================================================ Development version ================================================ The changes listed here are a brief summary of the substantial work on IPython since the 0.11.x release series. For more details, please consult the actual source. Main `ipython` branch ===================== New features ------------ .. Expand on this: * **HTML Notebook**: A powerful new interface puts IPython in your browser. You can start it with the command ``ipython notebook``. See :ref:`the Notebook docs ` for technical details. * **Tabbed QtConsole**: The QtConsole now supports starting multiple kernels in tabs, and has a menubar, so it looks and behaves more like a real application. Keyboard enthusiasts can disable the menubar with ctrl-shift-M (:ghpull:`887`). * **Python 3 compatibility**: IPython can now be installed from a single codebase on Python 2 and Python 3. The installation process for Python 3 automatically runs 2to3. The same 'default' profile is now used for Python 2 and 3 (the previous version had a separate 'python3' profile). * **PyPy support**: The terminal interface to IPython now runs under `PyPy `_. * **SSH Tunnels**: In 0.11, the :mod:`IPython.parallel` Client could tunnel its connections to the Controller via ssh. Now, the QtConsole :ref:`supports ` ssh tunneling, as do parallel engines. * **relaxed command-line parsing**: 0.11 was released with overly-strict command-line parsing, preventing the ability to specify arguments with spaces, e.g. ``ipython --pylab qt`` or ``ipython -c "print 'hi'"``. This has been fixed, by using argparse. The new parsing is a strict superset of 0.11, so any commands in 0.11 should still work in 0.12. * **HistoryAccessor**: The :class:`~IPython.core.history.HistoryManager` class for interacting with your IPython SQLite history database has been split, adding a parent :class:`~IPython.core.history.HistoryAccessor` class, so that users can write code to access and search their IPython history without being in an IPython session (:ghpull:`824`). * **kernel %gui and %pylab**: The ``%gui`` and ``%pylab`` magics have been restored to the IPython kernel (e.g. in the qtconsole or notebook). This allows activation of pylab-mode, or eventloop integration after starting the kernel, which was unavailable in 0.11. Unlike in the terminal, this can be set only once, and cannot be changed. * **%config**: A new ``%config`` magic has been added, giving easy access to the IPython configuration system at runtime (:ghpull:`923`). * **Standalone Kernel**: ``ipython kernel`` subcommand has been added, to allow starting a standalone kernel, that can be used with various frontends. * **Multiline History**: Multiline readline history has been restored to the Terminal frontend by default (:ghpull:`838`). * **%store**: The ``%store`` magic from earlier versions has been updated and placed in an extension, :ref:`extensions_storemagic`. Add 'storemagic' to ``c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions`` in ipython_config.py to enable it (:ghpull:`1029`). Major Bugs fixed ---------------- * Simple configuration errors should no longer crash IPython. In 0.11, errors in config files, as well as invalid trait values, could crash IPython. Now, such errors are reported, and help is displayed. * Certain SyntaxErrors no longer crash IPython (e.g. just typing keywords, such as ``return``, ``break``, etc.). See :ghissue:`704`. * IPython path utils, such as :func:`~IPython.utils.path.get_ipython_dir` now check for write permissions, so IPython should function on systems where the default path resolution might point to a read-only location, such as ``HOMESHARE`` on Windows (:ghissue:`669`). * :func:`raw_input` now works in the kernel when multiple frontends are in use. The request will be sent to the frontend that made the request, and an exception is raised if that frontend does not support stdin requests (e.g. the notebook) (:ghissue:`673`). * :mod:`zmq` version detection no longer uses simple lexicographical comparison to check minimum version, which prevents 0.11 from working with pyzmq-2.1.10 (:ghpull:`758`). * A bug in PySide < 1.0.7 caused crashes on OSX when tooltips were shown (:ghissue:`711`). these tooltips are now disabled on old PySide (:ghpull:`963`). * IPython no longer crashes when started on recent versions of Python 3 in Windows (:ghissue:`737`). * Instances of classes defined interactively can now be pickled (:ghissue:`29`; :ghpull:`648`). Note that pickling saves a reference to the class definition, so unpickling the instances will only work where the class has been defined. .. * use bullet list Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ * IPython connection information is no longer specified via ip/port directly, rather via json connection files. These files are stored in the security directory, and enable us to turn on HMAC message authentication by default, significantly improving the security of kernels. Various utility functions have been added to :mod:`IPython.lib.kernel`, for easier connecting to existing kernels. * :class:`~IPython.zmq.kernelmanager.KernelManager` now has one ip, and several port traits, rather than several ip/port pair ``_addr`` traits. This better matches the rest of the code, where the ip cannot not be set separately for each channel. * The class inheritance of the Launchers in :mod:`IPython.parallel.apps.launcher` used by ipcluster has changed, so that trait names are more consistent across batch systems. This may require a few renames in your config files, if you customized the command-line args for launching controllers and engines. The configurable names have also been changed to be clearer that they point to class names, and can now be specified by name only, rather than requiring the full import path of each class, e.g.:: IPClusterEngines.engine_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.MPIExecEngineSetLauncher' IPClusterStart.controller_launcher = 'IPython.parallel.apps.launcher.SSHControllerLauncher' would now be specified as:: IPClusterEngines.engine_launcher_class = 'MPIExec' IPClusterStart.controller_launcher_class = 'SSH' The full path will still work, and is necessary for using custom launchers not in IPython's launcher module. * For embedding a shell, note that the parameter ``user_global_ns`` has been replaced by ``user_module``, and expects a module-like object, rather than a namespace dict. The ``user_ns`` parameter works the same way as before, and calling :func:`~IPython.frontend.terminal.embed.embed` with no arguments still works the same way. .. * use bullet list