From 41d62aac75141495537fa1e14dbfc80e8548f053 2015-03-04 16:24:44
From: Patrick Snape <>
Date: 2015-03-04 16:24:44
Subject: [PATCH] Mention that values has been renamed to options

This is a pretty big change that should be documented clearly!

diff --git a/docs/source/whatsnew/version3_widget_migration.rst b/docs/source/whatsnew/version3_widget_migration.rst
index a87f66a..1014abe 100644
--- a/docs/source/whatsnew/version3_widget_migration.rst
+++ b/docs/source/whatsnew/version3_widget_migration.rst
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ Upgrading Notebooks
    own custom widget, (B) use CSS and the ``_dom_classes`` trait to set
    ``_dom_classes``, or (C) use the ``_css`` dictionary to set CSS
    styling like ``set_css`` and ``get_css``.
+7. For selection widgets, such as ``Dropdown``, the ``values`` argument
+   has been renamed to ``options``.
 Upgrading Custom Widgets