##// END OF EJS Templates
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@@ -1,1242 +1,1426
1 .. _issues_list_200:
1 .. _issues_list_200:
3 Issues closed in the 2.0 development cycle
3 Issues closed in the 2.0 development cycle
4 ==========================================
4 ==========================================
6 Issues closed in 2.1.0
7 ----------------------
9 GitHub stats for 2014/04/02 - 2014/05/21 (since 2.0.0)
11 These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
13 The following 35 authors contributed 145 commits.
15 * Adrian Price-Whelan
16 * Aron Ahmadia
17 * Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
18 * Benjamin Schultz
19 * Björn Linse
20 * Blake Griffith
21 * chebee7i
22 * Damián Avila
23 * Dav Clark
24 * dexterdev
25 * Erik Tollerud
26 * Grzegorz Rożniecki
27 * Jakob Gager
28 * jdavidheiser
29 * Jessica B. Hamrick
30 * Jim Garrison
31 * Jonathan Frederic
32 * Matthias Bussonnier
33 * Maximilian Albert
34 * Mohan Raj Rajamanickam
35 * ncornette
36 * Nikolay Koldunov
37 * Nile Geisinger
38 * Pankaj Pandey
39 * Paul Ivanov
40 * Pierre Haessig
41 * Raffaele De Feo
42 * Renaud Richardet
43 * Spencer Nelson
44 * Steve Chan
45 * sunny
46 * Susan Tan
47 * Thomas Kluyver
48 * Yaroslav Halchenko
49 * zah
51 We closed a total of 129 issues, 92 pull requests and 37 regular issues;
52 this is the full list (generated with the script
53 :file:`tools/github_stats.py --milestone 2.1`):
55 Pull Requests (92):
57 * :ghpull:`5871`: specify encoding in msgpack.unpackb
58 * :ghpull:`5869`: Catch more errors from clipboard access on Windows
59 * :ghpull:`5866`: Make test robust against differences in line endings
60 * :ghpull:`5605`: Two cell toolbar fixes.
61 * :ghpull:`5843`: remove Firefox-specific CSS workaround
62 * :ghpull:`5845`: Pass Windows interrupt event to kernels as an environment variable
63 * :ghpull:`5835`: fix typo in v2 convert
64 * :ghpull:`5841`: Fix writing history with output to a file in Python 2
65 * :ghpull:`5842`: fix typo in nbconvert help
66 * :ghpull:`5846`: Fix typos in Cython example
67 * :ghpull:`5839`: Close graphics dev in finally clause
68 * :ghpull:`5837`: pass on install docs
69 * :ghpull:`5832`: Fixed example to work with python3
70 * :ghpull:`5826`: allow notebook tour instantiation to fail
71 * :ghpull:`5560`: Minor expansion of Cython example
72 * :ghpull:`5818`: interpret any exception in getcallargs as not callable
73 * :ghpull:`5816`: Add output to IPython directive when in verbatim mode.
74 * :ghpull:`5822`: Don't overwrite widget description in interact
75 * :ghpull:`5782`: Silence exception thrown by completer when dir() does not return a list
76 * :ghpull:`5807`: Drop log level to info for Qt console shutdown
77 * :ghpull:`5814`: Remove -i options from mv, rm and cp aliases
78 * :ghpull:`5812`: Fix application name when printing subcommand help.
79 * :ghpull:`5804`: remove an inappropriate ``!``
80 * :ghpull:`5805`: fix engine startup files
81 * :ghpull:`5806`: Don't auto-move .config/ipython if symbolic link
82 * :ghpull:`5716`: Add booktabs package to latex base.tplx
83 * :ghpull:`5669`: allows threadsafe sys.stdout.flush from background threads
84 * :ghpull:`5668`: allow async output on the most recent request
85 * :ghpull:`5768`: fix cursor keys in long lines wrapped in markdown
86 * :ghpull:`5788`: run cells with ``silent=True`` in ``%run nb.ipynb``
87 * :ghpull:`5715`: log all failed ajax API requests
88 * :ghpull:`5769`: Don't urlescape the text that goes into a title tag
89 * :ghpull:`5762`: Fix check for pickling closures
90 * :ghpull:`5766`: View.map with empty sequence should return empty list
91 * :ghpull:`5758`: Applied bug fix: using fc and ec did not properly set the figure canvas ...
92 * :ghpull:`5754`: Format command name into subcommand_description at run time, not import
93 * :ghpull:`5744`: Describe using PyPI/pip to distribute & install extensions
94 * :ghpull:`5712`: monkeypatch inspect.findsource only when we use it
95 * :ghpull:`5708`: create checkpoints dir in notebook subdirectories
96 * :ghpull:`5714`: log error message when API requests fail
97 * :ghpull:`5732`: Quick typo fix in nbformat/convert.py
98 * :ghpull:`5713`: Fix a NameError in IPython.parallel
99 * :ghpull:`5704`: Update nbconvertapp.py
100 * :ghpull:`5534`: cleanup some ``pre`` css inheritance
101 * :ghpull:`5699`: don't use common names in require decorators
102 * :ghpull:`5692`: Update notebook.rst fixing broken reference to notebook examples readme
103 * :ghpull:`5693`: Update parallel_intro.rst to fix a broken link to examples
104 * :ghpull:`5486`: disambiguate to location when no IPs can be determined
105 * :ghpull:`5574`: Remove the outdated keyboard shortcuts from notebook docs
106 * :ghpull:`5568`: Use ``__qualname__`` in pretty reprs for Python 3
107 * :ghpull:`5678`: Fix copy & paste error in docstring of ImageWidget class
108 * :ghpull:`5677`: Fix %bookmark -l for Python 3
109 * :ghpull:`5670`: nbconvert: Fix CWD imports
110 * :ghpull:`5647`: Mention git hooks in install documentation
111 * :ghpull:`5671`: Fix blank slides issue in Reveal slideshow pdf export
112 * :ghpull:`5657`: use 'localhost' as default for the notebook server
113 * :ghpull:`5584`: more semantic icons
114 * :ghpull:`5594`: update components with marked-0.3.2
115 * :ghpull:`5500`: check for Python 3.2
116 * :ghpull:`5582`: reset readline after running PYTHONSTARTUP
117 * :ghpull:`5630`: Fixed Issue :ghissue:`4012` Added Help menubar link to Github markdown doc
118 * :ghpull:`5613`: Fixing bug :ghissue:`5607`
119 * :ghpull:`5633`: Provide more help if lessc is not found.
120 * :ghpull:`5620`: fixed a typo in IPython.core.formatters
121 * :ghpull:`5619`: Fix typo in storemagic module docstring
122 * :ghpull:`5592`: add missing ``browser`` to notebook_aliases list
123 * :ghpull:`5506`: Fix ipconfig regex pattern
124 * :ghpull:`5581`: Fix rmagic for cells ending in comment.
125 * :ghpull:`5576`: only process cr if it's found
126 * :ghpull:`5478`: Add git-hooks install script. Update README.md
127 * :ghpull:`5546`: do not shutdown notebook if 'n' is part of answer
128 * :ghpull:`5527`: Don't remove upload items from nav tree unless explicitly requested.
129 * :ghpull:`5501`: remove inappropriate wheel tag override
130 * :ghpull:`5548`: FileNotebookManager: Use shutil.move() instead of os.rename()
131 * :ghpull:`5524`: never use ``for (var i in array)``
132 * :ghpull:`5459`: Fix interact animation page jump FF
133 * :ghpull:`5559`: Minor typo fix in "Cython Magics.ipynb"
134 * :ghpull:`5507`: Fix typo in interactive widgets examples index notebook
135 * :ghpull:`5554`: Make HasTraits pickleable
136 * :ghpull:`5535`: fix n^2 performance issue in coalesce_streams preprocessor
137 * :ghpull:`5522`: fix iteration over Client
138 * :ghpull:`5488`: Added missing require and jquery from cdn.
139 * :ghpull:`5516`: ENH: list generated config files in generated, and rm them upon clean
140 * :ghpull:`5493`: made a minor fix to one of the widget examples
141 * :ghpull:`5512`: Update tooltips to refer to shift-tab
142 * :ghpull:`5505`: Make backport_pr work on Python 3
143 * :ghpull:`5503`: check explicitly for 'dev' before adding the note to docs
144 * :ghpull:`5498`: use milestones to indicate backport
145 * :ghpull:`5492`: Polish whatsnew docs
146 * :ghpull:`5495`: Fix various broken things in docs
147 * :ghpull:`5496`: Exclude whatsnew/pr directory from docs builds
148 * :ghpull:`5489`: Fix required Python versions
150 Issues (37):
152 * :ghissue:`5364`: Horizontal scrollbar hides cell's last line on Firefox
153 * :ghissue:`5192`: horisontal scrollbar overlaps output or touches next cell
154 * :ghissue:`5840`: Third-party Windows kernels don't get interrupt signal
155 * :ghissue:`2412`: print history to file using qtconsole and notebook
156 * :ghissue:`5703`: Notebook doesn't render with "ask me every time" cookie setting in Firefox
157 * :ghissue:`5817`: calling mock object in IPython 2.0.0 under Python 3.4.0 raises AttributeError
158 * :ghissue:`5499`: Error running widgets nbconvert example
159 * :ghissue:`5654`: Broken links from ipython documentation
160 * :ghissue:`5019`: print in QT event callback doesn't show up in ipython notebook.
161 * :ghissue:`5800`: Only last In prompt number set ?
162 * :ghissue:`5801`: startup_command specified in ipengine_config.py is not executed
163 * :ghissue:`5690`: ipython 2.0.0 and pandoc problem
164 * :ghissue:`5408`: Add checking/flushing of background output from kernel in mainloop
165 * :ghissue:`5407`: clearing message handlers on status=idle loses async output
166 * :ghissue:`5467`: Incorrect behavior of up/down keyboard arrows in code cells on wrapped lines
167 * :ghissue:`3085`: nicer notebook error message when lacking permissions
168 * :ghissue:`5765`: map_sync over empty list raises IndexError
169 * :ghissue:`5553`: Notebook matplotlib inline backend: can't set figure facecolor
170 * :ghissue:`5710`: inspect.findsource monkeypatch raises wrong exception for C extensions
171 * :ghissue:`5706`: Multi-Directory notebooks overwrite each other's checkpoints
172 * :ghissue:`5698`: can't require a function named ``f``
173 * :ghissue:`5569`: Keyboard shortcuts in documentation are out of date
174 * :ghissue:`5566`: Function name printing should use ``__qualname__`` instead of ``__name__`` (Python 3)
175 * :ghissue:`5676`: "bookmark -l" not working in ipython 2.0
176 * :ghissue:`5555`: Differentiate more clearly between Notebooks and Folders in new UI
177 * :ghissue:`5590`: Marked double escape
178 * :ghissue:`5514`: import tab-complete fail with ipython 2.0 shell
179 * :ghissue:`4012`: Notebook: link to markdown formatting reference
180 * :ghissue:`5611`: Typo in 'storemagic' documentation
181 * :ghissue:`5589`: Kernel start fails when using --browser argument
182 * :ghissue:`5491`: Bug in Windows ipconfig ip address regular expression
183 * :ghissue:`5579`: rmagic extension throws 'Error while parsing the string.' when last line is comment
184 * :ghissue:`5518`: Ipython2 will not open ipynb in example directory
185 * :ghissue:`5561`: New widget documentation has missing notebook link
186 * :ghissue:`5128`: Page jumping when output from widget interaction replaced
187 * :ghissue:`5519`: IPython.parallel.Client behavior as iterator
188 * :ghissue:`5510`: Tab-completion for function argument list
7 Issues closed in 2.0.0
191 Issues closed in 2.0.0
8 ----------------------
192 ----------------------
11 GitHub stats for 2013/08/09 - 2014/04/01 (since 1.0.0)
195 GitHub stats for 2013/08/09 - 2014/04/01 (since 1.0.0)
13 These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
197 These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
15 The following 94 authors contributed 3949 commits.
199 The following 94 authors contributed 3949 commits.
17 * Aaron Meurer
201 * Aaron Meurer
18 * Abhinav Upadhyay
202 * Abhinav Upadhyay
19 * Adam Riggall
203 * Adam Riggall
20 * Alex Rudy
204 * Alex Rudy
21 * Andrew Mark
205 * Andrew Mark
22 * Angus Griffith
206 * Angus Griffith
23 * Antony Lee
207 * Antony Lee
24 * Aron Ahmadia
208 * Aron Ahmadia
25 * Arun Persaud
209 * Arun Persaud
26 * Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
210 * Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
27 * Bing Xia
211 * Bing Xia
28 * Blake Griffith
212 * Blake Griffith
29 * Bouke van der Bijl
213 * Bouke van der Bijl
30 * Bradley M. Froehle
214 * Bradley M. Froehle
31 * Brian E. Granger
215 * Brian E. Granger
32 * Carlos Cordoba
216 * Carlos Cordoba
33 * chapmanb
217 * chapmanb
34 * chebee7i
218 * chebee7i
35 * Christoph Gohlke
219 * Christoph Gohlke
36 * Christophe Pradal
220 * Christophe Pradal
37 * Cyrille Rossant
221 * Cyrille Rossant
38 * Damián Avila
222 * Damián Avila
39 * Daniel B. Vasquez
223 * Daniel B. Vasquez
40 * Dav Clark
224 * Dav Clark
41 * David Hirschfeld
225 * David Hirschfeld
42 * David P. Sanders
226 * David P. Sanders
43 * David Wyde
227 * David Wyde
44 * David Österberg
228 * David Österberg
45 * Doug Blank
229 * Doug Blank
46 * Dražen Lučanin
230 * Dražen Lučanin
47 * epifanio
231 * epifanio
48 * Fernando Perez
232 * Fernando Perez
49 * Gabriel Becker
233 * Gabriel Becker
50 * Geert Barentsen
234 * Geert Barentsen
51 * Hans Meine
235 * Hans Meine
52 * Ingolf Becker
236 * Ingolf Becker
53 * Jake Vanderplas
237 * Jake Vanderplas
54 * Jakob Gager
238 * Jakob Gager
55 * James Porter
239 * James Porter
56 * Jason Grout
240 * Jason Grout
57 * Jeffrey Tratner
241 * Jeffrey Tratner
58 * Jonah Graham
242 * Jonah Graham
59 * Jonathan Frederic
243 * Jonathan Frederic
60 * Joris Van den Bossche
244 * Joris Van den Bossche
61 * Juergen Hasch
245 * Juergen Hasch
62 * Julian Taylor
246 * Julian Taylor
63 * Katie Silverio
247 * Katie Silverio
64 * Kevin Burke
248 * Kevin Burke
65 * Kieran O'Mahony
249 * Kieran O'Mahony
66 * Konrad Hinsen
250 * Konrad Hinsen
67 * Kyle Kelley
251 * Kyle Kelley
68 * Lawrence Fu
252 * Lawrence Fu
69 * Marc Molla
253 * Marc Molla
70 * Martín Gaitán
254 * Martín Gaitán
71 * Matt Henderson
255 * Matt Henderson
72 * Matthew Brett
256 * Matthew Brett
73 * Matthias Bussonnier
257 * Matthias Bussonnier
74 * Michael Droettboom
258 * Michael Droettboom
75 * Mike McKerns
259 * Mike McKerns
76 * Nathan Goldbaum
260 * Nathan Goldbaum
77 * Pablo de Oliveira
261 * Pablo de Oliveira
78 * Pankaj Pandey
262 * Pankaj Pandey
79 * Pascal Schetelat
263 * Pascal Schetelat
80 * Paul Ivanov
264 * Paul Ivanov
81 * Paul Moore
265 * Paul Moore
82 * Pere Vilas
266 * Pere Vilas
83 * Peter Davis
267 * Peter Davis
84 * Philippe Mallet-Ladeira
268 * Philippe Mallet-Ladeira
85 * Preston Holmes
269 * Preston Holmes
86 * Puneeth Chaganti
270 * Puneeth Chaganti
87 * Richard Everson
271 * Richard Everson
88 * Roberto Bonvallet
272 * Roberto Bonvallet
89 * Samuel Ainsworth
273 * Samuel Ainsworth
90 * Sean Vig
274 * Sean Vig
91 * Shashi Gowda
275 * Shashi Gowda
92 * Skipper Seabold
276 * Skipper Seabold
93 * Stephan Rave
277 * Stephan Rave
94 * Steve Fox
278 * Steve Fox
95 * Steven Silvester
279 * Steven Silvester
96 * stonebig
280 * stonebig
97 * Susan Tan
281 * Susan Tan
98 * Sylvain Corlay
282 * Sylvain Corlay
99 * Takeshi Kanmae
283 * Takeshi Kanmae
100 * Ted Drain
284 * Ted Drain
101 * Thomas A Caswell
285 * Thomas A Caswell
102 * Thomas Kluyver
286 * Thomas Kluyver
103 * Théophile Studer
287 * Théophile Studer
104 * Volker Braun
288 * Volker Braun
105 * Wieland Hoffmann
289 * Wieland Hoffmann
106 * Yaroslav Halchenko
290 * Yaroslav Halchenko
107 * Yoval P.
291 * Yoval P.
108 * Yung Siang Liau
292 * Yung Siang Liau
109 * Zachary Sailer
293 * Zachary Sailer
110 * zah
294 * zah
113 We closed a total of 1121 issues, 687 pull requests and 434 regular issues;
297 We closed a total of 1121 issues, 687 pull requests and 434 regular issues;
114 this is the full list (generated with the script
298 this is the full list (generated with the script
115 :file:`tools/github_stats.py`):
299 :file:`tools/github_stats.py`):
117 Pull Requests (687):
301 Pull Requests (687):
119 * :ghpull:`5487`: remove weird unicode space in the new copyright header
303 * :ghpull:`5487`: remove weird unicode space in the new copyright header
120 * :ghpull:`5476`: For 2.0: Fix links in Notebook Help Menu
304 * :ghpull:`5476`: For 2.0: Fix links in Notebook Help Menu
121 * :ghpull:`5337`: Examples reorganization
305 * :ghpull:`5337`: Examples reorganization
122 * :ghpull:`5436`: CodeMirror shortcuts in QuickHelp
306 * :ghpull:`5436`: CodeMirror shortcuts in QuickHelp
123 * :ghpull:`5444`: Fix numeric verification for Int and Float text widgets.
307 * :ghpull:`5444`: Fix numeric verification for Int and Float text widgets.
124 * :ghpull:`5449`: Stretch keyboard shortcut dialog
308 * :ghpull:`5449`: Stretch keyboard shortcut dialog
125 * :ghpull:`5473`: Minor corrections of git-hooks setup instructions
309 * :ghpull:`5473`: Minor corrections of git-hooks setup instructions
126 * :ghpull:`5471`: Add coding magic comment to nbconvert Python template
310 * :ghpull:`5471`: Add coding magic comment to nbconvert Python template
127 * :ghpull:`5452`: print_figure returns unicode for svg
311 * :ghpull:`5452`: print_figure returns unicode for svg
128 * :ghpull:`5450`: proposal: remove codename
312 * :ghpull:`5450`: proposal: remove codename
129 * :ghpull:`5462`: DOC : fixed minor error in using topological sort
313 * :ghpull:`5462`: DOC : fixed minor error in using topological sort
130 * :ghpull:`5463`: make spin_thread tests more forgiving of slow VMs
314 * :ghpull:`5463`: make spin_thread tests more forgiving of slow VMs
131 * :ghpull:`5464`: Fix starting notebook server with file/directory at command line.
315 * :ghpull:`5464`: Fix starting notebook server with file/directory at command line.
132 * :ghpull:`5453`: remove gitwash
316 * :ghpull:`5453`: remove gitwash
133 * :ghpull:`5454`: Improve history API docs
317 * :ghpull:`5454`: Improve history API docs
134 * :ghpull:`5431`: update github_stats and gh_api for 2.0
318 * :ghpull:`5431`: update github_stats and gh_api for 2.0
135 * :ghpull:`5290`: Add dual mode JS tests
319 * :ghpull:`5290`: Add dual mode JS tests
136 * :ghpull:`5451`: check that a handler is actually registered in ShortcutManager.handles
320 * :ghpull:`5451`: check that a handler is actually registered in ShortcutManager.handles
137 * :ghpull:`5447`: Add %%python2 cell magic
321 * :ghpull:`5447`: Add %%python2 cell magic
138 * :ghpull:`5439`: Point to the stable SymPy docs, not the dev docs
322 * :ghpull:`5439`: Point to the stable SymPy docs, not the dev docs
139 * :ghpull:`5437`: Install jquery-ui images
323 * :ghpull:`5437`: Install jquery-ui images
140 * :ghpull:`5434`: fix check for empty cells in rst template
324 * :ghpull:`5434`: fix check for empty cells in rst template
141 * :ghpull:`5432`: update links in notebook help menu
325 * :ghpull:`5432`: update links in notebook help menu
142 * :ghpull:`5435`: Update whatsnew (notebook tour)
326 * :ghpull:`5435`: Update whatsnew (notebook tour)
143 * :ghpull:`5433`: Document extraction of octave and R magics
327 * :ghpull:`5433`: Document extraction of octave and R magics
144 * :ghpull:`5428`: Update COPYING.txt
328 * :ghpull:`5428`: Update COPYING.txt
145 * :ghpull:`5426`: Separate get_session_info between HistoryAccessor and HistoryManager
329 * :ghpull:`5426`: Separate get_session_info between HistoryAccessor and HistoryManager
146 * :ghpull:`5419`: move prompts from margin to main column on small screens
330 * :ghpull:`5419`: move prompts from margin to main column on small screens
147 * :ghpull:`5430`: Make sure `element` is correct in the context of displayed JS
331 * :ghpull:`5430`: Make sure `element` is correct in the context of displayed JS
148 * :ghpull:`5396`: prevent saving of partially loaded notebooks
332 * :ghpull:`5396`: prevent saving of partially loaded notebooks
149 * :ghpull:`5429`: Fix tooltip pager feature
333 * :ghpull:`5429`: Fix tooltip pager feature
150 * :ghpull:`5330`: Updates to shell reference doc
334 * :ghpull:`5330`: Updates to shell reference doc
151 * :ghpull:`5404`: Fix broken accordion widget
335 * :ghpull:`5404`: Fix broken accordion widget
152 * :ghpull:`5339`: Don't use fork to start the notebook in js tests
336 * :ghpull:`5339`: Don't use fork to start the notebook in js tests
153 * :ghpull:`5320`: Fix for Tooltip & completer click focus bug.
337 * :ghpull:`5320`: Fix for Tooltip & completer click focus bug.
154 * :ghpull:`5421`: Move configuration of Python test controllers into setup()
338 * :ghpull:`5421`: Move configuration of Python test controllers into setup()
155 * :ghpull:`5418`: fix typo in ssh launcher send_file
339 * :ghpull:`5418`: fix typo in ssh launcher send_file
156 * :ghpull:`5403`: remove alt-- shortcut
340 * :ghpull:`5403`: remove alt-- shortcut
157 * :ghpull:`5389`: better log message in deprecated files/ redirect
341 * :ghpull:`5389`: better log message in deprecated files/ redirect
158 * :ghpull:`5333`: Fix filenbmanager.list_dirs fails for Windows user profile directory
342 * :ghpull:`5333`: Fix filenbmanager.list_dirs fails for Windows user profile directory
159 * :ghpull:`5390`: finish PR #5333
343 * :ghpull:`5390`: finish PR #5333
160 * :ghpull:`5326`: Some gardening on iptest result reporting
344 * :ghpull:`5326`: Some gardening on iptest result reporting
161 * :ghpull:`5375`: remove unnecessary onload hack from mathjax macro
345 * :ghpull:`5375`: remove unnecessary onload hack from mathjax macro
162 * :ghpull:`5368`: Flexbox classes specificity fixes
346 * :ghpull:`5368`: Flexbox classes specificity fixes
163 * :ghpull:`5331`: fix raw_input CSS
347 * :ghpull:`5331`: fix raw_input CSS
164 * :ghpull:`5395`: urlencode images for rst files
348 * :ghpull:`5395`: urlencode images for rst files
165 * :ghpull:`5049`: update quickhelp on adding and removing shortcuts
349 * :ghpull:`5049`: update quickhelp on adding and removing shortcuts
166 * :ghpull:`5391`: Fix Gecko (Netscape) keyboard handling
350 * :ghpull:`5391`: Fix Gecko (Netscape) keyboard handling
167 * :ghpull:`5387`: Respect '\r' characters in nbconvert.
351 * :ghpull:`5387`: Respect '\r' characters in nbconvert.
168 * :ghpull:`5399`: Revert PR #5388
352 * :ghpull:`5399`: Revert PR #5388
169 * :ghpull:`5388`: Suppress output even when a comment follows ;. Fixes #4525.
353 * :ghpull:`5388`: Suppress output even when a comment follows ;. Fixes #4525.
170 * :ghpull:`5394`: nbconvert doc update
354 * :ghpull:`5394`: nbconvert doc update
171 * :ghpull:`5359`: do not install less sources
355 * :ghpull:`5359`: do not install less sources
172 * :ghpull:`5346`: give hint on where to find custom.js
356 * :ghpull:`5346`: give hint on where to find custom.js
173 * :ghpull:`5357`: catch exception in copystat
357 * :ghpull:`5357`: catch exception in copystat
174 * :ghpull:`5380`: Remove DefineShortVerb... line from latex base template
358 * :ghpull:`5380`: Remove DefineShortVerb... line from latex base template
175 * :ghpull:`5376`: elide long containers in pretty
359 * :ghpull:`5376`: elide long containers in pretty
176 * :ghpull:`5310`: remove raw cell placeholder on focus, closes #5238
360 * :ghpull:`5310`: remove raw cell placeholder on focus, closes #5238
177 * :ghpull:`5332`: semantic names for indicator icons
361 * :ghpull:`5332`: semantic names for indicator icons
178 * :ghpull:`5386`: Fix import of socketserver on Python 3
362 * :ghpull:`5386`: Fix import of socketserver on Python 3
179 * :ghpull:`5360`: remove some redundant font-family: monospace
363 * :ghpull:`5360`: remove some redundant font-family: monospace
180 * :ghpull:`5379`: don't instantiate Application just for default logger
364 * :ghpull:`5379`: don't instantiate Application just for default logger
181 * :ghpull:`5372`: Don't autoclose strings
365 * :ghpull:`5372`: Don't autoclose strings
182 * :ghpull:`5296`: unify keyboard shortcut and codemirror interaction
366 * :ghpull:`5296`: unify keyboard shortcut and codemirror interaction
183 * :ghpull:`5349`: Make Hub.registration_timeout configurable
367 * :ghpull:`5349`: Make Hub.registration_timeout configurable
184 * :ghpull:`5340`: install bootstrap-tour css
368 * :ghpull:`5340`: install bootstrap-tour css
185 * :ghpull:`5335`: Update docstring for deepreload module
369 * :ghpull:`5335`: Update docstring for deepreload module
186 * :ghpull:`5321`: Improve assignment regex to match more tuple unpacking syntax
370 * :ghpull:`5321`: Improve assignment regex to match more tuple unpacking syntax
187 * :ghpull:`5325`: add NotebookNotary to NotebookApp's class list
371 * :ghpull:`5325`: add NotebookNotary to NotebookApp's class list
188 * :ghpull:`5313`: avoid loading preprocessors twice
372 * :ghpull:`5313`: avoid loading preprocessors twice
189 * :ghpull:`5308`: fix HTML capitalization in Highlight2HTML
373 * :ghpull:`5308`: fix HTML capitalization in Highlight2HTML
190 * :ghpull:`5295`: OutputArea.append_type functions are not prototype methods
374 * :ghpull:`5295`: OutputArea.append_type functions are not prototype methods
191 * :ghpull:`5318`: Fix local import of select_figure_formats
375 * :ghpull:`5318`: Fix local import of select_figure_formats
192 * :ghpull:`5300`: Fix NameError: name '_rl' is not defined
376 * :ghpull:`5300`: Fix NameError: name '_rl' is not defined
193 * :ghpull:`5292`: focus next cell on shift+enter
377 * :ghpull:`5292`: focus next cell on shift+enter
194 * :ghpull:`5291`: debug occasional error in test_queue_status
378 * :ghpull:`5291`: debug occasional error in test_queue_status
195 * :ghpull:`5289`: Finishing up #5274 (widget paths fixes)
379 * :ghpull:`5289`: Finishing up #5274 (widget paths fixes)
196 * :ghpull:`5232`: Make nbconvert html full output like notebook's html.
380 * :ghpull:`5232`: Make nbconvert html full output like notebook's html.
197 * :ghpull:`5288`: Correct initial state of kernel status indicator
381 * :ghpull:`5288`: Correct initial state of kernel status indicator
198 * :ghpull:`5253`: display any output from this session in terminal console
382 * :ghpull:`5253`: display any output from this session in terminal console
199 * :ghpull:`4802`: Tour of the notebook UI (was UI elements inline with highlighting)
383 * :ghpull:`4802`: Tour of the notebook UI (was UI elements inline with highlighting)
200 * :ghpull:`5285`: Update signature presentation in pinfo classes
384 * :ghpull:`5285`: Update signature presentation in pinfo classes
201 * :ghpull:`5268`: Refactoring Notebook.command_mode
385 * :ghpull:`5268`: Refactoring Notebook.command_mode
202 * :ghpull:`5226`: Don't run PYTHONSTARTUP file if a file or code is passed
386 * :ghpull:`5226`: Don't run PYTHONSTARTUP file if a file or code is passed
203 * :ghpull:`5283`: Remove Widget.closed attribute
387 * :ghpull:`5283`: Remove Widget.closed attribute
204 * :ghpull:`5279`: nbconvert: Make sure node is atleast version 0.9.12
388 * :ghpull:`5279`: nbconvert: Make sure node is atleast version 0.9.12
205 * :ghpull:`5281`: fix a typo introduced by a rebased PR
389 * :ghpull:`5281`: fix a typo introduced by a rebased PR
206 * :ghpull:`5280`: append Firefox overflow-x fix
390 * :ghpull:`5280`: append Firefox overflow-x fix
207 * :ghpull:`5277`: check that PIL can save JPEG to BytesIO
391 * :ghpull:`5277`: check that PIL can save JPEG to BytesIO
208 * :ghpull:`5044`: Store timestamps for modules to autoreload
392 * :ghpull:`5044`: Store timestamps for modules to autoreload
209 * :ghpull:`5278`: Update whatsnew doc from pr files
393 * :ghpull:`5278`: Update whatsnew doc from pr files
210 * :ghpull:`5276`: Fix kernel restart in case connection file is deleted.
394 * :ghpull:`5276`: Fix kernel restart in case connection file is deleted.
211 * :ghpull:`5272`: allow highlighting language to be set from notebook metadata
395 * :ghpull:`5272`: allow highlighting language to be set from notebook metadata
212 * :ghpull:`5158`: log refusal to serve hidden directories
396 * :ghpull:`5158`: log refusal to serve hidden directories
213 * :ghpull:`5188`: New events system
397 * :ghpull:`5188`: New events system
214 * :ghpull:`5265`: Missing class def for TimeoutError
398 * :ghpull:`5265`: Missing class def for TimeoutError
215 * :ghpull:`5267`: normalize unicode in notebook API tests
399 * :ghpull:`5267`: normalize unicode in notebook API tests
216 * :ghpull:`5076`: Refactor keyboard handling
400 * :ghpull:`5076`: Refactor keyboard handling
217 * :ghpull:`5241`: Add some tests for utils
401 * :ghpull:`5241`: Add some tests for utils
218 * :ghpull:`5261`: Don't allow edit mode up arrow to continue past index == 0
402 * :ghpull:`5261`: Don't allow edit mode up arrow to continue past index == 0
219 * :ghpull:`5223`: use on-load event to trigger resizable images
403 * :ghpull:`5223`: use on-load event to trigger resizable images
220 * :ghpull:`5252`: make one strptime call at import of jsonutil
404 * :ghpull:`5252`: make one strptime call at import of jsonutil
221 * :ghpull:`5153`: Dashboard sorting
405 * :ghpull:`5153`: Dashboard sorting
222 * :ghpull:`5169`: Allow custom header
406 * :ghpull:`5169`: Allow custom header
223 * :ghpull:`5242`: clear _reply_content cache before using it
407 * :ghpull:`5242`: clear _reply_content cache before using it
224 * :ghpull:`5194`: require latex titles to be ascii
408 * :ghpull:`5194`: require latex titles to be ascii
225 * :ghpull:`5244`: try to avoid EADDRINUSE errors on travis
409 * :ghpull:`5244`: try to avoid EADDRINUSE errors on travis
226 * :ghpull:`5245`: support extracted output in HTML template
410 * :ghpull:`5245`: support extracted output in HTML template
227 * :ghpull:`5209`: make input_area css generic to cells
411 * :ghpull:`5209`: make input_area css generic to cells
228 * :ghpull:`5246`: less %pylab, more cowbell!
412 * :ghpull:`5246`: less %pylab, more cowbell!
229 * :ghpull:`4895`: Improvements to %run completions
413 * :ghpull:`4895`: Improvements to %run completions
230 * :ghpull:`5243`: Add Javscript to base display priority list.
414 * :ghpull:`5243`: Add Javscript to base display priority list.
231 * :ghpull:`5175`: Audit .html() calls take #2
415 * :ghpull:`5175`: Audit .html() calls take #2
232 * :ghpull:`5146`: Dual mode bug fixes.
416 * :ghpull:`5146`: Dual mode bug fixes.
233 * :ghpull:`5207`: Children fire event
417 * :ghpull:`5207`: Children fire event
234 * :ghpull:`5215`: Dashboard "Running" Tab
418 * :ghpull:`5215`: Dashboard "Running" Tab
235 * :ghpull:`5240`: Remove unused IPython.nbconvert.utils.console module
419 * :ghpull:`5240`: Remove unused IPython.nbconvert.utils.console module
236 * :ghpull:`5239`: Fix exclusion of tests directories from coverage reports
420 * :ghpull:`5239`: Fix exclusion of tests directories from coverage reports
237 * :ghpull:`5203`: capture some logging/warning output in some tests
421 * :ghpull:`5203`: capture some logging/warning output in some tests
238 * :ghpull:`5216`: fixup positional arg handling in notebook app
422 * :ghpull:`5216`: fixup positional arg handling in notebook app
239 * :ghpull:`5229`: get _ipython_display_ method safely
423 * :ghpull:`5229`: get _ipython_display_ method safely
240 * :ghpull:`5234`: DOC : modified docs is HasTraits.traits and HasTraits.class_traits
424 * :ghpull:`5234`: DOC : modified docs is HasTraits.traits and HasTraits.class_traits
241 * :ghpull:`5221`: Change widget children List to Tuple.
425 * :ghpull:`5221`: Change widget children List to Tuple.
242 * :ghpull:`5231`: don't forget base_url when updating address bar in rename
426 * :ghpull:`5231`: don't forget base_url when updating address bar in rename
243 * :ghpull:`5173`: Moved widget files into static/widgets/*
427 * :ghpull:`5173`: Moved widget files into static/widgets/*
244 * :ghpull:`5222`: Unset PYTHONWARNINGS envvar before running subprocess tests.
428 * :ghpull:`5222`: Unset PYTHONWARNINGS envvar before running subprocess tests.
245 * :ghpull:`5172`: Prevent page breaks when printing notebooks via print-view.
429 * :ghpull:`5172`: Prevent page breaks when printing notebooks via print-view.
246 * :ghpull:`4985`: Add automatic Closebrackets function to Codemirror.
430 * :ghpull:`4985`: Add automatic Closebrackets function to Codemirror.
247 * :ghpull:`5220`: Make traitlets notify check more robust against classes redefining equality and bool
431 * :ghpull:`5220`: Make traitlets notify check more robust against classes redefining equality and bool
248 * :ghpull:`5197`: If there is an error comparing traitlet values when setting a trait, default to go ahead and notify of the new value.
432 * :ghpull:`5197`: If there is an error comparing traitlet values when setting a trait, default to go ahead and notify of the new value.
249 * :ghpull:`5210`: fix pyreadline import in rlineimpl
433 * :ghpull:`5210`: fix pyreadline import in rlineimpl
250 * :ghpull:`5212`: Wrap nbconvert Markdown/Heading cells in live divs
434 * :ghpull:`5212`: Wrap nbconvert Markdown/Heading cells in live divs
251 * :ghpull:`5200`: Allow to pass option to jinja env
435 * :ghpull:`5200`: Allow to pass option to jinja env
252 * :ghpull:`5202`: handle nodejs executable on debian
436 * :ghpull:`5202`: handle nodejs executable on debian
253 * :ghpull:`5112`: band-aid for completion
437 * :ghpull:`5112`: band-aid for completion
254 * :ghpull:`5187`: handle missing output metadata in nbconvert
438 * :ghpull:`5187`: handle missing output metadata in nbconvert
255 * :ghpull:`5181`: use gnureadline on OS X
439 * :ghpull:`5181`: use gnureadline on OS X
256 * :ghpull:`5136`: set default value from signature defaults in interact
440 * :ghpull:`5136`: set default value from signature defaults in interact
257 * :ghpull:`5132`: remove application/pdf->pdf transform in javascript
441 * :ghpull:`5132`: remove application/pdf->pdf transform in javascript
258 * :ghpull:`5116`: reorganize who knows what about paths
442 * :ghpull:`5116`: reorganize who knows what about paths
259 * :ghpull:`5165`: Don't introspect __call__ for simple callables
443 * :ghpull:`5165`: Don't introspect __call__ for simple callables
260 * :ghpull:`5170`: Added msg_throttle sync=True widget traitlet
444 * :ghpull:`5170`: Added msg_throttle sync=True widget traitlet
261 * :ghpull:`5191`: Translate markdown link to rst
445 * :ghpull:`5191`: Translate markdown link to rst
262 * :ghpull:`5037`: FF Fix: alignment and scale of text widget
446 * :ghpull:`5037`: FF Fix: alignment and scale of text widget
263 * :ghpull:`5179`: remove websocket url
447 * :ghpull:`5179`: remove websocket url
264 * :ghpull:`5110`: add InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs
448 * :ghpull:`5110`: add InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs
265 * :ghpull:`5147`: Some template URL changes
449 * :ghpull:`5147`: Some template URL changes
266 * :ghpull:`5100`: remove base_kernel_url
450 * :ghpull:`5100`: remove base_kernel_url
267 * :ghpull:`5163`: Simplify implementation of TemporaryWorkingDirectory.
451 * :ghpull:`5163`: Simplify implementation of TemporaryWorkingDirectory.
268 * :ghpull:`5166`: remove mktemp usage
452 * :ghpull:`5166`: remove mktemp usage
269 * :ghpull:`5133`: don't use combine option on ucs package
453 * :ghpull:`5133`: don't use combine option on ucs package
270 * :ghpull:`5089`: Remove legacy azure nbmanager
454 * :ghpull:`5089`: Remove legacy azure nbmanager
271 * :ghpull:`5159`: remove append_json reference
455 * :ghpull:`5159`: remove append_json reference
272 * :ghpull:`5095`: handle image size metadata in nbconvert html
456 * :ghpull:`5095`: handle image size metadata in nbconvert html
273 * :ghpull:`5156`: fix IPython typo, closes #5155
457 * :ghpull:`5156`: fix IPython typo, closes #5155
274 * :ghpull:`5150`: fix a link that was broken
458 * :ghpull:`5150`: fix a link that was broken
275 * :ghpull:`5114`: use non-breaking space for button with no description
459 * :ghpull:`5114`: use non-breaking space for button with no description
276 * :ghpull:`4778`: add APIs for installing notebook extensions
460 * :ghpull:`4778`: add APIs for installing notebook extensions
277 * :ghpull:`5125`: Fix the display of functions with keyword-only arguments on Python 3.
461 * :ghpull:`5125`: Fix the display of functions with keyword-only arguments on Python 3.
278 * :ghpull:`5097`: minor notebook logging changes
462 * :ghpull:`5097`: minor notebook logging changes
279 * :ghpull:`5047`: only validate package_data when it might be used
463 * :ghpull:`5047`: only validate package_data when it might be used
280 * :ghpull:`5121`: fix remove event in KeyboardManager.register_events
464 * :ghpull:`5121`: fix remove event in KeyboardManager.register_events
281 * :ghpull:`5119`: Removed 'list' view from Variable Inspector example
465 * :ghpull:`5119`: Removed 'list' view from Variable Inspector example
282 * :ghpull:`4925`: Notebook manager api fixes
466 * :ghpull:`4925`: Notebook manager api fixes
283 * :ghpull:`4996`: require print_method to be a bound method
467 * :ghpull:`4996`: require print_method to be a bound method
284 * :ghpull:`5108`: require specifying the version for gh-pages
468 * :ghpull:`5108`: require specifying the version for gh-pages
285 * :ghpull:`5111`: Minor typo in docstring of IPython.parallel DirectView
469 * :ghpull:`5111`: Minor typo in docstring of IPython.parallel DirectView
286 * :ghpull:`5098`: mostly debugging changes for IPython.parallel
470 * :ghpull:`5098`: mostly debugging changes for IPython.parallel
287 * :ghpull:`5087`: trust cells with no output
471 * :ghpull:`5087`: trust cells with no output
288 * :ghpull:`5059`: Fix incorrect `Patch` logic in widget code
472 * :ghpull:`5059`: Fix incorrect `Patch` logic in widget code
289 * :ghpull:`5075`: More flexible box model fixes
473 * :ghpull:`5075`: More flexible box model fixes
290 * :ghpull:`5091`: Provide logging messages in ipcluster log when engine or controllers fail to start
474 * :ghpull:`5091`: Provide logging messages in ipcluster log when engine or controllers fail to start
291 * :ghpull:`5090`: Print a warning when iptest is run from the IPython source directory
475 * :ghpull:`5090`: Print a warning when iptest is run from the IPython source directory
292 * :ghpull:`5077`: flush replies when entering an eventloop
476 * :ghpull:`5077`: flush replies when entering an eventloop
293 * :ghpull:`5055`: Minimal changes to import IPython from IronPython
477 * :ghpull:`5055`: Minimal changes to import IPython from IronPython
294 * :ghpull:`5078`: Updating JS tests README.md
478 * :ghpull:`5078`: Updating JS tests README.md
295 * :ghpull:`5083`: don't create js test directories unless they are being used
479 * :ghpull:`5083`: don't create js test directories unless they are being used
296 * :ghpull:`5062`: adjust some events in nb_roundtrip
480 * :ghpull:`5062`: adjust some events in nb_roundtrip
297 * :ghpull:`5043`: various unicode / url fixes
481 * :ghpull:`5043`: various unicode / url fixes
298 * :ghpull:`5066`: remove (almost) all mentions of pylab from our examples
482 * :ghpull:`5066`: remove (almost) all mentions of pylab from our examples
299 * :ghpull:`4977`: ensure scp destination directories exist (with mkdir -p)
483 * :ghpull:`4977`: ensure scp destination directories exist (with mkdir -p)
300 * :ghpull:`5053`: Move&rename JS tests
484 * :ghpull:`5053`: Move&rename JS tests
301 * :ghpull:`5067`: show traceback in widget handlers
485 * :ghpull:`5067`: show traceback in widget handlers
302 * :ghpull:`4920`: Adding PDFFormatter and kernel side handling of PDF display data
486 * :ghpull:`4920`: Adding PDFFormatter and kernel side handling of PDF display data
303 * :ghpull:`5048`: Add edit/command mode indicator
487 * :ghpull:`5048`: Add edit/command mode indicator
304 * :ghpull:`5061`: make execute button in menu bar match shift-enter
488 * :ghpull:`5061`: make execute button in menu bar match shift-enter
305 * :ghpull:`5052`: Add q to toggle the pager.
489 * :ghpull:`5052`: Add q to toggle the pager.
306 * :ghpull:`5070`: fix flex: auto
490 * :ghpull:`5070`: fix flex: auto
307 * :ghpull:`5065`: Add example of using annotations in interact
491 * :ghpull:`5065`: Add example of using annotations in interact
308 * :ghpull:`5063`: another pass on Interact example notebooks
492 * :ghpull:`5063`: another pass on Interact example notebooks
309 * :ghpull:`5051`: FF Fix: code cell missing hscroll (2)
493 * :ghpull:`5051`: FF Fix: code cell missing hscroll (2)
310 * :ghpull:`4960`: Interact/Interactive for widget
494 * :ghpull:`4960`: Interact/Interactive for widget
311 * :ghpull:`5045`: Clear timeout in multi-press keyboard shortcuts.
495 * :ghpull:`5045`: Clear timeout in multi-press keyboard shortcuts.
312 * :ghpull:`5060`: Change 'bind' to 'link'
496 * :ghpull:`5060`: Change 'bind' to 'link'
313 * :ghpull:`5039`: Expose kernel_info method on inprocess kernel client
497 * :ghpull:`5039`: Expose kernel_info method on inprocess kernel client
314 * :ghpull:`5058`: Fix iopubwatcher.py example script.
498 * :ghpull:`5058`: Fix iopubwatcher.py example script.
315 * :ghpull:`5035`: FF Fix: code cell missing hscroll
499 * :ghpull:`5035`: FF Fix: code cell missing hscroll
316 * :ghpull:`5040`: Polishing some docs
500 * :ghpull:`5040`: Polishing some docs
317 * :ghpull:`5001`: Add directory navigation to dashboard
501 * :ghpull:`5001`: Add directory navigation to dashboard
318 * :ghpull:`5042`: Remove duplicated Channel ABC classes.
502 * :ghpull:`5042`: Remove duplicated Channel ABC classes.
319 * :ghpull:`5036`: FF Fix: ext link icon same line as link text in help menu
503 * :ghpull:`5036`: FF Fix: ext link icon same line as link text in help menu
320 * :ghpull:`4975`: setup.py changes for 2.0
504 * :ghpull:`4975`: setup.py changes for 2.0
321 * :ghpull:`4774`: emit event on appended element on dom
505 * :ghpull:`4774`: emit event on appended element on dom
322 * :ghpull:`5023`: Widgets- add ability to pack and unpack arrays on JS side.
506 * :ghpull:`5023`: Widgets- add ability to pack and unpack arrays on JS side.
323 * :ghpull:`5003`: Fix pretty reprs of super() objects
507 * :ghpull:`5003`: Fix pretty reprs of super() objects
324 * :ghpull:`4974`: make paste focus the pasted cell
508 * :ghpull:`4974`: make paste focus the pasted cell
325 * :ghpull:`5012`: Make `SelectionWidget.values` a dict
509 * :ghpull:`5012`: Make `SelectionWidget.values` a dict
326 * :ghpull:`5018`: Prevent 'iptest IPython' from trying to run.
510 * :ghpull:`5018`: Prevent 'iptest IPython' from trying to run.
327 * :ghpull:`5025`: citation2latex filter (using HTMLParser)
511 * :ghpull:`5025`: citation2latex filter (using HTMLParser)
328 * :ghpull:`5027`: pin lessc to 1.4
512 * :ghpull:`5027`: pin lessc to 1.4
329 * :ghpull:`4952`: Widget test inconsistencies
513 * :ghpull:`4952`: Widget test inconsistencies
330 * :ghpull:`5014`: Fix command mode & popup view bug
514 * :ghpull:`5014`: Fix command mode & popup view bug
331 * :ghpull:`4842`: more subtle kernel indicator
515 * :ghpull:`4842`: more subtle kernel indicator
332 * :ghpull:`5017`: Add notebook examples link to help menu.
516 * :ghpull:`5017`: Add notebook examples link to help menu.
333 * :ghpull:`5015`: don't write cell.trusted to disk
517 * :ghpull:`5015`: don't write cell.trusted to disk
334 * :ghpull:`5007`: Update whatsnew doc from PR files
518 * :ghpull:`5007`: Update whatsnew doc from PR files
335 * :ghpull:`5010`: Fixes for widget alignment in FF
519 * :ghpull:`5010`: Fixes for widget alignment in FF
336 * :ghpull:`4901`: Add a convenience class to sync traitlet attributes
520 * :ghpull:`4901`: Add a convenience class to sync traitlet attributes
337 * :ghpull:`5008`: updated explanation of 'pyin' messages
521 * :ghpull:`5008`: updated explanation of 'pyin' messages
338 * :ghpull:`5004`: Fix widget vslider spacing
522 * :ghpull:`5004`: Fix widget vslider spacing
339 * :ghpull:`4933`: Small Widget inconsistency fixes
523 * :ghpull:`4933`: Small Widget inconsistency fixes
340 * :ghpull:`4979`: add versioning notes to small message spec changes
524 * :ghpull:`4979`: add versioning notes to small message spec changes
341 * :ghpull:`4893`: add font-awesome 3.2.1
525 * :ghpull:`4893`: add font-awesome 3.2.1
342 * :ghpull:`4982`: Live readout for slider widgets
526 * :ghpull:`4982`: Live readout for slider widgets
343 * :ghpull:`4813`: make help menu a template
527 * :ghpull:`4813`: make help menu a template
344 * :ghpull:`4939`: Embed qtconsole docs (continued)
528 * :ghpull:`4939`: Embed qtconsole docs (continued)
345 * :ghpull:`4964`: remove shift-= merge keyboard shortcut
529 * :ghpull:`4964`: remove shift-= merge keyboard shortcut
346 * :ghpull:`4504`: Allow input transformers to raise SyntaxError
530 * :ghpull:`4504`: Allow input transformers to raise SyntaxError
347 * :ghpull:`4929`: Fixing various modal/focus related bugs
531 * :ghpull:`4929`: Fixing various modal/focus related bugs
348 * :ghpull:`4971`: Fixing issues with js tests
532 * :ghpull:`4971`: Fixing issues with js tests
349 * :ghpull:`4972`: Work around problem in doctest discovery in Python 3.4 with PyQt
533 * :ghpull:`4972`: Work around problem in doctest discovery in Python 3.4 with PyQt
350 * :ghpull:`4937`: pickle arrays with dtype=object
534 * :ghpull:`4937`: pickle arrays with dtype=object
351 * :ghpull:`4934`: `ipython profile create` respects `--ipython-dir`
535 * :ghpull:`4934`: `ipython profile create` respects `--ipython-dir`
352 * :ghpull:`4954`: generate unicode filename
536 * :ghpull:`4954`: generate unicode filename
353 * :ghpull:`4845`: Add Origin Checking.
537 * :ghpull:`4845`: Add Origin Checking.
354 * :ghpull:`4916`: Fine tuning the behavior of the modal UI
538 * :ghpull:`4916`: Fine tuning the behavior of the modal UI
355 * :ghpull:`4966`: Ignore sys.argv for NotebookNotary in tests
539 * :ghpull:`4966`: Ignore sys.argv for NotebookNotary in tests
356 * :ghpull:`4967`: Fix typo in warning about web socket being closed
540 * :ghpull:`4967`: Fix typo in warning about web socket being closed
357 * :ghpull:`4965`: Remove mention of iplogger from setup.py
541 * :ghpull:`4965`: Remove mention of iplogger from setup.py
358 * :ghpull:`4962`: Fixed typos in quick-help text
542 * :ghpull:`4962`: Fixed typos in quick-help text
359 * :ghpull:`4953`: add utils.wait_for_idle in js tests
543 * :ghpull:`4953`: add utils.wait_for_idle in js tests
360 * :ghpull:`4870`: ipython_directive, report except/warn in block and add :okexcept: :okwarning: options to suppress
544 * :ghpull:`4870`: ipython_directive, report except/warn in block and add :okexcept: :okwarning: options to suppress
361 * :ghpull:`4662`: Menu cleanup
545 * :ghpull:`4662`: Menu cleanup
362 * :ghpull:`4824`: sign notebooks
546 * :ghpull:`4824`: sign notebooks
363 * :ghpull:`4943`: Docs shotgun 4
547 * :ghpull:`4943`: Docs shotgun 4
364 * :ghpull:`4848`: avoid import of nearby temporary with %edit
548 * :ghpull:`4848`: avoid import of nearby temporary with %edit
365 * :ghpull:`4950`: Two fixes for file upload related bugs
549 * :ghpull:`4950`: Two fixes for file upload related bugs
366 * :ghpull:`4927`: there shouldn't be a 'files/' prefix in FileLink[s]
550 * :ghpull:`4927`: there shouldn't be a 'files/' prefix in FileLink[s]
367 * :ghpull:`4928`: use importlib.machinery when available
551 * :ghpull:`4928`: use importlib.machinery when available
368 * :ghpull:`4949`: Remove the docscrape modules, which are part of numpydoc
552 * :ghpull:`4949`: Remove the docscrape modules, which are part of numpydoc
369 * :ghpull:`4849`: Various unicode fixes (mostly on Windows)
553 * :ghpull:`4849`: Various unicode fixes (mostly on Windows)
370 * :ghpull:`4932`: always point py3compat.input to builtin_mod.input
554 * :ghpull:`4932`: always point py3compat.input to builtin_mod.input
371 * :ghpull:`4807`: Correct handling of ansi colour codes when nbconverting to latex
555 * :ghpull:`4807`: Correct handling of ansi colour codes when nbconverting to latex
372 * :ghpull:`4922`: Python nbconvert output shouldn't have output
556 * :ghpull:`4922`: Python nbconvert output shouldn't have output
373 * :ghpull:`4912`: Skip some Windows io failures
557 * :ghpull:`4912`: Skip some Windows io failures
374 * :ghpull:`4919`: flush output before showing tracebacks
558 * :ghpull:`4919`: flush output before showing tracebacks
375 * :ghpull:`4915`: ZMQCompleter inherits from IPCompleter
559 * :ghpull:`4915`: ZMQCompleter inherits from IPCompleter
376 * :ghpull:`4890`: better cleanup channel FDs
560 * :ghpull:`4890`: better cleanup channel FDs
377 * :ghpull:`4880`: set profile name from profile_dir
561 * :ghpull:`4880`: set profile name from profile_dir
378 * :ghpull:`4853`: fix setting image height/width from metadata
562 * :ghpull:`4853`: fix setting image height/width from metadata
379 * :ghpull:`4786`: Reduce spacing of heading cells
563 * :ghpull:`4786`: Reduce spacing of heading cells
380 * :ghpull:`4680`: Minimal pandoc version warning
564 * :ghpull:`4680`: Minimal pandoc version warning
381 * :ghpull:`4908`: detect builtin docstrings in oinspect
565 * :ghpull:`4908`: detect builtin docstrings in oinspect
382 * :ghpull:`4911`: Don't use `python -m package` on Windows Python 2
566 * :ghpull:`4911`: Don't use `python -m package` on Windows Python 2
383 * :ghpull:`4909`: sort dictionary keys before comparison, ordering is not guaranteed
567 * :ghpull:`4909`: sort dictionary keys before comparison, ordering is not guaranteed
384 * :ghpull:`4374`: IPEP 23: Backbone.js Widgets
568 * :ghpull:`4374`: IPEP 23: Backbone.js Widgets
385 * :ghpull:`4903`: use https for all embeds
569 * :ghpull:`4903`: use https for all embeds
386 * :ghpull:`4894`: Shortcut changes
570 * :ghpull:`4894`: Shortcut changes
387 * :ghpull:`4897`: More detailed documentation about kernel_cmd
571 * :ghpull:`4897`: More detailed documentation about kernel_cmd
388 * :ghpull:`4891`: Squash a few Sphinx warnings from nbconvert.utils.lexers docstrings
572 * :ghpull:`4891`: Squash a few Sphinx warnings from nbconvert.utils.lexers docstrings
389 * :ghpull:`4679`: JPG compression for inline pylab
573 * :ghpull:`4679`: JPG compression for inline pylab
390 * :ghpull:`4708`: Fix indent and center
574 * :ghpull:`4708`: Fix indent and center
391 * :ghpull:`4789`: fix IPython.embed
575 * :ghpull:`4789`: fix IPython.embed
392 * :ghpull:`4655`: prefer marked to pandoc for markdown2html
576 * :ghpull:`4655`: prefer marked to pandoc for markdown2html
393 * :ghpull:`4876`: don't show tooltip if object is not found
577 * :ghpull:`4876`: don't show tooltip if object is not found
394 * :ghpull:`4873`: use 'combine' option to ucs package
578 * :ghpull:`4873`: use 'combine' option to ucs package
395 * :ghpull:`4732`: Accents in notebook names and in command-line (nbconvert)
579 * :ghpull:`4732`: Accents in notebook names and in command-line (nbconvert)
396 * :ghpull:`4867`: Update URL for Lawrence Hall of Science webcam image
580 * :ghpull:`4867`: Update URL for Lawrence Hall of Science webcam image
397 * :ghpull:`4868`: Static path fixes
581 * :ghpull:`4868`: Static path fixes
398 * :ghpull:`4858`: fix tb_offset when running a file
582 * :ghpull:`4858`: fix tb_offset when running a file
399 * :ghpull:`4826`: some $.html( -> $.text(
583 * :ghpull:`4826`: some $.html( -> $.text(
400 * :ghpull:`4847`: add js kernel_info request
584 * :ghpull:`4847`: add js kernel_info request
401 * :ghpull:`4832`: allow NotImplementedError in formatters
585 * :ghpull:`4832`: allow NotImplementedError in formatters
402 * :ghpull:`4803`: BUG: fix cython magic support in ipython_directive
586 * :ghpull:`4803`: BUG: fix cython magic support in ipython_directive
403 * :ghpull:`4865`: `build` listed twice in .gitignore. Removing one.
587 * :ghpull:`4865`: `build` listed twice in .gitignore. Removing one.
404 * :ghpull:`4851`: fix tooltip token regex for single-character names
588 * :ghpull:`4851`: fix tooltip token regex for single-character names
405 * :ghpull:`4846`: Remove some leftover traces of irunner
589 * :ghpull:`4846`: Remove some leftover traces of irunner
406 * :ghpull:`4820`: fix regex for cleaning old logs with ipcluster
590 * :ghpull:`4820`: fix regex for cleaning old logs with ipcluster
407 * :ghpull:`4844`: adjustments to notebook app logging
591 * :ghpull:`4844`: adjustments to notebook app logging
408 * :ghpull:`4840`: Error in Session.send_raw()
592 * :ghpull:`4840`: Error in Session.send_raw()
409 * :ghpull:`4819`: update CodeMirror to 3.21
593 * :ghpull:`4819`: update CodeMirror to 3.21
410 * :ghpull:`4823`: Minor fixes for typos/inconsistencies in parallel docs
594 * :ghpull:`4823`: Minor fixes for typos/inconsistencies in parallel docs
411 * :ghpull:`4811`: document code mirror tab and shift-tab
595 * :ghpull:`4811`: document code mirror tab and shift-tab
412 * :ghpull:`4795`: merge reveal templates
596 * :ghpull:`4795`: merge reveal templates
413 * :ghpull:`4796`: update components
597 * :ghpull:`4796`: update components
414 * :ghpull:`4806`: Correct order of packages for unicode in nbconvert to LaTeX
598 * :ghpull:`4806`: Correct order of packages for unicode in nbconvert to LaTeX
415 * :ghpull:`4800`: Qt frontend: Handle 'aborted' prompt replies.
599 * :ghpull:`4800`: Qt frontend: Handle 'aborted' prompt replies.
416 * :ghpull:`4794`: Compatibility fix for Python3 (Issue #4783 )
600 * :ghpull:`4794`: Compatibility fix for Python3 (Issue #4783 )
417 * :ghpull:`4799`: minor js test fix
601 * :ghpull:`4799`: minor js test fix
418 * :ghpull:`4788`: warn when notebook is started in pylab mode
602 * :ghpull:`4788`: warn when notebook is started in pylab mode
419 * :ghpull:`4772`: Notebook server info files
603 * :ghpull:`4772`: Notebook server info files
420 * :ghpull:`4797`: be conservative about kernel_info implementation
604 * :ghpull:`4797`: be conservative about kernel_info implementation
421 * :ghpull:`4787`: non-python kernels run python code with qtconsole
605 * :ghpull:`4787`: non-python kernels run python code with qtconsole
422 * :ghpull:`4565`: various display type validations
606 * :ghpull:`4565`: various display type validations
423 * :ghpull:`4703`: Math macro in jinja templates.
607 * :ghpull:`4703`: Math macro in jinja templates.
424 * :ghpull:`4781`: Fix "Source" text for the "Other Syntax" section of the "Typesetting Math" notebook
608 * :ghpull:`4781`: Fix "Source" text for the "Other Syntax" section of the "Typesetting Math" notebook
425 * :ghpull:`4776`: Manually document py3compat module.
609 * :ghpull:`4776`: Manually document py3compat module.
426 * :ghpull:`4533`: propagate display metadata to all mimetypes
610 * :ghpull:`4533`: propagate display metadata to all mimetypes
427 * :ghpull:`4785`: Replacing a for-in loop by an index loop on an array
611 * :ghpull:`4785`: Replacing a for-in loop by an index loop on an array
428 * :ghpull:`4780`: Updating CSS for UI example.
612 * :ghpull:`4780`: Updating CSS for UI example.
429 * :ghpull:`3605`: Modal UI
613 * :ghpull:`3605`: Modal UI
430 * :ghpull:`4758`: Python 3.4 fixes
614 * :ghpull:`4758`: Python 3.4 fixes
431 * :ghpull:`4735`: add some HTML error pages
615 * :ghpull:`4735`: add some HTML error pages
432 * :ghpull:`4775`: Update whatsnew doc from PR files
616 * :ghpull:`4775`: Update whatsnew doc from PR files
433 * :ghpull:`4760`: Make examples and docs more Python 3 aware
617 * :ghpull:`4760`: Make examples and docs more Python 3 aware
434 * :ghpull:`4773`: Don't wait forever for notebook server to launch/die for tests
618 * :ghpull:`4773`: Don't wait forever for notebook server to launch/die for tests
435 * :ghpull:`4768`: Qt console: Fix _prompt_pos accounting on timer flush output.
619 * :ghpull:`4768`: Qt console: Fix _prompt_pos accounting on timer flush output.
436 * :ghpull:`4727`: Remove Nbconvert template loading magic
620 * :ghpull:`4727`: Remove Nbconvert template loading magic
437 * :ghpull:`4763`: Set numpydoc options to produce fewer Sphinx warnings.
621 * :ghpull:`4763`: Set numpydoc options to produce fewer Sphinx warnings.
438 * :ghpull:`4770`: alway define aliases, even if empty
622 * :ghpull:`4770`: alway define aliases, even if empty
439 * :ghpull:`4766`: add `python -m` entry points for everything
623 * :ghpull:`4766`: add `python -m` entry points for everything
440 * :ghpull:`4767`: remove manpages for irunner, iplogger
624 * :ghpull:`4767`: remove manpages for irunner, iplogger
441 * :ghpull:`4751`: Added --post-serve explanation into the nbconvert docs.
625 * :ghpull:`4751`: Added --post-serve explanation into the nbconvert docs.
442 * :ghpull:`4762`: whitelist alphanumeric characters for cookie_name
626 * :ghpull:`4762`: whitelist alphanumeric characters for cookie_name
443 * :ghpull:`4625`: Deprecate %profile magic
627 * :ghpull:`4625`: Deprecate %profile magic
444 * :ghpull:`4745`: warn on failed formatter calls
628 * :ghpull:`4745`: warn on failed formatter calls
445 * :ghpull:`4746`: remove redundant cls alias on Windows
629 * :ghpull:`4746`: remove redundant cls alias on Windows
446 * :ghpull:`4749`: Fix bug in determination of public ips.
630 * :ghpull:`4749`: Fix bug in determination of public ips.
447 * :ghpull:`4715`: restore use of tornado static_url in templates
631 * :ghpull:`4715`: restore use of tornado static_url in templates
448 * :ghpull:`4748`: fix race condition in profiledir creation.
632 * :ghpull:`4748`: fix race condition in profiledir creation.
449 * :ghpull:`4720`: never use ssh multiplexer in tunnels
633 * :ghpull:`4720`: never use ssh multiplexer in tunnels
450 * :ghpull:`4658`: Bug fix for #4643: Regex object needs to be reset between calls in toolt...
634 * :ghpull:`4658`: Bug fix for #4643: Regex object needs to be reset between calls in toolt...
451 * :ghpull:`4561`: Add Formatter.pop(type)
635 * :ghpull:`4561`: Add Formatter.pop(type)
452 * :ghpull:`4712`: Docs shotgun 3
636 * :ghpull:`4712`: Docs shotgun 3
453 * :ghpull:`4713`: Fix saving kernel history in Python 2
637 * :ghpull:`4713`: Fix saving kernel history in Python 2
454 * :ghpull:`4744`: don't use lazily-evaluated rc.ids in wait_for_idle
638 * :ghpull:`4744`: don't use lazily-evaluated rc.ids in wait_for_idle
455 * :ghpull:`4740`: %env can't set variables
639 * :ghpull:`4740`: %env can't set variables
456 * :ghpull:`4737`: check every link when detecting virutalenv
640 * :ghpull:`4737`: check every link when detecting virutalenv
457 * :ghpull:`4738`: don't inject help into user_ns
641 * :ghpull:`4738`: don't inject help into user_ns
458 * :ghpull:`4739`: skip html nbconvert tests when their dependencies are missing
642 * :ghpull:`4739`: skip html nbconvert tests when their dependencies are missing
459 * :ghpull:`4730`: Fix stripping continuation prompts when copying from Qt console
643 * :ghpull:`4730`: Fix stripping continuation prompts when copying from Qt console
460 * :ghpull:`4725`: Doc fixes
644 * :ghpull:`4725`: Doc fixes
461 * :ghpull:`4656`: Nbconvert HTTP service
645 * :ghpull:`4656`: Nbconvert HTTP service
462 * :ghpull:`4710`: make @interactive decorator friendlier with dill
646 * :ghpull:`4710`: make @interactive decorator friendlier with dill
463 * :ghpull:`4722`: allow purging local results as long as they are not outstanding
647 * :ghpull:`4722`: allow purging local results as long as they are not outstanding
464 * :ghpull:`4549`: Updated IPython console lexers.
648 * :ghpull:`4549`: Updated IPython console lexers.
465 * :ghpull:`4570`: Update IPython directive
649 * :ghpull:`4570`: Update IPython directive
466 * :ghpull:`4719`: Fix comment typo in prefilter.py
650 * :ghpull:`4719`: Fix comment typo in prefilter.py
467 * :ghpull:`4575`: make sure to encode URL components for API requests
651 * :ghpull:`4575`: make sure to encode URL components for API requests
468 * :ghpull:`4718`: Fixed typo in displaypub
652 * :ghpull:`4718`: Fixed typo in displaypub
469 * :ghpull:`4716`: Remove input_prefilter hook
653 * :ghpull:`4716`: Remove input_prefilter hook
470 * :ghpull:`4691`: survive failure to bind to localhost in zmq.iostream
654 * :ghpull:`4691`: survive failure to bind to localhost in zmq.iostream
471 * :ghpull:`4696`: don't do anything if add_anchor fails
655 * :ghpull:`4696`: don't do anything if add_anchor fails
472 * :ghpull:`4711`: some typos in the docs
656 * :ghpull:`4711`: some typos in the docs
473 * :ghpull:`4700`: use if main block in entry points
657 * :ghpull:`4700`: use if main block in entry points
474 * :ghpull:`4692`: setup.py symlink improvements
658 * :ghpull:`4692`: setup.py symlink improvements
475 * :ghpull:`4265`: JSON configuration file
659 * :ghpull:`4265`: JSON configuration file
476 * :ghpull:`4505`: Nbconvert latex markdown images2
660 * :ghpull:`4505`: Nbconvert latex markdown images2
477 * :ghpull:`4608`: transparent background match ... all colors
661 * :ghpull:`4608`: transparent background match ... all colors
478 * :ghpull:`4678`: allow ipython console to handle text/plain display
662 * :ghpull:`4678`: allow ipython console to handle text/plain display
479 * :ghpull:`4706`: remove irunner, iplogger
663 * :ghpull:`4706`: remove irunner, iplogger
480 * :ghpull:`4701`: Delete an old dictionary available for selecting the aligment of text.
664 * :ghpull:`4701`: Delete an old dictionary available for selecting the aligment of text.
481 * :ghpull:`4702`: Making reveal font-size a relative unit.
665 * :ghpull:`4702`: Making reveal font-size a relative unit.
482 * :ghpull:`4649`: added a quiet option to %cpaste to suppress output
666 * :ghpull:`4649`: added a quiet option to %cpaste to suppress output
483 * :ghpull:`4690`: Option to spew subprocess streams during tests
667 * :ghpull:`4690`: Option to spew subprocess streams during tests
484 * :ghpull:`4688`: Fixed various typos in docstrings.
668 * :ghpull:`4688`: Fixed various typos in docstrings.
485 * :ghpull:`4645`: CasperJs utility functions.
669 * :ghpull:`4645`: CasperJs utility functions.
486 * :ghpull:`4670`: Stop bundling the numpydoc Sphinx extension
670 * :ghpull:`4670`: Stop bundling the numpydoc Sphinx extension
487 * :ghpull:`4675`: common IPython prefix for ModIndex
671 * :ghpull:`4675`: common IPython prefix for ModIndex
488 * :ghpull:`4672`: Remove unused 'attic' module
672 * :ghpull:`4672`: Remove unused 'attic' module
489 * :ghpull:`4671`: Fix docstrings in utils.text
673 * :ghpull:`4671`: Fix docstrings in utils.text
490 * :ghpull:`4669`: add missing help strings to HistoryManager configurables
674 * :ghpull:`4669`: add missing help strings to HistoryManager configurables
491 * :ghpull:`4668`: Make non-ASCII docstring unicode
675 * :ghpull:`4668`: Make non-ASCII docstring unicode
492 * :ghpull:`4650`: added a note about sharing of nbconvert tempates
676 * :ghpull:`4650`: added a note about sharing of nbconvert tempates
493 * :ghpull:`4646`: Fixing various output related things:
677 * :ghpull:`4646`: Fixing various output related things:
494 * :ghpull:`4665`: check for libedit in readline on OS X
678 * :ghpull:`4665`: check for libedit in readline on OS X
495 * :ghpull:`4606`: Make running PYTHONSTARTUP optional
679 * :ghpull:`4606`: Make running PYTHONSTARTUP optional
496 * :ghpull:`4654`: Fixing left padding of text cells to match that of code cells.
680 * :ghpull:`4654`: Fixing left padding of text cells to match that of code cells.
497 * :ghpull:`4306`: add raw_mimetype metadata to raw cells
681 * :ghpull:`4306`: add raw_mimetype metadata to raw cells
498 * :ghpull:`4576`: Tighten up the vertical spacing on cells and make the padding of cells more consistent
682 * :ghpull:`4576`: Tighten up the vertical spacing on cells and make the padding of cells more consistent
499 * :ghpull:`4353`: Don't reset the readline completer after each prompt
683 * :ghpull:`4353`: Don't reset the readline completer after each prompt
500 * :ghpull:`4567`: Adding prompt area to non-CodeCells to indent content.
684 * :ghpull:`4567`: Adding prompt area to non-CodeCells to indent content.
501 * :ghpull:`4446`: Use SVG plots in OctaveMagic by default due to lack of Ghostscript on Windows Octave
685 * :ghpull:`4446`: Use SVG plots in OctaveMagic by default due to lack of Ghostscript on Windows Octave
502 * :ghpull:`4613`: remove configurable.created
686 * :ghpull:`4613`: remove configurable.created
503 * :ghpull:`4631`: Use argument lists for command help tests
687 * :ghpull:`4631`: Use argument lists for command help tests
504 * :ghpull:`4633`: Modifies test_get_long_path_name_winr32() to allow for long path names in temp dir
688 * :ghpull:`4633`: Modifies test_get_long_path_name_winr32() to allow for long path names in temp dir
505 * :ghpull:`4642`: Allow docs to build without PyQt installed.
689 * :ghpull:`4642`: Allow docs to build without PyQt installed.
506 * :ghpull:`4641`: Don't check for wx in the test suite.
690 * :ghpull:`4641`: Don't check for wx in the test suite.
507 * :ghpull:`4622`: make QtConsole Lexer configurable
691 * :ghpull:`4622`: make QtConsole Lexer configurable
508 * :ghpull:`4594`: Fixed #2923 Move Save Away from Cut in toolbar
692 * :ghpull:`4594`: Fixed #2923 Move Save Away from Cut in toolbar
509 * :ghpull:`4593`: don't interfere with set_next_input contents in qtconsole
693 * :ghpull:`4593`: don't interfere with set_next_input contents in qtconsole
510 * :ghpull:`4640`: Support matplotlib's Gtk3 backend in --pylab mode
694 * :ghpull:`4640`: Support matplotlib's Gtk3 backend in --pylab mode
511 * :ghpull:`4639`: Minor import fix to get qtconsole with --pylab=qt working
695 * :ghpull:`4639`: Minor import fix to get qtconsole with --pylab=qt working
512 * :ghpull:`4637`: Fixed typo in links.txt.
696 * :ghpull:`4637`: Fixed typo in links.txt.
513 * :ghpull:`4634`: Fix nbrun in notebooks with non-code cells.
697 * :ghpull:`4634`: Fix nbrun in notebooks with non-code cells.
514 * :ghpull:`4632`: Restore the ability to run tests from a function.
698 * :ghpull:`4632`: Restore the ability to run tests from a function.
515 * :ghpull:`4624`: Fix crash when $EDITOR is non-ASCII
699 * :ghpull:`4624`: Fix crash when $EDITOR is non-ASCII
516 * :ghpull:`4453`: Play nice with App Nap
700 * :ghpull:`4453`: Play nice with App Nap
517 * :ghpull:`4541`: relax ipconfig matching on Windows
701 * :ghpull:`4541`: relax ipconfig matching on Windows
518 * :ghpull:`4552`: add pickleutil.use_dill
702 * :ghpull:`4552`: add pickleutil.use_dill
519 * :ghpull:`4590`: Font awesome for IPython slides
703 * :ghpull:`4590`: Font awesome for IPython slides
520 * :ghpull:`4589`: Inherit the width of pre code inside the input code cells.
704 * :ghpull:`4589`: Inherit the width of pre code inside the input code cells.
521 * :ghpull:`4588`: Update reveal.js CDN to 2.5.0.
705 * :ghpull:`4588`: Update reveal.js CDN to 2.5.0.
522 * :ghpull:`4569`: store cell toolbar preset in notebook metadata
706 * :ghpull:`4569`: store cell toolbar preset in notebook metadata
523 * :ghpull:`4609`: Fix bytes regex for Python 3.
707 * :ghpull:`4609`: Fix bytes regex for Python 3.
524 * :ghpull:`4581`: Writing unicode to stdout
708 * :ghpull:`4581`: Writing unicode to stdout
525 * :ghpull:`4591`: Documenting codemirror shorcuts.
709 * :ghpull:`4591`: Documenting codemirror shorcuts.
526 * :ghpull:`4607`: Tutorial doc should link to user config intro
710 * :ghpull:`4607`: Tutorial doc should link to user config intro
527 * :ghpull:`4601`: test that rename fails with 409 if it would clobber
711 * :ghpull:`4601`: test that rename fails with 409 if it would clobber
528 * :ghpull:`4599`: re-cast int/float subclasses to int/float in json_clean
712 * :ghpull:`4599`: re-cast int/float subclasses to int/float in json_clean
529 * :ghpull:`4542`: new `ipython history clear` subcommand
713 * :ghpull:`4542`: new `ipython history clear` subcommand
530 * :ghpull:`4568`: don't use lazily-evaluated rc.ids in wait_for_idle
714 * :ghpull:`4568`: don't use lazily-evaluated rc.ids in wait_for_idle
531 * :ghpull:`4572`: DOC: %profile docstring should reference %prun
715 * :ghpull:`4572`: DOC: %profile docstring should reference %prun
532 * :ghpull:`4571`: no longer need 3 suffix on travis, tox
716 * :ghpull:`4571`: no longer need 3 suffix on travis, tox
533 * :ghpull:`4566`: Fixing cell_type in CodeCell constructor.
717 * :ghpull:`4566`: Fixing cell_type in CodeCell constructor.
534 * :ghpull:`4563`: Specify encoding for reading notebook file.
718 * :ghpull:`4563`: Specify encoding for reading notebook file.
535 * :ghpull:`4452`: support notebooks in %run
719 * :ghpull:`4452`: support notebooks in %run
536 * :ghpull:`4546`: fix warning condition on notebook startup
720 * :ghpull:`4546`: fix warning condition on notebook startup
537 * :ghpull:`4540`: Apidocs3
721 * :ghpull:`4540`: Apidocs3
538 * :ghpull:`4553`: Fix Python 3 handling of urllib
722 * :ghpull:`4553`: Fix Python 3 handling of urllib
539 * :ghpull:`4543`: make hiding of initial namespace optional
723 * :ghpull:`4543`: make hiding of initial namespace optional
540 * :ghpull:`4517`: send shutdown_request on exit of `ipython console`
724 * :ghpull:`4517`: send shutdown_request on exit of `ipython console`
541 * :ghpull:`4528`: improvements to bash completion
725 * :ghpull:`4528`: improvements to bash completion
542 * :ghpull:`4532`: Hide dynamically defined metaclass base from Sphinx.
726 * :ghpull:`4532`: Hide dynamically defined metaclass base from Sphinx.
543 * :ghpull:`4515`: Spring Cleaning, and Load speedup
727 * :ghpull:`4515`: Spring Cleaning, and Load speedup
544 * :ghpull:`4529`: note routing identities needed for input requests
728 * :ghpull:`4529`: note routing identities needed for input requests
545 * :ghpull:`4514`: allow restart in `%run -d`
729 * :ghpull:`4514`: allow restart in `%run -d`
546 * :ghpull:`4527`: add redirect for 1.0-style 'files/' prefix links
730 * :ghpull:`4527`: add redirect for 1.0-style 'files/' prefix links
547 * :ghpull:`4526`: Allow unicode arguments to passwd_check on Python 2
731 * :ghpull:`4526`: Allow unicode arguments to passwd_check on Python 2
548 * :ghpull:`4403`: Global highlight language selection.
732 * :ghpull:`4403`: Global highlight language selection.
549 * :ghpull:`4250`: outputarea.js: Wrap inline SVGs inside an iframe
733 * :ghpull:`4250`: outputarea.js: Wrap inline SVGs inside an iframe
550 * :ghpull:`4521`: Read wav files in binary mode
734 * :ghpull:`4521`: Read wav files in binary mode
551 * :ghpull:`4444`: Css cleaning
735 * :ghpull:`4444`: Css cleaning
552 * :ghpull:`4523`: Use username and password for MongoDB on ShiningPanda
736 * :ghpull:`4523`: Use username and password for MongoDB on ShiningPanda
553 * :ghpull:`4510`: Update whatsnew from PR files
737 * :ghpull:`4510`: Update whatsnew from PR files
554 * :ghpull:`4441`: add `setup.py jsversion`
738 * :ghpull:`4441`: add `setup.py jsversion`
555 * :ghpull:`4518`: Fix for race condition in url file decoding.
739 * :ghpull:`4518`: Fix for race condition in url file decoding.
556 * :ghpull:`4497`: don't automatically unpack datetime objects in the message spec
740 * :ghpull:`4497`: don't automatically unpack datetime objects in the message spec
557 * :ghpull:`4506`: wait for empty queues as well as load-balanced tasks
741 * :ghpull:`4506`: wait for empty queues as well as load-balanced tasks
558 * :ghpull:`4492`: Configuration docs refresh
742 * :ghpull:`4492`: Configuration docs refresh
559 * :ghpull:`4508`: Fix some uses of map() in Qt console completion code.
743 * :ghpull:`4508`: Fix some uses of map() in Qt console completion code.
560 * :ghpull:`4498`: Daemon StreamCapturer
744 * :ghpull:`4498`: Daemon StreamCapturer
561 * :ghpull:`4499`: Skip clipboard test on unix systems if headless.
745 * :ghpull:`4499`: Skip clipboard test on unix systems if headless.
562 * :ghpull:`4460`: Better clipboard handling, esp. with pywin32
746 * :ghpull:`4460`: Better clipboard handling, esp. with pywin32
563 * :ghpull:`4496`: Pass nbformat object to write call to save .py script
747 * :ghpull:`4496`: Pass nbformat object to write call to save .py script
564 * :ghpull:`4466`: various pandoc latex fixes
748 * :ghpull:`4466`: various pandoc latex fixes
565 * :ghpull:`4473`: Setup for Python 2/3
749 * :ghpull:`4473`: Setup for Python 2/3
566 * :ghpull:`4459`: protect against broken repr in lib.pretty
750 * :ghpull:`4459`: protect against broken repr in lib.pretty
567 * :ghpull:`4457`: Use ~/.ipython as default config directory
751 * :ghpull:`4457`: Use ~/.ipython as default config directory
568 * :ghpull:`4489`: check realpath of env in init_virtualenv
752 * :ghpull:`4489`: check realpath of env in init_virtualenv
569 * :ghpull:`4490`: fix possible race condition in test_await_data
753 * :ghpull:`4490`: fix possible race condition in test_await_data
570 * :ghpull:`4476`: Fix: Remove space added by display(JavaScript) on page reload
754 * :ghpull:`4476`: Fix: Remove space added by display(JavaScript) on page reload
571 * :ghpull:`4398`: [Notebook] Deactivate tooltip on tab by default.
755 * :ghpull:`4398`: [Notebook] Deactivate tooltip on tab by default.
572 * :ghpull:`4480`: Docs shotgun 2
756 * :ghpull:`4480`: Docs shotgun 2
573 * :ghpull:`4488`: fix typo in message spec doc
757 * :ghpull:`4488`: fix typo in message spec doc
574 * :ghpull:`4479`: yet another JS race condition fix
758 * :ghpull:`4479`: yet another JS race condition fix
575 * :ghpull:`4477`: Allow incremental builds of the html_noapi docs target
759 * :ghpull:`4477`: Allow incremental builds of the html_noapi docs target
576 * :ghpull:`4470`: Various Config object cleanups
760 * :ghpull:`4470`: Various Config object cleanups
577 * :ghpull:`4410`: make close-and-halt work on new tabs in Chrome
761 * :ghpull:`4410`: make close-and-halt work on new tabs in Chrome
578 * :ghpull:`4469`: Python 3 & getcwdu
762 * :ghpull:`4469`: Python 3 & getcwdu
579 * :ghpull:`4451`: fix: allow JS test to run after shutdown test
763 * :ghpull:`4451`: fix: allow JS test to run after shutdown test
580 * :ghpull:`4456`: Simplify StreamCapturer for subprocess testing
764 * :ghpull:`4456`: Simplify StreamCapturer for subprocess testing
581 * :ghpull:`4464`: Correct description for Bytes traitlet type
765 * :ghpull:`4464`: Correct description for Bytes traitlet type
582 * :ghpull:`4465`: Clean up MANIFEST.in
766 * :ghpull:`4465`: Clean up MANIFEST.in
583 * :ghpull:`4461`: Correct TypeError message in svg2pdf
767 * :ghpull:`4461`: Correct TypeError message in svg2pdf
584 * :ghpull:`4458`: use signalstatus if exit status is undefined
768 * :ghpull:`4458`: use signalstatus if exit status is undefined
585 * :ghpull:`4438`: Single codebase Python 3 support (again)
769 * :ghpull:`4438`: Single codebase Python 3 support (again)
586 * :ghpull:`4198`: Version conversion, support for X to Y even if Y < X (nbformat)
770 * :ghpull:`4198`: Version conversion, support for X to Y even if Y < X (nbformat)
587 * :ghpull:`4415`: More tooltips in the Notebook menu
771 * :ghpull:`4415`: More tooltips in the Notebook menu
588 * :ghpull:`4450`: remove monkey patch for older versions of tornado
772 * :ghpull:`4450`: remove monkey patch for older versions of tornado
589 * :ghpull:`4423`: Fix progress bar and scrolling bug.
773 * :ghpull:`4423`: Fix progress bar and scrolling bug.
590 * :ghpull:`4435`: raise 404 on not found static file
774 * :ghpull:`4435`: raise 404 on not found static file
591 * :ghpull:`4442`: fix and add shim for change introduce by #4195
775 * :ghpull:`4442`: fix and add shim for change introduce by #4195
592 * :ghpull:`4436`: allow `require("nbextensions/extname")` to load from IPYTHONDIR/nbextensions
776 * :ghpull:`4436`: allow `require("nbextensions/extname")` to load from IPYTHONDIR/nbextensions
593 * :ghpull:`4437`: don't compute etags in static file handlers
777 * :ghpull:`4437`: don't compute etags in static file handlers
594 * :ghpull:`4427`: notebooks should always have one checkpoint
778 * :ghpull:`4427`: notebooks should always have one checkpoint
595 * :ghpull:`4425`: fix js pythonisme
779 * :ghpull:`4425`: fix js pythonisme
596 * :ghpull:`4195`: IPEP 21: widget messages
780 * :ghpull:`4195`: IPEP 21: widget messages
597 * :ghpull:`4434`: Fix broken link for Dive Into Python.
781 * :ghpull:`4434`: Fix broken link for Dive Into Python.
598 * :ghpull:`4428`: bump minimum tornado version to 3.1.0
782 * :ghpull:`4428`: bump minimum tornado version to 3.1.0
599 * :ghpull:`4302`: Add an Audio display class
783 * :ghpull:`4302`: Add an Audio display class
600 * :ghpull:`4285`: Notebook javascript test suite using CasperJS
784 * :ghpull:`4285`: Notebook javascript test suite using CasperJS
601 * :ghpull:`4420`: Allow checking for backports via milestone
785 * :ghpull:`4420`: Allow checking for backports via milestone
602 * :ghpull:`4426`: set kernel cwd to notebook's directory
786 * :ghpull:`4426`: set kernel cwd to notebook's directory
603 * :ghpull:`4389`: By default, Magics inherit from Configurable
787 * :ghpull:`4389`: By default, Magics inherit from Configurable
604 * :ghpull:`4393`: Capture output from subprocs during test, and display on failure
788 * :ghpull:`4393`: Capture output from subprocs during test, and display on failure
605 * :ghpull:`4419`: define InlineBackend configurable in its own file
789 * :ghpull:`4419`: define InlineBackend configurable in its own file
606 * :ghpull:`4303`: Multidirectory support for the Notebook
790 * :ghpull:`4303`: Multidirectory support for the Notebook
607 * :ghpull:`4371`: Restored ipython profile locate dir and fixed typo. (Fixes #3708).
791 * :ghpull:`4371`: Restored ipython profile locate dir and fixed typo. (Fixes #3708).
608 * :ghpull:`4414`: Specify unicode type properly in rmagic
792 * :ghpull:`4414`: Specify unicode type properly in rmagic
609 * :ghpull:`4413`: don't instantiate IPython shell as class attr
793 * :ghpull:`4413`: don't instantiate IPython shell as class attr
610 * :ghpull:`4400`: Remove 5s wait on inactivity on GUI inputhook loops
794 * :ghpull:`4400`: Remove 5s wait on inactivity on GUI inputhook loops
611 * :ghpull:`4412`: Fix traitlet _notify_trait by-ref issue
795 * :ghpull:`4412`: Fix traitlet _notify_trait by-ref issue
612 * :ghpull:`4378`: split adds new cell above, rather than below
796 * :ghpull:`4378`: split adds new cell above, rather than below
613 * :ghpull:`4405`: Bring display of builtin types and functions in line with Py 2
797 * :ghpull:`4405`: Bring display of builtin types and functions in line with Py 2
614 * :ghpull:`4367`: clean up of documentation files
798 * :ghpull:`4367`: clean up of documentation files
615 * :ghpull:`4401`: Provide a name of the HistorySavingThread
799 * :ghpull:`4401`: Provide a name of the HistorySavingThread
616 * :ghpull:`4384`: fix menubar height measurement
800 * :ghpull:`4384`: fix menubar height measurement
617 * :ghpull:`4377`: fix tooltip cancel
801 * :ghpull:`4377`: fix tooltip cancel
618 * :ghpull:`4293`: Factorise code in tooltip for julia monkeypatching
802 * :ghpull:`4293`: Factorise code in tooltip for julia monkeypatching
619 * :ghpull:`4292`: improve js-completer logic.
803 * :ghpull:`4292`: improve js-completer logic.
620 * :ghpull:`4363`: set_next_input: keep only last input when repeatedly called in a single cell
804 * :ghpull:`4363`: set_next_input: keep only last input when repeatedly called in a single cell
621 * :ghpull:`4382`: Use safe_hasattr in dir2
805 * :ghpull:`4382`: Use safe_hasattr in dir2
622 * :ghpull:`4379`: fix (CTRL-M -) shortcut for splitting cell in FF
806 * :ghpull:`4379`: fix (CTRL-M -) shortcut for splitting cell in FF
623 * :ghpull:`4380`: Test and fixes for localinterfaces
807 * :ghpull:`4380`: Test and fixes for localinterfaces
624 * :ghpull:`4372`: Don't assume that SyntaxTB is always called with a SyntaxError
808 * :ghpull:`4372`: Don't assume that SyntaxTB is always called with a SyntaxError
625 * :ghpull:`4342`: Return value directly from the try block and avoid a variable
809 * :ghpull:`4342`: Return value directly from the try block and avoid a variable
626 * :ghpull:`4154`: Center LaTeX and figures in markdown
810 * :ghpull:`4154`: Center LaTeX and figures in markdown
627 * :ghpull:`4311`: %load -s to load specific functions or classes
811 * :ghpull:`4311`: %load -s to load specific functions or classes
628 * :ghpull:`4350`: WinHPC launcher fixes
812 * :ghpull:`4350`: WinHPC launcher fixes
629 * :ghpull:`4345`: Make irunner compatible with upcoming pexpect 3.0 interface
813 * :ghpull:`4345`: Make irunner compatible with upcoming pexpect 3.0 interface
630 * :ghpull:`4276`: Support container methods in config
814 * :ghpull:`4276`: Support container methods in config
631 * :ghpull:`4359`: test_pylabtools also needs to modify matplotlib.rcParamsOrig
815 * :ghpull:`4359`: test_pylabtools also needs to modify matplotlib.rcParamsOrig
632 * :ghpull:`4355`: remove hardcoded box-orient
816 * :ghpull:`4355`: remove hardcoded box-orient
633 * :ghpull:`4333`: Add Edit Notebook Metadata to Edit menu
817 * :ghpull:`4333`: Add Edit Notebook Metadata to Edit menu
634 * :ghpull:`4349`: Script to update What's New file
818 * :ghpull:`4349`: Script to update What's New file
635 * :ghpull:`4348`: Call PDF viewer after latex compiling (nbconvert)
819 * :ghpull:`4348`: Call PDF viewer after latex compiling (nbconvert)
636 * :ghpull:`4346`: getpass() on Windows & Python 2 needs bytes prompt
820 * :ghpull:`4346`: getpass() on Windows & Python 2 needs bytes prompt
637 * :ghpull:`4304`: use netifaces for faster IPython.utils.localinterfaces
821 * :ghpull:`4304`: use netifaces for faster IPython.utils.localinterfaces
638 * :ghpull:`4305`: Add even more ways to populate localinterfaces
822 * :ghpull:`4305`: Add even more ways to populate localinterfaces
639 * :ghpull:`4313`: remove strip_math_space
823 * :ghpull:`4313`: remove strip_math_space
640 * :ghpull:`4325`: Some changes to improve readability.
824 * :ghpull:`4325`: Some changes to improve readability.
641 * :ghpull:`4281`: Adjust tab completion widget if too close to bottom of page.
825 * :ghpull:`4281`: Adjust tab completion widget if too close to bottom of page.
642 * :ghpull:`4347`: Remove pycolor script
826 * :ghpull:`4347`: Remove pycolor script
643 * :ghpull:`4322`: Scroll to the top after change of slides in the IPython slides
827 * :ghpull:`4322`: Scroll to the top after change of slides in the IPython slides
644 * :ghpull:`4289`: Fix scrolling output (not working post clear_output changes)
828 * :ghpull:`4289`: Fix scrolling output (not working post clear_output changes)
645 * :ghpull:`4343`: Make parameters for kernel start method more general
829 * :ghpull:`4343`: Make parameters for kernel start method more general
646 * :ghpull:`4237`: Keywords should shadow magic functions
830 * :ghpull:`4237`: Keywords should shadow magic functions
647 * :ghpull:`4338`: adjust default value of level in sync_imports
831 * :ghpull:`4338`: adjust default value of level in sync_imports
648 * :ghpull:`4328`: Remove unused loop variable.
832 * :ghpull:`4328`: Remove unused loop variable.
649 * :ghpull:`4340`: fix mathjax download url to new GitHub format
833 * :ghpull:`4340`: fix mathjax download url to new GitHub format
650 * :ghpull:`4336`: use simple replacement rather than string formatting in format_kernel_cmd
834 * :ghpull:`4336`: use simple replacement rather than string formatting in format_kernel_cmd
651 * :ghpull:`4264`: catch unicode error listing profiles
835 * :ghpull:`4264`: catch unicode error listing profiles
652 * :ghpull:`4314`: catch EACCES when binding notebook app
836 * :ghpull:`4314`: catch EACCES when binding notebook app
653 * :ghpull:`4324`: Remove commented addthis toolbar
837 * :ghpull:`4324`: Remove commented addthis toolbar
654 * :ghpull:`4327`: Use the with statement to open a file.
838 * :ghpull:`4327`: Use the with statement to open a file.
655 * :ghpull:`4318`: fix initial sys.path
839 * :ghpull:`4318`: fix initial sys.path
656 * :ghpull:`4315`: Explicitly state what version of Pandoc is supported in docs/install
840 * :ghpull:`4315`: Explicitly state what version of Pandoc is supported in docs/install
657 * :ghpull:`4316`: underscore missing on notebook_p4
841 * :ghpull:`4316`: underscore missing on notebook_p4
658 * :ghpull:`4295`: Implement boundary option for load magic (#1093)
842 * :ghpull:`4295`: Implement boundary option for load magic (#1093)
659 * :ghpull:`4300`: traits defauts are strings not object
843 * :ghpull:`4300`: traits defauts are strings not object
660 * :ghpull:`4297`: Remove an unreachable return statement.
844 * :ghpull:`4297`: Remove an unreachable return statement.
661 * :ghpull:`4260`: Use subprocess for system_raw
845 * :ghpull:`4260`: Use subprocess for system_raw
662 * :ghpull:`4277`: add nbextensions
846 * :ghpull:`4277`: add nbextensions
663 * :ghpull:`4294`: don't require tornado 3 in `--post serve`
847 * :ghpull:`4294`: don't require tornado 3 in `--post serve`
664 * :ghpull:`4270`: adjust Scheduler timeout logic
848 * :ghpull:`4270`: adjust Scheduler timeout logic
665 * :ghpull:`4278`: add `-a` to easy_install command in libedit warning
849 * :ghpull:`4278`: add `-a` to easy_install command in libedit warning
666 * :ghpull:`4282`: Enable automatic line breaks in MathJax.
850 * :ghpull:`4282`: Enable automatic line breaks in MathJax.
667 * :ghpull:`4279`: Fixing line-height of list items in tree view.
851 * :ghpull:`4279`: Fixing line-height of list items in tree view.
668 * :ghpull:`4253`: fixes #4039.
852 * :ghpull:`4253`: fixes #4039.
669 * :ghpull:`4131`: Add module's name argument in %%cython magic
853 * :ghpull:`4131`: Add module's name argument in %%cython magic
670 * :ghpull:`4269`: Add mathletters option and longtable package to latex_base.tplx
854 * :ghpull:`4269`: Add mathletters option and longtable package to latex_base.tplx
671 * :ghpull:`4230`: Switch correctly to the user's default matplotlib backend after inline.
855 * :ghpull:`4230`: Switch correctly to the user's default matplotlib backend after inline.
672 * :ghpull:`4271`: Hopefully fix ordering of output on ShiningPanda
856 * :ghpull:`4271`: Hopefully fix ordering of output on ShiningPanda
673 * :ghpull:`4239`: more informative error message for bad serialization
857 * :ghpull:`4239`: more informative error message for bad serialization
674 * :ghpull:`4263`: Fix excludes for IPython.testing
858 * :ghpull:`4263`: Fix excludes for IPython.testing
675 * :ghpull:`4112`: nbconvert: Latex template refactor
859 * :ghpull:`4112`: nbconvert: Latex template refactor
676 * :ghpull:`4261`: Fixing a formatting error in the custom display example notebook.
860 * :ghpull:`4261`: Fixing a formatting error in the custom display example notebook.
677 * :ghpull:`4259`: Fix Windows test exclusions
861 * :ghpull:`4259`: Fix Windows test exclusions
678 * :ghpull:`4229`: Clear_output: Animation & widget related changes.
862 * :ghpull:`4229`: Clear_output: Animation & widget related changes.
679 * :ghpull:`4151`: Refactor alias machinery
863 * :ghpull:`4151`: Refactor alias machinery
680 * :ghpull:`4153`: make timeit return an object that contains values
864 * :ghpull:`4153`: make timeit return an object that contains values
681 * :ghpull:`4258`: to-backport label is now 1.2
865 * :ghpull:`4258`: to-backport label is now 1.2
682 * :ghpull:`4242`: Allow passing extra arguments to iptest through for nose
866 * :ghpull:`4242`: Allow passing extra arguments to iptest through for nose
683 * :ghpull:`4257`: fix unicode argv parsing
867 * :ghpull:`4257`: fix unicode argv parsing
684 * :ghpull:`4166`: avoid executing code in utils.localinterfaces at import time
868 * :ghpull:`4166`: avoid executing code in utils.localinterfaces at import time
685 * :ghpull:`4214`: engine ID metadata should be unicode, not bytes
869 * :ghpull:`4214`: engine ID metadata should be unicode, not bytes
686 * :ghpull:`4232`: no highlight if no language specified
870 * :ghpull:`4232`: no highlight if no language specified
687 * :ghpull:`4218`: Fix display of SyntaxError when .py file is modified
871 * :ghpull:`4218`: Fix display of SyntaxError when .py file is modified
688 * :ghpull:`4207`: add `setup.py css` command
872 * :ghpull:`4207`: add `setup.py css` command
689 * :ghpull:`4224`: clear previous callbacks on execute
873 * :ghpull:`4224`: clear previous callbacks on execute
690 * :ghpull:`4180`: Iptest refactoring
874 * :ghpull:`4180`: Iptest refactoring
691 * :ghpull:`4105`: JS output area misaligned
875 * :ghpull:`4105`: JS output area misaligned
692 * :ghpull:`4220`: Various improvements to docs formatting
876 * :ghpull:`4220`: Various improvements to docs formatting
693 * :ghpull:`4187`: Select adequate highlighter for cell magic languages
877 * :ghpull:`4187`: Select adequate highlighter for cell magic languages
694 * :ghpull:`4228`: update -dev docs to reflect latest stable version
878 * :ghpull:`4228`: update -dev docs to reflect latest stable version
695 * :ghpull:`4219`: Drop bundled argparse
879 * :ghpull:`4219`: Drop bundled argparse
696 * :ghpull:`3851`: Adds an explicit newline for pretty-printing.
880 * :ghpull:`3851`: Adds an explicit newline for pretty-printing.
697 * :ghpull:`3622`: Drop fakemodule
881 * :ghpull:`3622`: Drop fakemodule
698 * :ghpull:`4080`: change default behavior of database task storage
882 * :ghpull:`4080`: change default behavior of database task storage
699 * :ghpull:`4197`: enable cython highlight in notebook
883 * :ghpull:`4197`: enable cython highlight in notebook
700 * :ghpull:`4225`: Updated docstring for core.display.Image
884 * :ghpull:`4225`: Updated docstring for core.display.Image
701 * :ghpull:`4175`: nbconvert: Jinjaless exporter base
885 * :ghpull:`4175`: nbconvert: Jinjaless exporter base
702 * :ghpull:`4208`: Added a lightweight "htmlcore" Makefile entry
886 * :ghpull:`4208`: Added a lightweight "htmlcore" Makefile entry
703 * :ghpull:`4209`: Magic doc fixes
887 * :ghpull:`4209`: Magic doc fixes
704 * :ghpull:`4217`: avoid importing numpy at the module level
888 * :ghpull:`4217`: avoid importing numpy at the module level
705 * :ghpull:`4213`: fixed dead link in examples/notebooks readme to Part 3
889 * :ghpull:`4213`: fixed dead link in examples/notebooks readme to Part 3
706 * :ghpull:`4183`: ESC should be handled by CM if tooltip is not on
890 * :ghpull:`4183`: ESC should be handled by CM if tooltip is not on
707 * :ghpull:`4193`: Update for #3549: Append Firefox overflow-x fix
891 * :ghpull:`4193`: Update for #3549: Append Firefox overflow-x fix
708 * :ghpull:`4205`: use TextIOWrapper when communicating with pandoc subprocess
892 * :ghpull:`4205`: use TextIOWrapper when communicating with pandoc subprocess
709 * :ghpull:`4204`: remove some extraneous print statements from IPython.parallel
893 * :ghpull:`4204`: remove some extraneous print statements from IPython.parallel
710 * :ghpull:`4201`: HeadingCells cannot be split or merged
894 * :ghpull:`4201`: HeadingCells cannot be split or merged
711 * :ghpull:`4048`: finish up speaker-notes PR
895 * :ghpull:`4048`: finish up speaker-notes PR
712 * :ghpull:`4079`: trigger `Kernel.status_started` after websockets open
896 * :ghpull:`4079`: trigger `Kernel.status_started` after websockets open
713 * :ghpull:`4186`: moved DummyMod to proper namespace to enable dill pickling
897 * :ghpull:`4186`: moved DummyMod to proper namespace to enable dill pickling
714 * :ghpull:`4190`: update version-check message in setup.py and IPython.__init__
898 * :ghpull:`4190`: update version-check message in setup.py and IPython.__init__
715 * :ghpull:`4188`: Allow user_ns trait to be None
899 * :ghpull:`4188`: Allow user_ns trait to be None
716 * :ghpull:`4189`: always fire LOCAL_IPS.extend(PUBLIC_IPS)
900 * :ghpull:`4189`: always fire LOCAL_IPS.extend(PUBLIC_IPS)
717 * :ghpull:`4174`: various issues in markdown and rst templates
901 * :ghpull:`4174`: various issues in markdown and rst templates
718 * :ghpull:`4178`: add missing data_javascript
902 * :ghpull:`4178`: add missing data_javascript
719 * :ghpull:`4168`: Py3 failing tests
903 * :ghpull:`4168`: Py3 failing tests
720 * :ghpull:`4181`: nbconvert: Fix, sphinx template not removing new lines from headers
904 * :ghpull:`4181`: nbconvert: Fix, sphinx template not removing new lines from headers
721 * :ghpull:`4043`: don't 'restore_bytes' in from_JSON
905 * :ghpull:`4043`: don't 'restore_bytes' in from_JSON
722 * :ghpull:`4149`: reuse more kernels in kernel tests
906 * :ghpull:`4149`: reuse more kernels in kernel tests
723 * :ghpull:`4163`: Fix for incorrect default encoding on Windows.
907 * :ghpull:`4163`: Fix for incorrect default encoding on Windows.
724 * :ghpull:`4136`: catch javascript errors in any output
908 * :ghpull:`4136`: catch javascript errors in any output
725 * :ghpull:`4171`: add nbconvert config file when creating profiles
909 * :ghpull:`4171`: add nbconvert config file when creating profiles
726 * :ghpull:`4172`: add ability to check what PRs should be backported in backport_pr
910 * :ghpull:`4172`: add ability to check what PRs should be backported in backport_pr
727 * :ghpull:`4167`: --fast flag for test suite!
911 * :ghpull:`4167`: --fast flag for test suite!
728 * :ghpull:`4125`: Basic exercise of `ipython [subcommand] -h` and help-all
912 * :ghpull:`4125`: Basic exercise of `ipython [subcommand] -h` and help-all
729 * :ghpull:`4085`: nbconvert: Fix sphinx preprocessor date format string for Windows
913 * :ghpull:`4085`: nbconvert: Fix sphinx preprocessor date format string for Windows
730 * :ghpull:`4159`: don't split `.cell` and `div.cell` CSS
914 * :ghpull:`4159`: don't split `.cell` and `div.cell` CSS
731 * :ghpull:`4165`: Remove use of parametric tests
915 * :ghpull:`4165`: Remove use of parametric tests
732 * :ghpull:`4158`: generate choices for `--gui` configurable from real mapping
916 * :ghpull:`4158`: generate choices for `--gui` configurable from real mapping
733 * :ghpull:`4083`: Implement a better check for hidden values for %who etc.
917 * :ghpull:`4083`: Implement a better check for hidden values for %who etc.
734 * :ghpull:`4147`: Reference notebook examples, fixes #4146.
918 * :ghpull:`4147`: Reference notebook examples, fixes #4146.
735 * :ghpull:`4065`: do not include specific css in embedable one
919 * :ghpull:`4065`: do not include specific css in embedable one
736 * :ghpull:`4092`: nbconvert: Fix for unicode html headers, Windows + Python 2.x
920 * :ghpull:`4092`: nbconvert: Fix for unicode html headers, Windows + Python 2.x
737 * :ghpull:`4074`: close Client sockets if connection fails
921 * :ghpull:`4074`: close Client sockets if connection fails
738 * :ghpull:`4064`: Store default codemirror mode in only 1 place
922 * :ghpull:`4064`: Store default codemirror mode in only 1 place
739 * :ghpull:`4104`: Add way to install MathJax to a particular profile
923 * :ghpull:`4104`: Add way to install MathJax to a particular profile
740 * :ghpull:`4161`: Select name when renaming a notebook
924 * :ghpull:`4161`: Select name when renaming a notebook
741 * :ghpull:`4160`: Add quotes around ".[notebook]" in readme
925 * :ghpull:`4160`: Add quotes around ".[notebook]" in readme
742 * :ghpull:`4144`: help_end transformer shouldn't pick up ? in multiline string
926 * :ghpull:`4144`: help_end transformer shouldn't pick up ? in multiline string
743 * :ghpull:`4090`: Add LaTeX citation handling to nbconvert
927 * :ghpull:`4090`: Add LaTeX citation handling to nbconvert
744 * :ghpull:`4143`: update example custom.js
928 * :ghpull:`4143`: update example custom.js
745 * :ghpull:`4142`: DOC: unwrap openssl line in public_server doc
929 * :ghpull:`4142`: DOC: unwrap openssl line in public_server doc
746 * :ghpull:`4126`: update tox.ini
930 * :ghpull:`4126`: update tox.ini
747 * :ghpull:`4141`: add files with a separate `add` call in backport_pr
931 * :ghpull:`4141`: add files with a separate `add` call in backport_pr
748 * :ghpull:`4137`: Restore autorestore option for storemagic
932 * :ghpull:`4137`: Restore autorestore option for storemagic
749 * :ghpull:`4098`: pass profile-dir instead of profile name to Kernel
933 * :ghpull:`4098`: pass profile-dir instead of profile name to Kernel
750 * :ghpull:`4120`: support `input` in Python 2 kernels
934 * :ghpull:`4120`: support `input` in Python 2 kernels
751 * :ghpull:`4088`: nbconvert: Fix coalescestreams line with incorrect nesting causing strange behavior
935 * :ghpull:`4088`: nbconvert: Fix coalescestreams line with incorrect nesting causing strange behavior
752 * :ghpull:`4060`: only strip continuation prompts if regular prompts seen first
936 * :ghpull:`4060`: only strip continuation prompts if regular prompts seen first
753 * :ghpull:`4132`: Fixed name error bug in function safe_unicode in module py3compat.
937 * :ghpull:`4132`: Fixed name error bug in function safe_unicode in module py3compat.
754 * :ghpull:`4121`: move test_kernel from IPython.zmq to IPython.kernel
938 * :ghpull:`4121`: move test_kernel from IPython.zmq to IPython.kernel
755 * :ghpull:`4118`: ZMQ heartbeat channel: catch EINTR exceptions and continue.
939 * :ghpull:`4118`: ZMQ heartbeat channel: catch EINTR exceptions and continue.
756 * :ghpull:`4070`: New changes should go into pr/ folder
940 * :ghpull:`4070`: New changes should go into pr/ folder
757 * :ghpull:`4054`: use unicode for HTML export
941 * :ghpull:`4054`: use unicode for HTML export
758 * :ghpull:`4106`: fix a couple of default block values
942 * :ghpull:`4106`: fix a couple of default block values
759 * :ghpull:`4107`: update parallel magic tests with capture_output API
943 * :ghpull:`4107`: update parallel magic tests with capture_output API
760 * :ghpull:`4102`: Fix clashes between debugger tests and coverage.py
944 * :ghpull:`4102`: Fix clashes between debugger tests and coverage.py
761 * :ghpull:`4115`: Update docs on declaring a magic function
945 * :ghpull:`4115`: Update docs on declaring a magic function
762 * :ghpull:`4101`: restore accidentally removed EngineError
946 * :ghpull:`4101`: restore accidentally removed EngineError
763 * :ghpull:`4096`: minor docs changes
947 * :ghpull:`4096`: minor docs changes
764 * :ghpull:`4094`: Update target branch before backporting PR
948 * :ghpull:`4094`: Update target branch before backporting PR
765 * :ghpull:`4069`: Drop monkeypatch for pre-1.0 nose
949 * :ghpull:`4069`: Drop monkeypatch for pre-1.0 nose
766 * :ghpull:`4056`: respect `pylab_import_all` when `--pylab` specified at the command-line
950 * :ghpull:`4056`: respect `pylab_import_all` when `--pylab` specified at the command-line
767 * :ghpull:`4091`: Make Qt console banner configurable
951 * :ghpull:`4091`: Make Qt console banner configurable
768 * :ghpull:`4086`: fix missing errno import
952 * :ghpull:`4086`: fix missing errno import
769 * :ghpull:`4084`: Use msvcrt.getwch() for Windows pager.
953 * :ghpull:`4084`: Use msvcrt.getwch() for Windows pager.
770 * :ghpull:`4073`: rename ``post_processors`` submodule to ``postprocessors``
954 * :ghpull:`4073`: rename ``post_processors`` submodule to ``postprocessors``
771 * :ghpull:`4075`: Update supported Python versions in tools/test_pr
955 * :ghpull:`4075`: Update supported Python versions in tools/test_pr
772 * :ghpull:`4068`: minor bug fix, define 'cell' in dialog.js.
956 * :ghpull:`4068`: minor bug fix, define 'cell' in dialog.js.
773 * :ghpull:`4044`: rename call methods to transform and postprocess
957 * :ghpull:`4044`: rename call methods to transform and postprocess
774 * :ghpull:`3744`: capture rich output as well as stdout/err in capture_output
958 * :ghpull:`3744`: capture rich output as well as stdout/err in capture_output
775 * :ghpull:`3969`: "use strict" in most (if not all) our javascript
959 * :ghpull:`3969`: "use strict" in most (if not all) our javascript
776 * :ghpull:`4030`: exclude `.git` in MANIFEST.in
960 * :ghpull:`4030`: exclude `.git` in MANIFEST.in
777 * :ghpull:`4047`: Use istype() when checking if canned object is a dict
961 * :ghpull:`4047`: Use istype() when checking if canned object is a dict
778 * :ghpull:`4031`: don't close_fds on Windows
962 * :ghpull:`4031`: don't close_fds on Windows
779 * :ghpull:`4029`: bson.Binary moved
963 * :ghpull:`4029`: bson.Binary moved
780 * :ghpull:`3883`: skip test on unix when x11 not available
964 * :ghpull:`3883`: skip test on unix when x11 not available
781 * :ghpull:`3863`: Added working speaker notes for slides.
965 * :ghpull:`3863`: Added working speaker notes for slides.
782 * :ghpull:`4035`: Fixed custom jinja2 templates being ignored when setting template_path
966 * :ghpull:`4035`: Fixed custom jinja2 templates being ignored when setting template_path
783 * :ghpull:`4002`: Drop Python 2.6 and 3.2
967 * :ghpull:`4002`: Drop Python 2.6 and 3.2
784 * :ghpull:`4026`: small doc fix in nbconvert
968 * :ghpull:`4026`: small doc fix in nbconvert
785 * :ghpull:`4016`: Fix IPython.start_* functions
969 * :ghpull:`4016`: Fix IPython.start_* functions
786 * :ghpull:`4021`: Fix parallel.client.View map() on numpy arrays
970 * :ghpull:`4021`: Fix parallel.client.View map() on numpy arrays
787 * :ghpull:`4022`: DOC: fix links to matplotlib, notebook docs
971 * :ghpull:`4022`: DOC: fix links to matplotlib, notebook docs
788 * :ghpull:`4018`: Fix warning when running IPython.kernel tests
972 * :ghpull:`4018`: Fix warning when running IPython.kernel tests
789 * :ghpull:`4017`: Add REPL-like printing of final/return value to %%R cell magic
973 * :ghpull:`4017`: Add REPL-like printing of final/return value to %%R cell magic
790 * :ghpull:`4019`: Test skipping without unicode paths
974 * :ghpull:`4019`: Test skipping without unicode paths
791 * :ghpull:`4008`: Transform code before %prun/%%prun runs
975 * :ghpull:`4008`: Transform code before %prun/%%prun runs
792 * :ghpull:`4014`: Fix typo in ipapp
976 * :ghpull:`4014`: Fix typo in ipapp
793 * :ghpull:`3997`: DOC: typos + rewording in examples/notebooks/Cell Magics.ipynb
977 * :ghpull:`3997`: DOC: typos + rewording in examples/notebooks/Cell Magics.ipynb
794 * :ghpull:`3914`: nbconvert: Transformer tests
978 * :ghpull:`3914`: nbconvert: Transformer tests
795 * :ghpull:`3987`: get files list in backport_pr
979 * :ghpull:`3987`: get files list in backport_pr
796 * :ghpull:`3923`: nbconvert: Writer tests
980 * :ghpull:`3923`: nbconvert: Writer tests
797 * :ghpull:`3974`: nbconvert: Fix app tests on Window7 w/ Python 3.3
981 * :ghpull:`3974`: nbconvert: Fix app tests on Window7 w/ Python 3.3
798 * :ghpull:`3937`: make tab visible in codemirror and light red background
982 * :ghpull:`3937`: make tab visible in codemirror and light red background
799 * :ghpull:`3933`: nbconvert: Post-processor tests
983 * :ghpull:`3933`: nbconvert: Post-processor tests
800 * :ghpull:`3978`: fix `--existing` with non-localhost IP
984 * :ghpull:`3978`: fix `--existing` with non-localhost IP
801 * :ghpull:`3939`: minor checkpoint cleanup
985 * :ghpull:`3939`: minor checkpoint cleanup
802 * :ghpull:`3955`: complete on % for magic in notebook
986 * :ghpull:`3955`: complete on % for magic in notebook
803 * :ghpull:`3981`: BF: fix nbconert rst input prompt spacing
987 * :ghpull:`3981`: BF: fix nbconert rst input prompt spacing
804 * :ghpull:`3960`: Don't make sphinx a dependency for importing nbconvert
988 * :ghpull:`3960`: Don't make sphinx a dependency for importing nbconvert
805 * :ghpull:`3973`: logging.Formatter is not new-style in 2.6
989 * :ghpull:`3973`: logging.Formatter is not new-style in 2.6
807 Issues (434):
991 Issues (434):
809 * :ghissue:`5476`: For 2.0: Fix links in Notebook Help Menu
993 * :ghissue:`5476`: For 2.0: Fix links in Notebook Help Menu
810 * :ghissue:`5337`: Examples reorganization
994 * :ghissue:`5337`: Examples reorganization
811 * :ghissue:`5436`: CodeMirror shortcuts in QuickHelp
995 * :ghissue:`5436`: CodeMirror shortcuts in QuickHelp
812 * :ghissue:`5444`: Fix numeric verification for Int and Float text widgets.
996 * :ghissue:`5444`: Fix numeric verification for Int and Float text widgets.
813 * :ghissue:`5443`: Int and Float Widgets don't allow negative signs
997 * :ghissue:`5443`: Int and Float Widgets don't allow negative signs
814 * :ghissue:`5449`: Stretch keyboard shortcut dialog
998 * :ghissue:`5449`: Stretch keyboard shortcut dialog
815 * :ghissue:`5471`: Add coding magic comment to nbconvert Python template
999 * :ghissue:`5471`: Add coding magic comment to nbconvert Python template
816 * :ghissue:`5470`: UTF-8 Issue When Converting Notebook to a Script.
1000 * :ghissue:`5470`: UTF-8 Issue When Converting Notebook to a Script.
817 * :ghissue:`5369`: FormatterWarning for SVG matplotlib output in notebook
1001 * :ghissue:`5369`: FormatterWarning for SVG matplotlib output in notebook
818 * :ghissue:`5460`: Can't start the notebook server specifying a notebook
1002 * :ghissue:`5460`: Can't start the notebook server specifying a notebook
819 * :ghissue:`2918`: CodeMirror related issues.
1003 * :ghissue:`2918`: CodeMirror related issues.
820 * :ghissue:`5431`: update github_stats and gh_api for 2.0
1004 * :ghissue:`5431`: update github_stats and gh_api for 2.0
821 * :ghissue:`4887`: Add tests for modal UI
1005 * :ghissue:`4887`: Add tests for modal UI
822 * :ghissue:`5290`: Add dual mode JS tests
1006 * :ghissue:`5290`: Add dual mode JS tests
823 * :ghissue:`5448`: Cmd+/ shortcut doesn't work in IPython master
1007 * :ghissue:`5448`: Cmd+/ shortcut doesn't work in IPython master
824 * :ghissue:`5447`: Add %%python2 cell magic
1008 * :ghissue:`5447`: Add %%python2 cell magic
825 * :ghissue:`5442`: Make a "python2" alias or rename the "python"cell magic.
1009 * :ghissue:`5442`: Make a "python2" alias or rename the "python"cell magic.
826 * :ghissue:`2495`: non-ascii characters in the path
1010 * :ghissue:`2495`: non-ascii characters in the path
827 * :ghissue:`4554`: dictDB: Exception due to str to datetime comparission
1011 * :ghissue:`4554`: dictDB: Exception due to str to datetime comparission
828 * :ghissue:`5006`: Comm code is not run in the same context as notebook code
1012 * :ghissue:`5006`: Comm code is not run in the same context as notebook code
829 * :ghissue:`5118`: Weird interact behavior
1013 * :ghissue:`5118`: Weird interact behavior
830 * :ghissue:`5401`: Empty code cells in nbconvert rst output cause problems
1014 * :ghissue:`5401`: Empty code cells in nbconvert rst output cause problems
831 * :ghissue:`5434`: fix check for empty cells in rst template
1015 * :ghissue:`5434`: fix check for empty cells in rst template
832 * :ghissue:`4944`: Trouble finding ipynb path in Windows 8
1016 * :ghissue:`4944`: Trouble finding ipynb path in Windows 8
833 * :ghissue:`4605`: Change the url of Editor Shorcuts in the notebook menu.
1017 * :ghissue:`4605`: Change the url of Editor Shorcuts in the notebook menu.
834 * :ghissue:`5425`: Update COPYING.txt
1018 * :ghissue:`5425`: Update COPYING.txt
835 * :ghissue:`5348`: BUG: HistoryAccessor.get_session_info(0) - exception
1019 * :ghissue:`5348`: BUG: HistoryAccessor.get_session_info(0) - exception
836 * :ghissue:`5293`: Javascript("element.append()") looks broken.
1020 * :ghissue:`5293`: Javascript("element.append()") looks broken.
837 * :ghissue:`5363`: Disable saving if notebook has stopped loading
1021 * :ghissue:`5363`: Disable saving if notebook has stopped loading
838 * :ghissue:`5189`: Tooltip pager mode is broken
1022 * :ghissue:`5189`: Tooltip pager mode is broken
839 * :ghissue:`5330`: Updates to shell reference doc
1023 * :ghissue:`5330`: Updates to shell reference doc
840 * :ghissue:`5397`: Accordion widget broken
1024 * :ghissue:`5397`: Accordion widget broken
841 * :ghissue:`5106`: Flexbox CSS specificity bugs
1025 * :ghissue:`5106`: Flexbox CSS specificity bugs
842 * :ghissue:`5297`: tooltip triggers focus bug
1026 * :ghissue:`5297`: tooltip triggers focus bug
843 * :ghissue:`5417`: scp checking for existence of directories: directory names are incorrect
1027 * :ghissue:`5417`: scp checking for existence of directories: directory names are incorrect
844 * :ghissue:`5302`: Parallel engine registration fails for slow engines
1028 * :ghissue:`5302`: Parallel engine registration fails for slow engines
845 * :ghissue:`5334`: notebook's split-cell shortcut dangerous / incompatible with Neo layout (for instance)
1029 * :ghissue:`5334`: notebook's split-cell shortcut dangerous / incompatible with Neo layout (for instance)
846 * :ghissue:`5324`: Style of `raw_input` UI is off in notebook
1030 * :ghissue:`5324`: Style of `raw_input` UI is off in notebook
847 * :ghissue:`5350`: Converting notebooks with spaces in their names to RST gives broken images
1031 * :ghissue:`5350`: Converting notebooks with spaces in their names to RST gives broken images
848 * :ghissue:`5049`: update quickhelp on adding and removing shortcuts
1032 * :ghissue:`5049`: update quickhelp on adding and removing shortcuts
849 * :ghissue:`4941`: Eliminating display of intermediate stages in progress bars
1033 * :ghissue:`4941`: Eliminating display of intermediate stages in progress bars
850 * :ghissue:`5345`: nbconvert to markdown does not use backticks
1034 * :ghissue:`5345`: nbconvert to markdown does not use backticks
851 * :ghissue:`5357`: catch exception in copystat
1035 * :ghissue:`5357`: catch exception in copystat
852 * :ghissue:`5351`: Notebook saving fails on smb share
1036 * :ghissue:`5351`: Notebook saving fails on smb share
853 * :ghissue:`4946`: TeX produced cannot be converted to PDF
1037 * :ghissue:`4946`: TeX produced cannot be converted to PDF
854 * :ghissue:`5347`: pretty print list too slow
1038 * :ghissue:`5347`: pretty print list too slow
855 * :ghissue:`5238`: Raw cell placeholder is not removed when you edit the cell
1039 * :ghissue:`5238`: Raw cell placeholder is not removed when you edit the cell
856 * :ghissue:`5382`: Qtconsole doesn't run in Python 3
1040 * :ghissue:`5382`: Qtconsole doesn't run in Python 3
857 * :ghissue:`5378`: Unexpected and new conflict between PyFileConfigLoader and IPythonQtConsoleApp
1041 * :ghissue:`5378`: Unexpected and new conflict between PyFileConfigLoader and IPythonQtConsoleApp
858 * :ghissue:`4945`: Heading/cells positioning problem and cell output wrapping
1042 * :ghissue:`4945`: Heading/cells positioning problem and cell output wrapping
859 * :ghissue:`5084`: Consistent approach for HTML/JS output on nbviewer
1043 * :ghissue:`5084`: Consistent approach for HTML/JS output on nbviewer
860 * :ghissue:`4902`: print preview does not work, custom.css not found
1044 * :ghissue:`4902`: print preview does not work, custom.css not found
861 * :ghissue:`5336`: TypeError in bootstrap-tour.min.js
1045 * :ghissue:`5336`: TypeError in bootstrap-tour.min.js
862 * :ghissue:`5303`: Changed Hub.registration_timeout to be a config input.
1046 * :ghissue:`5303`: Changed Hub.registration_timeout to be a config input.
863 * :ghissue:`995`: Paste-able mode in terminal
1047 * :ghissue:`995`: Paste-able mode in terminal
864 * :ghissue:`5305`: Tuple unpacking for shell escape
1048 * :ghissue:`5305`: Tuple unpacking for shell escape
865 * :ghissue:`5232`: Make nbconvert html full output like notebook's html.
1049 * :ghissue:`5232`: Make nbconvert html full output like notebook's html.
866 * :ghissue:`5224`: Audit nbconvert HTML output
1050 * :ghissue:`5224`: Audit nbconvert HTML output
867 * :ghissue:`5253`: display any output from this session in terminal console
1051 * :ghissue:`5253`: display any output from this session in terminal console
868 * :ghissue:`5251`: ipython console ignoring some stream messages?
1052 * :ghissue:`5251`: ipython console ignoring some stream messages?
869 * :ghissue:`4802`: Tour of the notebook UI (was UI elements inline with highlighting)
1053 * :ghissue:`4802`: Tour of the notebook UI (was UI elements inline with highlighting)
870 * :ghissue:`5103`: Moving Constructor definition to the top like a Function definition
1054 * :ghissue:`5103`: Moving Constructor definition to the top like a Function definition
871 * :ghissue:`5264`: Test failures on master with Anaconda
1055 * :ghissue:`5264`: Test failures on master with Anaconda
872 * :ghissue:`4833`: Serve /usr/share/javascript at /_sysassets/javascript/ in notebook
1056 * :ghissue:`4833`: Serve /usr/share/javascript at /_sysassets/javascript/ in notebook
873 * :ghissue:`5071`: Prevent %pylab from clobbering interactive
1057 * :ghissue:`5071`: Prevent %pylab from clobbering interactive
874 * :ghissue:`5282`: Exception in widget __del__ methods in Python 3.4.
1058 * :ghissue:`5282`: Exception in widget __del__ methods in Python 3.4.
875 * :ghissue:`5280`: append Firefox overflow-x fix
1059 * :ghissue:`5280`: append Firefox overflow-x fix
876 * :ghissue:`5120`: append Firefox overflow-x fix, again
1060 * :ghissue:`5120`: append Firefox overflow-x fix, again
877 * :ghissue:`4127`: autoreload shouldn't rely on .pyc modification times
1061 * :ghissue:`4127`: autoreload shouldn't rely on .pyc modification times
878 * :ghissue:`5272`: allow highlighting language to be set from notebook metadata
1062 * :ghissue:`5272`: allow highlighting language to be set from notebook metadata
879 * :ghissue:`5050`: Notebook cells truncated with Firefox
1063 * :ghissue:`5050`: Notebook cells truncated with Firefox
880 * :ghissue:`4839`: Error in Session.send_raw()
1064 * :ghissue:`4839`: Error in Session.send_raw()
881 * :ghissue:`5188`: New events system
1065 * :ghissue:`5188`: New events system
882 * :ghissue:`5076`: Refactor keyboard handling
1066 * :ghissue:`5076`: Refactor keyboard handling
883 * :ghissue:`4886`: Refactor and consolidate different keyboard logic in JavaScript code
1067 * :ghissue:`4886`: Refactor and consolidate different keyboard logic in JavaScript code
884 * :ghissue:`5002`: the green cell border moving forever in Chrome, when there are many code cells.
1068 * :ghissue:`5002`: the green cell border moving forever in Chrome, when there are many code cells.
885 * :ghissue:`5259`: Codemirror still active in command mode
1069 * :ghissue:`5259`: Codemirror still active in command mode
886 * :ghissue:`5219`: Output images appear as small thumbnails (Notebook)
1070 * :ghissue:`5219`: Output images appear as small thumbnails (Notebook)
887 * :ghissue:`4829`: Not able to connect qtconsole in Windows 8
1071 * :ghissue:`4829`: Not able to connect qtconsole in Windows 8
888 * :ghissue:`5152`: Hide __pycache__ in dashboard directory list
1072 * :ghissue:`5152`: Hide __pycache__ in dashboard directory list
889 * :ghissue:`5151`: Case-insesitive sort for dashboard list
1073 * :ghissue:`5151`: Case-insesitive sort for dashboard list
890 * :ghissue:`4603`: Warn when overwriting a notebook with upload
1074 * :ghissue:`4603`: Warn when overwriting a notebook with upload
891 * :ghissue:`4895`: Improvements to %run completions
1075 * :ghissue:`4895`: Improvements to %run completions
892 * :ghissue:`3459`: Filename completion when run script with %run
1076 * :ghissue:`3459`: Filename completion when run script with %run
893 * :ghissue:`5225`: Add JavaScript to nbconvert HTML display priority
1077 * :ghissue:`5225`: Add JavaScript to nbconvert HTML display priority
894 * :ghissue:`5034`: Audit the places where we call `.html(something)`
1078 * :ghissue:`5034`: Audit the places where we call `.html(something)`
895 * :ghissue:`5094`: Dancing cells in notebook
1079 * :ghissue:`5094`: Dancing cells in notebook
896 * :ghissue:`4999`: Notebook focus effects
1080 * :ghissue:`4999`: Notebook focus effects
897 * :ghissue:`5149`: Clicking on a TextBoxWidget in FF completely breaks dual mode.
1081 * :ghissue:`5149`: Clicking on a TextBoxWidget in FF completely breaks dual mode.
898 * :ghissue:`5207`: Children fire event
1082 * :ghissue:`5207`: Children fire event
899 * :ghissue:`5227`: display_method of objects with custom __getattr__
1083 * :ghissue:`5227`: display_method of objects with custom __getattr__
900 * :ghissue:`5236`: Cursor keys do not work to leave Markdown cell while it's being edited
1084 * :ghissue:`5236`: Cursor keys do not work to leave Markdown cell while it's being edited
901 * :ghissue:`5205`: Use CTuple traitlet for Widget children
1085 * :ghissue:`5205`: Use CTuple traitlet for Widget children
902 * :ghissue:`5230`: notebook rename does not respect url prefix
1086 * :ghissue:`5230`: notebook rename does not respect url prefix
903 * :ghissue:`5218`: Test failures with Python 3 and enabled warnings
1087 * :ghissue:`5218`: Test failures with Python 3 and enabled warnings
904 * :ghissue:`5115`: Page Breaks for Print Preview Broken by display: flex - Simple CSS Fix
1088 * :ghissue:`5115`: Page Breaks for Print Preview Broken by display: flex - Simple CSS Fix
905 * :ghissue:`5024`: Make nbconvert HTML output smart about page breaking
1089 * :ghissue:`5024`: Make nbconvert HTML output smart about page breaking
906 * :ghissue:`4985`: Add automatic Closebrackets function to Codemirror.
1090 * :ghissue:`4985`: Add automatic Closebrackets function to Codemirror.
907 * :ghissue:`5184`: print '\xa' crashes the interactive shell
1091 * :ghissue:`5184`: print '\xa' crashes the interactive shell
908 * :ghissue:`5214`: Downloading notebook as Python (.py) fails
1092 * :ghissue:`5214`: Downloading notebook as Python (.py) fails
909 * :ghissue:`5211`: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_outputfile'
1093 * :ghissue:`5211`: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_outputfile'
910 * :ghissue:`5206`: [CSS?] Inconsistencies in nbconvert divs and IPython Notebook divs?
1094 * :ghissue:`5206`: [CSS?] Inconsistencies in nbconvert divs and IPython Notebook divs?
911 * :ghissue:`5201`: node != nodejs within Debian packages
1095 * :ghissue:`5201`: node != nodejs within Debian packages
912 * :ghissue:`5112`: band-aid for completion
1096 * :ghissue:`5112`: band-aid for completion
913 * :ghissue:`4860`: Completer As-You-Type Broken
1097 * :ghissue:`4860`: Completer As-You-Type Broken
914 * :ghissue:`5116`: reorganize who knows what about paths
1098 * :ghissue:`5116`: reorganize who knows what about paths
915 * :ghissue:`4973`: Adding security.js with 1st attempt at is_safe
1099 * :ghissue:`4973`: Adding security.js with 1st attempt at is_safe
916 * :ghissue:`5164`: test_oinspect.test_calltip_builtin failure with python3.4
1100 * :ghissue:`5164`: test_oinspect.test_calltip_builtin failure with python3.4
917 * :ghissue:`5127`: Widgets: skip intermediate callbacks during throttling
1101 * :ghissue:`5127`: Widgets: skip intermediate callbacks during throttling
918 * :ghissue:`5013`: Widget alignment differs between FF and Chrome
1102 * :ghissue:`5013`: Widget alignment differs between FF and Chrome
919 * :ghissue:`5141`: tornado error static file
1103 * :ghissue:`5141`: tornado error static file
920 * :ghissue:`5160`: TemporaryWorkingDirectory incompatible with python3.4
1104 * :ghissue:`5160`: TemporaryWorkingDirectory incompatible with python3.4
921 * :ghissue:`5140`: WIP: %kernels magic
1105 * :ghissue:`5140`: WIP: %kernels magic
922 * :ghissue:`4987`: Widget lifecycle problems
1106 * :ghissue:`4987`: Widget lifecycle problems
923 * :ghissue:`5129`: UCS package break latex export on non-ascii
1107 * :ghissue:`5129`: UCS package break latex export on non-ascii
924 * :ghissue:`4986`: Cell horizontal scrollbar is missing in FF but not in Chrome
1108 * :ghissue:`4986`: Cell horizontal scrollbar is missing in FF but not in Chrome
925 * :ghissue:`4685`: nbconvert ignores image size metadata
1109 * :ghissue:`4685`: nbconvert ignores image size metadata
926 * :ghissue:`5155`: Notebook logout button does not work (source typo)
1110 * :ghissue:`5155`: Notebook logout button does not work (source typo)
927 * :ghissue:`2678`: Ctrl-m keyboard shortcut clash on Chrome OS
1111 * :ghissue:`2678`: Ctrl-m keyboard shortcut clash on Chrome OS
928 * :ghissue:`5113`: ButtonWidget without caption wrong height.
1112 * :ghissue:`5113`: ButtonWidget without caption wrong height.
929 * :ghissue:`4778`: add APIs for installing notebook extensions
1113 * :ghissue:`4778`: add APIs for installing notebook extensions
930 * :ghissue:`5046`: python setup.py failed vs git submodule update worked
1114 * :ghissue:`5046`: python setup.py failed vs git submodule update worked
931 * :ghissue:`4925`: Notebook manager api fixes
1115 * :ghissue:`4925`: Notebook manager api fixes
932 * :ghissue:`5073`: Cannot align widgets horizontally in the notebook
1116 * :ghissue:`5073`: Cannot align widgets horizontally in the notebook
933 * :ghissue:`4996`: require print_method to be a bound method
1117 * :ghissue:`4996`: require print_method to be a bound method
934 * :ghissue:`4990`: _repr_html_ exception reporting corner case when using type(foo)
1118 * :ghissue:`4990`: _repr_html_ exception reporting corner case when using type(foo)
935 * :ghissue:`5099`: Notebook: Changing base_project_url results in failed WebSockets call
1119 * :ghissue:`5099`: Notebook: Changing base_project_url results in failed WebSockets call
936 * :ghissue:`5096`: Client.map is not fault tolerant
1120 * :ghissue:`5096`: Client.map is not fault tolerant
937 * :ghissue:`4997`: Inconsistent %matplotlib qt behavior
1121 * :ghissue:`4997`: Inconsistent %matplotlib qt behavior
938 * :ghissue:`5041`: Remove more .html(...) calls.
1122 * :ghissue:`5041`: Remove more .html(...) calls.
939 * :ghissue:`5078`: Updating JS tests README.md
1123 * :ghissue:`5078`: Updating JS tests README.md
940 * :ghissue:`4977`: ensure scp destination directories exist (with mkdir -p)
1124 * :ghissue:`4977`: ensure scp destination directories exist (with mkdir -p)
941 * :ghissue:`3411`: ipython parallel: scp failure.
1125 * :ghissue:`3411`: ipython parallel: scp failure.
942 * :ghissue:`5064`: Errors during interact display at the terminal, not anywhere in the notebook
1126 * :ghissue:`5064`: Errors during interact display at the terminal, not anywhere in the notebook
943 * :ghissue:`4921`: Add PDF formatter and handling
1127 * :ghissue:`4921`: Add PDF formatter and handling
944 * :ghissue:`4920`: Adding PDFFormatter and kernel side handling of PDF display data
1128 * :ghissue:`4920`: Adding PDFFormatter and kernel side handling of PDF display data
945 * :ghissue:`5048`: Add edit/command mode indicator
1129 * :ghissue:`5048`: Add edit/command mode indicator
946 * :ghissue:`4889`: Add UI element for indicating command/edit modes
1130 * :ghissue:`4889`: Add UI element for indicating command/edit modes
947 * :ghissue:`5052`: Add q to toggle the pager.
1131 * :ghissue:`5052`: Add q to toggle the pager.
948 * :ghissue:`5000`: Closing pager with keyboard in modal UI
1132 * :ghissue:`5000`: Closing pager with keyboard in modal UI
949 * :ghissue:`5069`: Box model changes broke the Keyboard Shortcuts help modal
1133 * :ghissue:`5069`: Box model changes broke the Keyboard Shortcuts help modal
950 * :ghissue:`4960`: Interact/Interactive for widget
1134 * :ghissue:`4960`: Interact/Interactive for widget
951 * :ghissue:`4883`: Implement interact/interactive for widgets
1135 * :ghissue:`4883`: Implement interact/interactive for widgets
952 * :ghissue:`5038`: Fix multiple press keyboard events
1136 * :ghissue:`5038`: Fix multiple press keyboard events
953 * :ghissue:`5054`: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc6 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
1137 * :ghissue:`5054`: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc6 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
954 * :ghissue:`5031`: Bug during integration of IPython console in Qt application
1138 * :ghissue:`5031`: Bug during integration of IPython console in Qt application
955 * :ghissue:`5057`: iopubwatcher.py example is broken.
1139 * :ghissue:`5057`: iopubwatcher.py example is broken.
956 * :ghissue:`4747`: Add event for output_area adding an output
1140 * :ghissue:`4747`: Add event for output_area adding an output
957 * :ghissue:`5001`: Add directory navigation to dashboard
1141 * :ghissue:`5001`: Add directory navigation to dashboard
958 * :ghissue:`5016`: Help menu external-link icons break layout in FF
1142 * :ghissue:`5016`: Help menu external-link icons break layout in FF
959 * :ghissue:`4885`: Modal UI behavior changes
1143 * :ghissue:`4885`: Modal UI behavior changes
960 * :ghissue:`5009`: notebook signatures don't work
1144 * :ghissue:`5009`: notebook signatures don't work
961 * :ghissue:`4975`: setup.py changes for 2.0
1145 * :ghissue:`4975`: setup.py changes for 2.0
962 * :ghissue:`4774`: emit event on appended element on dom
1146 * :ghissue:`4774`: emit event on appended element on dom
963 * :ghissue:`5020`: Python Lists translated to javascript objects in widgets
1147 * :ghissue:`5020`: Python Lists translated to javascript objects in widgets
964 * :ghissue:`5003`: Fix pretty reprs of super() objects
1148 * :ghissue:`5003`: Fix pretty reprs of super() objects
965 * :ghissue:`5012`: Make `SelectionWidget.values` a dict
1149 * :ghissue:`5012`: Make `SelectionWidget.values` a dict
966 * :ghissue:`4961`: Bug when constructing a selection widget with both values and labels
1150 * :ghissue:`4961`: Bug when constructing a selection widget with both values and labels
967 * :ghissue:`4283`: A `<` in a markdown cell strips cell content when converting to latex
1151 * :ghissue:`4283`: A `<` in a markdown cell strips cell content when converting to latex
968 * :ghissue:`4006`: iptest IPython broken
1152 * :ghissue:`4006`: iptest IPython broken
969 * :ghissue:`4251`: & escaped to &amp; in tex ?
1153 * :ghissue:`4251`: & escaped to &amp; in tex ?
970 * :ghissue:`5027`: pin lessc to 1.4
1154 * :ghissue:`5027`: pin lessc to 1.4
971 * :ghissue:`4323`: Take 2: citation2latex filter (using HTMLParser)
1155 * :ghissue:`4323`: Take 2: citation2latex filter (using HTMLParser)
972 * :ghissue:`4196`: Printing notebook from browser gives 1-page truncated output
1156 * :ghissue:`4196`: Printing notebook from browser gives 1-page truncated output
973 * :ghissue:`4842`: more subtle kernel indicator
1157 * :ghissue:`4842`: more subtle kernel indicator
974 * :ghissue:`4057`: No path to notebook examples from Help menu
1158 * :ghissue:`4057`: No path to notebook examples from Help menu
975 * :ghissue:`5015`: don't write cell.trusted to disk
1159 * :ghissue:`5015`: don't write cell.trusted to disk
976 * :ghissue:`4617`: Changed url link in Help dropdown menu.
1160 * :ghissue:`4617`: Changed url link in Help dropdown menu.
977 * :ghissue:`4976`: Container widget layout broken on Firefox
1161 * :ghissue:`4976`: Container widget layout broken on Firefox
978 * :ghissue:`4981`: Vertical slider layout broken
1162 * :ghissue:`4981`: Vertical slider layout broken
979 * :ghissue:`4793`: Message spec changes related to `clear_output`
1163 * :ghissue:`4793`: Message spec changes related to `clear_output`
980 * :ghissue:`4982`: Live readout for slider widgets
1164 * :ghissue:`4982`: Live readout for slider widgets
981 * :ghissue:`4813`: make help menu a template
1165 * :ghissue:`4813`: make help menu a template
982 * :ghissue:`4989`: Filename tab completion completely broken
1166 * :ghissue:`4989`: Filename tab completion completely broken
983 * :ghissue:`1380`: Tab should insert 4 spaces in # comment lines
1167 * :ghissue:`1380`: Tab should insert 4 spaces in # comment lines
984 * :ghissue:`2888`: spaces vs tabs
1168 * :ghissue:`2888`: spaces vs tabs
985 * :ghissue:`1193`: Allow resizing figures in notebook
1169 * :ghissue:`1193`: Allow resizing figures in notebook
986 * :ghissue:`4504`: Allow input transformers to raise SyntaxError
1170 * :ghissue:`4504`: Allow input transformers to raise SyntaxError
987 * :ghissue:`4697`: Problems with height after toggling header and toolbar...
1171 * :ghissue:`4697`: Problems with height after toggling header and toolbar...
988 * :ghissue:`4951`: TextWidget to code cell command mode bug.
1172 * :ghissue:`4951`: TextWidget to code cell command mode bug.
989 * :ghissue:`4809`: Arbitrary scrolling (jumping) in clicks in modal UI for notebook
1173 * :ghissue:`4809`: Arbitrary scrolling (jumping) in clicks in modal UI for notebook
990 * :ghissue:`4971`: Fixing issues with js tests
1174 * :ghissue:`4971`: Fixing issues with js tests
991 * :ghissue:`4972`: Work around problem in doctest discovery in Python 3.4 with PyQt
1175 * :ghissue:`4972`: Work around problem in doctest discovery in Python 3.4 with PyQt
992 * :ghissue:`4892`: IPython.qt test failure with python3.4
1176 * :ghissue:`4892`: IPython.qt test failure with python3.4
993 * :ghissue:`4863`: BUG: cannot create an OBJECT array from memory buffer
1177 * :ghissue:`4863`: BUG: cannot create an OBJECT array from memory buffer
994 * :ghissue:`4704`: Subcommand `profile` ignores --ipython-dir
1178 * :ghissue:`4704`: Subcommand `profile` ignores --ipython-dir
995 * :ghissue:`4845`: Add Origin Checking.
1179 * :ghissue:`4845`: Add Origin Checking.
996 * :ghissue:`4870`: ipython_directive, report except/warn in block and add :okexcept: :okwarning: options to suppress
1180 * :ghissue:`4870`: ipython_directive, report except/warn in block and add :okexcept: :okwarning: options to suppress
997 * :ghissue:`4956`: Shift-Enter does not move to next cell
1181 * :ghissue:`4956`: Shift-Enter does not move to next cell
998 * :ghissue:`4662`: Menu cleanup
1182 * :ghissue:`4662`: Menu cleanup
999 * :ghissue:`4824`: sign notebooks
1183 * :ghissue:`4824`: sign notebooks
1000 * :ghissue:`4848`: avoid import of nearby temporary with %edit
1184 * :ghissue:`4848`: avoid import of nearby temporary with %edit
1001 * :ghissue:`4731`: %edit files mistakenly import modules in /tmp
1185 * :ghissue:`4731`: %edit files mistakenly import modules in /tmp
1002 * :ghissue:`4950`: Two fixes for file upload related bugs
1186 * :ghissue:`4950`: Two fixes for file upload related bugs
1003 * :ghissue:`4871`: Notebook upload fails after Delete
1187 * :ghissue:`4871`: Notebook upload fails after Delete
1004 * :ghissue:`4825`: File Upload URL set incorrectly
1188 * :ghissue:`4825`: File Upload URL set incorrectly
1005 * :ghissue:`3867`: display.FileLinks should work in the exported html verion of a notebook
1189 * :ghissue:`3867`: display.FileLinks should work in the exported html verion of a notebook
1006 * :ghissue:`4948`: reveal: ipython css overrides reveal themes
1190 * :ghissue:`4948`: reveal: ipython css overrides reveal themes
1007 * :ghissue:`4947`: reveal: slides that are too big?
1191 * :ghissue:`4947`: reveal: slides that are too big?
1008 * :ghissue:`4051`: Test failures with Python 3 and enabled warnings
1192 * :ghissue:`4051`: Test failures with Python 3 and enabled warnings
1009 * :ghissue:`3633`: outstanding issues over in ipython/nbconvert repo
1193 * :ghissue:`3633`: outstanding issues over in ipython/nbconvert repo
1010 * :ghissue:`4087`: Sympy printing in the example notebook
1194 * :ghissue:`4087`: Sympy printing in the example notebook
1011 * :ghissue:`4627`: Document various QtConsole embedding approaches.
1195 * :ghissue:`4627`: Document various QtConsole embedding approaches.
1012 * :ghissue:`4849`: Various unicode fixes (mostly on Windows)
1196 * :ghissue:`4849`: Various unicode fixes (mostly on Windows)
1013 * :ghissue:`3653`: autocompletion in "from package import <tab>"
1197 * :ghissue:`3653`: autocompletion in "from package import <tab>"
1014 * :ghissue:`4583`: overwrite? prompt gets EOFError in 2 process
1198 * :ghissue:`4583`: overwrite? prompt gets EOFError in 2 process
1015 * :ghissue:`4807`: Correct handling of ansi colour codes when nbconverting to latex
1199 * :ghissue:`4807`: Correct handling of ansi colour codes when nbconverting to latex
1016 * :ghissue:`4611`: Document how to compile .less files in dev docs.
1200 * :ghissue:`4611`: Document how to compile .less files in dev docs.
1017 * :ghissue:`4618`: "Editor Shortcuts" link is broken in help menu dropdown notebook
1201 * :ghissue:`4618`: "Editor Shortcuts" link is broken in help menu dropdown notebook
1018 * :ghissue:`4522`: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
1202 * :ghissue:`4522`: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
1019 * :ghissue:`4368`: No symlink from ipython to ipython3 when inside a python3 virtualenv
1203 * :ghissue:`4368`: No symlink from ipython to ipython3 when inside a python3 virtualenv
1020 * :ghissue:`4234`: Math without $$ doesn't show up when converted to slides
1204 * :ghissue:`4234`: Math without $$ doesn't show up when converted to slides
1021 * :ghissue:`4194`: config.TerminalIPythonApp.nosep does not work
1205 * :ghissue:`4194`: config.TerminalIPythonApp.nosep does not work
1022 * :ghissue:`1491`: prefilter not called for multi-line notebook cells
1206 * :ghissue:`1491`: prefilter not called for multi-line notebook cells
1023 * :ghissue:`4001`: Windows IPython executable /scripts/ipython not working
1207 * :ghissue:`4001`: Windows IPython executable /scripts/ipython not working
1024 * :ghissue:`3959`: think more carefully about text wrapping in nbconvert
1208 * :ghissue:`3959`: think more carefully about text wrapping in nbconvert
1025 * :ghissue:`4907`: Test for traceback depth fails on Windows
1209 * :ghissue:`4907`: Test for traceback depth fails on Windows
1026 * :ghissue:`4906`: Test for IPython.embed() fails on Windows
1210 * :ghissue:`4906`: Test for IPython.embed() fails on Windows
1027 * :ghissue:`4912`: Skip some Windows io failures
1211 * :ghissue:`4912`: Skip some Windows io failures
1028 * :ghissue:`3700`: stdout/stderr should be flushed printing exception output...
1212 * :ghissue:`3700`: stdout/stderr should be flushed printing exception output...
1029 * :ghissue:`1181`: greedy completer bug in terminal console
1213 * :ghissue:`1181`: greedy completer bug in terminal console
1030 * :ghissue:`2032`: check for a few places we should be using DEFAULT_ENCODING
1214 * :ghissue:`2032`: check for a few places we should be using DEFAULT_ENCODING
1031 * :ghissue:`4882`: Too many files open when starting and stopping kernel repeatedly
1215 * :ghissue:`4882`: Too many files open when starting and stopping kernel repeatedly
1032 * :ghissue:`4880`: set profile name from profile_dir
1216 * :ghissue:`4880`: set profile name from profile_dir
1033 * :ghissue:`4238`: parallel.Client() not using profile that notebook was run with?
1217 * :ghissue:`4238`: parallel.Client() not using profile that notebook was run with?
1034 * :ghissue:`4853`: fix setting image height/width from metadata
1218 * :ghissue:`4853`: fix setting image height/width from metadata
1035 * :ghissue:`4786`: Reduce spacing of heading cells
1219 * :ghissue:`4786`: Reduce spacing of heading cells
1036 * :ghissue:`4680`: Minimal pandoc version warning
1220 * :ghissue:`4680`: Minimal pandoc version warning
1037 * :ghissue:`3707`: nbconvert: Remove IPython magic commands from --format="python" output
1221 * :ghissue:`3707`: nbconvert: Remove IPython magic commands from --format="python" output
1038 * :ghissue:`4130`: PDF figures as links from png or svg figures
1222 * :ghissue:`4130`: PDF figures as links from png or svg figures
1039 * :ghissue:`3919`: Allow --profile to be passed a dir.
1223 * :ghissue:`3919`: Allow --profile to be passed a dir.
1040 * :ghissue:`2136`: Handle hard newlines in pretty printer
1224 * :ghissue:`2136`: Handle hard newlines in pretty printer
1041 * :ghissue:`4790`: Notebook modal UI: "merge cell below" key binding, `shift+=`, does not work with some keyboard layouts
1225 * :ghissue:`4790`: Notebook modal UI: "merge cell below" key binding, `shift+=`, does not work with some keyboard layouts
1042 * :ghissue:`4884`: Keyboard shortcut changes
1226 * :ghissue:`4884`: Keyboard shortcut changes
1043 * :ghissue:`1184`: slow handling of keyboard input
1227 * :ghissue:`1184`: slow handling of keyboard input
1044 * :ghissue:`4913`: Mathjax, Markdown, tex, env* and italic
1228 * :ghissue:`4913`: Mathjax, Markdown, tex, env* and italic
1045 * :ghissue:`3972`: nbconvert: Template output testing
1229 * :ghissue:`3972`: nbconvert: Template output testing
1046 * :ghissue:`4903`: use https for all embeds
1230 * :ghissue:`4903`: use https for all embeds
1047 * :ghissue:`4874`: --debug does not work if you set .kernel_cmd
1231 * :ghissue:`4874`: --debug does not work if you set .kernel_cmd
1048 * :ghissue:`4679`: JPG compression for inline pylab
1232 * :ghissue:`4679`: JPG compression for inline pylab
1049 * :ghissue:`4708`: Fix indent and center
1233 * :ghissue:`4708`: Fix indent and center
1050 * :ghissue:`4789`: fix IPython.embed
1234 * :ghissue:`4789`: fix IPython.embed
1051 * :ghissue:`4759`: Application._load_config_files log parameter default fails
1235 * :ghissue:`4759`: Application._load_config_files log parameter default fails
1052 * :ghissue:`3153`: docs / file menu: explain how to exit the notebook
1236 * :ghissue:`3153`: docs / file menu: explain how to exit the notebook
1053 * :ghissue:`4791`: Did updates to ipython_directive bork support for cython magic snippets?
1237 * :ghissue:`4791`: Did updates to ipython_directive bork support for cython magic snippets?
1054 * :ghissue:`4385`: "Part 4 - Markdown Cells.ipynb" nbviewer example seems not well referenced in current online documentation page http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/interactive/notebook.htm
1238 * :ghissue:`4385`: "Part 4 - Markdown Cells.ipynb" nbviewer example seems not well referenced in current online documentation page http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/interactive/notebook.htm
1055 * :ghissue:`4655`: prefer marked to pandoc for markdown2html
1239 * :ghissue:`4655`: prefer marked to pandoc for markdown2html
1056 * :ghissue:`3441`: Fix focus related problems in the notebook
1240 * :ghissue:`3441`: Fix focus related problems in the notebook
1057 * :ghissue:`3402`: Feature Request: Save As (latex, html,..etc) as a menu option in Notebook rather than explicit need to invoke nbconvert
1241 * :ghissue:`3402`: Feature Request: Save As (latex, html,..etc) as a menu option in Notebook rather than explicit need to invoke nbconvert
1058 * :ghissue:`3224`: Revisit layout of notebook area
1242 * :ghissue:`3224`: Revisit layout of notebook area
1059 * :ghissue:`2746`: rerunning a cell with long output (exception) scrolls to much (html notebook)
1243 * :ghissue:`2746`: rerunning a cell with long output (exception) scrolls to much (html notebook)
1060 * :ghissue:`2667`: can't save opened notebook if accidently delete the notebook in the dashboard
1244 * :ghissue:`2667`: can't save opened notebook if accidently delete the notebook in the dashboard
1061 * :ghissue:`3026`: Reporting errors from _repr_<type>_ methods
1245 * :ghissue:`3026`: Reporting errors from _repr_<type>_ methods
1062 * :ghissue:`1844`: Notebook does not exist and permalinks
1246 * :ghissue:`1844`: Notebook does not exist and permalinks
1063 * :ghissue:`2450`: [closed PR] Prevent jumping of window to input when output is clicked.
1247 * :ghissue:`2450`: [closed PR] Prevent jumping of window to input when output is clicked.
1064 * :ghissue:`3166`: IPEP 16: Notebook multi directory dashboard and URL mapping
1248 * :ghissue:`3166`: IPEP 16: Notebook multi directory dashboard and URL mapping
1065 * :ghissue:`3691`: Slight misalignment of Notebook menu bar with focus box
1249 * :ghissue:`3691`: Slight misalignment of Notebook menu bar with focus box
1066 * :ghissue:`4875`: Empty tooltip with `object_found = false` still being shown
1250 * :ghissue:`4875`: Empty tooltip with `object_found = false` still being shown
1067 * :ghissue:`4432`: The SSL cert for the MathJax CDN is invalid and URL is not protocol agnostic
1251 * :ghissue:`4432`: The SSL cert for the MathJax CDN is invalid and URL is not protocol agnostic
1068 * :ghissue:`2633`: Help text should leave current cell active
1252 * :ghissue:`2633`: Help text should leave current cell active
1069 * :ghissue:`3976`: DOC: Pandas link on the notebook help menu?
1253 * :ghissue:`3976`: DOC: Pandas link on the notebook help menu?
1070 * :ghissue:`4082`: /new handler redirect cached by browser
1254 * :ghissue:`4082`: /new handler redirect cached by browser
1071 * :ghissue:`4298`: Slow ipython --pylab and ipython notebook startup
1255 * :ghissue:`4298`: Slow ipython --pylab and ipython notebook startup
1072 * :ghissue:`4545`: %store magic not working
1256 * :ghissue:`4545`: %store magic not working
1073 * :ghissue:`4610`: toolbar UI enhancements
1257 * :ghissue:`4610`: toolbar UI enhancements
1074 * :ghissue:`4782`: New modal UI
1258 * :ghissue:`4782`: New modal UI
1075 * :ghissue:`4732`: Accents in notebook names and in command-line (nbconvert)
1259 * :ghissue:`4732`: Accents in notebook names and in command-line (nbconvert)
1076 * :ghissue:`4752`: link broken in docs/examples
1260 * :ghissue:`4752`: link broken in docs/examples
1077 * :ghissue:`4835`: running ipython on python files adds an extra traceback frame
1261 * :ghissue:`4835`: running ipython on python files adds an extra traceback frame
1078 * :ghissue:`4792`: repr_html exception warning on qtconsole with pandas #4745
1262 * :ghissue:`4792`: repr_html exception warning on qtconsole with pandas #4745
1079 * :ghissue:`4834`: function tooltip issues
1263 * :ghissue:`4834`: function tooltip issues
1080 * :ghissue:`4808`: Docstrings in Notebook not displayed properly and introspection
1264 * :ghissue:`4808`: Docstrings in Notebook not displayed properly and introspection
1081 * :ghissue:`4846`: Remove some leftover traces of irunner
1265 * :ghissue:`4846`: Remove some leftover traces of irunner
1082 * :ghissue:`4810`: ipcluster bug in clean_logs flag
1266 * :ghissue:`4810`: ipcluster bug in clean_logs flag
1083 * :ghissue:`4812`: update CodeMirror for the notebook
1267 * :ghissue:`4812`: update CodeMirror for the notebook
1084 * :ghissue:`671`: add migration guide for old IPython config
1268 * :ghissue:`671`: add migration guide for old IPython config
1085 * :ghissue:`4783`: ipython 2dev under windows / (win)python 3.3 experiment
1269 * :ghissue:`4783`: ipython 2dev under windows / (win)python 3.3 experiment
1086 * :ghissue:`4772`: Notebook server info files
1270 * :ghissue:`4772`: Notebook server info files
1087 * :ghissue:`4765`: missing build script for highlight.js
1271 * :ghissue:`4765`: missing build script for highlight.js
1088 * :ghissue:`4787`: non-python kernels run python code with qtconsole
1272 * :ghissue:`4787`: non-python kernels run python code with qtconsole
1089 * :ghissue:`4703`: Math macro in jinja templates.
1273 * :ghissue:`4703`: Math macro in jinja templates.
1090 * :ghissue:`4595`: ipython notebook XSS vulnerable
1274 * :ghissue:`4595`: ipython notebook XSS vulnerable
1091 * :ghissue:`4776`: Manually document py3compat module.
1275 * :ghissue:`4776`: Manually document py3compat module.
1092 * :ghissue:`4686`: For-in loop on an array in cell.js
1276 * :ghissue:`4686`: For-in loop on an array in cell.js
1093 * :ghissue:`3605`: Modal UI
1277 * :ghissue:`3605`: Modal UI
1094 * :ghissue:`4769`: Ipython 2.0 will not startup on py27 on windows
1278 * :ghissue:`4769`: Ipython 2.0 will not startup on py27 on windows
1095 * :ghissue:`4482`: reveal.js converter not including CDN by default?
1279 * :ghissue:`4482`: reveal.js converter not including CDN by default?
1096 * :ghissue:`4761`: ipv6 address triggers cookie exception
1280 * :ghissue:`4761`: ipv6 address triggers cookie exception
1097 * :ghissue:`4580`: rename or remove %profile magic
1281 * :ghissue:`4580`: rename or remove %profile magic
1098 * :ghissue:`4643`: Docstring does not open properly
1282 * :ghissue:`4643`: Docstring does not open properly
1099 * :ghissue:`4714`: Static URLs are not auto-versioned
1283 * :ghissue:`4714`: Static URLs are not auto-versioned
1100 * :ghissue:`2573`: document code mirror keyboard shortcuts
1284 * :ghissue:`2573`: document code mirror keyboard shortcuts
1101 * :ghissue:`4717`: hang in parallel.Client when using SSHAgent
1285 * :ghissue:`4717`: hang in parallel.Client when using SSHAgent
1102 * :ghissue:`4544`: Clarify the requirement for pyreadline on Windows
1286 * :ghissue:`4544`: Clarify the requirement for pyreadline on Windows
1103 * :ghissue:`3451`: revisit REST /new handler to avoid systematic crawling.
1287 * :ghissue:`3451`: revisit REST /new handler to avoid systematic crawling.
1104 * :ghissue:`2922`: File => Save as '.py' saves magic as code
1288 * :ghissue:`2922`: File => Save as '.py' saves magic as code
1105 * :ghissue:`4728`: Copy/Paste stripping broken in version > 0.13.x in QTConsole
1289 * :ghissue:`4728`: Copy/Paste stripping broken in version > 0.13.x in QTConsole
1106 * :ghissue:`4539`: Nbconvert: Latex to PDF conversion fails on notebooks with accented letters
1290 * :ghissue:`4539`: Nbconvert: Latex to PDF conversion fails on notebooks with accented letters
1107 * :ghissue:`4721`: purge_results with jobid crashing - looking for insight
1291 * :ghissue:`4721`: purge_results with jobid crashing - looking for insight
1108 * :ghissue:`4620`: Notebook with ? in title defies autosave, renaming and deletion.
1292 * :ghissue:`4620`: Notebook with ? in title defies autosave, renaming and deletion.
1109 * :ghissue:`4574`: Hash character in notebook name breaks a lot of things
1293 * :ghissue:`4574`: Hash character in notebook name breaks a lot of things
1110 * :ghissue:`4709`: input_prefilter hook not called
1294 * :ghissue:`4709`: input_prefilter hook not called
1111 * :ghissue:`1680`: qtconsole should support --no-banner and custom banner
1295 * :ghissue:`1680`: qtconsole should support --no-banner and custom banner
1112 * :ghissue:`4689`: IOStream IP address configurable
1296 * :ghissue:`4689`: IOStream IP address configurable
1113 * :ghissue:`4698`: Missing "if __name__ == '__main__':" check in /usr/bin/ipython
1297 * :ghissue:`4698`: Missing "if __name__ == '__main__':" check in /usr/bin/ipython
1114 * :ghissue:`4191`: NBConvert: markdown inline and locally referenced files have incorrect file location for latex
1298 * :ghissue:`4191`: NBConvert: markdown inline and locally referenced files have incorrect file location for latex
1115 * :ghissue:`2865`: %%!? does not display the shell execute docstring
1299 * :ghissue:`2865`: %%!? does not display the shell execute docstring
1116 * :ghissue:`1551`: Notebook should be saved before printing
1300 * :ghissue:`1551`: Notebook should be saved before printing
1117 * :ghissue:`4612`: remove `Configurable.created` ?
1301 * :ghissue:`4612`: remove `Configurable.created` ?
1118 * :ghissue:`4629`: Lots of tests fail due to space in sys.executable
1302 * :ghissue:`4629`: Lots of tests fail due to space in sys.executable
1119 * :ghissue:`4644`: Fixed URLs for notebooks
1303 * :ghissue:`4644`: Fixed URLs for notebooks
1120 * :ghissue:`4621`: IPython 1.1.0 Qtconsole syntax highlighting highlights python 2 only built-ins when using python 3
1304 * :ghissue:`4621`: IPython 1.1.0 Qtconsole syntax highlighting highlights python 2 only built-ins when using python 3
1121 * :ghissue:`2923`: Move Delete Button Away from Save Button in the HTML notebook toolbar
1305 * :ghissue:`2923`: Move Delete Button Away from Save Button in the HTML notebook toolbar
1122 * :ghissue:`4615`: UnicodeDecodeError
1306 * :ghissue:`4615`: UnicodeDecodeError
1123 * :ghissue:`4431`: ipython slow in os x mavericks?
1307 * :ghissue:`4431`: ipython slow in os x mavericks?
1124 * :ghissue:`4538`: DOC: document how to change ipcontroller-engine.json in case controller was started with --ip="*"
1308 * :ghissue:`4538`: DOC: document how to change ipcontroller-engine.json in case controller was started with --ip="*"
1125 * :ghissue:`4551`: Serialize methods and closures
1309 * :ghissue:`4551`: Serialize methods and closures
1126 * :ghissue:`4081`: [Nbconvert][reveal] link to font awesome ?
1310 * :ghissue:`4081`: [Nbconvert][reveal] link to font awesome ?
1127 * :ghissue:`4602`: "ipcluster stop" fails after "ipcluster start --daemonize" using python3.3
1311 * :ghissue:`4602`: "ipcluster stop" fails after "ipcluster start --daemonize" using python3.3
1128 * :ghissue:`4578`: NBconvert fails with unicode errors when `--stdout` and file redirection is specified and HTML entities are present
1312 * :ghissue:`4578`: NBconvert fails with unicode errors when `--stdout` and file redirection is specified and HTML entities are present
1129 * :ghissue:`4600`: Renaming new notebook to an exist name silently deletes the old one
1313 * :ghissue:`4600`: Renaming new notebook to an exist name silently deletes the old one
1130 * :ghissue:`4598`: Qtconsole docstring pop-up fails on method containing defaulted enum argument
1314 * :ghissue:`4598`: Qtconsole docstring pop-up fails on method containing defaulted enum argument
1131 * :ghissue:`951`: Remove Tornado monkeypatch
1315 * :ghissue:`951`: Remove Tornado monkeypatch
1132 * :ghissue:`4564`: Notebook save failure
1316 * :ghissue:`4564`: Notebook save failure
1133 * :ghissue:`4562`: nbconvert: Default encoding problem on OS X
1317 * :ghissue:`4562`: nbconvert: Default encoding problem on OS X
1134 * :ghissue:`1675`: add file_to_run=file.ipynb capability to the notebook
1318 * :ghissue:`1675`: add file_to_run=file.ipynb capability to the notebook
1135 * :ghissue:`4516`: `ipython console` doesn't send a `shutdown_request`
1319 * :ghissue:`4516`: `ipython console` doesn't send a `shutdown_request`
1136 * :ghissue:`3043`: can't restart pdb session in ipython
1320 * :ghissue:`3043`: can't restart pdb session in ipython
1137 * :ghissue:`4524`: Fix bug with non ascii passwords in notebook login
1321 * :ghissue:`4524`: Fix bug with non ascii passwords in notebook login
1138 * :ghissue:`1866`: problems rendering an SVG?
1322 * :ghissue:`1866`: problems rendering an SVG?
1139 * :ghissue:`4520`: unicode error when trying Audio('data/Bach Cello Suite #3.wav')
1323 * :ghissue:`4520`: unicode error when trying Audio('data/Bach Cello Suite #3.wav')
1140 * :ghissue:`4493`: Qtconsole cannot print an ISO8601 date at nanosecond precision
1324 * :ghissue:`4493`: Qtconsole cannot print an ISO8601 date at nanosecond precision
1141 * :ghissue:`4502`: intermittent parallel test failure test_purge_everything
1325 * :ghissue:`4502`: intermittent parallel test failure test_purge_everything
1142 * :ghissue:`4495`: firefox 25.0: notebooks report "Notebook save failed", .py script save fails, but .ipynb save succeeds
1326 * :ghissue:`4495`: firefox 25.0: notebooks report "Notebook save failed", .py script save fails, but .ipynb save succeeds
1143 * :ghissue:`4245`: nbconvert latex: code highlighting causes error
1327 * :ghissue:`4245`: nbconvert latex: code highlighting causes error
1144 * :ghissue:`4486`: Test for whether inside virtualenv does not work if directory is symlinked
1328 * :ghissue:`4486`: Test for whether inside virtualenv does not work if directory is symlinked
1145 * :ghissue:`4485`: Incorrect info in "Messaging in IPython" documentation.
1329 * :ghissue:`4485`: Incorrect info in "Messaging in IPython" documentation.
1146 * :ghissue:`4447`: Ipcontroller broken in current HEAD on windows
1330 * :ghissue:`4447`: Ipcontroller broken in current HEAD on windows
1147 * :ghissue:`4241`: Audio display object
1331 * :ghissue:`4241`: Audio display object
1148 * :ghissue:`4463`: Error on empty c.Session.key
1332 * :ghissue:`4463`: Error on empty c.Session.key
1149 * :ghissue:`4454`: UnicodeDecodeError when starting Ipython notebook on a directory containing a file with a non-ascii character
1333 * :ghissue:`4454`: UnicodeDecodeError when starting Ipython notebook on a directory containing a file with a non-ascii character
1150 * :ghissue:`3801`: Autocompletion: Fix issue #3723 -- ordering of completions for magic commands and variables with same name
1334 * :ghissue:`3801`: Autocompletion: Fix issue #3723 -- ordering of completions for magic commands and variables with same name
1151 * :ghissue:`3723`: Code completion: 'matplotlib' and '%matplotlib'
1335 * :ghissue:`3723`: Code completion: 'matplotlib' and '%matplotlib'
1152 * :ghissue:`4396`: Always checkpoint al least once ?
1336 * :ghissue:`4396`: Always checkpoint al least once ?
1153 * :ghissue:`2524`: [Notebook] Clear kernel queue
1337 * :ghissue:`2524`: [Notebook] Clear kernel queue
1154 * :ghissue:`2292`: Client side tests for the notebook
1338 * :ghissue:`2292`: Client side tests for the notebook
1155 * :ghissue:`4424`: Dealing with images in multidirectory environment
1339 * :ghissue:`4424`: Dealing with images in multidirectory environment
1156 * :ghissue:`4388`: Make writing configurable magics easier
1340 * :ghissue:`4388`: Make writing configurable magics easier
1157 * :ghissue:`852`: Notebook should be saved before downloading
1341 * :ghissue:`852`: Notebook should be saved before downloading
1158 * :ghissue:`3708`: ipython profile locate should also work
1342 * :ghissue:`3708`: ipython profile locate should also work
1159 * :ghissue:`1349`: `?` may generate hundreds of cell
1343 * :ghissue:`1349`: `?` may generate hundreds of cell
1160 * :ghissue:`4381`: Using hasattr for trait_names instead of just looking for it directly/using __dir__?
1344 * :ghissue:`4381`: Using hasattr for trait_names instead of just looking for it directly/using __dir__?
1161 * :ghissue:`4361`: Crash Ultratraceback/ session history
1345 * :ghissue:`4361`: Crash Ultratraceback/ session history
1162 * :ghissue:`3044`: IPython notebook autocomplete for filename string converts multiple spaces to a single space
1346 * :ghissue:`3044`: IPython notebook autocomplete for filename string converts multiple spaces to a single space
1163 * :ghissue:`3346`: Up arrow history search shows duplicates in Qtconsole
1347 * :ghissue:`3346`: Up arrow history search shows duplicates in Qtconsole
1164 * :ghissue:`3496`: Fix import errors when running tests from the source directory
1348 * :ghissue:`3496`: Fix import errors when running tests from the source directory
1165 * :ghissue:`4114`: If default profile doesn't exist, can't install mathjax to any location
1349 * :ghissue:`4114`: If default profile doesn't exist, can't install mathjax to any location
1166 * :ghissue:`4335`: TestPylabSwitch.test_qt fails
1350 * :ghissue:`4335`: TestPylabSwitch.test_qt fails
1167 * :ghissue:`4291`: serve like option for nbconvert --to latex
1351 * :ghissue:`4291`: serve like option for nbconvert --to latex
1168 * :ghissue:`1824`: Exception before prompting for password during ssh connection
1352 * :ghissue:`1824`: Exception before prompting for password during ssh connection
1169 * :ghissue:`4309`: Error in nbconvert - closing </code> tag is not inserted in HTML under some circumstances
1353 * :ghissue:`4309`: Error in nbconvert - closing </code> tag is not inserted in HTML under some circumstances
1170 * :ghissue:`4351`: /parallel/apps/launcher.py error
1354 * :ghissue:`4351`: /parallel/apps/launcher.py error
1171 * :ghissue:`3603`: Upcoming issues with nbconvert
1355 * :ghissue:`3603`: Upcoming issues with nbconvert
1172 * :ghissue:`4296`: sync_imports() fails in python 3.3
1356 * :ghissue:`4296`: sync_imports() fails in python 3.3
1173 * :ghissue:`4339`: local mathjax install doesn't work
1357 * :ghissue:`4339`: local mathjax install doesn't work
1174 * :ghissue:`4334`: NotebookApp.webapp_settings static_url_prefix causes crash
1358 * :ghissue:`4334`: NotebookApp.webapp_settings static_url_prefix causes crash
1175 * :ghissue:`4308`: Error when use "ipython notebook" in win7 64 with python2.7.3 64.
1359 * :ghissue:`4308`: Error when use "ipython notebook" in win7 64 with python2.7.3 64.
1176 * :ghissue:`4317`: Relative imports broken in the notebook (Windows)
1360 * :ghissue:`4317`: Relative imports broken in the notebook (Windows)
1177 * :ghissue:`3658`: Saving Notebook clears "Kernel Busy" status from the page and titlebar
1361 * :ghissue:`3658`: Saving Notebook clears "Kernel Busy" status from the page and titlebar
1178 * :ghissue:`4312`: Link broken on ipython-doc stable
1362 * :ghissue:`4312`: Link broken on ipython-doc stable
1179 * :ghissue:`1093`: Add boundary options to %load
1363 * :ghissue:`1093`: Add boundary options to %load
1180 * :ghissue:`3619`: Multi-dir webservice design
1364 * :ghissue:`3619`: Multi-dir webservice design
1181 * :ghissue:`4299`: Nbconvert, default_preprocessors to list of dotted name not list of obj
1365 * :ghissue:`4299`: Nbconvert, default_preprocessors to list of dotted name not list of obj
1182 * :ghissue:`3210`: IPython.parallel tests seem to hang on ShiningPanda
1366 * :ghissue:`3210`: IPython.parallel tests seem to hang on ShiningPanda
1183 * :ghissue:`4280`: MathJax Automatic Line Breaking
1367 * :ghissue:`4280`: MathJax Automatic Line Breaking
1184 * :ghissue:`4039`: Celltoolbar example issue
1368 * :ghissue:`4039`: Celltoolbar example issue
1185 * :ghissue:`4247`: nbconvert --to latex: error when converting greek letter
1369 * :ghissue:`4247`: nbconvert --to latex: error when converting greek letter
1186 * :ghissue:`4273`: %%capture not capturing rich objects like plots (IPython 1.1.0)
1370 * :ghissue:`4273`: %%capture not capturing rich objects like plots (IPython 1.1.0)
1187 * :ghissue:`3866`: Vertical offsets in LaTeX output for nbconvert
1371 * :ghissue:`3866`: Vertical offsets in LaTeX output for nbconvert
1188 * :ghissue:`3631`: xkcd mode for the IPython notebook
1372 * :ghissue:`3631`: xkcd mode for the IPython notebook
1189 * :ghissue:`4243`: Test exclusions not working on Windows
1373 * :ghissue:`4243`: Test exclusions not working on Windows
1190 * :ghissue:`4256`: IPython no longer handles unicode file names
1374 * :ghissue:`4256`: IPython no longer handles unicode file names
1191 * :ghissue:`3656`: Audio displayobject
1375 * :ghissue:`3656`: Audio displayobject
1192 * :ghissue:`4223`: Double output on Ctrl-enter-enter
1376 * :ghissue:`4223`: Double output on Ctrl-enter-enter
1193 * :ghissue:`4184`: nbconvert: use r pygmentize backend when highlighting "%%R" cells
1377 * :ghissue:`4184`: nbconvert: use r pygmentize backend when highlighting "%%R" cells
1194 * :ghissue:`3851`: Adds an explicit newline for pretty-printing.
1378 * :ghissue:`3851`: Adds an explicit newline for pretty-printing.
1195 * :ghissue:`3622`: Drop fakemodule
1379 * :ghissue:`3622`: Drop fakemodule
1196 * :ghissue:`4122`: Nbconvert [windows]: Inconsistent line endings in markdown cells exported to latex
1380 * :ghissue:`4122`: Nbconvert [windows]: Inconsistent line endings in markdown cells exported to latex
1197 * :ghissue:`3819`: nbconvert add extra blank line to code block on Windows.
1381 * :ghissue:`3819`: nbconvert add extra blank line to code block on Windows.
1198 * :ghissue:`4203`: remove spurious print statement from parallel annoted functions
1382 * :ghissue:`4203`: remove spurious print statement from parallel annoted functions
1199 * :ghissue:`4200`: Notebook: merging a heading cell and markdown cell cannot be undone
1383 * :ghissue:`4200`: Notebook: merging a heading cell and markdown cell cannot be undone
1200 * :ghissue:`3747`: ipynb -> ipynb transformer
1384 * :ghissue:`3747`: ipynb -> ipynb transformer
1201 * :ghissue:`4024`: nbconvert markdown issues
1385 * :ghissue:`4024`: nbconvert markdown issues
1202 * :ghissue:`3903`: on Windows, 'ipython3 nbconvert "C:/blabla/first_try.ipynb" --to slides' gives an unexpected result, and '--post serve' fails
1386 * :ghissue:`3903`: on Windows, 'ipython3 nbconvert "C:/blabla/first_try.ipynb" --to slides' gives an unexpected result, and '--post serve' fails
1203 * :ghissue:`4095`: Catch js error in append html in stream/pyerr
1387 * :ghissue:`4095`: Catch js error in append html in stream/pyerr
1204 * :ghissue:`1880`: Add parallelism to test_pr
1388 * :ghissue:`1880`: Add parallelism to test_pr
1205 * :ghissue:`4085`: nbconvert: Fix sphinx preprocessor date format string for Windows
1389 * :ghissue:`4085`: nbconvert: Fix sphinx preprocessor date format string for Windows
1206 * :ghissue:`4156`: Specifying --gui=tk at the command line
1390 * :ghissue:`4156`: Specifying --gui=tk at the command line
1207 * :ghissue:`4146`: Having to prepend 'files/' to markdown image paths is confusing
1391 * :ghissue:`4146`: Having to prepend 'files/' to markdown image paths is confusing
1208 * :ghissue:`3818`: nbconvert can't handle Heading with Chinese characters on Japanese Windows OS.
1392 * :ghissue:`3818`: nbconvert can't handle Heading with Chinese characters on Japanese Windows OS.
1209 * :ghissue:`4134`: multi-line parser fails on ''' in comment, qtconsole and notebook.
1393 * :ghissue:`4134`: multi-line parser fails on ''' in comment, qtconsole and notebook.
1210 * :ghissue:`3998`: sample custom.js needs to be updated
1394 * :ghissue:`3998`: sample custom.js needs to be updated
1211 * :ghissue:`4078`: StoreMagic.autorestore not working in 1.0.0
1395 * :ghissue:`4078`: StoreMagic.autorestore not working in 1.0.0
1212 * :ghissue:`3990`: Buitlin `input` doesn't work over zmq
1396 * :ghissue:`3990`: Buitlin `input` doesn't work over zmq
1213 * :ghissue:`4015`: nbconvert fails to convert all the content of a notebook
1397 * :ghissue:`4015`: nbconvert fails to convert all the content of a notebook
1214 * :ghissue:`4059`: Issues with Ellipsis literal in Python 3
1398 * :ghissue:`4059`: Issues with Ellipsis literal in Python 3
1215 * :ghissue:`2310`: "ZMQError: Interrupted system call" from RichIPythonWidget
1399 * :ghissue:`2310`: "ZMQError: Interrupted system call" from RichIPythonWidget
1216 * :ghissue:`3807`: qtconsole ipython 0.13.2 - html/xhtml export fails
1400 * :ghissue:`3807`: qtconsole ipython 0.13.2 - html/xhtml export fails
1217 * :ghissue:`4103`: Wrong default argument of DirectView.clear
1401 * :ghissue:`4103`: Wrong default argument of DirectView.clear
1218 * :ghissue:`4100`: parallel.client.client references undefined error.EngineError
1402 * :ghissue:`4100`: parallel.client.client references undefined error.EngineError
1219 * :ghissue:`484`: Drop nosepatch
1403 * :ghissue:`484`: Drop nosepatch
1220 * :ghissue:`3350`: Added longlist support in ipdb.
1404 * :ghissue:`3350`: Added longlist support in ipdb.
1221 * :ghissue:`1591`: Keying 'q' doesn't quit the interactive help in Wins7
1405 * :ghissue:`1591`: Keying 'q' doesn't quit the interactive help in Wins7
1222 * :ghissue:`40`: The tests in test_process fail under Windows
1406 * :ghissue:`40`: The tests in test_process fail under Windows
1223 * :ghissue:`3744`: capture rich output as well as stdout/err in capture_output
1407 * :ghissue:`3744`: capture rich output as well as stdout/err in capture_output
1224 * :ghissue:`3742`: %%capture to grab rich display outputs
1408 * :ghissue:`3742`: %%capture to grab rich display outputs
1225 * :ghissue:`3863`: Added working speaker notes for slides.
1409 * :ghissue:`3863`: Added working speaker notes for slides.
1226 * :ghissue:`4013`: Iptest fails in dual python installation
1410 * :ghissue:`4013`: Iptest fails in dual python installation
1227 * :ghissue:`4005`: IPython.start_kernel doesn't work.
1411 * :ghissue:`4005`: IPython.start_kernel doesn't work.
1228 * :ghissue:`4020`: IPython parallel map fails on numpy arrays
1412 * :ghissue:`4020`: IPython parallel map fails on numpy arrays
1229 * :ghissue:`3914`: nbconvert: Transformer tests
1413 * :ghissue:`3914`: nbconvert: Transformer tests
1230 * :ghissue:`3923`: nbconvert: Writer tests
1414 * :ghissue:`3923`: nbconvert: Writer tests
1231 * :ghissue:`3945`: nbconvert: commandline tests fail Win7x64 Py3.3
1415 * :ghissue:`3945`: nbconvert: commandline tests fail Win7x64 Py3.3
1232 * :ghissue:`3937`: make tab visible in codemirror and light red background
1416 * :ghissue:`3937`: make tab visible in codemirror and light red background
1233 * :ghissue:`3935`: No feedback for mixed tabs and spaces
1417 * :ghissue:`3935`: No feedback for mixed tabs and spaces
1234 * :ghissue:`3933`: nbconvert: Post-processor tests
1418 * :ghissue:`3933`: nbconvert: Post-processor tests
1235 * :ghissue:`3977`: unable to complete remote connections for two-process
1419 * :ghissue:`3977`: unable to complete remote connections for two-process
1236 * :ghissue:`3939`: minor checkpoint cleanup
1420 * :ghissue:`3939`: minor checkpoint cleanup
1237 * :ghissue:`3955`: complete on % for magic in notebook
1421 * :ghissue:`3955`: complete on % for magic in notebook
1238 * :ghissue:`3954`: all magics should be listed when completing on %
1422 * :ghissue:`3954`: all magics should be listed when completing on %
1239 * :ghissue:`3980`: nbconvert rst output lacks needed blank lines
1423 * :ghissue:`3980`: nbconvert rst output lacks needed blank lines
1240 * :ghissue:`3968`: TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj (Python 2.6.6)
1424 * :ghissue:`3968`: TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj (Python 2.6.6)
1241 * :ghissue:`3880`: nbconvert: R&D remaining tests
1425 * :ghissue:`3880`: nbconvert: R&D remaining tests
1242 * :ghissue:`2440`: IPEP 4: Python 3 Compatibility
1426 * :ghissue:`2440`: IPEP 4: Python 3 Compatibility
@@ -1,324 +1,336
1 ============
1 ============
2 2.0 Series
2 2.0 Series
3 ============
3 ============
6 Release 2.1.0
7 =============
9 May, 2014
11 IPython 2.1 is the first bugfix release for 2.0.
12 For more information on what fixes have been backported to 2.1,
13 see our :ref:`detailed release info
14 <issues_list_200>`.
5 Release 2.0.0
17 Release 2.0.0
6 =============
18 =============
8 April, 2014
20 April, 2014
10 IPython 2.0 requires Python ≥ 2.7.2 or ≥ 3.3.0.
22 IPython 2.0 requires Python ≥ 2.7.2 or ≥ 3.3.0.
11 It does not support Python 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 2.5, or 2.6.
23 It does not support Python 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 2.5, or 2.6.
13 The principal milestones of 2.0 are:
25 The principal milestones of 2.0 are:
15 - interactive widgets for the notebook
27 - interactive widgets for the notebook
16 - directory navigation in the notebook dashboard
28 - directory navigation in the notebook dashboard
17 - persistent URLs for notebooks
29 - persistent URLs for notebooks
18 - a new modal user interface in the notebook
30 - a new modal user interface in the notebook
19 - a security model for notebooks
31 - a security model for notebooks
21 Contribution summary since IPython 1.0 in August, 2013:
33 Contribution summary since IPython 1.0 in August, 2013:
23 - ~8 months of work
35 - ~8 months of work
24 - ~650 pull requests merged
36 - ~650 pull requests merged
25 - ~400 issues closed (non-pull requests)
37 - ~400 issues closed (non-pull requests)
26 - contributions from ~100 authors
38 - contributions from ~100 authors
27 - ~4000 commits
39 - ~4000 commits
29 The amount of work included in this release is so large that we can only cover
41 The amount of work included in this release is so large that we can only cover
30 here the main highlights; please see our :ref:`detailed release statistics
42 here the main highlights; please see our :ref:`detailed release statistics
31 <issues_list_200>` for links to every issue and pull request closed on GitHub
43 <issues_list_200>` for links to every issue and pull request closed on GitHub
32 as well as a full list of individual contributors.
44 as well as a full list of individual contributors.
34 New stuff in the IPython notebook
46 New stuff in the IPython notebook
35 ---------------------------------
47 ---------------------------------
37 Directory navigation
49 Directory navigation
38 ********************
50 ********************
40 .. image:: /_images/2.0/treeview.png
52 .. image:: /_images/2.0/treeview.png
41 :width: 392px
53 :width: 392px
42 :alt: Directory navigation
54 :alt: Directory navigation
43 :align: center
55 :align: center
45 The IPython notebook dashboard allows navigation into subdirectories.
57 The IPython notebook dashboard allows navigation into subdirectories.
46 URLs are persistent based on the notebook's path and name,
58 URLs are persistent based on the notebook's path and name,
47 so no more random UUID URLs.
59 so no more random UUID URLs.
49 Serving local files no longer needs the ``files/`` prefix.
61 Serving local files no longer needs the ``files/`` prefix.
50 Relative links across notebooks and other files should work just as if notebooks were regular HTML files.
62 Relative links across notebooks and other files should work just as if notebooks were regular HTML files.
52 Interactive widgets
64 Interactive widgets
53 *******************
65 *******************
55 .. image:: /_images/2.0/widgets.png
67 .. image:: /_images/2.0/widgets.png
56 :width: 392px
68 :width: 392px
57 :alt: Interactive widgets
69 :alt: Interactive widgets
58 :align: center
70 :align: center
60 IPython 2.0 adds :mod:`IPython.html.widgets`, for manipulating
72 IPython 2.0 adds :mod:`IPython.html.widgets`, for manipulating
61 Python objects in the kernel with GUI controls in the notebook.
73 Python objects in the kernel with GUI controls in the notebook.
62 IPython comes with a few built-in widgets for simple data types,
74 IPython comes with a few built-in widgets for simple data types,
63 and an API designed for developers to build more complex widgets.
75 and an API designed for developers to build more complex widgets.
64 See the `widget docs`_ for more information.
76 See the `widget docs`_ for more information.
66 .. _widget docs: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/2.x/examples/Interactive%20Widgets/Index.ipynb
78 .. _widget docs: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/2.x/examples/Interactive%20Widgets/Index.ipynb
69 Modal user interface
81 Modal user interface
70 ********************
82 ********************
72 The notebook has added separate Edit and Command modes,
84 The notebook has added separate Edit and Command modes,
73 allowing easier keyboard commands and making keyboard shortcut customization possible.
85 allowing easier keyboard commands and making keyboard shortcut customization possible.
74 See the new `User Interface notebook`_ for more information.
86 See the new `User Interface notebook`_ for more information.
76 .. _User Interface Notebook: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/2.x/examples/Notebook/User%20Interface.ipynb
88 .. _User Interface Notebook: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/2.x/examples/Notebook/User%20Interface.ipynb
79 You can familiarize yourself with the updated notebook user interface, including an
91 You can familiarize yourself with the updated notebook user interface, including an
80 explanation of Edit and Command modes, by going through the short guided tour
92 explanation of Edit and Command modes, by going through the short guided tour
81 which can be started from the Help menu.
93 which can be started from the Help menu.
83 .. image:: /_images/2.0/user-interface.png
95 .. image:: /_images/2.0/user-interface.png
84 :width: 392px
96 :width: 392px
85 :alt: Interface tour
97 :alt: Interface tour
86 :align: center
98 :align: center
89 Security
101 Security
90 ********
102 ********
92 2.0 introduces a :ref:`security model <notebook_security>` for notebooks,
104 2.0 introduces a :ref:`security model <notebook_security>` for notebooks,
93 to prevent untrusted code from executing on users' behalf when notebooks open.
105 to prevent untrusted code from executing on users' behalf when notebooks open.
94 A quick summary of the model:
106 A quick summary of the model:
96 - Trust is determined by :ref:`signing notebooks<signing_notebooks>`.
108 - Trust is determined by :ref:`signing notebooks<signing_notebooks>`.
97 - Untrusted HTML output is sanitized.
109 - Untrusted HTML output is sanitized.
98 - Untrusted Javascript is never executed.
110 - Untrusted Javascript is never executed.
99 - HTML and Javascript in Markdown are never trusted.
111 - HTML and Javascript in Markdown are never trusted.
101 Dashboard "Running" tab
113 Dashboard "Running" tab
102 ***********************
114 ***********************
104 .. image:: /_images/2.0/running-crop.png
116 .. image:: /_images/2.0/running-crop.png
105 :width: 392px
117 :width: 392px
106 :alt: Running tab
118 :alt: Running tab
107 :align: center
119 :align: center
109 The dashboard now has a "Running" tab which shows all of the running notebooks.
121 The dashboard now has a "Running" tab which shows all of the running notebooks.
111 Single codebase Python 3 support
123 Single codebase Python 3 support
112 --------------------------------
124 --------------------------------
114 IPython previously supported Python 3 by running 2to3 during setup. We
126 IPython previously supported Python 3 by running 2to3 during setup. We
115 have now switched to a single codebase which runs natively on Python 2.7
127 have now switched to a single codebase which runs natively on Python 2.7
116 and 3.3.
128 and 3.3.
118 For notes on how to maintain this, see :doc:`/development/pycompat`.
130 For notes on how to maintain this, see :doc:`/development/pycompat`.
120 Selecting matplotlib figure formats
132 Selecting matplotlib figure formats
121 -----------------------------------
133 -----------------------------------
123 Deprecate single-format ``InlineBackend.figure_format``
135 Deprecate single-format ``InlineBackend.figure_format``
124 configurable in favor of ``InlineBackend.figure_formats``,
136 configurable in favor of ``InlineBackend.figure_formats``,
125 which is a set, supporting multiple simultaneous figure formats (e.g. png, pdf).
137 which is a set, supporting multiple simultaneous figure formats (e.g. png, pdf).
127 This is available at runtime with the new API function :func:`IPython.display.set_matplotlib_formats`.
139 This is available at runtime with the new API function :func:`IPython.display.set_matplotlib_formats`.
129 clear_output changes
141 clear_output changes
130 --------------------
142 --------------------
132 * There is no longer a 500ms delay when calling ``clear_output``.
144 * There is no longer a 500ms delay when calling ``clear_output``.
133 * The ability to clear stderr and stdout individually was removed.
145 * The ability to clear stderr and stdout individually was removed.
134 * A new ``wait`` flag that prevents ``clear_output`` from being executed until new
146 * A new ``wait`` flag that prevents ``clear_output`` from being executed until new
135 output is available. This eliminates animation flickering by allowing the
147 output is available. This eliminates animation flickering by allowing the
136 user to double buffer the output.
148 user to double buffer the output.
137 * The output div height is remembered when the ``wait=True`` flag is used.
149 * The output div height is remembered when the ``wait=True`` flag is used.
139 Extending configurable containers
151 Extending configurable containers
140 ---------------------------------
152 ---------------------------------
142 Some configurable traits are containers (list, dict, set)
154 Some configurable traits are containers (list, dict, set)
143 Config objects now support calling ``extend``, ``update``, ``insert``, etc.
155 Config objects now support calling ``extend``, ``update``, ``insert``, etc.
144 on traits in config files, which will ultimately result in calling
156 on traits in config files, which will ultimately result in calling
145 those methods on the original object.
157 those methods on the original object.
147 The effect being that you can now add to containers without having to copy/paste
159 The effect being that you can now add to containers without having to copy/paste
148 the initial value::
160 the initial value::
150 c = get_config()
162 c = get_config()
151 c.InlineBackend.rc.update({ 'figure.figsize' : (6, 4) })
163 c.InlineBackend.rc.update({ 'figure.figsize' : (6, 4) })
153 Changes to hidden namespace on startup
165 Changes to hidden namespace on startup
154 --------------------------------------
166 --------------------------------------
156 Previously, all names declared in code run at startup
168 Previously, all names declared in code run at startup
157 (startup files, ``ipython -i script.py``, etc.)
169 (startup files, ``ipython -i script.py``, etc.)
158 were added to the hidden namespace, which hides the names from tools like ``%whos``.
170 were added to the hidden namespace, which hides the names from tools like ``%whos``.
159 There are two changes to this behavior:
171 There are two changes to this behavior:
161 1. Scripts run on the command-line ``ipython -i script.py``now behave the same as if they were
173 1. Scripts run on the command-line ``ipython -i script.py``now behave the same as if they were
162 passed to ``%run``, so their variables are never hidden.
174 passed to ``%run``, so their variables are never hidden.
163 2. A boolean config flag ``InteractiveShellApp.hide_initial_ns`` has been added to optionally
175 2. A boolean config flag ``InteractiveShellApp.hide_initial_ns`` has been added to optionally
164 disable the hidden behavior altogether. The default behavior is unchanged.
176 disable the hidden behavior altogether. The default behavior is unchanged.
166 Using dill to expand serialization support
178 Using dill to expand serialization support
167 ------------------------------------------
179 ------------------------------------------
169 The new function :func:`~IPython.utils.pickleutil.use_dill` allows
181 The new function :func:`~IPython.utils.pickleutil.use_dill` allows
170 dill to extend serialization support in :mod:`IPython.parallel` (closures, etc.).
182 dill to extend serialization support in :mod:`IPython.parallel` (closures, etc.).
171 A :meth:`DirectView.use_dill` convenience method was also added, to enable dill
183 A :meth:`DirectView.use_dill` convenience method was also added, to enable dill
172 locally and on all engines with one call.
184 locally and on all engines with one call.
174 New IPython console lexer
186 New IPython console lexer
175 -------------------------
187 -------------------------
177 The IPython console lexer has been rewritten and now supports tracebacks
189 The IPython console lexer has been rewritten and now supports tracebacks
178 and customized input/output prompts. See the :ref:`new lexer docs <console_lexer>`
190 and customized input/output prompts. See the :ref:`new lexer docs <console_lexer>`
179 for details.
191 for details.
181 DisplayFormatter changes
193 DisplayFormatter changes
182 ------------------------
194 ------------------------
184 There was no official way to query or remove callbacks in the Formatter API.
196 There was no official way to query or remove callbacks in the Formatter API.
185 To remedy this, the following methods are added to :class:`BaseFormatter`:
197 To remedy this, the following methods are added to :class:`BaseFormatter`:
187 - ``lookup(instance)`` - return appropriate callback or a given object
199 - ``lookup(instance)`` - return appropriate callback or a given object
188 - ``lookup_by_type(type_or_str)`` - return appropriate callback for a given type or ``'mod.name'`` type string
200 - ``lookup_by_type(type_or_str)`` - return appropriate callback for a given type or ``'mod.name'`` type string
189 - ``pop(type_or_str)`` - remove a type (by type or string).
201 - ``pop(type_or_str)`` - remove a type (by type or string).
190 Pass a second argument to avoid KeyError (like dict).
202 Pass a second argument to avoid KeyError (like dict).
192 All of the above methods raise a KeyError if no match is found.
204 All of the above methods raise a KeyError if no match is found.
194 And the following methods are changed:
206 And the following methods are changed:
196 - ``for_type(type_or_str)`` - behaves the same as before, only adding support for ``'mod.name'``
208 - ``for_type(type_or_str)`` - behaves the same as before, only adding support for ``'mod.name'``
197 type strings in addition to plain types. This removes the need for ``for_type_by_name()``,
209 type strings in addition to plain types. This removes the need for ``for_type_by_name()``,
198 but it remains for backward compatibility.
210 but it remains for backward compatibility.
200 Formatters can now raise NotImplementedError in addition to returning None
212 Formatters can now raise NotImplementedError in addition to returning None
201 to indicate that they cannot format a given object.
213 to indicate that they cannot format a given object.
203 Exceptions and Warnings
215 Exceptions and Warnings
204 ***********************
216 ***********************
206 Exceptions are no longer silenced when formatters fail.
218 Exceptions are no longer silenced when formatters fail.
207 Instead, these are turned into a :class:`~IPython.core.formatters.FormatterWarning`.
219 Instead, these are turned into a :class:`~IPython.core.formatters.FormatterWarning`.
208 A FormatterWarning will also be issued if a formatter returns data of an invalid type
220 A FormatterWarning will also be issued if a formatter returns data of an invalid type
209 (e.g. an integer for 'image/png').
221 (e.g. an integer for 'image/png').
212 Other changes
224 Other changes
213 -------------
225 -------------
215 * `%%capture` cell magic now captures the rich display output, not just
227 * `%%capture` cell magic now captures the rich display output, not just
216 stdout/stderr
228 stdout/stderr
218 * In notebook, Showing tooltip on tab has been disables to avoid conflict with
230 * In notebook, Showing tooltip on tab has been disables to avoid conflict with
219 completion, Shift-Tab could still be used to invoke tooltip when inside
231 completion, Shift-Tab could still be used to invoke tooltip when inside
220 function signature and/or on selection.
232 function signature and/or on selection.
222 * ``object_info_request`` has been replaced by ``object_info`` for consistency in the javascript API.
234 * ``object_info_request`` has been replaced by ``object_info`` for consistency in the javascript API.
223 ``object_info`` is a simpler interface to register callback that is incompatible with ``object_info_request``.
235 ``object_info`` is a simpler interface to register callback that is incompatible with ``object_info_request``.
225 * Previous versions of IPython on Linux would use the XDG config directory,
237 * Previous versions of IPython on Linux would use the XDG config directory,
226 creating :file:`~/.config/ipython` by default. We have decided to go
238 creating :file:`~/.config/ipython` by default. We have decided to go
227 back to :file:`~/.ipython` for consistency among systems. IPython will
239 back to :file:`~/.ipython` for consistency among systems. IPython will
228 issue a warning if it finds the XDG location, and will move it to the new
240 issue a warning if it finds the XDG location, and will move it to the new
229 location if there isn't already a directory there.
241 location if there isn't already a directory there.
231 * Equations, images and tables are now centered in Markdown cells.
243 * Equations, images and tables are now centered in Markdown cells.
232 * Multiline equations are now centered in output areas; single line equations
244 * Multiline equations are now centered in output areas; single line equations
233 remain left justified.
245 remain left justified.
235 * IPython config objects can be loaded from and serialized to JSON.
247 * IPython config objects can be loaded from and serialized to JSON.
236 JSON config file have the same base name as their ``.py`` counterpart,
248 JSON config file have the same base name as their ``.py`` counterpart,
237 and will be loaded with higher priority if found.
249 and will be loaded with higher priority if found.
239 * bash completion updated with support for all ipython subcommands and flags, including nbconvert
251 * bash completion updated with support for all ipython subcommands and flags, including nbconvert
241 * ``ipython history trim``: added ``--keep=<N>`` as an alias for the more verbose
253 * ``ipython history trim``: added ``--keep=<N>`` as an alias for the more verbose
242 ``--HistoryTrim.keep=<N>``
254 ``--HistoryTrim.keep=<N>``
243 * New ``ipython history clear`` subcommand, which is the same as the newly supported
255 * New ``ipython history clear`` subcommand, which is the same as the newly supported
244 ``ipython history trim --keep=0``
256 ``ipython history trim --keep=0``
246 * You can now run notebooks in an interactive session via ``%run notebook.ipynb``.
258 * You can now run notebooks in an interactive session via ``%run notebook.ipynb``.
248 * Print preview is back in the notebook menus, along with options to
260 * Print preview is back in the notebook menus, along with options to
249 download the open notebook in various formats. This is powered by
261 download the open notebook in various formats. This is powered by
250 nbconvert.
262 nbconvert.
252 * :exc:`~IPython.nbconvert.utils.pandoc.PandocMissing` exceptions will be
264 * :exc:`~IPython.nbconvert.utils.pandoc.PandocMissing` exceptions will be
253 raised if Pandoc is unavailable, and warnings will be printed if the version
265 raised if Pandoc is unavailable, and warnings will be printed if the version
254 found is too old. The recommended Pandoc version for use with nbconvert is
266 found is too old. The recommended Pandoc version for use with nbconvert is
255 1.12.1.
267 1.12.1.
257 * The InlineBackend.figure_format now supports JPEG output if PIL/Pillow is available.
269 * The InlineBackend.figure_format now supports JPEG output if PIL/Pillow is available.
259 * Input transformers (see :doc:`/config/inputtransforms`) may now raise
271 * Input transformers (see :doc:`/config/inputtransforms`) may now raise
260 :exc:`SyntaxError` if they determine that input is invalid. The input
272 :exc:`SyntaxError` if they determine that input is invalid. The input
261 transformation machinery in IPython will handle displaying the exception to
273 transformation machinery in IPython will handle displaying the exception to
262 the user and resetting state.
274 the user and resetting state.
264 * Calling ``container.show()`` on javascript display is deprecated and will
276 * Calling ``container.show()`` on javascript display is deprecated and will
265 trigger errors on future IPython notebook versions. ``container`` now show
277 trigger errors on future IPython notebook versions. ``container`` now show
266 itself as soon as non-empty
278 itself as soon as non-empty
268 * Added ``InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs`` to allow passing keyword arguments
280 * Added ``InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs`` to allow passing keyword arguments
269 to matplotlib's ``Canvas.print_figure``. This can be used to change the value of
281 to matplotlib's ``Canvas.print_figure``. This can be used to change the value of
270 ``bbox_inches``, which is 'tight' by default, or set the quality of JPEG figures.
282 ``bbox_inches``, which is 'tight' by default, or set the quality of JPEG figures.
272 * A new callback system has been introduced. For details, see :doc:`/config/callbacks`.
284 * A new callback system has been introduced. For details, see :doc:`/config/callbacks`.
274 * jQuery and require.js are loaded from CDNs in the default HTML template,
286 * jQuery and require.js are loaded from CDNs in the default HTML template,
275 so javascript is available in static HTML export (e.g. nbviewer).
287 so javascript is available in static HTML export (e.g. nbviewer).
277 Backwards incompatible changes
289 Backwards incompatible changes
278 ------------------------------
290 ------------------------------
280 * Python 2.6 and 3.2 are no longer supported: the minimum required
292 * Python 2.6 and 3.2 are no longer supported: the minimum required
281 Python versions are now 2.7 and 3.3.
293 Python versions are now 2.7 and 3.3.
282 * The Transformer classes have been renamed to Preprocessor in nbconvert and
294 * The Transformer classes have been renamed to Preprocessor in nbconvert and
283 their ``call`` methods have been renamed to ``preprocess``.
295 their ``call`` methods have been renamed to ``preprocess``.
284 * The ``call`` methods of nbconvert post-processsors have been renamed to
296 * The ``call`` methods of nbconvert post-processsors have been renamed to
285 ``postprocess``.
297 ``postprocess``.
287 * The module ``IPython.core.fakemodule`` has been removed.
299 * The module ``IPython.core.fakemodule`` has been removed.
289 * The alias system has been reimplemented to use magic functions. There should be little
301 * The alias system has been reimplemented to use magic functions. There should be little
290 visible difference while automagics are enabled, as they are by default, but parts of the
302 visible difference while automagics are enabled, as they are by default, but parts of the
291 :class:`~IPython.core.alias.AliasManager` API have been removed.
303 :class:`~IPython.core.alias.AliasManager` API have been removed.
293 * We fixed an issue with switching between matplotlib inline and GUI backends,
305 * We fixed an issue with switching between matplotlib inline and GUI backends,
294 but the fix requires matplotlib 1.1 or newer. So from now on, we consider
306 but the fix requires matplotlib 1.1 or newer. So from now on, we consider
295 matplotlib 1.1 to be the minimally supported version for IPython. Older
307 matplotlib 1.1 to be the minimally supported version for IPython. Older
296 versions for the most part will work, but we make no guarantees about it.
308 versions for the most part will work, but we make no guarantees about it.
298 * The :command:`pycolor` command has been removed. We recommend the much more capable
310 * The :command:`pycolor` command has been removed. We recommend the much more capable
299 :command:`pygmentize` command from the `Pygments <http://pygments.org/>`_ project.
311 :command:`pygmentize` command from the `Pygments <http://pygments.org/>`_ project.
300 If you need to keep the exact output of :command:`pycolor`, you can still use
312 If you need to keep the exact output of :command:`pycolor`, you can still use
301 ``python -m IPython.utils.PyColorize foo.py``.
313 ``python -m IPython.utils.PyColorize foo.py``.
303 * :mod:`IPython.lib.irunner` and its command-line entry point have been removed.
315 * :mod:`IPython.lib.irunner` and its command-line entry point have been removed.
304 It had fallen out of use long ago.
316 It had fallen out of use long ago.
306 * The ``input_prefilter`` hook has been removed, as it was never
318 * The ``input_prefilter`` hook has been removed, as it was never
307 actually used by the code. The input transformer system offers much
319 actually used by the code. The input transformer system offers much
308 more powerful APIs to work with input code. See
320 more powerful APIs to work with input code. See
309 :doc:`/config/inputtransforms` for details.
321 :doc:`/config/inputtransforms` for details.
311 * :class:`IPython.core.inputsplitter.IPythonInputSplitter` no longer has a method
323 * :class:`IPython.core.inputsplitter.IPythonInputSplitter` no longer has a method
312 ``source_raw_reset()``, but gains :meth:`~IPython.core.inputsplitter.IPythonInputSplitter.raw_reset`
324 ``source_raw_reset()``, but gains :meth:`~IPython.core.inputsplitter.IPythonInputSplitter.raw_reset`
313 instead. Use of ``source_raw_reset`` can be replaced with::
325 instead. Use of ``source_raw_reset`` can be replaced with::
315 raw = isp.source_raw
327 raw = isp.source_raw
316 transformed = isp.source_reset()
328 transformed = isp.source_reset()
318 * The Azure notebook manager was removed as it was no longer compatible with the notebook storage scheme.
330 * The Azure notebook manager was removed as it was no longer compatible with the notebook storage scheme.
320 * Simplifying configurable URLs
332 * Simplifying configurable URLs
322 - base_project_url is renamed to base_url (base_project_url is kept as a deprecated alias, for now)
334 - base_project_url is renamed to base_url (base_project_url is kept as a deprecated alias, for now)
323 - base_kernel_url configurable is removed (use base_url)
335 - base_kernel_url configurable is removed (use base_url)
324 - websocket_url configurable is removed (use base_url)
336 - websocket_url configurable is removed (use base_url)
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