diff --git a/IPython/html/static/services/kernels/js/kernel.js b/IPython/html/static/services/kernels/js/kernel.js
index d16397c..9aa91aa 100644
--- a/IPython/html/static/services/kernels/js/kernel.js
+++ b/IPython/html/static/services/kernels/js/kernel.js
@@ -269,11 +269,6 @@ var IPython = (function (IPython) {
- Kernel.prototype.object_info_request = function(objname, callback){
- console.log('Warning object_info_request is deprecated, use object_info')
- return this.object_info(objname, callback.shell.reply)
- }
* Execute given code into kernel, and pass result to callback.
diff --git a/docs/source/whatsnew/pr/object_info_js.rst b/docs/source/whatsnew/pr/object_info_js.rst
index 3130abe..1bae0e1 100644
--- a/docs/source/whatsnew/pr/object_info_js.rst
+++ b/docs/source/whatsnew/pr/object_info_js.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
* ``object_info_request`` as been replaced by ``object_info`` for consistency in the javascript API.
``object_info`` as a simpler interface to register callback that is incompatible with ``object_info_request``.
- a shim that print a deprecation warning in js console as been added for the time beeing but will be removed
- in future version.