##// END OF EJS Templates
update parallel demos for newparallel
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@@ -0,0 +1,144
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """Run a Monte-Carlo options pricer in parallel."""
4 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 # Imports
6 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 import sys
9 import time
10 from IPython.zmq.parallel import client
11 import numpy as np
12 from mcpricer import price_options
13 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
15 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 # Setup parameters for the run
17 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 def ask_question(text, the_type, default):
20 s = '%s [%r]: ' % (text, the_type(default))
21 result = raw_input(s)
22 if result:
23 return the_type(result)
24 else:
25 return the_type(default)
27 cluster_profile = ask_question("Cluster profile", str, "default")
28 price = ask_question("Initial price", float, 100.0)
29 rate = ask_question("Interest rate", float, 0.05)
30 days = ask_question("Days to expiration", int, 260)
31 paths = ask_question("Number of MC paths", int, 10000)
32 n_strikes = ask_question("Number of strike values", int, 5)
33 min_strike = ask_question("Min strike price", float, 90.0)
34 max_strike = ask_question("Max strike price", float, 110.0)
35 n_sigmas = ask_question("Number of volatility values", int, 5)
36 min_sigma = ask_question("Min volatility", float, 0.1)
37 max_sigma = ask_question("Max volatility", float, 0.4)
39 strike_vals = np.linspace(min_strike, max_strike, n_strikes)
40 sigma_vals = np.linspace(min_sigma, max_sigma, n_sigmas)
42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 # Setup for parallel calculation
44 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 # The Client is used to setup the calculation and works with all
47 # engines.
48 c = client.Client(profile=cluster_profile)
50 # A LoadBalancedView is an interface to the engines that provides dynamic load
51 # balancing at the expense of not knowing which engine will execute the code.
52 view = c[None]
54 # Initialize the common code on the engines. This Python module has the
55 # price_options function that prices the options.
57 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 # Perform parallel calculation
59 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 print "Running parallel calculation over strike prices and volatilities..."
62 print "Strike prices: ", strike_vals
63 print "Volatilities: ", sigma_vals
64 sys.stdout.flush()
66 # Submit tasks to the TaskClient for each (strike, sigma) pair as a MapTask.
67 t1 = time.time()
68 async_results = []
69 for strike in strike_vals:
70 for sigma in sigma_vals:
71 ar = view.apply_async(price_options, price, strike, sigma, rate, days, paths)
72 async_results.append(ar)
74 print "Submitted tasks: ", len(async_results)
75 sys.stdout.flush()
77 # Block until all tasks are completed.
78 c.barrier(async_results)
79 t2 = time.time()
80 t = t2-t1
82 print "Parallel calculation completed, time = %s s" % t
83 print "Collecting results..."
85 # Get the results using TaskClient.get_task_result.
86 results = [ar.get() for ar in async_results]
88 # Assemble the result into a structured NumPy array.
89 prices = np.empty(n_strikes*n_sigmas,
90 dtype=[('ecall',float),('eput',float),('acall',float),('aput',float)]
91 )
93 for i, price in enumerate(results):
94 prices[i] = tuple(price)
96 prices.shape = (n_strikes, n_sigmas)
97 strike_mesh, sigma_mesh = np.meshgrid(strike_vals, sigma_vals)
99 print "Results are available: strike_mesh, sigma_mesh, prices"
100 print "To plot results type 'plot_options(sigma_mesh, strike_mesh, prices)'"
102 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 # Utilities
104 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 def plot_options(sigma_mesh, strike_mesh, prices):
107 """
108 Make a contour plot of the option price in (sigma, strike) space.
109 """
110 plt.figure(1)
112 plt.subplot(221)
113 plt.contourf(sigma_mesh, strike_mesh, prices['ecall'])
114 plt.axis('tight')
115 plt.colorbar()
116 plt.title('European Call')
117 plt.ylabel("Strike Price")
119 plt.subplot(222)
120 plt.contourf(sigma_mesh, strike_mesh, prices['acall'])
121 plt.axis('tight')
122 plt.colorbar()
123 plt.title("Asian Call")
125 plt.subplot(223)
126 plt.contourf(sigma_mesh, strike_mesh, prices['eput'])
127 plt.axis('tight')
128 plt.colorbar()
129 plt.title("European Put")
130 plt.xlabel("Volatility")
131 plt.ylabel("Strike Price")
133 plt.subplot(224)
134 plt.contourf(sigma_mesh, strike_mesh, prices['aput'])
135 plt.axis('tight')
136 plt.colorbar()
137 plt.title("Asian Put")
138 plt.xlabel("Volatility")
@@ -0,0 +1,45
2 def price_options(S=100.0, K=100.0, sigma=0.25, r=0.05, days=260, paths=10000):
3 """
4 Price European and Asian options using a Monte Carlo method.
6 Parameters
7 ----------
8 S : float
9 The initial price of the stock.
10 K : float
11 The strike price of the option.
12 sigma : float
13 The volatility of the stock.
14 r : float
15 The risk free interest rate.
16 days : int
17 The number of days until the option expires.
18 paths : int
19 The number of Monte Carlo paths used to price the option.
21 Returns
22 -------
23 A tuple of (E. call, E. put, A. call, A. put) option prices.
24 """
25 import numpy as np
26 from math import exp,sqrt
28 h = 1.0/days
29 const1 = exp((r-0.5*sigma**2)*h)
30 const2 = sigma*sqrt(h)
31 stock_price = S*np.ones(paths, dtype='float64')
32 stock_price_sum = np.zeros(paths, dtype='float64')
33 for j in range(days):
34 growth_factor = const1*np.exp(const2*np.random.standard_normal(paths))
35 stock_price = stock_price*growth_factor
36 stock_price_sum = stock_price_sum + stock_price
37 stock_price_avg = stock_price_sum/days
38 zeros = np.zeros(paths, dtype='float64')
39 r_factor = exp(-r*h*days)
40 euro_put = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, K-stock_price))
41 asian_put = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, K-stock_price_avg))
42 euro_call = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, stock_price-K))
43 asian_call = r_factor*np.mean(np.maximum(zeros, stock_price_avg-K))
44 return (euro_call, euro_put, asian_call, asian_put)
@@ -0,0 +1,63
1 """Calculate statistics on the digits of pi in parallel.
3 This program uses the functions in :file:`pidigits.py` to calculate
4 the frequencies of 2 digit sequences in the digits of pi. The
5 results are plotted using matplotlib.
7 To run, text files from http://www.super-computing.org/
8 must be installed in the working directory of the IPython engines.
9 The actual filenames to be used can be set with the ``filestring``
10 variable below.
12 The dataset we have been using for this is the 200 million digit one here:
13 ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/
15 and the files used will be downloaded if they are not in the working directory
16 of the IPython engines.
17 """
19 from IPython.zmq.parallel import client
20 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
21 import numpy as np
22 from pidigits import *
23 from timeit import default_timer as clock
25 # Files with digits of pi (10m digits each)
26 filestring = 'pi200m.ascii.%(i)02dof20'
27 files = [filestring % {'i':i} for i in range(1,16)]
29 # Connect to the IPython cluster
30 c = client.Client()
31 c.run('pidigits.py')
33 # the number of engines
34 n = len(c.ids)
35 id0 = list(c.ids)[0]
36 # fetch the pi-files
37 print "downloading %i files of pi"%n
38 c.map(fetch_pi_file, files[:n])
39 print "done"
41 # Run 10m digits on 1 engine
42 t1 = clock()
43 freqs10m = c[id0].apply_sync_bound(compute_two_digit_freqs, files[0])
44 t2 = clock()
45 digits_per_second1 = 10.0e6/(t2-t1)
46 print "Digits per second (1 core, 10m digits): ", digits_per_second1
49 # Run n*10m digits on all engines
50 t1 = clock()
51 c.block=True
52 freqs_all = c.map(compute_two_digit_freqs, files[:n])
53 freqs150m = reduce_freqs(freqs_all)
54 t2 = clock()
55 digits_per_second8 = n*10.0e6/(t2-t1)
56 print "Digits per second (%i engines, %i0m digits): "%(n,n), digits_per_second8
58 print "Speedup: ", digits_per_second8/digits_per_second1
60 plot_two_digit_freqs(freqs150m)
61 plt.title("2 digit sequences in %i0m digits of pi"%n)
62 plt.show()
@@ -0,0 +1,159
1 """Compute statistics on the digits of pi.
3 This uses precomputed digits of pi from the website
4 of Professor Yasumasa Kanada at the University of
5 Tokoyo: http://www.super-computing.org/
7 Currently, there are only functions to read the
8 .txt (non-compressed, non-binary) files, but adding
9 support for compression and binary files would be
10 straightforward.
12 This focuses on computing the number of times that
13 all 1, 2, n digits sequences occur in the digits of pi.
14 If the digits of pi are truly random, these frequencies
15 should be equal.
16 """
18 # Import statements
19 from __future__ import division, with_statement
21 import os
22 import urllib
24 import numpy as np
25 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
27 # Top-level functions
29 def fetch_pi_file(filename):
30 """This will download a segment of pi from super-computing.org
31 if the file is not already present.
32 """
33 ftpdir="ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/"
34 if os.path.exists(filename):
35 # we already have it
36 return
37 else:
38 # download it
39 urllib.urlretrieve(ftpdir+filename,filename)
41 def compute_one_digit_freqs(filename):
42 """
43 Read digits of pi from a file and compute the 1 digit frequencies.
44 """
45 d = txt_file_to_digits(filename)
46 freqs = one_digit_freqs(d)
47 return freqs
49 def compute_two_digit_freqs(filename):
50 """
51 Read digits of pi from a file and compute the 2 digit frequencies.
52 """
53 d = txt_file_to_digits(filename)
54 freqs = two_digit_freqs(d)
55 return freqs
57 def reduce_freqs(freqlist):
58 """
59 Add up a list of freq counts to get the total counts.
60 """
61 allfreqs = np.zeros_like(freqlist[0])
62 for f in freqlist:
63 allfreqs += f
64 return allfreqs
66 def compute_n_digit_freqs(filename, n):
67 """
68 Read digits of pi from a file and compute the n digit frequencies.
69 """
70 d = txt_file_to_digits(filename)
71 freqs = n_digit_freqs(d, n)
72 return freqs
74 # Read digits from a txt file
76 def txt_file_to_digits(filename, the_type=str):
77 """
78 Yield the digits of pi read from a .txt file.
79 """
80 with open(filename, 'r') as f:
81 for line in f.readlines():
82 for c in line:
83 if c != '\n' and c!= ' ':
84 yield the_type(c)
86 # Actual counting functions
88 def one_digit_freqs(digits, normalize=False):
89 """
90 Consume digits of pi and compute 1 digit freq. counts.
91 """
92 freqs = np.zeros(10, dtype='i4')
93 for d in digits:
94 freqs[int(d)] += 1
95 if normalize:
96 freqs = freqs/freqs.sum()
97 return freqs
99 def two_digit_freqs(digits, normalize=False):
100 """
101 Consume digits of pi and compute 2 digits freq. counts.
102 """
103 freqs = np.zeros(100, dtype='i4')
104 last = digits.next()
105 this = digits.next()
106 for d in digits:
107 index = int(last + this)
108 freqs[index] += 1
109 last = this
110 this = d
111 if normalize:
112 freqs = freqs/freqs.sum()
113 return freqs
115 def n_digit_freqs(digits, n, normalize=False):
116 """
117 Consume digits of pi and compute n digits freq. counts.
119 This should only be used for 1-6 digits.
120 """
121 freqs = np.zeros(pow(10,n), dtype='i4')
122 current = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
123 for i in range(n):
124 current[i] = digits.next()
125 for d in digits:
126 index = int(''.join(map(str, current)))
127 freqs[index] += 1
128 current[0:-1] = current[1:]
129 current[-1] = d
130 if normalize:
131 freqs = freqs/freqs.sum()
132 return freqs
134 # Plotting functions
136 def plot_two_digit_freqs(f2):
137 """
138 Plot two digits frequency counts using matplotlib.
139 """
140 f2_copy = f2.copy()
141 f2_copy.shape = (10,10)
142 ax = plt.matshow(f2_copy)
143 plt.colorbar()
144 for i in range(10):
145 for j in range(10):
146 plt.text(i-0.2, j+0.2, str(j)+str(i))
147 plt.ylabel('First digit')
148 plt.xlabel('Second digit')
149 return ax
151 def plot_one_digit_freqs(f1):
152 """
153 Plot one digit frequency counts using matplotlib.
154 """
155 ax = plt.plot(f1,'bo-')
156 plt.title('Single digit counts in pi')
157 plt.xlabel('Digit')
158 plt.ylabel('Count')
159 return ax
@@ -4,14 +4,14 Parallel examples
5 .. note::
5 .. note::
7 Not adapted to zmq yet
7 Performance numbers from ``IPython.kernel``, not newparallel
9 In this section we describe two more involved examples of using an IPython
9 In this section we describe two more involved examples of using an IPython
10 cluster to perform a parallel computation. In these examples, we will be using
10 cluster to perform a parallel computation. In these examples, we will be using
11 IPython's "pylab" mode, which enables interactive plotting using the
11 IPython's "pylab" mode, which enables interactive plotting using the
12 Matplotlib package. IPython can be started in this mode by typing::
12 Matplotlib package. IPython can be started in this mode by typing::
14 ipython -p pylab
14 ipython --pylab
16 at the system command line. If this prints an error message, you will
16 at the system command line. If this prints an error message, you will
17 need to install the default profiles from within IPython by doing,
17 need to install the default profiles from within IPython by doing,
@@ -82,7 +82,7 The resulting plot of the single digit counts shows that each digit occurs
82 approximately 1,000 times, but that with only 10,000 digits the
82 approximately 1,000 times, but that with only 10,000 digits the
83 statistical fluctuations are still rather large:
83 statistical fluctuations are still rather large:
85 .. image:: single_digits.*
85 .. image:: ../parallel/single_digits.*
87 It is clear that to reduce the relative fluctuations in the counts, we need
87 It is clear that to reduce the relative fluctuations in the counts, we need
88 to look at many more digits of pi. That brings us to the parallel calculation.
88 to look at many more digits of pi. That brings us to the parallel calculation.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 Parallel calculation
93 Calculating many digits of pi is a challenging computational problem in itself.
93 Calculating many digits of pi is a challenging computational problem in itself.
94 Because we want to focus on the distribution of digits in this example, we
94 Because we want to focus on the distribution of digits in this example, we
95 will use pre-computed digit of pi from the website of Professor Yasumasa
95 will use pre-computed digit of pi from the website of Professor Yasumasa
96 Kanada at the University of Tokoyo (http://www.super-computing.org). These
96 Kanada at the University of Tokyo (http://www.super-computing.org). These
97 digits come in a set of text files (ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/)
97 digits come in a set of text files (ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/)
98 that each have 10 million digits of pi.
98 that each have 10 million digits of pi.
@@ -108,24 +108,23 compute the two digit counts for the digits in a single file. Then in a final
108 step the counts from each engine will be added up. To perform this
108 step the counts from each engine will be added up. To perform this
109 calculation, we will need two top-level functions from :file:`pidigits.py`:
109 calculation, we will need two top-level functions from :file:`pidigits.py`:
111 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/pidigits.py
111 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/newparallel/pidigits.py
112 :language: python
112 :language: python
113 :lines: 34-49
113 :lines: 34-49
115 We will also use the :func:`plot_two_digit_freqs` function to plot the
115 We will also use the :func:`plot_two_digit_freqs` function to plot the
116 results. The code to run this calculation in parallel is contained in
116 results. The code to run this calculation in parallel is contained in
117 :file:`docs/examples/kernel/parallelpi.py`. This code can be run in parallel
117 :file:`docs/examples/newparallel/parallelpi.py`. This code can be run in parallel
118 using IPython by following these steps:
118 using IPython by following these steps:
120 1. Copy the text files with the digits of pi
120 1. Use :command:`ipclusterz` to start 15 engines. We used an 8 core (2 quad
121 (ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/) to the working directory of the
122 engines on the compute nodes.
123 2. Use :command:`ipclusterz` to start 15 engines. We used an 8 core (2 quad
124 core CPUs) cluster with hyperthreading enabled which makes the 8 cores
121 core CPUs) cluster with hyperthreading enabled which makes the 8 cores
125 looks like 16 (1 controller + 15 engines) in the OS. However, the maximum
122 looks like 16 (1 controller + 15 engines) in the OS. However, the maximum
126 speedup we can observe is still only 8x.
123 speedup we can observe is still only 8x.
127 3. With the file :file:`parallelpi.py` in your current working directory, open
124 2. With the file :file:`parallelpi.py` in your current working directory, open
128 up IPython in pylab mode and type ``run parallelpi.py``.
125 up IPython in pylab mode and type ``run parallelpi.py``. This will download
126 the pi files via ftp the first time you run it, if they are not
127 present in the Engines' working directory.
130 When run on our 8 core cluster, we observe a speedup of 7.7x. This is slightly
129 When run on our 8 core cluster, we observe a speedup of 7.7x. This is slightly
131 less than linear scaling (8x) because the controller is also running on one of
130 less than linear scaling (8x) because the controller is also running on one of
@@ -138,55 +137,55 calculation can also be run by simply typing the commands from
138 .. sourcecode:: ipython
137 .. sourcecode:: ipython
140 In [1]: from IPython.zmq.parallel import client
139 In [1]: from IPython.zmq.parallel import client
141 2009-11-19 11:32:38-0800 [-] Log opened.
143 # The MultiEngineClient allows us to use the engines interactively.
141 # The Client allows us to use the engines interactively.
144 # We simply pass MultiEngineClient the name of the cluster profile we
142 # We simply pass Client the name of the cluster profile we
145 # are using.
143 # are using.
146 In [2]: c = client.Client(profile='mycluster')
144 In [2]: c = client.Client(profile='mycluster')
147 2009-11-19 11:32:44-0800 [-] Connecting [0]
148 2009-11-19 11:32:44-0800 [Negotiation,client] Connected: ./ipcontroller-mec.furl
150 In [3]: mec.get_ids()
146 In [3]: c.ids
151 Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
147 Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
153 In [4]: run pidigits.py
149 In [4]: run pidigits.py
155 In [5]: filestring = 'pi200m-ascii-%(i)02dof20.txt'
151 In [5]: filestring = 'pi200m.ascii.%(i)02dof20'
157 # Create the list of files to process.
153 # Create the list of files to process.
158 In [6]: files = [filestring % {'i':i} for i in range(1,16)]
154 In [6]: files = [filestring % {'i':i} for i in range(1,16)]
160 In [7]: files
156 In [7]: files
161 Out[7]:
157 Out[7]:
162 ['pi200m-ascii-01of20.txt',
158 ['pi200m.ascii.01of20',
163 'pi200m-ascii-02of20.txt',
159 'pi200m.ascii.02of20',
164 'pi200m-ascii-03of20.txt',
160 'pi200m.ascii.03of20',
165 'pi200m-ascii-04of20.txt',
161 'pi200m.ascii.04of20',
166 'pi200m-ascii-05of20.txt',
162 'pi200m.ascii.05of20',
167 'pi200m-ascii-06of20.txt',
163 'pi200m.ascii.06of20',
168 'pi200m-ascii-07of20.txt',
164 'pi200m.ascii.07of20',
169 'pi200m-ascii-08of20.txt',
165 'pi200m.ascii.08of20',
170 'pi200m-ascii-09of20.txt',
166 'pi200m.ascii.09of20',
171 'pi200m-ascii-10of20.txt',
167 'pi200m.ascii.10of20',
172 'pi200m-ascii-11of20.txt',
168 'pi200m.ascii.11of20',
173 'pi200m-ascii-12of20.txt',
169 'pi200m.ascii.12of20',
174 'pi200m-ascii-13of20.txt',
170 'pi200m.ascii.13of20',
175 'pi200m-ascii-14of20.txt',
171 'pi200m.ascii.14of20',
176 'pi200m-ascii-15of20.txt']
172 'pi200m.ascii.15of20']
178 # This is the parallel calculation using the MultiEngineClient.map method
174 # download the data files if they don't already exist:
175 In [8]: c.map(fetch_pi_file, files)
177 # This is the parallel calculation using the Client.map method
179 # which applies compute_two_digit_freqs to each file in files in parallel.
178 # which applies compute_two_digit_freqs to each file in files in parallel.
180 In [8]: freqs_all = mec.map(compute_two_digit_freqs, files)
179 In [9]: freqs_all = c.map(compute_two_digit_freqs, files)
182 # Add up the frequencies from each engine.
181 # Add up the frequencies from each engine.
183 In [8]: freqs = reduce_freqs(freqs_all)
182 In [10]: freqs = reduce_freqs(freqs_all)
185 In [9]: plot_two_digit_freqs(freqs)
184 In [11]: plot_two_digit_freqs(freqs)
186 Out[9]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x18beb110>
185 Out[11]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x18beb110>
188 In [10]: plt.title('2 digit counts of 150m digits of pi')
187 In [12]: plt.title('2 digit counts of 150m digits of pi')
189 Out[10]: <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18d1f9b0>
188 Out[12]: <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18d1f9b0>
191 The resulting plot generated by Matplotlib is shown below. The colors indicate
190 The resulting plot generated by Matplotlib is shown below. The colors indicate
192 which two digit sequences are more (red) or less (blue) likely to occur in the
191 which two digit sequences are more (red) or less (blue) likely to occur in the
@@ -195,7 +194,7 most likely and that "06" and "07" are least likely. Further analysis would
195 show that the relative size of the statistical fluctuations have decreased
194 show that the relative size of the statistical fluctuations have decreased
196 compared to the 10,000 digit calculation.
195 compared to the 10,000 digit calculation.
198 .. image:: two_digit_counts.*
197 .. image:: ../parallel/two_digit_counts.*
201 Parallel options pricing
200 Parallel options pricing
@@ -224,10 +223,10 the NumPy package and is shown here:
224 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/mcpricer.py
223 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/mcpricer.py
225 :language: python
224 :language: python
227 To run this code in parallel, we will use IPython's :class:`TaskClient` class,
226 To run this code in parallel, we will use IPython's :class:`LoadBalancedView` class,
228 which distributes work to the engines using dynamic load balancing. This
227 which distributes work to the engines using dynamic load balancing. This
229 client can be used along side the :class:`MultiEngineClient` class shown in
228 view is a wrapper of the :class:`Client` class shown in
230 the previous example. The parallel calculation using :class:`TaskClient` can
229 the previous example. The parallel calculation using :class:`LoadBalancedView` can
231 be found in the file :file:`mcpricer.py`. The code in this file creates a
230 be found in the file :file:`mcpricer.py`. The code in this file creates a
232 :class:`TaskClient` instance and then submits a set of tasks using
231 :class:`TaskClient` instance and then submits a set of tasks using
233 :meth:`TaskClient.run` that calculate the option prices for different
232 :meth:`TaskClient.run` that calculate the option prices for different
@@ -264,9 +263,9 entire calculation (10 strike prices, 10 volatilities, 100,000 paths for each)
264 took 30 seconds in parallel, giving a speedup of 7.7x, which is comparable
263 took 30 seconds in parallel, giving a speedup of 7.7x, which is comparable
265 to the speedup observed in our previous example.
264 to the speedup observed in our previous example.
267 .. image:: asian_call.*
266 .. image:: ../parallel/asian_call.*
269 .. image:: asian_put.*
268 .. image:: ../parallel/asian_put.*
271 Conclusion
270 Conclusion
272 ==========
271 ==========
@@ -275,7 +274,7 To conclude these examples, we summarize the key features of IPython's
275 parallel architecture that have been demonstrated:
274 parallel architecture that have been demonstrated:
277 * Serial code can be parallelized often with only a few extra lines of code.
276 * Serial code can be parallelized often with only a few extra lines of code.
278 We have used the :class:`MultiEngineClient` and :class:`TaskClient` classes
277 We have used the :class:`DirectView` and :class:`LoadBalancedView` classes
279 for this purpose.
278 for this purpose.
280 * The resulting parallel code can be run without ever leaving the IPython's
279 * The resulting parallel code can be run without ever leaving the IPython's
281 interactive shell.
280 interactive shell.
@@ -284,3 +283,8 parallel architecture that have been demonstrated:
284 * We have run these examples on a cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008.
283 * We have run these examples on a cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008.
285 IPython's built in support for the Windows HPC job scheduler makes it
284 IPython's built in support for the Windows HPC job scheduler makes it
286 easy to get started with IPython's parallel capabilities.
285 easy to get started with IPython's parallel capabilities.
287 .. note::
289 The newparallel code has never been run on Windows HPC Server, so the last
290 conclusion is untested.
@@ -7,6 +7,7 Using MPI with IPython
7 .. note::
7 .. note::
9 Not adapted to zmq yet
9 Not adapted to zmq yet
10 This is out of date wrt ipcluster in general as well
11 Often, a parallel algorithm will require moving data between the engines. One
12 Often, a parallel algorithm will require moving data between the engines. One
12 way of accomplishing this is by doing a pull and then a push using the
13 way of accomplishing this is by doing a pull and then a push using the
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