igrid help


pick (P)

Pick the whole row (object is available as "_")

pickattr (Shift-P)

Pick the attribute under the cursor

pickallattrs (Shift-C)

Pick' the complete column under the cursor (i.e. the attribute under the cursor) from all currently fetched objects. These attributes will be returned as a list.

enter (E)

Enter the object under the cursor. (what this mean depends on the object itself, i.e. how it implements iteration). This opens a new browser 'level'.

enterattr (Shift-E)

Enter the attribute under the cursor.

detail (D)

Show a detail view of the object under the cursor. This shows the name, type, doc string and value of the object attributes (and it might show more attributes than in the list view, depending on the object).

detailattr (Shift-D)

Show a detail view of the attribute under the cursor.

pickrows (M)

Pick multiple selected rows (M)

pickrowsattr (CTRL-M)

From multiple selected rows pick the cells matching the attribute the cursor is in (CTRL-M)

find (CTRL-F)

Find text

find_next (F3)

Find next occurrence of the searchtext

find_previous (Shift-F3)

Find previous occurrence of the searchtext

sortattrasc (V)

Sort the objects (in ascending order) using the attribute under the cursor as the sort key.

sortattrdesc (Shift-V)

Sort the objects (in descending order) using the attribute under the cursor as the sort key.

leave (Backspace, DEL, X)

Close current tab (and all the tabs to the right of the current one).

quit (ESC,Q)

Quit igrid and return to the IPython prompt.


Jump to the last column of the current row (END, CTRL-E, CTRL-Right)

Jump to the first column of the current row (HOME, CTRL-A, CTRL-Left)

Move the cursor one column to the left (<)

Move the cursor one column to the right (>)

Jump to the first row in the current column (CTRL-Up)

Jump to the last row in the current column (CTRL-Down)