From 11592a757f01877b2671447c7b1f9c7c16ae07ee 2011-04-08 00:38:25
From: MinRK <>
Date: 2011-04-08 00:38:25
Subject: [PATCH] Doc tweaks and updates


diff --git a/docs/source/parallelz/dag_dependencies.txt b/docs/source/parallelz/dag_dependencies.txt
index b1816ae..61823d8 100644
--- a/docs/source/parallelz/dag_dependencies.txt
+++ b/docs/source/parallelz/dag_dependencies.txt
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Here, we have a very simple 5-node DAG:
 With NetworkX, an arrow is just a fattened bit on the edge. Here, we can see that task 0
 depends on nothing, and can run immediately. 1 and 2 depend on 0; 3 depends on
- 1 and 2; and 4 depends only on 1.
+1 and 2; and 4 depends only on 1.
 A possible sequence of events for this workflow:
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ started after all of its predecessors were completed:
     :lines: 64-70
 We can also validate the graph visually. By drawing the graph with each node's x-position
-as its start time, all arrows must be pointing to the right if the order was respected.
-For spreading, the y-position will be the in-degree, so tasks with lots of dependencies
-will be at the top, and tasks with few dependencies will be at the bottom.
+as its start time, all arrows must be pointing to the right if dependencies were respected.
+For spreading, the y-position will be the runtime of the task, so long tasks
+will be at the top, and quick, small tasks will be at the bottom.
 .. sourcecode:: ipython
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ will be at the top, and tasks with few dependencies will be at the bottom.
 .. figure:: dagdeps.*
     Time started on x, runtime on y, and color-coded by engine-id (in this case there
-    were four engines).
+    were four engines). Edges denote dependencies.
 .. _NetworkX:
diff --git a/docs/source/parallelz/index.txt b/docs/source/parallelz/index.txt
index 5f9aa94..07ed2d4 100644
--- a/docs/source/parallelz/index.txt
+++ b/docs/source/parallelz/index.txt
@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ Using IPython for parallel computing (ZMQ)
+   parallel_details.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_details.txt b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_details.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef84cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_details.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+.. _parallel_details:
+Details of Parallel Computing with IPython
+.. note::
+    There are still many sections to fill out
+First, some caveats about the detailed workings of parallel computing with 0MQ and IPython.
+Non-copying sends and numpy arrays
+When numpy arrays are passed as arguments to apply or via data-movement methods, they are not
+copied.  This means that you must be careful if you are sending an array that you intend to work on.
+PyZMQ does allow you to track when a message has been sent so you can know when it is safe to edit the buffer, but
+IPython only allows for this.
+It is also important to note that the non-copying receive of a message is *read-only*.  That
+means that if you intend to work in-place on an array that you have sent or received, you must copy
+it.  This is true for both numpy arrays sent to engines and numpy arrays retrieved as results.
+The following will fail:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [3]: A = numpy.zeros(2)
+    In [4]: def setter(a):
+       ...: a[0]=1
+       ...: return a
+    In [5]: rc[0].apply_sync(setter, A)
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    RemoteError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
+    ...
+    RemoteError: RuntimeError(array is not writeable)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "/Users/minrk/dev/ip/mine/IPython/zmq/parallel/", line 329, in apply_request
+        exec code in working, working
+      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
+      File "<ipython-input-14-736187483856>", line 2, in setter
+    RuntimeError: array is not writeable
+If you do need to edit the array in-place, just remember to copy the array if it's read-only.
+The :attr:`ndarray.flags.writeable` flag will tell you if you can write to an array.
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [3]: A = numpy.zeros(2)
+    In [4]: def setter(a):
+       ...:     """only copy read-only arrays"""
+       ...:     if not a.flags.writeable:
+       ...:         a=a.copy()
+       ...:     a[0]=1
+       ...:     return a
+    In [5]: rc[0].apply_sync(setter, A)
+    Out[5]: array([ 1.,  0.])
+    # note that results will also be read-only:
+    In [6]: _.flags.writeable
+    Out[6]: False
+What is sendable?
+If IPython doesn't know what to do with an object, it will pickle it. There is a short list of
+objects that are not pickled: ``buffers``, ``str/bytes`` objects, and ``numpy``
+arrays. These are handled specially by IPython in order to prevent the copying of data. Sending
+bytes or numpy arrays will result in exactly zero in-memory copies of your data (unless the data
+is very small).
+If you have an object that provides a Python buffer interface, then you can always send that
+buffer without copying - and reconstruct the object on the other side in your own code. It is
+possible that the object reconstruction will become extensible, so you can add your own
+non-copying types, but this does not yet exist.
+Running Code
+There are two principal units of execution in Python: strings of Python code (e.g. 'a=5'),
+and Python functions.  IPython is designed around the use of functions via the core
+Client method, called `apply`.
+The principal method of remote execution is :meth:`apply`, of Client and View objects.  The Client provides the full execution and communication API for engines via its apply method.
+f : function
+    The fuction to be called remotely
+args : tuple/list
+    The positional arguments passed to `f`
+kwargs : dict
+    The keyword arguments passed to `f`
+bound : bool (default: False)
+    Whether to pass the Engine(s) Namespace as the first argument to `f`.
+block : bool (default: self.block)
+    Whether to wait for the result, or return immediately.
+    False:
+        returns AsyncResult
+    True:
+        returns actual result(s) of f(*args, **kwargs)
+        if multiple targets:
+            list of results, matching `targets`
+track : bool
+    whether to track non-copying sends.
+    [default False]
+targets : int,list of ints, 'all', None
+    Specify the destination of the job.
+    if None:
+        Submit via Task queue for load-balancing.
+    if 'all':
+        Run on all active engines
+    if list:
+        Run on each specified engine
+    if int:
+        Run on single engine
+    Not eht
+balanced : bool, default None
+    whether to load-balance.  This will default to True
+    if targets is unspecified, or False if targets is specified.
+    If `balanced` and `targets` are both specified, the task will
+    be assigne to *one* of the targets by the scheduler.
+The following arguments are only used when balanced is True:
+after : Dependency or collection of msg_ids
+    Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None)
+    Specify a list of msg_ids as a time-based dependency.
+    This job will only be run *after* the dependencies
+    have been met.
+follow : Dependency or collection of msg_ids
+    Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None)
+    Specify a list of msg_ids as a location-based dependency.
+    This job will only be run on an engine where this dependency
+    is met.
+timeout : float/int or None
+    Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None)
+    Specify an amount of time (in seconds) for the scheduler to
+    wait for dependencies to be met before failing with a
+    DependencyTimeout.
+execute and run
+For executing strings of Python code, Clients also provide an :meth:`execute` and a :meth:`run`
+method, which rather than take functions and arguments, take simple strings. `execute` simply
+takes a string of Python code to execute, and sends it to the Engine(s). `run` is the same as
+`execute`, but for a *file*, rather than a string. It is simply a wrapper that does something
+very similar to ``execute(open(f).read())``.
+.. note::
+    TODO: Example
+The principal extension of the :class:`~parallel.client.Client` is the
+:class:`~parallel.view.View` class. The client is a fairly stateless object with respect to
+execution patterns, where you must specify everything about the execution as keywords to each
+call to :meth:`apply`. For users who want to more conveniently specify various options for
+several similar calls, we have the :class:`~parallel.view.View` objects. The basic principle of
+the views is to encapsulate the keyword arguments to :meth:`client.apply` as attributes,
+allowing users to specify them once and apply to any subsequent calls until the attribute is
+Two of apply's keyword arguments are set at the construction of the View, and are immutable for
+a given View: `balanced` and `targets`. `balanced` determines whether the View will be a
+:class:`.LoadBalancedView` or a :class:`.DirectView`, and `targets` will be the View's `targets`
+attribute.  Attempts to change this will raise errors.
+Views are cached by targets+balanced combinations, so requesting a view multiple times will always return the *same object*, not create a new one:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [3]: v1 = rc.view([1,2,3], balanced=True)
+    In [4]: v2 = rc.view([1,2,3], balanced=True)
+    In [5]: v2 is v1
+    Out[5]: True
+A :class:`View` always uses its `targets` attribute, and it will use its `bound`
+and `block` attributes in its :meth:`apply` method, but the suffixed :meth:`apply_x`
+methods allow overriding `bound` and `block` for a single call.
+==================  ==========  ==========
+method              block       bound
+==================  ==========  ==========
+apply               self.block  self.bound
+apply_sync          True        False
+apply_async         False       False
+apply_sync_bound    True        True
+apply_async_bound   False       True
+==================  ==========  ==========
+The :class:`.DirectView` is the class for the IPython :ref:`Multiplexing Interface
+Creating a DirectView
+DirectViews can be created in two ways, by index access to a client, or by a client's
+:meth:`view` method.  Index access to a Client works in a few ways.  First, you can create
+DirectViews to single engines simply by accessing the client by engine id:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [2]: rc[0]
+    Out[2]: <DirectView 0>
+You can also create a DirectView with a list of engines:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [2]: rc[0,1,2]
+    Out[2]: <DirectView [0,1,2]>
+Other methods for accessing elements, such as slicing and negative indexing, work by passing
+the index directly to the client's :attr:`ids` list, so:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    # negative index
+    In [2]: rc[-1]
+    Out[2]: <DirectView 3>
+    # or slicing:
+    In [3]: rc[::2]
+    Out[3]: <DirectView [0,2]>
+are always the same as:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [2]: rc[rc.ids[-1]]
+    Out[2]: <DirectView 3>
+    In [3]: rc[rc.ids[::2]]
+    Out[3]: <DirectView [0,2]>
+Also note that the slice is evaluated at the time of construction of the DirectView, so the 
+targets will not change over time if engines are added/removed from the cluster.  Requesting
+two views with the same slice at different times will *not* necessarily return the same View
+if the number of engines has changed.
+Execution via DirectView
+The DirectView is the simplest way to work with one or more engines directly (hence the name).  
+Data movement via DirectView
+Since a Python namespace is just a :class:`dict`, :class:`DirectView` objects provide
+dictionary-style access by key and methods such as :meth:`get` and
+:meth:`update` for convenience. This make the remote namespaces of the engines
+appear as a local dictionary. Underneath, these methods call :meth:`apply`:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [51]: dview['a']=['foo','bar']
+    In [52]: dview['a']
+    Out[52]: [ ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'] ]
+Scatter and gather
+Sometimes it is useful to partition a sequence and push the partitions to
+different engines. In MPI language, this is know as scatter/gather and we
+follow that terminology. However, it is important to remember that in
+IPython's :class:`Client` class, :meth:`scatter` is from the
+interactive IPython session to the engines and :meth:`gather` is from the
+engines back to the interactive IPython session. For scatter/gather operations
+between engines, MPI should be used:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [58]: dview.scatter('a',range(16))
+    Out[58]: [None,None,None,None]
+    In [59]: dview['a']
+    Out[59]: [ [0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15] ]
+    In [60]: dview.gather('a')
+    Out[60]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
+The :class:`.LoadBalancedView` 
+Data Movement
+AsyncResults are the primary class
+Querying the Hub
+The Hub sees all traffic that may pass through the schedulers between engines and clients.
+It does this so that it can track state, allowing multiple clients to retrieve results of
+computations submitted by their peers, as well as persisting the state to a database.
+    You can check the status of the queues of the engines with this command.
+Controlling the Engines
+There are a few actions you can do with Engines that do not involve execution.  These
+messages are sent via the Control socket, and bypass any long queues of waiting execution
+    Sometimes you may want to prevent a job you have submitted from actually running. The method
+    for this is :meth:`abort`. It takes a container of msg_ids, and instructs the Engines to not
+    run the jobs if they arrive. The jobs will then fail with an AbortedTask error.
+    You may want to purge the Engine(s) namespace of any data you have left in it.  After
+    running `clear`, there will be no names in the Engine's namespace
+    You can also instruct engines (and the Controller) to terminate from a Client.  This 
+    can be useful when a job is finished, since you can shutdown all the processes with a
+    single command.
+Since the Client is a synchronous object, events do not automatically trigger in your
+interactive session - you must poll the 0MQ sockets for incoming messages.  Note that 
+this polling *does not* actually make any network requests.  It simply performs a `select`
+operation, to check if messages are already in local memory, waiting to be handled.
+The method that handles incoming messages is :meth:`spin`.  This method flushes any waiting messages on the various incoming sockets, and updates the state of the Client.
+If you need to wait for particular results to finish, you can use the :meth:`barrier` method,
+which will call :meth:`spin` until the messages are no longer outstanding. Anything that
+represents a collection of messages, such as a list of msg_ids or one or more AsyncResult
+objects, can be passed as argument to barrier. A timeout can be specified, which will prevent
+the barrier from blocking for more than a specified time, but the default behavior is to wait
+The client also has an `outstanding` attribute - a ``set`` of msg_ids that are awaiting replies.
+This is the default if barrier is called with no arguments - i.e. barrier on *all* outstanding messages.
+.. note::
+    TODO barrier example
+Many parallel computing problems can be expressed as a `map`, or running a single program with a
+variety of different inputs. Python has a built-in :py-func:`map`, which does exactly this, and
+many parallel execution tools in Python, such as the built-in :py-class:`multiprocessing.Pool`
+object provide implementations of `map`. All View objects provide a :meth:`map` method as well,
+but the load-balanced and direct implementations differ.
+Views' map methods can be called on any number of sequences, but they can also take the `block`
+and `bound` keyword arguments, just like :meth:`~client.apply`, but *only as keywords*.
+.. sourcecode:: python
+*sequences, block=None)
+* iter, map_async, reduce
+Decorators and RemoteFunctions
diff --git a/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_multiengine.txt b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_multiengine.txt
index 1ba3a2a..ee1b649 100644
--- a/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_multiengine.txt
+++ b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_multiengine.txt
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ file to the client machine, or enter its contents as arguments to the Client con
     # If you have copied the json connector file from the controller:
     In [2]: rc = client.Client('/path/to/ipcontroller-client.json')
-    # or for a remote controller at, visible from
-    In [3]: rc = client.Client('tcp://', sshserver='')
+    # or to connect with a specific profile you have set up:
+    In [3]: rc = client.Client(profile='mpi')
 To make sure there are engines connected to the controller, users can get a list
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Here we see that there are four engines ready to do work for us.
 For direct execution, we will make use of a :class:`DirectView` object, which can be
 constructed via list-access to the client:
-.. sourcecode::
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
     In [4]: dview = rc[:] # use all engines
diff --git a/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_process.txt b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_process.txt
index 27faed9..f4e1466 100644
--- a/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_process.txt
+++ b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_process.txt
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ directory of the client's host, they will be found automatically. Otherwise, the
 to them has to be passed to the client's constructor.
 Using :command:`ipclusterz`
 The :command:`ipclusterz` command provides a simple way of starting a
 controller and engines in the following situations:
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ To use this mode, select the SSH launchers in :file:``:
 .. sourcecode:: python
-    c.Global.engine_launcher = 'IPython.zmq.parallel.launcher.PBSEngineSetLauncher'
+    c.Global.engine_launcher = 'IPython.zmq.parallel.launcher.SSHEngineSetLauncher'
     # and if the Controller is also to be remote:
     c.Global.controller_launcher = 'IPython.zmq.parallel.launcher.SSHControllerLauncher'
@@ -469,15 +469,20 @@ IPython and can be found in the directory :file:`~/.ipython/cluster_<profile>/lo
 Sending the log files to us will often help us to debug any problems.
-.. [PBS] Portable Batch System.
-.. [SSH] SSH-Agent
 Configuring `ipcontrollerz`
-.. note::
+Ports and addresses
-    TODO
+Database Backend
+.. seealso::
 Configuring `ipenginez`
@@ -487,3 +492,6 @@ Configuring `ipenginez`
+.. [PBS] Portable Batch System.
+.. [SSH] SSH-Agent
diff --git a/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_task.txt b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_task.txt
index f487339..f2e7aa1 100644
--- a/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_task.txt
+++ b/docs/source/parallelz/parallel_task.txt
@@ -38,11 +38,9 @@ a :class:`LoadBalancedView`, here called `lview`:
 .. sourcecode:: ipython
-	In [1]: from IPython.zmq.parallel import client
-	In [2]: rc = client.Client()
-	In [3]: lview = rc.view()
+    In [1]: from IPython.zmq.parallel import client
+    In [2]: rc = client.Client()
 This form assumes that the controller was started on localhost with default
@@ -53,9 +51,18 @@ argument to the constructor:
     # for a visible LAN controller listening on an external port:
     In [2]: rc = client.Client('tcp://')
-    # for a remote controller at listening on localhost:
-    In [3]: rc = client.Client(sshserver='')
+    # or to connect with a specific profile you have set up:
+    In [3]: rc = client.Client(profile='mpi')
+For load-balanced execution, we will make use of a :class:`LoadBalancedView` object, which can be constructed via the client's :meth:`view` method:
+.. sourcecode:: ipython
+    In [4]: lview = rc.view() # default load-balanced view
+.. seealso::
+    For more information, see the in-depth explanation of :ref:`Views <parallel_details>`.
 Quick and easy parallelism