##// END OF EJS Templates
move raw cell inclusion to null.tpl...
MinRK -
Show More
@@ -1,148 +1,144
1 1 {%- extends 'display_priority.tpl' -%}
2 2
3 3
4 4 {% block codecell %}
5 5 <div class="cell border-box-sizing code_cell">
6 6 {{ super() }}
7 7 </div>
8 8 {%- endblock codecell %}
9 9
10 10 {% block input_group -%}
11 11 <div class="input">
12 12 {{ super() }}
13 13 </div>
14 14 {% endblock input_group %}
15 15
16 16 {% block output_group %}
17 17 <div class="output_wrapper">
18 18 <div class="output">
19 19 {{ super() }}
20 20 </div>
21 21 </div>
22 22 {% endblock output_group %}
23 23
24 24 {% block in_prompt -%}
25 25 <div class="prompt input_prompt">
26 26 In&nbsp;[{{ cell.prompt_number }}]:
27 27 </div>
28 28 {%- endblock in_prompt %}
29 29
30 30 {#
31 31 output_prompt doesn't do anything in HTML,
32 32 because there is a prompt div in each output area (see output block)
33 33 #}
34 34 {% block output_prompt %}
35 35 {% endblock output_prompt %}
36 36
37 37 {% block input %}
38 38 <div class="input_area box-flex1">
39 39 {{ cell.input | highlight2html(metadata=cell.metadata) }}
40 40 </div>
41 41 {%- endblock input %}
42 42
43 43 {% block output %}
44 44 <div class="output_area">
45 45 {%- if output.output_type == 'pyout' -%}
46 46 <div class="prompt output_prompt">
47 47 Out[{{ cell.prompt_number }}]:
48 48 {%- else -%}
49 49 <div class="prompt">
50 50 {%- endif -%}
51 51 </div>
52 52 {{ super() }}
53 53 </div>
54 54 {% endblock output %}
55 55
56 56 {% block markdowncell scoped %}
57 57 <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
58 58 {{ cell.source | markdown2html | strip_files_prefix }}
59 59 </div>
60 60 {%- endblock markdowncell %}
61 61
62 62 {% block headingcell scoped %}
63 63 <div class="text_cell_render border-box-sizing rendered_html">
64 64 {{ ("#" * cell.level + cell.source) | replace('\n', ' ') | markdown2html | strip_files_prefix | add_anchor }}
65 65 </div>
66 66 {% endblock headingcell %}
67 67
68 {% block rawcell scoped %}
69 {{ cell.source }}
70 {% endblock rawcell %}
72 68 {% block unknowncell scoped %}
73 69 unknown type {{ cell.type }}
74 70 {% endblock unknowncell %}
75 71
76 72 {% block pyout -%}
77 73 <div class="box-flex1 output_subarea output_pyout">
78 74 {% block data_priority scoped %}
79 75 {{ super() }}
80 76 {% endblock %}
81 77 </div>
82 78 {%- endblock pyout %}
83 79
84 80 {% block stream_stdout -%}
85 81 <div class="box-flex1 output_subarea output_stream output_stdout">
86 82 <pre>
87 83 {{ output.text | ansi2html }}
88 84 </pre>
89 85 </div>
90 86 {%- endblock stream_stdout %}
91 87
92 88 {% block stream_stderr -%}
93 89 <div class="box-flex1 output_subarea output_stream output_stderr">
94 90 <pre>
95 91 {{ output.text | ansi2html }}
96 92 </pre>
97 93 </div>
98 94 {%- endblock stream_stderr %}
99 95
100 96 {% block data_svg -%}
101 97 {{ output.svg }}
102 98 {%- endblock data_svg %}
103 99
104 100 {% block data_html -%}
105 101 <div class="output_html rendered_html">
106 102 {{ output.html }}
107 103 </div>
108 104 {%- endblock data_html %}
109 105
110 106 {% block data_png %}
111 107 <img src="data:image/png;base64,{{ output.png }}">
112 108 {%- endblock data_png %}
113 109
114 110 {% block data_jpg %}
115 111 <img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{ output.jpeg }}">
116 112 {%- endblock data_jpg %}
117 113
118 114 {% block data_latex %}
119 115 {{ output.latex }}
120 116 {%- endblock data_latex %}
121 117
122 118 {% block pyerr -%}
123 119 <div class="box-flex1 output_subarea output_pyerr">
124 120 <pre>{{ super() }}</pre>
125 121 </div>
126 122 {%- endblock pyerr %}
127 123
128 124 {%- block traceback_line %}
129 125 {{ line | ansi2html }}
130 126 {%- endblock traceback_line %}
131 127
132 128 {%- block data_text %}
133 129 <pre>
134 130 {{ output.text | ansi2html }}
135 131 </pre>
136 132 {%- endblock -%}
137 133
138 134 {%- block data_javascript %}
139 135 <script type="text/javascript">
140 136 {{ output.javascript }}
141 137 </script>
142 138 {%- endblock -%}
143 139
144 140 {%- block display_data scoped -%}
145 141 <div class="box-flex1 output_subarea output_display_data">
146 142 {{ super() }}
147 143 </div>
148 144 {%- endblock display_data -%}
@@ -1,228 +1,223
1 1 ((= Latex base template (must inherit)
2 2 This template builds upon the abstract template, adding common latex output
3 3 functions. Figures, data_text,
4 4 This template does not define a docclass, the inheriting class must define this.=))
5 5
6 6 ((*- extends 'display_priority.tplx' -*))
7 7
8 8 %===============================================================================
9 9 % Abstract overrides
10 10 %===============================================================================
11 11
12 12 ((* block header *))
13 13 ((* block docclass *))((* endblock docclass *))
14 14
15 15 ((* block packages *))
16 16 \usepackage{graphicx} % Used to insert images
17 17 \usepackage{adjustbox} % Used to constrain images to a maximum size
18 18 \usepackage{color} % Allow colors to be defined
19 19 \usepackage{enumerate} % Needed for markdown enumerations to work
20 20 \usepackage{geometry} % Used to adjust the document margins
21 21 \usepackage{amsmath} % Equations
22 22 \usepackage{amssymb} % Equations
23 23 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Allow utf-8 characters in the tex document
24 24 \usepackage[mathletters]{ucs} % Extended unicode (utf-8) support
25 25 \usepackage{fancyvrb} % verbatim replacement that allows latex
26 26 \usepackage{grffile} % extends the file name processing of package graphics
27 27 % to support a larger range
28 28 % The hyperref package gives us a pdf with properly built
29 29 % internal navigation ('pdf bookmarks' for the table of contents,
30 30 % internal cross-reference links, web links for URLs, etc.)
31 31 \usepackage{hyperref}
32 32 \usepackage{longtable} % longtable support required by pandoc >1.10
33 33 ((* endblock packages *))
34 34
35 35 ((* block definitions *))
36 36 \definecolor{orange}{cmyk}{0,0.4,0.8,0.2}
37 37 \definecolor{darkorange}{rgb}{.71,0.21,0.01}
38 38 \definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{.12,.54,.11}
39 39 \definecolor{myteal}{rgb}{.26, .44, .56}
40 40 \definecolor{gray}{gray}{0.45}
41 41 \definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{.95}
42 42 \definecolor{mediumgray}{gray}{.8}
43 43 \definecolor{inputbackground}{rgb}{.95, .95, .85}
44 44 \definecolor{outputbackground}{rgb}{.95, .95, .95}
45 45 \definecolor{traceback}{rgb}{1, .95, .95}
46 46 % ansi colors
47 47 \definecolor{red}{rgb}{.6,0,0}
48 48 \definecolor{green}{rgb}{0,.65,0}
49 49 \definecolor{brown}{rgb}{0.6,0.6,0}
50 50 \definecolor{blue}{rgb}{0,.145,.698}
51 51 \definecolor{purple}{rgb}{.698,.145,.698}
52 52 \definecolor{cyan}{rgb}{0,.698,.698}
53 53 \definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{0.5}
54 54
55 55 % bright ansi colors
56 56 \definecolor{darkgray}{gray}{0.25}
57 57 \definecolor{lightred}{rgb}{1.0,0.39,0.28}
58 58 \definecolor{lightgreen}{rgb}{0.48,0.99,0.0}
59 59 \definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{0.53,0.81,0.92}
60 60 \definecolor{lightpurple}{rgb}{0.87,0.63,0.87}
61 61 \definecolor{lightcyan}{rgb}{0.5,1.0,0.83}
62 62
63 63 % commands and environments needed by pandoc snippets
64 64 % extracted from the output of `pandoc -s`
65 65
66 66 \DefineShortVerb[commandchars=\\\{\}]{\|}
67 67 \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Highlighting}{Verbatim}{commandchars=\\\{\}}
68 68 % Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
69 69 \newenvironment{Shaded}{}{}
70 70 \newcommand{\KeywordTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.44,0.13}{\textbf{{#1}}}}
71 71 \newcommand{\DataTypeTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.56,0.13,0.00}{{#1}}}
72 72 \newcommand{\DecValTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.63,0.44}{{#1}}}
73 73 \newcommand{\BaseNTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.63,0.44}{{#1}}}
74 74 \newcommand{\FloatTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.63,0.44}{{#1}}}
75 75 \newcommand{\CharTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.44,0.63}{{#1}}}
76 76 \newcommand{\StringTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.44,0.63}{{#1}}}
77 77 \newcommand{\CommentTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.38,0.63,0.69}{\textit{{#1}}}}
78 78 \newcommand{\OtherTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.44,0.13}{{#1}}}
79 79 \newcommand{\AlertTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,0.00,0.00}{\textbf{{#1}}}}
80 80 \newcommand{\FunctionTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.02,0.16,0.49}{{#1}}}
81 81 \newcommand{\RegionMarkerTok}[1]{{#1}}
82 82 \newcommand{\ErrorTok}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{1.00,0.00,0.00}{\textbf{{#1}}}}
83 83 \newcommand{\NormalTok}[1]{{#1}}
84 84
85 85 % Define a nice break command that doesn't care if a line doesn't already
86 86 % exist.
87 87 \def\br{\hspace*{\fill} \\* }
88 88 % Math Jax compatability definitions
89 89 \def\gt{>}
90 90 \def\lt{<}
91 91 % Document parameters
92 92 ((* block title *))\title{((( resources.metadata.name | escape_latex )))}((* endblock title *))
93 93 ((* block date *))((* endblock date *))
94 94 ((* block author *))((* endblock author *))
95 95 ((* endblock definitions *))
96 96
97 97 ((* block commands *))
98 98 % Prevent overflowing lines due to hard-to-break entities
99 99 \sloppy
100 100 % Setup hyperref package
101 101 \hypersetup{
102 102 breaklinks=true, % so long urls are correctly broken across lines
103 103 colorlinks=true,
104 104 urlcolor=blue,
105 105 linkcolor=darkorange,
106 106 citecolor=darkgreen,
107 107 }
108 108 % Slightly bigger margins than the latex defaults
109 109 ((* block margins *))
110 110 \geometry{verbose,tmargin=1in,bmargin=1in,lmargin=1in,rmargin=1in}
111 111 ((* endblock margins *))
112 112 ((* endblock commands *))
113 113 ((* endblock header *))
114 114
115 115 ((* block body *))
116 116 \begin{document}
117 117
118 118 ((* block predoc *))
119 119 ((* block maketitle *))\maketitle((* endblock maketitle *))
120 120 ((* block abstract *))((* endblock abstract *))
121 121 ((* endblock predoc *))
122 122
123 123 ((( super() )))
124 124
125 125 % Add a bibliography block to the postdoc
126 126 ((* block postdoc *))
127 127 ((* block bibliography *))((* endblock bibliography *))
128 128 ((* endblock postdoc *))
129 129 \end{document}
130 130 ((* endblock body *))
131 131
132 132 %===============================================================================
133 133 % Support blocks
134 134 %===============================================================================
135 135
136 136 % Displaying simple data text
137 137 ((* block data_text *))
138 138 \begin{verbatim}
139 139 ((( output.text )))
140 140 \end{verbatim}
141 141 ((* endblock data_text *))
142 142
143 143 % Display python error text as-is
144 144 ((* block pyerr *))
145 145 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
146 146 ((( super() )))
147 147 \end{Verbatim}
148 148 ((* endblock pyerr *))
149 149 ((* block traceback_line *))
150 150 ((( line | indent | strip_ansi | escape_latex )))
151 151 ((* endblock traceback_line *))
152 152
153 153 % Display stream ouput with coloring
154 154 ((* block stream *))
155 155 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
156 156 ((( output.text | escape_latex | ansi2latex )))
157 157 \end{Verbatim}
158 158 ((* endblock stream *))
159 159
160 160 % Display latex
161 161 ((* block data_latex -*))
162 162 ((*- if output.latex.startswith('$'): -*))
163 163 ((= Replace $ symbols with more explicit, equation block. =))
164 164 \begin{equation*}
165 165 ((( output.latex | strip_dollars )))
166 166 \end{equation*}
167 167 ((*- else -*))
168 168 ((( output.latex )))
169 169 ((*- endif *))
170 170 ((* endblock data_latex *))
171 171
172 172 % Default mechanism for rendering figures
173 173 ((*- block data_png -*))((( draw_figure(output.png_filename) )))((*- endblock -*))
174 174 ((*- block data_jpg -*))((( draw_figure(output.jpeg_filename) )))((*- endblock -*))
175 175 ((*- block data_svg -*))((( draw_figure(output.svg_filename) )))((*- endblock -*))
176 176 ((*- block data_pdf -*))((( draw_figure(output.pdf_filename) )))((*- endblock -*))
177 177
178 178 % Draw a figure using the graphicx package.
179 179 ((* macro draw_figure(filename) -*))
180 180 ((* set filename = filename | posix_path *))
181 181 ((*- block figure scoped -*))
182 182 \begin{center}
183 183 \adjustimage{max size={0.9\linewidth}{0.9\paperheight}}{((( filename )))}
184 184 \end{center}
185 185 { \hspace*{\fill} \\}
186 186 ((*- endblock figure -*))
187 187 ((*- endmacro *))
188 188
189 189 % Draw heading cell. Explicitly map different cell levels.
190 190 ((* block headingcell scoped *))
191 191
192 192 ((* if cell.level == 1 -*))
193 193 ((* block h1 -*))\section((* endblock h1 -*))
194 194 ((* elif cell.level == 2 -*))
195 195 ((* block h2 -*))\subsection((* endblock h2 -*))
196 196 ((* elif cell.level == 3 -*))
197 197 ((* block h3 -*))\subsubsection((* endblock h3 -*))
198 198 ((* elif cell.level == 4 -*))
199 199 ((* block h4 -*))\paragraph((* endblock h4 -*))
200 200 ((* elif cell.level == 5 -*))
201 201 ((* block h5 -*))\subparagraph((* endblock h5 -*))
202 202 ((* elif cell.level == 6 -*))
203 203 ((* block h6 -*))\\*\textit((* endblock h6 -*))
204 204 ((*- endif -*))
205 205 {((( cell.source | replace('\n', ' ') | citation2latex | markdown2latex )))}
206 206
207 207 ((* endblock headingcell *))
208 208
209 209 % Redirect pyout to display data priority.
210 210 ((* block pyout scoped *))
211 211 ((* block data_priority scoped *))
212 212 ((( super() )))
213 213 ((* endblock *))
214 214 ((* endblock pyout *))
215 215
216 216 % Render markdown
217 217 ((* block markdowncell scoped *))
218 218 ((( cell.source | citation2latex | markdown2latex )))
219 219 ((* endblock markdowncell *))
220 220
221 % Spit out the contents of raw cells unmodified
222 ((* block rawcell scoped *))
223 ((( cell.source )))
224 ((* endblock rawcell *))
226 221 % Don't display unknown types
227 222 ((* block unknowncell scoped *))
228 223 ((* endblock unknowncell *))
@@ -1,95 +1,98
1 1 ((= Auto-generated template file, DO NOT edit directly!
2 2 To edit this file, please refer to ../../skeleton/README.md =))
3 3
4 4
5 5 ((=
6 6
10 10
11 11 Null template, does nothing except defining a basic structure
12 12 To layout the different blocks of a notebook.
13 13
14 14 Subtemplates can override blocks to define their custom representation.
15 15
16 16 If one of the block you do overwrite is not a leave block, consider
17 17 calling super.
18 18
19 19 ((*- block nonLeaveBlock -*))
20 20 #add stuff at beginning
21 21 ((( super() )))
22 22 #add stuff at end
23 23 ((*- endblock nonLeaveBlock -*))
24 24
25 25 consider calling super even if it is a leave block, we might insert more blocks later.
26 26
27 27 =))
28 28 ((*- block header -*))
29 29 ((*- endblock header -*))
30 30 ((*- block body -*))
31 31 ((*- for worksheet in nb.worksheets -*))
32 32 ((*- for cell in worksheet.cells -*))
33 33 ((*- block any_cell scoped -*))
34 34 ((*- if cell.cell_type in ['code'] -*))
35 35 ((*- block codecell scoped -*))
36 36 ((*- block input_group -*))
37 37 ((*- block in_prompt -*))((*- endblock in_prompt -*))
38 38 ((*- block input -*))((*- endblock input -*))
39 39 ((*- endblock input_group -*))
40 40 ((*- if cell.outputs -*))
41 41 ((*- block output_group -*))
42 42 ((*- block output_prompt -*))((*- endblock output_prompt -*))
43 43 ((*- block outputs scoped -*))
44 44 ((*- for output in cell.outputs -*))
45 45 ((*- block output scoped -*))
46 46 ((*- if output.output_type in ['pyout'] -*))
47 47 ((*- block pyout scoped -*))((*- endblock pyout -*))
48 48 ((*- elif output.output_type in ['stream'] -*))
49 49 ((*- block stream scoped -*))
50 50 ((*- if output.stream in ['stdout'] -*))
51 51 ((*- block stream_stdout scoped -*))
52 52 ((*- endblock stream_stdout -*))
53 53 ((*- elif output.stream in ['stderr'] -*))
54 54 ((*- block stream_stderr scoped -*))
55 55 ((*- endblock stream_stderr -*))
56 56 ((*- endif -*))
57 57 ((*- endblock stream -*))
58 58 ((*- elif output.output_type in ['display_data'] -*))
59 59 ((*- block display_data scoped -*))
60 60 ((*- block data_priority scoped -*))
61 61 ((*- endblock data_priority -*))
62 62 ((*- endblock display_data -*))
63 63 ((*- elif output.output_type in ['pyerr'] -*))
64 64 ((*- block pyerr scoped -*))
65 65 ((*- for line in output.traceback -*))
66 66 ((*- block traceback_line scoped -*))((*- endblock traceback_line -*))
67 67 ((*- endfor -*))
68 68 ((*- endblock pyerr -*))
69 69 ((*- endif -*))
70 70 ((*- endblock output -*))
71 71 ((*- endfor -*))
72 72 ((*- endblock outputs -*))
73 73 ((*- endblock output_group -*))
74 74 ((*- endif -*))
75 75 ((*- endblock codecell -*))
76 76 ((*- elif cell.cell_type in ['markdown'] -*))
77 77 ((*- block markdowncell scoped-*))
78 78 ((*- endblock markdowncell -*))
79 79 ((*- elif cell.cell_type in ['heading'] -*))
80 80 ((*- block headingcell scoped-*))
81 81 ((*- endblock headingcell -*))
82 82 ((*- elif cell.cell_type in ['raw'] -*))
83 ((*- block rawcell scoped-*))
83 ((*- block rawcell scoped -*))
84 ((* if cell.metadata.get('raw_format', resources.get('raw_format')) == resources.get('raw_format') *))
85 ((( cell.source )))
86 ((* endif *))
84 87 ((*- endblock rawcell -*))
85 88 ((*- else -*))
86 89 ((*- block unknowncell scoped-*))
87 90 ((*- endblock unknowncell -*))
88 91 ((*- endif -*))
89 92 ((*- endblock any_cell -*))
90 93 ((*- endfor -*))
91 94 ((*- endfor -*))
92 95 ((*- endblock body -*))
93 96
94 97 ((*- block footer -*))
95 98 ((*- endblock footer -*))
@@ -1,72 +1,68
1 1 {% extends 'display_priority.tpl' %}
2 2
3 3
4 4 {% block in_prompt %}
5 5 {% endblock in_prompt %}
6 6
7 7 {% block output_prompt %}
8 8 {%- endblock output_prompt %}
9 9
10 10 {% block input %}
11 11 {{ cell.input | indent(4)}}
12 12 {% endblock input %}
13 13
14 14 {% block pyerr %}
15 15 {{ super() }}
16 16 {% endblock pyerr %}
17 17
18 18 {% block traceback_line %}
19 19 {{ line | indent | strip_ansi }}
20 20 {% endblock traceback_line %}
21 21
22 22 {% block pyout %}
23 23
24 24 {% block data_priority scoped %}
25 25 {{ super() }}
26 26 {% endblock %}
27 27 {% endblock pyout %}
28 28
29 29 {% block stream %}
30 30 {{ output.text | indent }}
31 31 {% endblock stream %}
32 32
33 33 {% block data_svg %}
34 34 ![svg]({{ output.svg_filename | path2url }})
35 35 {% endblock data_svg %}
36 36
37 37 {% block data_png %}
38 38 ![png]({{ output.png_filename | path2url }})
39 39 {% endblock data_png %}
40 40
41 41 {% block data_jpg %}
42 42 ![jpeg]({{ output.jpeg_filename | path2url }})
43 43 {% endblock data_jpg %}
44 44
45 45 {% block data_latex %}
46 46 {{ output.latex }}
47 47 {% endblock data_latex %}
48 48
49 49 {% block data_html scoped %}
50 50 {{ output.html }}
51 51 {% endblock data_html %}
52 52
53 53 {% block data_text scoped %}
54 54 {{ output.text | indent }}
55 55 {% endblock data_text %}
56 56
57 57 {% block markdowncell scoped %}
58 58 {{ cell.source | wrap_text(80) }}
59 59 {% endblock markdowncell %}
60 60
61 61
62 62 {% block headingcell scoped %}
63 63 {{ '#' * cell.level }} {{ cell.source | replace('\n', ' ') }}
64 64 {% endblock headingcell %}
65 65
66 {% block rawcell scoped %}
67 {{ cell.source }}
68 {% endblock rawcell %}
70 66 {% block unknowncell scoped %}
71 67 unknown type {{ cell.type }}
72 68 {% endblock unknowncell %} No newline at end of file
@@ -1,55 +1,51
1 1 {%- extends 'null.tpl' -%}
2 2
3 3
4 4 {% block in_prompt %}
5 5 # In[{{ cell.prompt_number if cell.prompt_number else ' ' }}]:
6 6 {% endblock in_prompt %}
7 7
8 8 {% block output_prompt %}
9 9 # Out[{{ cell.prompt_number }}]:
10 10 {% endblock output_prompt %}
11 11
12 12 {% block input %}
13 13 {{ cell.input | ipython2python }}
14 14 {% endblock input %}
15 15
16 16 {# Those Two are for error displaying
17 17 even if the first one seem to do nothing,
18 18 it introduces a new line
19 19 #}
20 20 {% block pyerr %}
21 21 {{ super() }}
22 22 {% endblock pyerr %}
23 23
24 24 {% block traceback_line %}
25 25 {{ line | indent | strip_ansi }}
26 26 {% endblock traceback_line %}
27 27 {# .... #}
28 28
29 29 {% block pyout %}
30 30 {{ output.text | indent | comment_lines }}
31 31 {% endblock pyout %}
32 32
33 33 {% block stream %}
34 34 {{ output.text | indent | comment_lines }}
35 35 {% endblock stream %}
36 36
37 37 {% block display_data scoped %}
38 38 # image file:
39 39 {% endblock display_data %}
40 40
41 41 {% block markdowncell scoped %}
42 42 {{ cell.source | comment_lines }}
43 43 {% endblock markdowncell %}
44 44
45 45 {% block headingcell scoped %}
46 46 {{ '#' * cell.level }}{{ cell.source | replace('\n', ' ') | comment_lines }}
47 47 {% endblock headingcell %}
48 48
49 {% block rawcell scoped %}
50 {{ cell.source | comment_lines }}
51 {% endblock rawcell %}
53 49 {% block unknowncell scoped %}
54 50 unknown type {{ cell.type }}
55 51 {% endblock unknowncell %} No newline at end of file
@@ -1,84 +1,80
1 1 {%- extends 'display_priority.tpl' -%}
2 2
3 3
4 4 {% block in_prompt %}
5 5 {% endblock in_prompt %}
6 6
7 7 {% block output_prompt %}
8 8 {% endblock output_prompt %}
9 9
10 10 {% block input %}
11 11 {%- if not cell.input.isspace() -%}
12 12 .. code:: python
13 13
14 14 {{ cell.input | indent}}
15 15 {%- endif -%}
16 16 {% endblock input %}
17 17
18 18 {% block pyerr %}
19 19 ::
20 20
21 21 {{ super() }}
22 22 {% endblock pyerr %}
23 23
24 24 {% block traceback_line %}
25 25 {{ line | indent | strip_ansi }}
26 26 {% endblock traceback_line %}
27 27
28 28 {% block pyout %}
29 29 {% block data_priority scoped %}
30 30 {{ super() }}
31 31 {% endblock %}
32 32 {% endblock pyout %}
33 33
34 34 {% block stream %}
35 35 .. parsed-literal::
36 36
37 37 {{ output.text | indent }}
38 38 {% endblock stream %}
39 39
40 40 {% block data_svg %}
41 41 .. image:: {{ output.svg_filename }}
42 42 {% endblock data_svg %}
43 43
44 44 {% block data_png %}
45 45 .. image:: {{ output.png_filename }}
46 46 {% endblock data_png %}
47 47
48 48 {% block data_jpg %}
49 49 .. image:: {{ output.jpeg_filename }}
50 50 {% endblock data_jpg %}
51 51
52 52 {% block data_latex %}
53 53 .. math::
54 54
55 55 {{ output.latex | strip_dollars | indent }}
56 56 {% endblock data_latex %}
57 57
58 58 {% block data_text scoped %}
59 59 .. parsed-literal::
60 60
61 61 {{ output.text | indent }}
62 62 {% endblock data_text %}
63 63
64 64 {% block data_html scoped %}
65 65 .. raw:: html
66 66
67 67 {{ output.html | indent }}
68 68 {% endblock data_html %}
69 69
70 70 {% block markdowncell scoped %}
71 71 {{ cell.source | markdown2rst }}
72 72 {% endblock markdowncell %}
73 73
74 74 {% block headingcell scoped %}
75 75 {{ ("#" * cell.level + cell.source) | replace('\n', ' ') | markdown2rst }}
76 76 {% endblock headingcell %}
77 77
78 {% block rawcell scoped %}
79 {{ cell.source }}
80 {% endblock rawcell %}
82 78 {% block unknowncell scoped %}
83 79 unknown type {{cell.type}}
84 80 {% endblock unknowncell %}
@@ -1,91 +1,94
1 1 {#
2 2
6 6
7 7 Null template, does nothing except defining a basic structure
8 8 To layout the different blocks of a notebook.
9 9
10 10 Subtemplates can override blocks to define their custom representation.
11 11
12 12 If one of the block you do overwrite is not a leave block, consider
13 13 calling super.
14 14
15 15 {%- block nonLeaveBlock -%}
16 16 #add stuff at beginning
17 17 {{ super() }}
18 18 #add stuff at end
19 19 {%- endblock nonLeaveBlock -%}
20 20
21 21 consider calling super even if it is a leave block, we might insert more blocks later.
22 22
23 23 #}
24 24 {%- block header -%}
25 25 {%- endblock header -%}
26 26 {%- block body -%}
27 27 {%- for worksheet in nb.worksheets -%}
28 28 {%- for cell in worksheet.cells -%}
29 29 {%- block any_cell scoped -%}
30 30 {%- if cell.cell_type in ['code'] -%}
31 31 {%- block codecell scoped -%}
32 32 {%- block input_group -%}
33 33 {%- block in_prompt -%}{%- endblock in_prompt -%}
34 34 {%- block input -%}{%- endblock input -%}
35 35 {%- endblock input_group -%}
36 36 {%- if cell.outputs -%}
37 37 {%- block output_group -%}
38 38 {%- block output_prompt -%}{%- endblock output_prompt -%}
39 39 {%- block outputs scoped -%}
40 40 {%- for output in cell.outputs -%}
41 41 {%- block output scoped -%}
42 42 {%- if output.output_type in ['pyout'] -%}
43 43 {%- block pyout scoped -%}{%- endblock pyout -%}
44 44 {%- elif output.output_type in ['stream'] -%}
45 45 {%- block stream scoped -%}
46 46 {%- if output.stream in ['stdout'] -%}
47 47 {%- block stream_stdout scoped -%}
48 48 {%- endblock stream_stdout -%}
49 49 {%- elif output.stream in ['stderr'] -%}
50 50 {%- block stream_stderr scoped -%}
51 51 {%- endblock stream_stderr -%}
52 52 {%- endif -%}
53 53 {%- endblock stream -%}
54 54 {%- elif output.output_type in ['display_data'] -%}
55 55 {%- block display_data scoped -%}
56 56 {%- block data_priority scoped -%}
57 57 {%- endblock data_priority -%}
58 58 {%- endblock display_data -%}
59 59 {%- elif output.output_type in ['pyerr'] -%}
60 60 {%- block pyerr scoped -%}
61 61 {%- for line in output.traceback -%}
62 62 {%- block traceback_line scoped -%}{%- endblock traceback_line -%}
63 63 {%- endfor -%}
64 64 {%- endblock pyerr -%}
65 65 {%- endif -%}
66 66 {%- endblock output -%}
67 67 {%- endfor -%}
68 68 {%- endblock outputs -%}
69 69 {%- endblock output_group -%}
70 70 {%- endif -%}
71 71 {%- endblock codecell -%}
72 72 {%- elif cell.cell_type in ['markdown'] -%}
73 73 {%- block markdowncell scoped-%}
74 74 {%- endblock markdowncell -%}
75 75 {%- elif cell.cell_type in ['heading'] -%}
76 76 {%- block headingcell scoped-%}
77 77 {%- endblock headingcell -%}
78 78 {%- elif cell.cell_type in ['raw'] -%}
79 {%- block rawcell scoped-%}
79 {%- block rawcell scoped -%}
80 {% if cell.metadata.get('raw_format', resources.get('raw_format', '')).lower() in resources.get('raw_formats', ['']) %}
81 {{ cell.source }}
82 {% endif %}
80 83 {%- endblock rawcell -%}
81 84 {%- else -%}
82 85 {%- block unknowncell scoped-%}
83 86 {%- endblock unknowncell -%}
84 87 {%- endif -%}
85 88 {%- endblock any_cell -%}
86 89 {%- endfor -%}
87 90 {%- endfor -%}
88 91 {%- endblock body -%}
89 92
90 93 {%- block footer -%}
91 94 {%- endblock footer -%}
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