diff --git a/IPython/utils/doctestreload.py b/IPython/utils/doctestreload.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0daac62..0000000
--- a/IPython/utils/doctestreload.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-A utility for handling the reloading of doctest.
-#  Copyright (C) 2008-2011  The IPython Development Team
-#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
-#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
-# Imports
-import sys
-# Code
-def dhook_wrap(func,*a,**k):
-    """Wrap a function call in a sys.displayhook controller.
-    Returns a wrapper around func which calls func, with all its arguments and
-    keywords unmodified, using the default sys.displayhook.  Since IPython
-    modifies sys.displayhook, it breaks the behavior of certain systems that
-    rely on the default behavior, notably doctest.
-    """
-    def f(*a,**k):
-        dhook_s = sys.displayhook
-        sys.displayhook = sys.__displayhook__
-        try:
-            out = func(*a,**k)
-        finally:
-            sys.displayhook = dhook_s
-        return out
-    f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
-    return f
-def doctest_reload():
-    """Properly reload doctest to reuse it interactively.
-    This routine:
-      - imports doctest but does NOT reload it (see below).
-      - resets its global 'master' attribute to None, so that multiple uses of
-        the module interactively don't produce cumulative reports.
-      - Monkeypatches its core test runner method to protect it from IPython's
-        modified displayhook.  Doctest expects the default displayhook behavior
-        deep down, so our modification breaks it completely.  For this reason, a
-        hard monkeypatch seems like a reasonable solution rather than asking
-        users to manually use a different doctest runner when under IPython.
-    Notes
-    -----
-    As of Python 2.6.6, 2.7.1 and 3.2, this monkeypatching is no longer required.
-    doctest now takes care of resetting sys.displayhook itself. This function
-    remains for now in case anyone has to work with older versions, but it's
-    no longer called during IPython startup.
-    This function *used to* reload doctest, but this has been disabled because
-    reloading doctest unconditionally can cause massive breakage of other
-    doctest-dependent modules already in memory, such as those for IPython's
-    own testing system.  The name wasn't changed to avoid breaking people's
-    code, but the reload call isn't actually made anymore."""
-    import doctest
-    doctest.master = None
-    doctest.DocTestRunner.run = dhook_wrap(doctest.DocTestRunner.run)