##// END OF EJS Templates
Grand Persistence Overhaul, featuring PickleShare. startup...
vivainio -
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@@ -0,0 +1,267 b''
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 """ PickleShare - a small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support
5 Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary. Unlike
6 shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously. Changing a
7 value in database is immediately visible to other processes accessing the
8 same database.
10 Concurrency is possible because the values are stored in separate files. Hence
11 the "database" is a directory where *all* files are governed by PickleShare.
13 Example usage::
15 from pickleshare import *
16 db = PickleShareDB('~/testpickleshare')
17 db.clear()
18 print "Should be empty:",db.items()
19 db['hello'] = 15
20 db['aku ankka'] = [1,2,313]
21 db['paths/are/ok/key'] = [1,(5,46)]
22 print db.keys()
23 del db['aku ankka']
25 This module is certainly not ZODB, but can be used for low-load
26 (non-mission-critical) situations where tiny code size trumps the
27 advanced features of a "real" object database.
29 Installation guide: easy_install pickleshare
31 Author: Ville Vainio <vivainio@gmail.com>
32 License: MIT open source license.
34 """
36 from path import path as Path
37 import os,stat,time
38 import cPickle as pickle
39 import UserDict
40 import warnings
41 import glob
43 class PickleShareDB(UserDict.DictMixin):
44 """ The main 'connection' object for PickleShare database """
45 def __init__(self,root):
46 """ Return a db object that will manage the specied directory"""
47 self.root = Path(root).expanduser().abspath()
48 if not self.root.isdir():
49 self.root.makedirs()
50 # cache has { 'key' : (obj, orig_mod_time) }
51 self.cache = {}
53 def __getitem__(self,key):
54 """ db['key'] reading """
55 fil = self.root / key
56 try:
57 mtime = (fil.stat()[stat.ST_MTIME])
58 except OSError:
59 raise KeyError(key)
61 if fil in self.cache and mtime == self.cache[fil][1]:
62 return self.cache[fil][0]
63 try:
64 # The cached item has expired, need to read
65 obj = pickle.load(fil.open())
66 except:
67 raise KeyError(key)
69 self.cache[fil] = (obj,mtime)
70 return obj
72 def __setitem__(self,key,value):
73 """ db['key'] = 5 """
74 fil = self.root / key
75 parent = fil.parent
76 if parent and not parent.isdir():
77 parent.makedirs()
78 pickled = pickle.dump(value,fil.open('w'))
79 try:
80 self.cache[fil] = (value,fil.mtime)
81 except OSError,e:
82 if e.errno != 2:
83 raise
85 def __delitem__(self,key):
86 """ del db["key"] """
87 fil = self.root / key
88 self.cache.pop(fil,None)
89 try:
90 fil.remove()
91 except OSError:
92 # notfound and permission denied are ok - we
93 # lost, the other process wins the conflict
94 pass
96 def _normalized(self, p):
97 """ Make a key suitable for user's eyes """
98 return str(self.root.relpathto(p)).replace('\\','/')
100 def keys(self, globpat = None):
101 """ All keys in DB, or all keys matching a glob"""
103 if globpat is None:
104 files = self.root.walkfiles()
105 else:
106 files = [Path(p) for p in glob.glob(self.root/globpat)]
107 return [self._normalized(p) for p in files if p.isfile()]
109 def uncache(self,*items):
110 """ Removes all, or specified items from cache
112 Use this after reading a large amount of large objects
113 to free up memory, when you won't be needing the objects
114 for a while.
116 """
117 if not items:
118 self.cache = {}
119 for it in items:
120 self.cache.pop(it,None)
122 def waitget(self,key, maxwaittime = 60 ):
123 """ Wait (poll) for a key to get a value
125 Will wait for `maxwaittime` seconds before raising a KeyError.
126 The call exits normally if the `key` field in db gets a value
127 within the timeout period.
129 Use this for synchronizing different processes or for ensuring
130 that an unfortunately timed "db['key'] = newvalue" operation
131 in another process (which causes all 'get' operation to cause a
132 KeyError for the duration of pickling) won't screw up your program
133 logic.
134 """
136 wtimes = [0.2] * 3 + [0.5] * 2 + [1]
137 tries = 0
138 waited = 0
139 while 1:
140 try:
141 val = self[key]
142 return val
143 except KeyError:
144 pass
146 if waited > maxwaittime:
147 raise KeyError(key)
149 time.sleep(wtimes[tries])
150 waited+=wtimes[tries]
151 if tries < len(wtimes) -1:
152 tries+=1
154 def getlink(self,folder):
155 """ Get a convenient link for accessing items """
156 return PickleShareLink(self, folder)
158 def __repr__(self):
159 return "PickleShareDB('%s')" % self.root
163 class PickleShareLink:
164 """ A shortdand for accessing nested PickleShare data conveniently.
166 Created through PickleShareDB.getlink(), example::
168 lnk = db.getlink('myobjects/test')
169 lnk.foo = 2
170 lnk.bar = lnk.foo + 5
172 """
173 def __init__(self, db, keydir ):
174 self.__dict__.update(locals())
176 def __getattr__(self,key):
177 return self.__dict__['db'][self.__dict__['keydir']+'/' + key]
178 def __setattr__(self,key,val):
179 self.db[self.keydir+'/' + key] = val
180 def __repr__(self):
181 db = self.__dict__['db']
182 keys = db.keys( self.__dict__['keydir'] +"/*")
183 return "<PickleShareLink '%s': %s>" % (
184 self.__dict__['keydir'],
185 ";".join([Path(k).basename() for k in keys]))
188 def test():
189 db = PickleShareDB('~/testpickleshare')
190 db.clear()
191 print "Should be empty:",db.items()
192 db['hello'] = 15
193 db['aku ankka'] = [1,2,313]
194 db['paths/nest/ok/keyname'] = [1,(5,46)]
195 print db.keys()
196 print db.keys('paths/nest/ok/k*')
197 print dict(db) # snapsot of whole db
198 db.uncache() # frees memory, causes re-reads later
200 # shorthand for accessing deeply nested files
201 lnk = db.getlink('myobjects/test')
202 lnk.foo = 2
203 lnk.bar = lnk.foo + 5
204 print lnk.bar # 7
206 def stress():
207 db = PickleShareDB('~/fsdbtest')
208 import time,sys
209 for i in range(1000):
210 for j in range(300):
211 if i % 15 == 0 and i < 200:
212 if str(j) in db:
213 del db[str(j)]
214 continue
216 if j%33 == 0:
217 time.sleep(0.02)
219 db[str(j)] = db.get(str(j), []) + [(i,j,"proc %d" % os.getpid())]
220 print i,
221 sys.stdout.flush()
222 if i % 10 == 0:
223 db.uncache()
225 def main():
226 import textwrap
227 usage = textwrap.dedent("""\
228 pickleshare - manage PickleShare databases
230 Usage:
232 pickleshare dump /path/to/db > dump.txt
233 pickleshare load /path/to/db < dump.txt
234 pickleshare test /path/to/db
235 """)
236 DB = PickleShareDB
237 import sys
238 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
239 print usage
240 return
242 cmd = sys.argv[1]
243 args = sys.argv[2:]
244 if cmd == 'dump':
245 if not args: args= ['.']
246 db = DB(args[0])
247 import pprint
248 pprint.pprint(db.items())
249 elif cmd == 'load':
250 cont = sys.stdin.read()
251 db = DB(args[0])
252 data = eval(cont)
253 db.clear()
254 for k,v in db.items():
255 db[k] = v
256 elif cmd == 'testwait':
257 db = DB(args[0])
258 db.clear()
259 print db.waitget('250')
260 elif cmd == 'test':
261 test()
262 stress()
264 if __name__== "__main__":
265 main()
267 No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,149 b''
1 import IPython.ipapi
2 ip = IPython.ipapi.get()
4 import pickleshare
6 import inspect,pickle,os,textwrap
7 from IPython.FakeModule import FakeModule
9 def refresh_variables(ip):
10 db = ip.getdb()
11 for key in db.keys('autorestore/*'):
12 # strip autorestore
13 justkey = os.path.basename(key)
14 try:
15 obj = db[key]
16 except KeyError:
17 print "Unable to restore variable '%s', ignoring (use %%store -d to forget!)" % justkey
18 print "The error was:",sys.exc_info()[0]
19 else:
20 #print "restored",justkey,"=",obj #dbg
21 ip.user_ns()[justkey] = obj
25 def restore_data(self):
26 #o = ip.options()
27 #self.db = pickleshare.PickleShareDB(o.ipythondir + "/db")
28 #print "restoring ps data" # dbg
30 ip = self.getapi()
31 refresh_variables(ip)
32 raise IPython.ipapi.TryNext
35 ip.set_hook('late_startup_hook', restore_data)
37 def magic_store(self, parameter_s=''):
38 """Lightweight persistence for python variables.
40 Example:
42 ville@badger[~]|1> A = ['hello',10,'world']\\
43 ville@badger[~]|2> %store A\\
44 ville@badger[~]|3> Exit
46 (IPython session is closed and started again...)
48 ville@badger:~$ ipython -p pysh\\
49 ville@badger[~]|1> print A
51 ['hello', 10, 'world']
53 Usage:
55 %store - Show list of all variables and their current values\\
56 %store <var> - Store the *current* value of the variable to disk\\
57 %store -d <var> - Remove the variable and its value from storage\\
58 %store -z - Remove all variables from storage\\
59 %store -r - Refresh all variables from store (delete current vals)\\
60 %store foo >a.txt - Store value of foo to new file a.txt\\
61 %store foo >>a.txt - Append value of foo to file a.txt\\
63 It should be noted that if you change the value of a variable, you
64 need to %store it again if you want to persist the new value.
66 Note also that the variables will need to be pickleable; most basic
67 python types can be safely %stored.
68 """
70 opts,argsl = self.parse_options(parameter_s,'drz',mode='string')
71 args = argsl.split(None,1)
72 ip = self.getapi()
73 # delete
74 if opts.has_key('d'):
75 try:
76 todel = args[0]
77 except IndexError:
78 error('You must provide the variable to forget')
79 else:
80 try:
81 del self.db['autorestore/' + todel]
82 except:
83 error("Can't delete variable '%s'" % todel)
84 # reset
85 elif opts.has_key('z'):
86 for k in self.db.keys('autorestore/*'):
87 del self.db[k]
89 elif opts.has_key('r'):
90 refresh_variables(ip)
93 # run without arguments -> list variables & values
94 elif not args:
95 vars = self.db.keys('autorestore/*')
96 vars.sort()
97 if vars:
98 size = max(map(len,vars))
99 else:
100 size = 0
102 print 'Stored variables and their in-db values:'
103 fmt = '%-'+str(size)+'s -> %s'
104 get = self.db.get
105 for var in vars:
106 justkey = os.path.basename(var)
107 # print 30 first characters from every var
108 print fmt % (justkey,repr(get(var,'<unavailable>'))[:50])
110 # default action - store the variable
111 else:
112 # %store foo >file.txt or >>file.txt
113 if len(args) > 1 and args[1].startswith('>'):
114 fnam = os.path.expanduser(args[1].lstrip('>').lstrip())
115 if args[1].startswith('>>'):
116 fil = open(fnam,'a')
117 else:
118 fil = open(fnam,'w')
119 obj = ip.ev(args[0])
120 print "Writing '%s' (%s) to file '%s'." % (args[0],
121 obj.__class__.__name__, fnam)
124 if not isinstance (obj,basestring):
125 pprint(obj,fil)
126 else:
127 fil.write(obj)
128 if not obj.endswith('\n'):
129 fil.write('\n')
131 fil.close()
132 return
134 # %store foo
135 obj = ip.ev(args[0])
136 if isinstance(inspect.getmodule(obj), FakeModule):
137 print textwrap.dedent("""\
138 Warning:%s is %s
139 Proper storage of interactively declared classes (or instances
140 of those classes) is not possible! Only instances
141 of classes in real modules on file system can be %%store'd.
142 """ % (args[0], obj) )
143 return
144 #pickled = pickle.dumps(obj)
145 self.db[ 'autorestore/' + args[0] ] = obj
146 print "Stored '%s' (%s)" % (args[0], obj.__class__.__name__)
148 ip.expose_magic('store',magic_store)
149 No newline at end of file
@@ -16,3 +16,4 b' import sys'
16 16
17 17 import ext_rehashdir # %rehashdir magic
18 18 import ext_rescapture # var = !ls and var = %magic
19 import pspersistence # %store magic No newline at end of file
@@ -1,7 +1,7 b''
1 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 2 """Magic functions for InteractiveShell.
3 3
4 $Id: Magic.py 1099 2006-01-29 21:05:57Z vivainio $"""
4 $Id: Magic.py 1107 2006-01-30 19:02:20Z vivainio $"""
5 5
6 6 #*****************************************************************************
7 7 # Copyright (C) 2001 Janko Hauser <jhauser@zscout.de> and
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 b' Defaulting color scheme to \'NoColor\'"""'
2301 2301 !command runs is immediately discarded after executing 'command'."""
2302 2302
2303 2303 parameter_s = parameter_s.strip()
2304 bkms = self.shell.persist.get("bookmarks",{})
2304 #bkms = self.shell.persist.get("bookmarks",{})
2305 2305
2306 2306 numcd = re.match(r'(-)(\d+)$',parameter_s)
2307 2307 # jump in directory history by number
@@ -2326,19 +2326,20 b' Defaulting color scheme to \'NoColor\'"""'
2326 2326 except IndexError:
2327 2327 print 'No previous directory to change to.'
2328 2328 return
2329 # jump to bookmark
2330 elif opts.has_key('b') or (bkms.has_key(ps) and not os.path.isdir(ps)):
2331 if bkms.has_key(ps):
2332 target = bkms[ps]
2333 print '(bookmark:%s) -> %s' % (ps,target)
2334 ps = target
2335 else:
2336 if bkms:
2337 error("Bookmark '%s' not found. "
2338 "Use '%%bookmark -l' to see your bookmarks." % ps)
2329 # jump to bookmark if needed
2330 else:
2331 if not os.path.isdir(ps) or opts.has_key('b'):
2332 bkms = self.db.get('bookmarks', {})
2334 if bkms.has_key(ps):
2335 target = bkms[ps]
2336 print '(bookmark:%s) -> %s' % (ps,target)
2337 ps = target
2339 2338 else:
2340 print "Bookmarks not set - use %bookmark <bookmarkname>"
2341 return
2339 if opts.has_key('b'):
2340 error("Bookmark '%s' not found. "
2341 "Use '%%bookmark -l' to see your bookmarks." % ps)
2342 return
2342 2343
2343 2344 # at this point ps should point to the target dir
2344 2345 if ps:
@@ -2634,112 +2635,6 b' Defaulting color scheme to \'NoColor\'"""'
2634 2635
2635 2636 self.shell.jobs.new(parameter_s,self.shell.user_ns)
2636 2637
2637 def magic_store(self, parameter_s=''):
2638 """Lightweight persistence for python variables.
2640 Example:
2642 ville@badger[~]|1> A = ['hello',10,'world']\\
2643 ville@badger[~]|2> %store A\\
2644 ville@badger[~]|3> Exit
2646 (IPython session is closed and started again...)
2648 ville@badger:~$ ipython -p pysh\\
2649 ville@badger[~]|1> print A
2651 ['hello', 10, 'world']
2653 Usage:
2655 %store - Show list of all variables and their current values\\
2656 %store <var> - Store the *current* value of the variable to disk\\
2657 %store -d <var> - Remove the variable and its value from storage\\
2658 %store -r - Remove all variables from storage\\
2659 %store foo >a.txt - Store value of foo to new file a.txt\\
2660 %store foo >>a.txt - Append value of foo to file a.txt\\
2662 It should be noted that if you change the value of a variable, you
2663 need to %store it again if you want to persist the new value.
2665 Note also that the variables will need to be pickleable; most basic
2666 python types can be safely %stored.
2667 """
2669 opts,argsl = self.parse_options(parameter_s,'dr',mode='string')
2670 args = argsl.split(None,1)
2671 ip = self.getapi()
2672 # delete
2673 if opts.has_key('d'):
2674 try:
2675 todel = args[0]
2676 except IndexError:
2677 error('You must provide the variable to forget')
2678 else:
2679 try:
2680 del self.shell.persist['S:' + todel]
2681 except:
2682 error("Can't delete variable '%s'" % todel)
2683 # reset
2684 elif opts.has_key('r'):
2685 for k in self.shell.persist.keys():
2686 if k.startswith('S:'):
2687 del self.shell.persist[k]
2689 # run without arguments -> list variables & values
2690 elif not args:
2691 vars = [v[2:] for v in self.shell.persist.keys()
2692 if v.startswith('S:')]
2693 vars.sort()
2694 if vars:
2695 size = max(map(len,vars))
2696 else:
2697 size = 0
2699 print 'Stored variables and their in-memory values:'
2700 fmt = '%-'+str(size)+'s -> %s'
2701 get = self.shell.user_ns.get
2702 for var in vars:
2703 # print 30 first characters from every var
2704 print fmt % (var,repr(get(var,'<unavailable>'))[:50])
2706 # default action - store the variable
2707 else:
2708 # %store foo >file.txt or >>file.txt
2709 if len(args) > 1 and args[1].startswith('>'):
2710 fnam = os.path.expanduser(args[1].lstrip('>').lstrip())
2711 if args[1].startswith('>>'):
2712 fil = open(fnam,'a')
2713 else:
2714 fil = open(fnam,'w')
2715 obj = ip.ev(args[0])
2716 print "Writing '%s' (%s) to file '%s'." % (args[0],
2717 obj.__class__.__name__, fnam)
2720 if not isinstance (obj,basestring):
2721 pprint(obj,fil)
2722 else:
2723 fil.write(obj)
2724 if not obj.endswith('\n'):
2725 fil.write('\n')
2727 fil.close()
2728 return
2730 # %store foo
2731 obj = self.shell.user_ns[args[0] ]
2732 if isinstance(inspect.getmodule(obj), FakeModule):
2733 print textwrap.dedent("""\
2734 Warning:%s is %s
2735 Proper storage of interactively declared classes (or instances
2736 of those classes) is not possible! Only instances
2737 of classes in real modules on file system can be %%store'd.
2738 """ % (args[0], obj) )
2739 return
2740 pickled = pickle.dumps(obj)
2741 self.shell.persist[ 'S:' + args[0] ] = pickled
2742 print "Stored '%s' (%s, %d bytes)" % (args[0], obj.__class__.__name__,len(pickled))
2743 2638
2744 2639 def magic_bookmark(self, parameter_s=''):
2745 2640 """Manage IPython's bookmark system.
@@ -2763,7 +2658,7 b' Defaulting color scheme to \'NoColor\'"""'
2763 2658 error('You can only give at most two arguments')
2764 2659 return
2765 2660
2766 bkms = self.shell.persist.get('bookmarks',{})
2661 bkms = self.db.get('bookmarks',{})
2767 2662
2768 2663 if opts.has_key('d'):
2769 2664 try:
@@ -2795,7 +2690,7 b' Defaulting color scheme to \'NoColor\'"""'
2795 2690 bkms[args[0]] = os.getcwd()
2796 2691 elif len(args)==2:
2797 2692 bkms[args[0]] = args[1]
2798 self.shell.persist['bookmarks'] = bkms
2693 self.db['bookmarks'] = bkms
2799 2694
2800 2695 def magic_pycat(self, parameter_s=''):
2801 2696 """Show a syntax-highlighted file through a pager.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 b" ip.set_hook('editor', calljed)"
32 32 You can then enable the functionality by doing 'import myiphooks'
33 33 somewhere in your configuration files or ipython command line.
34 34
35 $Id: hooks.py 1095 2006-01-28 19:43:56Z vivainio $"""
35 $Id: hooks.py 1107 2006-01-30 19:02:20Z vivainio $"""
36 36
37 37 #*****************************************************************************
38 38 # Copyright (C) 2005 Fernando Perez. <fperez@colorado.edu>
@@ -54,7 +54,7 b' from pprint import pformat'
54 54 # List here all the default hooks. For now it's just the editor functions
55 55 # but over time we'll move here all the public API for user-accessible things.
56 56 __all__ = ['editor', 'fix_error_editor', 'result_display',
57 'input_prefilter']
57 'input_prefilter', 'shutdown_hook', 'late_startup_hook']
58 58
59 59 def editor(self,filename, linenum=None):
60 60 """Open the default editor at the given filename and linenumber.
@@ -166,4 +166,19 b' def input_prefilter(self,line):'
166 166
167 167 """
168 168 #print "attempt to rewrite",line #dbg
169 return line No newline at end of file
169 return line
171 def shutdown_hook(self):
172 """ default shutdown hook
174 Typically, shotdown hooks should raise TryNext so all shutdown ops are done
175 """
177 #print "default shutdown hook ok" # dbg
178 return
180 def late_startup_hook(self):
181 """ Executed after ipython has been constructed and configured
183 """
184 #print "default startup hook ok" # dbg No newline at end of file
@@ -148,6 +148,13 b' class IPApi:'
148 148 data that should persist through the ipython session.
149 149 """
150 150 return self.IP.meta
152 def getdb(self):
153 """ Return a handle to persistent dict-like database
155 Return a PickleShareDB object.
156 """
157 return self.IP.db
151 158
152 159
153 160 def launch_new_instance(user_ns = None):
@@ -6,7 +6,7 b' Requires Python 2.3 or newer.'
6 6
7 7 This file contains all the classes and helper functions specific to IPython.
8 8
9 $Id: iplib.py 1102 2006-01-30 06:08:16Z fperez $
9 $Id: iplib.py 1107 2006-01-30 19:02:20Z vivainio $
10 10 """
11 11
12 12 #*****************************************************************************
@@ -58,6 +58,7 b' import sys'
58 58 import tempfile
59 59 import traceback
60 60 import types
61 import pickleshare
61 62
62 63 from pprint import pprint, pformat
63 64
@@ -191,6 +192,7 b' class InteractiveShell(object,Magic):'
191 192 user_ns = None,user_global_ns=None,banner2='',
192 193 custom_exceptions=((),None),embedded=False):
193 194
194 196 # log system
195 197 self.logger = Logger(self,logfname='ipython_log.py',logmode='rotate')
196 198
@@ -607,6 +609,7 b' class InteractiveShell(object,Magic):'
607 609
608 610 rc = self.rc
609 611
612 self.db = pickleshare.PickleShareDB(rc.ipythondir + "/db")
610 613 # Load readline proper
611 614 if rc.readline:
612 615 self.init_readline()
@@ -648,31 +651,8 b' class InteractiveShell(object,Magic):'
648 651 # Load user aliases
649 652 for alias in rc.alias:
650 653 self.magic_alias(alias)
652 # dynamic data that survives through sessions
653 # XXX make the filename a config option?
654 persist_base = 'persist'
655 if rc.profile:
656 persist_base += '_%s' % rc.profile
657 self.persist_fname = os.path.join(rc.ipythondir,persist_base)
659 try:
660 self.persist = pickle.load(file(self.persist_fname))
661 except:
662 self.persist = {}
654 self.hooks.late_startup_hook()
664 655
665 for (key, value) in [(k[2:],v) for (k,v) in self.persist.items() if k.startswith('S:')]:
666 try:
667 obj = pickle.loads(value)
668 except:
670 print "Unable to restore variable '%s', ignoring (use %%store -d to forget!)" % key
671 print "The error was:",sys.exc_info()[0]
672 continue
675 self.user_ns[key] = obj
676 656
677 657 def add_builtins(self):
678 658 """Store ipython references into the builtin namespace.
@@ -1147,10 +1127,7 b' want to merge them back into the new files.""" % locals()'
1147 1127 pass
1148 1128
1149 1129 # save the "persistent data" catch-all dictionary
1150 try:
1151 pickle.dump(self.persist, open(self.persist_fname,"w"))
1152 except:
1153 print "*** ERROR *** persistent data saving failed."
1130 self.hooks.shutdown_hook()
1154 1131
1155 1132 def savehist(self):
1156 1133 """Save input history to a file (via readline library)."""
@@ -1,3 +1,16 b''
1 2006-01-30 Ville Vainio <vivainio@gmail.com>
3 * pickleshare,pspersistence,ipapi,Magic: persistence overhaul.
4 Now %store and bookmarks work through PickleShare, meaning that
5 concurrent access is possible and all ipython sessions see the
6 same database situation all the time, instead of snapshot of
7 the situation when the session was started. Hence, %bookmark
8 results are immediately accessible from othes sessions. The database
9 is also available for use by user extensions. See:
10 http://www.python.org/pypi/pickleshare
12 * hooks.py: Two new hooks, 'shutdown_hook' and 'late_startup_hook'.
1 14 2006-01-29 Fernando Perez <Fernando.Perez@colorado.edu>
2 15
3 16 * IPython/iplib.py (interact): Fix that we were not catching
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