##// END OF EJS Templates
Added in dollarmath updates from ocefpaf (Filipe).
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1 # dollarmath.py by Akihiro Uchida *public domain*
2 # the original one is written by Paul Kienzle
3 # and published as public domain in [sphinx-dev]: $math$ extension
4 r"""
5 Allow $math$ markup in text and docstrings, ignoring \$.
7 The $math$ markup should be separated from the surrounding text by spaces.
8 To embed markup within a word, place backslash-space before and after.
9 For convenience, the final $ can be followed by punctuation
10 (period, comma or semicolon).
11 """
13 import re
15 dollar_pat = r"(?:^|(?<=\s))[$]([^\n]*?)(?<![\\])[$](?:$|(?=\s|[.,;\\]))"
16 _dollar = re.compile(dollar_pat)
17 _notdollar = re.compile(r"\\[$]")
19 def replace_dollar(content):
20 content = _dollar.sub(r":math:`\1`", content)
21 content = _notdollar.sub("$", content)
22 return content
24 def rewrite_rst(app, docname, source):
25 source[0] = replace_dollar(source[0])
27 def rewrite_autodoc(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
28 lines[:] = [replace_dollar(L) for L in lines]
30 def setup(app):
31 app.connect('source-read', rewrite_rst)
32 if 'autodoc-process-docstring' in app._events:
33 app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', rewrite_autodoc)
35 def test_expr(expr, expect):
36 result = replace_dollar(expr)
37 print 'A math expression: %s' % expr
38 print 'A expected output: %s' % expect
39 if result == expect:
40 print 'OK: A result match expected one'
41 else:
42 print 'NG: A result %s does not match expected one!' % result
44 def test_dollar():
45 samples = {
46 u"no dollar": u"no dollar",
47 u"$only$": u":math:`only`",
48 u"$first$ is good": u":math:`first` is good",
49 u"so is $last$": u"so is :math:`last`",
50 u"and $mid$ too": u"and :math:`mid` too",
51 u"$first$, $mid$, $last$": u":math:`first`, :math:`mid`, :math:`last`",
52 u"dollar\$ escape": u"dollar$ escape",
53 u"dollar \$escape\$ too": u"dollar $escape$ too",
54 u"emb\ $ed$\ ed": u"emb\ :math:`ed`\ ed",
55 u"$first$a": u"$first$a",
56 u"a$last$": u"a$last$",
57 u"a $mid$dle a": u"a $mid$dle a",
58 }
59 for expr, expect in samples.items():
60 test_expr(expr, expect)
62 if __name__ == "__main__":
63 import sys, locale, codecs
64 encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
65 sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(encoding)(sys.stdout)
66 sys.stdin = codecs.getreader(encoding)(sys.stdin)
68 import optparse
69 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options]')
70 parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="expr", type="string",
71 help="input $math$ expression to test")
72 parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="expect", type="string",
73 help="output result you expect")
75 opts, args = parser.parse_args()
76 if opts.expr:
77 expression = unicode(opts.expr, encoding)
78 if opts.expect:
79 expected = unicode(opts.expect, encoding)
80 test_expr(expression, expected)
81 else:
82 print replace_dollar(expression)
83 else:
84 if opts.expect:
85 parser.print_help()
86 parser.error("output option requires input expression")
87 else:
88 test_dollar()
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