From 53338c40405047bbe5377d1038ca37f35f23fca0 2013-12-21 13:51:25
From: Wieland Hoffmann <>
Date: 2013-12-21 13:51:25
Subject: [PATCH] ipapp: Change the docstring for `-i`.

The old one suggested it was possible to run `ipython -i.` (note
the dot after the i) which does not actually work.


diff --git a/IPython/terminal/ b/IPython/terminal/
index ce1cb43..2605e16 100755
--- a/IPython/terminal/
+++ b/IPython/terminal/
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ frontend_flags['quick']=(
 frontend_flags['i'] = (
     {'TerminalIPythonApp' : {'force_interact' : True}},
     """If running code from the command line, become interactive afterwards.
-    Note: can also be given simply as '-i.'"""
+    Note: can also be given simply as '-i'."""