##// END OF EJS Templates
move old parallel figures into newparallel dir
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1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
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1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
@@ -1,284 +1,284
1 1 =================
2 2 Parallel examples
3 3 =================
4 4
5 5 .. note::
6 6
7 7 Performance numbers from ``IPython.kernel``, not newparallel.
8 8
9 9 In this section we describe two more involved examples of using an IPython
10 10 cluster to perform a parallel computation. In these examples, we will be using
11 11 IPython's "pylab" mode, which enables interactive plotting using the
12 12 Matplotlib package. IPython can be started in this mode by typing::
13 13
14 14 ipython --pylab
15 15
16 16 at the system command line.
17 17
18 18 150 million digits of pi
19 19 ========================
20 20
21 21 In this example we would like to study the distribution of digits in the
22 22 number pi (in base 10). While it is not known if pi is a normal number (a
23 23 number is normal in base 10 if 0-9 occur with equal likelihood) numerical
24 24 investigations suggest that it is. We will begin with a serial calculation on
25 25 10,000 digits of pi and then perform a parallel calculation involving 150
26 26 million digits.
27 27
28 28 In both the serial and parallel calculation we will be using functions defined
29 29 in the :file:`pidigits.py` file, which is available in the
30 30 :file:`docs/examples/newparallel` directory of the IPython source distribution.
31 31 These functions provide basic facilities for working with the digits of pi and
32 32 can be loaded into IPython by putting :file:`pidigits.py` in your current
33 33 working directory and then doing:
34 34
35 35 .. sourcecode:: ipython
36 36
37 37 In [1]: run pidigits.py
38 38
39 39 Serial calculation
40 40 ------------------
41 41
42 42 For the serial calculation, we will use `SymPy <http://www.sympy.org>`_ to
43 43 calculate 10,000 digits of pi and then look at the frequencies of the digits
44 44 0-9. Out of 10,000 digits, we expect each digit to occur 1,000 times. While
45 45 SymPy is capable of calculating many more digits of pi, our purpose here is to
46 46 set the stage for the much larger parallel calculation.
47 47
48 48 In this example, we use two functions from :file:`pidigits.py`:
49 49 :func:`one_digit_freqs` (which calculates how many times each digit occurs)
50 50 and :func:`plot_one_digit_freqs` (which uses Matplotlib to plot the result).
51 51 Here is an interactive IPython session that uses these functions with
52 52 SymPy:
53 53
54 54 .. sourcecode:: ipython
55 55
56 56 In [7]: import sympy
57 57
58 58 In [8]: pi = sympy.pi.evalf(40)
59 59
60 60 In [9]: pi
61 61 Out[9]: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197
62 62
63 63 In [10]: pi = sympy.pi.evalf(10000)
64 64
65 65 In [11]: digits = (d for d in str(pi)[2:]) # create a sequence of digits
66 66
67 67 In [12]: run pidigits.py # load one_digit_freqs/plot_one_digit_freqs
68 68
69 69 In [13]: freqs = one_digit_freqs(digits)
70 70
71 71 In [14]: plot_one_digit_freqs(freqs)
72 72 Out[14]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x18a55290>]
73 73
74 74 The resulting plot of the single digit counts shows that each digit occurs
75 75 approximately 1,000 times, but that with only 10,000 digits the
76 76 statistical fluctuations are still rather large:
77 77
78 .. image:: ../parallel/single_digits.*
78 .. image:: single_digits.*
79 79
80 80 It is clear that to reduce the relative fluctuations in the counts, we need
81 81 to look at many more digits of pi. That brings us to the parallel calculation.
82 82
83 83 Parallel calculation
84 84 --------------------
85 85
86 86 Calculating many digits of pi is a challenging computational problem in itself.
87 87 Because we want to focus on the distribution of digits in this example, we
88 88 will use pre-computed digit of pi from the website of Professor Yasumasa
89 89 Kanada at the University of Tokyo (http://www.super-computing.org). These
90 90 digits come in a set of text files (ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/)
91 91 that each have 10 million digits of pi.
92 92
93 93 For the parallel calculation, we have copied these files to the local hard
94 94 drives of the compute nodes. A total of 15 of these files will be used, for a
95 95 total of 150 million digits of pi. To make things a little more interesting we
96 96 will calculate the frequencies of all 2 digits sequences (00-99) and then plot
97 97 the result using a 2D matrix in Matplotlib.
98 98
99 99 The overall idea of the calculation is simple: each IPython engine will
100 100 compute the two digit counts for the digits in a single file. Then in a final
101 101 step the counts from each engine will be added up. To perform this
102 102 calculation, we will need two top-level functions from :file:`pidigits.py`:
103 103
104 104 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/newparallel/pidigits.py
105 105 :language: python
106 106 :lines: 41-56
107 107
108 108 We will also use the :func:`plot_two_digit_freqs` function to plot the
109 109 results. The code to run this calculation in parallel is contained in
110 110 :file:`docs/examples/newparallel/parallelpi.py`. This code can be run in parallel
111 111 using IPython by following these steps:
112 112
113 113 1. Use :command:`ipclusterz` to start 15 engines. We used an 8 core (2 quad
114 114 core CPUs) cluster with hyperthreading enabled which makes the 8 cores
115 115 looks like 16 (1 controller + 15 engines) in the OS. However, the maximum
116 116 speedup we can observe is still only 8x.
117 117 2. With the file :file:`parallelpi.py` in your current working directory, open
118 118 up IPython in pylab mode and type ``run parallelpi.py``. This will download
119 119 the pi files via ftp the first time you run it, if they are not
120 120 present in the Engines' working directory.
121 121
122 122 When run on our 8 core cluster, we observe a speedup of 7.7x. This is slightly
123 123 less than linear scaling (8x) because the controller is also running on one of
124 124 the cores.
125 125
126 126 To emphasize the interactive nature of IPython, we now show how the
127 127 calculation can also be run by simply typing the commands from
128 128 :file:`parallelpi.py` interactively into IPython:
129 129
130 130 .. sourcecode:: ipython
131 131
132 132 In [1]: from IPython.parallel import Client
133 133
134 134 # The Client allows us to use the engines interactively.
135 135 # We simply pass Client the name of the cluster profile we
136 136 # are using.
137 137 In [2]: c = Client(profile='mycluster')
138 138 In [3]: view = c.load_balanced_view()
139 139
140 140 In [3]: c.ids
141 141 Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
142 142
143 143 In [4]: run pidigits.py
144 144
145 145 In [5]: filestring = 'pi200m.ascii.%(i)02dof20'
146 146
147 147 # Create the list of files to process.
148 148 In [6]: files = [filestring % {'i':i} for i in range(1,16)]
149 149
150 150 In [7]: files
151 151 Out[7]:
152 152 ['pi200m.ascii.01of20',
153 153 'pi200m.ascii.02of20',
154 154 'pi200m.ascii.03of20',
155 155 'pi200m.ascii.04of20',
156 156 'pi200m.ascii.05of20',
157 157 'pi200m.ascii.06of20',
158 158 'pi200m.ascii.07of20',
159 159 'pi200m.ascii.08of20',
160 160 'pi200m.ascii.09of20',
161 161 'pi200m.ascii.10of20',
162 162 'pi200m.ascii.11of20',
163 163 'pi200m.ascii.12of20',
164 164 'pi200m.ascii.13of20',
165 165 'pi200m.ascii.14of20',
166 166 'pi200m.ascii.15of20']
167 167
168 168 # download the data files if they don't already exist:
169 169 In [8]: v.map(fetch_pi_file, files)
170 170
171 171 # This is the parallel calculation using the Client.map method
172 172 # which applies compute_two_digit_freqs to each file in files in parallel.
173 173 In [9]: freqs_all = v.map(compute_two_digit_freqs, files)
174 174
175 175 # Add up the frequencies from each engine.
176 176 In [10]: freqs = reduce_freqs(freqs_all)
177 177
178 178 In [11]: plot_two_digit_freqs(freqs)
179 179 Out[11]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x18beb110>
180 180
181 181 In [12]: plt.title('2 digit counts of 150m digits of pi')
182 182 Out[12]: <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18d1f9b0>
183 183
184 184 The resulting plot generated by Matplotlib is shown below. The colors indicate
185 185 which two digit sequences are more (red) or less (blue) likely to occur in the
186 186 first 150 million digits of pi. We clearly see that the sequence "41" is
187 187 most likely and that "06" and "07" are least likely. Further analysis would
188 188 show that the relative size of the statistical fluctuations have decreased
189 189 compared to the 10,000 digit calculation.
190 190
191 .. image:: ../parallel/two_digit_counts.*
191 .. image:: two_digit_counts.*
192 192
193 193
194 194 Parallel options pricing
195 195 ========================
196 196
197 197 An option is a financial contract that gives the buyer of the contract the
198 198 right to buy (a "call") or sell (a "put") a secondary asset (a stock for
199 199 example) at a particular date in the future (the expiration date) for a
200 200 pre-agreed upon price (the strike price). For this right, the buyer pays the
201 201 seller a premium (the option price). There are a wide variety of flavors of
202 202 options (American, European, Asian, etc.) that are useful for different
203 203 purposes: hedging against risk, speculation, etc.
204 204
205 205 Much of modern finance is driven by the need to price these contracts
206 206 accurately based on what is known about the properties (such as volatility) of
207 207 the underlying asset. One method of pricing options is to use a Monte Carlo
208 208 simulation of the underlying asset price. In this example we use this approach
209 209 to price both European and Asian (path dependent) options for various strike
210 210 prices and volatilities.
211 211
212 212 The code for this example can be found in the :file:`docs/examples/newparallel`
213 213 directory of the IPython source. The function :func:`price_options` in
214 214 :file:`mcpricer.py` implements the basic Monte Carlo pricing algorithm using
215 215 the NumPy package and is shown here:
216 216
217 217 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/newparallel/mcpricer.py
218 218 :language: python
219 219
220 220 To run this code in parallel, we will use IPython's :class:`LoadBalancedView` class,
221 221 which distributes work to the engines using dynamic load balancing. This
222 222 view is a wrapper of the :class:`Client` class shown in
223 223 the previous example. The parallel calculation using :class:`LoadBalancedView` can
224 224 be found in the file :file:`mcpricer.py`. The code in this file creates a
225 225 :class:`TaskClient` instance and then submits a set of tasks using
226 226 :meth:`TaskClient.run` that calculate the option prices for different
227 227 volatilities and strike prices. The results are then plotted as a 2D contour
228 228 plot using Matplotlib.
229 229
230 230 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/newparallel/mcdriver.py
231 231 :language: python
232 232
233 233 To use this code, start an IPython cluster using :command:`ipclusterz`, open
234 234 IPython in the pylab mode with the file :file:`mcdriver.py` in your current
235 235 working directory and then type:
236 236
237 237 .. sourcecode:: ipython
238 238
239 239 In [7]: run mcdriver.py
240 240 Submitted tasks: [0, 1, 2, ...]
241 241
242 242 Once all the tasks have finished, the results can be plotted using the
243 243 :func:`plot_options` function. Here we make contour plots of the Asian
244 244 call and Asian put options as function of the volatility and strike price:
245 245
246 246 .. sourcecode:: ipython
247 247
248 248 In [8]: plot_options(sigma_vals, K_vals, prices['acall'])
249 249
250 250 In [9]: plt.figure()
251 251 Out[9]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x18c178d0>
252 252
253 253 In [10]: plot_options(sigma_vals, K_vals, prices['aput'])
254 254
255 255 These results are shown in the two figures below. On a 8 core cluster the
256 256 entire calculation (10 strike prices, 10 volatilities, 100,000 paths for each)
257 257 took 30 seconds in parallel, giving a speedup of 7.7x, which is comparable
258 258 to the speedup observed in our previous example.
259 259
260 .. image:: ../parallel/asian_call.*
260 .. image:: asian_call.*
261 261
262 .. image:: ../parallel/asian_put.*
262 .. image:: asian_put.*
263 263
264 264 Conclusion
265 265 ==========
266 266
267 267 To conclude these examples, we summarize the key features of IPython's
268 268 parallel architecture that have been demonstrated:
269 269
270 270 * Serial code can be parallelized often with only a few extra lines of code.
271 271 We have used the :class:`DirectView` and :class:`LoadBalancedView` classes
272 272 for this purpose.
273 273 * The resulting parallel code can be run without ever leaving the IPython's
274 274 interactive shell.
275 275 * Any data computed in parallel can be explored interactively through
276 276 visualization or further numerical calculations.
277 277 * We have run these examples on a cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008.
278 278 IPython's built in support for the Windows HPC job scheduler makes it
279 279 easy to get started with IPython's parallel capabilities.
280 280
281 281 .. note::
282 282
283 283 The newparallel code has never been run on Windows HPC Server, so the last
284 284 conclusion is untested.
@@ -1,477 +1,621
1 1 .. _parallel_details:
2 2
3 3 ==========================================
4 4 Details of Parallel Computing with IPython
5 5 ==========================================
6 6
7 7 .. note::
8 8
9 9 There are still many sections to fill out
10 10
11 11
12 12 Caveats
13 13 =======
14 14
15 15 First, some caveats about the detailed workings of parallel computing with 0MQ and IPython.
16 16
17 17 Non-copying sends and numpy arrays
18 18 ----------------------------------
19 19
20 20 When numpy arrays are passed as arguments to apply or via data-movement methods, they are not
21 21 copied. This means that you must be careful if you are sending an array that you intend to work
22 22 on. PyZMQ does allow you to track when a message has been sent so you can know when it is safe
23 23 to edit the buffer, but IPython only allows for this.
24 24
25 25 It is also important to note that the non-copying receive of a message is *read-only*. That
26 26 means that if you intend to work in-place on an array that you have sent or received, you must
27 27 copy it. This is true for both numpy arrays sent to engines and numpy arrays retrieved as
28 28 results.
29 29
30 30 The following will fail:
31 31
32 32 .. sourcecode:: ipython
33 33
34 34 In [3]: A = numpy.zeros(2)
35 35
36 36 In [4]: def setter(a):
37 37 ...: a[0]=1
38 38 ...: return a
39 39
40 40 In [5]: rc[0].apply_sync(setter, A)
41 41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 42 RemoteError Traceback (most recent call last)
43 43 ...
44 44 RemoteError: RuntimeError(array is not writeable)
45 45 Traceback (most recent call last):
46 46 File "/path/to/site-packages/IPython/parallel/streamkernel.py", line 329, in apply_request
47 47 exec code in working, working
48 48 File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
49 49 File "<ipython-input-14-736187483856>", line 2, in setter
50 50 RuntimeError: array is not writeable
51 51
52 52 If you do need to edit the array in-place, just remember to copy the array if it's read-only.
53 53 The :attr:`ndarray.flags.writeable` flag will tell you if you can write to an array.
54 54
55 55 .. sourcecode:: ipython
56 56
57 57 In [3]: A = numpy.zeros(2)
58 58
59 59 In [4]: def setter(a):
60 60 ...: """only copy read-only arrays"""
61 61 ...: if not a.flags.writeable:
62 62 ...: a=a.copy()
63 63 ...: a[0]=1
64 64 ...: return a
65 65
66 66 In [5]: rc[0].apply_sync(setter, A)
67 67 Out[5]: array([ 1., 0.])
68 68
69 69 # note that results will also be read-only:
70 70 In [6]: _.flags.writeable
71 71 Out[6]: False
72 72
73 73 If you want to safely edit an array in-place after *sending* it, you must use the `track=True` flag. IPython always performs non-copying sends of arrays, which return immediately. You
74 74 must instruct IPython track those messages *at send time* in order to know for sure that the send has completed. AsyncResults have a :attr:`sent` property, and :meth:`wait_on_send` method
75 75 for checking and waiting for 0MQ to finish with a buffer.
76 76
77 77 .. sourcecode:: ipython
78 78
79 79 In [5]: A = numpy.random.random((1024,1024))
80 80
81 81 In [6]: view.track=True
82 82
83 83 In [7]: ar = view.apply_async(lambda x: 2*x, A)
84 84
85 85 In [8]: ar.sent
86 86 Out[8]: False
87 87
88 88 In [9]: ar.wait_on_send() # blocks until sent is True
89 89
90 90
91 91 What is sendable?
92 92 -----------------
93 93
94 94 If IPython doesn't know what to do with an object, it will pickle it. There is a short list of
95 95 objects that are not pickled: ``buffers``, ``str/bytes`` objects, and ``numpy``
96 96 arrays. These are handled specially by IPython in order to prevent the copying of data. Sending
97 97 bytes or numpy arrays will result in exactly zero in-memory copies of your data (unless the data
98 98 is very small).
99 99
100 100 If you have an object that provides a Python buffer interface, then you can always send that
101 101 buffer without copying - and reconstruct the object on the other side in your own code. It is
102 102 possible that the object reconstruction will become extensible, so you can add your own
103 103 non-copying types, but this does not yet exist.
104 104
105 105 Closures
106 106 ********
107 107
108 108 Just about anything in Python is pickleable. The one notable exception is objects (generally
109 109 functions) with *closures*. Closures can be a complicated topic, but the basic principal is that
110 110 functions that refer to variables in their parent scope have closures.
111 111
112 112 An example of a function that uses a closure:
113 113
114 114 .. sourcecode:: python
115 115
116 116 def f(a):
117 117 def inner():
118 118 # inner will have a closure
119 119 return a
120 120 return echo
121 121
122 122 f1 = f(1)
123 123 f2 = f(2)
124 124 f1() # returns 1
125 125 f2() # returns 2
126 126
127 127 f1 and f2 will have closures referring to the scope in which `inner` was defined, because they
128 128 use the variable 'a'. As a result, you would not be able to send ``f1`` or ``f2`` with IPython.
129 129 Note that you *would* be able to send `f`. This is only true for interactively defined
130 130 functions (as are often used in decorators), and only when there are variables used inside the
131 131 inner function, that are defined in the outer function. If the names are *not* in the outer
132 132 function, then there will not be a closure, and the generated function will look in
133 133 ``globals()`` for the name:
134 134
135 135 .. sourcecode:: python
136 136
137 137 def g(b):
138 138 # note that `b` is not referenced in inner's scope
139 139 def inner():
140 140 # this inner will *not* have a closure
141 141 return a
142 142 return echo
143 143 g1 = g(1)
144 144 g2 = g(2)
145 145 g1() # raises NameError on 'a'
146 146 a=5
147 147 g2() # returns 5
148 148
149 149 `g1` and `g2` *will* be sendable with IPython, and will treat the engine's namespace as
150 150 globals(). The :meth:`pull` method is implemented based on this principal. If we did not
151 151 provide pull, you could implement it yourself with `apply`, by simply returning objects out
152 152 of the global namespace:
153 153
154 154 .. sourcecode:: ipython
155 155
156 156 In [10]: view.apply(lambda : a)
157 157
158 158 # is equivalent to
159 159 In [11]: view.pull('a')
160 160
161 161 Running Code
162 162 ============
163 163
164 164 There are two principal units of execution in Python: strings of Python code (e.g. 'a=5'),
165 165 and Python functions. IPython is designed around the use of functions via the core
166 166 Client method, called `apply`.
167 167
168 168 Apply
169 169 -----
170 170
171 171 The principal method of remote execution is :meth:`apply`, of View objects. The Client provides
172 172 the full execution and communication API for engines via its low-level
173 173 :meth:`send_apply_message` method.
174 174
175 175 f : function
176 176 The fuction to be called remotely
177 177 args : tuple/list
178 178 The positional arguments passed to `f`
179 179 kwargs : dict
180 180 The keyword arguments passed to `f`
181 181
182 182 flags for all views:
183 183
184 184 block : bool (default: view.block)
185 185 Whether to wait for the result, or return immediately.
186 186 False:
187 187 returns AsyncResult
188 188 True:
189 189 returns actual result(s) of f(*args, **kwargs)
190 190 if multiple targets:
191 191 list of results, matching `targets`
192 192 track : bool [default view.track]
193 193 whether to track non-copying sends.
194 194
195 195 targets : int,list of ints, 'all', None [default view.targets]
196 196 Specify the destination of the job.
197 197 if 'all' or None:
198 198 Run on all active engines
199 199 if list:
200 200 Run on each specified engine
201 201 if int:
202 202 Run on single engine
203 203
204 204 Note that LoadBalancedView uses targets to restrict possible destinations. LoadBalanced calls
205 205 will always execute in just one location.
206 206
207 207 flags only in LoadBalancedViews:
208 208
209 209 after : Dependency or collection of msg_ids
210 210 Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None)
211 211 Specify a list of msg_ids as a time-based dependency.
212 212 This job will only be run *after* the dependencies
213 213 have been met.
214 214
215 215 follow : Dependency or collection of msg_ids
216 216 Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None)
217 217 Specify a list of msg_ids as a location-based dependency.
218 218 This job will only be run on an engine where this dependency
219 219 is met.
220 220
221 221 timeout : float/int or None
222 222 Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None)
223 223 Specify an amount of time (in seconds) for the scheduler to
224 224 wait for dependencies to be met before failing with a
225 225 DependencyTimeout.
226 226
227 227 execute and run
228 228 ---------------
229 229
230 230 For executing strings of Python code, :class:`DirectView`s also provide an :meth:`execute` and a
231 231 :meth:`run` method, which rather than take functions and arguments, take simple strings.
232 232 `execute` simply takes a string of Python code to execute, and sends it to the Engine(s). `run`
233 233 is the same as `execute`, but for a *file*, rather than a string. It is simply a wrapper that
234 234 does something very similar to ``execute(open(f).read())``.
235 235
236 236 .. note::
237 237
238 238 TODO: Example
239 239
240 240 Views
241 241 =====
242 242
243 243 The principal extension of the :class:`~parallel.Client` is the
244 244 :class:`~parallel.view.View` class. The client
245 245
246 246
247 247 DirectView
248 248 ----------
249 249
250 250 The :class:`.DirectView` is the class for the IPython :ref:`Multiplexing Interface
251 251 <parallel_multiengine>`.
252 252
253 253 Creating a DirectView
254 254 *********************
255 255
256 256 DirectViews can be created in two ways, by index access to a client, or by a client's
257 257 :meth:`view` method. Index access to a Client works in a few ways. First, you can create
258 258 DirectViews to single engines simply by accessing the client by engine id:
259 259
260 260 .. sourcecode:: ipython
261 261
262 262 In [2]: rc[0]
263 263 Out[2]: <DirectView 0>
264 264
265 265 You can also create a DirectView with a list of engines:
266 266
267 267 .. sourcecode:: ipython
268 268
269 269 In [2]: rc[0,1,2]
270 270 Out[2]: <DirectView [0,1,2]>
271 271
272 272 Other methods for accessing elements, such as slicing and negative indexing, work by passing
273 273 the index directly to the client's :attr:`ids` list, so:
274 274
275 275 .. sourcecode:: ipython
276 276
277 277 # negative index
278 278 In [2]: rc[-1]
279 279 Out[2]: <DirectView 3>
280 280
281 281 # or slicing:
282 282 In [3]: rc[::2]
283 283 Out[3]: <DirectView [0,2]>
284 284
285 285 are always the same as:
286 286
287 287 .. sourcecode:: ipython
288 288
289 289 In [2]: rc[rc.ids[-1]]
290 290 Out[2]: <DirectView 3>
291 291
292 292 In [3]: rc[rc.ids[::2]]
293 293 Out[3]: <DirectView [0,2]>
294 294
295 295 Also note that the slice is evaluated at the time of construction of the DirectView, so the
296 296 targets will not change over time if engines are added/removed from the cluster.
297 297
298 298 Execution via DirectView
299 299 ************************
300 300
301 301 The DirectView is the simplest way to work with one or more engines directly (hence the name).
302 302
303 303
304 304 Data movement via DirectView
305 305 ****************************
306 306
307 307 Since a Python namespace is just a :class:`dict`, :class:`DirectView` objects provide
308 308 dictionary-style access by key and methods such as :meth:`get` and
309 309 :meth:`update` for convenience. This make the remote namespaces of the engines
310 310 appear as a local dictionary. Underneath, these methods call :meth:`apply`:
311 311
312 312 .. sourcecode:: ipython
313 313
314 314 In [51]: dview['a']=['foo','bar']
315 315
316 316 In [52]: dview['a']
317 317 Out[52]: [ ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'] ]
318 318
319 319 Scatter and gather
320 320 ------------------
321 321
322 322 Sometimes it is useful to partition a sequence and push the partitions to
323 323 different engines. In MPI language, this is know as scatter/gather and we
324 324 follow that terminology. However, it is important to remember that in
325 325 IPython's :class:`Client` class, :meth:`scatter` is from the
326 326 interactive IPython session to the engines and :meth:`gather` is from the
327 327 engines back to the interactive IPython session. For scatter/gather operations
328 328 between engines, MPI should be used:
329 329
330 330 .. sourcecode:: ipython
331 331
332 332 In [58]: dview.scatter('a',range(16))
333 333 Out[58]: [None,None,None,None]
334 334
335 335 In [59]: dview['a']
336 336 Out[59]: [ [0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15] ]
337 337
338 338 In [60]: dview.gather('a')
339 339 Out[60]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
340 340
341 341 Push and pull
342 342 -------------
343 343
344 344 push
345 345
346 346 pull
347 347
348 348
349 349
350 350
351 351
352 352 LoadBalancedView
353 353 ----------------
354 354
355 355 The :class:`.LoadBalancedView`
356 356
357 357
358 358 Data Movement
359 359 =============
360 360
361 361 Reference
362 362
363 363 Results
364 364 =======
365 365
366 AsyncResults are the primary class
366 AsyncResults
367 ------------
367 368
368 get_result
369 Our primary representation is the AsyncResult object, based on the object of the same name in
370 the built-in :mod:`multiprocessing.pool` module. Our version provides a superset of that
371 interface.
369 372
370 results, metadata
373 The basic principle of the AsyncResult is the encapsulation of one or more results not yet completed. Execution methods (including data movement, such as push/pull) will all return
374 AsyncResults when `block=False`.
376 The mp.pool.AsyncResult interface
377 ---------------------------------
379 The basic interface of the AsyncResult is exactly that of the AsyncResult in :mod:`multiprocessing.pool`, and consists of four methods:
381 .. AsyncResult spec directly from docs.python.org
383 .. class:: AsyncResult
385 The stdlib AsyncResult spec
387 .. method:: wait([timeout])
389 Wait until the result is available or until *timeout* seconds pass. This
390 method always returns ``None``.
392 .. method:: ready()
394 Return whether the call has completed.
396 .. method:: successful()
398 Return whether the call completed without raising an exception. Will
399 raise :exc:`AssertionError` if the result is not ready.
401 .. method:: get([timeout])
403 Return the result when it arrives. If *timeout* is not ``None`` and the
404 result does not arrive within *timeout* seconds then
405 :exc:`TimeoutError` is raised. If the remote call raised
406 an exception then that exception will be reraised as a :exc:`RemoteError`
407 by :meth:`get`.
410 While an AsyncResult is not done, you can check on it with its :meth:`ready` method, which will
411 return whether the AR is done. You can also wait on an AsyncResult with its :meth:`wait` method.
412 This method blocks until the result arrives. If you don't want to wait forever, you can pass a
413 timeout (in seconds) as an argument to :meth:`wait`. :meth:`wait` will *always return None*, and
414 should never raise an error.
416 :meth:`ready` and :meth:`wait` are insensitive to the success or failure of the call. After a
417 result is done, :meth:`successful` will tell you whether the call completed without raising an
418 exception.
420 If you actually want the result of the call, you can use :meth:`get`. Initially, :meth:`get`
421 behaves just like :meth:`wait`, in that it will block until the result is ready, or until a
422 timeout is met. However, unlike :meth:`wait`, :meth:`get` will raise a :exc:`TimeoutError` if
423 the timeout is reached and the result is still not ready. If the result arrives before the
424 timeout is reached, then :meth:`get` will return the result itself if no exception was raised,
425 and will raise an exception if there was.
427 Here is where we start to expand on the multiprocessing interface. Rather than raising the
428 original exception, a RemoteError will be raised, encapsulating the remote exception with some
429 metadata. If the AsyncResult represents multiple calls (e.g. any time `targets` is plural), then
430 a CompositeError, a subclass of RemoteError, will be raised.
432 .. seealso::
434 For more information on remote exceptions, see :ref:`the section in the Direct Interface
435 <Parallel_exceptions>`.
437 Extended interface
438 ******************
441 Other extensions of the AsyncResult interface include convenience wrappers for :meth:`get`.
442 AsyncResults have a property, :attr:`result`, with the short alias :attr:`r`, which simply call
443 :meth:`get`. Since our object is designed for representing *parallel* results, it is expected
444 that many calls (any of those submitted via DirectView) will map results to engine IDs. We
445 provide a :meth:`get_dict`, which is also a wrapper on :meth:`get`, which returns a dictionary
446 of the individual results, keyed by engine ID.
448 You can also prevent a submitted job from actually executing, via the AsyncResult's :meth:`abort` method. This will instruct engines to not execute the job when it arrives.
450 The larger extension of the AsyncResult API is the :attr:`metadata` attribute. The metadata
451 is a dictionary (with attribute access) that contains, logically enough, metadata about the
452 execution.
454 Metadata keys:
456 timestamps
458 submitted
459 When the task left the Client
460 started
461 When the task started execution on the engine
462 completed
463 When execution finished on the engine
464 received
465 When the result arrived on the Client
467 note that it is not known when the result arrived in 0MQ on the client, only when it
468 arrived in Python via :meth:`Client.spin`, so in interactive use, this may not be
469 strictly informative.
471 Information about the engine
473 engine_id
474 The integer id
475 engine_uuid
476 The UUID of the engine
478 output of the call
480 pyerr
481 Python exception, if there was one
482 pyout
483 Python output
484 stderr
485 stderr stream
486 stdout
487 stdout (e.g. print) stream
489 And some extended information
491 status
492 either 'ok' or 'error'
493 msg_id
494 The UUID of the message
495 after
496 For tasks: the time-based msg_id dependencies
497 follow
498 For tasks: the location-based msg_id dependencies
500 While in most cases, the Clients that submitted a request will be the ones using the results,
501 other Clients can also request results directly from the Hub. This is done via the Client's
502 :meth:`get_result` method. This method will *always* return an AsyncResult object. If the call
503 was not submitted by the client, then it will be a subclass, called :class:`AsyncHubResult`.
504 These behave in the same way as an AsyncResult, but if the result is not ready, waiting on an
505 AsyncHubResult polls the Hub, which is much more expensive than the passive polling used
506 in regular AsyncResults.
509 The Client keeps track of all results
510 history, results, metadata
371 511
372 512 Querying the Hub
373 513 ================
374 514
375 515 The Hub sees all traffic that may pass through the schedulers between engines and clients.
376 516 It does this so that it can track state, allowing multiple clients to retrieve results of
377 517 computations submitted by their peers, as well as persisting the state to a database.
378 518
379 519 queue_status
380 520
381 521 You can check the status of the queues of the engines with this command.
382 522
383 523 result_status
384 524
525 check on results
385 527 purge_results
386 528
529 forget results (conserve resources)
387 531 Controlling the Engines
388 532 =======================
389 533
390 534 There are a few actions you can do with Engines that do not involve execution. These
391 535 messages are sent via the Control socket, and bypass any long queues of waiting execution
392 536 jobs
393 537
394 538 abort
395 539
396 540 Sometimes you may want to prevent a job you have submitted from actually running. The method
397 541 for this is :meth:`abort`. It takes a container of msg_ids, and instructs the Engines to not
398 542 run the jobs if they arrive. The jobs will then fail with an AbortedTask error.
399 543
400 544 clear
401 545
402 546 You may want to purge the Engine(s) namespace of any data you have left in it. After
403 547 running `clear`, there will be no names in the Engine's namespace
404 548
405 549 shutdown
406 550
407 551 You can also instruct engines (and the Controller) to terminate from a Client. This
408 552 can be useful when a job is finished, since you can shutdown all the processes with a
409 553 single command.
410 554
411 555 Synchronization
412 556 ===============
413 557
414 558 Since the Client is a synchronous object, events do not automatically trigger in your
415 559 interactive session - you must poll the 0MQ sockets for incoming messages. Note that
416 560 this polling *does not* actually make any network requests. It simply performs a `select`
417 561 operation, to check if messages are already in local memory, waiting to be handled.
418 562
419 563 The method that handles incoming messages is :meth:`spin`. This method flushes any waiting
420 564 messages on the various incoming sockets, and updates the state of the Client.
421 565
422 566 If you need to wait for particular results to finish, you can use the :meth:`wait` method,
423 567 which will call :meth:`spin` until the messages are no longer outstanding. Anything that
424 568 represents a collection of messages, such as a list of msg_ids or one or more AsyncResult
425 569 objects, can be passed as argument to wait. A timeout can be specified, which will prevent
426 570 the call from blocking for more than a specified time, but the default behavior is to wait
427 571 forever.
428 572
429 573
430 574
431 575 The client also has an `outstanding` attribute - a ``set`` of msg_ids that are awaiting replies.
432 576 This is the default if wait is called with no arguments - i.e. wait on *all* outstanding
433 577 messages.
434 578
435 579
436 580 .. note::
437 581
438 582 TODO wait example
439 583
440 584 Map
441 585 ===
442 586
443 587 Many parallel computing problems can be expressed as a `map`, or running a single program with a
444 588 variety of different inputs. Python has a built-in :py-func:`map`, which does exactly this, and
445 589 many parallel execution tools in Python, such as the built-in :py-class:`multiprocessing.Pool`
446 590 object provide implementations of `map`. All View objects provide a :meth:`map` method as well,
447 591 but the load-balanced and direct implementations differ.
448 592
449 593 Views' map methods can be called on any number of sequences, but they can also take the `block`
450 594 and `bound` keyword arguments, just like :meth:`~client.apply`, but *only as keywords*.
451 595
452 596 .. sourcecode:: python
453 597
454 598 dview.map(*sequences, block=None)
455 599
456 600
457 601 * iter, map_async, reduce
458 602
459 603 Decorators and RemoteFunctions
460 604 ==============================
461 605
462 606 @parallel
463 607
464 608 @remote
465 609
466 610 RemoteFunction
467 611
468 612 ParallelFunction
469 613
470 614 Dependencies
471 615 ============
472 616
473 617 @depend
474 618
475 619 @require
476 620
477 621 Dependency
@@ -1,231 +1,221
1 1 .. _parallel_transition:
2 2
3 3 ============================================================
4 4 Transitioning from IPython.kernel to IPython.zmq.newparallel
5 5 ============================================================
6 6
7 7
8 8 We have rewritten our parallel computing tools to use 0MQ_ and Tornado_. The redesign
9 9 has resulted in dramatically improved performance, as well as (we think), an improved
10 10 interface for executing code remotely. This doc is to help users of IPython.kernel
11 11 transition their codes to the new code.
12 12
13 13 .. _0MQ: http://zeromq.org
14 14 .. _Tornado: https://github.com/facebook/tornado
15 15
16 16
17 17 Processes
18 18 =========
19 19
20 20 The process model for the new parallel code is very similar to that of IPython.kernel. There is
21 21 still a Controller, Engines, and Clients. However, the the Controller is now split into multiple
22 22 processes, and can even be split across multiple machines. There does remain a single
23 23 ipcontroller script for starting all of the controller processes.
24 24
25 25
26 26 .. note::
27 27
28 28 TODO: fill this out after config system is updated
29 29
30 30
31 31 .. seealso::
32 32
33 33 Detailed :ref:`Parallel Process <parallel_process>` doc for configuring and launching
34 34 IPython processes.
35 35
36 36 Creating a Client
37 37 =================
38 38
39 39 Creating a client with default settings has not changed much, though the extended options have.
40 40 One significant change is that there are no longer multiple Client classes to represent the
41 41 various execution models. There is just one low-level Client object for connecting to the
42 42 cluster, and View objects are created from that Client that provide the different interfaces
43 43 for execution.
44 44
45 45
46 46 To create a new client, and set up the default direct and load-balanced objects:
47 47
48 48 .. sourcecode:: ipython
49 49
50 50 # old
51 51 In [1]: from IPython.kernel import client as kclient
52 52
53 53 In [2]: mec = kclient.MultiEngineClient()
54 54
55 55 In [3]: tc = kclient.TaskClient()
56 56
57 57 # new
58 58 In [1]: from IPython.parallel import Client
59 59
60 60 In [2]: rc = Client()
61 61
62 62 In [3]: dview = rc[:]
63 63
64 64 In [4]: lbview = rc.load_balanced_view()
65 65
66 66 Apply
67 67 =====
68 68
69 69 The main change to the API is the addition of the :meth:`apply` to the View objects. This is a
70 70 method that takes `view.apply(f,*args,**kwargs)`, and calls `f(*args, **kwargs)` remotely on one
71 71 or more engines, returning the result. This means that the natural unit of remote execution
72 72 is no longer a string of Python code, but rather a Python function.
73 73
74 74 * non-copying sends (track)
75 75 * remote References
76 76
77 77 The flags for execution have also changed. Previously, there was only `block` denoting whether
78 78 to wait for results. This remains, but due to the addition of fully non-copying sends of
79 79 arrays and buffers, there is also a `track` flag, which instructs PyZMQ to produce a :class:`MessageTracker` that will let you know when it is safe again to edit arrays in-place.
80 80
81 81 The result of a non-blocking call to `apply` is now an AsyncResult_ object, described below.
82 82
83 MultiEngine
84 ===========
83 MultiEngine to DirectView
84 =========================
85 85
86 86 The multiplexing interface previously provided by the MultiEngineClient is now provided by the
87 87 DirectView. Once you have a Client connected, you can create a DirectView with index-access
88 88 to the client (``view = client[1:5]``). The core methods for
89 89 communicating with engines remain: `execute`, `run`, `push`, `pull`, `scatter`, `gather`. These
90 90 methods all behave in much the same way as they did on a MultiEngineClient.
91 91
92 92
93 93 .. sourcecode:: ipython
94 94
95 95 # old
96 96 In [2]: mec.execute('a=5', targets=[0,1,2])
97 97
98 98 # new
99 99 In [2]: view.execute('a=5', targets=[0,1,2])
100 100 # or
101 101 In [2]: rc[0,1,2].execute('a=5')
102 102
103 103
104 104 This extends to any method that communicates with the engines.
105 105
106 106 Requests of the Hub (queue status, etc.) are no-longer asynchronous, and do not take a `block`
107 107 argument.
108 108
109 109
110 110 * :meth:`get_ids` is now the property :attr:`ids`, which is passively updated by the Hub (no
111 111 need for network requests for an up-to-date list).
112 112 * :meth:`barrier` has been renamed to :meth:`wait`, and now takes an optional timeout. :meth:`flush` is removed, as it is redundant with :meth:`wait`
113 113 * :meth:`zip_pull` has been removed
114 114 * :meth:`keys` has been removed, but is easily implemented as::
115 115
116 116 dview.apply(lambda : globals().keys())
117 117
118 118 * :meth:`push_function` and :meth:`push_serialized` are removed, as :meth:`push` handles
119 119 functions without issue.
120 120
121 121 .. seealso::
122 122
123 123 :ref:`Our Direct Interface doc <parallel_multiengine>` for a simple tutorial with the
124 124 DirectView.
125 125
126 126
127 127
128 128
129 129 The other major difference is the use of :meth:`apply`. When remote work is simply functions,
130 130 the natural return value is the actual Python objects. It is no longer the recommended pattern
131 131 to use stdout as your results, due to stream decoupling and the asynchronous nature of how the
132 132 stdout streams are handled in the new system.
133 133
134 Task
135 ====
134 Task to LoadBalancedView
135 ========================
136 136
137 137 Load-Balancing has changed more than Multiplexing. This is because there is no longer a notion
138 138 of a StringTask or a MapTask, there are simply Python functions to call. Tasks are now
139 139 simpler, because they are no longer composites of push/execute/pull/clear calls, they are
140 140 a single function that takes arguments, and returns objects.
141 141
142 142 The load-balanced interface is provided by the :class:`LoadBalancedView` class, created by the client:
143 143
144 144 .. sourcecode:: ipython
145 145
146 146 In [10]: lbview = rc.load_balanced_view()
147 147
148 148 # load-balancing can also be restricted to a subset of engines:
149 149 In [10]: lbview = rc.load_balanced_view([1,2,3])
150 150
151 151 A simple task would consist of sending some data, calling a function on that data, plus some
152 152 data that was resident on the engine already, and then pulling back some results. This can
153 153 all be done with a single function.
154 154
155 155
156 156 Let's say you want to compute the dot product of two matrices, one of which resides on the
157 157 engine, and another resides on the client. You might construct a task that looks like this:
158 158
159 159 .. sourcecode:: ipython
160 160
161 161 In [10]: st = kclient.StringTask("""
162 162 import numpy
163 163 C=numpy.dot(A,B)
164 164 """,
165 165 push=dict(B=B),
166 166 pull='C'
167 167 )
168 168
169 169 In [11]: tid = tc.run(st)
170 170
171 171 In [12]: tr = tc.get_task_result(tid)
172 172
173 173 In [13]: C = tc['C']
174 174
175 175 In the new code, this is simpler:
176 176
177 177 .. sourcecode:: ipython
178 178
179 179 In [10]: import numpy
180 180
181 181 In [11]: from IPython.parallel import Reference
182 182
183 183 In [12]: ar = lbview.apply(numpy.dot, Reference('A'), B)
184 184
185 185 In [13]: C = ar.get()
186 186
187 187 Note the use of ``Reference`` This is a convenient representation of an object that exists
188 188 in the engine's namespace, so you can pass remote objects as arguments to your task functions.
189 189
190 190 Also note that in the kernel model, after the task is run, 'A', 'B', and 'C' are all defined on
191 191 the engine. In order to deal with this, there is also a `clear_after` flag for Tasks to prevent
192 192 pollution of the namespace, and bloating of engine memory. This is not necessary with the new
193 193 code, because only those objects explicitly pushed (or set via `globals()`) will be resident on
194 194 the engine beyond the duration of the task.
195 195
196 196 .. seealso::
197 197
198 198 Dependencies also work very differently than in IPython.kernel. See our :ref:`doc on Dependencies<parallel_dependencies>` for details.
199 199
200 200 .. seealso::
201 201
202 202 :ref:`Our Task Interface doc <parallel_task>` for a simple tutorial with the
203 203 LoadBalancedView.
204 204
205 205
206 .. _AsyncResult:
207 206
208 PendingResults
209 ==============
211 Since we no longer use Twisted, we also lose the use of Deferred objects. The results of
212 non-blocking calls were represented as PendingDeferred or PendingResult objects. The object used
213 for this in the new code is an AsyncResult object. The AsyncResult object is based on the object
214 of the same name in the built-in :py-mod:`multiprocessing.pool` module. Our version provides a
215 superset of that interface.
217 Some things that behave the same:
207 There are still some things that behave the same as IPython.kernel:
218 208
219 209 .. sourcecode:: ipython
220 210
221 211 # old
222 212 In [5]: pr = mec.pull('a', targets=[0,1], block=False)
223 213 In [6]: pr.r
224 214 Out[6]: [5, 5]
225 215
226 216 # new
227 In [5]: ar = rc[0,1].pull('a', block=False)
217 In [5]: ar = dview.pull('a', targets=[0,1], block=False)
228 218 In [6]: ar.r
229 219 Out[6]: [5, 5]
230 220
231 221
@@ -1,337 +1,334
1 1 ============================================
2 2 Getting started with Windows HPC Server 2008
3 3 ============================================
4 4
5 5 .. note::
6 6
7 7 Not adapted to zmq yet
8 8
9 9 Introduction
10 10 ============
11 11
12 12 The Python programming language is an increasingly popular language for
13 13 numerical computing. This is due to a unique combination of factors. First,
14 14 Python is a high-level and *interactive* language that is well matched to
15 15 interactive numerical work. Second, it is easy (often times trivial) to
16 16 integrate legacy C/C++/Fortran code into Python. Third, a large number of
17 17 high-quality open source projects provide all the needed building blocks for
18 18 numerical computing: numerical arrays (NumPy), algorithms (SciPy), 2D/3D
19 19 Visualization (Matplotlib, Mayavi, Chaco), Symbolic Mathematics (Sage, Sympy)
20 20 and others.
21 21
22 22 The IPython project is a core part of this open-source toolchain and is
23 23 focused on creating a comprehensive environment for interactive and
24 24 exploratory computing in the Python programming language. It enables all of
25 25 the above tools to be used interactively and consists of two main components:
26 26
27 27 * An enhanced interactive Python shell with support for interactive plotting
28 28 and visualization.
29 29 * An architecture for interactive parallel computing.
30 30
31 31 With these components, it is possible to perform all aspects of a parallel
32 32 computation interactively. This type of workflow is particularly relevant in
33 33 scientific and numerical computing where algorithms, code and data are
34 34 continually evolving as the user/developer explores a problem. The broad
35 35 treads in computing (commodity clusters, multicore, cloud computing, etc.)
36 36 make these capabilities of IPython particularly relevant.
37 37
38 38 While IPython is a cross platform tool, it has particularly strong support for
39 39 Windows based compute clusters running Windows HPC Server 2008. This document
40 40 describes how to get started with IPython on Windows HPC Server 2008. The
41 41 content and emphasis here is practical: installing IPython, configuring
42 42 IPython to use the Windows job scheduler and running example parallel programs
43 43 interactively. A more complete description of IPython's parallel computing
44 44 capabilities can be found in IPython's online documentation
45 45 (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/Documentation).
46 46
47 47 Setting up your Windows cluster
48 48 ===============================
49 49
50 50 This document assumes that you already have a cluster running Windows
51 51 HPC Server 2008. Here is a broad overview of what is involved with setting up
52 52 such a cluster:
53 53
54 54 1. Install Windows Server 2008 on the head and compute nodes in the cluster.
55 55 2. Setup the network configuration on each host. Each host should have a
56 56 static IP address.
57 57 3. On the head node, activate the "Active Directory Domain Services" role
58 58 and make the head node the domain controller.
59 59 4. Join the compute nodes to the newly created Active Directory (AD) domain.
60 60 5. Setup user accounts in the domain with shared home directories.
61 61 6. Install the HPC Pack 2008 on the head node to create a cluster.
62 62 7. Install the HPC Pack 2008 on the compute nodes.
63 63
64 64 More details about installing and configuring Windows HPC Server 2008 can be
65 65 found on the Windows HPC Home Page (http://www.microsoft.com/hpc). Regardless
66 66 of what steps you follow to set up your cluster, the remainder of this
67 67 document will assume that:
68 68
69 69 * There are domain users that can log on to the AD domain and submit jobs
70 70 to the cluster scheduler.
71 71 * These domain users have shared home directories. While shared home
72 72 directories are not required to use IPython, they make it much easier to
73 73 use IPython.
74 74
75 75 Installation of IPython and its dependencies
76 76 ============================================
77 77
78 78 IPython and all of its dependencies are freely available and open source.
79 79 These packages provide a powerful and cost-effective approach to numerical and
80 80 scientific computing on Windows. The following dependencies are needed to run
81 81 IPython on Windows:
82 82
83 * Python 2.5 or 2.6 (http://www.python.org)
83 * Python 2.6 or 2.7 (http://www.python.org)
84 84 * pywin32 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/)
85 85 * PyReadline (https://launchpad.net/pyreadline)
86 * zope.interface and Twisted (http://twistedmatrix.com)
87 * Foolcap (http://foolscap.lothar.com/trac)
88 * pyOpenSSL (https://launchpad.net/pyopenssl)
86 * pyzmq (http://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/downloads)
89 87 * IPython (http://ipython.scipy.org)
90 88
91 89 In addition, the following dependencies are needed to run the demos described
92 90 in this document.
93 91
94 92 * NumPy and SciPy (http://www.scipy.org)
95 * wxPython (http://www.wxpython.org)
96 93 * Matplotlib (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/)
97 94
98 95 The easiest way of obtaining these dependencies is through the Enthought
99 96 Python Distribution (EPD) (http://www.enthought.com/products/epd.php). EPD is
100 97 produced by Enthought, Inc. and contains all of these packages and others in a
101 98 single installer and is available free for academic users. While it is also
102 99 possible to download and install each package individually, this is a tedious
103 100 process. Thus, we highly recommend using EPD to install these packages on
104 101 Windows.
105 102
106 103 Regardless of how you install the dependencies, here are the steps you will
107 104 need to follow:
108 105
109 106 1. Install all of the packages listed above, either individually or using EPD
110 107 on the head node, compute nodes and user workstations.
111 108
112 2. Make sure that :file:`C:\\Python25` and :file:`C:\\Python25\\Scripts` are
109 2. Make sure that :file:`C:\\Python27` and :file:`C:\\Python27\\Scripts` are
113 110 in the system :envvar:`%PATH%` variable on each node.
114 111
115 112 3. Install the latest development version of IPython. This can be done by
116 113 downloading the the development version from the IPython website
117 114 (http://ipython.scipy.org) and following the installation instructions.
118 115
119 116 Further details about installing IPython or its dependencies can be found in
120 117 the online IPython documentation (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/Documentation)
121 118 Once you are finished with the installation, you can try IPython out by
122 119 opening a Windows Command Prompt and typing ``ipython``. This will
123 120 start IPython's interactive shell and you should see something like the
124 121 following screenshot:
125 122
126 .. image:: ../parallel/ipython_shell.*
123 .. image:: ipython_shell.*
127 124
128 125 Starting an IPython cluster
129 126 ===========================
130 127
131 128 To use IPython's parallel computing capabilities, you will need to start an
132 129 IPython cluster. An IPython cluster consists of one controller and multiple
133 130 engines:
134 131
135 132 IPython controller
136 133 The IPython controller manages the engines and acts as a gateway between
137 134 the engines and the client, which runs in the user's interactive IPython
138 135 session. The controller is started using the :command:`ipcontroller`
139 136 command.
140 137
141 138 IPython engine
142 139 IPython engines run a user's Python code in parallel on the compute nodes.
143 140 Engines are starting using the :command:`ipengine` command.
144 141
145 142 Once these processes are started, a user can run Python code interactively and
146 143 in parallel on the engines from within the IPython shell using an appropriate
147 144 client. This includes the ability to interact with, plot and visualize data
148 145 from the engines.
149 146
150 147 IPython has a command line program called :command:`ipclusterz` that automates
151 148 all aspects of starting the controller and engines on the compute nodes.
152 149 :command:`ipclusterz` has full support for the Windows HPC job scheduler,
153 150 meaning that :command:`ipclusterz` can use this job scheduler to start the
154 151 controller and engines. In our experience, the Windows HPC job scheduler is
155 152 particularly well suited for interactive applications, such as IPython. Once
156 153 :command:`ipclusterz` is configured properly, a user can start an IPython
157 154 cluster from their local workstation almost instantly, without having to log
158 155 on to the head node (as is typically required by Unix based job schedulers).
159 156 This enables a user to move seamlessly between serial and parallel
160 157 computations.
161 158
162 159 In this section we show how to use :command:`ipclusterz` to start an IPython
163 160 cluster using the Windows HPC Server 2008 job scheduler. To make sure that
164 161 :command:`ipclusterz` is installed and working properly, you should first try
165 162 to start an IPython cluster on your local host. To do this, open a Windows
166 163 Command Prompt and type the following command::
167 164
168 165 ipclusterz start -n 2
169 166
170 167 You should see a number of messages printed to the screen, ending with
171 168 "IPython cluster: started". The result should look something like the following
172 169 screenshot:
173 170
174 .. image:: ../parallel/ipcluster_start.*
171 .. image:: ipcluster_start.*
175 172
176 173 At this point, the controller and two engines are running on your local host.
177 174 This configuration is useful for testing and for situations where you want to
178 175 take advantage of multiple cores on your local computer.
179 176
180 177 Now that we have confirmed that :command:`ipclusterz` is working properly, we
181 178 describe how to configure and run an IPython cluster on an actual compute
182 179 cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008. Here is an outline of the needed
183 180 steps:
184 181
185 182 1. Create a cluster profile using: ``ipclusterz create -p mycluster``
186 183
187 184 2. Edit configuration files in the directory :file:`.ipython\\cluster_mycluster`
188 185
189 186 3. Start the cluster using: ``ipcluser start -p mycluster -n 32``
190 187
191 188 Creating a cluster profile
192 189 --------------------------
193 190
194 191 In most cases, you will have to create a cluster profile to use IPython on a
195 192 cluster. A cluster profile is a name (like "mycluster") that is associated
196 193 with a particular cluster configuration. The profile name is used by
197 194 :command:`ipclusterz` when working with the cluster.
198 195
199 196 Associated with each cluster profile is a cluster directory. This cluster
200 197 directory is a specially named directory (typically located in the
201 198 :file:`.ipython` subdirectory of your home directory) that contains the
202 199 configuration files for a particular cluster profile, as well as log files and
203 200 security keys. The naming convention for cluster directories is:
204 201 :file:`cluster_<profile name>`. Thus, the cluster directory for a profile named
205 202 "foo" would be :file:`.ipython\\cluster_foo`.
206 203
207 204 To create a new cluster profile (named "mycluster") and the associated cluster
208 205 directory, type the following command at the Windows Command Prompt::
209 206
210 207 ipclusterz create -p mycluster
211 208
212 209 The output of this command is shown in the screenshot below. Notice how
213 210 :command:`ipclusterz` prints out the location of the newly created cluster
214 211 directory.
215 212
216 .. image:: ../parallel/ipcluster_create.*
213 .. image:: ipcluster_create.*
217 214
218 215 Configuring a cluster profile
219 216 -----------------------------
220 217
221 218 Next, you will need to configure the newly created cluster profile by editing
222 219 the following configuration files in the cluster directory:
223 220
224 221 * :file:`ipclusterz_config.py`
225 222 * :file:`ipcontroller_config.py`
226 223 * :file:`ipengine_config.py`
227 224
228 225 When :command:`ipclusterz` is run, these configuration files are used to
229 226 determine how the engines and controller will be started. In most cases,
230 227 you will only have to set a few of the attributes in these files.
231 228
232 229 To configure :command:`ipclusterz` to use the Windows HPC job scheduler, you
233 230 will need to edit the following attributes in the file
234 231 :file:`ipclusterz_config.py`::
235 232
236 233 # Set these at the top of the file to tell ipclusterz to use the
237 234 # Windows HPC job scheduler.
238 235 c.Global.controller_launcher = \
239 236 'IPython.parallel.launcher.WindowsHPCControllerLauncher'
240 237 c.Global.engine_launcher = \
241 238 'IPython.parallel.launcher.WindowsHPCEngineSetLauncher'
242 239
243 240 # Set these to the host name of the scheduler (head node) of your cluster.
244 241 c.WindowsHPCControllerLauncher.scheduler = 'HEADNODE'
245 242 c.WindowsHPCEngineSetLauncher.scheduler = 'HEADNODE'
246 243
247 244 There are a number of other configuration attributes that can be set, but
248 245 in most cases these will be sufficient to get you started.
249 246
250 247 .. warning::
251 248 If any of your configuration attributes involve specifying the location
252 249 of shared directories or files, you must make sure that you use UNC paths
253 250 like :file:`\\\\host\\share`. It is also important that you specify
254 251 these paths using raw Python strings: ``r'\\host\share'`` to make sure
255 252 that the backslashes are properly escaped.
256 253
257 254 Starting the cluster profile
258 255 ----------------------------
259 256
260 257 Once a cluster profile has been configured, starting an IPython cluster using
261 258 the profile is simple::
262 259
263 260 ipclusterz start -p mycluster -n 32
264 261
265 262 The ``-n`` option tells :command:`ipclusterz` how many engines to start (in
266 263 this case 32). Stopping the cluster is as simple as typing Control-C.
267 264
268 265 Using the HPC Job Manager
269 266 -------------------------
270 267
271 268 When ``ipclusterz start`` is run the first time, :command:`ipclusterz` creates
272 269 two XML job description files in the cluster directory:
273 270
274 271 * :file:`ipcontroller_job.xml`
275 272 * :file:`ipengineset_job.xml`
276 273
277 274 Once these files have been created, they can be imported into the HPC Job
278 275 Manager application. Then, the controller and engines for that profile can be
279 276 started using the HPC Job Manager directly, without using :command:`ipclusterz`.
280 277 However, anytime the cluster profile is re-configured, ``ipclusterz start``
281 278 must be run again to regenerate the XML job description files. The
282 279 following screenshot shows what the HPC Job Manager interface looks like
283 280 with a running IPython cluster.
284 281
285 .. image:: ../parallel/hpc_job_manager.*
282 .. image:: hpc_job_manager.*
286 283
287 284 Performing a simple interactive parallel computation
288 285 ====================================================
289 286
290 287 Once you have started your IPython cluster, you can start to use it. To do
291 288 this, open up a new Windows Command Prompt and start up IPython's interactive
292 289 shell by typing::
293 290
294 291 ipython
295 292
296 293 Then you can create a :class:`MultiEngineClient` instance for your profile and
297 294 use the resulting instance to do a simple interactive parallel computation. In
298 295 the code and screenshot that follows, we take a simple Python function and
299 296 apply it to each element of an array of integers in parallel using the
300 297 :meth:`MultiEngineClient.map` method:
301 298
302 299 .. sourcecode:: ipython
303 300
304 301 In [1]: from IPython.parallel import *
305 302
306 303 In [2]: c = MultiEngineClient(profile='mycluster')
307 304
308 305 In [3]: mec.get_ids()
309 306 Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 67, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
310 307
311 308 In [4]: def f(x):
312 309 ...: return x**10
313 310
314 311 In [5]: mec.map(f, range(15)) # f is applied in parallel
315 312 Out[5]:
316 313 [0,
317 314 1,
318 315 1024,
319 316 59049,
320 317 1048576,
321 318 9765625,
322 319 60466176,
323 320 282475249,
324 321 1073741824,
325 322 3486784401L,
326 323 10000000000L,
327 324 25937424601L,
328 325 61917364224L,
329 326 137858491849L,
330 327 289254654976L]
331 328
332 329 The :meth:`map` method has the same signature as Python's builtin :func:`map`
333 330 function, but runs the calculation in parallel. More involved examples of using
334 331 :class:`MultiEngineClient` are provided in the examples that follow.
335 332
336 .. image:: ../parallel/mec_simple.*
333 .. image:: mec_simple.*
337 334
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