##// END OF EJS Templates
Remove need space, small spacing changes, dont...
Jonathan Frederic -
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@@ -1,126 +1,121 b''
1 1 ((= Notebook input/output style =))
2 2
3 3 ((* extends 'latex_base.tplx' *))
4 4
5 5 % Custom packages
6 6 ((* block packages *))
7 7 ((( super() )))
8 8
9 9 % Needed to box output/input
10 10 \usepackage{tikz}
11 11 \usetikzlibrary{calc,arrows,shadows}
12 12 \usepackage[framemethod=tikz]{((( resources.latex.mdframed_path | posix_path )))/mdframed}
13 13
14 14 \usepackage{scrextend} % Used to indent output
15 15 \usepackage{needspace} % Make prompts follow contents
16 16 ((* endblock packages *))
17 17
18 18 % Custom definitions
19 19 ((* block definitions *))
20 20 ((( super() )))
21 21
22 22 \listfiles
23 23
24 24 \def\smaller{\fontsize{9.5pt}{9.5pt}\selectfont}
25 25
26 26 \definecolor{nbframe-border}{rgb}{0.867,0.867,0.867}
27 27 \definecolor{nbframe-bg}{rgb}{0.969,0.969,0.969}
28 28 \definecolor{nbframe-in-prompt}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.502}
29 29 \definecolor{nbframe-out-prompt}{rgb}{0.545,0.0,0.0}
30 30
31 31 \newenvironment{ColorVerbatim}
32 32 {\vspace{-2\baselineskip}
33 33 \leavevmode\begin{mdframed}[%
34 34 roundcorner=1.0pt, %
35 35 backgroundcolor=nbframe-bg, %
36 userdefinedwidth=1\linewidth, %
37 36 leftmargin=0.1\linewidth, %
38 37 innerleftmargin=0pt, %
39 38 innerrightmargin=0pt, %
40 39 linecolor=nbframe-border, %
41 40 linewidth=1pt, %
42 41 usetwoside=false, %
43 42 everyline=false, %
44 43 innerlinewidth=3pt, %
45 44 innerlinecolor=nbframe-bg, %
46 45 middlelinewidth=1pt, %
47 46 middlelinecolor=nbframe-bg, %
48 47 outerlinewidth=0.5pt, %
49 48 outerlinecolor=nbframe-border, %
50 49 needspace=3em, %
51 50 nobreak=false
52 51 ]}
53 52 {\end{mdframed}\vspace{-1\baselineskip}}
54 53
55 % Space needed to start a new input/output
56 \newlength{\promptspace}
57 \setlength{\promptspace}{4\baselineskip}
58 54 ((* endblock definitions *))
59 55
60 56 %===============================================================================
61 57 % Input
62 58 %===============================================================================
63 59
64 60
65 61 ((* block in_prompt scoped *))
66 62 \br
67 63 ((( draw_prompt("In", cell.prompt_number, "nbframe-in-prompt") )))
68 64 ((* endblock in_prompt *))
69 65
70 66 ((* block input scoped *))
71 67 % Add contents below.
72 68
73 69 \begin{ColorVerbatim}
74 \smaller{\leavevmode\hspace*{-0.1\linewidth}((( super() )))}
70 In [0]: \vspace{-1\baselineskip}\smaller{((( super() )))}
75 71 \end{ColorVerbatim}
76 72 ((* endblock input *))
77 73
78 74 ((* block input_group scoped *))
79 75 ((( super() )))
80 76 ((* endblock input_group *))
81 77
82 78
83 79 %===============================================================================
84 80 % Output
85 81 %===============================================================================
86 82
87 83 ((* block output_group *))
88 84 {\br}((( super() )))
89 85 ((* endblock output_group *))
90 86
91 87 ((* block output *))
92 88
93 89 % Only render the prompt if the cell is pyout. Note, the outputs prompt
94 90 % block isn't used since we need to check each indiviual output and only
95 91 % add prompts to the pyout ones.
96 92 ((* if output.output_type in ['pyout'] *))
97 93 ((( draw_prompt("Out", cell.prompt_number, "nbframe-out-prompt") )))
98 94 ((* endif *))
99 95
100 96 \begin{addmargin}[0.1\linewidth]{0em} % left, right
101 97 \smaller{((( super() )))}
102 98 \end{addmargin}
103 99 ((* endblock output *))
104 100
105 101 %==============================================================================
106 102 % Support Macros
107 103 %==============================================================================
108 104
109 105 % Name: draw_prompt
110 106 % Purpose: Renders an output/input prompt for notebook style pdfs. Prompt is
111 107 % rendered at the current location, the cursor position is left
112 108 % unmodified.
113 109 ((* macro draw_prompt(prompt, number, color) *))
114 \needspace{\promptspace}
116 111 {
117 112 \smaller
118 113 \tt
119 114 \color{((( color )))}
120 \noindent
115 \noindent\relax
121 116 ((( prompt )))
122 117 {[}((( number ))){]}:
123 118 }
124 119
125 120 \vspace{-1\baselineskip}
126 121 ((* endmacro *))
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