-for code in tests['fail']:
-    testcase(code,should_fail=True)