diff --git a/docs/source/whatsnew/development.txt b/docs/source/whatsnew/development.txt
index c1ed4eb..a7ba607 100644
--- a/docs/source/whatsnew/development.txt
+++ b/docs/source/whatsnew/development.txt
@@ -20,14 +20,109 @@ New features
* **Python 3 compatibility**: IPython can now be installed from a single
codebase on Python 2 and Python 3. The installation process for Python 3
- automatically runs 2to3.
+ automatically runs 2to3. Python 3 no longer loads a separate 'python3'
+ profile by default. It uses the same 'default' profile as in Python 2.
* **PyPy support**: The terminal interface to IPython now runs under
`PyPy `_.
+* **Tabbed QtConsole**: The QtConsole now supports starting multiple kernels in
+ tabs, and has a menubar, so it looks and behaves more like a real application.
+ Keyboard enthusiasts can disable the menubar with ctrl-shift-M (:ghpull:`887`).
+* **SSH Tunnels**: In 0.11, the :mod:`IPython.parallel` Client could tunnel its
+ connections to the Controller via ssh. Now, the QtConsole :ref:`supports
+ ` ssh tunneling, as do parallel engines.
+* **relaxed command-line parsing**: 0.11 was released with overly-strict
+ command-line parsing, preventing the ability to specify arguments with spaces,
+ e.g. ``ipython --pylab qt`` or ``ipython -c "print 'hi'"``. This has
+ been fixed, by using argparse. The new parsing is a strict superset of 0.11, so
+ any commands in 0.11 should still work in 0.12.
+* **HistoryAccessor**: The :class:`~IPython.core.history.HistoryManager` class for
+ interacting with your IPython SQLite history database has been split, adding
+ a parent :class:`~IPython.core.history.HistoryAccessor` class, so that users can
+ write code to access and search their IPython history without being in an IPython
+ session (:ghpull:`824`).
+* **kernel %gui and %pylab**: The ``%gui`` and ``%pylab`` magics have been restored
+ to the IPython kernel (e.g. in the qtconsole or notebook). This allows activation
+ of pylab-mode, or eventloop integration after starting the kernel, which was
+ unavailable in 0.11. Unlike in the terminal, this can be set only once, and
+ cannot be changed.
+* **%config**: A new ``%config`` magic has been added, giving easy access to the
+ IPython configuration system at runtime (:ghpull:`923`).
+* **Standalone Kernel**: ``ipython kernel`` subcommand has been added, to allow
+ starting a standalone kernel, that can be used with various frontends.
+* **Multiline History**: Multiline readline history has been restored to the
+ Terminal frontend by default (:ghpull:`838`).
+Major Bugs fixed
+* Simple configuration errors should no longer crash IPython. In 0.11, errors in
+ config files, as well as invalid trait values, could crash IPython. Now, such
+ errors are reported, and help is displayed.
+* Certain SyntaxErrors no longer crash IPython (e.g. just typing keywords, such as
+ ``return``, ``break``, etc.). See :ghissue:`704`.
+* IPython path utils, such as :func:`~IPython.utils.path.get_ipython_dir` now check
+ for write permissions, so IPython should function on systems where the default
+ path resolution might point to a read-only location, such as ``HOMESHARE`` on
+ Windows (:ghissue:`669`).
+* :func:`raw_input` now works in the kernel when multiple frontends are in use. The
+ request will be sent to the frontend that made the request, and an exception is
+ raised if that frontend does not support stdin requests (e.g. the notebook)
+ (:ghissue:`673`).
+* :mod:`zmq` version detection no longer uses simple lexicographical comparison to
+ check minimum version, which prevents 0.11 from working with pyzmq-2.1.10
+ (:ghpull:`758`).
+* A bug in PySide < 1.0.7 caused crashes on OSX when tooltips were shown
+ (:ghissue:`711`). these tooltips are now disabled on old PySide (:ghpull:`963`).
.. * use bullet list
Backwards incompatible changes
+* IPython connection information is no longer specified via ip/port directly,
+ rather via json connection files. These files are stored in the security
+ directory, and enable us to turn on HMAC message authentication by default,
+ significantly improving the security of kernels. Various utility functions
+ have been added to :mod:`IPython.lib.kernel`, for easier connecting to existing
+ kernels.
+* :class:`~IPython.zmq.kernelmanager.KernelManager` now has one ip, and several port
+ traits, rather than several ip/port pair ``_addr`` traits. This better matches the
+ rest of the code, where the ip cannot not be set separately for each channel.
+* The class inheritance of the Launchers in :mod:`IPython.parallel.apps.launcher`
+ used by ipcluster has changed, so that trait names are more consistent across
+ batch systems. This may require a few renames in your config files, if you
+ customized the command-line args for launching controllers and engines. The
+ configurable names have also been changed to be clearer that they point to class
+ names, and can now be specified by name only, rather than requiring the full
+ import path of each class, e.g.::
+ IPClusterEngines.engine_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.MPIExecEngineSetLauncher'
+ IPClusterStart.controller_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.SSHControllerLauncher'
+ would now be specified as::
+ IPClusterEngines.engine_launcher_class = 'MPIExec'
+ IPClusterStart.controller_launcher_class = 'SSH'
+ The full path will still work, and is necessary for using custom launchers not in
+ IPython's launcher module.
.. * use bullet list