# -*- Mode: Shell-Script -*- Not really, but shows comments correctly #*************************************************************************** # Configuration file for ipython -- ipythonrc format # # The format of this file is one of 'key value' lines. # Lines containing only whitespace at the beginning and then a # are ignored # as comments. But comments can NOT be put on lines with data. #*************************************************************************** # If this file is found in the user's ~/.ipython directory as ipythonrc-pysh, # it can be loaded by calling passing the '-profile pysh' (or '-p pysh') # option to IPython. # This profile turns IPython into a lightweight system shell with python # syntax. # We only set a few options here, the rest is done in the companion pysh.py # file. In the future _all_ of IPython's configuration will be done via # proper python code. ############################################################################ # First load common user configuration include ipythonrc ############################################################################ # Load all the actual syntax extensions for shell-like operation, which live # in the InterpreterExec standard extension. import_all IPython.extensions.InterpreterExec ############################################################################ # PROMPTS # # Configure prompt for more shell-like usage. # Most bash-like escapes can be used to customize IPython's prompts, as well as # a few additional ones which are IPython-specific. All valid prompt escapes # are described in detail in the Customization section of the IPython HTML/PDF # manual. prompt_in1 '\C_LightGreen\u@\h\C_LightBlue[\C_LightCyan\Y1\C_LightBlue]\C_Green|\#> ' prompt_in2 '\C_Green|\C_LightGreen\D\C_Green> ' prompt_out '<\#> ' # Here's a more complex prompt, showing the hostname and more path depth (\Y3) #prompt_in1 '\C_LightRed\u\C_Blue@\C_Red\h\C_LightBlue[\C_LightCyan\Y3\C_LightBlue]\C_LightGreen\#> ' # Select whether to left-pad the output prompts to match the length of the # input ones. This allows you for example to use a simple '>' as an output # prompt, and yet have the output line up with the input. If set to false, # the output prompts will be unpadded (flush left). prompts_pad_left 1 # Remove all blank lines in between prompts, like a normal shell. separate_in 0 separate_out 0 separate_out2 0 # Allow special syntax (!, magics and aliases) in multiline input multi_line_specials 1 ############################################################################ # ALIASES # Declare some common aliases. Type alias? at an ipython prompt for details on # the syntax, use @unalias to delete existing aliases. # Don't go too crazy here, the file pysh.py called below runs @rehash, which # loads ALL of your $PATH as aliases (except for Python keywords and # builtins). # Some examples: # A simple alias without arguments #alias cl clear # An alias which expands the full line before the end of the alias. This # lists only directories: #alias ldir pwd;ls -oF --color %l | grep /$ # An alias with two positional arguments: #alias parts echo 'First <%s> Second <%s>' # In use these two aliases give (note that ldir is already built into IPython # for Unix): #fperez[IPython]16> ldir #/usr/local/home/fperez/ipython/ipython/IPython #drwxr-xr-x 2 fperez 4096 Jun 21 01:01 CVS/ #drwxr-xr-x 3 fperez 4096 Jun 21 01:10 extensions/ #drwxr-xr-x 3 fperez 4096 Jun 21 01:27 UserConfig/ #fperez[IPython]17> parts Hello world and goodbye #First Second and goodbye