From b8242a9038313d09220d34d00f3cf05e3ff4412e 2014-01-16 10:57:08
From: Jonathan Frederic <>
Date: 2014-01-16 10:57:08
Subject: [PATCH] Added int range and int widget tests.


diff --git a/IPython/html/tests/casperjs/test_cases/widgets.js b/IPython/html/tests/casperjs/test_cases/widgets.js
index e045450..82a0a82 100644
--- a/IPython/html/tests/casperjs/test_cases/widgets.js
+++ b/IPython/html/tests/casperjs/test_cases/widgets.js
@@ -475,6 +475,140 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
         this.test.assert(test_results==captured, "Red image data displayed correctly.");
+    // Test int range widget /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    var int_text_query = '.widget-area .widget-subarea .widget-hbox-single .my-second-num-test-text';
+    var intrange_index = this.append_cell(
+        'intrange = widgets.IntRangeWidget()\n' +
+        'display(intrange, view_name="IntTextView")\n' +
+        'intrange.add_class("my-second-num-test-text")\n' +  
+        'display(intrange)\n' + 
+        'print("Success")\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(intrange_index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == 'Success\n', 
+            'Create int range cell executed with correct output.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, 
+            '.widget-area .widget-subarea'),
+            'Widget subarea exists.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, slider_query),
+            'Widget slider exists.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, int_text_query),
+            'Widget int textbox exists.');
+    });
+    index = this.append_cell(
+        'intrange.max = 50\n' +
+        'intrange.min = -50\n' +
+        'intrange.value = 25\n' +
+        'print("Success")\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == 'Success\n', 
+            'Int range properties cell executed with correct output.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(intrange_index, slider_query), 
+            'Widget slider exists.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_function(intrange_index, slider_query, 
+            'slider', ['value']) == 25,
+            'Slider set to Python value.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_function(intrange_index, int_text_query,
+            'val') == 25, 'Int textbox set to Python value.');
+        // Clear the int textbox value and then set it to 1 by emulating
+        // keyboard presses.
+        this.cell_element_function(intrange_index, int_text_query, 'val', ['']);
+        this.sendKeys(int_text_query, '1');
+    });
+    this.wait(500); // Wait for change to execute in kernel
+    index = this.append_cell('print(intrange.value)\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == '1\n', 
+            'Int textbox set int range value');
+        // Clear the int textbox value and then set it to 120 by emulating
+        // keyboard presses.
+        this.cell_element_function(intrange_index, int_text_query, 'val', ['']);
+        this.sendKeys(int_text_query, '120');
+    });
+    this.wait(500); // Wait for change to execute in kernel
+    index = this.append_cell('print(intrange.value)\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == '50\n', 
+            'Int textbox value bound');
+        // Clear the int textbox value and then set it to 'hello world' by 
+        // emulating keyboard presses.  'hello world' should get filtered...
+        this.cell_element_function(intrange_index, int_text_query, 'val', ['']);
+        this.sendKeys(int_text_query, 'hello world');
+    });
+    this.wait(500); // Wait for change to execute in kernel
+    index = this.append_cell('print(intrange.value)\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == '50\n', 
+            'Invalid int textbox characters ignored');
+    });
+    // Test int widget ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    var int_text_query_2 = '.widget-area .widget-subarea .widget-hbox-single .my-second-int-text';
+    var int_index = this.append_cell(
+        'int_widget = widgets.IntWidget()\n' +
+        'display(int_widget)\n' + 
+        'int_widget.add_class("my-second-int-text")\n' + 
+        'print("Success")\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(int_index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == 'Success\n', 
+            'Create int cell executed with correct output.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, 
+            '.widget-area .widget-subarea'),
+            'Widget subarea exists.');
+        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, int_text_query_2),
+            'Widget int textbox exists.');
+        this.cell_element_function(int_index, int_text_query_2, 'val', ['']);
+        this.sendKeys(int_text_query_2, '1.05');
+    });
+    this.wait(500); // Wait for change to execute in kernel
+    index = this.append_cell('print(int_widget.value)\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == '1\n', 
+            'Int textbox value set.');
+        this.cell_element_function(int_index, int_text_query_2, 'val', ['']);
+        this.sendKeys(int_text_query_2, '123456789');
+    });
+    this.wait(500); // Wait for change to execute in kernel
+    index = this.append_cell('print(int_widget.value)\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == '123456789\n', 
+            'Long int textbox value set (probably triggers throttling).');
+        this.cell_element_function(int_index, int_text_query_2, 'val', ['']);
+        this.sendKeys(int_text_query_2, '12hello');
+    });
+    this.wait(500); // Wait for change to execute in kernel
+    index = this.append_cell('print(int_widget.value)\n');
+    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
+        this.test.assert(this.get_output_cell(index).text == '12\n', 
+            'Invald int textbox value caught and filtered.');
+    });