================================================ Development version ================================================ Main `ipython` branch ===================== As of the 0.11 version of IPython, a signifiant portion of the core has been refactored. This refactoring is founded on a number of new abstractions. The main new classes that implement these abstractions are: * :class:`IPython.utils.traitlets.HasTraitlets`. * :class:`IPython.core.component.Component`. * :class:`IPython.core.application.Application`. * :class:`IPython.config.loader.ConfigLoader`. * :class:`IPython.config.loader.Config` We are still in the process of writing developer focused documentation about these classes, but for now our :ref:`configuration documentation ` contains a high level overview of the concepts that these classes express. The changes listed here are a brief summary of the recent work on IPython. For more details, please consult the actual source. New features ------------ * The configuration system and configuration files are brand new. See the configuration system :ref:`documentation ` for more details. * The :class:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell` class is now a :class:`~IPython.core.component.Component` subclass and has traitlets that determine the defaults and runtime environment. The ``__init__`` method has also been refactored so this class can be instantiated and run without the old :mod:`ipmaker` module. * The methods of :class:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell` have been organized into sections to make it easier to turn more sections of functionality into componenets. * The embedded shell has been refactored into a truly standalone subclass of :class:`InteractiveShell` called :class:`InteractiveShellEmbed`. All embedding logic has been taken out of the base class and put into the embedded subclass. * I have created methods of :class:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell` to help it cleanup after itself. The :meth:`cleanup` method controls this. We couldn't do this in :meth:`__del__` because we have cycles in our object graph that prevent it from being called. * Created a new module :mod:`IPython.utils.importstring` for resolving strings like ``foo.bar.Bar`` to the actual class. * Completely refactored the :mod:`IPython.core.prefilter` module into :class:`~IPython.core.component.Component` subclasses. Added a new layer into the prefilter system, called "transformations" that all new prefilter logic should use (rather than the older "checker/handler" approach). * Aliases are now components (:mod:`IPython.core.alias`). * We are now using an internally shipped version of :mod:`~IPython.external.argparse` to parse command line options for :command:`ipython`. * New top level :func:`~IPython.core.embed.embed` function that can be called to embed IPython at any place in user's code. One the first call it will create an :class:`~IPython.core.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed` instance and call it. In later calls, it just calls the previously created :class:`~IPython.core.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed`. * Created a component system (:mod:`IPython.core.component`) that is based on :mod:`IPython.utils.traitlets`. Components are arranged into a runtime containment tree (not inheritance) that i) automatically propagates configuration information and ii) allows components to discover each other in a loosely coupled manner. In the future all parts of IPython will be subclasses of :class:`~IPython.core.component.Component`. All IPython developers should become familiar with the component system. * Created a new :class:`~IPython.config.loader.Config` for holding configuration information. This is a dict like class with a few extras: i) it supports attribute style access, ii) it has a merge function that merges two :class:`~IPython.config.loader.Config` instances recursively and iii) it will automatically create sub-:class:`~IPython.config.loader.Config` instances for attributes that start with an uppercase character. * Created new configuration loaders in :mod:`IPython.config.loader`. These loaders provide a unified loading interface for all configuration information including command line arguments and configuration files. We have two default implementations based on :mod:`argparse` and plain python files. These are used to implement the new configuration system. * Created a top-level :class:`Application` class in :mod:`IPython.core.application` that is designed to encapsulate the starting of any IPython process. An application loads and merges all the configuration objects, constructs the main application :class:`Component` instances and then starts the application running. The default :class:`Application` class has built-in logic for handling the IPython directory as well as profiles. * The :class:`Type` and :class:`Instance` traitlets now handle classes given as strings, like ``foo.bar.Bar``. This is needed for forward declarations. But, this was implemented in a careful way so that string to class resolution is done at a single point, when the parent :class:`~IPython.utils.traitlets.HasTraitlets` is instantiated. * :mod:`IPython.utils.ipstruct` has been refactored to be a subclass of dict. It also now has full docstrings and doctests. * Created a Trait's like implementation in :mod:`IPython.utils.traitlets`. This is a pure Python, lightweight version of a library that is similar to :mod:`enthought.traits`. We are using this for validation, defaults and notification in our new component system. Although it is not API compatible with :mod:`enthought.traits`, we plan on moving in this direction so that eventually our implementation could be replaced by a (yet to exist) pure Python version of :mod:`enthought.traits`. * Added a new module :mod:`IPython.lib.inputhook` to manage the integration with GUI event loops using `PyOS_InputHook`. See the docstrings in this module or the main IPython docs for details. * For users, GUI event loop integration is now handled through the new :command:`%gui` magic command. Type ``%gui?`` at an IPython prompt for documentation. * The command line options ``-wthread``, ``-qthread`` and ``-gthread`` just call the appropriate :mod:`IPython.lib.inputhook` functions. * For developers :mod:`IPython.lib.inputhook` provides a simple interface for managing the event loops in their interactive GUI applications. Examples can be found in our :file:`docs/examples/lib` directory. Bug fixes --------- * Keyboard interrupts now work with GUI support enabled across all platforms and all GUI toolkits reliably. Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ * :class:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell` no longer takes an ``embedded`` argument. Instead just use the :class:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShellEmbed` class. * ``__IPYTHON__`` is no longer injected into ``__builtin__``. * :meth:`Struct.__init__` no longer takes `None` as its first argument. It must be a :class:`dict` or :class:`Struct`. * :meth:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell.ipmagic` has been renamed :meth:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell.magic.` * The functions :func:`ipmagic` and :func:`ipalias` have been removed from :mod:`__builtins__`. * The references to the global :class:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell` instance (``_ip``, and ``__IP``) have been removed from the user's namespace. They are replaced by a new function called :func:`get_ipython` that returns the current :class:`~IPython.core.iplib.InteractiveShell` instance. This function is injected into the user's namespace and is now the main way of accessing IPython's API. * Old style configuration files :file:`ipythonrc` and :file:`ipy_user_conf.py` are no longer supported. Users should migrate there configuration files to the new format described :ref:`here ` and :ref:`here `. * The old IPython extension API that relied on :func:`ipapi` has been completely removed. The new extension API is described :ref:`here `. * Support for ``qt3`` has been dropped. User's who need this should use previous versions of IPython. * Removed :mod:`shellglobals` as it was obsolete. * Removed all the threaded shells in :mod:`IPython.core.shell`. These are no longer needed because of the new capabilities in :mod:`IPython.lib.inputhook`. * The ``-pylab`` command line flag has been disabled until matplotlib adds support for the new :mod:`IPython.lib.inputhook` approach. The new stuff does work with matplotlib, but you have to set everything up by hand. * New top-level sub-packages have been created: :mod:`IPython.core`, :mod:`IPython.lib`, :mod:`IPython.utils`, :mod:`IPython.deathrow`, :mod:`IPython.quarantine`. All existing top-level modules have been moved to appropriate sub-packages. All internal import statements have been updated and tests have been added. The build system (setup.py and friends) have been updated. See :ref:`this section ` of the documentation for descriptions of these new sub-packages. * Compatability modules have been created for :mod:`IPython.Shell`, :mod:`IPython.ipapi` and :mod:`IPython.iplib` that display warnings and then load the actual implementation from :mod:`IPython.core`. * :mod:`Extensions` has been moved to :mod:`extensions` and all existing extensions have been moved to either :mod:`IPython.quarantine` or :mod:`IPython.deathrow`. :mod:`IPython.quarantine` contains modules that we plan on keeping but that need to be updated. :mod:`IPython.deathrow` contains modules that are either dead or that should be maintained as third party libraries. More details about this can be found :ref:`here `. * The IPython GUIs in :mod:`IPython.frontend` and :mod:`IPython.gui` are likely broken because of the refactoring in the core. With proper updates, these should still work. We probably want to get these so they are not using :mod:`IPython.kernel.core` (which is being phased out).