diff --git a/IPython/html/static/widgets/js/widget.js b/IPython/html/static/widgets/js/widget.js
index 94597c4..cb7a175 100644
--- a/IPython/html/static/widgets/js/widget.js
+++ b/IPython/html/static/widgets/js/widget.js
@@ -345,38 +345,6 @@ define(["widgets/js/manager",
return null;
- _do_diff: function(old_list, new_list, removed_callback, added_callback) {
- // Difference a changed list and call remove and add callbacks for
- // each removed and added item in the new list.
- //
- // Parameters
- // ----------
- // old_list : array
- // new_list : array
- // removed_callback : Callback(item)
- // Callback that is called for each item removed.
- // added_callback : Callback(item)
- // Callback that is called for each item added.
- // Walk the lists until an unequal entry is found.
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < new_list.length; i++) {
- if (i >= old_list.length || new_list[i] !== old_list[i]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Remove the non-matching items from the old list.
- for (var j = i; j < old_list.length; j++) {
- removed_callback(old_list[j]);
- }
- // Add the rest of the new list items.
- for (; i < new_list.length; i++) {
- added_callback(new_list[i]);
- }
- },
callbacks: function(){
// Create msg callbacks for a comm msg.
return this.model.callbacks(this);
@@ -534,11 +502,8 @@ define(["widgets/js/manager",
if ($el===undefined) {
$el = this.$el;
- this._do_diff(old_classes, new_classes, function(removed) {
- $el.removeClass(removed);
- }, function(added) {
- $el.addClass(added);
- });
+ _.difference(old_classes, new_classes).map(function(c) {$el.removeClass(c);})
+ _.difference(new_classes, old_classes).map(function(c) {$el.addClass(c);})
update_mapped_classes: function(class_map, trait_name, previous_trait_value, $el) {