From c5a35798c5a052670a0744778ba3f19a89b0210c 2011-06-20 23:40:09
From: MinRK <>
Date: 2011-06-20 23:40:09
Subject: [PATCH] zmq kernels now started via newapp


diff --git a/IPython/frontend/qt/console/ b/IPython/frontend/qt/console/
index 3607b9a..03034e2 100644
--- a/IPython/frontend/qt/console/
+++ b/IPython/frontend/qt/console/
@@ -217,9 +217,12 @@ def main():
         if args.pure:
-            kwargs['colors']=colors
+            extra = []
+            if colors:
+                extra.append("colors=%s"%colors)
             if args.pylab:
-                kwargs['pylab']=args.pylab
+                extra.append("pylab=%s"%args.pylab)
+            kwargs['extra_arguments'] = extra
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/ b/IPython/zmq/
index 47c3b4a..ab444c8 100644
--- a/IPython/zmq/
+++ b/IPython/zmq/
@@ -9,159 +9,14 @@ import socket
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
 import sys
-# System library imports.
-import zmq
 # Local imports.
-from IPython.core.ultratb import FormattedTB
-from IPython.external.argparse import ArgumentParser
-from IPython.utils import io
-from IPython.utils.localinterfaces import LOCALHOST
-from displayhook import DisplayHook
-from heartbeat import Heartbeat
-from iostream import OutStream
-from parentpoller import ParentPollerUnix, ParentPollerWindows
-from session import Session
-def bind_port(socket, ip, port):
-    """ Binds the specified ZMQ socket. If the port is zero, a random port is
-    chosen. Returns the port that was bound.
-    """
-    connection = 'tcp://%s' % ip
-    if port <= 0:
-        port = socket.bind_to_random_port(connection)
-    else:
-        connection += ':%i' % port
-        socket.bind(connection)
-    return port
-def make_argument_parser():
-    """ Creates an ArgumentParser for the generic arguments supported by all 
-    kernel entry points.
-    """
-    parser = ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('--ip', type=str, default=LOCALHOST,
-                        help='set the kernel\'s IP address [default: local]')
-    parser.add_argument('--xrep', type=int, metavar='PORT', default=0,
-                        help='set the XREP channel port [default: random]')
-    parser.add_argument('--pub', type=int, metavar='PORT', default=0,
-                        help='set the PUB channel port [default: random]')
-    parser.add_argument('--req', type=int, metavar='PORT', default=0,
-                        help='set the REQ channel port [default: random]')
-    parser.add_argument('--hb', type=int, metavar='PORT', default=0,
-                        help='set the heartbeat port [default: random]')
-    parser.add_argument('--no-stdout', action='store_true',
-                        help='redirect stdout to the null device')
-    parser.add_argument('--no-stderr', action='store_true',
-                        help='redirect stderr to the null device')
-    if sys.platform == 'win32':
-        parser.add_argument('--interrupt', type=int, metavar='HANDLE', 
-                            default=0, help='interrupt this process when '
-                            'HANDLE is signaled')
-        parser.add_argument('--parent', type=int, metavar='HANDLE', 
-                            default=0, help='kill this process if the process '
-                            'with HANDLE dies')
-    else:
-        parser.add_argument('--parent', action='store_true', 
-                            help='kill this process if its parent dies')
-    return parser
-def make_kernel(namespace, kernel_factory, 
-                out_stream_factory=None, display_hook_factory=None):
-    """ Creates a kernel, redirects stdout/stderr, and installs a display hook
-    and exception handler.
-    """
-    # Re-direct stdout/stderr, if necessary.
-    if namespace.no_stdout or namespace.no_stderr:
-        blackhole = file(os.devnull, 'w')
-        if namespace.no_stdout:
-            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ = blackhole
-        if namespace.no_stderr:
-            sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ = blackhole
-    # Install minimal exception handling
-    sys.excepthook = FormattedTB(mode='Verbose', color_scheme='NoColor', 
-                                 ostream=sys.__stdout__)
+from parentpoller import ParentPollerWindows
-    # Create a context, a session, and the kernel sockets.
-    io.raw_print("Starting the kernel at pid:", os.getpid())
-    context = zmq.Context()
-    # Uncomment this to try closing the context.
-    # atexit.register(context.close)
-    session = Session(username=u'kernel')
-    reply_socket = context.socket(zmq.XREP)
-    xrep_port = bind_port(reply_socket, namespace.ip, namespace.xrep)
-    io.raw_print("XREP Channel on port", xrep_port)
-    pub_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
-    pub_port = bind_port(pub_socket, namespace.ip,
-    io.raw_print("PUB Channel on port", pub_port)
-    req_socket = context.socket(zmq.XREQ)
-    req_port = bind_port(req_socket, namespace.ip, namespace.req)
-    io.raw_print("REQ Channel on port", req_port)
-    hb = Heartbeat(context, (namespace.ip, namespace.hb))
-    hb.start()
-    hb_port = hb.port
-    io.raw_print("Heartbeat REP Channel on port", hb_port)
-    # Helper to make it easier to connect to an existing kernel, until we have
-    # single-port connection negotiation fully implemented.
-    io.raw_print("To connect another client to this kernel, use:")
-    io.raw_print("-e --xreq {0} --sub {1} --rep {2} --hb {3}".format(
-        xrep_port, pub_port, req_port, hb_port))
-    # Redirect input streams and set a display hook.
-    if out_stream_factory:
-        sys.stdout = out_stream_factory(session, pub_socket, u'stdout')
-        sys.stderr = out_stream_factory(session, pub_socket, u'stderr')
-    if display_hook_factory:
-        sys.displayhook = display_hook_factory(session, pub_socket)
-    # Create the kernel.
-    kernel = kernel_factory(session=session, reply_socket=reply_socket, 
-                            pub_socket=pub_socket, req_socket=req_socket)
-    kernel.record_ports(xrep_port=xrep_port, pub_port=pub_port,
-                        req_port=req_port, hb_port=hb_port)
-    return kernel
-def start_kernel(namespace, kernel):
-    """ Starts a kernel.
-    """
-    # Configure this kernel process to poll the parent process, if necessary.
-    if sys.platform == 'win32':
-        if namespace.interrupt or namespace.parent:
-            poller = ParentPollerWindows(namespace.interrupt, namespace.parent)
-            poller.start()
-    elif namespace.parent:
-        poller = ParentPollerUnix()
-        poller.start()
-    # Start the kernel mainloop.
-    kernel.start()
-def make_default_main(kernel_factory):
-    """ Creates the simplest possible kernel entry point.
-    """
-    def main():
-        namespace = make_argument_parser().parse_args()
-        kernel = make_kernel(namespace, kernel_factory, OutStream, DisplayHook)
-        start_kernel(namespace, kernel)
-    return main
-def base_launch_kernel(code, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
-                       stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
-                       executable=None, independent=False, extra_arguments=[]):
+def base_launch_kernel(code, shell_port=0, iopub_port=0, stdin_port=0, hb_port=0,
+                        ip=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
+                        executable=None, independent=False, extra_arguments=[]):
     """ Launches a localhost kernel, binding to the specified ports.
@@ -169,18 +24,21 @@ def base_launch_kernel(code, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
     code : str,
         A string of Python code that imports and executes a kernel entry point.
-    xrep_port : int, optional
+    shell_port : int, optional
         The port to use for XREP channel.
-    pub_port : int, optional
+    iopub_port : int, optional
         The port to use for the SUB channel.
-    req_port : int, optional
+    stdin_port : int, optional
         The port to use for the REQ (raw input) channel.
     hb_port : int, optional
         The port to use for the hearbeat REP channel.
+    ip  : str, optional
+        The ip address the kernel will bind to.
     stdin, stdout, stderr : optional (default None)
         Standards streams, as defined in subprocess.Popen.
@@ -199,13 +57,13 @@ def base_launch_kernel(code, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
     A tuple of form:
-        (kernel_process, xrep_port, pub_port, req_port)
+        (kernel_process, shell_port, iopub_port, stdin_port, hb_port)
     where kernel_process is a Popen object and the ports are integers.
     # Find open ports as necessary.
     ports = []
-    ports_needed = int(xrep_port <= 0) + int(pub_port <= 0) + \
-                   int(req_port <= 0) + int(hb_port <= 0)
+    ports_needed = int(shell_port <= 0) + int(iopub_port <= 0) + \
+                   int(stdin_port <= 0) + int(hb_port <= 0)
     for i in xrange(ports_needed):
         sock = socket.socket()
         sock.bind(('', 0))
@@ -214,28 +72,31 @@ def base_launch_kernel(code, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
         port = sock.getsockname()[1]
         ports[i] = port
-    if xrep_port <= 0:
-        xrep_port = ports.pop(0)
-    if pub_port <= 0:
-        pub_port = ports.pop(0)
-    if req_port <= 0:
-        req_port = ports.pop(0)
+    if shell_port <= 0:
+        shell_port = ports.pop(0)
+    if iopub_port <= 0:
+        iopub_port = ports.pop(0)
+    if stdin_port <= 0:
+        stdin_port = ports.pop(0)
     if hb_port <= 0:
         hb_port = ports.pop(0)
     # Build the kernel launch command.
     if executable is None:
         executable = sys.executable
-    arguments = [ executable, '-c', code, '--xrep', str(xrep_port), 
-                  '--pub', str(pub_port), '--req', str(req_port),
-                  '--hb', str(hb_port) ]
+    arguments = [ executable, '-c', code, 'shell=%i'%shell_port,
+                  'iopub=%i'%iopub_port, 'stdin=%i'%stdin_port,
+                  'hb=%i'%hb_port
+    ]
+    if ip is not None:
+        arguments.append('ip=%s'%ip)
     # Spawn a kernel.
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         # Create a Win32 event for interrupting the kernel.
         interrupt_event = ParentPollerWindows.create_interrupt_event()
-        arguments += [ '--interrupt', str(int(interrupt_event)) ]
+        arguments += [ 'interrupt=%i'%interrupt_event ]
         # If this process in running on pythonw, stdin, stdout, and stderr are
         # invalid. Popen will fail unless they are suitably redirected. We don't
@@ -273,7 +134,7 @@ def base_launch_kernel(code, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
             handle = DuplicateHandle(pid, pid, pid, 0, 
                                      True, # Inheritable by new processes.
-            proc = Popen(arguments + ['--parent', str(int(handle))],
+            proc = Popen(arguments + ['parent=%i'%int(handle)],
                          stdin=_stdin, stdout=_stdout, stderr=_stderr)
         # Attach the interrupt event to the Popen objet so it can be used later.
@@ -293,7 +154,7 @@ def base_launch_kernel(code, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
             proc = Popen(arguments, preexec_fn=lambda: os.setsid(),
                          stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
-            proc = Popen(arguments + ['--parent'],
+            proc = Popen(arguments + ['parent=1'],
                          stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
-    return proc, xrep_port, pub_port, req_port, hb_port
+    return proc, shell_port, iopub_port, stdin_port, hb_port
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/ b/IPython/zmq/
index 12587a4..73dc8dc 100755
--- a/IPython/zmq/
+++ b/IPython/zmq/
@@ -27,37 +27,21 @@ import zmq
 # Local imports.
 from IPython.config.configurable import Configurable
+from IPython.config.application import boolean_flag
+from IPython.core.newapplication import ProfileDir
 from IPython.utils import io
 from IPython.utils.jsonutil import json_clean
 from IPython.lib import pylabtools
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import Instance, Float
-from entry_point import (base_launch_kernel, make_argument_parser, make_kernel,
-                         start_kernel)
+from IPython.utils.traitlets import (
+    List, Instance, Float, Dict, Bool, Int, Unicode, CaselessStrEnum
+from entry_point import base_launch_kernel
+from kernelapp import KernelApp, kernel_flags, kernel_aliases
 from iostream import OutStream
 from session import Session, Message
 from zmqshell import ZMQInteractiveShell
-# Globals
-# Module-level logger
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# FIXME: this needs to be done more cleanly later, once we have proper
-# configuration support.  This is a library, so it shouldn't set a stream
-# handler, see:
-# But this lets us at least do developer debugging for now by manually turning
-# it on/off.  And once we have full config support, the client entry points
-# will select their logging handlers, as well as passing to this library the
-# logging level.
-if 0:  # dbg - set to 1 to actually see the messages.
-    logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
-    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
 # Main kernel class
@@ -71,9 +55,10 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
     shell = Instance('IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShellABC')
     session = Instance(Session)
-    reply_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
-    pub_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
-    req_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
+    shell_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
+    iopub_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
+    stdin_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
+    log = Instance(logging.Logger)
     # Private interface
@@ -100,7 +85,8 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
     # This is a dict of port number that the kernel is listening on. It is set
     # by record_ports and used by connect_request.
-    _recorded_ports = None
+    _recorded_ports = Dict()
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@@ -111,11 +97,11 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
         # Initialize the InteractiveShell subclass
- = ZMQInteractiveShell.instance()
+ = ZMQInteractiveShell.instance(config=self.config) = self.session
- = self.pub_socket
+ = self.iopub_socket = self.session
- = self.pub_socket
+ = self.iopub_socket
         # TMP - hack while developing = None
@@ -131,7 +117,7 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
     def do_one_iteration(self):
         """Do one iteration of the kernel's evaluation loop.
-        ident,msg = self.session.recv(self.reply_socket, zmq.NOBLOCK)
+        ident,msg = self.session.recv(self.shell_socket, zmq.NOBLOCK)
         if msg is None:
@@ -143,21 +129,20 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
         # Print some info about this message and leave a '--->' marker, so it's
         # easier to trace visually the message chain when debugging.  Each
         # handler prints its message at the end.
-        # Eventually we'll move these from stdout to a logger.
-        logger.debug('\n*** MESSAGE TYPE:'+str(msg['msg_type'])+'***')
-        logger.debug('   Content: '+str(msg['content'])+'\n   --->\n   ')
+        self.log.debug('\n*** MESSAGE TYPE:'+str(msg['msg_type'])+'***')
+        self.log.debug('   Content: '+str(msg['content'])+'\n   --->\n   ')
         # Find and call actual handler for message
         handler = self.handlers.get(msg['msg_type'], None)
         if handler is None:
-            logger.error("UNKNOWN MESSAGE TYPE:" +str(msg))
+            self.log.error("UNKNOWN MESSAGE TYPE:" +str(msg))
             handler(ident, msg)
         # Check whether we should exit, in case the incoming message set the
         # exit flag on
-            logger.debug('\nExiting IPython kernel...')
+            self.log.debug('\nExiting IPython kernel...')
             # We do a normal, clean exit, which allows any actions registered
             # via atexit (such as history saving) to take place.
@@ -166,26 +151,27 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
     def start(self):
         """ Start the kernel main loop.
+        poller = zmq.Poller()
+        poller.register(self.shell_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
         while True:
-                time.sleep(self._poll_interval)
+                # scale by extra factor of 10, because there is no
+                # reason for this to be anything less than ~ 0.1s
+                # since it is a real poller and will respond
+                # to events immediately
+                poller.poll(10*1000*self._poll_interval)
             except KeyboardInterrupt:
                 # Ctrl-C shouldn't crash the kernel
                 io.raw_print("KeyboardInterrupt caught in kernel")
-    def record_ports(self, xrep_port, pub_port, req_port, hb_port):
+    def record_ports(self, ports):
         """Record the ports that this kernel is using.
         The creator of the Kernel instance must call this methods if they
         want the :meth:`connect_request` method to return the port numbers.
-        self._recorded_ports = {
-            'xrep_port' : xrep_port,
-            'pub_port' : pub_port,
-            'req_port' : req_port,
-            'hb_port' : hb_port
-        }
+        self._recorded_ports = ports
     # Kernel request handlers
@@ -194,11 +180,11 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
     def _publish_pyin(self, code, parent):
         """Publish the code request on the pyin stream."""
-        pyin_msg = self.session.send(self.pub_socket, u'pyin',{u'code':code}, parent=parent)
+        pyin_msg = self.session.send(self.iopub_socket, u'pyin',{u'code':code}, parent=parent)
     def execute_request(self, ident, parent):
-        status_msg = self.session.send(self.pub_socket,
+        status_msg = self.session.send(self.iopub_socket,
@@ -209,8 +195,8 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
             code = content[u'code']
             silent = content[u'silent'] 
-            logger.error("Got bad msg: ")
-            logger.error(str(Message(parent)))
+            self.log.error("Got bad msg: ")
+            self.log.error(str(Message(parent)))
         shell = # we'll need this a lot here
@@ -298,14 +284,14 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
         # Send the reply.
-        reply_msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, u'execute_reply',
+        reply_msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, u'execute_reply',
                                       reply_content, parent, ident=ident)
-        logger.debug(str(reply_msg))
+        self.log.debug(str(reply_msg))
         if reply_msg['content']['status'] == u'error':
-        status_msg = self.session.send(self.pub_socket,
+        status_msg = self.session.send(self.iopub_socket,
@@ -316,17 +302,17 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
         matches = {'matches' : matches,
                    'matched_text' : txt,
                    'status' : 'ok'}
-        completion_msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, 'complete_reply',
+        completion_msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, 'complete_reply',
                                            matches, parent, ident)
-        logger.debug(str(completion_msg))
+        self.log.debug(str(completion_msg))
     def object_info_request(self, ident, parent):
         object_info =['content']['oname'])
         # Before we send this object over, we scrub it for JSON usage
         oinfo = json_clean(object_info)
-        msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, 'object_info_reply',
+        msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, 'object_info_reply',
                                 oinfo, parent, ident)
-        logger.debug(msg)
+        self.log.debug(msg)
     def history_request(self, ident, parent):
         # We need to pull these out, as passing **kwargs doesn't work with
@@ -353,18 +339,18 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
             hist = []
         content = {'history' : list(hist)}
-        msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, 'history_reply',
+        msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, 'history_reply',
                                 content, parent, ident)
-        logger.debug(str(msg))
+        self.log.debug(str(msg))
     def connect_request(self, ident, parent):
         if self._recorded_ports is not None:
             content = self._recorded_ports.copy()
             content = {}
-        msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, 'connect_reply',
+        msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, 'connect_reply',
                                 content, parent, ident)
-        logger.debug(msg)
+        self.log.debug(msg)
     def shutdown_request(self, ident, parent): = True
@@ -377,19 +363,19 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
     def _abort_queue(self):
         while True:
-            ident,msg = self.session.recv(self.reply_socket, zmq.NOBLOCK)
+            ident,msg = self.session.recv(self.shell_socket, zmq.NOBLOCK)
             if msg is None:
                 assert ident is not None, \
                        "Unexpected missing message part."
-            logger.debug("Aborting:\n"+str(Message(msg)))
+            self.log.debug("Aborting:\n"+str(Message(msg)))
             msg_type = msg['msg_type']
             reply_type = msg_type.split('_')[0] + '_reply'
-            reply_msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, reply_type, 
+            reply_msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, reply_type,
                     {'status' : 'aborted'}, msg, ident=ident)
-            logger.debug(reply_msg)
+            self.log.debug(reply_msg)
             # We need to wait a bit for requests to come in. This can probably
             # be set shorter for true asynchronous clients.
@@ -401,15 +387,15 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
         # Send the input request.
         content = dict(prompt=prompt)
-        msg = self.session.send(self.req_socket, u'input_request', content, parent)
+        msg = self.session.send(self.stdin_socket, u'input_request', content, parent)
         # Await a response.
-        ident, reply = self.session.recv(self.req_socket, 0)
+        ident, reply = self.session.recv(self.stdin_socket, 0)
             value = reply['content']['value']
-            logger.error("Got bad raw_input reply: ")
-            logger.error(str(Message(parent)))
+            self.log.error("Got bad raw_input reply: ")
+            self.log.error(str(Message(parent)))
             value = ''
         return value
@@ -461,9 +447,9 @@ class Kernel(Configurable):
         # io.rprint("Kernel at_shutdown") # dbg
         if self._shutdown_message is not None:
-            self.session.send(self.reply_socket, self._shutdown_message)
-            self.session.send(self.pub_socket, self._shutdown_message)
-            logger.debug(str(self._shutdown_message))
+            self.session.send(self.shell_socket, self._shutdown_message)
+            self.session.send(self.iopub_socket, self._shutdown_message)
+            self.log.debug(str(self._shutdown_message))
             # A very short sleep to give zmq time to flush its message buffers
             # before Python truly shuts down.
@@ -569,120 +555,191 @@ class GTKKernel(Kernel):
-# Kernel main and launch functions
+# Aliases and Flags for the IPKernelApp
-def launch_kernel(ip=None, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
-                  stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
-                  executable=None, independent=False, pylab=False, colors=None):
-    """Launches a localhost kernel, binding to the specified ports.
+flags = dict(kernel_flags)
+addflag = lambda *args: flags.update(boolean_flag(*args))
+addflag('automagic', 'InteractiveShell.automagic',
+        """Turn on the auto calling of magic commands. Type %%magic at the
+        IPython  prompt  for  more information.""",
+        'Turn off the auto calling of magic commands.'
+addflag('banner', 'InteractiveShell.display_banner',
+        "Display a banner upon starting IPython.",
+        "Don't display a banner upon starting IPython."
+addflag('pdb', 'InteractiveShell.pdb',
+    "Enable auto calling the pdb debugger after every exception.",
+    "Disable auto calling the pdb debugger after every exception."
+addflag('pprint', 'PlainTextFormatter.pprint',
+    "Enable auto pretty printing of results.",
+    "Disable auto auto pretty printing of results."
+addflag('color-info', 'InteractiveShell.color_info',
+    """IPython can display information about objects via a set of func-
+    tions, and optionally can use colors for this, syntax highlighting
+    source code and various other elements.  However, because this
+    information is passed through a pager (like 'less') and many pagers get
+    confused with color codes, this option is off by default.  You can test
+    it and turn it on permanently in your file if it
+    works for you.  Test it and turn it on permanently if it works with
+    your system.  The magic function %%color_info allows you to toggle this
+    inter- actively for testing.""",
+    "Disable using colors for info related things."
+addflag('deep-reload', 'InteractiveShell.deep_reload',
+    """Enable deep (recursive) reloading by default. IPython can use the
+    deep_reload module which reloads changes in modules recursively (it
+    replaces the reload() function, so you don't need to change anything to
+    use it). deep_reload() forces a full reload of modules whose code may
+    have changed, which the default reload() function does not.  When
+    deep_reload is off, IPython will use the normal reload(), but
+    deep_reload will still be available as dreload(). This fea- ture is off
+    by default [which means that you have both normal reload() and
+    dreload()].""",
+    "Disable deep (recursive) reloading by default."
+addflag('readline', 'InteractiveShell.readline_use',
+    "Enable readline for command line usage.",
+    "Disable readline for command line usage."
+flags['pylab'] = (
+    {'IPKernelApp' : {'pylab' : 'auto'}},
+    """Pre-load matplotlib and numpy for interactive use with
+    the default matplotlib backend."""
+aliases = dict(kernel_aliases)
+# it's possible we don't want short aliases for *all* of these:
+    autocall='InteractiveShell.autocall',
+    cache_size='InteractiveShell.cache_size',
+    colors='InteractiveShell.colors',
+    logfile='InteractiveShell.logfile',
+    log_append='InteractiveShell.logappend',
+    pi1='InteractiveShell.prompt_in1',
+    pi2='InteractiveShell.prompt_in2',
+    po='InteractiveShell.prompt_out',
+    si='InteractiveShell.separate_in',
+    so='InteractiveShell.separate_out',
+    so2='InteractiveShell.separate_out2',
+    xmode='InteractiveShell.xmode',
+    c='IPKernelApp.code_to_run',
+    ext='IPKernelApp.extra_extension',
+    pylab='IPKernelApp.pylab',
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    ip  : str, optional
-        The ip address the kernel will bind to.
-    xrep_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for XREP channel.
+# The IPKernelApp class
-    pub_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for the SUB channel.
+class IPKernelApp(KernelApp):
+    name = 'ipkernel'
+    aliases = Dict(aliases)
+    flags = Dict(flags)
+    classes = [Kernel, ZMQInteractiveShell, ProfileDir]
+    # configurables
+    pylab = CaselessStrEnum(['tk', 'qt', 'wx', 'gtk', 'osx', 'inline', 'auto'],
+        config=True,
+        help="""Pre-load matplotlib and numpy for interactive use,
+        selecting a particular matplotlib backend and loop integration.
+        """
+    )
+    extensions = List(Unicode, config=True,
+        help="A list of dotted module names of IPython extensions to load."
+    )
+    extra_extension = Unicode('', config=True,
+        help="dotted module name of an IPython extension to load."
+    )
+    def _extra_extension_changed(self, name, old, new):
+        if new:
+            # add to self.extensions
+            self.extensions.append(new)
+    exec_files = List(Unicode, config=True,
+        help="""List of files to run at IPython startup."""
+    )
+    file_to_run = Unicode('', config=True,
+        help="""A file to be run""")
+    def _file_to_run_changed(self, name, old, new):
+        self.exec_files.append(new)
+    exec_lines = List(Unicode, config=True,
+        help="""lines of code to run at IPython startup."""
+    )
+    code_to_run = Unicode('', config=True,
+        help="Execute the given command string."
+    )
+    def _code_to_run_changed(self, name, old, new):
+        self.exec_lines.append(new)
+    def init_kernel(self):
+        kernel_factory = Kernel
+        kernel_map = {
+            'qt' : QtKernel,
+            'qt4': QtKernel,
+            'inline': Kernel,
+            'osx': TkKernel,
+            'wx' : WxKernel,
+            'tk' : TkKernel,
+            'gtk': GTKKernel,
+        }
-    req_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for the REQ (raw input) channel.
+        if self.pylab:
+            key = None if self.pylab == 'auto' else self.pylab
+            gui, backend = pylabtools.find_gui_and_backend(key)
+            kernel_factory = kernel_map.get(gui)
+            if kernel_factory is None:
+                raise ValueError('GUI is not supported: %r' % gui)
+            pylabtools.activate_matplotlib(backend)
+        kernel = kernel_factory(config=self.config, session=self.session,
+                                shell_socket=self.shell_socket,
+                                iopub_socket=self.iopub_socket,
+                                stdin_socket=self.stdin_socket,
+                                log=self.log
+        )
+        self.kernel = kernel
+        kernel.record_ports(self.ports)
-    hb_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for the hearbeat REP channel.
+        if self.pylab:
+            pylabtools.import_pylab(, backend,
-    stdin, stdout, stderr : optional (default None)
-        Standards streams, as defined in subprocess.Popen.
-    executable : str, optional (default sys.executable)
-        The Python executable to use for the kernel process.
-    independent : bool, optional (default False) 
-        If set, the kernel process is guaranteed to survive if this process
-        dies. If not set, an effort is made to ensure that the kernel is killed
-        when this process dies. Note that in this case it is still good practice
-        to kill kernels manually before exiting.
+# Kernel main and launch functions
-    pylab : bool or string, optional (default False)
-        If not False, the kernel will be launched with pylab enabled. If a
-        string is passed, matplotlib will use the specified backend. Otherwise,
-        matplotlib's default backend will be used.
+def launch_kernel(*args, **kwargs):
+    """Launches a localhost IPython kernel, binding to the specified ports.
-    colors : None or string, optional (default None)
-        If not None, specify the color scheme. One of (NoColor, LightBG, Linux)
+    This function simply calls entry_point.base_launch_kernel with the right first
+    command to start an ipkernel.  See base_launch_kernel for arguments.
     A tuple of form:
-        (kernel_process, xrep_port, pub_port, req_port)
+        (kernel_process, shell_port, iopub_port, stdin_port, hb_port)
     where kernel_process is a Popen object and the ports are integers.
-    extra_arguments = []
-    if pylab:
-        extra_arguments.append('--pylab')
-        if isinstance(pylab, basestring):
-            extra_arguments.append(pylab)
-    if ip is not None:
-        extra_arguments.append('--ip')
-        if isinstance(ip, basestring):
-            extra_arguments.append(ip)
-    if colors is not None:
-        extra_arguments.append('--colors')
-        extra_arguments.append(colors)
     return base_launch_kernel('from IPython.zmq.ipkernel import main; main()',
-                              xrep_port, pub_port, req_port, hb_port, 
-                              stdin, stdout, stderr,
-                              executable, independent, extra_arguments)
+                              *args, **kwargs)
 def main():
-    """ The IPython kernel main entry point.
-    """
-    parser = make_argument_parser()
-    parser.add_argument('--pylab', type=str, metavar='GUI', nargs='?', 
-                        const='auto', help = \
-"Pre-load matplotlib and numpy for interactive use. If GUI is not \
-given, the GUI backend is matplotlib's, otherwise use one of: \
-['tk', 'gtk', 'qt', 'wx', 'osx', 'inline'].")
-    parser.add_argument('--colors',
-        type=str, dest='colors',
-        help="Set the color scheme (NoColor, Linux, and LightBG).",
-        metavar='ZMQInteractiveShell.colors')
-    namespace = parser.parse_args()
-    kernel_class = Kernel
-    kernel_classes = {
-        'qt' : QtKernel,
-        'qt4': QtKernel,
-        'inline': Kernel,
-        'osx': TkKernel,
-        'wx' : WxKernel,
-        'tk' : TkKernel,
-        'gtk': GTKKernel,
-    }
-    if namespace.pylab:
-        if namespace.pylab == 'auto':
-            gui, backend = pylabtools.find_gui_and_backend()
-        else:
-            gui, backend = pylabtools.find_gui_and_backend(namespace.pylab)
-        kernel_class = kernel_classes.get(gui)
-        if kernel_class is None:
-            raise ValueError('GUI is not supported: %r' % gui)
-        pylabtools.activate_matplotlib(backend)
-    if namespace.colors:
-        ZMQInteractiveShell.colors=namespace.colors
-    kernel = make_kernel(namespace, kernel_class, OutStream)
-    if namespace.pylab:
-        pylabtools.import_pylab(, backend,
-    start_kernel(namespace, kernel)
+    """Run a PyKernel as an application"""
+    app = IPKernelApp()
+    app.initialize()
+    app.start()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/ b/IPython/zmq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e21a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IPython/zmq/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""An Application for launching a kernel
+* MinRK
+#  Copyright (C) 2011  The IPython Development Team
+#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
+#  the file COPYING.txt, distributed as part of this software.
+# Imports
+# Standard library imports.
+import os
+import sys
+# System library imports.
+import zmq
+# IPython imports.
+from IPython.core.ultratb import FormattedTB
+from IPython.core.newapplication import (
+    BaseIPythonApplication, base_flags, base_aliases
+from IPython.utils import io
+from IPython.utils.localinterfaces import LOCALHOST
+from IPython.utils.traitlets import Any, Instance, Dict, Unicode, Int, Bool
+from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item
+# local imports
+from IPython.zmq.heartbeat import Heartbeat
+from IPython.zmq.parentpoller import ParentPollerUnix, ParentPollerWindows
+from IPython.zmq.session import Session
+# Flags and Aliases
+kernel_aliases = dict(base_aliases)
+    'ip' : 'KernelApp.ip',
+    'hb' : 'KernelApp.hb_port',
+    'shell' : 'KernelApp.shell_port',
+    'iopub' : 'KernelApp.iopub_port',
+    'stdin' : 'KernelApp.stdin_port',
+    'parent': 'KernelApp.parent',
+if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+    kernel_aliases['interrupt'] = 'KernelApp.interrupt'
+kernel_flags = dict(base_flags)
+    'no-stdout' : (
+            {'KernelApp' : {'no_stdout' : True}},
+            "redirect stdout to the null device"),
+    'no-stderr' : (
+            {'KernelApp' : {'no_stderr' : True}},
+            "redirect stderr to the null device"),
+# Application class for starting a Kernel
+class KernelApp(BaseIPythonApplication):
+    name='pykernel'
+    aliases = Dict(kernel_aliases)
+    flags = Dict(kernel_flags)
+    # the kernel class, as an importstring
+    kernel_class = Unicode('IPython.zmq.pykernel.Kernel')
+    kernel = Any()
+    poller = Any() # don't restrict this even though current pollers are all Threads
+    heartbeat = Instance(Heartbeat)
+    session = Instance('IPython.zmq.session.Session')
+    ports = Dict()
+    # connection info:
+    ip = Unicode(LOCALHOST, config=True,
+        help="Set the IP or interface on which the kernel will listen.")
+    hb_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the heartbeat port [default: random]")
+    shell_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the shell (XREP) port [default: random]")
+    iopub_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the iopub (PUB) port [default: random]")
+    stdin_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the stdin (XREQ) port [default: random]")
+    # streams, etc.
+    no_stdout = Bool(False, config=True, help="redirect stdout to the null device")
+    no_stderr = Bool(False, config=True, help="redirect stderr to the null device")
+    outstream_class = Unicode('IPython.zmq.iostream.OutStream', config=True,
+        help="The importstring for the OutStream factory")
+    displayhook_class = Unicode('IPython.zmq.displayhook.DisplayHook', config=True,
+        help="The importstring for the DisplayHook factory")
+    # polling
+    parent = Int(0, config=True,
+        help="""kill this process if its parent dies.  On Windows, the argument
+        specifies the HANDLE of the parent process, otherwise it is simply boolean.
+        """)
+    interrupt = Int(0, config=True,
+        help="""ONLY USED ON WINDOWS
+        Interrupt this process when the parent is signalled.
+        """)
+    def init_crash_handler(self):
+        # Install minimal exception handling
+        sys.excepthook = FormattedTB(mode='Verbose', color_scheme='NoColor',
+                                     ostream=sys.__stdout__)
+    def init_poller(self):
+        if sys.platform == 'win32':
+            if self.interrupt or self.parent:
+                self.poller = ParentPollerWindows(self.interrupt, self.parent)
+        elif self.parent:
+            self.poller = ParentPollerUnix()
+    def _bind_socket(self, s, port):
+        iface = 'tcp://%s' % self.ip
+        if port <= 0:
+            port = s.bind_to_random_port(iface)
+        else:
+            s.bind(iface + ':%i'%port)
+        return port
+    def init_sockets(self):
+        # Create a context, a session, and the kernel sockets.
+        io.raw_print("Starting the kernel at pid:", os.getpid())
+        context = zmq.Context.instance()
+        # Uncomment this to try closing the context.
+        # atexit.register(context.term)
+        self.shell_socket = context.socket(zmq.XREP)
+        self.shell_port = self._bind_socket(self.shell_socket, self.shell_port)
+        self.log.debug("shell XREP Channel on port: %i"%self.shell_port)
+        self.iopub_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
+        self.iopub_port = self._bind_socket(self.iopub_socket, self.iopub_port)
+        self.log.debug("iopub PUB Channel on port: %i"%self.iopub_port)
+        self.stdin_socket = context.socket(zmq.XREQ)
+        self.stdin_port = self._bind_socket(self.stdin_socket, self.stdin_port)
+        self.log.debug("stdin XREQ Channel on port: %i"%self.stdin_port)
+        self.heartbeat = Heartbeat(context, (self.ip, self.hb_port))
+        self.hb_port = self.heartbeat.port
+        self.log.debug("Heartbeat REP Channel on port: %i"%self.hb_port)
+        # Helper to make it easier to connect to an existing kernel, until we have
+        # single-port connection negotiation fully implemented.
+"To connect another client to this kernel, use:")
+"--external shell={0} iopub={1} stdin={2} hb={3}".format(
+            self.shell_port, self.iopub_port, self.stdin_port, self.hb_port))
+        self.ports = dict(shell=self.shell_port, iopub=self.iopub_port,
+                                stdin=self.stdin_port, hb=self.hb_port)
+    def init_session(self):
+        """create our session object"""
+        self.session = Session(username=u'kernel')
+    def init_io(self):
+        """redirects stdout/stderr, and installs a display hook"""
+        # Re-direct stdout/stderr, if necessary.
+        if self.no_stdout or self.no_stderr:
+            blackhole = file(os.devnull, 'w')
+            if self.no_stdout:
+                sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ = blackhole
+            if self.no_stderr:
+                sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ = blackhole
+        # Redirect input streams and set a display hook.
+        if self.outstream_class:
+            outstream_factory = import_item(str(self.outstream_class))
+            sys.stdout = outstream_factory(self.session, self.iopub_socket, u'stdout')
+            sys.stderr = outstream_factory(self.session, self.iopub_socket, u'stderr')
+        if self.displayhook_class:
+            displayhook_factory = import_item(str(self.displayhook_class))
+            sys.displayhook = displayhook_factory(self.session, self.iopub_socket)
+    def init_kernel(self):
+        """Create the Kernel object itself"""
+        kernel_factory = import_item(str(self.kernel_class))
+        self.kernel = kernel_factory(config=self.config, session=self.session,
+                                shell_socket=self.shell_socket,
+                                iopub_socket=self.iopub_socket,
+                                stdin_socket=self.stdin_socket,
+        )
+        self.kernel.record_ports(self.ports)
+    def initialize(self, argv=None):
+        super(KernelApp, self).initialize(argv)
+        self.init_session()
+        self.init_poller()
+        self.init_sockets()
+        self.init_io()
+        self.init_kernel()
+    def start(self):
+        self.heartbeat.start()
+        if self.poller is not None:
+            self.poller.start()
+        try:
+            self.kernel.start()
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            pass
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/ b/IPython/zmq/
index 4663aee..40801f8 100644
--- a/IPython/zmq/
+++ b/IPython/zmq/
@@ -782,8 +782,8 @@ class KernelManager(HasTraits):
             from pykernel import launch_kernel
         self.kernel, xrep, pub, req, _hb = launch_kernel(
-            xrep_port=xreq[1], pub_port=sub[1], 
-            req_port=rep[1], hb_port=hb[1], **kw)
+            shell_port=xreq[1], iopub_port=sub[1],
+            stdin_port=rep[1], hb_port=hb[1], **kw)
         self.xreq_address = (xreq[0], xrep)
         self.sub_address = (sub[0], pub)
         self.rep_address = (rep[0], req)
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/logtopics.rst b/IPython/zmq/logtopics.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d9f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IPython/zmq/logtopics.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Log Topic Specification
+we use pyzmq to broadcast log events over a PUB socket. Engines, Controllers, etc. can all
+broadcast. SUB sockets can be used to view the logs, and ZMQ topics are used to help
+select out what to follow.
+the PUBHandler object that emits the logs can ascribe topics to log messages. The order is:
+root_topic is specified as an attribute
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/ b/IPython/zmq/
index 01e1c9d..7efc825 100755
--- a/IPython/zmq/
+++ b/IPython/zmq/
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ import traceback
 import zmq
 # Local imports.
-from IPython.utils.traitlets import HasTraits, Instance, Float
+from IPython.utils.traitlets import HasTraits, Instance, Dict, Float
 from completer import KernelCompleter
-from entry_point import base_launch_kernel, make_default_main
+from entry_point import base_launch_kernel
 from session import Session, Message
+from kernelapp import KernelApp
 # Main kernel class
@@ -49,16 +50,16 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
     # This is a dict of port number that the kernel is listening on. It is set
     # by record_ports and used by connect_request.
-    _recorded_ports = None
+    _recorded_ports = Dict()
     # Kernel interface
     session = Instance(Session)
-    reply_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
-    pub_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
-    req_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
+    shell_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
+    iopub_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
+    stdin_socket = Instance('zmq.Socket')
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         super(Kernel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
         """ Start the kernel main loop.
         while True:
-            ident,msg = self.session.recv(self.reply_socket,0)
+            ident,msg = self.session.recv(self.shell_socket,0)
             assert ident is not None, "Missing message part."
             omsg = Message(msg)
@@ -89,18 +90,13 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
                 handler(ident, omsg)
-    def record_ports(self, xrep_port, pub_port, req_port, hb_port):
+    def record_ports(self, ports):
         """Record the ports that this kernel is using.
         The creator of the Kernel instance must call this methods if they
         want the :meth:`connect_request` method to return the port numbers.
-        self._recorded_ports = {
-            'xrep_port' : xrep_port,
-            'pub_port' : pub_port,
-            'req_port' : req_port,
-            'hb_port' : hb_port
-        }
+        self._recorded_ports = ports
     # Kernel request handlers
@@ -113,7 +109,7 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
             print>>sys.__stderr__, "Got bad msg: "
             print>>sys.__stderr__, Message(parent)
-        pyin_msg = self.session.send(self.pub_socket, u'pyin',{u'code':code}, parent=parent)
+        pyin_msg = self.session.send(self.iopub_socket, u'pyin',{u'code':code}, parent=parent)
             comp_code = self.compiler(code, '<zmq-kernel>')
@@ -138,7 +134,7 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
                 u'ename' : unicode(etype.__name__),
                 u'evalue' : unicode(evalue)
-            exc_msg = self.session.send(self.pub_socket, u'pyerr', exc_content, parent)
+            exc_msg = self.session.send(self.iopub_socket, u'pyerr', exc_content, parent)
             reply_content = exc_content
             reply_content = { 'status' : 'ok', 'payload' : {} }
@@ -153,7 +149,7 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
         # Send the reply.
-        reply_msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, u'execute_reply', reply_content, parent, ident=ident)
+        reply_msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, u'execute_reply', reply_content, parent, ident=ident)
         print>>sys.__stdout__, Message(reply_msg)
         if reply_msg['content']['status'] == u'error':
@@ -161,22 +157,22 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
     def complete_request(self, ident, parent):
         matches = {'matches' : self._complete(parent),
                    'status' : 'ok'}
-        completion_msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, 'complete_reply',
+        completion_msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, 'complete_reply',
                                            matches, parent, ident)
         print >> sys.__stdout__, completion_msg
     def object_info_request(self, ident, parent):
         context = parent['content']['oname'].split('.')
         object_info = self._object_info(context)
-        msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, 'object_info_reply',
+        msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, 'object_info_reply',
                                 object_info, parent, ident)
         print >> sys.__stdout__, msg
     def shutdown_request(self, ident, parent):
         content = dict(parent['content'])
-        msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, 'shutdown_reply',
+        msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, 'shutdown_reply',
                                 content, parent, ident)
-        msg = self.session.send(self.pub_socket, 'shutdown_reply',
+        msg = self.session.send(self.iopub_socket, 'shutdown_reply',
                                 content, parent, ident)
         print >> sys.__stdout__, msg
@@ -197,7 +193,7 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
             print>>sys.__stdout__, Message(msg)
             msg_type = msg['msg_type']
             reply_type = msg_type.split('_')[0] + '_reply'
-            reply_msg = self.session.send(self.reply_socket, reply_type, {'status':'aborted'}, msg, ident=ident)
+            reply_msg = self.session.send(self.shell_socket, reply_type, {'status':'aborted'}, msg, ident=ident)
             print>>sys.__stdout__, Message(reply_msg)
             # We need to wait a bit for requests to come in. This can probably
             # be set shorter for true asynchronous clients.
@@ -210,10 +206,10 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
         # Send the input request.
         content = dict(prompt=prompt)
-        msg = self.session.send(self.req_socket, u'input_request', content, parent)
+        msg = self.session.send(self.stdin_socket, u'input_request', content, parent)
         # Await a response.
-        ident,reply = self.session.recv(self.req_socket, 0)
+        ident,reply = self.session.recv(self.stdin_socket, 0)
             value = reply['content']['value']
@@ -259,58 +255,26 @@ class Kernel(HasTraits):
 # Kernel main and launch functions
-def launch_kernel(ip=None, xrep_port=0, pub_port=0, req_port=0, hb_port=0,
-                  stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,
-                  executable=None, independent=False):
-    """ Launches a localhost kernel, binding to the specified ports.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    ip  : str, optional
-        The ip address the kernel will bind to.
+def launch_kernel(*args, **kwargs):
+    """ Launches a simple Python kernel, binding to the specified ports.
-    xrep_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for XREP channel.
-    pub_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for the SUB channel.
-    req_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for the REQ (raw input) channel.
-    hb_port : int, optional
-        The port to use for the hearbeat REP channel.
-    stdin, stdout, stderr : optional (default None)
-        Standards streams, as defined in subprocess.Popen.
-    executable : str, optional (default sys.executable)
-        The Python executable to use for the kernel process.
-    independent : bool, optional (default False) 
-        If set, the kernel process is guaranteed to survive if this process
-        dies. If not set, an effort is made to ensure that the kernel is killed
-        when this process dies. Note that in this case it is still good practice
-        to kill kernels manually before exiting.
+    This function simply calls entry_point.base_launch_kernel with the right first
+    command to start a pykernel.  See base_launch_kernel for arguments.
     A tuple of form:
-        (kernel_process, xrep_port, pub_port, req_port)
+        (kernel_process, xrep_port, pub_port, req_port, hb_port)
     where kernel_process is a Popen object and the ports are integers.
-    extra_arguments = []
-    if ip is not None:
-        extra_arguments.append('--ip')
-        if isinstance(ip, basestring):
-            extra_arguments.append(ip)
     return base_launch_kernel('from IPython.zmq.pykernel import main; main()',
-                              xrep_port, pub_port, req_port, hb_port,
-                              stdin, stdout, stderr,
-                              executable, independent, extra_arguments)
+                                *args, **kwargs)
-main = make_default_main(Kernel)
+def main():
+    """Run a PyKernel as an application"""
+    app = KernelApp()
+    app.initialize()
+    app.start()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/IPython/zmq/tests/ b/IPython/zmq/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..051c11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IPython/zmq/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+"""test building messages with streamsession"""
+#  Copyright (C) 2011  The IPython Development Team
+#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
+#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
+# Imports
+import os
+import uuid
+import zmq
+from zmq.tests import BaseZMQTestCase
+from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream
+# from IPython.zmq.tests import SessionTestCase
+from IPython.parallel import streamsession as ss
+class SessionTestCase(BaseZMQTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        BaseZMQTestCase.setUp(self)
+        self.session = ss.StreamSession()
+class TestSession(SessionTestCase):
+    def test_msg(self):
+        """message format"""
+        msg = self.session.msg('execute')
+        thekeys = set('header msg_id parent_header msg_type content'.split())
+        s = set(msg.keys())
+        self.assertEquals(s, thekeys)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg['content'],dict))
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg['header'],dict))
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg['parent_header'],dict))
+        self.assertEquals(msg['msg_type'], 'execute')
+    def test_args(self):
+        """initialization arguments for StreamSession"""
+        s = self.session
+        self.assertTrue(s.pack is ss.default_packer)
+        self.assertTrue(s.unpack is ss.default_unpacker)
+        self.assertEquals(s.username, os.environ.get('USER', 'username'))
+        s = ss.StreamSession()
+        self.assertEquals(s.username, os.environ.get('USER', 'username'))
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ss.StreamSession, pack='hi')
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ss.StreamSession, unpack='hi')
+        u = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        s = ss.StreamSession(username='carrot', session=u)
+        self.assertEquals(s.session, u)
+        self.assertEquals(s.username, 'carrot')
+    def test_tracking(self):
+        """test tracking messages"""
+        a,b = self.create_bound_pair(zmq.PAIR, zmq.PAIR)
+        s = self.session
+        stream = ZMQStream(a)
+        msg = s.send(a, 'hello', track=False)
+        self.assertTrue(msg['tracker'] is None)
+        msg = s.send(a, 'hello', track=True)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg['tracker'], zmq.MessageTracker))
+        M = zmq.Message(b'hi there', track=True)
+        msg = s.send(a, 'hello', buffers=[M], track=True)
+        t = msg['tracker']
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, zmq.MessageTracker))
+        self.assertRaises(zmq.NotDone, t.wait, .1)
+        del M
+        t.wait(1) # this will raise
+    # def test_rekey(self):
+    #     """rekeying dict around json str keys"""
+    #     d = {'0': uuid.uuid4(), 0:uuid.uuid4()}
+    #     self.assertRaises(KeyError, ss.rekey, d)
+    #     
+    #     d = {'0': uuid.uuid4(), 1:uuid.uuid4(), 'asdf':uuid.uuid4()}
+    #     d2 = {0:d['0'],1:d[1],'asdf':d['asdf']}
+    #     rd = ss.rekey(d)
+    #     self.assertEquals(d2,rd)
+    #     
+    #     d = {'1.5':uuid.uuid4(),'1':uuid.uuid4()}
+    #     d2 = {1.5:d['1.5'],1:d['1']}
+    #     rd = ss.rekey(d)
+    #     self.assertEquals(d2,rd)
+    #     
+    #     d = {'1.0':uuid.uuid4(),'1':uuid.uuid4()}
+    #     self.assertRaises(KeyError, ss.rekey, d)
+    # 
+    def test_unique_msg_ids(self):
+        """test that messages receive unique ids"""
+        ids = set()
+        for i in range(2**12):
+            h = self.session.msg_header('test')
+            msg_id = h['msg_id']
+            self.assertTrue(msg_id not in ids)
+            ids.add(msg_id)
+    def test_feed_identities(self):
+        """scrub the front for zmq IDENTITIES"""
+        theids = "engine client other".split()
+        content = dict(code='whoda',stuff=object())
+        themsg = self.session.msg('execute',content=content)
+        pmsg = theids