From 4f9eb4568a7de379b68d691d585c037db14998a5 2013-07-31 23:12:28
From: damianavila <>
Date: 2013-07-31 23:12:28
Subject: [PATCH] Fixing docs.


diff --git a/docs/source/interactive/nbconvert.rst b/docs/source/interactive/nbconvert.rst
index cb241fc..01422d0 100644
--- a/docs/source/interactive/nbconvert.rst
+++ b/docs/source/interactive/nbconvert.rst
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ The currently supported export formats are:
   ``--post serve`` on the command-line.
   If you want to use the speaker notes plugin, just add
   ``--notes True`` on the command-line.
-  For low connectivity environments, you can use a local copy of the reveal.js library, just add
-  ``--local reveal.js`` on the command-line, and do not forget to move your downloaded ``reveal.js`` library to the same folder where your slides are located.
+  For low connectivity environments, you can use a local copy of the reveal.js library, 
+  just add ``--local reveal.js`` on the command-line, and do not forget to move your 
+  downloaded ``reveal.js`` library to the same folder where your slides are located.
 * ``--to markdown``