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This system allows very fast testing of ideas without the overhead of creating test files as is typical in most programming languages. However, the interpreter supplied with the standard Python distribution is somewhat limited for extended interactive use. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython is a free software project (released under the BSD license) which tries to: \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Provide an interactive shell superior to Python's default. IPython has many features for object introspection, system shell access, and its own special command system for adding functionality when working interactively. It tries to be a very efficient environment both for Python code development and for exploration of problems using Python objects (in situations like data analysis). \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Serve as an embeddable, ready to use interpreter for your own programs. IPython can be started with a single call from inside another program, providing access to the current namespace. This can be very useful both for debugging purposes and for situations where a blend of batch-processing and interactive exploration are needed. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Offer a flexible framework which can be used as the base environment for other systems with Python as the underlying language. Specifically scientific environments like Mathematica, IDL and Matlab inspired its design, but similar ideas can be useful in many fields. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Allow interactive testing of threaded graphical toolkits. IPython has support for interactive, non-blocking control of GTK, Qt and WX applications via special threading flags. The normal Python shell can only do this for Tkinter applications. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Main features \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Dynamic object introspection. One can access docstrings, function definition prototypes, source code, source files and other details of any object accessible to the interpreter with a single keystroke (` \family typewriter ? \family default ', and using ` \family typewriter ?? \family default ' provides additional detail). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Searching through modules and namespaces with ` \family typewriter * \family default ' wildcards, both when using the ` \family typewriter ? \family default ' system and via the \family typewriter %psearch \family default command. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Completion in the local namespace, by typing TAB at the prompt. This works for keywords, methods, variables and files in the current directory. This is supported via the readline library, and full access to configuring readline's behavior is provided. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Numbered input/output prompts with command history (persistent across sessions and tied to each profile), full searching in this history and caching of all input and output. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize User-extensible `magic' commands. A set of commands prefixed with \family typewriter % \family default is available for controlling IPython itself and provides directory control, namespace information and many aliases to common system shell commands. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Alias facility for defining your own system aliases. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Complete system shell access. Lines starting with ! are passed directly to the system shell, and using !! captures shell output into python variables for further use. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Background execution of Python commands in a separate thread. IPython has an internal job manager called \family typewriter jobs \family default , and a conveninence backgrounding magic function called \family typewriter %bg \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize The ability to expand python variables when calling the system shell. In a shell command, any python variable prefixed with \family typewriter $ \family default is expanded. A double \family typewriter $$ \family default allows passing a literal \family typewriter $ \family default to the shell (for access to shell and environment variables like \family typewriter $PATH \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Filesystem navigation, via a magic \family typewriter %cd \family default command, along with a persistent bookmark system (using \family typewriter %bookmark \family default ) for fast access to frequently visited directories. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize A lightweight persistence framework via the \family typewriter %store \family default command, which allows you to save arbitrary Python variables. These get restored automatically when your session restarts. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Automatic indentation (optional) of code as you type (through the readline library). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Macro system for quickly re-executing multiple lines of previous input with a single name. Macros can be stored persistently via \family typewriter %store \family default and edited via \family typewriter %edit \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Session logging (you can then later use these logs as code in your programs). Logs can optionally timestamp all input, and also store session output (marked as comments, so the log remains valid Python source code). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Session restoring: logs can be replayed to restore a previous session to the state where you left it. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Verbose and colored exception traceback printouts. Easier to parse visually, and in verbose mode they produce a lot of useful debugging information (basically a terminal version of the cgitb module). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Auto-parentheses: callable objects can be executed without parentheses: \family typewriter `sin 3' \family default is automatically converted to \family typewriter `sin(3) \family default '. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Auto-quoting: using ` \family typewriter , \family default ' or ` \family typewriter ; \family default ' as the first character forces auto-quoting of the rest of the line: \family typewriter `,my_function a\InsetSpace ~ b' \family default becomes automatically \family typewriter `my_function("a","b")' \family default , while \family typewriter `;my_function a\InsetSpace ~ b' \family default becomes \family typewriter `my_function("a b")' \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Extensible input syntax. You can define filters that pre-process user input to simplify input in special situations. This allows for example pasting multi-line code fragments which start with \family typewriter `>>>' \family default or \family typewriter `...' \family default such as those from other python sessions or the standard Python documentation. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Flexible configuration system. It uses a configuration file which allows permanent setting of all command-line options, module loading, code and file execution. The system allows recursive file inclusion, so you can have a base file with defaults and layers which load other customizations for particular projects. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Embeddable. You can call IPython as a python shell inside your own python programs. This can be used both for debugging code or for providing interactive abilities to your programs with knowledge about the local namespaces (very useful in debugging and data analysis situations). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Easy debugger access. You can set IPython to call up an enhanced version of the Python debugger ( \family typewriter pdb \family default ) every time there is an uncaught exception. This drops you inside the code which triggered the exception with all the data live and it is possible to navigate the stack to rapidly isolate the source of a bug. The \family typewriter %run \family default magic command --with the \family typewriter -d \family default option-- can run any script under \family typewriter pdb \family default 's control, automatically setting initial breakpoints for you. This version of \family typewriter pdb \family default has IPython-specific improvements, including tab-completion and traceback coloring support. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Profiler support. You can run single statements (similar to \family typewriter profile.run() \family default ) or complete programs under the profiler's control. While this is possible with standard \family typewriter cProfile \family default or \family typewriter profile \family default modules, IPython wraps this functionality with magic commands (see \family typewriter `%prun' \family default and \family typewriter `%run -p \family default ') convenient for rapid interactive work. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Portability and Python requirements \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Python requirements: \series default IPython requires with Python version 2.3 or newer. If you are still using Python 2.2 and can not upgrade, the last version of IPython which worked with Python 2.2 was 0.6.15, so you will have to use that. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython is developed under \series bold Linux \series default , but it should work in any reasonable Unix-type system (tested OK under Solaris and the *BSD family, for which a port exists thanks to Dryice Liu). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Mac OS X \series default : it works, apparently without any problems (thanks to Jim Boyle at Lawrence Livermore for the information). Thanks to Andrea Riciputi, Fink support is available. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold CygWin \series default : it works mostly OK, though some users have reported problems with prompt coloring. No satisfactory solution to this has been found so far, you may want to disable colors permanently in the \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default configuration file if you experience problems. If you have proper color support under cygwin, please post to the IPython mailing list so this issue can be resolved for all users. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Windows \series default : it works well under Windows XP/2k, and I suspect NT should behave similarly. Section\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sub:Under-Windows} \end_inset describes installation details for Windows, including some additional tools needed on this platform. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Windows 9x support is present, and has been reported to work fine (at least on WinME). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note, that I have very little access to and experience with Windows development. However, an excellent group of Win32 users (led by Ville Vainio), consistently contribute bugfixes and platform-specific enhancements, so they more than make up for my deficiencies on that front. In fact, Win32 users report using IPython as a system shell (see Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:IPython-as-shell} \end_inset for details), as it offers a level of control and features which the default \family typewriter cmd.exe \family default doesn't provide. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Location \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython is generously hosted at \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://ipython.scipy.org} \end_inset by the Enthought, Inc and the SciPy project. This site offers downloads, subversion access, mailing lists and a bug tracking system. I am very grateful to Enthought ( \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.enthought.com} \end_inset ) and all of the SciPy team for their contribution. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:install} \end_inset Installation \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Instant instructions \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you are of the impatient kind, under Linux/Unix simply untar/unzip the download, then install with \family typewriter `python setup.py install' \family default . Under Windows, double-click on the provided \family typewriter .exe \family default binary installer. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Then, take a look at Sections \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:good_config} \end_inset for configuring things optimally and \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:quick_tips} \end_inset for quick tips on efficient use of IPython. You can later refer to the rest of the manual for all the gory details. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard See the notes in sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:upgrade} \end_inset for upgrading IPython versions. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Detailed Unix instructions (Linux, Mac OS X, etc.) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For RPM based systems, simply install the supplied package in the usual manner. If you download the tar archive, the process is: \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Unzip/untar the \family typewriter ipython-XXX.tar.gz \family default file wherever you want ( \family typewriter XXX \family default is the version number). It will make a directory called \family typewriter ipython-XXX. \family default Change into that directory where you will find the files \family typewriter README \family default and \family typewriter setup.py \family default . \family typewriter O \family default nce you've completed the installation, you can safely remove this directory. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate If you are installing over a previous installation of version 0.2.0 or earlier, first remove your \family typewriter $HOME/.ipython \family default directory, since the configuration file format has changed somewhat (the '=' were removed from all option specifications). Or you can call ipython with the \family typewriter -upgrade \family default option and it will do this automatically for you. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate IPython uses distutils, so you can install it by simply typing at the system prompt (don't type the \family typewriter $ \family default ) \newline \family typewriter $ python setup.py install \family default \newline Note that this assumes you have root access to your machine. If you don't have root access or don't want IPython to go in the default python directories, you'll need to use the \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb|--home| \end_layout \end_inset option (or \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb|--prefix| \end_layout \end_inset ). For example: \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb|$ python setup.py install --home $HOME/local| \end_layout \end_inset \newline will install IPython into \family typewriter $HOME/local \family default and its subdirectories (creating them if necessary). \newline You can type \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb|$ python setup.py --help| \end_layout \end_inset \newline for more details. \newline Note that if you change the default location for \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb|--home| \end_layout \end_inset at installation, IPython may end up installed at a location which is not part of your \family typewriter $PYTHONPATH \family default environment variable. In this case, you'll need to configure this variable to include the actual directory where the \family typewriter IPython/ \family default directory ended (typically the value you give to \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb|--home| \end_layout \end_inset plus \family typewriter /lib/python \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Mac OSX information \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Under OSX, there is a choice you need to make. Apple ships its own build of Python, which lives in the core OSX filesystem hierarchy. You can also manually install a separate Python, either purely by hand (typically in \family typewriter /usr/local \family default ) or by using Fink, which puts everything under \family typewriter /sw \family default . Which route to follow is a matter of personal preference, as I've seen users who favor each of the approaches. Here I will simply list the known installation issues under OSX, along with their solutions. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This page: \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://geosci.uchicago.edu/~tobis/pylab.html} \end_inset contains information on this topic, with additional details on how to make IPython and matplotlib play nicely under OSX. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection* GUI problems \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following instructions apply to an install of IPython under OSX from unpacking the \family typewriter .tar.gz \family default distribution and installing it for the default Python interpreter shipped by Apple. If you are using a fink install, fink will take care of these details for you, by installing IPython against fink's Python. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython offers various forms of support for interacting with graphical applicati ons from the command line, from simple Tk apps (which are in principle always supported by Python) to interactive control of WX, Qt and GTK apps. Under OSX, however, this requires that ipython is installed by calling the special \family typewriter pythonw \family default script at installation time, which takes care of coordinating things with Apple's graphical environment. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard So when installing under OSX, it is best to use the following command: \family typewriter \newline \family default \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb| $ sudo pythonw setup.py install --install-scripts=/usr/local/bin| \end_layout \end_inset \newline or \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb| $ sudo pythonw setup.py install --install-scripts=/usr/bin| \end_layout \end_inset \newline depending on where you like to keep hand-installed executables. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The resulting script will have an appropriate shebang line (the first line in the script whic begins with \family typewriter #!... \family default ) such that the ipython interpreter can interact with the OS X GUI. If the installed version does not work and has a shebang line that points to, for example, just \family typewriter /usr/bin/python \family default , then you might have a stale, cached version in your \family typewriter build/scripts- \family default directory. Delete that directory and rerun the \family typewriter setup.py \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard It is also a good idea to use the special flag \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash verb|--install-scripts| \end_layout \end_inset as indicated above, to ensure that the ipython scripts end up in a location which is part of your \family typewriter $PATH \family default . Otherwise Apple's Python will put the scripts in an internal directory not available by default at the command line (if you use \family typewriter /usr/local/bin \family default , you need to make sure this is in your \family typewriter $PATH \family default , which may not be true by default). \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection* Readline problems \end_layout \begin_layout Standard By default, the Python version shipped by Apple does \emph on not \emph default include the readline library, so central to IPython's behavior. If you install IPython against Apple's Python, you will not have arrow keys, tab completion, etc. For Mac OSX 10.3 (Panther), you can find a prebuilt readline library here: \newline \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://pythonmac.org/packages/readline-5.0-py2.3-macosx10.3.zip} \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you are using OSX 10.4 (Tiger), after installing this package you need to either: \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate move \family typewriter readline.so \family default from \family typewriter /Library/Python/2.3 \family default to \family typewriter /Library/Python/2.3/site-packages \family default , or \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate install \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://pythonmac.org/packages/TigerPython23Compat.pkg.zip} \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Users installing against Fink's Python or a properly hand-built one should not have this problem. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection* DarwinPorts \end_layout \begin_layout Standard I report here a message from an OSX user, who suggests an alternative means of using IPython under this operating system with good results. Please let me know of any updates that may be useful for this section. His message is reproduced verbatim below: \end_layout \begin_layout Quote From: Markus Banfi \family typewriter \end_layout \begin_layout Quote As a MacOS X (10.4.2) user I prefer to install software using DawinPorts instead of Fink. I had no problems installing ipython with DarwinPorts. It's just: \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter sudo port install py-ipython \end_layout \begin_layout Quote It automatically resolved all dependencies (python24, readline, py-readline). So far I did not encounter any problems with the DarwinPorts port of ipython. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sub:Under-Windows} \end_inset Windows instructions \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Some of IPython's very useful features are: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Integrated readline support (Tab-based file, object and attribute completion, input history across sessions, editable command line, etc.) \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Coloring of prompts, code and tracebacks. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These, by default, are only available under Unix-like operating systems. However, thanks to Gary Bishop's work, Windows XP/2k users can also benefit from them. His readline library originally implemented both GNU readline functionality and color support, so that IPython under Windows XP/2k can be as friendly and powerful as under Unix-like environments. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This library, now named \family typewriter PyReadline \family default , has been absorbed by the IPython team (Jörgen Stenarson, in particular), and it continues to be developed with new features, as well as being distribute d directly from the IPython site. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter PyReadline \family default extension requires \family typewriter CTypes \family default and the windows IPython installer needs \family typewriter PyWin32 \family default , so in all you need: \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate \family typewriter PyWin32 \family default from \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate \family typewriter PyReadline \family default for Windows from \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/PyReadline/Intro} \end_inset . That page contains further details on using and configuring the system to your liking. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Finally, \emph on only \emph default if you are using Python 2.3 or 2.4, you need \family typewriter CTypes \family default from \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes} \end_inset (you \emph on must \emph default use version 0.9.1 or newer). This package is included in Python 2.5, so you don't need to manually get it if your Python version is 2.5 or newer. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Warning about a broken readline-like library: \series default several users have reported problems stemming from using the pseudo-readline library at \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://newcenturycomputers.net/projects/readline.html} \end_inset . This is a broken library which, while called readline, only implements an incomplete subset of the readline API. Since it is still called readline, it fools IPython's detection mechanisms and causes unpredictable crashes later. If you wish to use IPython under Windows, you must NOT use this library, which for all purposes is (at least as of version 1.6) terminally broken. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Installation procedure \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Once you have the above installed, from the IPython download directory grab the \family typewriter ipython-XXX.win32.exe \family default file, where \family typewriter XXX \family default represents the version number. This is a regular windows executable installer, which you can simply double-cli ck to install. It will add an entry for IPython to your Start Menu, as well as registering IPython in the Windows list of applications, so you can later uninstall it from the Control Panel. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython tries to install the configuration information in a directory named \family typewriter .ipython \family default ( \family typewriter _ipython \family default under Windows) located in your `home' directory. IPython sets this directory by looking for a \family typewriter HOME \family default environment variable; if such a variable does not exist, it uses \family typewriter HOMEDRIVE \backslash HOMEPATH \family default (these are always defined by Windows). This typically gives something like \family typewriter C: \backslash Documents and Settings \backslash YourUserName \family default , but your local details may vary. In this directory you will find all the files that configure IPython's defaults, and you can put there your profiles and extensions. This directory is automatically added by IPython to \family typewriter sys.path \family default , so anything you place there can be found by \family typewriter import \family default statements. \end_layout \begin_layout Paragraph Upgrading \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For an IPython upgrade, you should first uninstall the previous version. This will ensure that all files and directories (such as the documentation) which carry embedded version strings in their names are properly removed. \end_layout \begin_layout Paragraph Manual installation under Win32 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In case the automatic installer does not work for some reason, you can download the \family typewriter ipython-XXX.tar.gz \family default file, which contains the full IPython source distribution (the popular WinZip can read \family typewriter .tar.gz \family default files). After uncompressing the archive, you can install it at a command terminal just like any other Python module, by using \family typewriter `python setup.py install' \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard After the installation, run the supplied \family typewriter win32_manual_post_install.py \family default script, which creates the necessary Start Menu shortcuts for you. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:upgrade} \end_inset Upgrading from a previous version \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you are upgrading from a previous version of IPython, after doing the routine installation described above, you should call IPython with the \family typewriter -upgrade \family default option the first time you run your new copy. This will automatically update your configuration directory while preserving copies of your old files. You can then later merge back any personal customizations you may have made into the new files. It is a good idea to do this as there may be new options available in the new configuration files which you will not have. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Under Windows, if you don't know how to call python scripts with arguments from a command line, simply delete the old config directory and IPython will make a new one. Win2k and WinXP users will find it in \family typewriter C: \backslash Documents and Settings \backslash YourUserName \backslash _ipython \family default , and Win 9x users under \family typewriter C: \backslash Program Files \backslash IPython \backslash _ipython. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:good_config} \end_inset \begin_inset OptArg status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Initial configuration \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash ldots \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset Initial configuration of your environment \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This section will help you set various things in your environment for your IPython sessions to be as efficient as possible. All of IPython's configuration information, along with several example files, is stored in a directory named by default \family typewriter $HOME/.ipython \family default . You can change this by defining the environment variable \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default , or at runtime with the command line option \family typewriter -ipythondir \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If all goes well, the first time you run IPython it should automatically create a user copy of the config directory for you, based on its builtin defaults. You can look at the files it creates to learn more about configuring the system. The main file you will modify to configure IPython's behavior is called \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default (with a \family typewriter .ini \family default extension under Windows), included for reference in Sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:ipytonrc-sample} \end_inset . This file is very commented and has many variables you can change to suit your taste, you can find more details in Sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:customization} \end_inset . Here we discuss the basic things you will want to make sure things are working properly from the beginning. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:help-access} \end_inset Access to the Python help system \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This is true for Python in general (not just for IPython): you should have an environment variable called \family typewriter PYTHONDOCS \family default pointing to the directory where your HTML Python documentation lives. In my system it's \family typewriter /usr/share/doc/python-docs-2.3.4/html \family default , check your local details or ask your systems administrator. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This is the directory which holds the HTML version of the Python manuals. Unfortunately it seems that different Linux distributions package these files differently, so you may have to look around a bit. Below I show the contents of this directory on my system for reference: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter [html]> ls \newline about.dat acks.html dist/ ext/ index.html lib/ modindex.html stdabout.dat tut/ about.html api/ doc/ icons/ inst/ mac/ ref/ style.css \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You should really make sure this variable is correctly set so that Python's pydoc-based help system works. It is a powerful and convenient system with full access to the Python manuals and all modules accessible to you. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Under Windows it seems that pydoc finds the documentation automatically, so no extra setup appears necessary. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Editor \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter %edit \family default command (and its alias \family typewriter %ed \family default ) will invoke the editor set in your environment as \family typewriter EDITOR \family default . If this variable is not set, it will default to \family typewriter vi \family default under Linux/Unix and to \family typewriter notepad \family default under Windows. You may want to set this variable properly and to a lightweight editor which doesn't take too long to start (that is, something other than a new instance of \family typewriter Emacs \family default ). This way you can edit multi-line code quickly and with the power of a real editor right inside IPython. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you are a dedicated \family typewriter Emacs \family default user, you should set up the \family typewriter Emacs \family default server so that new requests are handled by the original process. This means that almost no time is spent in handling the request (assuming an \family typewriter Emacs \family default process is already running). For this to work, you need to set your \family typewriter EDITOR \family default environment variable to \family typewriter 'emacsclient' \family default . \family typewriter \family default The code below, supplied by Francois Pinard, can then be used in your \family typewriter .emacs \family default file to enable the server: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter (defvar server-buffer-clients) \newline (when (and (fboundp 'server-start) (string-equal (getenv "TERM") 'xterm)) \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ (server-start) \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ (defun fp-kill-server-with-buffer-routine () \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ (and server-buffer-clients (server-done))) \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'fp-kill-server-with-buffer-routine)) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can also set the value of this editor via the commmand-line option '- \family typewriter editor' \family default or in your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file. This is useful if you wish to use specifically for IPython an editor different from your typical default (and for Windows users who tend to use fewer environment variables). \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Color \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The default IPython configuration has most bells and whistles turned on (they're pretty safe). But there's one that \emph on may \emph default cause problems on some systems: the use of color on screen for displaying information. This is very useful, since IPython can show prompts and exception tracebacks with various colors, display syntax-highlighted source code, and in general make it easier to visually parse information. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following terminals seem to handle the color sequences fine: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Linux main text console, KDE Konsole, Gnome Terminal, E-term, rxvt, xterm. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize CDE terminal (tested under Solaris). This one boldfaces light colors. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize (X)Emacs buffers. See sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:emacs} \end_inset for more details on using IPython with (X)Emacs. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize A Windows (XP/2k) command prompt \emph on with Gary Bishop's support extensions \emph default . Gary's extensions are discussed in Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sub:Under-Windows} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize A Windows (XP/2k) CygWin shell. Although some users have reported problems; it is not clear whether there is an issue for everyone or only under specific configurations. If you have full color support under cygwin, please post to the IPython mailing list so this issue can be resolved for all users. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These have shown problems: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Windows command prompt in WinXP/2k logged into a Linux machine via telnet or ssh. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Windows native command prompt in WinXP/2k, \emph on without \emph default Gary Bishop's extensions. Once Gary's readline library is installed, the normal WinXP/2k command prompt works perfectly. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Currently the following color schemes are available: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter NoColor \family default : uses no color escapes at all (all escapes are empty \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset strings). This 'scheme' is thus fully safe to use in any terminal. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter Linux \family default : works well in Linux console type environments: dark background with light fonts. It uses bright colors for information, so it is difficult to read if you have a light colored background. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter LightBG \family default : the basic colors are similar to those in the \family typewriter Linux \family default scheme but darker. It is easy to read in terminals with light backgrounds. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython uses colors for two main groups of things: prompts and tracebacks which are directly printed to the terminal, and the object introspection system which passes large sets of data through a pager. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Input/Output prompts and exception tracebacks \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can test whether the colored prompts and tracebacks work on your system interactively by typing \family typewriter '%colors Linux' \family default at the prompt (use ' \family typewriter %colors LightBG' \family default if your terminal has a light background). If the input prompt shows garbage like: \newline \family typewriter [0;32mIn [[1;32m1[0;32m]: [0;00m \family default \newline instead of (in color) something like: \newline \family typewriter In [1]: \family default \newline this means that your terminal doesn't properly handle color escape sequences. You can go to a 'no color' mode by typing ' \family typewriter %colors NoColor \family default '. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can try using a different terminal emulator program (Emacs users, see below). To permanently set your color preferences, edit the file \family typewriter $HOME/.ipython/ipythonrc \family default and set the \family typewriter colors \family default option to the desired value. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Object details (types, docstrings, source code, etc.) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython has a set of special functions for studying the objects you are working with, discussed in detail in Sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:dyn-object-info} \end_inset . But this system relies on passing information which is longer than your screen through a data pager, such as the common Unix \family typewriter less \family default and \family typewriter more \family default programs. In order to be able to see this information in color, your pager needs to be properly configured. I strongly recommend using \family typewriter less \family default instead of \family typewriter more \family default , as it seems that \family typewriter more \family default simply can not understand colored text correctly. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In order to configure \family typewriter less \family default as your default pager, do the following: \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Set the environment \family typewriter PAGER \family default variable to \family typewriter less \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Set the environment \family typewriter LESS \family default variable to \family typewriter -r \family default (plus any other options you always want to pass to \family typewriter less \family default by default). This tells \family typewriter less \family default to properly interpret control sequences, which is how color information is given to your terminal. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For the \family typewriter csh \family default or \family typewriter tcsh \family default shells, add to your \family typewriter ~/.cshrc \family default file the lines: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter setenv PAGER less \newline setenv LESS -r \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There is similar syntax for other Unix shells, look at your system documentation for details. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you are on a system which lacks proper data pagers (such as Windows), IPython will use a very limited builtin pager. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:emacs} \end_inset (X)Emacs configuration \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Thanks to the work of Alexander Schmolck and Prabhu Ramachandran, currently (X)Emacs and IPython get along very well. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Important note: \series default You will need to use a recent enough version of \family typewriter python-mode.el \family default , along with the file \family typewriter ipython.el \family default . You can check that the version you have of \family typewriter python-mode.el \family default is new enough by either looking at the revision number in the file itself, or asking for it in (X)Emacs via \family typewriter M-x py-version \family default . Versions 4.68 and newer contain the necessary fixes for proper IPython support. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The file \family typewriter ipython.el \family default is included with the IPython distribution, in the documentation directory (where this manual resides in PDF and HTML formats). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Once you put these files in your Emacs path, all you need in your \family typewriter .emacs \family default file is: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code (require 'ipython) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This should give you full support for executing code snippets via IPython, opening IPython as your Python shell via \family typewriter C-c\InsetSpace ~ ! \family default , etc. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you happen to get garbage instead of colored prompts as described in the previous section, you may need to set also in your \family typewriter .emacs \family default file: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode t) \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection* Notes \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize There is one caveat you should be aware of: you must start the IPython shell \emph on before \emph default attempting to execute any code regions via \family typewriter C-c\InsetSpace ~ | \family default . Simply type \family typewriter C-c\InsetSpace ~ ! \family default to start IPython before passing any code regions to the interpreter, and you shouldn't experience any problems. \newline This is due to a bug in Python itself, which has been fixed for Python 2.3, but exists as of Python 2.2.2 (reported as SF bug [ 737947 ]). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize The (X)Emacs support is maintained by Alexander Schmolck, so all comments/reques ts should be directed to him through the IPython mailing lists. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize This code is still somewhat experimental so it's a bit rough around the edges (although in practice, it works quite well). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Be aware that if you customize \family typewriter py-python-command \family default previously, this value will override what \family typewriter ipython.el \family default does (because loading the customization variables comes later). \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:quick_tips} \end_inset Quick tips \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython can be used as an improved replacement for the Python prompt, and for that you don't really need to read any more of this manual. But in this section we'll try to summarize a few tips on how to make the most effective use of it for everyday Python development, highlighting things you might miss in the rest of the manual (which is getting long). We'll give references to parts in the manual which provide more detail when appropriate. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following article by Jeremy Jones provides an introductory tutorial about IPython: \newline \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2005/01/27/ipython.html} \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize The TAB key. TAB-completion, especially for attributes, is a convenient way to explore the structure of any object you're dealing with. Simply type \family typewriter object_name. \family default and a list of the object's attributes will be printed (see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:readline} \end_inset for more). Tab completion also works on file and directory names, which combined with IPython's alias system allows you to do from within IPython many of the things you normally would need the system shell for. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Explore your objects. Typing \family typewriter object_name? \family default will print all sorts of details about any object, including docstrings, function definition lines (for call arguments) and constructor details for classes. The magic commands \family typewriter %pdoc \family default , \family typewriter %pdef \family default , \family typewriter %psource \family default and \family typewriter %pfile \family default will respectively print the docstring, function definition line, full source code and the complete file for any object (when they can be found). If automagic is on (it is by default), you don't need to type the ' \family typewriter % \family default ' explicitly. See sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:dyn-object-info} \end_inset for more. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize The \family typewriter %run \family default magic command allows you to run any python script and load all of its data directly into the interactive namespace. Since the file is re-read from disk each time, changes you make to it are reflected immediately (in contrast to the behavior of \family typewriter import \family default ). I rarely use \family typewriter import \family default for code I am testing, relying on \family typewriter %run \family default instead. See sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:magic} \end_inset for more on this and other magic commands, or type the name of any magic command and ? to get details on it. See also sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:dreload} \end_inset for a recursive reload command. \newline \family typewriter %run \family default also has special flags for timing the execution of your scripts ( \family typewriter -t \family default ) and for executing them under the control of either Python's \family typewriter pdb \family default debugger ( \family typewriter -d \family default ) or profiler ( \family typewriter -p \family default ). With all of these, \family typewriter %run \family default can be used as the main tool for efficient interactive development of code which you write in your editor of choice. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use the Python debugger, \family typewriter pdb \family default \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Thanks to Christian Hart and Matthew Arnison for the suggestions leading to IPython's improved debugger and profiler support. \end_layout \end_inset . The \family typewriter %pdb \family default command allows you to toggle on and off the automatic invocation of an IPython-enhanced \family typewriter pdb \family default debugger (with coloring, tab completion and more) at any uncaught exception. The advantage of this is that \family typewriter pdb \family default starts \emph on inside \emph default the function where the exception occurred, with all data still available. You can print variables, see code, execute statements and even walk up and down the call stack to track down the true source of the problem (which often is many layers in the stack above where the exception gets triggered). \newline Runn ing programs with \family typewriter %run \family default and pdb active can be an efficient to develop and debug code, in many cases eliminating the need for \family typewriter print \family default statements or external debugging tools. I often simply put a \family typewriter 1/0 \family default in a place where I want to take a look so that pdb gets called, quickly view whatever variables I need to or test various pieces of code and then remove the \family typewriter 1/0 \family default . \newline Note also that ` \family typewriter %run -d \family default ' activates \family typewriter pdb \family default and automatically sets initial breakpoints for you to step through your code, watch variables, etc. See Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:cache_output} \end_inset for details. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use the output cache. All output results are automatically stored in a global dictionary named \family typewriter Out \family default and variables named \family typewriter _1 \family default , \family typewriter _2 \family default , etc. alias them. For example, the result of input line 4 is available either as \family typewriter Out[4] \family default or as \family typewriter _4 \family default . Additionally, three variables named \family typewriter _ \family default , \family typewriter __ \family default and \family typewriter ___ \family default are always kept updated with the for the last three results. This allows you to recall any previous result and further use it for new calculations. See Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:cache_output} \end_inset for more. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Put a ' \family typewriter ; \family default ' at the end of a line to supress the printing of output. This is useful when doing calculations which generate long output you are not interested in seeing. The \family typewriter _* \family default variables and the \family typewriter Out[] \family default list do get updated with the contents of the output, even if it is not printed. You can thus still access the generated results this way for further processing. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize A similar system exists for caching input. All input is stored in a global list called \family typewriter In \family default , so you can re-execute lines 22 through 28 plus line 34 by typing \family typewriter 'exec In[22:29]+In[34]' \family default (using Python slicing notation). If you need to execute the same set of lines often, you can assign them to a macro with the \family typewriter %macro \family default \family typewriter function. \family default See sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:cache_input} \end_inset for more. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use your input history. The \family typewriter %hist \family default command can show you all previous input, without line numbers if desired (option \family typewriter -n \family default ) so you can directly copy and paste code either back in IPython or in a text editor. You can also save all your history by turning on logging via \family typewriter %logstart \family default ; these logs can later be either reloaded as IPython sessions or used as code for your programs. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Define your own system aliases. Even though IPython gives you access to your system shell via the \family typewriter ! \family default prefix, it is convenient to have aliases to the system commands you use most often. This allows you to work seamlessly from inside IPython with the same commands you are used to in your system shell. \newline IPython comes with some pre-defined aliases and a complete system for changing directories, both via a stack (see \family typewriter %pushd \family default , \family typewriter %popd \family default and \family typewriter %dhist \family default ) and via direct \family typewriter %cd \family default . The latter keeps a history of visited directories and allows you to go to any previously visited one. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use Python to manipulate the results of system commands. The ` \family typewriter !! \family default ' special syntax, and the \family typewriter %sc \family default and \family typewriter %sx \family default magic commands allow you to capture system output into Python variables. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Expand python variables when calling the shell (either via \family typewriter `!' \family default and \family typewriter `!!' \family default or via aliases) by prepending a \family typewriter $ \family default in front of them. You can also expand complete python expressions. See sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sub:System-shell-access} \end_inset for more. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use profiles to maintain different configurations (modules to load, function definitions, option settings) for particular tasks. You can then have customized versions of IPython for specific purposes. See sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:profiles} \end_inset for more. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Embed IPython in your programs. A few lines of code are enough to load a complete IPython inside your own programs, giving you the ability to work with your data interactively after automatic processing has been completed. See sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:embed} \end_inset for more. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use the Python profiler. When dealing with performance issues, the \family typewriter %run \family default command with a \family typewriter -p \family default option allows you to run complete programs under the control of the Python profiler. The \family typewriter %prun \family default command does a similar job for single Python expressions (like function calls). \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize Use the IPython.demo.Demo class to load any Python script as an interactive demo. With a minimal amount of simple markup, you can control the execution of the script, stopping as needed. See sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:interactive-demos} \end_inset for more. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Source code handling tips \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython is a line-oriented program, without full control of the terminal. Therefore, it doesn't support true multiline editing. However, it has a number of useful tools to help you in dealing effectively with more complex editing. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter %edit \family default command gives a reasonable approximation of multiline editing, by invoking your favorite editor on the spot. IPython will execute the code you type in there as if it were typed interactive ly. Type \family typewriter %edit? \family default for the full details on the edit command. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you have typed various commands during a session, which you'd like to reuse, IPython provides you with a number of tools. Start by using \family typewriter %hist \family default to see your input history, so you can see the line numbers of all input. Let us say that you'd like to reuse lines 10 through 20, plus lines 24 and 28. All the commands below can operate on these with the syntax \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code %command 10-20 24 28 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard where the command given can be: \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter %macro \family default : this stores the lines into a variable which, when called at the prompt, re-executes the input. Macros can be edited later using \family typewriter `%edit macroname \family default ', and they can be stored persistently across sessions with ` \family typewriter %store macroname \family default ' (the storage system is per-profile). The combination of quick macros, persistent storage and editing, allows you to easily refine quick-and-dirty interactive input into permanent utilities , always available both in IPython and as files for general reuse. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter %edit \family default : this will open a text editor with those lines pre-loaded for further modificat ion. It will then execute the resulting file's contents as if you had typed it at the prompt. \end_layout \begin_layout Itemize \family typewriter %save \family default : this saves the lines directly to a named file on disk. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard While \family typewriter %macro \family default saves input lines into memory for interactive re-execution, sometimes you'd like to save your input directly to a file. The \family typewriter %save \family default magic does this: its input sytnax is the same as \family typewriter %macro \family default , but it saves your input directly to a Python file. Note that the \family typewriter %logstart \family default command also saves input, but it logs \emph on all \emph default input to disk (though you can temporarily suspend it and reactivate it with \family typewriter %logoff/%logon \family default ); \family typewriter %save \family default allows you to select which lines of input you need to save. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection* Lightweight 'version control' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard When you call \family typewriter %edit \family default with no arguments, IPython opens an empty editor with a temporary file, and it returns the contents of your editing session as a string variable. Thanks to IPython's output caching mechanism, this is automatically stored: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [1]: %edit \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/ipython_edit_yR-HCN.py \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Editing... done. Executing edited code... \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code hello - this is a temporary file \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Out[1]: "print 'hello - this is a temporary file' \backslash n" \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Now, if you call \family typewriter `%edit -p' \family default , IPython tries to open an editor with the same data as the last time you used \family typewriter %edit \family default . So if you haven't used \family typewriter %edit \family default in the meantime, this same contents will reopen; however, it will be done in a \emph on new file \emph default . This means that if you make changes and you later want to find an old version, you can always retrieve it by using its output number, via \family typewriter `%edit _NN' \family default , where \family typewriter NN \family default is the number of the output prompt. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Continuing with the example above, this should illustrate this idea: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [2]: edit -p \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/ipython_edit_nA09Qk.py \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Editing... done. Executing edited code... \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code hello - now I made some changes \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Out[2]: "print 'hello - now I made some changes' \backslash n" \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [3]: edit _1 \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/ipython_edit_gy6-zD.py \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Editing... done. Executing edited code... \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code hello - this is a temporary file \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code IPython version control at work :) \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code Out[3]: "print 'hello - this is a temporary file' \backslash nprint 'IPython version control at work :)' \backslash n" \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This section was written after a contribution by Alexander Belchenko on the IPython user list. \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Effective logging \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A very useful suggestion sent in by Robert Kern follows: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard I recently happened on a nifty way to keep tidy per-project log files. I made a profile for my project (which is called "parkfield"). \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code include ipythonrc \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code # cancel earlier logfile invocation: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code logfile '' \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code execute import time \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code execute __cmd = '/Users/kern/research/logfiles/parkfield-%s.log rotate' \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code execute __IP.magic_logstart(__cmd % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard I also added a shell alias for convenience: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code alias parkfield="ipython -pylab -profile parkfield" \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Now I have a nice little directory with everything I ever type in, organized by project and date. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Contribute your own: \series default If you have your own favorite tip on using IPython efficiently for a certain task (especially things which can't be done in the normal Python interpreter), don't hesitate to send it! \end_layout \begin_layout Section Command-line use \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You start IPython with the command: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter $ ipython [options] files \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If invoked with no options, it executes all the files listed in sequence and drops you into the interpreter while still acknowledging any options you may have set in your ipythonrc file. This behavior is different from standard Python, which when called as \family typewriter python -i \family default will only execute one file and ignore your configuration setup. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Please note that some of the configuration options are not available at the command line, simply because they are not practical here. Look into your ipythonrc configuration file for details on those. This file typically installed in the \family typewriter $HOME/.ipython \family default directory. For Windows users, \family typewriter $HOME \family default resolves to \family typewriter C: \backslash \backslash Documents and Settings \backslash \backslash YourUserName \family default in most instances. In the rest of this text, we will refer to this directory as \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:threading-opts} \end_inset Special Threading Options \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following special options are ONLY valid at the beginning of the command line, and not later. This is because they control the initial- ization of ipython itself, before the normal option-handling mechanism is active. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -gthread,\InsetSpace ~ -qthread,\InsetSpace ~ -q4thread,\InsetSpace ~ -wthread,\InsetSpace ~ -pylab: \family default \series default Only \emph on one \emph default of these can be given, and it can only be given as the first option passed to IPython (it will have no effect in any other position). They provide threading support for the GTK, Qt (versions 3 and 4) and WXPython toolkits, and for the matplotlib library. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ With any of the first four options, IPython starts running a separate thread for the graphical toolkit's operation, so that you can open and control graphical elements from within an IPython command line, without blocking. All four provide essentially the same functionality, respectively for GTK, Qt3, Qt4 and WXWidgets (via their Python interfaces). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Note that with \family typewriter -wthread \family default , you can additionally use the -wxversion option to request a specific version of wx to be used. This requires that you have the \family typewriter wxversion \family default Python module installed, which is part of recent wxPython distributions. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ If \family typewriter -pylab \family default is given, IPython loads special support for the mat plotlib library ( \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net} \end_inset ), allowing interactive usage of any of its backends as defined in the user's \family typewriter ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc \family default file. It automatically activates GTK, Qt or WX threading for IPyhton if the choice of matplotlib backend requires it. It also modifies the \family typewriter %run \family default command to correctly execute (without blocking) any matplotlib-based script which calls \family typewriter show() \family default at the end. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -tk \family default \series default The \family typewriter -g/q/q4/wthread \family default options, and \family typewriter -pylab \family default (if matplotlib is configured to use GTK, Qt3, Qt4 or WX), will normally block Tk graphical interfaces. This means that when either GTK, Qt or WX threading is active, any attempt to open a Tk GUI will result in a dead window, and possibly cause the Python interpreter to crash. An extra option, \family typewriter -tk \family default , is available to address this issue. It can \emph on only \emph default be given as a \emph on second \emph default option after any of the above ( \family typewriter -gthread \family default , \family typewriter -wthread \family default or \family typewriter -pylab \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ If \family typewriter -tk \family default is given, IPython will try to coordinate Tk threading with GTK, Qt or WX. This is however potentially unreliable, and you will have to test on your platform and Python configuration to determine whether it works for you. Debian users have reported success, apparently due to the fact that Debian builds all of Tcl, Tk, Tkinter and Python with pthreads support. Under other Linux environments (such as Fedora Core 2/3), this option has caused random crashes and lockups of the Python interpreter. Under other operating systems (Mac OSX and Windows), you'll need to try it to find out, since currently no user reports are available. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ There is unfortunately no way for IPython to determine at run time whether \family typewriter -tk \family default will work reliably or not, so you will need to do some experiments before relying on it for regular work. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:cmd-line-opts} \end_inset Regular Options \end_layout \begin_layout Standard After the above threading options have been given, regular options can follow in any order. All options can be abbreviated to their shortest non-ambiguous form and are case-sensitive. One or two dashes can be used. Some options have an alternate short form, indicated after a \family typewriter | \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Most options can also be set from your ipythonrc configuration file. See the provided example for more details on what the options do. Options given at the command line override the values set in the ipythonrc file. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard All options with a \family typewriter [no] \family default prepended can be specified in negated form ( \family typewriter -nooption \family default instead of \family typewriter -option \family default ) to turn the feature off. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -help \family default \series default : print a help message and exit. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -pylab: \family default \series default this can \emph on only \emph default be given as the \emph on first \emph default option passed to IPython (it will have no effect in any other position). It adds special support for the matplotlib library ( \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl[http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net]{http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net} \end_inset ), allowing interactive usage of any of its backends as defined in the user's \family typewriter .matplotlibrc \family default file. It automatically activates GTK or WX threading for IPyhton if the choice of matplotlib backend requires it. It also modifies the \family typewriter %run \family default command to correctly execute (without blocking) any matplotlib-based script which calls \family typewriter show() \family default at the end. See Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:matplotlib-support} \end_inset for more details. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -autocall : \family default \series default Make IPython automatically call any callable object even if you didn't type explicit parentheses. For example, `str 43' becomes `str(43)' automatically. The value can be `0' to disable the feature, `1' for \emph on smart \emph default autocall, where it is not applied if there are no more arguments on the line, and `2' for \emph on full \emph default autocall, where all callable objects are automatically called (even if no arguments are present). The default is `1'. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]autoindent: \family default \series default Turn automatic indentation on/off. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]automagic \series default : \family default make magic commands automatic (without needing their first character to be \family typewriter % \family default ). Type \family typewriter %magic \family default at the IPython prompt for more information. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]autoedit_syntax: \family default \series default When a syntax error occurs after editing a file, automatically open the file to the trouble causing line for convenient fixing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]banner \series default : \family default Print the initial information banner (default on). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -c\InsetSpace ~ : \family default \series default execute the given command string, and set sys.argv to \family typewriter ['c'] \family default . This is similar to the \family typewriter -c \family default option in the normal Python interpreter. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -cache_size|cs\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default size of the output cache (maximum number of entries to hold in memory). The default is 1000, you can change it permanently in your config file. Setting it to 0 completely disables the caching system, and the minimum value accepted is 20 (if you provide a value less than 20, it is reset to 0 and a warning is issued) This limit is defined because otherwise you'll spend more time re-flushing a too small cache than working. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -classic|cl \series default : \family default Gives IPython a similar feel to the classic Python prompt. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -colors\InsetSpace ~ : \family default \series default Color scheme for prompts and exception reporting. Currently implemented: NoColor, Linux and LightBG. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]color_info: \family default \series default IPython can display information about objects via a set of functions, and optionally can use colors for this, syntax highlighting source code and various other elements. However, because this information is passed through a pager (like 'less') and many pagers get confused with color codes, this option is off by default. You can test it and turn it on permanently in your ipythonrc file if it works for you. As a reference, the 'less' pager supplied with Mandrake 8.2 works ok, but that in RedHat 7.2 doesn't. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Test it and turn it on permanently if it works with your system. The magic function \family typewriter %color_info \family default allows you to toggle this interactively for testing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]debug \family default \series default : Show information about the loading process. Very useful to pin down problems with your configuration files or to get details about session restores. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]deep_reload \series default : \family default IPython can use the \family typewriter deep_reload \family default module which reloads changes in modules recursively (it replaces the \family typewriter reload() \family default function, so you don't need to change anything to use it). \family typewriter deep_reload() \family default forces a full reload of modules whose code may have changed, which the default \family typewriter reload() \family default function does not. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ When deep_reload is off, IPython will use the normal \family typewriter reload() \family default , but deep_reload will still be available as \family typewriter dreload() \family default . This feature is off by default [which means that you have both normal \family typewriter reload() \family default and \family typewriter dreload() \family default ]. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -editor\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : Which editor to use with the \family typewriter %edit \family default command. By default, IPython will honor your \family typewriter EDITOR \family default environment variable (if not set, vi is the Unix default and notepad the Windows one). Since this editor is invoked on the fly by IPython and is meant for editing small code snippets, you may want to use a small, lightweight editor here (in case your default \family typewriter EDITOR \family default is something like Emacs). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -ipythondir\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default name of your IPython configuration directory \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default . This can also be specified through the environment variable \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -log|l \family default \series default : generate a log file of all input. The file is named \family typewriter ipython_log.py \family default in your current directory (which prevents logs from multiple IPython sessions from trampling each other). You can use this to later restore a session by loading your logfile as a file to be executed with option \family typewriter -logplay \family default (see below). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -logfile|lf\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default specify the name of your logfile. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -logplay|lp\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default you can replay a previous log. For restoring a session as close as possible to the state you left it in, use this option (don't just run the logfile). With \family typewriter -logplay \family default , IPython will try to reconstruct the previous working environment in full, not just execute the commands in the logfile. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ When a session is restored, logging is automatically turned on again with the name of the logfile it was invoked with (it is read from the log header). So once you've turned logging on for a session, you can quit IPython and reload it as many times as you want and it will continue to log its history and restore from the beginning every time. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Caveats: there are limitations in this option. The history variables \family typewriter _i* \family default , \family typewriter _* \family default and \family typewriter _dh \family default don't get restored properly. In the future we will try to implement full session saving by writing and retrieving a 'snapshot' of the memory state of IPython. But our first attempts failed because of inherent limitations of Python's Pickle module, so this may have to wait. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]messages \series default : \family default Print messages which IPython collects about its startup process (default on). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]pdb \family default \series default : Automatically call the pdb debugger after every uncaught exception. If you are used to debugging using pdb, this puts you automatically inside of it after any call (either in IPython or in code called by it) which triggers an exception which goes uncaught. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]pprint \series default : \family default ipython can optionally use the pprint (pretty printer) module for displaying results. pprint tends to give a nicer display of nested data structures. If you like it, you can turn it on permanently in your config file (default off). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -profile|p \series default : \family default assume that your config file is \family typewriter ipythonrc- \family default (looks in current dir first, then in \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default ). This is a quick way to keep and load multiple config files for different tasks, especially if you use the include option of config files. You can keep a basic \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR/ipythonrc \family default file and then have other 'profiles' which include this one and load extra things for particular tasks. For example: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \InsetSpace ~ \family default 1. \family typewriter $HOME/.ipython/ipythonrc \family default : load basic things you always want. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \InsetSpace ~ \family default 2. \family typewriter $HOME/.ipython/ipythonrc-math \family default : load (1) and basic math-related modules. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \InsetSpace ~ \family default 3. \family typewriter $HOME/.ipython/ipythonrc-numeric \family default : load (1) and Numeric and plotting modules. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Since it is possible to create an endless loop by having circular file inclusions, IPython will stop if it reaches 15 recursive inclusions. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -prompt_in1|pi1\InsetSpace ~ : \family default \series default Specify the string used for input prompts. Note that if you are using numbered prompts, the number is represented with a ' \backslash #' in the string. Don't forget to quote strings with spaces embedded in them. Default: ' \family typewriter In\InsetSpace ~ [ \backslash #]: \family default '. Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:prompts} \end_inset discusses in detail all the available escapes to customize your prompts. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -prompt_in2|pi2\InsetSpace ~ : \family default \series default Similar to the previous option, but used for the continuation prompts. The special sequence ' \family typewriter \backslash D \family default ' is similar to ' \family typewriter \backslash # \family default ', but with all digits replaced dots (so you can have your continuation prompt aligned with your input prompt). Default: ' \family typewriter \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ . \backslash D.: \family default ' (note three spaces at the start for alignment with ' \family typewriter In\InsetSpace ~ [ \backslash #] \family default '). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -prompt_out|po\InsetSpace ~ : \family default \series default String used for output prompts, also uses numbers like \family typewriter prompt_in1 \family default . Default: ' \family typewriter Out[ \backslash #]: \family default ' \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -quick \family default \series default : start in bare bones mode (no config file loaded). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -rcfile\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default name of your IPython resource configuration file. Normally IPython loads ipythonrc (from current directory) or \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR/ipythonrc \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ If the loading of your config file fails, IPython starts with a bare bones configuration (no modules loaded at all). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -[no]readline \family default \series default : use the readline library, which is needed to support name completion and command history, among other things. It is enabled by default, but may cause problems for users of X/Emacs in Python comint or shell buffers. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Note that X/Emacs 'eterm' buffers (opened with \family typewriter M-x\InsetSpace ~ term \family default ) support IPython's readline and syntax coloring fine, only 'emacs' ( \family typewriter M-x\InsetSpace ~ shell \family default and \family typewriter C-c\InsetSpace ~ ! \family default ) buffers do not. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -screen_length|sl\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default number of lines of your screen. This is used to control printing of very long strings. Strings longer than this number of lines will be sent through a pager instead of directly printed. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ The default value for this is 0, which means IPython will auto-detect your screen size every time it needs to print certain potentially long strings (this doesn't change the behavior of the 'print' keyword, it's only triggered internally). If for some reason this isn't working well (it needs curses support), specify it yourself. Otherwise don't change the default. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -separate_in|si\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default separator before input prompts. Default: ' \family typewriter \backslash n \family default ' \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -separate_out|so\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : separator before output prompts. Default: nothing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -separate_out2|so2\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default separator after output prompts. Default: nothing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ For these three options, use the value 0 to specify no separator. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -nosep \series default : \family default shorthand for \family typewriter '-SeparateIn 0 -SeparateOut 0 -SeparateOut2 0' \family default . Simply removes all input/output separators. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -upgrade \family default \series default : allows you to upgrade your \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default configuration when you install a new version of IPython. Since new versions may include new command line options or example files, this copies updated ipythonrc-type files. However, it backs up (with a \family typewriter .old \family default extension) all files which it overwrites so that you can merge back any customizations you might have in your personal files. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -Version \series default : \family default print version information and exit. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -wxversion\InsetSpace ~ : \family default \series default Select a specific version of wxPython (used in conjunction with \family typewriter -wthread \family default ). Requires the wxversion module, part of recent wxPython distributions \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold -xmode\InsetSpace ~ \series default : \family default Mode for exception reporting. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Valid modes: Plain, Context and Verbose. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Plain: similar to python's normal traceback printing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Context: prints 5 lines of context source code around each line in the traceback. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ Verbose: similar to Context, but additionally prints the variables currently visible where the exception happened (shortening their strings if too long). This can potentially be very slow, if you happen to have a huge data structure whose string representation is complex to compute. Your computer may appear to freeze for a while with cpu usage at 100%. If this occurs, you can cancel the traceback with Ctrl-C (maybe hitting it more than once). \end_layout \begin_layout Section Interactive use \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Warning \series default : IPython relies on the existence of a global variable called \family typewriter __IP \family default which controls the shell itself. If you redefine \family typewriter __IP \family default to anything, bizarre behavior will quickly occur. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Other than the above warning, IPython is meant to work as a drop-in replacement for the standard interactive interpreter. As such, any code which is valid python should execute normally under IPython (cases where this is not true should be reported as bugs). It does, however, offer many features which are not available at a standard python prompt. What follows is a list of these. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Caution for Windows users \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Windows, unfortunately, uses the ` \family typewriter \backslash \family default ' character as a path separator. This is a terrible choice, because ` \family typewriter \backslash \family default ' also represents the escape character in most modern programming languages, including Python. For this reason, issuing many of the commands discussed below (especially magics which affect the filesystem) with ` \family typewriter \backslash \family default ' in them will cause strange errors. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A partial solution is to use instead the ` \family typewriter / \family default ' character as a path separator, which Windows recognizes in \emph on most \emph default situations. However, in Windows commands ` \family typewriter / \family default ' flags options, so you can not use it for the root directory. This means that paths beginning at the root must be typed in a contrived manner like: \newline \family typewriter %copy \backslash opt/foo/bar.txt \backslash tmp \end_layout \begin_layout Standard There is no sensible thing IPython can do to truly work around this flaw in Windows \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard If anyone comes up with a \emph on clean \emph default solution which works consistently and does not negatively impact other platforms at all, I'll gladly accept a patch. \end_layout \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:magic} \end_inset Magic command system \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython will treat any line whose first character is a \family typewriter % \family default as a special call to a 'magic' function. These allow you to control the behavior of IPython itself, plus a lot of system-type features. They are all prefixed with a \family typewriter % \family default character, but parameters are given without parentheses or quotes. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Example: typing \family typewriter '%cd mydir' \family default (without the quotes) changes you working directory to \family typewriter 'mydir' \family default , if it exists. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you have 'automagic' enabled (in your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file, via the command line option \family typewriter -automagic \family default or with the \family typewriter %automagic \family default function), you don't need to type in the \family typewriter % \family default explicitly. IPython will scan its internal list of magic functions and call one if it exists. With automagic on you can then just type ' \family typewriter cd mydir \family default ' to go to directory ' \family typewriter mydir \family default '. The automagic system has the lowest possible precedence in name searches, so defining an identifier with the same name as an existing magic function will shadow it for automagic use. You can still access the shadowed magic function by explicitly using the \family typewriter % \family default character at the beginning of the line. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard An example (with automagic on) should clarify all this: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [1]: cd ipython # %cd is called by automagic \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code /home/fperez/ipython \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [2]: cd=1 # now cd is just a variable \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [3]: cd .. # and doesn't work as a function anymore \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ------------------------------------------------------------ \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code File "", line 1 \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code cd .. \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ^ \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code SyntaxError: invalid syntax \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [4]: %cd .. # but %cd always works \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code /home/fperez \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [5]: del cd # if you remove the cd variable \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code In [6]: cd ipython # automagic can work again \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code /home/fperez/ipython \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can define your own magic functions to extend the system. The following is a snippet of code which shows how to do it. It is provided as file \family typewriter example-magic.py \family default in the examples directory: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash codelist{examples/example-magic.py} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can also define your own aliased names for magic functions. In your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file, placing a line like: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter execute __IP.magic_cl = __IP.magic_clear \end_layout \begin_layout Standard will define \family typewriter %cl \family default as a new name for \family typewriter %clear \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Type \family typewriter %magic \family default for more information, including a list of all available magic functions at any time and their docstrings. You can also type \family typewriter %magic_function_name? \family default (see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:dyn-object-info} \end_inset for information on the \family typewriter '?' \family default system) to get information about any particular magic function you are interested in. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Magic commands \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The rest of this section is automatically generated for each release from the docstrings in the IPython code. Therefore the formatting is somewhat minimal, but this method has the advantage of having information always in sync with the code. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A list of all the magic commands available in IPython's \emph on default \emph default installation follows. This is similar to what you'll see by simply typing \family typewriter %magic \family default at the prompt, but that will also give you information about magic commands you may have added as part of your personal customizations. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Include \input{magic.tex} preview false \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Access to the standard Python help \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As of Python 2.1, a help system is available with access to object docstrings and the Python manuals. Simply type \family typewriter 'help' \family default (no quotes) to access it. You can also type \family typewriter help(object) \family default to obtain information about a given object, and \family typewriter help('keyword') \family default for information on a keyword. As noted in sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:help-access} \end_inset , you need to properly configure your environment variable \family typewriter PYTHONDOCS \family default for this feature to work correctly. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:dyn-object-info} \end_inset Dynamic object information \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Typing \family typewriter ?word \family default or \family typewriter word? \family default prints detailed information about an object. If certain strings in the object are too long (docstrings, code, etc.) they get snipped in the center for brevity. This system gives access variable types and values, full source code for any object (if available), function prototypes and other useful information. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Typing \family typewriter ??word \family default or \family typewriter word?? \family default gives access to the full information without snipping long strings. Long strings are sent to the screen through the \family typewriter less \family default pager if longer than the screen and printed otherwise. On systems lacking the \family typewriter less \family default command, IPython uses a very basic internal pager. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following magic functions are particularly useful for gathering information about your working environment. You can get more details by typing \family typewriter %magic \family default or querying them individually (use \family typewriter %function_name? \family default with or without the \family typewriter % \family default ), this is just a summary: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold %pdoc\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : Print (or run through a pager if too long) the docstring for an object. If the given object is a class, it will print both the class and the constructo r docstrings. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold %pdef\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : Print the definition header for any callable object. If the object is a class, print the constructor information. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold %psource\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : Print (or run through a pager if too long) the source code for an object. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold %pfile\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : Show the entire source file where an object was defined via a pager, opening it at the line where the object definition begins. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold %who/%whos \family default \series default : These functions give information about identifiers you have defined interactiv ely (not things you loaded or defined in your configuration files). \family typewriter %who \family default just prints a list of identifiers and \family typewriter %whos \family default prints a table with some basic details about each identifier. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that the dynamic object information functions ( \family typewriter ?/??, %pdoc, %pfile, %pdef, %psource \family default ) give you access to documentation even on things which are not really defined as separate identifiers. Try for example typing \family typewriter {}.get? \family default or after doing \family typewriter import os \family default , type \family typewriter os.path.abspath?? \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:readline} \end_inset Readline-based features \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These features require the GNU readline library, so they won't work if your Python installation lacks readline support. We will first describe the default behavior IPython uses, and then how to change it to suit your preferences. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Command line completion \end_layout \begin_layout Standard At any time, hitting TAB will complete any available python commands or variable names, and show you a list of the possible completions if there's no unambiguous one. It will also complete filenames in the current directory if no python names match what you've typed so far. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Search command history \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython provides two ways for searching through previous input and thus reduce the need for repetitive typing: \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Start typing, and then use \family typewriter Ctrl-p \family default (previous,up) and \family typewriter Ctrl-n \family default (next,down) to search through only the history items that match what you've typed so far. If you use \family typewriter Ctrl-p/Ctrl-n \family default at a blank prompt, they just behave like normal arrow keys. \end_layout \begin_layout Enumerate Hit \family typewriter Ctrl-r \family default : opens a search prompt. Begin typing and the system searches your history for lines that contain what you've typed so far, completing as much as it can. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Persistent command history across sessions \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython will save your input history when it leaves and reload it next time you restart it. By default, the history file is named \family typewriter $IPYTHONDIR/history \family default , but if you've loaded a named profile, ' \family typewriter -PROFILE_NAME \family default ' is appended to the name. This allows you to keep separate histories related to various tasks: commands related to numerical work will not be clobbered by a system shell history, for example. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Autoindent \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython can recognize lines ending in ':' and indent the next line, while also un-indenting automatically after 'raise' or 'return'. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This feature uses the readline library, so it will honor your \family typewriter ~/.inputrc \family default configuration (or whatever file your \family typewriter INPUTRC \family default variable points to). Adding the following lines to your \family typewriter .inputrc \family default file can make indenting/unindenting more convenient ( \family typewriter M-i \family default indents, \family typewriter M-u \family default unindents): \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter $if Python \newline " \backslash M-i": "\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ " \newline " \backslash M-u": " \backslash d \backslash d \backslash d \backslash d" \newline $endif \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that there are 4 spaces between the quote marks after \family typewriter "M-i" \family default above. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Warning: \series default this feature is ON by default, but it can cause problems with the pasting of multi-line indented code (the pasted code gets re-indented on each line). A magic function \family typewriter %autoindent \family default allows you to toggle it on/off at runtime. You can also disable it permanently on in your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file (set \family typewriter autoindent 0 \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Customizing readline behavior \end_layout \begin_layout Standard All these features are based on the GNU readline library, which has an extremely customizable interface. Normally, readline is configured via a file which defines the behavior of the library; the details of the syntax for this can be found in the readline documentation available with your system or on the Internet. IPython doesn't read this file (if it exists) directly, but it does support passing to readline valid options via a simple interface. In brief, you can customize readline by setting the following options in your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default configuration file (note that these options can \emph on not \emph default be specified at the command line): \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold readline_parse_and_bind: \family default \series default this option can appear as many times as you want, each time defining a string to be executed via a \family typewriter readline.parse_and_bind() \family default command. The syntax for valid commands of this kind can be found by reading the documentation for the GNU readline library, as these commands are of the kind which readline accepts in its configuration file. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold readline_remove_delims: \family default \series default a string of characters to be removed from the default word-delimiters list used by readline, so that completions may be performed on strings which contain them. Do not change the default value unless you know what you're doing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold readline_omit__names \family default \series default : when tab-completion is enabled, hitting \family typewriter \family default after a ' \family typewriter . \family default ' in a name will complete all attributes of an object, including all the special methods whose names include double underscores (like \family typewriter __getitem__ \family default or \family typewriter __class__ \family default ). If you'd rather not see these names by default, you can set this option to 1. Note that even when this option is set, you can still see those names by explicitly typing a \family typewriter _ \family default after the period and hitting \family typewriter \family default : ' \family typewriter name._ \family default ' will always complete attribute names starting with ' \family typewriter _ \family default '. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \InsetSpace ~ This option is off by default so that new users see all attributes of any objects they are dealing with. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You will find the default values along with a corresponding detailed explanation in your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Session logging and restoring \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can log all input from a session either by starting IPython with the command line switches \family typewriter -log \family default or \family typewriter -logfile \family default (see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:cmd-line-opts} \end_inset )or by activating the logging at any moment with the magic function \family typewriter %logstart \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Log files can later be reloaded with the \family typewriter -logplay \family default option and IPython will attempt to 'replay' the log by executing all the lines in it, thus restoring the state of a previous session. This feature is not quite perfect, but can still be useful in many cases. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The log files can also be used as a way to have a permanent record of any code you wrote while experimenting. Log files are regular text files which you can later open in your favorite text editor to extract code or to 'clean them up' before using them to replay a session. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter %logstart \family default function for activating logging in mid-session is used as follows: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter %logstart [log_name [log_mode]] \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If no name is given, it defaults to a file named \family typewriter 'log' \family default in your IPYTHONDIR directory, in \family typewriter 'rotate' \family default mode (see below). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard ' \family typewriter %logstart name \family default ' saves to file \family typewriter 'name' \family default in \family typewriter 'backup' \family default mode. It saves your history up to that point and then continues logging. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter %logstart \family default takes a second optional parameter: logging mode. This can be one of (note that the modes are given unquoted): \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter over \family default : overwrite existing \family typewriter log_name \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter backup \family default : rename (if exists) to \family typewriter log_name~ \family default and start \family typewriter log_name \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter append \family default : well, that says it. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter rotate \family default : create rotating logs \family typewriter log_name \family default . \family typewriter 1~ \family default , \family typewriter log_name.2~ \family default , etc. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter %logoff \family default and \family typewriter %logon \family default functions allow you to temporarily stop and resume logging to a file which had previously been started with \family typewriter %logstart \family default . They will fail (with an explanation) if you try to use them before logging has been started. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sub:System-shell-access} \end_inset System shell access \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Any input line beginning with a \family typewriter ! \family default character is passed verbatim (minus the \family typewriter ! \family default , of course) to the underlying operating system. For example, typing \family typewriter !ls \family default will run \family typewriter 'ls' \family default in the current directory. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Manual capture of command output \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If the input line begins with \emph on two \emph default exclamation marks, \family typewriter !! \family default , the command is executed but its output is captured and returned as a python list, split on newlines. Any output sent by the subprocess to standard error is printed separately, so that the resulting list only captures standard output. The \family typewriter !! \family default syntax is a shorthand for the \family typewriter %sx \family default magic command. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Finally, the \family typewriter %sc \family default magic (short for `shell capture') is similar to \family typewriter %sx \family default , but allowing more fine-grained control of the capture details, and storing the result directly into a named variable. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard See Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:magic} \end_inset for details on the magics \family typewriter %sc \family default and \family typewriter %sx \family default , or use IPython's own help ( \family typewriter sc? \family default and \family typewriter sx? \family default ) for further details. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython also allows you to expand the value of python variables when making system calls. Any python variable or expression which you prepend with \family typewriter $ \family default will get expanded before the system call is made. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [1]: pyvar='Hello world' \newline In [2]: !echo "A python variable: $pyvar" \newline A python variable: Hello world \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you want the shell to actually see a literal \family typewriter $ \family default , you need to type it twice: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [3]: !echo "A system variable: $$HOME" \newline A system variable: /home/fperez \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can pass arbitrary expressions, though you'll need to delimit them with \family typewriter {} \family default if there is ambiguity as to the extent of the expression: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [5]: x=10 \newline In [6]: y=20 \newline In [13]: !echo $x+y \newline 10+y \newline In [7]: !echo ${x+y} \newline 30 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Even object attributes can be expanded: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [12]: !echo $sys.argv \newline [/home/fperez/usr/bin/ipython] \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection System command aliases \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter %alias \family default magic function and the \family typewriter alias \family default option in the \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default configuration file allow you to define magic functions which are in fact system shell commands. These aliases can have parameters. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard ' \family typewriter %alias alias_name cmd \family default ' defines ' \family typewriter alias_name \family default ' as an alias for ' \family typewriter cmd \family default ' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Then, typing ' \family typewriter %alias_name params \family default ' will execute the system command ' \family typewriter cmd params \family default ' (from your underlying operating system). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can also define aliases with parameters using \family typewriter %s \family default specifiers (one per parameter). The following example defines the \family typewriter %parts \family default function as an alias to the command ' \family typewriter echo first %s second %s \family default ' where each \family typewriter %s \family default will be replaced by a positional parameter to the call to \family typewriter %parts: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [1]: alias parts echo first %s second %s \newline In [2]: %parts A B \newline first A second B \newline In [3]: %parts A \newline Incorrect number of arguments: 2 expected. \newline parts is an alias to: 'echo first %s second %s' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If called with no parameters, \family typewriter %alias \family default prints the table of currently defined aliases. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter %rehash/rehashx \family default magics allow you to load your entire \family typewriter $PATH \family default as ipython aliases. See their respective docstrings (or sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:magic} \end_inset for further details). \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:dreload} \end_inset Recursive reload \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter dreload \family default function does a recursive reload of a module: changes made to the module since you imported will actually be available without having to exit. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Verbose and colored exception traceback printouts \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython provides the option to see very detailed exception tracebacks, which can be especially useful when debugging large programs. You can run any Python file with the \family typewriter %run \family default function to benefit from these detailed tracebacks. Furthermore, both normal and verbose tracebacks can be colored (if your terminal supports it) which makes them much easier to parse visually. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard See the magic \family typewriter xmode \family default and \family typewriter colors \family default functions for details (just type \family typewriter %magic \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These features are basically a terminal version of Ka-Ping Yee's \family typewriter cgitb \family default module, now part of the standard Python library. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:cache_input} \end_inset Input caching system \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython offers numbered prompts (In/Out) with input and output caching. All input is saved and can be retrieved as variables (besides the usual arrow key recall). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following GLOBAL variables always exist (so don't overwrite them!): \family typewriter _i \family default : stores previous input. \family typewriter _ii \family default : next previous. \family typewriter _iii \family default : next-next previous. \family typewriter _ih \family default : a list of all input \family typewriter _ih[n] \family default is the input from line \family typewriter n \family default and this list is aliased to the global variable \family typewriter In \family default . If you overwrite \family typewriter In \family default with a variable of your own, you can remake the assignment to the internal list with a simple \family typewriter 'In=_ih' \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Additionally, global variables named \family typewriter _i \family default are dynamically created ( \family typewriter \family default being the prompt counter), such that \newline \family typewriter _i == _ih[] == In[]. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For example, what you typed at prompt 14 is available as \family typewriter _i14, \family default \family typewriter _ih[14] \family default and \family typewriter In[14] \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This allows you to easily cut and paste multi line interactive prompts by printing them out: they print like a clean string, without prompt characters. You can also manipulate them like regular variables (they are strings), modify or exec them (typing \family typewriter 'exec _i9' \family default will re-execute the contents of input prompt 9, ' \family typewriter exec In[9:14]+In[18] \family default ' will re-execute lines 9 through 13 and line 18). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can also re-execute multiple lines of input easily by using the magic \family typewriter %macro \family default function (which automates the process and allows re-execution without having to type ' \family typewriter exec \family default ' every time). The macro system also allows you to re-execute previous lines which include magic function calls (which require special processing). Type \family typewriter %macro? \family default or see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:magic} \end_inset for more details on the macro system. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A history function \family typewriter %hist \family default allows you to see any part of your input history by printing a range of the \family typewriter _i \family default variables. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:cache_output} \end_inset Output caching system \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For output that is returned from actions, a system similar to the input cache exists but using \family typewriter _ \family default instead of \family typewriter _i \family default . Only actions that produce a result (NOT assignments, for example) are cached. If you are familiar with Mathematica, IPython's \family typewriter _ \family default variables behave exactly like Mathematica's \family typewriter % \family default variables. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following GLOBAL variables always exist (so don't overwrite them!): \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold _ \family default \series default (a \emph on single \emph default underscore) : stores previous output, like Python's default interpreter. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold __ \family default \series default (two underscores): next previous. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold ___ \family default \series default (three underscores): next-next previous. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Additionally, global variables named \family typewriter _ \family default are dynamically created ( \family typewriter \family default being the prompt counter), such that the result of output \family typewriter \family default is always available as \family typewriter _ \family default (don't use the angle brackets, just the number, e.g. \family typewriter _21 \family default ). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These global variables are all stored in a global dictionary (not a list, since it only has entries for lines which returned a result) available under the names \family typewriter _oh \family default and \family typewriter Out \family default (similar to \family typewriter _ih \family default and \family typewriter In \family default ). So the output from line 12 can be obtained as \family typewriter _12 \family default , \family typewriter Out[12] \family default or \family typewriter _oh[12] \family default . If you accidentally overwrite the \family typewriter Out \family default variable you can recover it by typing \family typewriter 'Out=_oh \family default ' at the prompt. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This system obviously can potentially put heavy memory demands on your system, since it prevents Python's garbage collector from removing any previously computed results. You can control how many results are kept in memory with the option (at the command line or in your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file) \family typewriter cache_size \family default . If you set it to 0, the whole system is completely disabled and the prompts revert to the classic \family typewriter '>>>' \family default of normal Python. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Directory history \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Your history of visited directories is kept in the global list \family typewriter _dh \family default , and the magic \family typewriter %cd \family default command can be used to go to any entry in that list. The \family typewriter %dhist \family default command allows you to view this history. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Automatic parentheses and quotes \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These features were adapted from Nathan Gray's LazyPython. They are meant to allow less typing for common situations. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Automatic parentheses \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Callable objects (i.e. functions, methods, etc) can be invoked like this (notice the commas between the arguments): \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter >>> callable_ob arg1, arg2, arg3 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard and the input will be translated to this: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter --> callable_ob(arg1, arg2, arg3) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can force automatic parentheses by using '/' as the first character of a line. For example: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter >>> /globals # becomes 'globals()' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that the '/' MUST be the first character on the line! This won't work: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter >>> print /globals # syntax error \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In most cases the automatic algorithm should work, so you should rarely need to explicitly invoke /. One notable exception is if you are trying to call a function with a list of tuples as arguments (the parenthesis will confuse IPython): \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [1]: zip (1,2,3),(4,5,6) # won't work \end_layout \begin_layout Standard but this will work: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [2]: /zip (1,2,3),(4,5,6) \newline ------> zip ((1,2,3),(4,5,6)) \newline Out[2]= [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)] \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython tells you that it has altered your command line by displaying the new command line preceded by \family typewriter --> \family default . e.g.: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [18]: callable list \newline -------> callable (list) \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Automatic quoting \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can force automatic quoting of a function's arguments by using \family typewriter `,' \family default or \family typewriter `;' \family default as the first character of a line. For example: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter >>> ,my_function /home/me # becomes my_function("/home/me") \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you use \family typewriter `;' \family default instead, the whole argument is quoted as a single string (while \family typewriter `,' \family default splits on whitespace): \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter >>> ,my_function a b c # becomes my_function("a","b","c") \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter >>> ;my_function a b c # becomes my_function("a b c") \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that the ` \family typewriter , \family default ' or ` \family typewriter ; \family default ' MUST be the first character on the line! This won't work: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter >>> x = ,my_function /home/me # syntax error \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:customization} \end_inset Customization \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As we've already mentioned, IPython reads a configuration file which can be specified at the command line ( \family typewriter -rcfile \family default ) or which by default is assumed to be called \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default . Such a file is looked for in the current directory where IPython is started and then in your \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default , which allows you to have local configuration files for specific projects. In this section we will call these types of configuration files simply rcfiles (short for resource configuration file). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The syntax of an rcfile is one of key-value pairs separated by whitespace, one per line. Lines beginning with a \family typewriter # \family default are ignored as comments, but comments can \series bold not \series default be put on lines with data (the parser is fairly primitive). Note that these are not python files, and this is deliberate, because it allows us to do some things which would be quite tricky to implement if they were normal python files. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard First, an rcfile can contain permanent default values for almost all command line options (except things like \family typewriter -help \family default or \family typewriter -Version \family default ). Sec\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:cmd-line-opts} \end_inset contains a description of all command-line options. However, values you explicitly specify at the command line override the values defined in the rcfile. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Besides command line option values, the rcfile can specify values for certain extra special options which are not available at the command line. These options are briefly described below. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Each of these options may appear as many times as you need it in the file. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold include\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ... \family default \series default : you can name \emph on other \emph default rcfiles you want to recursively load up to 15 levels (don't use the \family typewriter <> \family default brackets in your names!). This feature allows you to define a 'base' rcfile with general options and special-purpose files which can be loaded only when needed with particular configuration options. To make this more convenient, IPython accepts the \family typewriter -profile \family default option (abbreviates to \family typewriter -p ) \family typewriter which \family default tells it to look for an rcfile named \family typewriter ipythonrc- \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold import_mod\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ... \family default \series default : import modules with ' \family typewriter import \family default \family typewriter ,,... \family default ' \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold import_some\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ... \family default \series default : import functions with ' \family typewriter from import \family default \family typewriter ,,... \family default ' \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold import_all\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ... \family default \series default : for each module listed import functions with ' \family typewriter from import * \family default ' \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold execute\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : give any single-line python code to be executed. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold execfile\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : execute the python file given with an ' \family typewriter execfile(filename) \family default ' command. Username expansion is performed on the given names. So if you need any amount of extra fancy customization that won't fit in any of the above 'canned' options, you can just put it in a separate python file and execute it. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 \family typewriter \series bold alias\InsetSpace ~ \family default \series default : this is equivalent to calling ' \family typewriter %alias\InsetSpace ~ \family default ' at the IPython command line. This way, from within IPython you can do common system tasks without having to exit it or use the \family typewriter ! \family default escape. IPython isn't meant to be a shell replacement, but it is often very useful to be able to do things with files while testing code. This gives you the flexibility to have within IPython any aliases you may be used to under your normal system shell. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:ipytonrc-sample} \end_inset Sample \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The default rcfile, called \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default and supplied in your \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default directory contains lots of comments on all of these options. We reproduce it here for reference: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash codelist{../IPython/UserConfig/ipythonrc} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:prompts} \end_inset Fine-tuning your prompt \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython's prompts can be customized using a syntax similar to that of the \family typewriter bash \family default shell. Many of \family typewriter bash \family default 's escapes are supported, as well as a few additional ones. We list them below: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash # the prompt/history count number. This escape is automatically wrapped in the coloring codes for the currently active color scheme. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash N the 'naked' prompt/history count number: this is just the number itself, without any coloring applied to it. This lets you produce numbered prompts with your own colors. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash D the prompt/history count, with the actual digits replaced by dots. Used mainly in continuation prompts (prompt_in2) \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash w the current working directory \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash W the basename of current working directory \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash X \emph on n \emph default where \begin_inset Formula $n=0\ldots5.$ \end_inset The current working directory, with \family typewriter $HOME \family default replaced by \family typewriter ~ \family default , and filtered out to contain only \begin_inset Formula $n$ \end_inset path elements \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash Y \emph on n \emph default Similar to \backslash X \emph on n \emph default , but with the \begin_inset Formula $n+1$ \end_inset element included if it is \family typewriter ~ \family default (this is similar to the behavior of the %c \emph on n \emph default escapes in \family typewriter tcsh \family default ) \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash u the username of the current user \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash $ if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $ \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash h the hostname up to the first `.' \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash H the hostname \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash n a newline \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash r a carriage return \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash v IPython version string \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In addition to these, ANSI color escapes can be insterted into the prompts, as \family typewriter \backslash C_ \emph on ColorName \family default \emph default . The list of valid color names is: Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, DarkGray, Green, LightBlue, LightCyan, LightGray, LightGreen, LightPurple, LightRed, NoColor, Normal, Purple, Red, White, Yellow. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Finally, IPython supports the evaluation of arbitrary expressions in your prompt string. The prompt strings are evaluated through the syntax of PEP 215, but basically you can use \family typewriter $x.y \family default to expand the value of \family typewriter x.y \family default , and for more complicated expressions you can use braces: \family typewriter ${foo()+x} \family default will call function \family typewriter foo \family default and add to it the value of \family typewriter x \family default , before putting the result into your prompt. For example, using \newline \family typewriter prompt_in1 '${commands.getoutput("uptime")} \backslash nIn [ \backslash #]: ' \newline \family default will print the result of the uptime command on each prompt (assuming the \family typewriter commands \family default module has been imported in your \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file). \end_layout \begin_layout Subsubsection Prompt examples \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following options in an ipythonrc file will give you IPython's default prompts: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter prompt_in1 'In [ \backslash #]:' \newline prompt_in2 '\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ . \backslash D.:' \newline prompt_out 'Out[ \backslash #]:' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard which look like this: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [1]: 1+2 \newline Out[1]: 3 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [2]: for i in (1,2,3): \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ print i, \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: \newline 1 2 3 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard These will give you a very colorful prompt with path information: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter #prompt_in1 ' \backslash C_Red \backslash u \backslash C_Blue[ \backslash C_Cyan \backslash Y1 \backslash C_Blue] \backslash C_LightGreen \backslash #>' \newline prompt_in2 ' .. \backslash D>' \newline prompt_out '< \backslash #>' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard which look like this: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter \color red fperez \color blue [ \color cyan ~/ipython \color blue ] \color green 1> \color none 1+2 \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \color red <1> \color none 3 \newline \color red fperez \color blue [ \color cyan ~/ipython \color blue ] \color green 2> \color none for i in (1,2,3): \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \color green ...> \color none \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ print i, \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \color green ...> \color none \newline 1 2 3 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following shows the usage of dynamic expression evaluation: \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:profiles} \end_inset IPython profiles \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As we already mentioned, IPython supports the \family typewriter -profile \family default command-line option (see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:cmd-line-opts} \end_inset ). A profile is nothing more than a particular configuration file like your basic \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default one, but with particular customizations for a specific purpose. When you start IPython with ' \family typewriter ipython -profile \family default ', it assumes that in your \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default there is a file called \family typewriter ipythonrc- \family default , and loads it instead of the normal \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This system allows you to maintain multiple configurations which load modules, set options, define functions, etc. suitable for different tasks and activate them in a very simple manner. In order to avoid having to repeat all of your basic options (common things that don't change such as your color preferences, for example), any profile can include another configuration file. The most common way to use profiles is then to have each one include your basic \family typewriter ipythonrc \family default file as a starting point, and then add further customizations. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In sections \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:syntax-extensions} \end_inset and \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:Gnuplot} \end_inset we discuss some particular profiles which come as part of the standard IPython distribution. You may also look in your \family typewriter IPYTHONDIR \family default directory, any file whose name begins with \family typewriter ipythonrc- \family default is a profile. You can use those as examples for further customizations to suit your own needs. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset OptArg status open \begin_layout Standard IPython as default... \end_layout \end_inset IPython as your default Python environment \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Python honors the environment variable \family typewriter PYTHONSTARTUP \family default and will execute at startup the file referenced by this variable. If you put at the end of this file the following two lines of code: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter import IPython \newline IPython.Shell.IPShell().mainloop(sys_exit=1) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard then IPython will be your working environment anytime you start Python. The \family typewriter sys_exit=1 \family default is needed to have IPython issue a call to \family typewriter sys.exit() \family default when it finishes, otherwise you'll be back at the normal Python ' \family typewriter >>> \family default ' prompt \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Based on an idea by Holger Krekel. \end_layout \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This is probably useful to developers who manage multiple Python versions and don't want to have correspondingly multiple IPython versions. Note that in this mode, there is no way to pass IPython any command-line options, as those are trapped first by Python itself. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:embed} \end_inset Embedding IPython \end_layout \begin_layout Standard It is possible to start an IPython instance \emph on inside \emph default your own Python programs. This allows you to evaluate dynamically the state of your code, operate with your variables, analyze them, etc. Note however that any changes you make to values while in the shell do \emph on not \emph default propagate back to the running code, so it is safe to modify your values because you won't break your code in bizarre ways by doing so. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This feature allows you to easily have a fully functional python environment for doing object introspection anywhere in your code with a simple function call. In some cases a simple print statement is enough, but if you need to do more detailed analysis of a code fragment this feature can be very valuable. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard It can also be useful in scientific computing situations where it is common to need to do some automatic, computationally intensive part and then stop to look at data, plots, etc \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard This functionality was inspired by IDL's combination of the \family typewriter stop \family default keyword and the \family typewriter .continue \family default executive command, which I have found very useful in the past, and by a posting on comp.lang.python by cmkl on Dec. 06/01 concerning similar uses of pyrepl. \end_layout \end_inset . Opening an IPython instance will give you full access to your data and functions, and you can resume program execution once you are done with the interactive part (perhaps to stop again later, as many times as needed). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following code snippet is the bare minimum you need to include in your Python programs for this to work (detailed examples follow later): \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ipshell = IPShellEmbed() \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code ipshell() # this call anywhere in your program will start IPython \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can run embedded instances even in code which is itself being run at the IPython interactive prompt with ' \family typewriter %run\InsetSpace ~ \family default '. Since it's easy to get lost as to where you are (in your top-level IPython or in your embedded one), it's a good idea in such cases to set the in/out prompts to something different for the embedded instances. The code examples below illustrate this. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can also have multiple IPython instances in your program and open them separately, for example with different options for data presentation. If you close and open the same instance multiple times, its prompt counters simply continue from each execution to the next. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Please look at the docstrings in the \family typewriter Shell.py \family default module for more details on the use of this system. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following sample file illustrating how to use the embedding functionality is provided in the examples directory as \family typewriter example-embed.py \family default . It should be fairly self-explanatory: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash codelist{examples/example-embed.py} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Once you understand how the system functions, you can use the following code fragments in your programs which are ready for cut and paste: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash codelist{examples/example-embed-short.py} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:using-pdb} \end_inset Using the Python debugger ( \family typewriter pdb \family default ) \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Running entire programs via \family typewriter pdb \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter pdb \family default , the Python debugger, is a powerful interactive debugger which allows you to step through code, set breakpoints, watch variables, etc. IPython makes it very easy to start any script under the control of \family typewriter pdb \family default , regardless of whether you have wrapped it into a \family typewriter `main()' \family default function or not. For this, simply type \family typewriter `%run -d myscript' \family default at an IPython prompt. See the \family typewriter %run \family default command's documentation (via \family typewriter `%run?' \family default or in Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:magic} \end_inset ) for more details, including how to control where \family typewriter pdb \family default will stop execution first. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For more information on the use of the \family typewriter pdb \family default debugger, read the included \family typewriter pdb.doc \family default file (part of the standard Python distribution). On a stock Linux system it is located at \family typewriter /usr/lib/python2.3/pdb.doc \family default , but the easiest way to read it is by using the \family typewriter help() \family default function of the \family typewriter pdb \family default module as follows (in an IPython prompt): \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter In [1]: import pdb \newline In [2]: pdb.help() \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This will load the \family typewriter pdb.doc \family default document in a file viewer for you automatically. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Automatic invocation of \family typewriter pdb \family default on exceptions \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython, if started with the \family typewriter -pdb \family default option (or if the option is set in your rc file) can call the Python \family typewriter pdb \family default debugger every time your code triggers an uncaught exception \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard Many thanks to Christopher Hart for the request which prompted adding this feature to IPython. \end_layout \end_inset . This feature can also be toggled at any time with the \family typewriter %pdb \family default magic command. This can be extremely useful in order to find the origin of subtle bugs, because \family typewriter pdb \family default opens up at the point in your code which triggered the exception, and while your program is at this point `dead', all the data is still available and you can walk up and down the stack frame and understand the origin of the problem. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Furthermore, you can use these debugging facilities both with the embedded IPython mode and without IPython at all. For an embedded shell (see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:embed} \end_inset ), simply call the constructor with \family typewriter `-pdb' \family default in the argument string and automatically \family typewriter pdb \family default will be called if an uncaught exception is triggered by your code. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For stand-alone use of the feature in your programs which do not use IPython at all, put the following lines toward the top of your `main' routine: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \align left \family typewriter import sys,IPython.ultraTB \newline sys.excepthook = IPython.ultraTB.FormattedTB(mode=`Verbos e', color_scheme=`Linux', call_pdb=1) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter mode \family default keyword can be either \family typewriter `Verbose' \family default or \family typewriter `Plain' \family default , giving either very detailed or normal tracebacks respectively. The \family typewriter color_scheme \family default keyword can be one of \family typewriter `NoColor' \family default , \family typewriter `Linux' \family default (default) or \family typewriter `LightBG' \family default . These are the same options which can be set in IPython with \family typewriter -colors \family default and \family typewriter -xmode \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This will give any of your programs detailed, colored tracebacks with automatic invocation of \family typewriter pdb \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:syntax-extensions} \end_inset Extensions for syntax processing \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This isn't for the faint of heart, because the potential for breaking things is quite high. But it can be a very powerful and useful feature. In a nutshell, you can redefine the way IPython processes the user input line to accept new, special extensions to the syntax without needing to change any of IPython's own code. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In the \family typewriter IPython/Extensions \family default directory you will find some examples supplied, which we will briefly describe now. These can be used `as is' (and both provide very useful functionality), or you can use them as a starting point for writing your own extensions. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Pasting of code starting with \family typewriter `>>> \family default ' or \family typewriter `... \family default ' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In the python tutorial it is common to find code examples which have been taken from real python sessions. The problem with those is that all the lines begin with either \family typewriter `>>> \family default ' or \family typewriter `... \family default ', which makes it impossible to paste them all at once. One must instead do a line by line manual copying, carefully removing the leading extraneous characters. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This extension identifies those starting characters and removes them from the input automatically, so that one can paste multi-line examples directly into IPython, saving a lot of time. Please look at the file \family typewriter InterpreterPasteInput.py \family default in the \family typewriter IPython/Extensions \family default directory for details on how this is done. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython comes with a special profile enabling this feature, called \family typewriter tutorial \family default \emph on . \emph default Simply start IPython via \family typewriter `ipython\InsetSpace ~ -p\InsetSpace ~ tutorial' \family default and the feature will be available. In a normal IPython session you can activate the feature by importing the corresponding module with: \newline \family typewriter In [1]: import IPython.Extensions.InterpreterPasteInput \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The following is a 'screenshot' of how things work when this extension is on, copying an example from the standard tutorial: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter IPython profile: tutorial \newline \InsetSpace ~ \newline *** Pasting of code with ">>>" or "..." has been enabled. \newline \InsetSpace ~ \newline In [1]: >>> def fib2(n): # return Fibonacci series up to n \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: ...\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ """Return a list containing the Fibonacci series up to n.""" \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: ...\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ result = [] \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: ...\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ a, b = 0, 1 \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: ...\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ while b < n: \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: ...\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ result.append(b)\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ # see below \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: ...\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ a, b = b, a+b \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: ...\InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ return result \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ ...: \newline \InsetSpace ~ \newline In [2]: fib2(10) \newline Out[2]: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8] \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that as currently written, this extension does \emph on not \emph default recognize IPython's prompts for pasting. Those are more complicated, since the user can change them very easily, they involve numbers and can vary in length. One could however extract all the relevant information from the IPython instance and build an appropriate regular expression. This is left as an exercise for the reader. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Input of physical quantities with units \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The module \family typewriter PhysicalQInput \family default allows a simplified form of input for physical quantities with units. This file is meant to be used in conjunction with the \family typewriter PhysicalQInteractive \family default module (in the same directory) and \family typewriter Physics.PhysicalQuantities \family default from Konrad Hinsen's ScientificPython ( \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/ScientificPython/} \end_inset ). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter Physics.PhysicalQuantities \family default module defines \family typewriter PhysicalQuantity \family default objects, but these must be declared as instances of a class. For example, to define \family typewriter v \family default as a velocity of 3\InsetSpace ~ m/s, normally you would write: \family typewriter \newline In [1]: v = PhysicalQuantity(3,'m/s') \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Using the \family typewriter PhysicalQ_Input \family default extension this can be input instead as: \family typewriter \newline In [1]: v = 3 m/s \family default \newline which is much more convenient for interactive use (even though it is blatantly invalid Python syntax). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter physics \family default profile supplied with IPython (enabled via \family typewriter 'ipython -p physics' \family default ) uses these extensions, which you can also activate with: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter from math import * # math MUST be imported BEFORE PhysicalQInteractive \newline from IPython.Extensions.PhysicalQInteractive import * \newline import IPython.Extensions.PhysicalQ Input \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:IPython-as-shell} \end_inset IPython as a system shell \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython ships with a special profile called \family typewriter pysh \family default , which you can activate at the command line as \family typewriter `ipython -p pysh' \family default . This loads \family typewriter InterpreterExec \family default , along with some additional facilities and a prompt customized for filesystem navigation. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that this does \emph on not \emph default make IPython a full-fledged system shell. In particular, it has no job control, so if you type Ctrl-Z (under Unix), you'll suspend pysh itself, not the process you just started. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard What the shell profile allows you to do is to use the convenient and powerful syntax of Python to do quick scripting at the command line. Below we describe some of its features. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Aliases \end_layout \begin_layout Standard All of your \family typewriter $PATH \family default has been loaded as IPython aliases, so you should be able to type any normal system command and have it executed. See \family typewriter %alias? \family default and \family typewriter %unalias? \family default for details on the alias facilities. See also \family typewriter %rehash? \family default and \family typewriter %rehashx? \family default for details on the mechanism used to load \family typewriter $PATH \family default . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Special syntax \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Any lines which begin with \family typewriter `~' \family default , \family typewriter `/' \family default and \family typewriter `.' \family default will be executed as shell commands instead of as Python code. The special escapes below are also recognized. \family typewriter !cmd \family default is valid in single or multi-line input, all others are only valid in single-lin e input: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter !cmd \family default pass `cmd' directly to the shell \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter !!cmd \family default execute `cmd' and return output as a list (split on ` \backslash n') \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter $var=cmd \family default capture output of cmd into var, as a string \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter $$var=cmd \family default capture output of cmd into var, as a list (split on ` \backslash n') \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter $ \family default / \family typewriter $$ \family default syntaxes make Python variables from system output, which you can later use for further scripting. The converse is also possible: when executing an alias or calling to the system via \family typewriter ! \family default / \family typewriter !! \family default , you can expand any python variable or expression by prepending it with \family typewriter $ \family default . Full details of the allowed syntax can be found in Python's PEP 215. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A few brief examples will illustrate these (note that the indentation below may be incorrectly displayed): \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|3> !ls *s.py \newline scopes.py strings.py \end_layout \begin_layout Standard ls is an internal alias, so there's no need to use \family typewriter ! \family default : \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|4> ls *s.py \newline scopes.py* strings.py \end_layout \begin_layout Standard !!ls will return the output into a Python variable: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|5> !!ls *s.py \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ <5> ['scopes.py', 'strings.py'] \newline fperez[~/test]|6> print _5 \newline ['scopes.py', 'strings.py '] \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter $ \family default and \family typewriter $$ \family default allow direct capture to named variables: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|7> $astr = ls *s.py \newline fperez[~/test]|8> astr \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ <8> 'scopes.py \backslash nstrings.py' \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|9> $$alist = ls *s.py \newline fperez[~/test]|10> alist \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ <10> ['scopes.py', 'strings.py'] \end_layout \begin_layout Standard alist is now a normal python list you can loop over. Using \family typewriter $ \family default will expand back the python values when alias calls are made: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|11> for f in alist: \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ |..> \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ print 'file',f, \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ |..> \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ wc -l $f \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ |..> \newline file scopes.py 13 scopes.py \newline file strings.py 4 strings.py \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Note that you may need to protect your variables with braces if you want to append strings to their names. To copy all files in alist to \family typewriter .bak \family default extensions, you must use: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|12> for f in alist: \newline \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash hspace*{0mm} \end_layout \end_inset \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ |..> \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ cp $f ${f}.bak \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you try using \family typewriter $f.bak \family default , you'll get an AttributeError exception saying that your string object doesn't have a \family typewriter .bak \family default attribute. This is because the \family typewriter $ \family default expansion mechanism allows you to expand full Python expressions: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|13> echo "sys.platform is: $sys.platform" \newline sys.platform is: linux2 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython's input history handling is still active, which allows you to rerun a single block of multi-line input by simply using exec: \newline \family typewriter fperez[~/test]|14> $$alist = ls *.eps \newline fperez[~/test]|15> exec _i11 \newline file image2.eps 921 image2.eps \newline file image.eps 921 image.eps \end_layout \begin_layout Standard While these are new special-case syntaxes, they are designed to allow very efficient use of the shell with minimal typing. At an interactive shell prompt, conciseness of expression wins over readability. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Useful functions and modules \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The os, sys and shutil modules from the Python standard library are automaticall y loaded. Some additional functions, useful for shell usage, are listed below. You can request more help about them with ` \family typewriter ? \family default '. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter shell \family default - execute a command in the underlying system shell \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter system \family default - like \family typewriter shell() \family default , but return the exit status of the command \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter sout \family default - capture the output of a command as a string \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter lout \family default - capture the output of a command as a list (split on ` \backslash n') \end_layout \begin_layout Description \family typewriter getoutputerror \family default - capture (output,error) of a shell commandss \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter sout \family default / \family typewriter lout \family default are the functional equivalents of \family typewriter $ \family default / \family typewriter $$ \family default . They are provided to allow you to capture system output in the middle of true python code, function definitions, etc (where \family typewriter $ \family default and \family typewriter $$ \family default are invalid). \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Directory management \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Since each command passed by pysh to the underlying system is executed in a subshell which exits immediately, you can NOT use !cd to navigate the filesystem. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Pysh provides its own builtin \family typewriter `%cd \family default ' magic command to move in the filesystem (the \family typewriter % \family default is not required with automagic on). It also maintains a list of visited directories (use \family typewriter %dhist \family default to see it) and allows direct switching to any of them. Type \family typewriter `cd? \family default ' for more details. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter %pushd \family default , \family typewriter %popd \family default and \family typewriter %dirs \family default are provided for directory stack handling. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Prompt customization \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The supplied \family typewriter ipythonrc-pysh \family default profile comes with an example of a very colored and detailed prompt, mainly to serve as an illustration. The valid escape sequences, besides color names, are: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash # - Prompt number. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash D - Dots, as many as there are digits in \backslash # (so they align). \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash w - Current working directory (cwd). \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash W - Basename of current working directory. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash X \emph on N \emph default - Where \emph on N \emph default =0..5. N terms of the cwd, with $HOME written as ~. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash Y \emph on N \emph default - Where \emph on N \emph default =0..5. Like X \emph on N \emph default , but if ~ is term \emph on N \emph default +1 it's also shown. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash u - Username. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash H - Full hostname. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash h - Hostname up to first '.' \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash $ - Root symbol ($ or #). \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash t - Current time, in H:M:S format. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash v - IPython release version. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash n - Newline. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash r - Carriage return. \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash \backslash - An explicitly escaped ' \backslash '. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can configure your prompt colors using any ANSI color escape. Each color escape sets the color for any subsequent text, until another escape comes in and changes things. The valid color escapes are: \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Black \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Blue \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Brown \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Cyan \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_DarkGray \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Green \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_LightBlue \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_LightCyan \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_LightGray \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_LightGreen \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_LightPurple \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_LightRed \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Purple \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Red \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_White \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Yellow \end_layout \begin_layout Description \backslash C_Normal Stop coloring, defaults to your terminal settings. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:Threading-support} \end_inset Threading support \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold WARNING: \series default The threading support is still somewhat experimental, and it has only seen reasonable testing under Linux. Threaded code is particularly tricky to debug, and it tends to show extremely platform-dependent behavior. Since I only have access to Linux machines, I will have to rely on user's experiences and assistance for this area of IPython to improve under other platforms. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython, via the \family typewriter -gthread \family default , \family typewriter -qthread \family default and \family typewriter -wthread \family default options (described in Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:threading-opts} \end_inset ), can run in multithreaded mode to support pyGTK, Qt and WXPython applications respectively. These GUI toolkits need to control the python main loop of execution, so under a normal Python interpreter, starting a pyGTK, Qt or WXPython application will immediately freeze the shell. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython, with one of these options (you can only use one at a time), separates the graphical loop and IPython's code execution run into different threads. This allows you to test interactively (with \family typewriter %run \family default , for example) your GUI code without blocking. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard A nice mini-tutorial on using IPython along with the Qt Designer application is available at the SciPy wiki: \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Qt_with_IPython_and_Designer} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Tk issues \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As indicated in Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:threading-opts} \end_inset , a special \family typewriter -tk \family default option is provided to try and allow Tk graphical applications to coexist interactively with WX, Qt or GTK ones. Whether this works at all, however, is very platform and configuration dependent. Please experiment with simple test cases before committing to using this combination of Tk and GTK/Qt/WX threading in a production environment. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Signals and Threads \end_layout \begin_layout Standard When any of the thread systems (GTK, Qt or WX) are active, either directly or via \family typewriter -pylab \family default with a threaded backend, it is impossible to interrupt long-running Python code via \family typewriter Ctrl-C \family default . IPython can not pass the KeyboardInterrupt exception (or the underlying \family typewriter SIGINT \family default ) across threads, so any long-running process started from IPython will run to completion, or will have to be killed via an external (OS-based) mechanism. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard To the best of my knowledge, this limitation is imposed by the Python interprete r itself, and it comes from the difficulty of writing portable signal/threaded code. If any user is an expert on this topic and can suggest a better solution, I would love to hear about it. In the IPython sources, look at the \family typewriter Shell.py \family default module, and in particular at the \family typewriter runcode() \family default method. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection I/O pitfalls \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Be mindful that the Python interpreter switches between threads every \begin_inset Formula $N$ \end_inset bytecodes, where the default value as of Python\InsetSpace ~ 2.3 is \begin_inset Formula $N=100.$ \end_inset This value can be read by using the \family typewriter sys.getcheckinterval() \family default function, and it can be reset via \family typewriter sys.setcheckinterval( \emph on N \emph default ) \family default . This switching of threads can cause subtly confusing effects if one of your threads is doing file I/O. In text mode, most systems only flush file buffers when they encounter a \family typewriter ` \backslash n' \family default . An instruction as simple as \family typewriter \newline \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ print >> filehandle, \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset hello world \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset \family default \newline actually consists of several bytecodes, so it is possible that the newline does not reach your file before the next thread switch. Similarly, if you are writing to a file in binary mode, the file won't be flushed until the buffer fills, and your other thread may see apparently truncated files. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For this reason, if you are using IPython's thread support and have (for example) a GUI application which will read data generated by files written to from the IPython thread, the safest approach is to open all of your files in unbuffered mode (the third argument to the \family typewriter file/open \family default function is the buffering value): \newline \family typewriter \InsetSpace ~ \InsetSpace ~ filehandle = open(filename,mode,0) \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This is obviously a brute force way of avoiding race conditions with the file buffering. If you want to do it cleanly, and you have a resource which is being shared by the interactive IPython loop and your GUI thread, you should really handle it with thread locking and syncrhonization properties. The Python documentation discusses these. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:interactive-demos} \end_inset Interactive demos with IPython \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython ships with a basic system for running scripts interactively in sections, useful when presenting code to audiences. A few tags embedded in comments (so that the script remains valid Python code) divide a file into separate blocks, and the demo can be run one block at a time, with IPython printing (with syntax highlighting) the block before executing it, and returning to the interactive prompt after each block. The interactive namespace is updated after each block is run with the contents of the demo's namespace. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This allows you to show a piece of code, run it and then execute interactively commands based on the variables just created. Once you want to continue, you simply execute the next block of the demo. The following listing shows the markup necessary for dividing a script into sections for execution as a demo. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash codelist{examples/example-demo.py} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In order to run a file as a demo, you must first make a \family typewriter Demo \family default object out of it. If the file is named \family typewriter myscript.py \family default , the following code will make a demo: \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code from IPython.demo import Demo \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code mydemo = Demo('myscript.py') \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This creates the \family typewriter mydemo \family default object, whose blocks you run one at a time by simply calling the object with no arguments. If you have autocall active in IPython (the default), all you need to do is type \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code mydemo \end_layout \begin_layout Standard and IPython will call it, executing each block. Demo objects can be restarted, you can move forward or back skipping blocks, re-execute the last block, etc. Simply use the Tab key on a demo object to see its methods, and call \family typewriter `?' \family default on them to see their docstrings for more usage details. In addition, the \family typewriter demo \family default module itself contains a comprehensive docstring, which you can access via \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code from IPython import demo \end_layout \begin_layout LyX-Code demo? \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \series bold Limitations: \series default It is important to note that these demos are limited to fairly simple uses. In particular, you can \emph on not \emph default put division marks in indented code (loops, if statements, function definitions , etc.) Supporting something like this would basically require tracking the internal execution state of the Python interpreter, so only top-level divisions are allowed. If you want to be able to open an IPython instance at an arbitrary point in a program, you can use IPython's embedding facilities, described in detail in Sec\SpecialChar \@. \InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:embed} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:matplotlib-support} \end_inset Plotting with \family typewriter matplotlib \family default \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The matplotlib library ( \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl[http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net]{http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net} \end_inset ) provides high quality 2D plotting for Python. Matplotlib can produce plots on screen using a variety of GUI toolkits, including Tk, GTK and WXPython. It also provides a number of commands useful for scientific computing, all with a syntax compatible with that of the popular Matlab program. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython accepts the special option \family typewriter -pylab \family default (Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:cmd-line-opts} \end_inset ). This configures it to support matplotlib, honoring the settings in the \family typewriter .matplotlibrc \family default file. IPython will detect the user's choice of matplotlib GUI backend, and automatica lly select the proper threading model to prevent blocking. It also sets matplotlib in interactive mode and modifies \family typewriter %run \family default slightly, so that any matplotlib-based script can be executed using \family typewriter %run \family default and the final \family typewriter show() \family default command does not block the interactive shell. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter -pylab \family default option must be given first in order for IPython to configure its threading mode. However, you can still issue other options afterwards. This allows you to have a matplotlib-based environment customized with additional modules using the standard IPython profile mechanism (Sec.\InsetSpace ~ \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:profiles} \end_inset ): `` \family typewriter ipython -pylab -p myprofile \family default '' will load the profile defined in \family typewriter ipythonrc-myprofile \family default after configuring matplotlib. \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:Gnuplot} \end_inset Plotting with \family typewriter Gnuplot \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Through the magic extension system described in sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:magic} \end_inset , IPython incorporates a mechanism for conveniently interfacing with the Gnuplot system ( \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.gnuplot.info} \end_inset ). Gnuplot is a very complete 2D and 3D plotting package available for many operating systems and commonly included in modern Linux distributions. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Besides having Gnuplot installed, this functionality requires the \family typewriter Gnuplot.py \family default module for interfacing python with Gnuplot. It can be downloaded from: \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://gnuplot-py.sourceforge.net} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Proper Gnuplot configuration \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As of version 4.0, Gnuplot has excellent mouse and interactive keyboard support. However, as of \family typewriter Gnuplot.py \family default version 1.7, a new option was added to communicate between Python and Gnuplot via FIFOs (pipes). This mechanism, while fast, also breaks the mouse system. You must therefore set the variable \family typewriter prefer_fifo_data \family default to \family typewriter 0 \family default in file \family typewriter gp_unix.py \family default if you wish to keep the interactive mouse and keyboard features working properly ( \family typewriter prefer_inline_data \family default also must be \family typewriter 0 \family default , but this is the default so unless you've changed it manually you should be fine). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard 'Out of the box', Gnuplot is configured with a rather poor set of size, color and linewidth choices which make the graphs fairly hard to read on modern high-resolution displays (although they work fine on old 640x480 ones). Below is a section of my \family typewriter .Xdefaults \family default file which I use for having a more convenient Gnuplot setup. Remember to load it by running \family typewriter `xrdb .Xdefaults` \family default : \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter !****************************************************************** \newline ! gnuplot options \newline ! modify this for a convenient window size \newline gnuplot*geometry: 780x580 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter ! on-screen font (not for PostScript) \newline gnuplot*font: -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--15 -120-100-100-c-90-iso8859-1 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter ! color options \newline gnuplot*background: black \newline gnuplot*textColor: white \newline gnuplot*borderCo lor: white \newline gnuplot*axisColor: white \newline gnuplot*line1Color: red \newline gnuplot*line2Color: green \newline gnuplot*line3Color: blue \newline gnuplot*line4Color: magenta \newline gnuplot*line5Color: cyan \newline gnuplot*line6Color: sienna \newline gnuplot*line7Color: orange \newline gnuplot*line8Color: coral \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter ! multiplicative factor for point styles \newline gnuplot*pointsize: 2 \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \family typewriter ! line width options (in pixels) \newline gnuplot*borderWidth: 2 \newline gnuplot*axisWidth: 2 \newline gnuplot*line1Width: 2 \newline gnuplot*line2Width: 2 \newline gnuplot*line3Width: 2 \newline gnuplot*line4Wi dth: 2 \newline gnuplot*line5Width: 2 \newline gnuplot*line6Width: 2 \newline gnuplot*line7Width: 2 \newline gnuplot*lin e8Width: 2 \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection The \family typewriter IPython.GnuplotRuntime \family default module \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython includes a module called \family typewriter Gnuplot2.py \family default which extends and improves the default \family typewriter Gnuplot \family default . \family typewriter py \family default (which it still relies upon). For example, the new \family typewriter plot \family default function adds several improvements to the original making it more convenient for interactive use, and \family typewriter hardcopy \family default fixes a bug in the original which under some circumstances blocks the creation of PostScript output. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For scripting use, \family typewriter GnuplotRuntime.py \family default is provided, which wraps \family typewriter Gnuplot2.py \family default and creates a series of global aliases. These make it easy to control Gnuplot plotting jobs through the Python language. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Below is some example code which illustrates how to configure Gnuplot inside your own programs but have it available for further interactive use through an embedded IPython instance. Simply run this file at a system prompt. This file is provided as \family typewriter example-gnuplot.py \family default in the examples directory: \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Standard \backslash codelist{examples/example-gnuplot.py} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection The \family typewriter numeric \family default profile: a scientific computing environment \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The \family typewriter numeric \family default IPython profile, which you can activate with \family typewriter `ipython -p numeric \family default ' will automatically load the IPython Gnuplot extensions (plus Numeric and other useful things for numerical computing), contained in the \family typewriter IPython.GnuplotInteractive \family default module. This will create the globals \family typewriter Gnuplot \family default (an alias to the improved Gnuplot2 module), \family typewriter gp \family default (a Gnuplot active instance), the new magic commands \family typewriter %gpc \family default and \family typewriter %gp_set_instance \family default and several other convenient globals. Type \family typewriter gphelp() \family default for further details. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard This should turn IPython into a convenient environment for numerical computing, with all the functions in the NumPy library and the Gnuplot facilities for plotting. Further improvements can be obtained by loading the SciPy libraries for scientific computing, available at \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://scipy.org} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If you are in the middle of a working session with numerical objects and need to plot them but you didn't start the \family typewriter numeric \family default profile, you can load these extensions at any time by typing \newline \family typewriter from IPython.GnuplotInteractive import * \newline \family default at the IPython prompt. This will allow you to keep your objects intact and start using Gnuplot to view them. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Reporting bugs \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection* Automatic crash reports \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Ideally, IPython itself shouldn't crash. It will catch exceptions produced by you, but bugs in its internals will still crash it. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In such a situation, IPython will leave a file named \family typewriter IPython_crash_report.txt \family default in your IPYTHONDIR directory (that way if crashes happen several times it won't litter many directories, the post-mortem file is always located in the same place and new occurrences just overwrite the previous one). If you can mail this file to the developers (see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sec:credits} \end_inset for names and addresses), it will help us \emph on a lot \emph default in understanding the cause of the problem and fixing it sooner. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection* The bug tracker \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython also has an online bug-tracker, located at \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://projects.scipy.org/ipython/ipython/report/1} \end_inset . In addition to mailing the developers, it would be a good idea to file a bug report here. This will ensure that the issue is properly followed to conclusion. To report new bugs you will have to register first. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard You can also use this bug tracker to file feature requests. \end_layout \begin_layout Section Brief history \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Origins \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The current IPython system grew out of the following three projects: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 ipython by Fernando P \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash '{e} \end_layout \end_inset rez. I was working on adding Mathematica-type prompts and a flexible configuration system (something better than \family typewriter $PYTHONSTARTUP \family default ) to the standard Python interactive interpreter. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 IPP by Janko Hauser. Very well organized, great usability. Had an old help system. IPP was used as the `container' code into which I added the functionality from ipython and LazyPython. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 LazyPython by Nathan Gray. Simple but \emph on very \emph default powerful. The quick syntax (auto parens, auto quotes) and verbose/colored tracebacks were all taken from here. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard When I found out (see sec. \begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{figgins} \end_inset ) about IPP and LazyPython I tried to join all three into a unified system. I thought this could provide a very nice working environment, both for regular programming and scientific computing: shell-like features, IDL/Matlab numerics, Mathematica-type prompt history and great object introspection and help facilities. I think it worked reasonably well, though it was a lot more work than I had initially planned. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Current status \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The above listed features work, and quite well for the most part. But until a major internal restructuring is done (see below), only bug fixing will be done, no other features will be added (unless very minor and well localized in the cleaner parts of the code). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython consists of some 18000 lines of pure python code, of which roughly two thirds is reasonably clean. The rest is, messy code which needs a massive restructuring before any further major work is done. Even the messy code is fairly well documented though, and most of the problems in the (non-existent) class design are well pointed to by a PyChecker run. So the rewriting work isn't that bad, it will just be time-consuming. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Future \end_layout \begin_layout Standard See the separate \family typewriter new_design \family default document for details. Ultimately, I would like to see IPython become part of the standard Python distribution as a `big brother with batteries' to the standard Python interacti ve interpreter. But that will never happen with the current state of the code, so all contribut ions are welcome. \end_layout \begin_layout Section License \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython is released under the terms of the BSD license, whose general form can be found at: \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php} \end_inset . The full text of the IPython license is reproduced below: \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small IPython is released under a BSD-type license. \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Fernando Perez . \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small Copyright (c) 2001 Janko Hauser and \newline Nathaniel Gray . \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small All rights reserved. \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small a. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small c. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of any contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. \end_layout \begin_layout Quote \family typewriter \size small THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Individual authors are the holders of the copyright for their code and are listed in each file. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Some files ( \family typewriter DPyGetOpt.py \family default , for example) may be licensed under different conditions. Ultimately each file indicates clearly the conditions under which its author/au thors have decided to publish the code. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Versions of IPython up to and including 0.6.3 were released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), available at \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Section \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sec:credits} \end_inset Credits \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython is mainly developed by Fernando P \begin_inset ERT status collapsed \begin_layout Standard \backslash '{e} \end_layout \end_inset rez \family typewriter \family default , but the project was born from mixing in Fernando's code with the IPP project by Janko Hauser \family typewriter \family default and LazyPython by Nathan Gray \family typewriter \family default . For all IPython-related requests, please contact Fernando. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard As of early 2006, the following developers have joined the core team: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Robert\InsetSpace ~ Kern \family typewriter \family default : co-mentored the 2005 Google Summer of Code project to develop python interacti ve notebooks (XML documents) and graphical interface. This project was awarded to the students Tzanko Matev \family typewriter \family default and Toni Alatalo \family typewriter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Brian\InsetSpace ~ Granger \family typewriter \family default : extending IPython to allow support for interactive parallel computing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Ville\InsetSpace ~ Vainio \family typewriter \family default : Ville is the new maintainer for the main trunk of IPython after version 0.7.1. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard User or development help should be requested via the IPython mailing lists: \end_layout \begin_layout Description User\InsetSpace ~ list: \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://scipy.net/mailman/listinfo/ipython-user} \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Description Developer's\InsetSpace ~ list: \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://scipy.net/mailman/listinfo/ipython-dev} \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The IPython project is also very grateful to \begin_inset Foot status collapsed \begin_layout Standard I've mangled email addresses to reduce spam, since the IPython manuals can be accessed online. \end_layout \end_inset : \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Bill Bumgarner \family typewriter \family default : for providing the DPyGetOpt module which gives very powerful and convenient handling of command-line options (light years ahead of what Python 2.1.1's getopt module does). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Ka-Ping Yee \family typewriter \family default : for providing the Itpl module for convenient and powerful string interpolation with a much nicer syntax than formatting through the '%' operator. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Arnd Baecker \family typewriter \family default : for his many very useful suggestions and comments, and lots of help with testing and documentation checking. Many of IPython's newer features are a result of discussions with him (bugs are still my fault, not his). \end_layout \begin_layout Standard Obviously Guido van\InsetSpace ~ Rossum and the whole Python development team, that goes without saying. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard IPython's website is generously hosted at \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://ipython.scipy.org} \end_inset by Enthought ( \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.enthought.com} \end_inset ). I am very grateful to them and all of the SciPy team for their contribution. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand \label{figgins} \end_inset Fernando would also like to thank Stephen Figgins \family typewriter \family default , an O'Reilly Python editor. His Oct/11/2001 article about IPP and LazyPython, was what got this project started. You can read it at: \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2001/10/11/pythonnews.html} \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard And last but not least, all the kind IPython users who have emailed new code, bug reports, fixes, comments and ideas. A brief list follows, please let me know if I have ommitted your name by accident: \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Jack\InsetSpace ~ Moffit \family typewriter \family default Bug fixes, including the infamous color problem. This bug alone caused many lost hours and frustration, many thanks to him for the fix. I've always been a fan of Ogg & friends, now I have one more reason to like these folks. \newline Jack is also contributing with Debian packaging and many other things. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Alexander\InsetSpace ~ Schmolck \family typewriter \family default Emacs work, bug reports, bug fixes, ideas, lots more. The ipython.el mode for (X)Emacs is Alex's code, providing full support for IPython under (X)Emacs. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Andrea\InsetSpace ~ Riciputi \family typewriter \family default Mac OSX information, Fink package management. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Gary\InsetSpace ~ Bishop \family typewriter \family default Bug reports, and patches to work around the exception handling idiosyncracies of WxPython. Readline and color support for Windows. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Jeffrey\InsetSpace ~ Collins \family typewriter \family default Bug reports. Much improved readline support, including fixes for Python 2.3. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Dryice\InsetSpace ~ Liu \family typewriter \family default FreeBSD port. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Mike\InsetSpace ~ Heeter \family typewriter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Christopher\InsetSpace ~ Hart \family typewriter \family default PDB integration. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Milan\InsetSpace ~ Zamazal \family typewriter \family default Emacs info. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Philip\InsetSpace ~ Hisley \family typewriter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Holger\InsetSpace ~ Krekel \family typewriter \family default Tab completion, lots more. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Robin\InsetSpace ~ Siebler \family typewriter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Ralf\InsetSpace ~ Ahlbrink \family typewriter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Thorsten\InsetSpace ~ Kampe \family typewriter \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Fredrik\InsetSpace ~ Kant \family typewriter \family default Windows setup. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Syver\InsetSpace ~ Enstad \family typewriter \family default Windows setup. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Richard \family typewriter \family default Global embedding. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Hayden\InsetSpace ~ Callow \family typewriter \family default Gnuplot.py 1.6 compatibility. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Leonardo\InsetSpace ~ Santagada \family typewriter \family default Fixes for Windows installation. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Christopher\InsetSpace ~ Armstrong \family typewriter \family default Bugfixes. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Francois\InsetSpace ~ Pinard \family typewriter \family default Code and documentation fixes. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Cory\InsetSpace ~ Dodt \family typewriter \family default Bug reports and Windows ideas. Patches for Windows installer. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Olivier\InsetSpace ~ Aubert \family typewriter \family default New magics. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 King\InsetSpace ~ C.\InsetSpace ~ Shu \family typewriter \family default Autoindent patch. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Chris\InsetSpace ~ Drexler \family typewriter \family default Readline packages for Win32/CygWin. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Gustavo\InsetSpace ~ Cordova\InsetSpace ~ Avila \family typewriter \family default EvalDict code for nice, lightweight string interpolation. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Kasper\InsetSpace ~ Souren \family typewriter \family default Bug reports, ideas. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Gever\InsetSpace ~ Tulley \family typewriter \family default Code contributions. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Ralf\InsetSpace ~ Schmitt \family typewriter \family default Bug reports & fixes. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Oliver\InsetSpace ~ Sander \family typewriter \family default Bug reports. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Rod\InsetSpace ~ Holland \family typewriter \family default Bug reports and fixes to logging module. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Daniel\InsetSpace ~ 'Dang'\InsetSpace ~ Griffith \family typewriter \family default Fixes, enhancement suggestions for system shell use. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Viktor\InsetSpace ~ Ransmayr \family typewriter \family default Tests and reports on Windows installation issues. Contributed a true Windows binary installer. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Mike\InsetSpace ~ Salib \family typewriter \family default Help fixing a subtle bug related to traceback printing. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 W.J.\InsetSpace ~ van\InsetSpace ~ der\InsetSpace ~ Laan \family typewriter \family default Bash-like prompt specials. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Antoon\InsetSpace ~ Pardon \family typewriter \family default Critical fix for the multithreaded IPython. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 John\InsetSpace ~ Hunter \family typewriter \family default Matplotlib author, helped with all the development of support for matplotlib in IPyhton, including making necessary changes to matplotlib itself. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Matthew\InsetSpace ~ Arnison \family typewriter \family default Bug reports, ` \family typewriter %run -d \family default ' idea. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Prabhu\InsetSpace ~ Ramachandran \family typewriter \family default Help with (X)Emacs support, threading patches, ideas... \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Norbert\InsetSpace ~ Tretkowski \family typewriter \family default help with Debian packaging and distribution. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 George\InsetSpace ~ Sakkis < \family typewriter gsakkis-AT-eden.rutgers.edu> \family default New matcher for tab-completing named arguments of user-defined functions. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Jörgen\InsetSpace ~ Stenarson \family typewriter \family default Wildcard support implementation for searching namespaces. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Vivian\InsetSpace ~ De\InsetSpace ~ Smedt \family typewriter \family default Debugger enhancements, so that when pdb is activated from within IPython, coloring, tab completion and other features continue to work seamlessly. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Scott\InsetSpace ~ Tsai \family typewriter \family default Support for automatic editor invocation on syntax errors (see \begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.scipy.net/roundup/ipython/issue36} \end_inset ). \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Alexander\InsetSpace ~ Belchenko \family typewriter \family default Improvements for win32 paging system. \end_layout \begin_layout List \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000 Will\InsetSpace ~ Maier \family typewriter \family default Official OpenBSD port. \end_layout \end_body \end_document