@chapters @ipy-startup b Some classes P File-like access csv data String list slist to leo Class tests csvr tempfile rfile strlist Direct variables bar ? ?Direct children of this node will be pushed at ipython bridge startup This node itself will *not* be pushed print "world" def rfile(body,n): """ @cl rfile produces a StringIO (file like obj of the rest of the body) """ import StringIO return StringIO.StringIO(body) def tmpfile(body,n): """ @cl tmpfile Produces a temporary file, with node body as contents """ import tempfile h, fname = tempfile.mkstemp() f = open(fname,'w') f.write(body) f.close() return fname @cl tmpfile Hello ? @cl rfile These lines should be readable @others def csvdata(body,n): import csv d = csv.Sniffer().sniff(body) reader = csv.reader(body.splitlines(), dialect = d) return reader @cl csvdata a,b,b 1,2,2 @cl "hello world" import IPython.genutils def slist(body,n): return IPython.genutils.SList(body.splitlines()) @cl slist hello world on many lines import ipy_leo @ipy_leo.format_for_leo.when_type(IPython.genutils.SList) def format_slist(obj): return "@cl slist\n" + obj.n